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Incorporating feature hierarchy and boosting to achieve more effective classifier training and concept-oriented video summarization and skimming

Published: 11 February 2008 Publication History


For online medical education purposes, we have developed a novel scheme to incorporate the results of semantic video classification to select the most representative video shots for generating concept-oriented summarization and skimming of surgery education videos. First, salient objects are used as the video patterns for feature extraction to achieve a good representation of the intermediate video semantics. The salient objects are defined as the salient video compounds that can be used to characterize the most significant perceptual properties of the corresponding real world physical objects in a video, and thus the appearances of such salient objects can be used to predict the appearances of the relevant semantic video concepts in a specific video domain. Second, a novel multi-modal boosting algorithm is developed to achieve more reliable video classifier training by incorporating feature hierarchy and boosting to dramatically reduce both the training cost and the size of training samples, thus it can significantly speed up SVM (support vector machine) classifier training. In addition, the unlabeled samples are integrated to reduce the human efforts on labeling large amount of training samples. Finally, the results of semantic video classification are incorporated to enable concept-oriented video summarization and skimming. Experimental results in a specific domain of surgery education videos are provided.

Supplementary Material

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Cited By

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  • (2018)Multimedia news exploration and retrieval by integrating keywords, relations and visual featuresMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-010-0639-351:2(625-648)Online publication date: 31-Dec-2018
  • (2012)Advanced Mobile Lecture ViewingInternational Journal of Handheld Computing Research10.4018/jhcr.20120401043:2(58-72)Online publication date: Apr-2012
  • (2010)Automatic filtering algorithm for imbalanced classification2010 Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery10.1109/FSKD.2010.5569437(1853-1857)Online publication date: Aug-2010

Index Terms

  1. Incorporating feature hierarchy and boosting to achieve more effective classifier training and concept-oriented video summarization and skimming



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications
    ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications  Volume 4, Issue 1
    January 2008
    197 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 11 February 2008
    Accepted: 01 October 2007
    Revised: 01 December 2006
    Received: 01 June 2006
    Published in TOMM Volume 4, Issue 1


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    Author Tags

    1. Semantic video classification
    2. concept-oriented video skimming
    3. feature hierarchy
    4. multi-modal boosting
    5. salient objects
    6. unlabeled samples


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    Cited By

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    • (2018)Multimedia news exploration and retrieval by integrating keywords, relations and visual featuresMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-010-0639-351:2(625-648)Online publication date: 31-Dec-2018
    • (2012)Advanced Mobile Lecture ViewingInternational Journal of Handheld Computing Research10.4018/jhcr.20120401043:2(58-72)Online publication date: Apr-2012
    • (2010)Automatic filtering algorithm for imbalanced classification2010 Seventh International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery10.1109/FSKD.2010.5569437(1853-1857)Online publication date: Aug-2010

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