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View all- INOUE T(2011)Current Development Trend of Assistive ProductsJournal of the Society of Mechanical Engineers10.1299/jsmemag.114.1115_751114:1115(751-754)Online publication date: 2011
The accessibility issues of Groupware applications prevent visually impaired and other persons with disabilities access to these highly graphical interfaces. To address the accessibility issues persons with disabilities have with Groupware, a recent ...
Persons with severe motor disabilities have a great need for assistive robots, but also struggle to communicate these needs in ways that a robot can understand. I propose an interface that will make it possible to communicate with robots using limited ...
The authors have developed a tactile map creation system (TMACS). It is intended to assist blind persons' independent mobility. For this purpose, the system was designed to produce tactile maps, to be manipulated by the blind person and to support ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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