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Cost-Aware Cloud Bursting for Enterprise Applications

Published: 01 May 2014 Publication History


The high cost of provisioning resources to meet peak application demands has led to the widespread adoption of pay-as-you-go cloud computing services to handle workload fluctuations. Some enterprises with existing IT infrastructure employ a hybrid cloud model where the enterprise uses its own private resources for the majority of its computing, but then “bursts” into the cloud when local resources are insufficient. However, current commercial tools rely heavily on the system administrator’s knowledge to answer key questions such as when a cloud burst is needed and which applications must be moved to the cloud. In this article, we describe Seagull, a system designed to facilitate cloud bursting by determining which applications should be transitioned into the cloud and automating the movement process at the proper time. Seagull optimizes the bursting of applications using an optimization algorithm as well as a more efficient but approximate greedy heuristic. Seagull also optimizes the overhead of deploying applications into the cloud using an intelligent precopying mechanism that proactively replicates virtualized applications, lowering the bursting time from hours to minutes. Our evaluation shows over 100% improvement compared to naïve solutions but produces more expensive solutions compared to ILP. However, the scalability of our greedy algorithm is dramatically better as the number of VMs increase. Our evaluation illustrates scenarios where our prototype can reduce cloud costs by more than 45% when bursting to the cloud, and that the incremental cost added by precopying applications is offset by a burst time reduction of nearly 95%.


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Jill Gemmill

Seagull, a system to optimally manage cloud bursting, is described in this paper; optimization is with respect to the number and size of virtual machine (VM) images and total data transfer. A performance evaluation of Seagull is also provided. The authors address an important research topic in cloud computing, exploring how to manage applications with varying resource requirements in an automated manner that also minimizes costs in terms of both dollars and application performance. Seagull is designed for use by enterprise data centers that require bursting into cloud resources for occasional excess capacity demands. The paper offers a valuable contribution to a difficult and reality-based problem. The authors use some insight in designing their approach: (1) When an application that is large (lots of data, many VMs) requires more resources than are available locally, it may be better to move some other, smaller apps into the cloud, freeing up local resources. (2) Since the biggest delay in restarting an app that has been moved comes from having to move the data (app data and virtual machine images), occasional precopying of the smaller apps with a high likelihood of being moved into the cloud will significantly reduce the delay caused by the need to copy. Seagull addresses the classic bin-packing problem, which is known to be NP-hard. An optimal integer linear program (ILP) formulation is introduced and an algorithm for precopying is presented; in addition, an algorithm using a greedy heuristic is provided for approximating an optimal answer for large-scale problems. The heuristic uses sorting to improve results. The authors also present a prototyped Seagull using a Xen-based local data center and Amazon EC2 for cloud bursting. Finally, a detailed experimental evaluation for Seagull is presented, using three examples of different web applications. The applications each have a MySQL database backend; one is a two-tier Java application implemented as an Apache Tomcat servlet, one uses a PHP application, and one uses an Ajax application and supports a memcached tier that can be horizontally scaled. The authors testbedprototype choices (for example, choice of apps, parameterssizes selected) are well reasoned and explained. The design is flexible in that different algorithmsweighting representing cost and excess demand can be substituted. The experimental protocol is thorough and well reasoned. Figure 12 shows Seagulls scalability to 800 hosts with proportional increases in numbers of the three applications. Real data centers may be running hundreds (or thousands) of applications, as well as thousands of hosts. It would be interesting to think through how Seagulls performance would be impacted by this much longer list of applications to consider as part of the computation time. Overall, this was an excellent and very thorough paper. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image ACM Transactions on Internet Technology
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  Volume 13, Issue 3
May 2014
97 pages
  • Editor:
  • Munindar P. Singh
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2014
Accepted: 01 October 2013
Revised: 01 September 2013
Received: 01 January 2013
Published in TOIT Volume 13, Issue 3


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  1. Hybrid clouds
  2. live migration
  3. prototype
  4. resource management


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