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10.1145/3511808.3557478acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagescikmConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards Self-supervised Learning on Graphs with Heterophily

Published: 17 October 2022 Publication History


Recently emerged heterophilous graph neural networks have significantly reduced the reliance on the assumption of graph homophily where linked nodes have similar features and labels. These methods focus on a supervised setting that relies on labeling information heavily and presents the limitations on general graph downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a self-supervised representation learning paradigm on graphs with heterophily (namely HGRL) for improving the generalizability of node representations, where node representations are optimized without any label guidance. Inspired by the designs of existing heterophilous graph neural networks, HGRL learns the node representations by preserving the node original features and capturing informative distant neighbors. Such two properties are obtained through carefully designed pretext tasks that are optimized based on estimated high-order mutual information. Theoretical analysis interprets the connections between HGRL and existing advanced graph neural network designs. Extensive experiments on different downstream tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.


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CIKM '22: Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
October 2022
5274 pages
  • General Chairs:
  • Mohammad Al Hasan,
  • Li Xiong
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 October 2022


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  1. graph neural networks
  2. heterophilous graph
  3. representation learning
  4. self-supervised learning


  • Research-article

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  • Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province award
  • Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province award
  • Open Research Projects of Zhejiang Lab award
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China award


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