Welcome to the 18th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments (VEE’22)! VEE brings together researchers in the broad area of virtualization. This area includes topics such as compiler-based virtual machines (JVM, CLR, LLVM, etc.), operating system abstractions for virtualization (processes, containers), hardware accelerated system virtual machines (paravirtualization, hypervisors), translators, machine emulators, and simulators. Although these layers have different design and implementation techniques, the fundamental challenges and insights tend to be similar.
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In pursuit of a trusted computing base: the journey through virtualization (keynote)
A common approach to securing computing systems is identifying and securing the trusted computing base (TCB), which enforces the overall security policies under a particular threat model. For the sake of whole-system security, the TCB should be small ...
Virtual programming environments: programming the cloud (keynote)
Cloud-based applications are ubiquitous and essential. We expect them to be simultaneously scalable and available and simple to build and deploy. Virtual Programming Environments are what make these applications possible. Virtual Programming ...
Portkey: hypervisor-assisted container migration in nested cloud environments
Derivative cloud service providers use nesting to provision virtual computational entities (VCE) within VCEs, e.g., containers runtimes within virtual machines. As part of resource management and ensuring application performance, migration of nested ...
Container-aware I/O stack: bridging the gap between container storage drivers and solid state devices
Solid State Devices (SSDs) have been widely adopted in containerized cloud platforms as they provide parallel and high-speed data accesses for critical data-intensive applications. Unfortunately, the I/O stack of the physical host overlooks the layered ...
ClusterRR: a record and replay framework for virtual machine cluster
The Record and Replay (RnR) technology provides the ability to reproduce past execution of systems deterministically. It has many prominent applications, including fault tolerance, security analysis, and failure diagnosis. In system virtualization, ...
EOP: efficient operator partition for deep learning inference over edge servers
Recently, Deep Learning (DL) models have demonstrated great success for its attractive ability of high accuracy used in artificial intelligence Internet of Things applications. A common deployment solution is to run such DL inference tasks on edge ...
Enabling pipeline parallelism in heterogeneous managed runtime environments via batch processing
During the last decade, managed runtime systems have been constantly evolving to become capable of exploiting underlying hardware accelerators, such as GPUs and FPGAs. Regardless of the programming language and their corresponding runtime systems, the ...
Transparent and lightweight object placement for managed workloads atop hybrid memories
Managed workloads show strong demand for large memory capacity, which can be satisfied by a hybrid memory sub-system composed of traditional DRAM and the emerging non-volatile memory (NVM) technology. Nevertheless, NVM devices are limited by ...
Capability Boehm: challenges and opportunities for garbage collection with capability hardware
The Boehm-Demers-Weiser Garbage Collector (BDWGC) is a widely used, production-quality memory management framework for C and C++ applications. In this work, we describe our experiences in adapting BDWGC for modern capability hardware, in particular the ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 18th ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual Execution Environments