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MAPLE: Semi-Supervised Learning with Multi-Alignment and Pseudo-Learning

Published: 04 August 2023 Publication History


Data augmentation has undoubtedly enabled a significant leap forward in training a high-accuracy deep network. Besides the commonly used augmentation to target data, e.g., random cropping, flipping, and rotation, recent works have been dedicated to mining generalized knowledge by using multiple sources. However, along with plentiful data comes the huge data distribution gap between the target and different sources (hybrid shift). To mitigate this problem, existing methods tend to manually annotate more data. Unlike previous methods, this paper focuses on the study of learning deep models by gathering knowledge from multiple sources in a labor-free fashion and further proposes the "Multi-Alignment and Pseudo-Learning'' method, dubbed MAPLE. MAPLE constructs the multi-alignment module, which consists of multiple discriminators to align different data distributions via an adversarial process. In addition, a novel semi-supervised learning (SSL) manner is introduced to further facilitate the utility of our MAPLE. Extensive evaluations conducted on four benchmarks show the effectiveness of the proposed MAPLE, which achieves state-of-the-art performance outperforming existing methods by an obvious margin.

Supplementary Material

MP4 File (rtfp0183-2min-promo.mp4)
Current SSL methods focus on the study of an ideal setting where both the feature distribution and class distribution are identical between training and test sets. Unlike these methods, a more rigorous setting should be where data of different distributions are collected in a wild and dynamic environment, and without any additional annotation can be used in the training phase. We come up with a confirmed answer by proposing ''Multi-Alignment and Pseudo-Learning (MAPLE),'' which aligns different data distributions by constructing the multi-alignment module consisting of multiple discriminators, and is optimized in a generative adversarial learning fashion. In the meantime, for the mentioned multi-source hybrid shift problem, a novel semi-supervised learning manner is introduced to exploit pseudo-labels of unlabeled data, which proved to be valid in further facilitating the learning of our MAPLE.
MP4 File (rtfp0183-20min-video.mp4)
Current SSL methods focus on the study of an ideal setting where both the feature distribution and class distribution are identical between training and test sets. Unlike these methods, a more rigorous setting should be where data of different distributions are collected in a wild and dynamic environment, and without any additional annotation can be used in the training phase. We come up with a confirmed answer by proposing ''Multi-Alignment and Pseudo-Learning (MAPLE),'' which aligns different data distributions by constructing the multi-alignment module consisting of multiple discriminators, and is optimized in a generative adversarial learning fashion. In the meantime, for the mentioned multi-source hybrid shift problem, a novel semi-supervised learning manner is introduced to exploit pseudo-labels of unlabeled data, which proved to be valid in further facilitating the learning of our MAPLE.


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KDD '23: Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
August 2023
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Published: 04 August 2023


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  1. adversarial
  2. hybrid shift
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