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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) October 27, 2022

Contaminated site, abandoned mine, landfill Morgenstern

A complex contaminated site and fields of application for ROBDEKON techniques

Altlast, Altbergbau, Deponie Morgenstern
Ein komplexer Altlastenstandort und Anwendungsfelder für ROBDEKON-Techniken
  • Walter Schmotz

    Soil Protection Authority of the District of Goslar. Soil protection, investigation and remediation of contaminated sites and brownfield recycling in the old mining area in the Harz Mountains.

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    and Annika Peters

    Soil Protection and Water Authority of the district of Goslar. Soil protection, investigation and remediation of contaminated sites and groundwater protection in the old mining area in the Harz Mountains.


The contaminated site “Morgenstern” in the German federal state Lower Saxony is an example of a complex case of remediation. The measures illustrated in this article are carried out in a conventional manner but represent a potential scope of application for robotic systems. Objective is the removal of a deposition of soil contaminated with drum residuals and chemical waste at the edge of an open pit within an abandoned iron ore mine. The slope angle of the area of operation is 45 degrees. Gas emissions from the depository above as well as organic substance residues in the contaminated layer below lead to a toxic and explosive atmosphere. In addition, the site’s critical structural integrity poses further risks so that manual operations presuppose maximum occupational health and safety measures.


Anhand des komplexen Altlastenfalles der Altlast Morgenstern im deutschen Bundesland Niedersachsen wird in diesem Artikel anhand einer bereits abgeschlossenen Sanierungsmaßnahme ein potenzieller Anwendungsfall für Robotertechnik vorgestellt. Dabei geht es um den Ausbau einer Ablagerung aus Boden mit Fassresten und Chemikalienabfällen im Randbereich einer ehemaligen Tagebaugrube eines Eisenerzbergwerkes. Der Arbeitsraum fällt in einem Winkel von rund 45 Grad ein. Die Ausgasungen aus der überlagernden Deponie und den organischen Schadstoffresten erzeugen eine toxische und explosive Atmosphäre. Daneben ist der Standort hinsichtlich der Standsicherheit hoch gefährlich, so dass der Einsatz von Menschen bei dieser Maßnahme höchste Anforderungen an die Arbeitssicherheit zu stellen sind.

About the authors

Dr. Walter Schmotz

Soil Protection Authority of the District of Goslar. Soil protection, investigation and remediation of contaminated sites and brownfield recycling in the old mining area in the Harz Mountains.

Annika Peters

Soil Protection and Water Authority of the district of Goslar. Soil protection, investigation and remediation of contaminated sites and groundwater protection in the old mining area in the Harz Mountains.


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Received: 2022-05-18
Accepted: 2022-08-10
Published Online: 2022-10-27
Published in Print: 2022-10-26

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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