Well-posedness theory for nonlinear scalar conservation laws on networks
We consider nonlinear scalar conservation laws posed on a network. We define an entropy condition for scalar conservation laws on networks and establish $L^1$ stability, and thus uniqueness, for weak solutions satisfying the entropy condition. We apply standard finite volume methods and show stability and convergence to the unique entropy solution, thus establishing existence of a solution in the process. Both our existence and stability/uniqueness theory is centred around families of stationary states for the equation. In one important case – for monotone fluxes with an upwind difference scheme – we show that the set of (discrete) stationary solutions is indeed sufficiently large to suit our general theory. We demonstrate the method's properties through several numerical experiments.
- Hyperbolic conservation laws,
- networks,
- finite volume methods,
- well-posedness,
- convergence.
Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 65M12, 35L65; Secondary: 65M08.Citation: -
Table 1.
errors and estimated orders of convergence (EOC) for a selection of examples$ L^1 $ Example 7.3 Example 7.5 Example 7.4 Example 7.1 Example 7.2 Grid level $ L^1 $ error EOC $ L^1 $ error EOC $ L^1 $ error EOC $ L^1 $ error EOC $ L^1 $ error EOC 3 0.10877 - 0.11630 - 0.14459 - 0.07087 - 0.09904 - 4 0.05496 0.98 0.07136 0.70 0.08016 0.85 0.0546 0.38 0.04913 1.01 5 0.03649 0.59 0.04372 0.71 0.04651 0.79 0.03117 0.81 0.02844 0.79 6 0.02629 0.47 0.02255 0.96 0.02711 0.78 0.01903 0.71 0.01627 0.81 7 0.01830 0.52 0.01360 0.73 0.01495 0.86 0.01115 0.77 0.00919 0.82 8 0.01255 0.54 0.00653 1.06 0.00925 0.69 0.00644 0.79 0.00527 0.80 9 0.00883 0.51 0.00325 1.01 0.00480 0.95 0.00330 0.96 0.00268 0.98 10 0.00625 0.50 0.00160 1.02 0.00295 0.70 0.00173 0.93 0.00150 0.84 11 0.00442 0.50 0.00086 0.90 0.00152 0.96 0.00085 1.03 0.00084 0.84 12 0.00312 0.50 0.00040 1.10 0.00081 0.91 0.00042 1.02 0.00047 0.84 -
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Figure 1.
A star shaped network with two ingoing and three outgoing edges
Figure 2.
A network with a periodic edge
Figure 3.
Initial state and state at
of a {Burgers-type equation} with travelling shock wave which hits the vertex at time$ t = 0.7 $ . Here, the graph includes a periodic edge$ t = 1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} $ -
Figure 4.
Initial state at
and state at$ t = 0 $ of a traffic flow problem with an initial shock at the vertex developing a different elementary wave on each outgoing edge$ t = 0.2 $