Papers by Kurniawan Hadi Sutomo
Artikel Ilmiah, 2021
Most buildings are designed to use square and rectangular cross-sectional columns compared to cir... more Most buildings are designed to use square and rectangular cross-sectional columns compared to circular-section columns, this is because square and rectangular cross-sectional columns are more economical in terms of the use of reinforcement and are easy to apply.
However, in earthquake-prone areas such as Indonesia, high column ductility is required, the ability of spiral columns (circular columns) to withstand maximum loads in large deformations to prevent collapse of the overall structure before the total redistribution of moments and
stresses is complete. In this study, the internal forces in the column will be analyzed based on earthquake loads on the Amarsvati Hotel building and carried out using the Static Equivalent and Dynamic Response Spectrum analysis methods. The combination of load and technical
design is guided by SNI 1726:2019 and SNI 2847:2019. In the structural modeling process, the Etabs v18 software is used to see the internal forces assisted by SPColumn v6 to analyze the column strength against the internal forces. The results of the internal force analysis show
that circular columns have a greater ability to withstand shear failure with an increase of 22.9% compared to rectangular columns. However, the circular column experienced a flexural failure faster with a decrease of 17.13% compared to the rectangular column. For the axial
force in the spherical column, there was a decrease but not significant, which ranged from 0.9% to 1.66%, this means that the change in the shape of the cross section does not have much effect on the axial force. Based on the comparison of the nominal moment capacity of
the column and the ductility of the deflection of the column, it shows that the column is more efficient than the rectangular column
Kurniawan Hadi Sutomo, 2017
Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Karena atas berkat rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, kita d... more Puji syukur kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, Karena atas berkat rahmat dan hidayah-Nya, kita diberi kemudahan dalam menyelesaikan segala aktifitas. Penyusunan laporan ini dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu syarat bagi mahasiswa untuk mengikuti ujian akhir semester. Dalam kesempatan ini, saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada pihak-pihak yang telah membantu dalam penyusunan laporan tugas besar ini, diantaranya:
Drafts by Kurniawan Hadi Sutomo
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Papers by Kurniawan Hadi Sutomo
However, in earthquake-prone areas such as Indonesia, high column ductility is required, the ability of spiral columns (circular columns) to withstand maximum loads in large deformations to prevent collapse of the overall structure before the total redistribution of moments and
stresses is complete. In this study, the internal forces in the column will be analyzed based on earthquake loads on the Amarsvati Hotel building and carried out using the Static Equivalent and Dynamic Response Spectrum analysis methods. The combination of load and technical
design is guided by SNI 1726:2019 and SNI 2847:2019. In the structural modeling process, the Etabs v18 software is used to see the internal forces assisted by SPColumn v6 to analyze the column strength against the internal forces. The results of the internal force analysis show
that circular columns have a greater ability to withstand shear failure with an increase of 22.9% compared to rectangular columns. However, the circular column experienced a flexural failure faster with a decrease of 17.13% compared to the rectangular column. For the axial
force in the spherical column, there was a decrease but not significant, which ranged from 0.9% to 1.66%, this means that the change in the shape of the cross section does not have much effect on the axial force. Based on the comparison of the nominal moment capacity of
the column and the ductility of the deflection of the column, it shows that the column is more efficient than the rectangular column
Drafts by Kurniawan Hadi Sutomo
However, in earthquake-prone areas such as Indonesia, high column ductility is required, the ability of spiral columns (circular columns) to withstand maximum loads in large deformations to prevent collapse of the overall structure before the total redistribution of moments and
stresses is complete. In this study, the internal forces in the column will be analyzed based on earthquake loads on the Amarsvati Hotel building and carried out using the Static Equivalent and Dynamic Response Spectrum analysis methods. The combination of load and technical
design is guided by SNI 1726:2019 and SNI 2847:2019. In the structural modeling process, the Etabs v18 software is used to see the internal forces assisted by SPColumn v6 to analyze the column strength against the internal forces. The results of the internal force analysis show
that circular columns have a greater ability to withstand shear failure with an increase of 22.9% compared to rectangular columns. However, the circular column experienced a flexural failure faster with a decrease of 17.13% compared to the rectangular column. For the axial
force in the spherical column, there was a decrease but not significant, which ranged from 0.9% to 1.66%, this means that the change in the shape of the cross section does not have much effect on the axial force. Based on the comparison of the nominal moment capacity of
the column and the ductility of the deflection of the column, it shows that the column is more efficient than the rectangular column