Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining ... more Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining and protecting environmental sustainability, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the development of oil palm farmers as well as the productivity of oil palm plantations. The policy aspect of considering sustainable development is something that cannot be missed, it must be discussed in an academic text on an oil palm plantation policy. So we need a model that minimizes the complexity and contestation that often appears in the area of oil palm plantation policy. After the research is carried out, it is expected to be able to formulate policies. These findings are useful for the government as part of the implementation of oil palm plantation policies, while still prioritizing the sustainable development aspect. This policy model can later be developed with the birth of strategies and activities that are interconnected in the development of oil palm plantations in Ri...
Study this aims to (1) analyze influence amount population , education and income per capita by ... more Study this aims to (1) analyze influence amount population , education and income per capita by together to poverty in the district Island Meranti, (2) analyze the most dominant factor influence poverty in the district Island Meranti. Study this use multiple linear regression analysis model. The results showed that variable amount population, education and income per capita by together take effect significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti. By partial, test to coefficient regression show that variable amount population take effect negative and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti, variable education take effect positive and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti and variable income per capita take effect negative and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti.
Struktur perekonomian di Kabupaten Kampar masih didominasi oleh sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan P... more Struktur perekonomian di Kabupaten Kampar masih didominasi oleh sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, dengan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar. Penelitian ini akan menghitung perubahan produktivitas tenaga kerja dengan menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu analisis Shift Share dan elastisitas output pekerjaan dengan menggunakan data tahunan yang tersedia dari Agustus 2019 sampai Agustus 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap komponen shift share memiliki nilai yang berbeda antar sektor, ada nilai negatif dan positif. Poin penting yang dianalisis adalah sektor informasi dan komunikasi serta sektor jasa lainnya menjadi kompetitif dan tumbuh pesat sejak wabah Covid-19. Sektor pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian serta jasa kesehatan dapat bertahan dan berkembang selama pandemi Covid-19 karena pertumbuhannya yang cepat. Demikian pula sektor industri pengolahan, konstruksi, perdagangan, transportasi, akomodasi, jasa keuangan, dan jasa pendidikan berpotensi untuk dikembangka...
This study aims to analyze the effect of Fiscal Decentralization on regional economic growth in 1... more This study aims to analyze the effect of Fiscal Decentralization on regional economic growth in 12 districts/cities of Riau Province from 2012-2020. Some of the variables studied for their influence on regional economic growth are General Allocation Funds (DAU), Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH), Special Allocation Funds (DAK) and Regional Original Income (PAD) from 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. While the variable that describes Economic Growth is Gross Regional Domestic Income (GRDP) in 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. In this study, the analysis was carried out using the Chow Test and Hausman Test methods. The model chosen is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). This research uses panel data at the Regency/City level in Riau Province from 2012-2020. The results of the analysis conclude that DBH, DAK and PAD have a positive and significant impact on regional economic growth in 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. While the DAU variable has a negative and insignificant effect on re...
Tujuan penelitian yakni mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk s... more Tujuan penelitian yakni mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk secara serempak terhadap kesempatan kerja di Provinsi Riau. Populas iyang akan diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah data yang dikumpulkan dan diambil melalui data BPS Provinsi Riau Dalam hal ini yang diambil menjadi sampel yaitu 10 tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 – 2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian ini adalah Purposive Sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan atau kriteria- kriteria tertentu. Secara simultan variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja di provinsi Riau selama periode 2011-2020. Kelemahan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya keterbatasan dalam variabel yang diteliti dimana sebagian dijelaskan oleh variabel yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian
This study aims to analyze the development of village funds for infrastructure development and th... more This study aims to analyze the development of village funds for infrastructure development and the best hamlets in Bagan Nibung Village, Simpang Kanan District, Rokan Hilir Regency. The indicators of development in the hamlet are human resources, economy, and infrastructure. The sampling method is a purposive method for as many as 57 people. This study uses a descriptive method to see the development of village funds and the AHP and Borda methods to see the ranking of development between hamlets. The most significant village revenue comes from transfer receipts, while other revenues are minimal. In the village expenditure structure, the components of significant expenditure are expenditures for government and development. Spending on hamlet infrastructure activities was mostly in Pematang Lada, Inti Raya, and the least in Suka Makmur. The process hierarchy analysis results show the highest HR variable in the Inti Raya Hamlet. The results of the highest regional economic variable AHP...
Penelitian ini berlatarkan pada tingginya alih fungsi lahan perkebunan sawit dan karet menjadi la... more Penelitian ini berlatarkan pada tingginya alih fungsi lahan perkebunan sawit dan karet menjadi lahan tambang emas oleh masyarakat. Alih fingsi ini kalau tidak diantisipasi dengan baik akan berdampak pada perekonomian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa tentang Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Sentajo Raya Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 57 orang masyarakat yang melakukan alih fungsi lahan. Adapun variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pendapatan pokok, pendapatan tambahan, dan pendapatan lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan model penelitian analisis uji beda, untuk menganalisis data penulis menggunakan program SPSS 23.00 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara pendapatan pokok, pendapatan tambahan maupun pendapatan lainnya sebelum dan sesudah alih fungsi lahan. Artiny...
Revenue : Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan dan Ekonomi Islam
Untuk mempercepat pembangunan dan kualitas Kota Pekanbaru pada periode 2017-2022, Pemerintah Kota... more Untuk mempercepat pembangunan dan kualitas Kota Pekanbaru pada periode 2017-2022, Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru memiliki visi dan misi “Terwujudnya Pekanbaru Smart City yang Madani”. Maka perlu adanya analisis terhadap kelayakan huni di Kota Pekabaru melalui penelitian terhadap aspek Ekonomi dan Sosial. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian konsep kota layak huni (Liveable City) di Kota Pekanbaru dilihat dari sudut pandang aspek ekonomi dan aspek sosial.Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data kuisioner kepada 60 responden secara proporsional Kecamatan di Kota Pekanbaru. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Gap dan analisis Indeks Ketercapaian. Hasil dari Indeks menunjukan bahwa nilai ketercapaian di Kota Pekanbaru adalah 60,70.Berdasarkan tafsiran pada hasil Indeks Layak Huni Kota Pekanbaru mendapatkan hasil Baik. Diantara indikator yang terdapat pada aspek ekonomi yang mendapatkan nilai paling tinggi adalah indikator ketersed...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal type of symbiosis is found in vast taxonomic range of both her... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal type of symbiosis is found in vast taxonomic range of both herbaceous and woody plants that are found in diverse habitats ranging from arctic to the tropics, arid to aquatic environments and stable plant communities to highly disturbed ecosystems. However the AM fungal community and AM colonization of plant roots may vary greatly in different soil types. The AM fungi differ widely in the level of colonization in the root system and in their impact on nutrient uptake and plant growth. Soil salinity is a problem of grave concern because it adversely affects growth and development of plants especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Mycorrhizal plants are of great interest in bioremediation since the management of mycorrhizal systems is necessary for the success of saline soil reclamation programs. In this study, coastal soils of Karaikal district, U.T of Puducherry was selected as a study area. The present work was investigated the AM mycorrhizal status in coastal soils of Karaikal District. A total of 21 species of vascular plants screened for mycorrhizal colonization, among them, 13 plants are mycorrhizal dependent. Ten species of AM mycorrhizal fungal species were recorded in the rhizosphere soils based on seasonal field surveys. Climatic seasons are strongly influence the percentage of colonization and AM spore population in the present study. Physio-chemical analyses of rhizosphere soils showed that all the study sites had alkaline, high Electrical Conductivity and ESP levels. Among the AM mycorrhizal genus, Glomus and Scutellospora populations were dominant in this ecosystem. The potential adaptation of this dominant indigenous AM fungi and their ability to colonize saline tolerant plant communities in the coastal regions indicate that mycorrhizal biofertilizers will help to remediate the coastal soils with suitable host plants.
JEMBA : Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Manajemen dan bisnis, Akuntansi
This study aims to analyze how much influence the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) ... more This study aims to analyze how much influence the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) have on the number of poor people in Pelalawan Regency. The analytical tool used is multiple regression with panel data which is then tested for hypotheses with the F test, t test, and Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) at an error rate of = 5%. The results of panel data regression analysis with the selected model is the Fixed Effect Model showing that there is an influence of the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) on the number of poor people in Pelalawan Regency from 2016-2020 with a value of 0.0000005 each for the Village Fund and -0.000000611 for ADD. While the value of Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) is 0.8378 or 83.78%, this shows that the ability of the Village Fund and ADD variables in explaining rural poverty is 83.78%.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities ... more The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities and facilities is why people choose housing in the city's hinterland. This study aims to analyze the determinants of spatial mobility preferences and to live in the city's hinterland. The research method used was a survey with 400 respondents from Rimbo Panjang and Karya Indah village in Kampar City. They have carried out spatial mobility and resided for the last five years. Data was collected through questionnaires and direct interviews, which were analyzed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Furthermore, SEM analysis was carried out using AMOS and SPSS software. The study results showed that three dependent and one intervening variable significantly influence the preferences of spatial mobility and living variables with a probability value below 5%. Only the residential environment variable (x1) with a score of 0.050 means it is not significant with a probability value (5%). Ad...
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities ... more The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities and facilities is why people choose housing in the city's hinterland. This study aims to analyze the determinants of spatial mobility preferences and to live in the city's hinterland. The research method used was a survey with 400 respondents from Rimbo Panjang and Karya Indah village in Kampar City. They have carried out spatial mobility and resided for the last five years. Data was collected through questionnaires and direct interviews, which were analyzed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Furthermore, SEM analysis was carried out using AMOS and SPSS software. The study results showed that three dependent and one intervening variable significantly influence the preferences of spatial mobility and living variables with a probability value below 5%. Only the residential environment variable (x1) with a score of 0.050 means it is not significant with a probability value (5%). Ad...
This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicat... more This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicators of localization and specialization in 17 sectors. This study utilizes the Gross Regional Domestic Product data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Rokan Hilir Regency. Two models are used empirically: (i) localization quotient and (ii) specialization coefficient. The results of the analysis show that the economic sector of Rokan Hilir Regency relies on the mining and quarrying sector, as well as the agriculture, fishery, and forestry sectors, with the remaining fifteen sectors classified as non-basic. Seventeen economic sectors in Rokan Hilir Regency have a coefficient of specialization less than one, indicating that there is no prominent sector with significant development or specialization between 2011 and 2020.
This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicat... more This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicators of localization and specialization in 17 sectors. This study utilizes the Gross Regional Domestic Product data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Rokan Hilir Regency. Two models are used empirically: (i) localization quotient and (ii) specialization coefficient. The results of the analysis show that the economic sector of Rokan Hilir Regency relies on the mining and quarrying sector, as well as the agriculture, fishery, and forestry sectors, with the remaining fifteen sectors classified as non-basic. Seventeen economic sectors in Rokan Hilir Regency have a coefficient of specialization less than one, indicating that there is no prominent sector with significant development or specialization between 2011 and 2020.
This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, includi... more This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, including economic growth, investment, public consumption, and inflation in Riau Province and Riau Province government policies to overcome them. This study takes data related to macroeconomics in Riau, uses secondary data. Covid 19 caused a decrease in economic growth compared to the period before Covid 19. Covid 19 did not have a too significant impact on investment in Riau Province. The condition even shows an increase in investment compared to the previous year. Covid 19 caused a significant decrease in public consumption in Riau Province. Covid 19 causes inflationary instability in Riau. The Riau Provincial government's policy in controlling the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomic sector is through refocusing as the Covid recovery budget in Riau and supporting the realization of the National Economic Recovery fund budgeted by the Central Government. The government's policy is t...
This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, includi... more This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, including economic growth, investment, public consumption, and inflation in Riau Province and Riau Province government policies to overcome them. This study takes data related to macroeconomics in Riau, uses secondary data. Covid 19 caused a decrease in economic growth compared to the period before Covid 19. Covid 19 did not have a too significant impact on investment in Riau Province. The condition even shows an increase in investment compared to the previous year. Covid 19 caused a significant decrease in public consumption in Riau Province. Covid 19 causes inflationary instability in Riau. The Riau Provincial government's policy in controlling the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomic sector is through refocusing as the Covid recovery budget in Riau and supporting the realization of the National Economic Recovery fund budgeted by the Central Government. The government's policy is t...
Indonesia is a country that carries an open economy. Various internal and external factors will c... more Indonesia is a country that carries an open economy. Various internal and external factors will contribute to influencing the changes in the exchange rate at the same time. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of domestic inflation and external debt on the Rupiah exchange rate using secondary data from 2010.Q1 to 2021.Q1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag Analysis was used to analyze the data (ARDL). The study's findings confirmed the existence of a significant long-term relationship between the examined variables based on the analysis. It was found that both domestic inflation and external debt have a positive and significant effect on the Rupiah exchange rate over the long run, according to the long-run estimation results. Further, domestic inflation positively impacts the Rupiah exchange rate in the short-term estimation results, whereas external debt has a negative effect. Based on these findings, the government should maintain control over monetary variables ...
Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining ... more Improving sustainable management of oil palm plantations, providing legal certainty, maintaining and protecting environmental sustainability, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and increasing the development of oil palm farmers as well as the productivity of oil palm plantations. The policy aspect of considering sustainable development is something that cannot be missed, it must be discussed in an academic text on an oil palm plantation policy. So we need a model that minimizes the complexity and contestation that often appears in the area of oil palm plantation policy. After the research is carried out, it is expected to be able to formulate policies. These findings are useful for the government as part of the implementation of oil palm plantation policies, while still prioritizing the sustainable development aspect. This policy model can later be developed with the birth of strategies and activities that are interconnected in the development of oil palm plantations in Ri...
Study this aims to (1) analyze influence amount population , education and income per capita by ... more Study this aims to (1) analyze influence amount population , education and income per capita by together to poverty in the district Island Meranti, (2) analyze the most dominant factor influence poverty in the district Island Meranti. Study this use multiple linear regression analysis model. The results showed that variable amount population, education and income per capita by together take effect significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti. By partial, test to coefficient regression show that variable amount population take effect negative and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti, variable education take effect positive and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti and variable income per capita take effect negative and significant to poverty in the district Island Meranti.
Struktur perekonomian di Kabupaten Kampar masih didominasi oleh sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan P... more Struktur perekonomian di Kabupaten Kampar masih didominasi oleh sektor Pertanian, Kehutanan dan Perikanan, dengan penyerap tenaga kerja terbesar. Penelitian ini akan menghitung perubahan produktivitas tenaga kerja dengan menggunakan dua metode analisis, yaitu analisis Shift Share dan elastisitas output pekerjaan dengan menggunakan data tahunan yang tersedia dari Agustus 2019 sampai Agustus 2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap komponen shift share memiliki nilai yang berbeda antar sektor, ada nilai negatif dan positif. Poin penting yang dianalisis adalah sektor informasi dan komunikasi serta sektor jasa lainnya menjadi kompetitif dan tumbuh pesat sejak wabah Covid-19. Sektor pertanian, pertambangan dan penggalian serta jasa kesehatan dapat bertahan dan berkembang selama pandemi Covid-19 karena pertumbuhannya yang cepat. Demikian pula sektor industri pengolahan, konstruksi, perdagangan, transportasi, akomodasi, jasa keuangan, dan jasa pendidikan berpotensi untuk dikembangka...
This study aims to analyze the effect of Fiscal Decentralization on regional economic growth in 1... more This study aims to analyze the effect of Fiscal Decentralization on regional economic growth in 12 districts/cities of Riau Province from 2012-2020. Some of the variables studied for their influence on regional economic growth are General Allocation Funds (DAU), Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH), Special Allocation Funds (DAK) and Regional Original Income (PAD) from 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. While the variable that describes Economic Growth is Gross Regional Domestic Income (GRDP) in 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. In this study, the analysis was carried out using the Chow Test and Hausman Test methods. The model chosen is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). This research uses panel data at the Regency/City level in Riau Province from 2012-2020. The results of the analysis conclude that DBH, DAK and PAD have a positive and significant impact on regional economic growth in 12 districts/cities in Riau Province. While the DAU variable has a negative and insignificant effect on re...
Tujuan penelitian yakni mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk s... more Tujuan penelitian yakni mengetahui pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk secara serempak terhadap kesempatan kerja di Provinsi Riau. Populas iyang akan diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah data yang dikumpulkan dan diambil melalui data BPS Provinsi Riau Dalam hal ini yang diambil menjadi sampel yaitu 10 tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 – 2020. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel penelitian ini adalah Purposive Sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan atau kriteria- kriteria tertentu. Secara simultan variabel pertumbuhan ekonomi, upah, dan pertumbuhan penduduk tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kesempatan kerja di provinsi Riau selama periode 2011-2020. Kelemahan dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya keterbatasan dalam variabel yang diteliti dimana sebagian dijelaskan oleh variabel yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian
This study aims to analyze the development of village funds for infrastructure development and th... more This study aims to analyze the development of village funds for infrastructure development and the best hamlets in Bagan Nibung Village, Simpang Kanan District, Rokan Hilir Regency. The indicators of development in the hamlet are human resources, economy, and infrastructure. The sampling method is a purposive method for as many as 57 people. This study uses a descriptive method to see the development of village funds and the AHP and Borda methods to see the ranking of development between hamlets. The most significant village revenue comes from transfer receipts, while other revenues are minimal. In the village expenditure structure, the components of significant expenditure are expenditures for government and development. Spending on hamlet infrastructure activities was mostly in Pematang Lada, Inti Raya, and the least in Suka Makmur. The process hierarchy analysis results show the highest HR variable in the Inti Raya Hamlet. The results of the highest regional economic variable AHP...
Penelitian ini berlatarkan pada tingginya alih fungsi lahan perkebunan sawit dan karet menjadi la... more Penelitian ini berlatarkan pada tingginya alih fungsi lahan perkebunan sawit dan karet menjadi lahan tambang emas oleh masyarakat. Alih fingsi ini kalau tidak diantisipasi dengan baik akan berdampak pada perekonomian masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa tentang Dampak Alih Fungsi Lahan Terhadap Tingkat Pendapatan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Sentajo Raya Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 57 orang masyarakat yang melakukan alih fungsi lahan. Adapun variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah pendapatan pokok, pendapatan tambahan, dan pendapatan lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan model penelitian analisis uji beda, untuk menganalisis data penulis menggunakan program SPSS 23.00 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara pendapatan pokok, pendapatan tambahan maupun pendapatan lainnya sebelum dan sesudah alih fungsi lahan. Artiny...
Revenue : Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan dan Ekonomi Islam
Untuk mempercepat pembangunan dan kualitas Kota Pekanbaru pada periode 2017-2022, Pemerintah Kota... more Untuk mempercepat pembangunan dan kualitas Kota Pekanbaru pada periode 2017-2022, Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru memiliki visi dan misi “Terwujudnya Pekanbaru Smart City yang Madani”. Maka perlu adanya analisis terhadap kelayakan huni di Kota Pekabaru melalui penelitian terhadap aspek Ekonomi dan Sosial. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ketercapaian konsep kota layak huni (Liveable City) di Kota Pekanbaru dilihat dari sudut pandang aspek ekonomi dan aspek sosial.Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data kuisioner kepada 60 responden secara proporsional Kecamatan di Kota Pekanbaru. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis Gap dan analisis Indeks Ketercapaian. Hasil dari Indeks menunjukan bahwa nilai ketercapaian di Kota Pekanbaru adalah 60,70.Berdasarkan tafsiran pada hasil Indeks Layak Huni Kota Pekanbaru mendapatkan hasil Baik. Diantara indikator yang terdapat pada aspek ekonomi yang mendapatkan nilai paling tinggi adalah indikator ketersed...
Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal type of symbiosis is found in vast taxonomic range of both her... more Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal type of symbiosis is found in vast taxonomic range of both herbaceous and woody plants that are found in diverse habitats ranging from arctic to the tropics, arid to aquatic environments and stable plant communities to highly disturbed ecosystems. However the AM fungal community and AM colonization of plant roots may vary greatly in different soil types. The AM fungi differ widely in the level of colonization in the root system and in their impact on nutrient uptake and plant growth. Soil salinity is a problem of grave concern because it adversely affects growth and development of plants especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Mycorrhizal plants are of great interest in bioremediation since the management of mycorrhizal systems is necessary for the success of saline soil reclamation programs. In this study, coastal soils of Karaikal district, U.T of Puducherry was selected as a study area. The present work was investigated the AM mycorrhizal status in coastal soils of Karaikal District. A total of 21 species of vascular plants screened for mycorrhizal colonization, among them, 13 plants are mycorrhizal dependent. Ten species of AM mycorrhizal fungal species were recorded in the rhizosphere soils based on seasonal field surveys. Climatic seasons are strongly influence the percentage of colonization and AM spore population in the present study. Physio-chemical analyses of rhizosphere soils showed that all the study sites had alkaline, high Electrical Conductivity and ESP levels. Among the AM mycorrhizal genus, Glomus and Scutellospora populations were dominant in this ecosystem. The potential adaptation of this dominant indigenous AM fungi and their ability to colonize saline tolerant plant communities in the coastal regions indicate that mycorrhizal biofertilizers will help to remediate the coastal soils with suitable host plants.
JEMBA : Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan, Manajemen dan bisnis, Akuntansi
This study aims to analyze how much influence the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) ... more This study aims to analyze how much influence the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) have on the number of poor people in Pelalawan Regency. The analytical tool used is multiple regression with panel data which is then tested for hypotheses with the F test, t test, and Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) at an error rate of = 5%. The results of panel data regression analysis with the selected model is the Fixed Effect Model showing that there is an influence of the Village Fund and Village Fund Allocation (ADD) on the number of poor people in Pelalawan Regency from 2016-2020 with a value of 0.0000005 each for the Village Fund and -0.000000611 for ADD. While the value of Coefficient of Determination (Adjusted R2) is 0.8378 or 83.78%, this shows that the ability of the Village Fund and ADD variables in explaining rural poverty is 83.78%.
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities ... more The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities and facilities is why people choose housing in the city's hinterland. This study aims to analyze the determinants of spatial mobility preferences and to live in the city's hinterland. The research method used was a survey with 400 respondents from Rimbo Panjang and Karya Indah village in Kampar City. They have carried out spatial mobility and resided for the last five years. Data was collected through questionnaires and direct interviews, which were analyzed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Furthermore, SEM analysis was carried out using AMOS and SPSS software. The study results showed that three dependent and one intervening variable significantly influence the preferences of spatial mobility and living variables with a probability value below 5%. Only the residential environment variable (x1) with a score of 0.050 means it is not significant with a probability value (5%). Ad...
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning
The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities ... more The desire to get a natural life, away from pollution, and comfortable with guaranteed utilities and facilities is why people choose housing in the city's hinterland. This study aims to analyze the determinants of spatial mobility preferences and to live in the city's hinterland. The research method used was a survey with 400 respondents from Rimbo Panjang and Karya Indah village in Kampar City. They have carried out spatial mobility and resided for the last five years. Data was collected through questionnaires and direct interviews, which were analyzed using a Likert scale questionnaire. Furthermore, SEM analysis was carried out using AMOS and SPSS software. The study results showed that three dependent and one intervening variable significantly influence the preferences of spatial mobility and living variables with a probability value below 5%. Only the residential environment variable (x1) with a score of 0.050 means it is not significant with a probability value (5%). Ad...
This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicat... more This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicators of localization and specialization in 17 sectors. This study utilizes the Gross Regional Domestic Product data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Rokan Hilir Regency. Two models are used empirically: (i) localization quotient and (ii) specialization coefficient. The results of the analysis show that the economic sector of Rokan Hilir Regency relies on the mining and quarrying sector, as well as the agriculture, fishery, and forestry sectors, with the remaining fifteen sectors classified as non-basic. Seventeen economic sectors in Rokan Hilir Regency have a coefficient of specialization less than one, indicating that there is no prominent sector with significant development or specialization between 2011 and 2020.
This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicat... more This study examines the economic structure of Rokan Hilir Regency from 2011 to 2020 using indicators of localization and specialization in 17 sectors. This study utilizes the Gross Regional Domestic Product data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics of Rokan Hilir Regency. Two models are used empirically: (i) localization quotient and (ii) specialization coefficient. The results of the analysis show that the economic sector of Rokan Hilir Regency relies on the mining and quarrying sector, as well as the agriculture, fishery, and forestry sectors, with the remaining fifteen sectors classified as non-basic. Seventeen economic sectors in Rokan Hilir Regency have a coefficient of specialization less than one, indicating that there is no prominent sector with significant development or specialization between 2011 and 2020.
This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, includi... more This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, including economic growth, investment, public consumption, and inflation in Riau Province and Riau Province government policies to overcome them. This study takes data related to macroeconomics in Riau, uses secondary data. Covid 19 caused a decrease in economic growth compared to the period before Covid 19. Covid 19 did not have a too significant impact on investment in Riau Province. The condition even shows an increase in investment compared to the previous year. Covid 19 caused a significant decrease in public consumption in Riau Province. Covid 19 causes inflationary instability in Riau. The Riau Provincial government's policy in controlling the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomic sector is through refocusing as the Covid recovery budget in Riau and supporting the realization of the National Economic Recovery fund budgeted by the Central Government. The government's policy is t...
This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, includi... more This article aims to analyze the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomy of Riau Province, including economic growth, investment, public consumption, and inflation in Riau Province and Riau Province government policies to overcome them. This study takes data related to macroeconomics in Riau, uses secondary data. Covid 19 caused a decrease in economic growth compared to the period before Covid 19. Covid 19 did not have a too significant impact on investment in Riau Province. The condition even shows an increase in investment compared to the previous year. Covid 19 caused a significant decrease in public consumption in Riau Province. Covid 19 causes inflationary instability in Riau. The Riau Provincial government's policy in controlling the impact of Covid 19 on the macroeconomic sector is through refocusing as the Covid recovery budget in Riau and supporting the realization of the National Economic Recovery fund budgeted by the Central Government. The government's policy is t...
Indonesia is a country that carries an open economy. Various internal and external factors will c... more Indonesia is a country that carries an open economy. Various internal and external factors will contribute to influencing the changes in the exchange rate at the same time. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of domestic inflation and external debt on the Rupiah exchange rate using secondary data from 2010.Q1 to 2021.Q1. Autoregressive Distributed Lag Analysis was used to analyze the data (ARDL). The study's findings confirmed the existence of a significant long-term relationship between the examined variables based on the analysis. It was found that both domestic inflation and external debt have a positive and significant effect on the Rupiah exchange rate over the long run, according to the long-run estimation results. Further, domestic inflation positively impacts the Rupiah exchange rate in the short-term estimation results, whereas external debt has a negative effect. Based on these findings, the government should maintain control over monetary variables ...
Papers by Dahlan Tampubolon