Penelitian ini membahas upaya diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan dengan tujuan un... more Penelitian ini membahas upaya diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan dengan tujuan untuk rekonsiliasi dan pembinaan hubungan bilateral yang baik dengan Korea Utara selama periode tahun 2017 – 2020. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, penulis menggunakan konsep diplomasi publik dan multitrack diplomacy. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif - deskriptif dan melakukan studi literatur terhadap dokumen resmi pemerintah sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga jenis kegiatan diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan terhadap Korea Utara selama periode tahun 2017 – 2020. Pertama, upaya diplomasi olahraga yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan kepada Korea Utara dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2018, pembentukan tim demonstrasi gabungan taekwondo, penyelenggaraan pertandingan basket antar Korea, dan pembentukan tim olahraga gabungan Korea untuk pertandingan internasional. Kedua, upaya diplomasi budaya y...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home. People in Indonesia are encouraged ... more The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home. People in Indonesia are encouraged to work from home (WFH) from 2020 until 2022. The WFH has significantly impacted the economy, especially among field workers. The MA cannot promote its product and services during this time. Therefore, the sales are decreasing. This study describes how the MA uses WhatsApp to socialise their product and services to seek potential customers amid the pandemic. This research involved descriptive qualitative methods, with five MAs as respondents. This study showed that the MAs maximised WhatsApp in socialising funeral products to customers during the pandemic. MAs used WhatsApp features such as "Profile Picture" and "Status" to attract people by keeping their contact numbers. The funeral product details were later socialised in texts, photos, and videos funeral prices will never be mentioned by the MA unless potential customers are asking about it.
Public speaking is an important skill for everyone to master, especially for those who are inthe ... more Public speaking is an important skill for everyone to master, especially for those who are inthe field of communication including politics and leadership. Regarding this context, this articleis the result of community service program that aims to provide an understanding of publicspeakings to students at the Fithrah Insani Islamic Senior High School. Moreover, this eventprovides the students a proper training on how they can basically practice public speaking. Thisseries of activities includes providing basic and advance understanding of public speaking aswell as practising it in front of class. In conclusion, after the public speaking training, studentsare able to explain the basics of public speaking, overcome nervousness or anxiety, and are ableto implementing public speaking in front of the class.
Buku ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi mahasiswa hubungan internasional tetapi juga para dos... more Buku ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi mahasiswa hubungan internasional tetapi juga para dosen yang mengajar mata kuliah ini. Para penyunting: Asrudin Azwar, Mirza Jaka Suryana, dan Musa Maliki, telah bekerja keras untuk menyusun secara sistematis tema-tema yang relevan dalam mempelajari metodologi hubungan internasional. Keragaman latar belakang paradigmatik dari para penulisnya menunjukkan bahwa para penyunting telah mencoba menampilkan perkembangan terbaru dalam perdebatan tentang masalah metodologi dalam hubungan internasional. Prof. Aleksius Jemadu, Ph.D
The Samin Javanese ethnic identity is in an ongoing process of transformation, negotiation, and r... more The Samin Javanese ethnic identity is in an ongoing process of transformation, negotiation, and reinterpretation of meaning, and draws sustaining energies from its dynamic, fluid, and ambiguous connections with modernity. Historical theorists, social theorists, and anthropologists have tended to reduce the Saminists by placing them in a specific theoretical framework of Western discourse, which, once rationally argued for and logically justified (within the framework of Western academic discourse), is taken for granted. Yet no study has focused specifically on the constructed social formation of the Samin Javanese ethnic identity in political and cultural dimensions, relating these to modernity from the colonial period (1800) through to the post-authoritarian (2018) period. The Saminists are most often mentioned alongside Javanese cults (Kejawen), Javanese Islam (Abangan), and recently, the anti-cement movement as a distinct and independent cultural unit of analysis. I saw an opport...
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi studi migrasi internasional tentang Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) y... more Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi studi migrasi internasional tentang Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) yang tinggal di Brunei Darussalam. PMI memperoleh gaji yang lebih rendah daripada pekerja migran Filipina pada kategori pekerjaan yang sama karena lemahnya penguasaan bahasa Inggris mereka. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris menjadi hambatan bagi PMI untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih baik dan kompetitif di pasar tenaga kerja migran di Brunei Darussalam. Tujuan riset ini ialah untuk mencari solusi bagi lemahnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris PMI. Penulis yang berkompetensi dalam studi Hubungan Internasional, khususnya migrasi internasional, bekerja sama dengan KBRI Bandar Seri Begawan dan Universitas Terbuka cabang Brunei Darussalam untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris. Melalui penggunaan metode partisipatoris dengan kerangka teoritis globalisasi dan konsep migrasi, penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya PMI melatih kemampuan berbahasa Inggris secara intensif dimana pun, baik di kelas, rumah, dan ...
Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some o... more Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some of society engagement research were still conducted in physical format with strict health protocols and some others were using hybrid methods of society engagement, combining offline and online activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an alternative way to deal with the pandemic. During pandemic, it is difficult to reach Indonesian society directly. This study conducted a series of full virtual interaction, in collaboration with the Leading Intellectual Network Community (JIB) supported mostly by Muhammadiyah young generation. The targeted audience of this society engagement were active members of JIB, its followers, and Islamic community in Indonesia at large. It focusses on actual discussion related to Covid-19 pandemic in the form of educative talk show to build public awareness. We invite credible speakers such as medical researchers, voluntary doctor on Covid-19, social sc...
Sejak debat Hubungan Internasional (HI) yang berlangsung dari tahun 1940an-1900an, teori Hubungan... more Sejak debat Hubungan Internasional (HI) yang berlangsung dari tahun 1940an-1900an, teori Hubungan Internasional masih didominasi oleh pendekatan sejarah dan positivisme. Pendekatan Semiotik masih jarang dibahas oleh sarjana-sarjana Hubungan Internasional. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa semiotik sangat penting dijadikan bahan penelitian dalam Hubungan. Semiotik adalah fondasi untuk eksplorasi pengetahuan tentang politik dunia sebab hubungan antara tanda dalam bahasa adalah refleksi realitas politik dunia.Jadi sesungguhnya HI sejak awal sudah memakai semiotik, yaitu milik pendekatan de Saussure. Kedua, perubahan politik dunia membuat adanya rekonstrusi atau/dan dekonstruksi hubungan antara tanda-tanda dalam bahasa dengan realitas (penanda dengan yang ditandai). Kondisi ini yang mengharuskan semiotik HI berubah (ditambah) ke pendekatan poststrukturalis. Tujuan artikel ini fokus pada pemaparan pendekatan psotstrukturalis yang sangat jarang dibahas di indonesia. Semiotik adalah bukan pemik...
This short article is talking about relations and relationship patterns of Indonesian foreign pol... more This short article is talking about relations and relationship patterns of Indonesian foreign policy since independence until the current leadership. From the each of period of leadership and its development has unique characteristics and models. The uniqueness is reflected in the jargon is also the approach in sending a message to the international level of any existing leaders. This article was compiled using the exploration of secondary data scattered in various scientific publications and foreign policy in the history of Indonesia publicized through official government agencies. From these data are discussed and compared with the literature that discusses related matters. And in the end can be drawn conclusions while that leadership factor has a strong role in constructing models of foreign policy in Indonesia.
Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang discourse kelompok beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19. Ada ang... more Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang discourse kelompok beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19. Ada anggapan dari mainstream umat beragama bahwa kelompok ini tidak menggunakan akalnya tetapi menggunakan egonya sehingga mempunyai implikasi sosial yakni menularkan virus SARS-CoV-2 ke orang-orang di dekatnya. Singkatnya kelompok ini konservatif dan ‘anti-sains’. Tulisan ini memberi perspektif yang berbeda bahwa kaum beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19 menggunakan agama demi melindungi dirinya atau demi kepentingan survival-nya di level eksistensial dari represi discourse modernkapitalisme. Problemnya, discourse kelompok ignorance ini justru melegitimasi (membenarkan) discourse politik sekuler Barat yang telah mengandangkan agama ke ‘agama’ dalam definisi yang dikonstruksikannya. Padahal, dalam Islam, Ilmuwan Muslim terdahulu menjalankan hidup asketismenya justru melalui jalur sains demi mencari kebenaran Allah yang mewujud pada alam semesta (ayat kauniyah). Di sini ada sinergi dan keseler...
This article examines that internet social media have influenced the Egypt Revolution from the au... more This article examines that internet social media have influenced the Egypt Revolution from the authoritarian government to the democratic transition. There are two theories: Cyber-Optimist that argues internet social media is significant in changing a rezim and Cyber-Realist that believes internet is a status quo regime's arsenal in controlling their citizen. Based on cyber-optimist argument, this article believes that internet social media is not supporting the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak in Egypt, but as the citizen's arsenal to change the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak.
This article examines the ideology critique of Mearsheimer’s theory of offensive neorealism becau... more This article examines the ideology critique of Mearsheimer’s theory of offensive neorealism because his theory preoccupies the reality of world politics, especially in the Russia-Ukraine War case. In the International Relations (IR) discipline, we have problems with a methodology and its assumptions, especially mainstream theories which reduces the reality of world politics. In this regard, we view neorealism has problems. After Waltz’s theory of defensive neorealism, Mearsheimer’s theory is becoming the ideology of IR to make sense of world politics, especially in Indonesia where scholars of IR mostly quote Mearsheimer as the master who knows deeply, the Russia-Ukraine War. By using the critical theory approach, we argue that the theory of offensive neorealism is ideological because this theory is believed as a ‘faith’ to make sense of the reality of the Russia-Ukraine War without questioning the epistemological and methodological assumptions. Neorealism is still a mainstream theor...
Penelitian ini membahas upaya diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan dengan tujuan un... more Penelitian ini membahas upaya diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan dengan tujuan untuk rekonsiliasi dan pembinaan hubungan bilateral yang baik dengan Korea Utara selama periode tahun 2017 – 2020. Untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, penulis menggunakan konsep diplomasi publik dan multitrack diplomacy. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif - deskriptif dan melakukan studi literatur terhadap dokumen resmi pemerintah sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga jenis kegiatan diplomasi publik yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan terhadap Korea Utara selama periode tahun 2017 – 2020. Pertama, upaya diplomasi olahraga yang dilakukan oleh Korea Selatan kepada Korea Utara dilakukan melalui penyelenggaraan Olimpiade Musim Dingin 2018, pembentukan tim demonstrasi gabungan taekwondo, penyelenggaraan pertandingan basket antar Korea, dan pembentukan tim olahraga gabungan Korea untuk pertandingan internasional. Kedua, upaya diplomasi budaya y...
Jurnal Studi Komunikasi (Indonesian Journal of Communications Studies)
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home. People in Indonesia are encouraged ... more The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many people to stay at home. People in Indonesia are encouraged to work from home (WFH) from 2020 until 2022. The WFH has significantly impacted the economy, especially among field workers. The MA cannot promote its product and services during this time. Therefore, the sales are decreasing. This study describes how the MA uses WhatsApp to socialise their product and services to seek potential customers amid the pandemic. This research involved descriptive qualitative methods, with five MAs as respondents. This study showed that the MAs maximised WhatsApp in socialising funeral products to customers during the pandemic. MAs used WhatsApp features such as "Profile Picture" and "Status" to attract people by keeping their contact numbers. The funeral product details were later socialised in texts, photos, and videos funeral prices will never be mentioned by the MA unless potential customers are asking about it.
Public speaking is an important skill for everyone to master, especially for those who are inthe ... more Public speaking is an important skill for everyone to master, especially for those who are inthe field of communication including politics and leadership. Regarding this context, this articleis the result of community service program that aims to provide an understanding of publicspeakings to students at the Fithrah Insani Islamic Senior High School. Moreover, this eventprovides the students a proper training on how they can basically practice public speaking. Thisseries of activities includes providing basic and advance understanding of public speaking aswell as practising it in front of class. In conclusion, after the public speaking training, studentsare able to explain the basics of public speaking, overcome nervousness or anxiety, and are ableto implementing public speaking in front of the class.
Buku ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi mahasiswa hubungan internasional tetapi juga para dos... more Buku ini sangat bermanfaat tidak hanya bagi mahasiswa hubungan internasional tetapi juga para dosen yang mengajar mata kuliah ini. Para penyunting: Asrudin Azwar, Mirza Jaka Suryana, dan Musa Maliki, telah bekerja keras untuk menyusun secara sistematis tema-tema yang relevan dalam mempelajari metodologi hubungan internasional. Keragaman latar belakang paradigmatik dari para penulisnya menunjukkan bahwa para penyunting telah mencoba menampilkan perkembangan terbaru dalam perdebatan tentang masalah metodologi dalam hubungan internasional. Prof. Aleksius Jemadu, Ph.D
The Samin Javanese ethnic identity is in an ongoing process of transformation, negotiation, and r... more The Samin Javanese ethnic identity is in an ongoing process of transformation, negotiation, and reinterpretation of meaning, and draws sustaining energies from its dynamic, fluid, and ambiguous connections with modernity. Historical theorists, social theorists, and anthropologists have tended to reduce the Saminists by placing them in a specific theoretical framework of Western discourse, which, once rationally argued for and logically justified (within the framework of Western academic discourse), is taken for granted. Yet no study has focused specifically on the constructed social formation of the Samin Javanese ethnic identity in political and cultural dimensions, relating these to modernity from the colonial period (1800) through to the post-authoritarian (2018) period. The Saminists are most often mentioned alongside Javanese cults (Kejawen), Javanese Islam (Abangan), and recently, the anti-cement movement as a distinct and independent cultural unit of analysis. I saw an opport...
ABDI MOESTOPO: Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 2022
Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi studi migrasi internasional tentang Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) y... more Tulisan ini dilatarbelakangi studi migrasi internasional tentang Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) yang tinggal di Brunei Darussalam. PMI memperoleh gaji yang lebih rendah daripada pekerja migran Filipina pada kategori pekerjaan yang sama karena lemahnya penguasaan bahasa Inggris mereka. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris menjadi hambatan bagi PMI untuk mendapatkan gaji yang lebih baik dan kompetitif di pasar tenaga kerja migran di Brunei Darussalam. Tujuan riset ini ialah untuk mencari solusi bagi lemahnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris PMI. Penulis yang berkompetensi dalam studi Hubungan Internasional, khususnya migrasi internasional, bekerja sama dengan KBRI Bandar Seri Begawan dan Universitas Terbuka cabang Brunei Darussalam untuk menyelenggarakan pelatihan bahasa Inggris. Melalui penggunaan metode partisipatoris dengan kerangka teoritis globalisasi dan konsep migrasi, penelitian ini menunjukkan perlunya PMI melatih kemampuan berbahasa Inggris secara intensif dimana pun, baik di kelas, rumah, dan ...
Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some o... more Many issues are emerging during Covid-19 pandemic and one of them is mobility restriction. Some of society engagement research were still conducted in physical format with strict health protocols and some others were using hybrid methods of society engagement, combining offline and online activities. The purpose of this study is to provide an alternative way to deal with the pandemic. During pandemic, it is difficult to reach Indonesian society directly. This study conducted a series of full virtual interaction, in collaboration with the Leading Intellectual Network Community (JIB) supported mostly by Muhammadiyah young generation. The targeted audience of this society engagement were active members of JIB, its followers, and Islamic community in Indonesia at large. It focusses on actual discussion related to Covid-19 pandemic in the form of educative talk show to build public awareness. We invite credible speakers such as medical researchers, voluntary doctor on Covid-19, social sc...
Sejak debat Hubungan Internasional (HI) yang berlangsung dari tahun 1940an-1900an, teori Hubungan... more Sejak debat Hubungan Internasional (HI) yang berlangsung dari tahun 1940an-1900an, teori Hubungan Internasional masih didominasi oleh pendekatan sejarah dan positivisme. Pendekatan Semiotik masih jarang dibahas oleh sarjana-sarjana Hubungan Internasional. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa semiotik sangat penting dijadikan bahan penelitian dalam Hubungan. Semiotik adalah fondasi untuk eksplorasi pengetahuan tentang politik dunia sebab hubungan antara tanda dalam bahasa adalah refleksi realitas politik dunia.Jadi sesungguhnya HI sejak awal sudah memakai semiotik, yaitu milik pendekatan de Saussure. Kedua, perubahan politik dunia membuat adanya rekonstrusi atau/dan dekonstruksi hubungan antara tanda-tanda dalam bahasa dengan realitas (penanda dengan yang ditandai). Kondisi ini yang mengharuskan semiotik HI berubah (ditambah) ke pendekatan poststrukturalis. Tujuan artikel ini fokus pada pemaparan pendekatan psotstrukturalis yang sangat jarang dibahas di indonesia. Semiotik adalah bukan pemik...
This short article is talking about relations and relationship patterns of Indonesian foreign pol... more This short article is talking about relations and relationship patterns of Indonesian foreign policy since independence until the current leadership. From the each of period of leadership and its development has unique characteristics and models. The uniqueness is reflected in the jargon is also the approach in sending a message to the international level of any existing leaders. This article was compiled using the exploration of secondary data scattered in various scientific publications and foreign policy in the history of Indonesia publicized through official government agencies. From these data are discussed and compared with the literature that discusses related matters. And in the end can be drawn conclusions while that leadership factor has a strong role in constructing models of foreign policy in Indonesia.
Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang discourse kelompok beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19. Ada ang... more Tulisan ini memaparkan tentang discourse kelompok beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19. Ada anggapan dari mainstream umat beragama bahwa kelompok ini tidak menggunakan akalnya tetapi menggunakan egonya sehingga mempunyai implikasi sosial yakni menularkan virus SARS-CoV-2 ke orang-orang di dekatnya. Singkatnya kelompok ini konservatif dan ‘anti-sains’. Tulisan ini memberi perspektif yang berbeda bahwa kaum beragama yang ignore terhadap Covid-19 menggunakan agama demi melindungi dirinya atau demi kepentingan survival-nya di level eksistensial dari represi discourse modernkapitalisme. Problemnya, discourse kelompok ignorance ini justru melegitimasi (membenarkan) discourse politik sekuler Barat yang telah mengandangkan agama ke ‘agama’ dalam definisi yang dikonstruksikannya. Padahal, dalam Islam, Ilmuwan Muslim terdahulu menjalankan hidup asketismenya justru melalui jalur sains demi mencari kebenaran Allah yang mewujud pada alam semesta (ayat kauniyah). Di sini ada sinergi dan keseler...
This article examines that internet social media have influenced the Egypt Revolution from the au... more This article examines that internet social media have influenced the Egypt Revolution from the authoritarian government to the democratic transition. There are two theories: Cyber-Optimist that argues internet social media is significant in changing a rezim and Cyber-Realist that believes internet is a status quo regime's arsenal in controlling their citizen. Based on cyber-optimist argument, this article believes that internet social media is not supporting the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak in Egypt, but as the citizen's arsenal to change the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak.
This article examines the ideology critique of Mearsheimer’s theory of offensive neorealism becau... more This article examines the ideology critique of Mearsheimer’s theory of offensive neorealism because his theory preoccupies the reality of world politics, especially in the Russia-Ukraine War case. In the International Relations (IR) discipline, we have problems with a methodology and its assumptions, especially mainstream theories which reduces the reality of world politics. In this regard, we view neorealism has problems. After Waltz’s theory of defensive neorealism, Mearsheimer’s theory is becoming the ideology of IR to make sense of world politics, especially in Indonesia where scholars of IR mostly quote Mearsheimer as the master who knows deeply, the Russia-Ukraine War. By using the critical theory approach, we argue that the theory of offensive neorealism is ideological because this theory is believed as a ‘faith’ to make sense of the reality of the Russia-Ukraine War without questioning the epistemological and methodological assumptions. Neorealism is still a mainstream theor...
Papers by musa maliki