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Tooling for Tooling

We’ve seen a boom in programming language tooling in the past few years. Language servers, formatters, and linters have become commonplace in most languages. I’d call it a golden age, but I suspect this is only the beginning.

Fulfilling Developer Expectations

This explosion has in turn raised the bar for developer experience. No longer is it satisfactory to provide a basic syntax highlighting scheme for a programming language and call it editor support. Programmers expect1 to be able to refactor their code automatically, to reformat files, to check errors. They expect sophisticated syntax highlighting that uses semantic information.

All of these expectations are very difficult to fulfill. They require a language server, which generally shares code with the programming language’s implementation. Because language servers are fundamentally a service that an editor queries and not a traditional compiler pipeline, this often necessitates the programming language implementation moving from a pipeline model to a query model2. Language servers are often involved in practically every keystroke, thus they need to be performant, thus they require sophisticated parsers that can reparse extremely quickly and store the entire source text in full fidelity. These parsers also need to be error tolerant, so that one syntax error doesn’t completely break the editor’s syntax highlighting.

Linting and formatting are similarly arduous. Linting requires a large body of lints, which in turn requires a linter API so that the community can write custom lints. Formatting is a lot of tiny subjective decisions around aesthetics. A formatter is also quite useless if it only works for a couple languages. Prettier is very powerful because it works in almost every web language imaginable. I don’t have to think, I just have to use Prettier.

All of this is to say that building a comprehensive developer ecosystem is extraordinarily tough. It’s no surprise that the tooling quality for more niche languages is significantly lower. It’s no surprise that the two main companies driving programming language tools are Microsoft and Jetbrains, the former being a behemoth that can afford to spend billions on loss leading tools, and the latter being a business that has devoted years and years of developer hours to programming language tools, slowly winning the developer market. Either way, they have devoted a massive amount of resources towards creating programming language tools.

I don’t think it’s controversial to say that it should be easier to make these tools. Tooling makes it easier for new languages to gain traction, which in turn allows academic innovations like borrow checking, dependent types, automatic parallelization, to gain users and get real world usage.

Making This Easier

How can we make programming language tooling easier to write? Naturally, the answer pops up at Microsoft, well, GitHub. GitHub wanted to have a collection of fast, high resolution parsers for lots of programming languages in a consistent, easy to implement manner. To solve this problem, they built tree-sitter.

Tree-sitter appears to be your run of the mill parser generator. However, there are some key decisions that make it more powerful. For one, it fulfills the needs described above; it is fast enough to run on every keystroke and error tolerant. Second, and more importantly, it is a tooling ecosystem unto itself. Use tree-sitter and you get more than just a parser. You get a playground to test out your grammar. You get a bindings to lots of different languages. You get syntax highlighting practically for free. You get a domain specific language for matching on code.

This makes it very compelling to buy into the tree-sitter ecosystem. A language can implement a parser and get a fairly decent set of language tools for free.

The experience of using tree-sitter is also quite nice. Gone are the days of bison with its one long manual and documentation in the form of professor’s slides from ancient compiler classes. There’s no awkward DSL with half-hearted editor support. To build a tree-sitter grammar you write some JavaScript3 and then tree-sitter’s very nice CLI builds the compiler from that JS. It’s very straightforward.

With that said, you’d be forgiven for not being impressed with tree-sitter’s offerings. A playground, syntax highlighting, and some code navigation isn’t exactly Christmas. Indeed, while I love tree-sitter very very much, it frustrates me that they haven’t pushed this to its limits. Take the parser bindings. Right now they’re fairly low level, essentially a cursor to a concrete syntax tree of homogenous Node types. Instead, I’d love some way of generating AST definitions from grammar rules. This is not a tree-sitter tutorial, so if you don’t understand this, I’d recommend looking at the tree-sitter docs. Anyways, taking a rule like:

statement: $ => choice($.varDeclaration, $.functionDeclaration, $.expressionStatement)

I’d love for a Rust Statement type to be generated:

enum Statement {

Obviously there should be functionality to tweak the naming and inline declarations when necessary, but you get the idea. From there, there should be a way to parse into this AST, while keeping the CST around just in case.

There could also be a way to automatically generate a basic formatter from the grammar. It wouldn’t be anything on-par with Prettier, but it could be a start that others customize.

Likewise, I’ve heard some fairly reasonable criticism of tree-sitter’s error message story. I’m not an expert in error messages or parser error recovery, but I imagine there’s ways to work within the framework, whether that’s offering the ability to fall back to a secondary grammar for reparsing, or even to a hand-written parser.

This is an entirely separate rant, but I also find it extremely frustrating that tree-sitter generates C. Nobody should have to deal with building C.

But Why?

An astute reader may observe that I’m asking for tree-sitter to add features that make it easier to use for a compiler front-end. They would be correct. Remember how I said that language servers and compilers almost always need to share implementation? Currently that means we twist the existing compiler into a language server based form. Instead, what if the tools used to implement a compiler just naturally had language server functionality built into them? What if you could write your compiler with tree-sitter and get syntax highlighting and simple code navigation utterly for free? What if your users could start writing lint rules immediately?

All of these things are table stakes for developers. Why can’t they be for implementations?

And tree-sitter is just one piece of the puzzle. What if incremental computation frameworks like salsa and the Turbo engine4 were naturally included in compilers? What if we could create proper libraries for writing type checkers? I could see some sort of library focused around type variables and scopes to be very powerful. Maybe we could get automatic type annotations, or automatic typed based refactoring.

All of these tools are what I’d call meta-tools. They allow programming language implementors to increase their productivity in a comparable manner to how developer tools increase the productivity of regular developers.

Of course, the OG meta-tool is LLVM. Compile to LLVM and you get a bunch of architectures and optimizations for free. One could argue that other tools like HACS, bison, Racket, JavaCC, etc. are also meta-tools. I’d push back on that claim. Meta-tools should be usable in a production environment; they should facilitate a sophisticated user experience; and they should come with an ecosystem of “free” benefits. A tool such as Racket does have an ecosystem of various benefits, but I do not know of real, production languages that use Racket for their compilation. A snarky response could be Racket itself, but one implementation does not a meta-tool make. A meta-tool must work as a compiler implementation tool beyond one implementation. Bison simply lacks the usability story, ditto HACS, and ditto JavaCC.

But How?

This process will not be easy. Compiler authors, by their very own nature, are often victims to not-invented-here syndrome. I’ve seen teams turn their nose up at tree-sitter and insist on hand-writing their own parsers. It’s not difficult to fall into this trap; any halfway decent senior developer can come up with a bunch of plausible reasons why a library just isn’t right and therefore we must rewrite everything from scratch. I’m sympathetic myself. I love hand writing recursive descent parsers, especially compared to the frankly infuriating bunch of parser generators out there.

To combat this, meta-tools must offer such a compelling suite of features that it becomes difficult to refuse. Using tree-sitter should plug you into a first-class ecosystem with facilities for testing, code navigation, AST generation, playgrounds, linting, etc.

The experience of using a meta-tool should also be first class. Avoid domain specific languages with custom syntax. Don’t make users write code inside a DSL (looking at you bison). Users should be able to write in the syntax of a commonly used language such as JavaScript. Make it as easy as possible to get the data out from the meta-tool and into the compiler as quickly as possible.

Meta-tools must fundamentally be extensible. If a language implementor hits a barrier where they cannot accomplish the last 1% of their features, that will spell doom for the meta-tool long term. It’ll give credence to not-invented-here arguments.

The tools also must be aligned culturally. The maintainers should be receptive to language implementor’s needs. They will need to accomodate as many requests as reasonably possible. It’s very easy to dismiss a tool if the authors don’t respond to user feedback. I don’t mean to be flippant here. It’s really really hard to maintain an open source project. I’m not saying that maintainers should just work harder. Keeping the balance between user feedback and avoiding feature creep is an eternal challenge in product design. This will not be easy. What I am saying is that the development of a meta-tool should be focused around language implementors first and foremost. On the bright side, there are far fewer language implementors than there are say, Webpack users.

On the flip side, the language implementors will need a similar cultural alignment. We’re already seeing a shift from a focus on pure language semantics with syntax and editor tooling seen as side projects, to a focus on usability and tooling. Rust is semantically an OCaml with typeclasses, affine types, and unboxed types. What keeps Rust from being an Inria PhD student’s thesis that nobody uses is its focus on tooling, good compiler diagnostics, and ecosystem. I’d like to see some language implementors having that focus from the beginning. Unless the implementors see developer experience as a priority, they won’t take this path.

I’ve been writing as if the language implementors and the meta-tool implementors are different people. I actually suspect this will not be the case. Most likely the successful meta-tools will arise out of language implementation. They will be battle tested and therefore more compelling to other developers. The only danger is that they will be too specialized to language implementation they arose out of.

Raise The Bar

And finally, the way to make these tools more compelling is to raise the bar to the next level. Programmers currently expect syntax highlighting, formatting, linting, refactoring, etc. What’s next? Maybe it’s better code generation for scaffolding projects. Maybe it’s extremely quick deployment based on incremental compilation. Maybe it’s seamless interop with other languages. Whatever it is, if the gap widens between the languages that emphasize developer experience and the languages that don’t, perhaps more implementors will catch on to this disparity.

Right now it’s too common to see implementors compare their language to others on the basis of features. You have lifetimes but we have unboxed types; we have hygienic macros and you don’t. What that neglects entirely is the experience of these features. Will unboxed types have the same quality of error messages as lifetimes? Will there be automatic fixes suggested? Will the macros provide good error messages? Will they make debugging more difficult? These are the questions that matter to users, not the pure semantics.

If you want to chat more about meta-tools, I’d love to talk! Feel free to email me at nick@nicholasyang.com

  1. Of course this is an overgeneralization. But I anticipate this will be increasingly true, especially with the rise of Visual Studio Code and language servers. ↩︎

  2. In theory I suppose you could have the language server use more granular parts of the implementation, but that’s effectively turning the internal pieces of a programming language into an API. ↩︎

  3. Albeit very much a DSL inside JavaScript. ↩︎

  4. Disclaimer, I work on Turborepo at Vercel. ↩︎