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lunedì 6 giugno 2016

Strumenti utili per Startupper e non...

    Far partire un nuovo business è molto duro e spesso si fallisce e avere a disposizione gli strumenti giusti aiuta! Rob Fritzpack un imprenditore seriale e autore del libro The mom test ci fornisce un utile elenco che vi riporto: alcuni sono semplici altri sono molto intriganti!!

Talking to Customers

Intercom--tasteful chat and help widgets for your site, plus good automated email triggers
Drip--email courses and signup widgets for your site
Mailchimp--newsletters and decent signup widgets
Buffer--easier way to run your twitter and facebook accounts

Team collaboration 

Slack--chat and messaging to reduce internal email load, with one room per major project
Github--repository for your source code plus task lists and collaboration with your developers
Dropbox--all company files should be here, not on email attachments or personal folders
Streak--simple CRM plugin for Gmail to manage and share your sales leads
Trello--digital kanban board for project management
Basecamp--I use it for project management with external teams who don't know our Trello workflow
Stormboard--digital sticky notes for remote brainstorming and workshops
Meldium--team password sharing and management


Lean Domain Search--suggests all available .coms with a given keyword somewhere in the name
Instant Domain Search--quickly check specific domain availability
Namecheap--register your domains without getting screwed


Square (US) or iZettle (elsewhere)--accept credit card payments with your phone, e.g. for market stalls and contractors
Stripe--best payment processing online
GoCardless (UK)--accept direct debit payments
Gumroad--easily sell digital files like PDFs, videos, and links


Google Analytics--free and good enough for all your analytics needs
Google Keyword Planner--see how many people are searching relevant terms
Facebook Ads--use the targeting options to compare the approximate size and location of various interests and demographics

Physical Products and Print-on-Demand 

Createspace--upload a PDF, sell a printed book via Amazon
Newspaper Club--ever wanted your own newspaper?
The Game Crafter--prototype and sell your board and card games
Shapeways--high quality 3d printing in a wide range of materials including gold and silver (for jewelry) and ceramics (for household goods); great for prototyping and market-testing physical products
Alibaba--cut out the middle man and buy anything you want directly from the manufacturer; if you've ever wanted a 40' shipping container full of go karts, this is the place for you

Building Websites 

Squarespace--visual site builder with good themes and integrations with stores, payments, newsletters, etc
Strikingly--easy site builder for nice single-page sites like manifestos, personal/company pages, or landing pages
Shopify--for ecommerce and online stores
Themeforest--if you need something custom, start by buying a $30 theme and editing it


Glyphicons--icon set
500px--non-cheesy stock photography
Flickr Creative commons--search for photos with the appropriate usage rights
Subtle Patterns--pretty much what it says on the tin; for backgrounds and textures


Fiverr--pay $5 (or a bit more) for tasks ranging from logo design to copywriting
99designs--crowdsource design tasks (especially logos) for a few hundred dollars
elance--various freelancers (assume you'll hire several for trial projects before finding good ones)
Clarity.fm--pay-by-the-minute advice from various startup specialists
Dribbble--browse designer portfolios, many of whom also freelance


TextIt--create SMS applications without programming (e.g. for the developing world)
Twilio--makes phone calls and SMS as easy to program as websites


Docracy--open source legal documents
Companies Made Simple (UK)--set up and manage a UK corporation for 19
Duedil (UK)--nice interface over companies house interface to research industry and competitors


Paul Graham's Essays--read the whole archive
Tropical MBA--250 podcast episodes comprising the best source of knowledge on location independence and manufacturing businesses
Seth Godin's Startup School--15 audio episodes covering a Seth's take on getting entrepreneurial
Moz Learn--solid knowledge base on inbound marketing


Hacker News--daily news for startup folks and hackers
Product Hunt--daily new products


f6s--listing of all accelerator programs (and lots of other info) and a social network for startups and angels
AngelList--social network and funding platform for startups and angels
Capitallist--like Angellist, but focused on London and the UK
The Funded--reviews and testimonials of investors from the founders' perspective; do your investor due diligence here


Crowdcube (UK)--equity crowd funding
Seedrs (UK)--equity crowd funding
Kickstarter--crowd-fund via pre-selling your products
Indiegogo--crowd-fund via donations with a focus on arts and creative projects, including some hich aren't allowed on KickStarter

giovedì 12 marzo 2015

My Drone Quadcopter experimentation

Part List (if you need detail feel fre to email me francesco.collova @ gmail.com)

The frame - Hobbyking_X650F_Glass_Fiber_Quadcopter_Frame_550mm

Motor - 4X

ESC - 4X

Esc - Motor cable 4X

Male to Male servo LID

HTX Connector - 1X

Heat tube

Power Distribution Power


Programming Card

Module and receiver X Radio

venerdì 10 ottobre 2014

Drone Economy

The drone economy is being built in the garage using the $35 Raspberry Pi and a $40 Arduino. This is not break-the-bank equipment. The Raspberry Pi is a credit card sized computer that can run Linux, has multiple I/O ports include HDMI and USB, Wi-Fi, and a reasonable CPU and RAM. In other words, take a computer from 3 years ago, condense it into a size that almost fits into your wallet, and you have a Raspberry Pi. For $35. With this technology, and a few hundred dollars, a hard-working geek can build an intelligent robot to do many things around your house, in your car, at your office, or, with a little more money, in the air.

Raspberry Pi
Drone Economy

venerdì 13 dicembre 2013

OpenStack in a BOX

Come installare OpenStack sul proprio desktop per sperimentare con il prodotto in una configurazione interessante, con tre Nodi: Controller Compute e Network.
Per fare ciò utilizzeremo a sua volta delle macchine virtuali create tramite Virtualbox (https://www.virtualbox.org/) per i tre Nodi, ed un PC desktop con almeno 4Gb di RAM. Per generare le macchine virtuali utilizzeremo Vagrant ed Ansible. Ansible è un sw per la gestione di infrastrutture e sarà utilizzato per deployare sui tre nodi virtuali (Vbox) di OpenStack tutto il sw necessario.
Per qualche dettaglio su Ansible si può consultare:http://www.slideshare.net/fcollova/infrastructure-as-dataVagrant e un tool per la creazione e gestione delle macchine Virtuali di Virtualbox.
La versione di OpenStack che installeremo è Havana cioè l'ultima disponibile al sito di OpenStack (http://www.openstack.org/).
Per fare l'installazione utilizziamo un Kit fatto da Djorelly che ringrazio per il suo lavoro, è disponibile qui: https://github.com/djoreilly/quantum-ansible.I prerequisiti sono di aver installato su una distribuzione Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (questa è quella che ho utilizzato) i seguenti SW:
  • git
    $ sudo pip install paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 ansible
  • VirtualBox (versione usata 4.2.18)
Per installare tutto l'ambiente basta fare:
(Prelevate la 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) Vagrant box)

vagrant box add precise64 http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box

git clone http://github.com/djoreilly/quantum-ansible
cd quantum-ansible
git checkout havana

Alla fine dell'installazione che dura circa 30mm vi potrete collegare al vostro openstack dal desktop tramite la console Horizon che sarà raggiungibile all'indirizzo: utente=admin and password=secrete.

I tre nodi saranno generati secondo al configurazione che vedete nella figura seguente:

martedì 12 marzo 2013