The aim of this contribution is to present a general method for designing two-dimensional pole pr... more The aim of this contribution is to present a general method for designing two-dimensional pole profiles. This method has proven to converge fast to good solutions. We have developed a group of codes that can be compiled and run on MS-DOS or UNIX ...
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2020
Objective: To study how stress affects the performance of student pilots under highly demanding c... more Objective: To study how stress affects the performance of student pilots under highly demanding conditions, during flight simulator sessions. Background: Pilots usually suffer stress under highly demanding conditions. This can affect performance to such an extent that the human factor is the main cause of aviation accidents. Stress has not been studied recently in student pilots. Method: We used a wristband to record in real-time the Electrodermal Activity (EDA, a reliable indicator of stress) of student pilots during several flight simulator sessions. Experienced flight instructors graded their performance during these flights. The sessions were split into different tasks to focus only on performance and EDA in Highly Demanding Tasks (HDTs). Results: We found that students have higher EDA when correctly performing an HDT. Furthermore, we observed low EDA in students who perform well on the session as a whole but perform poorly on one particular HDT. Conclusion: The study indicates that high levels of stress are related to high performance at high levels of demand. We also observe that students (although they may perform well on the session as a whole) poorly performed a highly demanding task, during which they showed low levels of stress. We suggest that this could be due to fatigue, a lack of motivation, level of skills, or even overconfidence, all of which are variables that should be assessed in future work.
In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be buil... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as it is described in the design report. This wiggler, dubbed W120, will provide photons from 4 to 26 keV, which are the main needs of the Spanish scientific community in the X-ray range. The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. This wiggler is 4.5 m long, the gap is 2 cm wide, and it is made of blocks of NdFeB permanent magnet and FeCo (50%) blocks to achieve high peak magnetic field. The calculation of the field and the optimisation of the wiggler are made with the code OPERA-2d whereas the characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the LUX and SHADOW codes.
Per que bobines superconductores? La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear c... more Per que bobines superconductores? La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder controlar arnb més facilitat la trajectbria de les partícules i es
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998
A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum... more A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum de Sincrotró de Barcelona (LLS), is presented. This septum is a hybrid between the passive and active types, which combines the advantages of both designs, especially with regards to the field quality, the stray fields and power losses, without significant technical complications. The performance of the proposed septum magnet is compared with that of an active and a passive septum magnet.
A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 Ge... more A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 GeV is made with a septum-kicker ensemble as well as the extraction from the booster at 2.5 GeV. The injection to the storage ring requires two septum magnets and four fast bumper magnets[1]. The septum magnets (0.85 m of magnetic length) are eddy current type, they are water cooled and they are placed inside a vacuum vessel. The yoke will be made of 4% silicon-iron laminations. They are excited with a 50 µs half sine wave. The kicker magnets (0.4 m of length) in the booster are window frame type with a ferrite core. The vacuum chamber made of ceramic is placed inside the window. The excitation current has a flat top of 100 ns and a ramping time of 320 ns. The four bumpers (0.4 m of length) in the storage ring are window frame magnets with the yoke made of ferrite. The excitation current is a half sine wave of 6.62 µs. All these magnets are fed with special purpose current supply circuits.
La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder ... more La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder controlar arnb més facilitat la trajectbria de les partícules i es-Revista de Fisica / 1 r semestre de 1995 31
In this paper we present the theoretical design of two undulators for the LLS storage ring, to be... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of two undulators for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as they are described in the design report. These undulators, called U73 and U44, will cover the needs of the Spanish scientific community in the soft Xray range (50-2000 eV). The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. The design of the undulators is based on the use of the 1 st , 3 rd and 5 th harmonics, they are 4.5 m long and the gap can range from 2 to 5 cm. The undulators will be made of NdFeB permanent magnet blocks to achieve high peak field and sinusoidal profile. The calculation of the field and optimization of the undulators are made with the codes PMU3d and OPERA-2d. The characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the codes LUX and SpontLight.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998
A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum... more A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum de Sincrotró de Barcelona (LLS), is presented. This septum is a hybrid between the passive and active types, which combines the advantages of both designs, especially with regards to the field quality, the stray fields and power losses, without significant technical complications. The performance of the proposed septum magnet is compared with that of an active and a passive septum magnet.
We present here an improved methodology to design magnet poles in two dimensions using two models... more We present here an improved methodology to design magnet poles in two dimensions using two models for the pole profile. To this end, we have developed a group of codes that run on MS-DOS and UNIX and use both POISSON and OPERA-2D codes. This procedure includes the evaluation of the sensitivity of the final pole profile to geometrical and current intensity errors in order to estimate mechanical and operational tolerances. In order to test the feasibility of this method, we have applied it to the case of the 1.2 T combined magnet of the new synchrotron to be built nearby Barcelona.
In the correction scheme of the LHC it is planned to install octupole corrector magnets in the sh... more In the correction scheme of the LHC it is planned to install octupole corrector magnets in the short straight section of the lattice. Initially these correctors were distributed windings on the cold bore tube nested in the tuning quadrupoles. The latter being suppressed a new compact superferric design was chosen for the octupole prototype, suitable for a two-in-one configuration. This
Booster and Storage Ring, J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -We describe here the I... more Booster and Storage Ring, J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -We describe here the Injection and Extraction schemes for a new synchrotron light source in Barcelona (LSB). The LSB consists of a 100 MeV pre-injector, a booster synchrotron increasing the energy from 100 MeV to 2.5 GeV, and the storage ring running at least at 2.5 GeV.
J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -A synchrotron light source is being designed in ... more J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 GeV is made with a septum-kicker ensemble as well as the extraction from the booster at 2.5 GeV. The injection to the storage ring requires one septum and four fast bumpers. The septum magnets (1 m of magnetic length) are eddy current type, they are not water cooled and they are placed inside a vacuum vessel. The yoke is made of a silicon-iron alloy. They are excited by a 25 µs half sine wave. The kicker magnets (0.4 m of length) in the booster are window frame type with a ferrite core. The vacuum chamber made of ceramics goes inside the window. The excitation current has a flat top of 100 ns and a ramping time of 320 ns. The four bumpers (0.4 m of length) in the storage ring are window frame magnets with the yoke made of a silicon-iron alloy. The excitation current is a half sine wave of 8 µs. All these magnets are feed with conventional AC power systems.
In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be buil... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as it is described in the design report. This wiggler, dubbed W120, will provide photons from 4 to 26 keV, which are the main needs of the Spanish scientific community in the X-ray range. The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. This wiggler is 4.5 m long, the gap is 2 cm wide, and it is made of blocks of NdFeB permanent magnet and FeCo (50%) blocks to achieve high peak magnetic field. The calculation of the field and the optimisation of the wiggler are made with the code OPERA-2d whereas the characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the LUX and SHADOW codes.
The aim of this contribution is to present a general method for designing two-dimensional pole pr... more The aim of this contribution is to present a general method for designing two-dimensional pole profiles. This method has proven to converge fast to good solutions. We have developed a group of codes that can be compiled and run on MS-DOS or UNIX ...
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 2020
Objective: To study how stress affects the performance of student pilots under highly demanding c... more Objective: To study how stress affects the performance of student pilots under highly demanding conditions, during flight simulator sessions. Background: Pilots usually suffer stress under highly demanding conditions. This can affect performance to such an extent that the human factor is the main cause of aviation accidents. Stress has not been studied recently in student pilots. Method: We used a wristband to record in real-time the Electrodermal Activity (EDA, a reliable indicator of stress) of student pilots during several flight simulator sessions. Experienced flight instructors graded their performance during these flights. The sessions were split into different tasks to focus only on performance and EDA in Highly Demanding Tasks (HDTs). Results: We found that students have higher EDA when correctly performing an HDT. Furthermore, we observed low EDA in students who perform well on the session as a whole but perform poorly on one particular HDT. Conclusion: The study indicates that high levels of stress are related to high performance at high levels of demand. We also observe that students (although they may perform well on the session as a whole) poorly performed a highly demanding task, during which they showed low levels of stress. We suggest that this could be due to fatigue, a lack of motivation, level of skills, or even overconfidence, all of which are variables that should be assessed in future work.
In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be buil... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as it is described in the design report. This wiggler, dubbed W120, will provide photons from 4 to 26 keV, which are the main needs of the Spanish scientific community in the X-ray range. The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. This wiggler is 4.5 m long, the gap is 2 cm wide, and it is made of blocks of NdFeB permanent magnet and FeCo (50%) blocks to achieve high peak magnetic field. The calculation of the field and the optimisation of the wiggler are made with the code OPERA-2d whereas the characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the LUX and SHADOW codes.
Per que bobines superconductores? La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear c... more Per que bobines superconductores? La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder controlar arnb més facilitat la trajectbria de les partícules i es
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998
A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum... more A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum de Sincrotró de Barcelona (LLS), is presented. This septum is a hybrid between the passive and active types, which combines the advantages of both designs, especially with regards to the field quality, the stray fields and power losses, without significant technical complications. The performance of the proposed septum magnet is compared with that of an active and a passive septum magnet.
A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 Ge... more A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 GeV is made with a septum-kicker ensemble as well as the extraction from the booster at 2.5 GeV. The injection to the storage ring requires two septum magnets and four fast bumper magnets[1]. The septum magnets (0.85 m of magnetic length) are eddy current type, they are water cooled and they are placed inside a vacuum vessel. The yoke will be made of 4% silicon-iron laminations. They are excited with a 50 µs half sine wave. The kicker magnets (0.4 m of length) in the booster are window frame type with a ferrite core. The vacuum chamber made of ceramic is placed inside the window. The excitation current has a flat top of 100 ns and a ramping time of 320 ns. The four bumpers (0.4 m of length) in the storage ring are window frame magnets with the yoke made of ferrite. The excitation current is a half sine wave of 6.62 µs. All these magnets are fed with special purpose current supply circuits.
La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder ... more La finalitat bhica dels imants superconductors és la de crear camps magnbtics intensos per poder controlar arnb més facilitat la trajectbria de les partícules i es-Revista de Fisica / 1 r semestre de 1995 31
In this paper we present the theoretical design of two undulators for the LLS storage ring, to be... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of two undulators for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as they are described in the design report. These undulators, called U73 and U44, will cover the needs of the Spanish scientific community in the soft Xray range (50-2000 eV). The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. The design of the undulators is based on the use of the 1 st , 3 rd and 5 th harmonics, they are 4.5 m long and the gap can range from 2 to 5 cm. The undulators will be made of NdFeB permanent magnet blocks to achieve high peak field and sinusoidal profile. The calculation of the field and optimization of the undulators are made with the codes PMU3d and OPERA-2d. The characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the codes LUX and SpontLight.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1998
A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum... more A septum magnet for synchrotron light sources of intermediate energy, like the Laboratory de Llum de Sincrotró de Barcelona (LLS), is presented. This septum is a hybrid between the passive and active types, which combines the advantages of both designs, especially with regards to the field quality, the stray fields and power losses, without significant technical complications. The performance of the proposed septum magnet is compared with that of an active and a passive septum magnet.
We present here an improved methodology to design magnet poles in two dimensions using two models... more We present here an improved methodology to design magnet poles in two dimensions using two models for the pole profile. To this end, we have developed a group of codes that run on MS-DOS and UNIX and use both POISSON and OPERA-2D codes. This procedure includes the evaluation of the sensitivity of the final pole profile to geometrical and current intensity errors in order to estimate mechanical and operational tolerances. In order to test the feasibility of this method, we have applied it to the case of the 1.2 T combined magnet of the new synchrotron to be built nearby Barcelona.
In the correction scheme of the LHC it is planned to install octupole corrector magnets in the sh... more In the correction scheme of the LHC it is planned to install octupole corrector magnets in the short straight section of the lattice. Initially these correctors were distributed windings on the cold bore tube nested in the tuning quadrupoles. The latter being suppressed a new compact superferric design was chosen for the octupole prototype, suitable for a two-in-one configuration. This
Booster and Storage Ring, J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -We describe here the I... more Booster and Storage Ring, J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -We describe here the Injection and Extraction schemes for a new synchrotron light source in Barcelona (LSB). The LSB consists of a 100 MeV pre-injector, a booster synchrotron increasing the energy from 100 MeV to 2.5 GeV, and the storage ring running at least at 2.5 GeV.
J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -A synchrotron light source is being designed in ... more J. CAMPMANY, M. TRAVERIA, LSB, Barcelona, Spain -A synchrotron light source is being designed in Barcelona. The injection to the booster at 0.1 GeV is made with a septum-kicker ensemble as well as the extraction from the booster at 2.5 GeV. The injection to the storage ring requires one septum and four fast bumpers. The septum magnets (1 m of magnetic length) are eddy current type, they are not water cooled and they are placed inside a vacuum vessel. The yoke is made of a silicon-iron alloy. They are excited by a 25 µs half sine wave. The kicker magnets (0.4 m of length) in the booster are window frame type with a ferrite core. The vacuum chamber made of ceramics goes inside the window. The excitation current has a flat top of 100 ns and a ramping time of 320 ns. The four bumpers (0.4 m of length) in the storage ring are window frame magnets with the yoke made of a silicon-iron alloy. The excitation current is a half sine wave of 8 µs. All these magnets are feed with conventional AC power systems.
In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be buil... more In this paper we present the theoretical design of a wiggler for the LLS storage ring, to be built in Barcelona, as it is described in the design report. This wiggler, dubbed W120, will provide photons from 4 to 26 keV, which are the main needs of the Spanish scientific community in the X-ray range. The constraints of the design are given by the LLS storage ring characteristics and the proposed types of experiments foreseen at the LLS. This wiggler is 4.5 m long, the gap is 2 cm wide, and it is made of blocks of NdFeB permanent magnet and FeCo (50%) blocks to achieve high peak magnetic field. The calculation of the field and the optimisation of the wiggler are made with the code OPERA-2d whereas the characteristics of the resulting light are studied with the LUX and SHADOW codes.
Papers by Miquel Traveria