Ina Sîtnic holds a PhD in Philology and her research interests include Translation and Interpreting studies, Applied linguistics, Consecutive Interpreting Pedagogy
In articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii... more In articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii din cadrul Departamentului Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată al USM la orele de interpretare consecutivă. Analiza este efectuată in baza exemplelor selectate din traducerea la vedere și consecutivă din limba engleză in limba română, reunind tipologiile existente ale erorilor de traducere pe exemplul greșelilor de limbă, erorilor lingvistice de traducere, erorilor semantico-pragmatice și extralingvistice, analizând cauzele comiterii acestora și necesitatea remedierii lor. A DIDACTIC APPROACH TO ERRORS IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING The article examines the problem of translation errors made by third year students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics, Moldova State University, during classes of consecutive interpreting, based on examples drawn from sight translation and consecutive interpreting from English into Romanian. We intend to focus ...
Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we ... more Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we have to catch up with, interpreting becomes more visible and more relevant as it is perceived as a means of connecting languages, people and cultures and, more recently, as a means of uncovering the psycho-cognitive subtleties of the mind of the person performing the act of interpreting. The present article is meant to be a study with didactic implications. Students in the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics (TILA) at Moldova State University have classes of Consecutive Interpreting (CI) in the second and third academic year. In this study, we will focus, particularly, on this mode of transferring information from the source-language (English) into the target-language (Romanian) and will take a closer look at the most appropriate methods used to determine if and to what extent students’ behavior and reactions to various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that they experience while performing interpreting activities affect the product of interpreting. Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
The paper is a didactic approach to consecutive interpreting (IC) from English into Romanian aime... more The paper is a didactic approach to consecutive interpreting (IC) from English into Romanian aimed at assessing second year undergraduates’ active listening and discourse analysis skills. This is an experimental study based on the analysis of the following errors of interpretation: language mistakes, lexical errors, grammatical errors, ambiguities, mistranslation, incorrect meaning, nonsense, pragmatic errors, additions, omissions, inappropriate comments, approximations addressed by H. Barik (1997), B. J. Delisle (2003), R. D. Gonzales (2012), and G. Lungu-Badea (2012) and paralinguistic elements like filled pauses, silent pauses, alternants, differentiators, primary qualities through the prism of the classification of paralinguistic features by Fernando Poyatos (1993) and B. Tissi (2000). Keywords: consecutive interpreting, didactic approach, active listening and discourse analysis skills, errors of interpreting, paralinguistic elements.
Abstract: According to one of the most important translation theories put forward by the distingu... more Abstract: According to one of the most important translation theories put forward by the distinguished linguist E. Coseriu, translation is an activity of transfer, a special type of oral communication by means of which some already known language content is communicated into another language. In Coseriu’s opinion, a particular contribution to the translation approach from the linguistic and extralinguistic perspective is the triad designation – “signifié” – sense, a fundamental concept with a major impact in the process of explaining and understanding translation. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of manifestation of the linguistic and extralinguistic competences in the context of training and educating future consecutive interpreters in academic environment. The degree of manifestation of linguistic competence was assessed through students’ abilities of appropriate transfer of morpho-syntactic, lexical information, semantic adequacy of the message issued by the speaker. The degree of manifestation of extralinguistic competence was assessed in the light of understanding the meaning of some concepts and realities and the ability of their interpretation and application beyond their linguistic meaning.
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, linguistic competence, extralinguistic competence, speech
Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we ... more Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we have to catch up with, interpreting becomes more visible and more relevant as it is perceived as a means of connecting languages, people and cultures and, more recently, as a means of uncovering the psycho-cognitive subtleties of the mind of the person performing the act of interpreting. The present article is meant to be a study with didactic implications. Students in the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics (TILA) at Moldova State University have classes of Consecutive Interpreting (CI) in the second and third academic year. In this study, we will focus, particularly, on this mode of transferring information from the source-language (English) into the target-language (Romanian) and will take a closer look at the most appropriate methods used to determine if and to what extent students’ behavior and reactions to various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that they experience while performing interpreting activities affect the product of interpreting. Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
Book of proceedings of the international conference Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity 4th edition: Revolutions. The Archeology of Change, 2017
Abstract: The present article is meant to be a practical approach to the didactics of interpretat... more Abstract: The present article is meant to be a practical approach to the didactics of interpretation. Our purpose is to analyse interpreters’-to-be competences in classes of interpretation from English (foreign language) into Romanian (mother tongue). In this respect, we intend to revise and reinforce the role of students’ acquisition of linguistic competence and have a closer look at the pragmatic competence. The pragmatic competence refers to the ability to understand and render in the target-language the subtleties of an act of communication, preserving the intention and the communicative effect of the speaker. Thus, we will examine interpreters’-to-be abilities to transpose the meaning behind words in the bilingual act of consecutive interpreting in the academic setting in an empirical comparative study involving students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics from Moldova State University and students at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialty of Applied Linguistics from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Keywords: linguistic competence, semantic-pragmatic competence, interpreting competence, didactic approach, interpreter-to-be, quality of interpretation
Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele unui studiu experimental intreprins la Departamentul Traducere, Int... more Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele unui studiu experimental intreprins la Departamentul Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată, cu scopul de a evalua competența de luare de note in interpretarea consecutivă (IC) din limba engleză in limba română la studenții anului II. Determinarea calității traducerilor s-a produs in baza analizei calitative și cantitative a erorilor de IC și a elementelor de paralimbaj identificate in traducerile subiecților studiului și in baza clasificărilor propuse de către H.Barik, B.J. Delisle, R.D. Gonzales și G.Lungu-Badea pentru erorile de traducere și a clasificărilor lui F.Poyatos și B.Tissi pentru elementele paralingvistice. E XPERIMENTAL STUDY ON NOTE-TAKING SKILLS ASSESSMENT IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING FROM ENGLISH INTO ROMANIAN IN UNDERGRADUATES The paper presents the results of an experimental study conducted at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics. It is a qualitative and quantitative didactic approach...
Résumé : Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitai... more Résumé : Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la formation et le développement de leur compétence auditive et de l’analyse des discours qui véhiculent différents types d’informat ions. Cet article est une étude comparative, car il concerne la mesure dans laquelle deux groupes d’étu dian s de la deuxième année d’études, au niveau de licence, qui étudient l’interprétation co nsécutive de l’anglais (comme langue étrangère primaire et secondaire) vers le roumain, au départe ment de Traduction, Interprétation et Linguistique Appliquée, parviennent à faire face à l’effort d’audition et de production des structures numériques dans le contexte. Il est bien con u que les discours contenant un taux élevé d’information numérique présentent particulièrement des difficultés de traduction tant pour les étudiants – interprètes en herbe que pour des inter prè s professionnels. Notre étude a été menée dans le milieu universitaire et, de cette...
Translation and interpretation are essential in our multilingual and multicultural societies. In ... more Translation and interpretation are essential in our multilingual and multicultural societies. In this context, the role of the interpreter becomes more vivid and frames its urgency despite the technological advance that shapes many spheres of our life. Thus, the present article, will look into the concept of ‘ideal interpreter’, what ‘ideal’ stands for and, most importantly, it will present a comparative approach to what is meant to be a skilled interpreter from three perspectives: the teacher involved in training and educating interpreters-to-be, the practitioner – actor of the realities of the process of interpretation, and the client – whose expectations sometimes reach the realm of utopia in relation to the interpreter’s aptitudes.
The present article seeks to outline the theoretical and practical framework of the procedures us... more The present article seeks to outline the theoretical and practical framework of the procedures used in translating lexical and syntactical figures of speech in political discourses with the purpose of persuading the public opinion by means of emotionally colored words. The process of translating figures of speech deals with finding secondary meaning in the source language, and cultural meaning and appropriate equivalence in the target language. Thus, we aim at determining and applying the most adequate and efficient procedures the translator may resort to in the process of rendering vivid examples of stylistic devices from English into Romanian.
În articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii... more În articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii din cadrul Departa-mentului Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată al USM la orele de interpretare consecutivă. Analiza este efectuată în baza exemplelor selectate din traducerea la vedere și consecutivă din limba engleză în limba română, reunind tipologiile existente ale erorilor de traducere pe exemplul greșelilor de limbă, erorilor lingvistice de traducere, erorilor semantico-pragmatice și extralingvistice, analizând cauzele comiterii acestora și necesitatea remedierii lor. Cuvinte-cheie: interpretare consecutivă, traducere la vedere, formarea interpreților, erori de traducere, abordare didactică. A DIDACTIC APPROACH TO ERRORS IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING The article examines the problem of translation errors made by third year students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics, Moldova State University, during classes of consecutive interpreting, based on examples drawn from sight translation and consecutive interpreting from English into Romanian. We intend to focus on an extended typology that comprises translation mistakes, linguistic errors, semantic-pragmatic errors, extralinguistic errors, aiming at analysing their causes and the need to correct and avoid them.
În prezenta lucrare abordăm rolul interevaluării în traducerea orală ca metodă complementară de e... more În prezenta lucrare abordăm rolul interevaluării în traducerea orală ca metodă complementară de evaluare didactică şi ca factor-cheie care contribuie la încurajarea participării studenţilor în actul învăţării, la o apreciere mai obiectivă a rezutatelor activităţii lor şi, în mod implicit, la formarea competenţei de traducere orală. Subiectul este tratat prin prisma analizei unui discurs de popularizare din domeniul protecţiei mediului înconjurător. Cuvinte-cheie: competenţă de traducere orală, interevaluare, predarea traducerii, învăţământ centrat pe student. In this article, we aim at presenting the role of the mutual-assessment method as a component of the modern evaluation and a key-element that contributes to the encouragement of students participation in the act of learning oral translation, the better appraisal of the results of their activity and, implicitly, the development of oral translation competences. The subject is treated in terms of the analysis of a popularization article from the domain of the protection of environment. Introducere Unul dintre principalele repere care conturează esenţa învăţământului superior din Republica Moldova este Învăţământul centrat pe student (ICS), la a cărui realizare contribuie studenţii universităţii, cadrele didactice din instituţie şi, implicit, instituţia de învăţământ superior. Prin natura sa, ICS permite studenţilor să-şi formeze propriul parcurs de studiu şi le dă acestora posibilitatea de a participa activ în constituirea unui proces educaţional cu valoare şi sens, iar în lanţul didactic actul evaluării reprezintă o verigă esenţială, întru-cât acesta este " procesul prin care se delimitează, se obţin şi se furnizează informaţii utile, cu luarea unor decizii ulterioare " [1, p.367]. În contextul formării viitorilor interpreţi, evaluarea se axează pe rezultatele obţinute şi materializate în traducerea propriu-zisă, pe abilităţile şi aptitudinile pe care le acumulează studenţii pentru a deveni interpreţi, evaluarea fiind percepută în strânsă legătură cu ceea ce se evaluează, adică cu competenţele formate. Prin urmare, procesul evaluării este conceput nu doar ca un control al cunoştinţelor studenţilor, ci şi ca o cale de perfecţionare, adică de formare a competenţelor. Ipoteza prezentei lucrării a fost formulată în felul următor: în predarea traducerii orale (TO), interevalua-rea are ca scop principal verificarea adecvării în traducere, contribuind astfel la îmbunătăţirea capacităţilor şi abilităţilor studenţilor – viitori interpreţi de a transfera în mod corespunzător mesajul în limba-ţintă (LŢ). Interevaluarea în didactica TO vizează orientarea pe student, pe competenţe şi rezultatele învăţării. Interevaluarea – metodă de măsurare a rezultatelor în TO Noţiunea de interevaluare se află în raport cu cea de CTO. Conform cercetătorilor D.Király şi A.Pym, aceasta (CTO) poate fi definită în conformitate cu modelul pedagogic al competenţei care presupune abilităţi, capacităţi şi atitudini necesare executării cu succes a activităţii de traducere orală. În acelaşi context Ch.Wad-dington [2] defineşte " competenţa de traducere orală " ca fiind " o combinare de competenţe lingvistice şi abilităţi de traducere ". De asemenea, cercetătorul A.Neubert [3, p.7] menţionează că " competenţa de transfer (traducere) nu ar fi fundamentată fără o posedare excelentă a competenţei lingvistice şi cunoaştere a dome-niului din care se face traducerea ". La rândul lor, cadrele didactice responsabile de instruirea viitorilor inter-preţi atrag atenţia asupra CTO fondată pe următoarele aspecte: abilitatea de a înţelege şi a transfera conţinutul discursului-sursă (DS) în LŢ şi aptitudinea de exprimare a acestui conţinut în LŢ, prin mijloace lingvistice necesare transferului respectiv. Evaluarea calităţii traducerii a devenit un aspect-cheie în studiile din domeniul traductologiei. Această abordare comprehensivă şi modernă a evaluării explică valoarea actului traducerii şi subliniază faptul că
Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la... more Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la formation et le développement de leur compétence auditive et de l'analyse des discours qui véhiculent différents types d'informations. Cet article est une étude comparative, car il concerne la mesure dans laquelle deux groupes d'étudiants de la deuxième année d'études, au niveau de licence, qui étudient l'interprétation consécutive de l'anglais (comme langue étrangère primaire et secondaire) vers le roumain, au département de Traduction, Interprétation et Linguistique Appliquée, parviennent à faire face à l'effort d'audition et de production des structures numériques dans le contexte. Il est bien connu que les discours contenant un taux élevé d'information numérique présentent particulièrement des difficultés de traduction tant pour les étudiants – interprètes en herbe que pour des interprètes professionnels. Notre étude a été menée dans le milieu universitaire et, de cette perspective, est de nature appliquée.
In articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii... more In articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii din cadrul Departamentului Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată al USM la orele de interpretare consecutivă. Analiza este efectuată in baza exemplelor selectate din traducerea la vedere și consecutivă din limba engleză in limba română, reunind tipologiile existente ale erorilor de traducere pe exemplul greșelilor de limbă, erorilor lingvistice de traducere, erorilor semantico-pragmatice și extralingvistice, analizând cauzele comiterii acestora și necesitatea remedierii lor. A DIDACTIC APPROACH TO ERRORS IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING The article examines the problem of translation errors made by third year students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics, Moldova State University, during classes of consecutive interpreting, based on examples drawn from sight translation and consecutive interpreting from English into Romanian. We intend to focus ...
Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we ... more Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we have to catch up with, interpreting becomes more visible and more relevant as it is perceived as a means of connecting languages, people and cultures and, more recently, as a means of uncovering the psycho-cognitive subtleties of the mind of the person performing the act of interpreting. The present article is meant to be a study with didactic implications. Students in the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics (TILA) at Moldova State University have classes of Consecutive Interpreting (CI) in the second and third academic year. In this study, we will focus, particularly, on this mode of transferring information from the source-language (English) into the target-language (Romanian) and will take a closer look at the most appropriate methods used to determine if and to what extent students’ behavior and reactions to various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that they experience while performing interpreting activities affect the product of interpreting. Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
The paper is a didactic approach to consecutive interpreting (IC) from English into Romanian aime... more The paper is a didactic approach to consecutive interpreting (IC) from English into Romanian aimed at assessing second year undergraduates’ active listening and discourse analysis skills. This is an experimental study based on the analysis of the following errors of interpretation: language mistakes, lexical errors, grammatical errors, ambiguities, mistranslation, incorrect meaning, nonsense, pragmatic errors, additions, omissions, inappropriate comments, approximations addressed by H. Barik (1997), B. J. Delisle (2003), R. D. Gonzales (2012), and G. Lungu-Badea (2012) and paralinguistic elements like filled pauses, silent pauses, alternants, differentiators, primary qualities through the prism of the classification of paralinguistic features by Fernando Poyatos (1993) and B. Tissi (2000). Keywords: consecutive interpreting, didactic approach, active listening and discourse analysis skills, errors of interpreting, paralinguistic elements.
Abstract: According to one of the most important translation theories put forward by the distingu... more Abstract: According to one of the most important translation theories put forward by the distinguished linguist E. Coseriu, translation is an activity of transfer, a special type of oral communication by means of which some already known language content is communicated into another language. In Coseriu’s opinion, a particular contribution to the translation approach from the linguistic and extralinguistic perspective is the triad designation – “signifié” – sense, a fundamental concept with a major impact in the process of explaining and understanding translation. The aim of this study is to assess the degree of manifestation of the linguistic and extralinguistic competences in the context of training and educating future consecutive interpreters in academic environment. The degree of manifestation of linguistic competence was assessed through students’ abilities of appropriate transfer of morpho-syntactic, lexical information, semantic adequacy of the message issued by the speaker. The degree of manifestation of extralinguistic competence was assessed in the light of understanding the meaning of some concepts and realities and the ability of their interpretation and application beyond their linguistic meaning.
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, linguistic competence, extralinguistic competence, speech
Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we ... more Abstract. In the globalised society that we live in, given the technological development that we have to catch up with, interpreting becomes more visible and more relevant as it is perceived as a means of connecting languages, people and cultures and, more recently, as a means of uncovering the psycho-cognitive subtleties of the mind of the person performing the act of interpreting. The present article is meant to be a study with didactic implications. Students in the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics (TILA) at Moldova State University have classes of Consecutive Interpreting (CI) in the second and third academic year. In this study, we will focus, particularly, on this mode of transferring information from the source-language (English) into the target-language (Romanian) and will take a closer look at the most appropriate methods used to determine if and to what extent students’ behavior and reactions to various linguistic and extra-linguistic factors that they experience while performing interpreting activities affect the product of interpreting. Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
Book of proceedings of the international conference Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences: Hinting at Interdisciplinarity 4th edition: Revolutions. The Archeology of Change, 2017
Abstract: The present article is meant to be a practical approach to the didactics of interpretat... more Abstract: The present article is meant to be a practical approach to the didactics of interpretation. Our purpose is to analyse interpreters’-to-be competences in classes of interpretation from English (foreign language) into Romanian (mother tongue). In this respect, we intend to revise and reinforce the role of students’ acquisition of linguistic competence and have a closer look at the pragmatic competence. The pragmatic competence refers to the ability to understand and render in the target-language the subtleties of an act of communication, preserving the intention and the communicative effect of the speaker. Thus, we will examine interpreters’-to-be abilities to transpose the meaning behind words in the bilingual act of consecutive interpreting in the academic setting in an empirical comparative study involving students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics from Moldova State University and students at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialty of Applied Linguistics from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași. Keywords: linguistic competence, semantic-pragmatic competence, interpreting competence, didactic approach, interpreter-to-be, quality of interpretation
Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele unui studiu experimental intreprins la Departamentul Traducere, Int... more Lucrarea prezintă rezultatele unui studiu experimental intreprins la Departamentul Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată, cu scopul de a evalua competența de luare de note in interpretarea consecutivă (IC) din limba engleză in limba română la studenții anului II. Determinarea calității traducerilor s-a produs in baza analizei calitative și cantitative a erorilor de IC și a elementelor de paralimbaj identificate in traducerile subiecților studiului și in baza clasificărilor propuse de către H.Barik, B.J. Delisle, R.D. Gonzales și G.Lungu-Badea pentru erorile de traducere și a clasificărilor lui F.Poyatos și B.Tissi pentru elementele paralingvistice. E XPERIMENTAL STUDY ON NOTE-TAKING SKILLS ASSESSMENT IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING FROM ENGLISH INTO ROMANIAN IN UNDERGRADUATES The paper presents the results of an experimental study conducted at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics. It is a qualitative and quantitative didactic approach...
Résumé : Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitai... more Résumé : Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la formation et le développement de leur compétence auditive et de l’analyse des discours qui véhiculent différents types d’informat ions. Cet article est une étude comparative, car il concerne la mesure dans laquelle deux groupes d’étu dian s de la deuxième année d’études, au niveau de licence, qui étudient l’interprétation co nsécutive de l’anglais (comme langue étrangère primaire et secondaire) vers le roumain, au départe ment de Traduction, Interprétation et Linguistique Appliquée, parviennent à faire face à l’effort d’audition et de production des structures numériques dans le contexte. Il est bien con u que les discours contenant un taux élevé d’information numérique présentent particulièrement des difficultés de traduction tant pour les étudiants – interprètes en herbe que pour des inter prè s professionnels. Notre étude a été menée dans le milieu universitaire et, de cette...
Translation and interpretation are essential in our multilingual and multicultural societies. In ... more Translation and interpretation are essential in our multilingual and multicultural societies. In this context, the role of the interpreter becomes more vivid and frames its urgency despite the technological advance that shapes many spheres of our life. Thus, the present article, will look into the concept of ‘ideal interpreter’, what ‘ideal’ stands for and, most importantly, it will present a comparative approach to what is meant to be a skilled interpreter from three perspectives: the teacher involved in training and educating interpreters-to-be, the practitioner – actor of the realities of the process of interpretation, and the client – whose expectations sometimes reach the realm of utopia in relation to the interpreter’s aptitudes.
The present article seeks to outline the theoretical and practical framework of the procedures us... more The present article seeks to outline the theoretical and practical framework of the procedures used in translating lexical and syntactical figures of speech in political discourses with the purpose of persuading the public opinion by means of emotionally colored words. The process of translating figures of speech deals with finding secondary meaning in the source language, and cultural meaning and appropriate equivalence in the target language. Thus, we aim at determining and applying the most adequate and efficient procedures the translator may resort to in the process of rendering vivid examples of stylistic devices from English into Romanian.
În articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii... more În articol este examinată problema privind erorile comise de către studenții anului III de studii din cadrul Departa-mentului Traducere, Interpretare și Lingvistică Aplicată al USM la orele de interpretare consecutivă. Analiza este efectuată în baza exemplelor selectate din traducerea la vedere și consecutivă din limba engleză în limba română, reunind tipologiile existente ale erorilor de traducere pe exemplul greșelilor de limbă, erorilor lingvistice de traducere, erorilor semantico-pragmatice și extralingvistice, analizând cauzele comiterii acestora și necesitatea remedierii lor. Cuvinte-cheie: interpretare consecutivă, traducere la vedere, formarea interpreților, erori de traducere, abordare didactică. A DIDACTIC APPROACH TO ERRORS IN CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING The article examines the problem of translation errors made by third year students at the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics, Moldova State University, during classes of consecutive interpreting, based on examples drawn from sight translation and consecutive interpreting from English into Romanian. We intend to focus on an extended typology that comprises translation mistakes, linguistic errors, semantic-pragmatic errors, extralinguistic errors, aiming at analysing their causes and the need to correct and avoid them.
În prezenta lucrare abordăm rolul interevaluării în traducerea orală ca metodă complementară de e... more În prezenta lucrare abordăm rolul interevaluării în traducerea orală ca metodă complementară de evaluare didactică şi ca factor-cheie care contribuie la încurajarea participării studenţilor în actul învăţării, la o apreciere mai obiectivă a rezutatelor activităţii lor şi, în mod implicit, la formarea competenţei de traducere orală. Subiectul este tratat prin prisma analizei unui discurs de popularizare din domeniul protecţiei mediului înconjurător. Cuvinte-cheie: competenţă de traducere orală, interevaluare, predarea traducerii, învăţământ centrat pe student. In this article, we aim at presenting the role of the mutual-assessment method as a component of the modern evaluation and a key-element that contributes to the encouragement of students participation in the act of learning oral translation, the better appraisal of the results of their activity and, implicitly, the development of oral translation competences. The subject is treated in terms of the analysis of a popularization article from the domain of the protection of environment. Introducere Unul dintre principalele repere care conturează esenţa învăţământului superior din Republica Moldova este Învăţământul centrat pe student (ICS), la a cărui realizare contribuie studenţii universităţii, cadrele didactice din instituţie şi, implicit, instituţia de învăţământ superior. Prin natura sa, ICS permite studenţilor să-şi formeze propriul parcurs de studiu şi le dă acestora posibilitatea de a participa activ în constituirea unui proces educaţional cu valoare şi sens, iar în lanţul didactic actul evaluării reprezintă o verigă esenţială, întru-cât acesta este " procesul prin care se delimitează, se obţin şi se furnizează informaţii utile, cu luarea unor decizii ulterioare " [1, p.367]. În contextul formării viitorilor interpreţi, evaluarea se axează pe rezultatele obţinute şi materializate în traducerea propriu-zisă, pe abilităţile şi aptitudinile pe care le acumulează studenţii pentru a deveni interpreţi, evaluarea fiind percepută în strânsă legătură cu ceea ce se evaluează, adică cu competenţele formate. Prin urmare, procesul evaluării este conceput nu doar ca un control al cunoştinţelor studenţilor, ci şi ca o cale de perfecţionare, adică de formare a competenţelor. Ipoteza prezentei lucrării a fost formulată în felul următor: în predarea traducerii orale (TO), interevalua-rea are ca scop principal verificarea adecvării în traducere, contribuind astfel la îmbunătăţirea capacităţilor şi abilităţilor studenţilor – viitori interpreţi de a transfera în mod corespunzător mesajul în limba-ţintă (LŢ). Interevaluarea în didactica TO vizează orientarea pe student, pe competenţe şi rezultatele învăţării. Interevaluarea – metodă de măsurare a rezultatelor în TO Noţiunea de interevaluare se află în raport cu cea de CTO. Conform cercetătorilor D.Király şi A.Pym, aceasta (CTO) poate fi definită în conformitate cu modelul pedagogic al competenţei care presupune abilităţi, capacităţi şi atitudini necesare executării cu succes a activităţii de traducere orală. În acelaşi context Ch.Wad-dington [2] defineşte " competenţa de traducere orală " ca fiind " o combinare de competenţe lingvistice şi abilităţi de traducere ". De asemenea, cercetătorul A.Neubert [3, p.7] menţionează că " competenţa de transfer (traducere) nu ar fi fundamentată fără o posedare excelentă a competenţei lingvistice şi cunoaştere a dome-niului din care se face traducerea ". La rândul lor, cadrele didactice responsabile de instruirea viitorilor inter-preţi atrag atenţia asupra CTO fondată pe următoarele aspecte: abilitatea de a înţelege şi a transfera conţinutul discursului-sursă (DS) în LŢ şi aptitudinea de exprimare a acestui conţinut în LŢ, prin mijloace lingvistice necesare transferului respectiv. Evaluarea calităţii traducerii a devenit un aspect-cheie în studiile din domeniul traductologiei. Această abordare comprehensivă şi modernă a evaluării explică valoarea actului traducerii şi subliniază faptul că
Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la... more Un élément essentiel dans la formation des futurs interprètes dans le milieu universitaire est la formation et le développement de leur compétence auditive et de l'analyse des discours qui véhiculent différents types d'informations. Cet article est une étude comparative, car il concerne la mesure dans laquelle deux groupes d'étudiants de la deuxième année d'études, au niveau de licence, qui étudient l'interprétation consécutive de l'anglais (comme langue étrangère primaire et secondaire) vers le roumain, au département de Traduction, Interprétation et Linguistique Appliquée, parviennent à faire face à l'effort d'audition et de production des structures numériques dans le contexte. Il est bien connu que les discours contenant un taux élevé d'information numérique présentent particulièrement des difficultés de traduction tant pour les étudiants – interprètes en herbe que pour des interprètes professionnels. Notre étude a été menée dans le milieu universitaire et, de cette perspective, est de nature appliquée.
Papers by Ina Sîtnic
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, didactic approach, active listening and discourse analysis skills, errors of interpreting, paralinguistic elements.
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, linguistic competence, extralinguistic competence, speech
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
purpose is to analyse interpreters’-to-be competences in classes of interpretation from English (foreign
language) into Romanian (mother tongue). In this respect, we intend to revise and reinforce the role of
students’ acquisition of linguistic competence and have a closer look at the pragmatic competence. The
pragmatic competence refers to the ability to understand and render in the target-language the subtleties
of an act of communication, preserving the intention and the communicative effect of the speaker. Thus,
we will examine interpreters’-to-be abilities to transpose the meaning behind words in the bilingual act of
consecutive interpreting in the academic setting in an empirical comparative study involving students at
the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics from Moldova State University and
students at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialty of Applied Linguistics from
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași.
Keywords: linguistic competence, semantic-pragmatic competence, interpreting competence, didactic
approach, interpreter-to-be, quality of interpretation
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, didactic approach, active listening and discourse analysis skills, errors of interpreting, paralinguistic elements.
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, linguistic competence, extralinguistic competence, speech
Keywords: consecutive interpreting, interpreting competences, cognitive approach, academic environment, training.
purpose is to analyse interpreters’-to-be competences in classes of interpretation from English (foreign
language) into Romanian (mother tongue). In this respect, we intend to revise and reinforce the role of
students’ acquisition of linguistic competence and have a closer look at the pragmatic competence. The
pragmatic competence refers to the ability to understand and render in the target-language the subtleties
of an act of communication, preserving the intention and the communicative effect of the speaker. Thus,
we will examine interpreters’-to-be abilities to transpose the meaning behind words in the bilingual act of
consecutive interpreting in the academic setting in an empirical comparative study involving students at
the Department of Translation, Interpretation and Applied Linguistics from Moldova State University and
students at the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, specialty of Applied Linguistics from
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași.
Keywords: linguistic competence, semantic-pragmatic competence, interpreting competence, didactic
approach, interpreter-to-be, quality of interpretation