Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamas besikeičiantis požiūris į verslumą, šio reiškinio paradigmas bei s... more Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamas besikeičiantis požiūris į verslumą, šio reiškinio paradigmas bei su šia sritimi susijusius tyrimus. Istoriškai verslumas buvo suprantamas kaip vieno žmogaus pelninga veikla rizikuojant asmeniniu turtu. Tačiau modernioji reikšmė yra daug platesnė. Šiuolaikinė verslininkystė apima ne tik pelno siekimą, bet ir galimybes spręsti socialines bei visuomenines problemas, siekiant socialinės naudos. Straipsnyje pateikiami tyrimo duomenys apie socialinės verslininkystės veiklą Estijoje, o šiam tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojama Globalios verslumo stebėsenos (GVS) tyrimo metodika. 2012 m. GVS tyrimas parodė, kad Estijos gyventojų įsitraukimas į socialinį verslumą (26,2 proc.) yra dvigubai didesnis nei į tradicinę verslininkystę.This article looks at the changing notion and paradigm of entrepreneurship and related research. Though previously “entrepreneurship” referred to a profitable action while risking one’s personal property, the modern connotation is much broader. The contemporary view is not just about profit orientation but also focuses on exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities for the sake of solving social and societal problems, and therefore, achieving social benefit. The paper presents the results of measuring social entrepreneurial activities in Estonia using the GEM survey methodology. The GEM 2012 study demonstrated that the involvement in social entrepreneurship among the Estonian population (26.2%) is nearly twice as high as the involvement in “mainstream” entrepreneurship
The definition of “entrepreneurship” briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking finan... more The definition of “entrepreneurship” briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking financial and other risks to gain profits. Phenomenon of “social entrepreneurship” has emerged as a follow up concept of entrepreneurship, as a critical issue in the context of both improvement and wellbeing of societies. Social entrepreneurship focuses on social problems rather than profit maximization and is especially important for gastronomy tourism due to the social local benefits as cultural integration and employment it brings. In order to understand the promising research areas and explore the research gap in the gastronomical social entrepreneurship applications, bibliometric analysis is chosen since studies are limited in the gastronomy tourism as well as social entrepreneurship. The research in subject area consisted on keywords that are used as search items for articles title section to select articles that are more accurate for the aim of the research. The analysis shows that the...
Entrepreneurship education (EE) plays an essential role in developing the competencies of modern ... more Entrepreneurship education (EE) plays an essential role in developing the competencies of modern knowledge-based societies and economies, the so-called 21st-century competencies (OECD 2018) [...]
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Sageli on sotsiaalset ettevõtlust kä... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Sageli on sotsiaalset ettevõtlust käsitletud kui vabatahtlikku või kasumit mittetaotlevat tegevust, mis ettevõtlusvaldkonna äärealal üks ettevõtluse alaliike. Siiski pole sotsiaalset ettevõtlust õige tuvastada teljel kasumlik-mittekasumlik, vaid sotsiaalne ettevõtlus võib esineda kõigis ettevõtluse valdkondades, ning kasumina tuleb vaadelda sotsiaalset kasumit ehk mõju. Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse väga laia ja mitmekesise leviku tõttu polegi maailmas nähtuse ühtset definitsiooni, kuna riikide praktika sõltub kolmanda sektori traditsioonist, ning majandus- ja sotsiaalpoliitika mudelitest. Pigem võiks läheneda sotsiaalse ettevõtluse kirjeldamisele kriteeriumipõhiselt. Väitekirja eesmärgiks oli kujundada uus mudel sotsiaalse ettevõtluse uurimiseks sotsioloogia perpektiivist ning testida seda Eesti sotsiaalse ettevõtluse praktikate näitel. Selleks tuli määratleda ettevõtlusprotsessi elemendid ja uurida sotsiaalse ettevõtluse prakti...
Universitetų decentralizacija ir aukštųjų mokyklų stiprinimas regionuose yra suvokiama kaip regio... more Universitetų decentralizacija ir aukštųjų mokyklų stiprinimas regionuose yra suvokiama kaip regioninės politikos dalis. Antreprenerystė kultūros arba meninės pakraipos aukštosiose mokyklose yra mažai nagrinėtas reiškinys. Autoriai analizuoja būtent šių mokyklų verslumo vaidmenį trigubos spiralės modelyje (Mokslas – Pramonė – Valstybė) (angl. Triple Helix model), kadangi tradicinio universiteto vaidmuo minėtame modelyje yra plačiai aptartas. Straipsnyje siekiama užpildyti šią spragą, analizuojantmeninės pakraipos aukštųjų mokyklų misiją ir modelį, kurios iš dalies atlieka regioninį, iš dalies ir nacionalinį vaidmenį. Antreprenerystės vaidmuo ir jos supratimas kūrybinės pakraipos aukštosiose mokyklose ir kūrybinėse industrijose iki šiol nėra savaime suprantamas dalykas. Verslumo mokymas savo esme skiriasi nuo tradicinių akademinių studijų, ypač jeigu tikslinę grupę sudaro studentai studijuojantys ne ekonominio ir ne verslo srities specialybes. Dažniausiai universiteto vaidmuo apsiribo...
The Estonian economy is at a stage where the ability to create and sell higher value-added produc... more The Estonian economy is at a stage where the ability to create and sell higher value-added products and services is becoming increasingly important. Different creative methods within the local culture create a new understanding of economic activity as a competitive advantage for the whole community. It is crucial to understand the role of a learning process to help trainees find attractive ideas for new ventures, and what useful aspects of experiential learning theory can be implemented in entrepreneurial teaching in the field of the creative industries and community entrepreneurship. The research uses a case-study strategy and semi-structured interviews to analyse key factors of the venture creation process of creative and community entrepreneurs who focus on their personal experience, skills, capabilities and motivation. Synergy and integration are crucial elements of the experiential learning and sustainable venture creation process. JEL classification codes: Keywords: creative i...
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected not only to provide research and teaching but a... more Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected not only to provide research and teaching but also to be involved in a number of other activities, such as cooperating with enterprises and interpreting and explaining scientific findings to the wider public, thus contributing to the development of society. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between knowledge exchange and collaboration and other entrepreneurial activities of HEIs. The aim of this study is to assess the links between knowledge exchange with industry and other characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs. The HEInnovate questionnaire is used to evaluate the various characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs in four Estonian universities. The results of the analysis show that knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry are particularly strongly linked with providing support to prospective entrepreneurs, mentoring and facilitating access to finances and business support services. There is also a s...
Although entrepreneurship at the university level has constantly been evolving, little research h... more Although entrepreneurship at the university level has constantly been evolving, little research has been done on what competencies should be developed in entrepreneurship education (EE) and how EE relates to the core of entrepreneurship—the entrepreneurial process competence. This article seeks to develop and empirically measure the entrepreneurial process competence in the context of EE. A self-assessment questionnaire based on the ‘generic’ entrepreneurship competence model, improved with the section on entrepreneurial process competence, was used to assess the impact of EE intervention in major Estonian universities. The survey took place in two stages: the same questions were repeated at the beginning and end of the course in the 2019 autumn semester. It gave the responses of 355 students and showed the varied and small positive individual-level impact of entrepreneurship courses on minor aspects of ‘generic’ competences in different universities, depending on training methodolo...
Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamas besikeičiantis požiūris į verslumą, šio reiškinio paradigmas bei s... more Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiamas besikeičiantis požiūris į verslumą, šio reiškinio paradigmas bei su šia sritimi susijusius tyrimus. Istoriškai verslumas buvo suprantamas kaip vieno žmogaus pelninga veikla rizikuojant asmeniniu turtu. Tačiau modernioji reikšmė yra daug platesnė. Šiuolaikinė verslininkystė apima ne tik pelno siekimą, bet ir galimybes spręsti socialines bei visuomenines problemas, siekiant socialinės naudos. Straipsnyje pateikiami tyrimo duomenys apie socialinės verslininkystės veiklą Estijoje, o šiam tyrimui atlikti buvo naudojama Globalios verslumo stebėsenos (GVS) tyrimo metodika. 2012 m. GVS tyrimas parodė, kad Estijos gyventojų įsitraukimas į socialinį verslumą (26,2 proc.) yra dvigubai didesnis nei į tradicinę verslininkystę.This article looks at the changing notion and paradigm of entrepreneurship and related research. Though previously “entrepreneurship” referred to a profitable action while risking one’s personal property, the modern connotation is much broader. The contemporary view is not just about profit orientation but also focuses on exploiting entrepreneurial opportunities for the sake of solving social and societal problems, and therefore, achieving social benefit. The paper presents the results of measuring social entrepreneurial activities in Estonia using the GEM survey methodology. The GEM 2012 study demonstrated that the involvement in social entrepreneurship among the Estonian population (26.2%) is nearly twice as high as the involvement in “mainstream” entrepreneurship
The definition of “entrepreneurship” briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking finan... more The definition of “entrepreneurship” briefly stands for setting up a new business by taking financial and other risks to gain profits. Phenomenon of “social entrepreneurship” has emerged as a follow up concept of entrepreneurship, as a critical issue in the context of both improvement and wellbeing of societies. Social entrepreneurship focuses on social problems rather than profit maximization and is especially important for gastronomy tourism due to the social local benefits as cultural integration and employment it brings. In order to understand the promising research areas and explore the research gap in the gastronomical social entrepreneurship applications, bibliometric analysis is chosen since studies are limited in the gastronomy tourism as well as social entrepreneurship. The research in subject area consisted on keywords that are used as search items for articles title section to select articles that are more accurate for the aim of the research. The analysis shows that the...
Entrepreneurship education (EE) plays an essential role in developing the competencies of modern ... more Entrepreneurship education (EE) plays an essential role in developing the competencies of modern knowledge-based societies and economies, the so-called 21st-century competencies (OECD 2018) [...]
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Sageli on sotsiaalset ettevõtlust kä... more Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Sageli on sotsiaalset ettevõtlust käsitletud kui vabatahtlikku või kasumit mittetaotlevat tegevust, mis ettevõtlusvaldkonna äärealal üks ettevõtluse alaliike. Siiski pole sotsiaalset ettevõtlust õige tuvastada teljel kasumlik-mittekasumlik, vaid sotsiaalne ettevõtlus võib esineda kõigis ettevõtluse valdkondades, ning kasumina tuleb vaadelda sotsiaalset kasumit ehk mõju. Sotsiaalse ettevõtluse väga laia ja mitmekesise leviku tõttu polegi maailmas nähtuse ühtset definitsiooni, kuna riikide praktika sõltub kolmanda sektori traditsioonist, ning majandus- ja sotsiaalpoliitika mudelitest. Pigem võiks läheneda sotsiaalse ettevõtluse kirjeldamisele kriteeriumipõhiselt. Väitekirja eesmärgiks oli kujundada uus mudel sotsiaalse ettevõtluse uurimiseks sotsioloogia perpektiivist ning testida seda Eesti sotsiaalse ettevõtluse praktikate näitel. Selleks tuli määratleda ettevõtlusprotsessi elemendid ja uurida sotsiaalse ettevõtluse prakti...
Universitetų decentralizacija ir aukštųjų mokyklų stiprinimas regionuose yra suvokiama kaip regio... more Universitetų decentralizacija ir aukštųjų mokyklų stiprinimas regionuose yra suvokiama kaip regioninės politikos dalis. Antreprenerystė kultūros arba meninės pakraipos aukštosiose mokyklose yra mažai nagrinėtas reiškinys. Autoriai analizuoja būtent šių mokyklų verslumo vaidmenį trigubos spiralės modelyje (Mokslas – Pramonė – Valstybė) (angl. Triple Helix model), kadangi tradicinio universiteto vaidmuo minėtame modelyje yra plačiai aptartas. Straipsnyje siekiama užpildyti šią spragą, analizuojantmeninės pakraipos aukštųjų mokyklų misiją ir modelį, kurios iš dalies atlieka regioninį, iš dalies ir nacionalinį vaidmenį. Antreprenerystės vaidmuo ir jos supratimas kūrybinės pakraipos aukštosiose mokyklose ir kūrybinėse industrijose iki šiol nėra savaime suprantamas dalykas. Verslumo mokymas savo esme skiriasi nuo tradicinių akademinių studijų, ypač jeigu tikslinę grupę sudaro studentai studijuojantys ne ekonominio ir ne verslo srities specialybes. Dažniausiai universiteto vaidmuo apsiribo...
The Estonian economy is at a stage where the ability to create and sell higher value-added produc... more The Estonian economy is at a stage where the ability to create and sell higher value-added products and services is becoming increasingly important. Different creative methods within the local culture create a new understanding of economic activity as a competitive advantage for the whole community. It is crucial to understand the role of a learning process to help trainees find attractive ideas for new ventures, and what useful aspects of experiential learning theory can be implemented in entrepreneurial teaching in the field of the creative industries and community entrepreneurship. The research uses a case-study strategy and semi-structured interviews to analyse key factors of the venture creation process of creative and community entrepreneurs who focus on their personal experience, skills, capabilities and motivation. Synergy and integration are crucial elements of the experiential learning and sustainable venture creation process. JEL classification codes: Keywords: creative i...
Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected not only to provide research and teaching but a... more Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected not only to provide research and teaching but also to be involved in a number of other activities, such as cooperating with enterprises and interpreting and explaining scientific findings to the wider public, thus contributing to the development of society. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between knowledge exchange and collaboration and other entrepreneurial activities of HEIs. The aim of this study is to assess the links between knowledge exchange with industry and other characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs. The HEInnovate questionnaire is used to evaluate the various characteristics of entrepreneurial HEIs in four Estonian universities. The results of the analysis show that knowledge exchange and collaboration with industry are particularly strongly linked with providing support to prospective entrepreneurs, mentoring and facilitating access to finances and business support services. There is also a s...
Although entrepreneurship at the university level has constantly been evolving, little research h... more Although entrepreneurship at the university level has constantly been evolving, little research has been done on what competencies should be developed in entrepreneurship education (EE) and how EE relates to the core of entrepreneurship—the entrepreneurial process competence. This article seeks to develop and empirically measure the entrepreneurial process competence in the context of EE. A self-assessment questionnaire based on the ‘generic’ entrepreneurship competence model, improved with the section on entrepreneurial process competence, was used to assess the impact of EE intervention in major Estonian universities. The survey took place in two stages: the same questions were repeated at the beginning and end of the course in the 2019 autumn semester. It gave the responses of 355 students and showed the varied and small positive individual-level impact of entrepreneurship courses on minor aspects of ‘generic’ competences in different universities, depending on training methodolo...
Papers by Mervi Raudsaar