Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansio... more Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansion of global collaboration networks signify increasing internationalization of science and higher education. United Kingdom is one of the leading research nations accommodating scholars from different regions around the globe and one of the major migration destinations for scientists from Post-Soviet states, especially for professionals in STEM. Many studies are focused on scale, factors and consequences of this intellectual migration, but women are largely absent from these accounts, despite substantial share of female researchers and faculty in engineering and technical disciplines in former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. This paper seeks to partially fill this gap exploring migration of Russian-speaking female computer scientists (FCS) in the UK in 1990s-2000s on the basis of semi-structured interviews and open Internet sources. Taken into account that women are reported to be disadvant...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most per... more Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most persistent and intractable problems in modern culture. This issue has been sufficiently explored in Western Europe and the United States, but much less is known about the situation in Russia, which has a distinct gender history. In the former USSR, women were massively educated in technical sciences and their employment in engineering professions remained unconventionally high in comparison to the West. At the same time, women’s earnings were lower than men’s, and they mostly occupied low- and middle-level jobs, rarely reaching leadership positions. What happened to the gender imbalance after the collapse of the Soviet Union? How has it changed after radical political, economic, and social transformations? The purpose of this review, by analyzing empirical studies of gender inequality in engineering in post-Soviet Russia published after 1991, is to answer these questions. In the last 15 yea...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most per... more Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most persistent and intractable problems in modern culture. This issue has been sufficiently explored in Western Europe and the United States, but much less is known about the situation in Russia, which has a distinct gender history. In the former USSR, women were massively educated in technical sciences and their employment in engineering professions remained unconventionally high in comparison to the West. At the same time, women’s earnings were lower than men’s, and they mostly occupied low- and middle-level jobs, rarely reaching leadership positions. What happened to the gender imbalance after the collapse of the Soviet Union? How has it changed after radical political, economic, and social transformations? The purpose of this review, by analyzing empirical studies of gender inequality in engineering in post-Soviet Russia published after 1991, is to answer these questions. In the last 15 yea...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, Feb 7, 2020
Since the 1930s, a peculiar ‘working mother’ gender contract was dominant in the Soviet Union for... more Since the 1930s, a peculiar ‘working mother’ gender contract was dominant in the Soviet Union formally empowering women. The pressing expectation of this contract and a necessity to combine motherhood, housework and employment led to the image of the near superwoman who ‘has it all’. This paper examines whether highly-skilled Russian-speaking female academics continue to adhere to this cultural ideal striving for work-life balance after migration to the UK and Germany. Based on qualitative interviews with 22 female scholars, the article provides a typology of scenarios for negotiating professional and private life. It elaborates on how role-related partners contribute to achieving balance between paid employment and mothering and explores the consequences for women’s well-being. Moreover, the study suggests a feminist approach to analyzing work-family balance, which valorises women’s point of view, emphasizing motherhood, children and family relations as an essential personal and social value, while also documenting the increasing challenges faced in the realization of these life priorities.
Working Papers WP 2018-10, Centre for German and European Studies, 2019
The paper focuses on diaspora knowledge networks (DKN) as a widely spread and increasingly import... more The paper focuses on diaspora knowledge networks (DKN) as a widely spread and increasingly important phenomenon for highly skilled and academic migration as well as for the international market of knowledge work. Based on the previous definitions of DKN, I suggest a broader notion based on a theoretical framework integrating migration and science studies scholarship. On the one hand, DKN is formed and function as a migration network, which helps reduce the costs and risks of cross-border movement, facilitate professional adjustment and advancement in the host country. On the other hand, it represents a knowledge creation network, generating new publications, projects and innovations. In academic communities diaspora knowledge networks become a new invisible college or a mechanism of informal communication ensuring information exchange and connectivity in the conditions of internationalization This way it contributes to the maintanence of high productivity and scientific output as well as stimulates further growth of scientific disciplines.
В последние годы отмечается распространение эмиграционных настроений среди студентов, аспирантов ... more В последние годы отмечается распространение эмиграционных настроений среди студентов, аспирантов и выпускников вузов, а также интенсификация перемещения молодых специалистов и ученых из России. Многое известно о причинах, намерениях и мотивах миграции молодых специалистов за рубеж, но процесс миграции, каналы и ресурсы, благодаря которым она реализуется, недостаточно изучены. Как намерение переехать преобразуется в миграцию? Как молодые ученые узнают о возможностях обучения и работы за границей? На какие контакты и структуры они опираются при переезде? Авторы отвечают на эти вопросы на основе анализа интервью с молодыми учеными в области компьютерных наук, которые переехали из Россию в Великобританию с 1998 по 2015 гг. Разрабатывая понятие механизма миграции как связующего звена между страной исхода и назначения, понижающего барьеры для переезда, авторы показывают, что основной движущей силой миграции молодых ученых становятся связи с русскоязычными учеными в Великобритании.
From Russia with Code: Programming Migrations in Post-Soviet Times, 2019
The chapter relies on social network approach in migration studies and analyses the role of profe... more The chapter relies on social network approach in migration studies and analyses the role of professional ties in migration and career trajectory of Russian-speaking computer scientists working in the United Kingdom. Classification of ties on diasporic and non-diasporic enables to identify two distinct mechanisms of academic migration. The first is characterised by an exclusive reliance on non-diasporic professional ties, while the second is essentially dependent on diasporic connections, being fully tied to the previous generation of “pioneer migrants.” Demonstrating the importance of ties based on common origin, ethnicity and nationality for academics as highly skilled migrants, the paper argues that these ties do not only facilitate transnational migration and reduce its costs, but might form networks of scientific collaboration influencing knowledge generation activities and scientific productivity of migrant scientists.
Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansio... more Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansion of global collaboration networks signify increasing internationalization of science and higher education. United Kingdom is one of the leading research nations accommodating scholars from different regions around the globe and one of the major migration destinations for scientists from Post-Soviet states, especially for professionals in STEM. Many studies are focused on scale, factors and consequences of this intellectual migration, but women are largely absent from these accounts, despite substantial share of female researchers and faculty in engineering and technical disciplines in former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. This paper seeks to partially fill this gap exploring migration of Russian-speaking female computer scientists (FCS) in the UK in 1990s-2000s on the basis of semi-structured interviews and open Internet sources. Taken into account that women are reported to be disadvantaged in computer science as a male dominated discipline and may suffer from additional pressure as immigrants in the host country, the study aims to answer the following questions: What is the specificity of migrant experiences of female scientists in comparison to their male counterparts? What difficulties do women scientists encounter in their movement and adaptation? What strategies do they develop to overcome these difficulties and professionally advance in British academia?
В статье рассматриваются жизненные траектории русскоязычных ученых в области компьютерных наук, э... more В статье рассматриваются жизненные траектории русскоязычных ученых в области компьютерных наук, эмигрировавших в Великобританию в 1990х годах. В качестве теоретического основания исследования выступает теория миграционных сетей. Она предполагает, что существуют две категории мигрантов: «первопроходцы» (“pioneers”), которые приехали в страну назначения первыми, не имея ранее установленных социальных связей или контактов, и «последователи» (“followers”), которые прибыли в другую страну, используя контакты со своими соотечественниками, уже обосновавшимися в принимающем обществе. Ключевой вопрос состоит в том, каким образом становится возможной миграция «первопроходцев». Какие именно ресурсы становятся определяющими для переезда в другую страну? Какие институциональные и организационные каналы открывают возможности для миграции? Эти вопросы особенно актуальны при изучении миграции русскоязычных ученых после распада СССР, так как они позволяют понять, что способствовало "утечке мозгов" и преимущественно какие группы ученых оказались вовлечены в этот процесс. Данная статья рассматривает эту проблему, основываясь на анализе на полуструктурированных интервью с русскоязычными учеными в области компьютерных наук, эмигрировавших в Великобританию в 1990-х гг. В статье детально анализируются биографии «первопроходцев» в сравнении с жизненными траекториями «последователей». Делается вывод о том, что для «первопроходцев» большое значение имели программы международного обмена и стажировок для молодых кандидатов наук, осведомленность/ включенность в научную жизнь за рубежом, контакты с европейскими и британскими учеными, также высокий уровень компетентности в своей области.
The paper examines life trajectories of Russian computer scientists who emigrated to the United Kingdom. The theoretical foundation of the study is migration network theory. The theory assumes that there are two types of migrants: pioneer migrants, who were the fist to enter the country of destination with no prior social contacts, and their followers, who emigrate using social ties with their compatriots already settled down in the host country. The research question is how pioneer migration becomes possible. What resources are crucial for pioneer migrants to move to a new country? What institutional channels are engaged in their emigration? These questions are particularly relevant to explore academic migration after the collapse of the USSR, as they help to better understand the factors that facilitated the «brain drain» and define the groups of scientists that were affected by the process. The paper seeks to answer these questions basing on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with Russian computer scientists who migrated to the UK in 1990s and early 2000s. The paper examines the biographies of pioneers in comparison to life trajectories of the followers. Two stages of pioneer migration are distinguished: preliminary migration and permanent leave. Each stage is characterized by a combination of resources that made the stage possible. The author concludes that international exchange programs and postdoctoral internships, knowledge of and involvement in academic life abroad, connections with European and British scholars and high level of professional skills were crucial to pioneer migrants.
The aim of the paper is to explore the connections of Russian-speaking computer scientists in the... more The aim of the paper is to explore the connections of Russian-speaking computer scientists in the UK as part of the Russian scientific diaspora on the basis of co-authorship data as a reliable and widely recognized indicator of cooperation. Actual collaboration patterns are examined as containing valuable insights for reflecting on scientific diaspora engagement policies, especially when they target a specific part of scientific diaspora. In particular, the paper provides an answer to the following questions: whether Russian computer scientists in UK demonstrate a certain preference for working with Russian researchers both at home and abroad; what are the key features of such diasporic scientific connections; what are their potential consequences and implication for governmental policies and Russian science, including the effect on brain drain.
Late modernity is characterized by the processes of individualization which open unprecedented op... more Late modernity is characterized by the processes of individualization which open unprecedented opportunities for personal choices and construction of one’s own life, but are accompanied by increasing instability and uncertainty. Young people living in big cities find themselves in these structural conditions and need to cope with the unpredictability of the future while striving to form their life trajectory and find their place in the society. Biographical project as a reflexive future-anticipating vision of oneself, one’s activities and one’s biography becomes a means to make sense, orient and gain control over one’s life in the changing and unstable world. Serious leisure is a particular activity distinguished by regular and systematic involvement, complex skills and significant effort, therefore it plays a particular role in biographical project. I explore the contribution of serious leisure into the biographical project, using their models developed on the basis of the theory of serious leisure (Stebbins) and reflexive project of the self (Giddens) and empirical material from 27 semi-structured interviews with young people in Saint Petersburg and Berlin. I analyze main features of serious leisure (investments, costs, benefits) and offer a typology of the patterns of involvement as well as planning strategies. I demonstrate that planning strategies originating in serious leisure shape the whole biographical project and influence its formation. Tracing the focus of the biographical project through it features (reflexivity, projection, planning), I distinguish three types of serious leisure positions: central, parity and secondary. Based on the analysis of benefits and costs of serious leisure related to the components of biographical project (self, activities, life trajectory), I differentiate different ways of how serious leisure contributes to the biographical project (functions). As a result, I draw a comprehensive picture of serious leisure contribution to the biographical project.
Понятие философского досуга было предложено Аннетт Холба в ответ на коммуникативные проблемы совр... more Понятие философского досуга было предложено Аннетт Холба в ответ на коммуникативные проблемы современного общества. Современному миру свойственны культура нарциссизма и потеря интереса к «другому», экзистенциальная бездомность и утрата доверия. Это ведет к распространению поверхностной коммуникации, обесценивающей общение между людьми, угрожающей существованию общества и жизнедеятельности человека. Философский досуг основывается на активном делании, созерцательном действии, игре и является альтернативным способом коммуникативного вовлечения в мир, средством преодоления коммуникативных нарушений и возврата к подлинному общению. Статья стремится осмыслить досуг по отношению к коммуникативному взаимодействию между людьми и показать его значение для формирования, поддержания и развития значимых социальных связей.
Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansio... more Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansion of global collaboration networks signify increasing internationalization of science and higher education. United Kingdom is one of the leading research nations accommodating scholars from different regions around the globe and one of the major migration destinations for scientists from Post-Soviet states, especially for professionals in STEM. Many studies are focused on scale, factors and consequences of this intellectual migration, but women are largely absent from these accounts, despite substantial share of female researchers and faculty in engineering and technical disciplines in former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. This paper seeks to partially fill this gap exploring migration of Russian-speaking female computer scientists (FCS) in the UK in 1990s-2000s on the basis of semi-structured interviews and open Internet sources. Taken into account that women are reported to be disadvant...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most per... more Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most persistent and intractable problems in modern culture. This issue has been sufficiently explored in Western Europe and the United States, but much less is known about the situation in Russia, which has a distinct gender history. In the former USSR, women were massively educated in technical sciences and their employment in engineering professions remained unconventionally high in comparison to the West. At the same time, women’s earnings were lower than men’s, and they mostly occupied low- and middle-level jobs, rarely reaching leadership positions. What happened to the gender imbalance after the collapse of the Soviet Union? How has it changed after radical political, economic, and social transformations? The purpose of this review, by analyzing empirical studies of gender inequality in engineering in post-Soviet Russia published after 1991, is to answer these questions. In the last 15 yea...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, 2021
Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most per... more Gender inequality in engineering—and other scientific and technical fields—is one of the most persistent and intractable problems in modern culture. This issue has been sufficiently explored in Western Europe and the United States, but much less is known about the situation in Russia, which has a distinct gender history. In the former USSR, women were massively educated in technical sciences and their employment in engineering professions remained unconventionally high in comparison to the West. At the same time, women’s earnings were lower than men’s, and they mostly occupied low- and middle-level jobs, rarely reaching leadership positions. What happened to the gender imbalance after the collapse of the Soviet Union? How has it changed after radical political, economic, and social transformations? The purpose of this review, by analyzing empirical studies of gender inequality in engineering in post-Soviet Russia published after 1991, is to answer these questions. In the last 15 yea...
The monitoring of public opinion economic&social changes, Feb 7, 2020
Since the 1930s, a peculiar ‘working mother’ gender contract was dominant in the Soviet Union for... more Since the 1930s, a peculiar ‘working mother’ gender contract was dominant in the Soviet Union formally empowering women. The pressing expectation of this contract and a necessity to combine motherhood, housework and employment led to the image of the near superwoman who ‘has it all’. This paper examines whether highly-skilled Russian-speaking female academics continue to adhere to this cultural ideal striving for work-life balance after migration to the UK and Germany. Based on qualitative interviews with 22 female scholars, the article provides a typology of scenarios for negotiating professional and private life. It elaborates on how role-related partners contribute to achieving balance between paid employment and mothering and explores the consequences for women’s well-being. Moreover, the study suggests a feminist approach to analyzing work-family balance, which valorises women’s point of view, emphasizing motherhood, children and family relations as an essential personal and social value, while also documenting the increasing challenges faced in the realization of these life priorities.
Working Papers WP 2018-10, Centre for German and European Studies, 2019
The paper focuses on diaspora knowledge networks (DKN) as a widely spread and increasingly import... more The paper focuses on diaspora knowledge networks (DKN) as a widely spread and increasingly important phenomenon for highly skilled and academic migration as well as for the international market of knowledge work. Based on the previous definitions of DKN, I suggest a broader notion based on a theoretical framework integrating migration and science studies scholarship. On the one hand, DKN is formed and function as a migration network, which helps reduce the costs and risks of cross-border movement, facilitate professional adjustment and advancement in the host country. On the other hand, it represents a knowledge creation network, generating new publications, projects and innovations. In academic communities diaspora knowledge networks become a new invisible college or a mechanism of informal communication ensuring information exchange and connectivity in the conditions of internationalization This way it contributes to the maintanence of high productivity and scientific output as well as stimulates further growth of scientific disciplines.
В последние годы отмечается распространение эмиграционных настроений среди студентов, аспирантов ... more В последние годы отмечается распространение эмиграционных настроений среди студентов, аспирантов и выпускников вузов, а также интенсификация перемещения молодых специалистов и ученых из России. Многое известно о причинах, намерениях и мотивах миграции молодых специалистов за рубеж, но процесс миграции, каналы и ресурсы, благодаря которым она реализуется, недостаточно изучены. Как намерение переехать преобразуется в миграцию? Как молодые ученые узнают о возможностях обучения и работы за границей? На какие контакты и структуры они опираются при переезде? Авторы отвечают на эти вопросы на основе анализа интервью с молодыми учеными в области компьютерных наук, которые переехали из Россию в Великобританию с 1998 по 2015 гг. Разрабатывая понятие механизма миграции как связующего звена между страной исхода и назначения, понижающего барьеры для переезда, авторы показывают, что основной движущей силой миграции молодых ученых становятся связи с русскоязычными учеными в Великобритании.
From Russia with Code: Programming Migrations in Post-Soviet Times, 2019
The chapter relies on social network approach in migration studies and analyses the role of profe... more The chapter relies on social network approach in migration studies and analyses the role of professional ties in migration and career trajectory of Russian-speaking computer scientists working in the United Kingdom. Classification of ties on diasporic and non-diasporic enables to identify two distinct mechanisms of academic migration. The first is characterised by an exclusive reliance on non-diasporic professional ties, while the second is essentially dependent on diasporic connections, being fully tied to the previous generation of “pioneer migrants.” Demonstrating the importance of ties based on common origin, ethnicity and nationality for academics as highly skilled migrants, the paper argues that these ties do not only facilitate transnational migration and reduce its costs, but might form networks of scientific collaboration influencing knowledge generation activities and scientific productivity of migrant scientists.
Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansio... more Intensification of transnational academic mobility, rise in cross-border cooperation and expansion of global collaboration networks signify increasing internationalization of science and higher education. United Kingdom is one of the leading research nations accommodating scholars from different regions around the globe and one of the major migration destinations for scientists from Post-Soviet states, especially for professionals in STEM. Many studies are focused on scale, factors and consequences of this intellectual migration, but women are largely absent from these accounts, despite substantial share of female researchers and faculty in engineering and technical disciplines in former Soviet Union (FSU) countries. This paper seeks to partially fill this gap exploring migration of Russian-speaking female computer scientists (FCS) in the UK in 1990s-2000s on the basis of semi-structured interviews and open Internet sources. Taken into account that women are reported to be disadvantaged in computer science as a male dominated discipline and may suffer from additional pressure as immigrants in the host country, the study aims to answer the following questions: What is the specificity of migrant experiences of female scientists in comparison to their male counterparts? What difficulties do women scientists encounter in their movement and adaptation? What strategies do they develop to overcome these difficulties and professionally advance in British academia?
В статье рассматриваются жизненные траектории русскоязычных ученых в области компьютерных наук, э... more В статье рассматриваются жизненные траектории русскоязычных ученых в области компьютерных наук, эмигрировавших в Великобританию в 1990х годах. В качестве теоретического основания исследования выступает теория миграционных сетей. Она предполагает, что существуют две категории мигрантов: «первопроходцы» (“pioneers”), которые приехали в страну назначения первыми, не имея ранее установленных социальных связей или контактов, и «последователи» (“followers”), которые прибыли в другую страну, используя контакты со своими соотечественниками, уже обосновавшимися в принимающем обществе. Ключевой вопрос состоит в том, каким образом становится возможной миграция «первопроходцев». Какие именно ресурсы становятся определяющими для переезда в другую страну? Какие институциональные и организационные каналы открывают возможности для миграции? Эти вопросы особенно актуальны при изучении миграции русскоязычных ученых после распада СССР, так как они позволяют понять, что способствовало "утечке мозгов" и преимущественно какие группы ученых оказались вовлечены в этот процесс. Данная статья рассматривает эту проблему, основываясь на анализе на полуструктурированных интервью с русскоязычными учеными в области компьютерных наук, эмигрировавших в Великобританию в 1990-х гг. В статье детально анализируются биографии «первопроходцев» в сравнении с жизненными траекториями «последователей». Делается вывод о том, что для «первопроходцев» большое значение имели программы международного обмена и стажировок для молодых кандидатов наук, осведомленность/ включенность в научную жизнь за рубежом, контакты с европейскими и британскими учеными, также высокий уровень компетентности в своей области.
The paper examines life trajectories of Russian computer scientists who emigrated to the United Kingdom. The theoretical foundation of the study is migration network theory. The theory assumes that there are two types of migrants: pioneer migrants, who were the fist to enter the country of destination with no prior social contacts, and their followers, who emigrate using social ties with their compatriots already settled down in the host country. The research question is how pioneer migration becomes possible. What resources are crucial for pioneer migrants to move to a new country? What institutional channels are engaged in their emigration? These questions are particularly relevant to explore academic migration after the collapse of the USSR, as they help to better understand the factors that facilitated the «brain drain» and define the groups of scientists that were affected by the process. The paper seeks to answer these questions basing on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with Russian computer scientists who migrated to the UK in 1990s and early 2000s. The paper examines the biographies of pioneers in comparison to life trajectories of the followers. Two stages of pioneer migration are distinguished: preliminary migration and permanent leave. Each stage is characterized by a combination of resources that made the stage possible. The author concludes that international exchange programs and postdoctoral internships, knowledge of and involvement in academic life abroad, connections with European and British scholars and high level of professional skills were crucial to pioneer migrants.
The aim of the paper is to explore the connections of Russian-speaking computer scientists in the... more The aim of the paper is to explore the connections of Russian-speaking computer scientists in the UK as part of the Russian scientific diaspora on the basis of co-authorship data as a reliable and widely recognized indicator of cooperation. Actual collaboration patterns are examined as containing valuable insights for reflecting on scientific diaspora engagement policies, especially when they target a specific part of scientific diaspora. In particular, the paper provides an answer to the following questions: whether Russian computer scientists in UK demonstrate a certain preference for working with Russian researchers both at home and abroad; what are the key features of such diasporic scientific connections; what are their potential consequences and implication for governmental policies and Russian science, including the effect on brain drain.
Late modernity is characterized by the processes of individualization which open unprecedented op... more Late modernity is characterized by the processes of individualization which open unprecedented opportunities for personal choices and construction of one’s own life, but are accompanied by increasing instability and uncertainty. Young people living in big cities find themselves in these structural conditions and need to cope with the unpredictability of the future while striving to form their life trajectory and find their place in the society. Biographical project as a reflexive future-anticipating vision of oneself, one’s activities and one’s biography becomes a means to make sense, orient and gain control over one’s life in the changing and unstable world. Serious leisure is a particular activity distinguished by regular and systematic involvement, complex skills and significant effort, therefore it plays a particular role in biographical project. I explore the contribution of serious leisure into the biographical project, using their models developed on the basis of the theory of serious leisure (Stebbins) and reflexive project of the self (Giddens) and empirical material from 27 semi-structured interviews with young people in Saint Petersburg and Berlin. I analyze main features of serious leisure (investments, costs, benefits) and offer a typology of the patterns of involvement as well as planning strategies. I demonstrate that planning strategies originating in serious leisure shape the whole biographical project and influence its formation. Tracing the focus of the biographical project through it features (reflexivity, projection, planning), I distinguish three types of serious leisure positions: central, parity and secondary. Based on the analysis of benefits and costs of serious leisure related to the components of biographical project (self, activities, life trajectory), I differentiate different ways of how serious leisure contributes to the biographical project (functions). As a result, I draw a comprehensive picture of serious leisure contribution to the biographical project.
Понятие философского досуга было предложено Аннетт Холба в ответ на коммуникативные проблемы совр... more Понятие философского досуга было предложено Аннетт Холба в ответ на коммуникативные проблемы современного общества. Современному миру свойственны культура нарциссизма и потеря интереса к «другому», экзистенциальная бездомность и утрата доверия. Это ведет к распространению поверхностной коммуникации, обесценивающей общение между людьми, угрожающей существованию общества и жизнедеятельности человека. Философский досуг основывается на активном делании, созерцательном действии, игре и является альтернативным способом коммуникативного вовлечения в мир, средством преодоления коммуникативных нарушений и возврата к подлинному общению. Статья стремится осмыслить досуг по отношению к коммуникативному взаимодействию между людьми и показать его значение для формирования, поддержания и развития значимых социальных связей.
Papers by Antoshchuk Irina
The paper examines life trajectories of Russian computer scientists who emigrated to the United Kingdom. The theoretical foundation of the study is migration network theory. The theory assumes that there are two types of migrants: pioneer migrants, who were the fist to enter the country of destination with no prior social contacts, and their followers, who emigrate using social ties with their compatriots already settled down in the host country. The research question is how pioneer migration becomes possible. What resources are crucial for pioneer migrants to move to a new country? What institutional channels are engaged in their emigration? These questions are particularly relevant to explore academic migration after the collapse of the USSR, as they help to better understand the factors that facilitated the «brain drain» and define the groups of scientists that were affected by the process. The paper seeks to answer these questions basing on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with Russian computer scientists who migrated to the UK in 1990s and early 2000s. The paper examines the biographies of pioneers in comparison to life trajectories of the followers. Two stages of pioneer migration are distinguished: preliminary migration and permanent leave. Each stage is characterized by a combination of resources that made the stage possible. The author concludes that international exchange programs and postdoctoral internships, knowledge of and involvement in academic life abroad, connections with European and British scholars and high level of professional skills were crucial to pioneer migrants.
recognized indicator of cooperation. Actual collaboration patterns are examined as containing
valuable insights for reflecting on scientific diaspora engagement
policies, especially when they target a specific part of scientific
diaspora. In particular, the paper provides an answer to the following questions: whether Russian computer scientists in UK demonstrate a
certain preference for working with Russian researchers both at home and abroad; what are the
key features of such diasporic scientific connections; what are their potential
consequences and implication for governmental policies and Russian science, including the effect on brain drain.
The paper examines life trajectories of Russian computer scientists who emigrated to the United Kingdom. The theoretical foundation of the study is migration network theory. The theory assumes that there are two types of migrants: pioneer migrants, who were the fist to enter the country of destination with no prior social contacts, and their followers, who emigrate using social ties with their compatriots already settled down in the host country. The research question is how pioneer migration becomes possible. What resources are crucial for pioneer migrants to move to a new country? What institutional channels are engaged in their emigration? These questions are particularly relevant to explore academic migration after the collapse of the USSR, as they help to better understand the factors that facilitated the «brain drain» and define the groups of scientists that were affected by the process. The paper seeks to answer these questions basing on the analysis of semi-structured interviews with Russian computer scientists who migrated to the UK in 1990s and early 2000s. The paper examines the biographies of pioneers in comparison to life trajectories of the followers. Two stages of pioneer migration are distinguished: preliminary migration and permanent leave. Each stage is characterized by a combination of resources that made the stage possible. The author concludes that international exchange programs and postdoctoral internships, knowledge of and involvement in academic life abroad, connections with European and British scholars and high level of professional skills were crucial to pioneer migrants.
recognized indicator of cooperation. Actual collaboration patterns are examined as containing
valuable insights for reflecting on scientific diaspora engagement
policies, especially when they target a specific part of scientific
diaspora. In particular, the paper provides an answer to the following questions: whether Russian computer scientists in UK demonstrate a
certain preference for working with Russian researchers both at home and abroad; what are the
key features of such diasporic scientific connections; what are their potential
consequences and implication for governmental policies and Russian science, including the effect on brain drain.