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  • From Megan Bartlett

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    This lecture fell on Memorial Day weekend, so I recorded it and had the students watch the video.
  • From Margaret Merrill

    0 likes 11 plays 0  
    Access more SITT 2024 content We can't forbid it...we can't ignore it...we had better teach it. I have developed a template that encourages students to use…
  • From Alysha Beck

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  • From Alysha Beck

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  • From Tristan Peery

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  • From Tristan Peery

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Staff Picks

  • From ATS Video

    0 likes 952 plays 0  
    Jesse Lxttle Boy Blue Williams (they/them) busts a move at the 2023 UC Davis Black Grad does Chancellor May (at the end)
  • From ATS Video

    1 likes 995 plays 0  
    At the Robert & Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts,UC Davis. This event is in partnership with UC Davis Cross Cultural Center. Dr. Cornel West is a…
  • From Ceremonies & Special Events

    1 likes 81 plays 0  
    Joseph Patel ’94, winner of an Academy Award and a Grammy in 2022, returned to campus as a guest for the first Chancellor’s Colloquium of the new academic…