Performance Trends ReportsSummary: A new type of W3Techs reports shows the performance trends of web technologies.
Last year, we added page loading speeds to our reports. Since then, people have asked us to get dedicated reports, showing the trends of these measurements over time.
We measure page loading speed via the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), published by Google. We combine that data with own data on web technology usage to obtain average page loading speeds per technology, such as content management systems, web servers, hosting providers, and so on.
We use two measurements:
Time to First Byte (TTFB) measures the time it takes to establish the connection to the web server until content starts to be served, see TTFB definition. This measurement is most useful for technologies that are involved in that part of page serving, for example web servers.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures the time starting from when a web page first starts loading up to the point when the largest image or text block becomes visible within the page, see LCB definition. This measurement is most useful for technologies that create and deliver the actual content of a page, for example content management systems.
Our new reports provide time series of these measurements in an easy-to-process CSV format, to show how the performance data evolve over time. See, for example, the Web Hosting Providers Performance Trends Report. Please navigate through our report section to find the new report.
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