As Merlin
Said |
Carry the Stones the Giants Must Dance" |
This site presents a new theory
about Henges, Stonehenge, Woodhenges, Stone Circles, Seahenges,
Standing Stones and Rock Art. The development and file of a Portuguese
patent technology PT103437 of 17 February 2006 that was based on
a engineering principle proposed by professor S.D.Antunes, called
the attention to the design and construction of Stonehenge.
new Henge theory has been discovered in the 17 January 2005 and has been
developed crossing engineering know how with stones monuments and
arqueology information. This theory is not confirmed by Arqueologist
experts, it is based only in engineering investigation associated
to gears technologies. Further studies must be carried on to validate
Arqueology perspective. This site pretends to be the begining of
more studies having a totally new point of view about Prehistoric
Societies. |
In Memory of Professor S.D.Antunes
“Ser Professor não é só saber mas também
saber ensinar.”
To be a Professor is not only to know but also to know how to teach. |
1 - Introduction |
The tools used in prehistory were rudimentary because the production means and know how did not existed as they exist today. Therefore the solutions that have been found had to be simpler but having higher effectiveness because even today they surprise us with monuments that cannot be fully understood. Some of our today sophisticated techniques can become obsolete if we apply and use the same technology with already several thousands years.
What is an Henge?
The traditional definition can be found in the web, one of them
says it is a monument comprising a circular ditch with an external
bank which encloses a circle or number of circles of stones or
wooden posts. Henge is literally, "hanging rock", this
term is often applied to the Neolithic stone monoliths found in
Britian. This concept of Henge needs to be reavaliated.
The new concept of henge proposed here is wider than the traditional one and needs to be explained. The Henges were tools created by "Engineers" in prehistory to allow the traction of very high loads. The technology developed by them was based in nutating structures having high speed reduction ratios and very high torques. They could be used to transport or move heavy loads such as stones and other goods. The Henges should be understood as a whole, the "rocks for nutating hanging structures" and the structure itself. More, the Henge doesn't have necessarily to have rocks, because it can only have a ditch and a structure.
An Henge is nothing more than a prehistoric crane to move high loads. |
Everything happened at a time where the Man intended to work the iron and bronze. The casting was a promising activity and probably it would be necessary to carry ore to casting places as well as moving other essential goods throughout great and long distances. The Henges could also be used for agriculture to cultivate and plough the land. But Man also would want to work the stones, to polish and cut rocks, and thus he would have the necessity to carry them to places where means, technicians and experts existed to work them. The Henge mechanisms, as the case of Stonehenge, would be in this time a source of income and prestige for their owners, who would charge taxes to transport loads and who could have subordinated workers.
The Henges would be without doubt the main axle of development and progress of these prehistoric populations. |
This way Henges were composed normaly by two structures,
a fixed structure that could be a circular ditch or a stone circle
and an hanging circular nutating structure, certainly constructed
in wood. The henges could also have an axle structure, normaly a
standing stone that worked as the structure to hang the circular
nutating structure where could be hanged a shaft. The Henges were
design to pull high loads with ropes, this way ropes were tied to
the hanging circular nutating structures and rolled arround the
structure in zigzag. If a central shaft were used than the rope
could be rolled in this shaft with higher torque results.
2 - Technology |
The technology concept is quite simple and can be explained throwing a coin to the table. When the coin is oscillating in the table and before it stops you can see that the face of the coin is rotating slowly in one direction while the tip of the coin in the circular peripheral region touches the table in a fast oscillating motion. This motion is called nutation and simultaneously it can have a planetary motion. Imagine you could walk over the periphery of the coin, pushing it hardly to the table so that no slipping occurr betwen the coin and the table. Then attach a rope to one tip of the coin and rolle it arround the periphery, the rope will be pulled slowly at the speed of the rotation of the coin face because the perimeter of the coin is different of the perimeter where the coin touches the table. |
The Henges work the same way, but in a bigger proportion and very slowly when compared to the coin. To achieve the non slipping contact the Henges can use circular stones so that a gearing mechanism between the structures is obtained. The number of teeth in both structures should have just one teeth difference so that maximum reduction can be achieved. |
Why this technology was lost?
This question is quite difficult to answer and
only with investigation and hard work we can reach closer to the
The lose of the technology can explain why nobody
else could understand what Henges were build for. Probably the circular
wood structures have been destroyed by vandalism and/or burnt due
to wood necessity, for heating, casting, or any other reason or
could also be lost by degradation over long time. Those wood circular
structures could also be carried from one side to the other, to
places where other fixed structures of henges already existed, this
would depend of their necessities, for this reason it will be difficult
to find vestiges, therefore they would be necessary in inferior
number compared to fixed structures.
3 - Stonehenge |
What is Stonehenge? |
This question has been done over and over again along incountable
generations, this site proposes a completly new theory based on
engineering principles. If this theory is correct then,
Stonehenge is a crane. |
Stonehenge is a set of several Henge mechanisms, each one constructed in different phases and replaced or added by more efficient ones. Most of them were build with gearing technology. Stonehenge is the most known Henge of all time and is located in England, surely because of its dimensions and construction technique. It certainly had an intensive use at that time due to the stones degradation. It is a notable work of mechanic engineering, not only because of the dimensions and finishing quality of the stones that it has but also because of its efficient working principle that exceeds all the mechanics technology that existed until the Ninetieth or Twentieth Century. As we see it now, the circular sarsen stones correspond to a fixed circular gear with 30 teeths that may have geared with a circular nutating wood gear, probably with 29 teeths. Some evidences can be observed in the next figure. |
This image
shows current Stonehenge view. We can notice some tangential
lines in direction of the Sarsen circle. Those lines look like rope
that were used for traction ropes to transport high loads.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Sarsen Stones
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Sarsen Stones tangent rope directions
8 - Trilithon Stones
9 - Initial ditch Henge
10, 12- Small ditch Henge
11 - Small Standing Stone Henge
The lines in the figure represent the most used
rope directions (2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7) that
are tangent to the main circular Sarsen Stones (1).
The ditch (9) corresponds to an intial Henge, we
can also observe smaller Henges (10, 11,
12). Notice the filled ditch (9)
zones in the tangent directions of the ropes as well as the ditch
Avenue directions. The first phase of Stonehenge could work only
with the external big ditch (9) and a large circular
wood structure that was oscillated by hand or by animals, it could
be hanged by a central stone but no evidences were found. In the
next figure we can see a red rope that could be rolled in zigzag
arround the wood structure, going in from one side and out in the
other. Many walked distance arround the ditch would be necessary
to have a slow rotation in the structure. |
This figure shows how could be used
the first construction phase of Stonehenge
with a larger diameter henge. The rope is drawn in red. |
Looking at the Sarsen stones, in the next figure, we can see how the
circular wood structure (in red) worked inside the stones, and having
ropes in the tangent red line directions. Take a closer look at
the degraded stones at the lower right corner where the ropes usually
scraped. The red structure has 29 teeths, the yellow structure is
another smaller henge with fewer teeths. The blue line represents
another henge, external to the Sarsen stones. |

This image give us notion of the anullar structures size as well as rope directions.
Notice the lower right stones abrassion due to
the red traction ropes. |
Abrasion of the stones due to traction ropes |
The stones degradation due to the traction ropes
can be seen in the tangential directions where the loads where transported.
The type of nutating motion of the structure produced a movement
of the rope up and down resulting in a wide stone abrasion. |
This drawing make things clear, identifing several
henges as well as the stones positions. |
English Heritage drawing with
annular structures positions
(Drawing based on fig. 13 of
Stonehenge in its Landscape: Twentieth-Century Excavations by Cleal et al) |
An old ballon photo, before any land works took
place at Stonehenge, reveals many more positions where Henges where
used, but many of them with the same circular nutating structure,
represented here with the same color. Some of them used maybe for
its own construction. |
This is an old aerial foto taken from
a war ballon that shows clearly the
positions of henge structures before land changes at Stonehenge. |
The tangencial lines can be analized to discover henges that worked together
with Stonehenge and find directions where loads could be transported. |
Here we can see a computer model of the Sarsen
stones and Bluestones with its internal circular nutating wood structure.
A box In red represents one or more people or animals that walk
arround the nutating structure, pushing it to the floor and forcing
it to rotate. The circular nutating structure gears with the stones
having a difference of one teeth. |
This figure is a computer generated
model of the Sarsen Stones of Stonehenge
with the internal wooden structure. |
The rope drawn in red could go inside the stone
structure from one side and go out in the other side, but it could
also be just attached to the wood nutating structured and rolled
arround it. Note the rotating directions of the structure, because
of the minus one teeth, walking in the clock direction results in
inverse clock rotation of the structure. The Henge can work in both
directions. |
This figure is a computer generated
model of the Sarsen Stones of Stonehenge
with a traction rope arround the wood structure that could go inside
the Sarsen circle in one side and go out from the other.
The reduction ratio of Stonehenge is 1:30 because
the fixed structure has 30 teeths and the internal should have 29
teeths. This means that 30 turns arround the henge will result in
a full rotation of the nutating structure. |
This figure shows a cutted view of the model of the Sarsen Henge with its circular wood structure inside.
More information can be analized with elevation data from Google Earth. The elevation decreases along the Avenue. The Cursus elevation also decreases to the center. It looks like an old river was near Stonehenge where maybe boats could navigate to transport goods and heavy loads. A topographic analisys can bring many more answers to this questions. The circles drawn near stonehenge look like other henges that could work before or together with stonehenge. More study is required. |
This figure shows a Google Earth map with Elevations of the terrain
and some circles that look like other henges.
- Barrows |
Considering the new definition of Henge, the Barrows
are another type of Henges that are build with a land mount with
or whithout a ditch arround it. These figures describe how a circular
wood structure could describe a nutating motion supported by the
land mount. There are many ways to make a structure oscillate, the
key is to find a support to hang the structure with ropes that is
higher then the position where the structure makes contact with
the fixed structure.
The figure shows
several type of barrows that could be used in several manners
Numbers legend: |
1 - Circular wood nutating structure
2 - Hanging ropes
3 - Traction rope |
The circular wood structure represented in red (1) has a rope (2) attached to it radialy and can be attached to a wood shaft or not. The traction rope (3) is then rolled along the circular nutating structure or rolled in the wood shaft. The solutions found in these drawing must be further studied considering the size and shape of the real barrows. |
This figure exemplifies how several
barrows could work together to transport
the same load. Notice the tangent alignement of the barrows. |
The figures show clearly several land mounts, some of them having their base aligned tangentialy meaning that the ropes of one Henge could eventualy be tied to another Henge to achieve higher torques and to pull the same load with several Henges. |
This hill could work as a fixed structure
of an Henge
where a shaft hunged a circular nutating structure.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Traction rope
2 - Wood shaft
3 - Hanging ropes
4 - People walking
5 - Circular wood nutating structure |
At the bottom of the hill is drawn a nutating structure
(5) where people (4) (or heavy animals) could walk,
pushing it to the floor. The traction rope could be connected to
the top shaft (2) or to the the nutating structure
(5). The nutating structure (5)
is hanged with ropes (3) to the shaft (2).
The scale of the drawn items are not correctly scaled and is merely
5 - Woodhenges |
This is a computer generated
model of a woodhenge. |
The woodhenge has its fixed structure made of wood,
fixed in the floor or attached to circular drilled stones. In this
model the circular base was made in wood. The teeth difference of
the fixed structure and the nutating structure is one, resulting
in 1:20 ratio.
This figure is an example has few persons could manage to pull heavy loads. |
In the left side several persons walk over the
nutating wood structure while in the right side people hold it in
the air. One person could move the rope with a bacle to roll it
in zigzag along the structure. The internal circles could be used
for smaller nutating structures and for smaller reduction ratios.
High loads need higher diameters with higher number of teeths and
higher distances of walk to nutate the structure.
6 -
Standing Stones |
This figure is a front view cut of
a standing stone (4) with a rotating shaft (2).
Numbers legend: |
1 - Circular wood nutating structure
2 - Wood shaft
3 - Hanging ropes
4 - Standing stone
5 - Floor
6 - Traction rope
7 - Walking person |
This cuted view model shows how standing stones (4)
could be used as hanging axles for rotating shafts (2).
The wood nutating circular structure (1) is hanged
by ropes (3) to the shaft (2)
where the traction rope (6) is rolled. A person
(7) or animal walks arround pushing the structure
to the floor (5) where no slip occurs with the
circular structure (1).
7 - Stone
Circles |
The stone circles are the fixed structure of Henges
with gearing technology. Stones were aligned in a opened or closed
circle where the nutating wood structure probably with one tooth
less would gear. A central hanging axle could be used in stone or
maybe in wood to nutate the structure.
This drawing shows a stone circle
with its circular structure and a traction rope. |
Click the next image to
see an animated small scale model animation of a Henge Stone Circle.
Animation of a Henge model based in a Stone Circle |
The animation of this Henge model shows the the
motion of the circular structure as well as the way ropes could
have beed rolled arround the structure. The motion was certainly
done by hand with several people at the same time. The type of motion
looks like the "dance"
of the "giant" structure.
Take a look at the left stone that has been broken while oscilating
the internal structure. This could happen when the loads were too
high for the fixed structure contruction.
Stones in Avebury
Numbers legend: |
1 - Radial wood of nutating structure sliping over the top of the stone
2 - Fixed position of the radial wood
3 - Direction of rotation of the nutating structure |
Stones circles could be very large, and it is difficul
to imagine their corresponding nutating structures and how they
could be moved. In this figure we see one stone of Avebury. The
stone is in a position that can help the nutating structure to slip
over the stone (1) making a vertical down force
and then fixing it in the lower position (2). The
direction of rotation of the nutating structure would be the one
of the arrow (3).
8 - Seahenges
The stone circles in the sea are called Seahenges.
This one was found with a tree root in the middle. Further investigation
should be done in order to discover if the root was used has a central
shaft of the Henge.
This drawing shows a Seahenge that was used maybe to load and unload boats. |
9 - Other
Stones |
This is an example of what could be the linear stones for. |
The linear stones could work as a fixed structure
of a linear gear where a circular and vertical wood gear with closer
teeths than the distance between the stones could gear. The traction
ropes in red would be rolled in zigzag arround the vertical gear,
then walking inside the wood structure and goind down the hill would
roll the rope more than the lenght of the walked distance, producing
a high traction force up the hill. Several structures could work
together in paralel in the left linear line of stones. This would
work just has the other circular henges, but this time in a linear
manner. What could be pulled in the end of the two paralel traction
ropes is a mistery. The ropes could also work outside the stones,
this way it would be easier to roll the ropes arround it. Only with
an experiment it will be possible to say if it works.
This stone with a hole seam to have been used to guide ropes. |
The hole in this stone has some abrassion sugesting
that it was used to guide ropes when the traction direction needed
to be changed. The two stones near it could be used to hold the
ropes in position while there was changes from one henge to another
one, or when the ropes needed to be changed.
- Rock Art |
The following analysis of the rock art
drawings are a new type of reading adapt to the henge theory proposed
here. Further investigation must be done in order to prove the following
propositions. |
This figure shows several symbolic drawings that seams to be related to Henges.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Zigzag of the rope arround the nutating structure
2 - A rope with zigzags in both ends for two different henges
3 - Looks like a walking stick (báculo) but it could be used to drive the rope in zigzag |
The figure looks like a plan study to transport a load over a long distance using several henges.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Ropes
2 - Center shaft of an Henge
3 - Nutating structure of an Henge
4 - Stone to hang nutating structure |
The Rock Arts look like maps of several henges. Each symbol corresponds to a different type of henge.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Standing Stone of the Henge for hanging the nutating structure
2 - A nutating structure of the Henge whithout gear teeths
3 - Maybe Henges with small Barrows
4 - Path for transport of heavy loads
5 - An Henge with gear teeths, henge with stone circles or woodhenge
6 (left) - Incomplete Henge, can be used but needs to go forward and backward
6 (right) - Path or rope of the Henge
7 - Looks like a walking stick (báculo), it could be used to drive the rope in zigzag |
The drawing at left is the Rock Art in black of one of the stones of the map in the right drawing.
In red we see the standing stones used for several Henges, in blue several identified henges. |
The Cromeleque
of Almendres has a drawing in one of its stones with the map
of the henges that used to work there. Notice the center stones
used to hang the nutating structures. |
This Rock Art seams to show several henges with ropes that can be
used together
for the same or several loads. |

The rock art figures show several circular and linear henges. |
Numbers legend: |
1 - Henges with nutating structure with different number of teeths
2 - Ropes in zigzag
3 - Linear Henges
4 - Looks like a double but simetric linear Henge
5 - Henges whithout teeths |
Here we can see several fotos of a well known Portuguese coffe shop in Praça do Giraldo, Évora. In the wall are replicated in marble some Rock Art images. |
Rock Art replicated in marble in the wall of a Évora coffe shop |
Numbers legend: |
1 - Spiral showing the rope rolling
2 - (upper left) - Circular nutating structure and standing stone to hang it
2 - (upper right) - Circular nutating structure with two persons nutating it
2 - (lower right) - Circular nutating structure with crossed ropes to be hanged in a stone
3 - Rolling rope technique
4 - Place where the loads are connected to the rope
5 - Ropes rolled arround the nutating structure
6 - Nutating structure with teeths |
11 - Eastern
Island |
The technology used in Stonehenge was also discovered
in the Eastern
Island where the famous statues were transported over long distances
to the places where they are standing now. The principle used in
the transportation was the same but using a different approach.
The theory of Eastern Island was firstly proposed by Prof. Silvestre
Dias Antunes. |
The figure shows the top and frontal view of he same statue.
The base of the statue is conical allowing to create a nutating motion
when forces are applied in a circular sequence.
Numbers legend: |
1 - Conical base
2 - Statue
3, 4 - Nutating ropes
5 - Force due to fixed traction rope
6, 7 - Conical base touching the floor with nutation motion
8 - Traction rope |
A conical base (1) is cuted in
the stone to allow a nutating motion of the statue (2).
A circular sequence of forces is produced in the statue with several
ropes in radial shape (3, 4) or
by hand forcing the conical region (6, 7)
to touch the floor. A traction rope (8) is attached
to the statue and fixed in the other side to a tree or stone. As
a result of the nutating motion the statue will rotate and the rope
will be rolled arround the statue forcing it to move. As the legend
says, the statues walked alone while dancing. Some of the hills
of Eastern Island seam to have a circular shape that could be used
with circular structures as Henges and that could help the transport
of the statues. |
- Future Work |
With the information presented in this site it is important to
analyze and discover if other civilizations used this technology,
such as the Egyptian. With further investigation and if this theory
is confirmed a movie about prehistoric technology would
be very interesting and fascinating!
New Arqueology questions emerge with
this new theory, one of them is why this technology has been forgotten?
Other question is what kind of high loads did these civilizations
transported to need such big technological monuments? Further studies
should be taken by experts to find more information and conclusions. |
Because it was impossible to take the photos of
the places you can see in this site, backgrounds were searched
in the world wide web and were transformed to obtain these drawings.
I would like to thank all arqueologists and experts who share
information in the net contibuting this way for the study of the
new theory and for the development of this web site.
A special thanks to English Heritage who answered and sent precious
information for the investigation. Sugestions and corrections to the text and images are welcome.
All information and drawings
of this site are
João Caeiro Antunes Intellectual Property
and must have authorization to be published. |