ANJeL is a network of over 200 scholars, practitioners, policy-makers,
senior students and others interested in Japanese law from Australia,
Japan, and the rest of the world. ANJeL welcomes applications for
ANJeL is managed by its three co-directors:
Kent Anderson (ANU), Luke Nottage (USyd) and Leon Wolff (UNSW).
They are assisted by an executive coordinator and a diverse Advisory
ANJeL offers a Research Visitor
scheme for scholars and jurists. ANJeL's directors welcome applications
at any time.
ANJeL organises a number of research
events to stimulate intellectual and public debate on issues
of Japanese law.
These events range from international conferences, continuing legal
education seminars to informal discussion workshops.
ANJeL is also engaging a wide range of media and consultency activities.
ANJeL members and associates receive e-newsletters
for updating information about ANJeL activities including the up-coming
ANJeL promotes research
on Japanese law and supports the research by Japanese scholars of
Australian law.
The ANJeL website hosts resources
on Japanese law for researchers and a selection of publications
by ANJeL scholars in Australia and elsewhere.
ANJeL collaborates in promoting the multi-lingual Zeitschrift
fuer Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law, the only
Japan-specific law journal published in Western languages. ANJeL
encourages members and associates to make
submissions on any aspect of Japanese law and justice.
ANJeL offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate courses
in Japanese law at its network of universities.
ANJeL assists in the "Kyoto
Seminar" in Japanese Law at Ritsumeikan University. ANJeL
sponsors a team of Australian
students to compete at the Japan Intercollegiate Arbitration/Negotiation
ANJeL awards the Akira
Kawamura prize for performance in Japanese law courses at its
network of universities and the nationwide Blake
Dawson Waldron essay prize in Japanese Law.
Giving to ANJeL
ANJeL welcomes cash and in-kind donations to assist us with our
activities in teaching, research, events and outreach. You might like
to make a general donation or tie your contribution to a specific
activity (eg, a jointly-badged conference, student scholarships, or a
teaching and learning fund). You might like to contribute in-kind
support, eg, by offering guest classes in our intensive teaching
programs in Tokyo and Kyoto.
If you are a government or private sector organisation, whether in
Australia or overseas, you might also like to involve ANJeL in a
collaborative research project. Under the Australian Research Council "Linkage" competitive grants scheme, the Australian government will
contribute a dollar for every contribution (whether cash or in-kind)
provided by an eligible partner organisation. Such projects must be
genuine research partnerships; satisfy the research interests of both
ANJeL and the partner; and produce both intellectual and strategic
If you are interested in giving to ANJeL, whether by way of cash,
in-kind contribution or research support, please send us an expression
of interest at Please understand if we are
unable to accept your gift, since all contributions must be consistent
with ANJeL's charter, conform with our existing contractual
arrangements, and receive approval by each of the three ANJeL
universities. |