eNature.com is the Internet's leading provider of information about America's nature and wildlife The site provides comprehensive field guides, nature-related audio and video resources and community for nature enthusiasts to help them identify and enjoy the animals and plants they encounter. Based on the award-winning Audubon Field Guides, as well the best-selling Sibley Guide to Birds, eNature.com includes complete guides (searchable by location and/or species) to over 4,800 North American plants and animals, with detailed descriptions, photographs and habitat information. The site also has guides to over 400 National Parks and Wildlife Refuges and interactive content such as downloadable ringtones, quizzes, eCards, and newsletters.
Physics Forums hosts discussions ranging from mainstream science to cutting edge. Its main emphasis is on physics, yet it also includes
forums on a wide array of other topics in science and mathematics. Physics Forums provides students with academic, career and homework help from peers and professional scientists. Inline LaTeX capabilities make it easy to discuss mathematical topics clearly. Its membership includes the entire spectrum of academia, as well as non-academics who
are interested in science at all levels. Physics Forums is moderated by a volunteer staff of professional scientists and engineers who
strive to maintain the highest standard of integrity and quality of scientific discussion.
SharpBrains is a research & advisory firm devoted to helping individuals, companies, health providers, investors, and policy makers understand and participate in the emerging Brain Fitness field through a variety of market-intelligence products and services.
SharpBrains' Blog provides a window into the emerging field of science-based Brain Fitness, its implications for Health & Wellness, Education, Leadership, and more. Over 10 university-based researchers and professors contribute to the blog regularly, adding their perspectives to that of Alvaro Fernandez, SharpBrains' CEO and Co-Founder.
Eye on DNA testing and tech - news, opinion, and controversy.
Insights into computational complexity, computer science, mathematics, academia and other fun stuff from Professors Lance Fortnow and Bill Gasarch.
GalaxyExtra! is a social news site that allows you to broadcast and share hot news discoveries on science, space, technology and politics with the world.
The Brain Blogger covers topics from biopsychosocial perspectives. With over 30 professional contributors, it reviews the latest news and stories related to neuroscience, psychiatry, and neurology. Brain Blogger serves as a focal point for attracting new minds to the biopsychosocial model.
We are an official undertaking of the Global Neuroscience Initiative Foundation—an international non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of neurological and mental health, patient welfare, education, and research. Brain Blogger is HONcode certified.
New ideas and work on mind, brain, and behavior - as well as random, curious stuff.
Since 2004, Tech-Archive.Net has been archiving and curating mailing lists and newsgroups on hundreds of topics having to do with Windows and Science. The site archives millions of strategically-selected postings, organized through advanced search and relevancy options. With the spread of its reputation as a source of expert Sci and Tech information, Tech-Archive.net, along with its sister site Derkeiler.com, currently logs more than 50,000 new postings per day and has become one of the top addresses for Usenet postings on the web.
Since 2001, Derkeiler.com has been archiving and curating newsgroups and mailing lists on thousands of topics having to do with IT Security, UNIX/BSD, Linux, and Programming. The site archives millions of strategically-selected postings, organized through advanced search and relevancy options. With the spread of its reputation as a source of expert tech information, Derkeiler, along with its sister site Tech-Archive.net, currently logs more than 50,000 new postings per day and has become one of the top addresses for Usenet postings on the web.
PhysOrg.com is a Web-based science and technology news service
specializing in content ranging from Physics, Earth Science, Medicine,
Nanotechnology, Electronics, Space, Biology, Chemistry, Computer
sciences, Engineering, Mathematics and much more. PhysOrg debuted in
2004 and has steadily grown in readership to 1.5 million scientists,
researchers and engineers every month. PhysOrg.com publishes about 100
quality articles on a daily basis and has one of the most comprehensive
coverages of sci-tech developments in the world. Quancast 2008 lists
PhysOrg in the global top 5,000 websites. Registered users may save
articles to their account and access many personalized features offered
by PhysOrg, including use of Favorites, RSS/XML feed, article
comments, social networking features and more.
Biology Online is a leading scientific portal dedicated to information in the life sciences. Key sections include: biological forum, dictionary of biology related terms, online biology tutorials and biology article database.
Deadline: Dec 11 2013
Reward: $52,000 USD
Platform technologies – tools, techniques, and instruments that enable entirely novel approaches for scientific investigation across a b
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