Could Mars support life? In this episode of The Countdown, we run through five intriguing lines of evidence that the red planet was not always as desolate as it appears, and may even be habitable today. More to explore: New Signs of Water on Mars Ramp Up Search for Life (Scientific American) A River Runs [...]
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November 27th, 2013 |
If you live in the U.S., chances are good you’ll be munching on turkey tomorrow in celebration of Thanksgiving. But millions of miles above your head, Comet ISON will make its closest pass to the sun. It’s still a big question mark what will happen next: ISON could be torn apart by the sun’s gravity. [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Bizarre Asteroid with Six Tails Spotted by Hubble Telescope ( Liftoff! India’s First Mars Probe Launches Toward the Red Planet ( Kepler Telescope Finds Plethora of Earth-Size Planets (Scientific American) Chelyabinsk Eyewitnesses Help Scientists Resolve Meteor Mysteries (Scientific American) Gravity Maps Reveal Why the Moon’s Far Side Is Covered with Craters (Nature [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: ALMA Reveals Ghostly Shape of ‘Coldest Place in the Universe’ (National Radio Astronomy Observatory) United Nations to Adopt Asteroid Defense Plan (Scientific American) Earth’s Water Likely Came from Very Early Asteroid Strikes ( Sun Continues to Emit Solar Flares (NASA) Kepler Spacecraft Finds First-Known Tilted Solar System (Scientific American) And visit the [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Exoplanet colour confirmed for first time: it’s blue, but not pale — and nothing like Earth (Scientific American Blog Network)… Diamond ‘Super-Earth’ May Not be Quite as Precious (University of Arizona)… Strange Exoplanet’s ‘Backwards’ Orbit Explained by Extra Star, Planet (… Astronomers Find Most Ancient Planet Yet (Scientific [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Universe May Be Curved, Not Flat (Scientific American)… Air Apparent: Pluto’s Eternal Atmosphere (Scientific American)… Astronaut and a Writer at the Movies (New York Times)… Analysis of Surface Materials by the Curiosity Mars Rover (Science Magazine)… Ancient Supervolcanoes Revealed on [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Voyager 1 Leaves the Solar System—for Real This Time (Scientific American) Voyager Has Entered The Interstellar Medium (Scientific American Blog Network) Space Farming: The Final Frontier (Modern Farmer) The inside of our Milky Way in 3D (Max Planck Institute) Moon Mission to Suck Up Lunar Dust (Nature News) (Scientific American is part [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Earth life ‘may have come from Mars’ (BBC News) Maybe Mars Seeded Earth’s Life, Maybe It Didn’t (Scientific American Blog Network) China Plans Its First Unmanned Moon Landing This Year (New York Times) China to launch lunar probe for landing mission (Xinhua) NASA Data Reveals Mega-Canyon under Greenland Ice Sheet (NASA) Space [...]
Keep reading »More to explore: Curiosity Catches Sight of Mars’ Moon Passing the Other (PsiVid) Latest SpaceX Rocket Test Successfully Goes Sideways (New York Times) Public Naming of Planets and Planetary Satellites: Reaching Out for Worldwide Recognitionwith the Help of the IAU [Pdf] (IAU) Around the World in Four Days: NASA Tracks Chelyabinsk Meteor Plume (NASA) Russian [...]
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August 8th, 2013 |
More to explore: Is There Life on Venus? (Scitable) Venus May Have Had Continents and Oceans (Nature News) (Scientific American is part of the Nature Publishing Group) Was Venus Alive? ‘The Signs Are Probably There’ ( Tiny Saturn Moon ID’d As Good Candidate For Alien Life (Wired) Planet Profile of Titan (ESA) The Europa Report: [...]
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