Exploration of Defect Dynamics and Color Center Qubit Synthesis with Pulsed Ion Beams
Sputtering Yields of Si Bombarded with 10–540-keV C60 Ions
Fast Neutron Scintillator Screens for Neutron Imaging Using a Layered Polymer-Phosphor Architecture
Use of 3D Laser Scanning and Additive Technologies for Reconstruction of Damaged and Destroyed Cultural Heritage Objects
Journal Description
Quantum Beam Science
Quantum Beam Science
is an international scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on research derived from beam line facilities and related techniques published quarterly online by MDPI. The first issue was released in June 2017.
- Open Access— free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.
- High Visibility: indexed within Scopus, ESCI (Web of Science), CAPlus / SciFinder, Inspec, Astrophysics Data System, and many other databases.
- Journal Rank: CiteScore - Q2 (Nuclear and High Energy Physics)
- Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 27.1 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5.5 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2021).
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Latest Articles
Demonstration of Neutron Phase Imaging Based on Talbot–Lau Interferometer at Compact Neutron Source RANS
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 22; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020022 - 01 Jun 2022
Neutron imaging based on a compact Talbot–Lau interferometer was demonstrated using the RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source (RANS). A compact Talbot–Lau interferometer consisting of gadolinium absorption gratings and a silicon phase grating was constructed and connected to the RANS. Because of pulsed thermal
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Neutron imaging based on a compact Talbot–Lau interferometer was demonstrated using the RIKEN accelerator-driven compact neutron source (RANS). A compact Talbot–Lau interferometer consisting of gadolinium absorption gratings and a silicon phase grating was constructed and connected to the RANS. Because of pulsed thermal neutrons from the RANS and a position-sensitive detector equipped with time-of-flight (TOF) analysis, moiré interference patterns generated using the interferometer were extracted at a TOF range around the design wavelength (2.37 Å) optimal for the interferometer. Differential phase and scattering images of the metal rod samples were obtained through phase-stepping measurements with the interferometer. This demonstrates the feasibility of neutron phase imaging using a compact neutron facility and the potential for flexible and unique applications for nondestructive evaluation.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Neutron Instrumentation II)
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Effects of Energetic Carbon-Cluster Ion Irradiation on Lattice Structures of EuBa2Cu3O7−x Oxide Superconductor
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 21; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020021 - 25 May 2022
C-axis-oriented EuBa2Cu3O7−x oxide films that were 100 nm thick were irradiated with 0.5 MeV C monoatomic ions, 2 MeV C4 cluster ions and 4 MeV C8 cluster ions at room temperature. Before and after the irradiation,
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C-axis-oriented EuBa2Cu3O7−x oxide films that were 100 nm thick were irradiated with 0.5 MeV C monoatomic ions, 2 MeV C4 cluster ions and 4 MeV C8 cluster ions at room temperature. Before and after the irradiation, X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement was performed using Cu-Ka X-ray. The c-axis lattice constant increased almost linearly as a function of numbers of irradiating carbon ions, but it rarely depended on the cluster size. Cluster size effects were observed in the XRD peak intensity and the XRD peak width. With increasing the cluster size, the decrease in peak intensity becomes more remarkable and the peak width increases. The experimental result implies that the cluster ions with a larger size provide a more localized energy deposition in a sample, and cause larger and more inhomogeneous lattice disordering. As such, local and large lattice disordering acts as a pinning center for quantum vortex; energetic carbon-cluster ion irradiation will be effective for the increment in the critical current of EuBa2Cu3O7−x superconductors.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Swift Cluster Ion Beams: Basic Processes and Applications)
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Open AccessReview
Major and Minor Contributions to X-ray Characteristic Lines in the Framework of the Boltzmann Transport Equation
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 20; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020020 - 19 May 2022
The emission of characteristic lines after X-ray excitation is usually explained as the consequence of two independent and consecutive physical processes: the photoelectric ionization produced by incoming photons and the successive spontaneous atomic relaxation. However, the photoelectric effect is not the only ionization
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The emission of characteristic lines after X-ray excitation is usually explained as the consequence of two independent and consecutive physical processes: the photoelectric ionization produced by incoming photons and the successive spontaneous atomic relaxation. However, the photoelectric effect is not the only ionization mechanism driven by incoming photons. It has been recently shown that Compton ionization is another possible process that contributes not negligibly to the ionization of the L and M shells. In addition, the secondary electrons from these two interactions, photoelectric and Compton, are also able to ionize the atom by means of so-called impact ionization. Such a contribution has been recently described, showing that it can be relevant in cases of monochromatic excitation for certain lines and elements. A third mechanism of line modification is the so-called self-enhancement produced by absorption of the tail of Lorentzian distribution of the characteristic line, which mainly modifies the shape of the lines but also produces an intensity increase. The four effects contribute to the formation of the characteristic line and must be considered to obtain a precise picture in terms of the shell and the element. This work furnishes a review of these contributions and their formal theoretical descriptions. It gives a complete picture of the photon kernel, describing the emission of characteristic X-rays comprising the main photoelectric contribution and the three effects of lower extent. All four contributions to the characteristic X-ray line must be followed along successive photon interactions to describe multiple scattering using the Boltzmann transport equation for photons.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue X Rays: Physics and Applications)
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Open AccessReview
A Survey of Process Monitoring Using Computer-Aided Inspection in Laser-Welded Blanks of Light Metals Based on the Digital Twins Concept
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 19; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020019 - 16 May 2022
The benefits of laser welding include higher production values, deeper penetration, higher welding speeds, adaptability, and higher power density. These characteristics make laser welding a superior process. Many industries are aware of the benefits of switching to lasers. For example, metal-joining is migrating
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The benefits of laser welding include higher production values, deeper penetration, higher welding speeds, adaptability, and higher power density. These characteristics make laser welding a superior process. Many industries are aware of the benefits of switching to lasers. For example, metal-joining is migrating to modern industrial laser technology due to improved yields, design flexibility, and energy efficiency. However, for an industrial process to be optimized for intelligent manufacturing in the era of Industry 4.0, it must be captured online using high-quality data. Laser welding of aluminum alloys presents a daunting challenge, mainly because aluminum is a less reliable material for welding than other commercial metals such as steel, primarily because of its physical properties: high thermal conductivity, high reflectivity, and low viscosity. The welding plates were fixed by a special welding fixture, to validate alignments and improve measurement accuracy, and a Computer-Aided Inspection (CAI) using 3D scanning was adopted. Certain literature has suggested real-time monitoring of intelligent techniques as a solution to the critical problems associated with aluminum laser welding. Real-time monitoring technologies are essential to improving welding efficiency and guaranteeing product quality. This paper critically reviews the research findings and advances for real-time monitoring of laser welding during the last 10 years. In the present work, a specific methodology originating from process monitoring using Computer-Aided Inspection in laser-welded blanks is reviewed as a candidate technology for a digital twin. Moreover, a novel digital model based on CAI and cloud manufacturing is proposed.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Assisted Manufacturing)
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Open AccessArticle
Response to Mono-Energetic Neutrons and Light Output Function for Liquid Organic Scintillators PYR5/DIPN and THIO5/DIPN
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 18; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020018 - 12 May 2022
Liquid organic scintillators are important devices for measurements of neutron radiation. Currently, large-scale liquid organic scintillators have capabilities of detecting neutrons, but the determination of the neutron energy spectra is a challenge. This work aims to measure the responses of two liquid two-component
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Liquid organic scintillators are important devices for measurements of neutron radiation. Currently, large-scale liquid organic scintillators have capabilities of detecting neutrons, but the determination of the neutron energy spectra is a challenge. This work aims to measure the responses of two liquid two-component scintillators to mono-energetic neutron radiation and to determine their light output function, which is necessary for proper neutron energy spectra determination. Both scintillators are composed of the solvent di-iso-propyl-naphthalene (DIPN) mixed isomers. The first scintillator, labeled PYR5/DIPN, contains the luminophore 1-phenyl-3-(2,4,6-trimethyl-phenyl)-2-pyrazoline with a concentration of 5 g/L. The second scintillator labeled THIO5/DIPN contains the luminophore 2,5-bis(5-tert-butyl-benzoxazol-2-yl)thiophene also with a concentration of 5 g/L. The responses to neutron energies of 1.5 MeV, 2.5 MeV, and 19 MeV are measured at PTB in Braunschweig. The responses to neutron energies of 2.45 MeV and 14 MeV were measured at CTU in Prague using DD and DT reactions. The responses to a silicon filtered beam were measured at Research Centre Řež. The measurements were processed using a two-parameter spectrometric system NGA-01 to discriminate neutrons from gamma rays. The obtained responses are dominated by recoil protons from elastic collisions of neutrons with hydrogen atoms. The edge of the response of recoil protons gives information about the light output of neutrons, compared to gamma rays for the same radiation energy. The light output function for protons in the PYR5/DIPN scintillator is . The light output function for protons in the THIO5/DIPN scintillator is . The light output functions well resemble the standard shape, and they are quite similar to each other. That suggests a weak influence of the luminophore on the light output function. The light output functions are ready to be incorporated to the response matrix for the neutron energy spectra determination.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Neutron Instrumentation II)
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Open AccessArticle
Effect of Process Parameters on Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Al-Sn Miscibility Gap Alloy
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 17; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020017 - 25 Apr 2022
Al-Sn binary system is a miscibility gap alloy consisting of an Al-rich phase and a Sn-rich phase. This system is traditionally applied in bearings and more recently found application as form-stable phase change material (PCM) exploiting solid-liquid phase transition of Sn. A careful
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Al-Sn binary system is a miscibility gap alloy consisting of an Al-rich phase and a Sn-rich phase. This system is traditionally applied in bearings and more recently found application as form-stable phase change material (PCM) exploiting solid-liquid phase transition of Sn. A careful choice of production process is required to avoid macro-segregation of the two phases, which have different densities and melting temperatures. In the present study, the additive manufacturing process known as laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) was applied to an Al-Sn alloy with 20% volume of Sn, as a rapid solidification process. The effect of process parameters on microstructure and hardness was evaluated. Moreover, feasibility and stability with thermal cycles of a lattice structure of the same alloy were experimentally investigated. An Al-Sn lattice structure could be used as container for a lower melting organic PCM (e.g., a paraffin or a fatty acid), providing high thermal diffusivity thanks to the metallic network and a “safety system” reducing thermal diffusivity if the system temperature overcomes Sn melting temperature. Even if focused on Al-Sn to be applied in thermal management systems, the study offers a contribution in view of the optimization of manufacturing processes locally involving high solidification rates and reheat cycles in other miscibility gap alloys (e.g., Fe-Cu) with similar thermal or structural applications.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Assisted Manufacturing)
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Open AccessReview
Discovery of X-rays—Its Impact in India and History of X-ray Research in Colonial India
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 16; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020016 - 22 Apr 2022
India holds a respectable position globally in X-ray research, particularly in X-ray crystallography. X-ray research in India is as old as the discovery of X-rays and the history of X-ray research in colonial India is fascinating. The purpose of this paper is to
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India holds a respectable position globally in X-ray research, particularly in X-ray crystallography. X-ray research in India is as old as the discovery of X-rays and the history of X-ray research in colonial India is fascinating. The purpose of this paper is to present how India participated in X-ray research and how X-ray research initiated by C.V. Raman, the only Indian Nobel Laureate in physics, at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS) paved the way to proliferate X-ray research in all parts of India and acted as the foundation stone of modern X-ray research in India. With limited resources under the British rule (India became independent in 1947), readers will find that the research work performed by Indians is commendable. This article is neither comprehensive nor detailed but will give the readers a flavour of the high-quality X-ray research that was performed in India in the early years after the discovery of X-rays.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue X Rays: Physics and Applications)
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Open AccessArticle
Time-Resolved Radioluminescence Dosimetry Applications and the Influence of Ge Dopants In Silica Optical Fiber Scintillators
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 15; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020015 - 07 Apr 2022
The quality of treatment delivery as prescribed in radiotherapy is exceptionally important. One element that helps provide quality assurance is the ability to carry out time-resolved radiotherapy dose measurements. Reports on doped silica optical fibers scintillators using radioluminescence (RL) based radiotherapy dosimetry have
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The quality of treatment delivery as prescribed in radiotherapy is exceptionally important. One element that helps provide quality assurance is the ability to carry out time-resolved radiotherapy dose measurements. Reports on doped silica optical fibers scintillators using radioluminescence (RL) based radiotherapy dosimetry have indicated merits, especially regarding robustness, versatility, wide dynamic range, and high spatial resolution. Topping the list is the ability to provide time-resolved measurements, alluding to pulse-by-pulse dosimetry. For effective time-resolved dose measurements, high temporal resolution is enabled by high-speed electronics and scintillator material offering sufficiently fast rise and decay time. In the present work, we examine the influence of Ge doping on the RL response of Ge-doped silica optical fiber scintillators. We particularly look at the size of the Ge-doped core relative to the fiber diameter, and its associated effects as it is adjusted from single-mode fiber geometry to a large core-to-cladding ratio structure. The primary objective is to produce a structure that facilitates short decay times with a sufficiently large yield for time-resolved dosimetry. RL characterization was carried out using a high-energy clinical X-ray beam (6 MV), delivered by an Elekta Synergy linear accelerator located at the Advanced Medical and Dental Institute, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). The Ge-doped silica optical fiber scintillator samples, fabricated using chemical vapor deposition methods, comprised of large core and small core optical fiber scintillators with high and low core-to-cladding ratios, respectively. Accordingly, these samples having different Ge-dopant contents offer distinct numbers of defects in the amorphous silica network. Responses were recorded for six dose-rates (between 35 MU/min and 590 MU/min), using a photomultiplier tube setup with the photon-counting circuit capable of gating time as small as 1 μs. The samples showed linear RL response, with differing memory and afterglow effects depending on its geometry. Samples with a large core-to-cladding ratio showed a relatively short decay time (<1 ms). The results suggest a contribution of Ge-doping in affecting the triplet states of the SiO2 matrix, thereby reducing phosphorescence effects. This is a desirable feature of scintillating glass materials that enables avoiding the pulse pile-up effect, especially in high dose-rate applications. These results demonstrate the potential of Ge-doped optical-fiber scintillators, with a large core-to-cladding ratio for use in time-resolved radiation dosimetry.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue X Rays: Physics and Applications)
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Open AccessArticle
Fast Neutron Scintillator Screens for Neutron Imaging Using a Layered Polymer-Phosphor Architecture
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(2), 14; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6020014 - 01 Apr 2022
Fast neutrons enable a nondestructive examination of dense, large, and highly attenuating samples due to their lower interaction probability compared to thermal neutrons. However, this also creates a challenge in fast neutron imaging, as the thicker sensors necessary to detect fast neutrons degrade
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Fast neutrons enable a nondestructive examination of dense, large, and highly attenuating samples due to their lower interaction probability compared to thermal neutrons. However, this also creates a challenge in fast neutron imaging, as the thicker sensors necessary to detect fast neutrons degrade an image’s spatial resolution due to scattering within the sensor and the indeterminate depth of interaction in the sensor. This work explores the advantages of a fast neutron imaging screen with a layered polymer-phosphor screen approach as opposed to a mixed polymer-phosphor screen typically used in fast neutron imaging. Proton recoil is the primary conversion mechanism for fast neutron imaging. Simulations showed that the recoil proton range of typical fast neutrons is approximately 200 µm, however, tests at Idaho National Laboratory revealed that the light output of these screens increased at much greater polymer thicknesses. The NECTAR fast neutron beamline at FRM II was used to test the imaging performance of layered fast neutron imaging screens. Distinguishing between the fast-neutron and γ-ray signals is a major challenge in fast neutron imaging because all fast neutron sources also produce γ-rays. A relative comparison between a control plate and the fast neutron screen was made to distinguish between a γ-ray and fast neutron signals. MCNP modeling quantified the γ-ray and fast neutron contributions to the images measured at NECTAR, which were approximately a 75% γ-ray image.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Neutron Instrumentation II)
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Open AccessArticle
Exploration of Defect Dynamics and Color Center Qubit Synthesis with Pulsed Ion Beams
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 13; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010013 - 16 Mar 2022
Short-pulse ion beams have been developed in recent years and now enable applications in materials science. A tunable flux of selected ions delivered in pulses of a few nanoseconds can affect the balance of defect formation and dynamic annealing in materials. We report
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Short-pulse ion beams have been developed in recent years and now enable applications in materials science. A tunable flux of selected ions delivered in pulses of a few nanoseconds can affect the balance of defect formation and dynamic annealing in materials. We report results from color center formation in silicon with pulses of 900 keV protons. G-centers in silicon are near-infrared photon emitters with emerging applications as single-photon sources and for spin-photon qubit integration. G-centers consist of a pair of substitutional carbon atoms and one silicon interstitial atom and are often formed by carbon ion implantation and thermal annealing. Here, we report on G-center formation with proton pulses in silicon samples that already contained carbon, without carbon ion implantation or thermal annealing. The number of G-centers formed per proton increased when we increased the pulse intensity from 6.9 × 109 to 7.9 × 1010 protons/cm2/pulse, demonstrating a flux effect on G-center formation efficiency. We observe a G-center ensemble linewidth of 0.1 nm (full width half maximum), narrower than previously reported. Pulsed ion beams can extend the parameter range available for fundamental studies of radiation-induced defects and the formation of color centers for spin-photon qubit applications.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Beam and Its Applications for Quantum Technologies)
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Open AccessArticle
Sputtering Yields of Si Bombarded with 10–540-keV C60 Ions
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 12; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010012 - 09 Mar 2022
Cited by 1
Sputtering yields of Si have been measured for C60 ions in the energy range from 10 to 540 keV, where the nuclear stopping is dominant, by measuring thickness change of a pre-amorphized layer with conventional Rutherford-backscattering spectroscopy. The measured sputtering yield shows
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Sputtering yields of Si have been measured for C60 ions in the energy range from 10 to 540 keV, where the nuclear stopping is dominant, by measuring thickness change of a pre-amorphized layer with conventional Rutherford-backscattering spectroscopy. The measured sputtering yield shows the maximum, which is approximately 600 Si/C60, around 100 keV. Comparing with the sputtering yields for a monatomic ion calculated both based on the linear-collision-cascade theory of Sigmund and using the SRIM2008 code, nonlinear effect on the sputtering yield has been observed. The nonlinear effect depends on the energy of C60 ions: it is very large around the energies where the sputtering yield has the maximum and hardly observed at 10 keV.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Swift Cluster Ion Beams: Basic Processes and Applications)
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Open AccessArticle
Use of 3D Laser Scanning and Additive Technologies for Reconstruction of Damaged and Destroyed Cultural Heritage Objects
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 11; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010011 - 03 Mar 2022
Cited by 1
Three-dimensional laser scanning is a novel measurement technique that is frequently used for the documentation of cultural heritage (CH) objects. In the process of 3D scanning, one can obtain computing 3D models of artworks to be documented. It allows one to produce detailed
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Three-dimensional laser scanning is a novel measurement technique that is frequently used for the documentation of cultural heritage (CH) objects. In the process of 3D scanning, one can obtain computing 3D models of artworks to be documented. It allows one to produce detailed digitized archives of important CH objects. Moreover, the use of 3D scanning enables the digital reconstruction of architectural fragments, sculptures, and other artworks. One more important application of this technique relates to the creation of molds and replicas for replacements of outdoor CH objects in case their preservation requirements do not allow them to remain in their original place due to the influence of environmental factors. One of the most effective ways of creating replicas is the use of laser additive technologies. Therefore, the combination of 3D scanning and additive technologies is a very promising way of preservation of CH. This paper describes several case studies concerned with the combined usage of 3D laser scanning and additive technologies for digital reconstruction and replication and of outdoor sculptures in St. Petersburg city. One of them is the reconstruction of the zinc sculpture “Eva at the fountain” (XIX century, England), which was destroyed during WWII. Its replica was created by means of laser stereolithography. Eventually, one more project is related to the reconstruction of the fragment of the sufficiently damaged cast-iron XIX century monument. This object was reconstructed using two laser technologies: direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), and laser cladding (LC).
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Assisted Manufacturing)
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Open AccessArticle
Experimental Setup for Irradiation of Cell Cultures at L2A2
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 10; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010010 - 21 Feb 2022
Laser–plasma proton sources and their applications to preclinical research has become a very active field of research in recent years. In addition to their small dimensions as compared to classical ion accelerators, they offer the possibility to study the biological effects of ultra-short
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Laser–plasma proton sources and their applications to preclinical research has become a very active field of research in recent years. In addition to their small dimensions as compared to classical ion accelerators, they offer the possibility to study the biological effects of ultra-short particle bunches and the correspondingly high dose rates. We report on the design of an experimental setup for the irradiation of cell cultures at the L2A2 laboratory at the University of Santiago de Compostela, making use of a 1.2 J Ti: Sapphire laser with a 10 Hz repetition rate. Our setup comprises a proton energy separator consisting of two antiparallel magnetic fields realized by a set of permanent magnets. It allows for selecting a narrow energy window around an adaptable design value of 5 MeV out of the initially broad spectrum typical for Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA). At the same time, unwanted electrons and X-rays are segregated from the protons. This part of the setup is located inside the target vessel of the L2A2 laser. A subsequent vacuum flange sealed with a thin kapton window allows for particle passage to external sample irradiation. A combination of passive detector materials and real-time monitors is applied for measurement of the deposited radiation dose. A critical point of this interdisciplinary project is the manipulation of biological samples under well-controlled, sterile conditions. Cell cultures are prepared in sealed flasks with an ultra-thin entrance window and analysed at the nearby Fundación Pública Galega Medicina Xenómica and IDIS. The first trials will be centred at the quantification of DNA double-strand breaks as a function of radiation dose.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser-Driven Irradiation Facility)
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Open AccessArticle
Laser Treatment as a New Approach to the Passivation of Iron-Based Historical Monuments
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 9; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010009 - 16 Feb 2022
This article is devoted to the study of the possibility of the passivation of iron-based metallic materials. The experimental results obtained for the laser treatment of carbon steel model samples by the radiation of repetitively pulsed and continuous-wave 1.064 µm Nd:YAG lasers are
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This article is devoted to the study of the possibility of the passivation of iron-based metallic materials. The experimental results obtained for the laser treatment of carbon steel model samples by the radiation of repetitively pulsed and continuous-wave 1.064 µm Nd:YAG lasers are described. It is shown that the laser treatment allows the formation of dense protection films, 62–77 microns thick, on the steel surface. The films enhance the anticorrosion properties of the metal. Exposure to laser radiation reduces the surface roughness (from Ra = 0.53 µm to Ra = 0.38 µm). Laser radiation power densities of 10.2 × 105 W/cm2 and 10.7 × 105 W/cm2 for these two laser generating modes, respectively, correspond to the optimum (in terms of the degree of corrosion resistance) modes of steel treatment. The conducted studies show that the application of Nd: YAG lasers is a promising method for the surface passivation of artworks created from steel and cast iron. One of the most promising applications of the proposed method for the anticorrosion protection of iron is the passivation of the surface of iron-based historical monuments.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Assisted Manufacturing)
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Open AccessReview
Surface Channeling of Charged and Neutral Beams in Capillary Guides
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 8; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010008 - 14 Feb 2022
In this review work, the passage of charged and neutral beams through dielectric capillary guides is described from a uniform point of view of beams channeling in capillaries. The motion of beams into the hollow channels formed by the inner walls of capillaries
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In this review work, the passage of charged and neutral beams through dielectric capillary guides is described from a uniform point of view of beams channeling in capillaries. The motion of beams into the hollow channels formed by the inner walls of capillaries is mainly determined by multiple small-angle scattering (reflection) and can be described in the approximation of surface channeling. It is shown that the surface interaction potential in the case of micro- and nano-capillaries is actually conditioned by the curvature of the reflecting surface. After presenting the analysis of previously performed studies on X-rays propagation into capillaries, which is valid for thermal neutrons, too, the surface channeling formalism is also developed for charged particle beams, in particular, moving in curved cylindrical capillaries. Alternative theories explaining experimental results on the beams passage through capillaries are based on simple thermodynamic estimates, on various diffusion models, and on the results of direct numerical simulations as well. Our work is the first attempt to explain the effective guiding of a charged beam by a capillary from the general standpoint of quantum mechanics, which made it possible to analytically explore the interaction potential for surface channeling. It is established that, depending on the characteristics of a projectile and a dielectric forming the channel, the interaction potential can be either repulsive or attractive; the limiting values of the potential function for the corresponding cases are determined. It has been demonstrated that the surface channeling behaviour can help in explaining the efficient capillary guiding for radiations and beams.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue X Rays: Physics and Applications)
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Open AccessEditorial
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Quantum Beam Science in 2021
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 7; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010007 - 28 Jan 2022
Rigorous peer-reviews are the basis of high-quality academic publishing [...]
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Open AccessReview
MeV Cluster Ion Beam–Material Interaction
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 6; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010006 - 24 Jan 2022
This paper treats the characteristic topics of MeV/atom cluster ion beams produced using tandem accelerators both in the production stage and in the penetration stage from the viewpoint of fundamental processes. The former is related to atomic collisions in that production and decay
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This paper treats the characteristic topics of MeV/atom cluster ion beams produced using tandem accelerators both in the production stage and in the penetration stage from the viewpoint of fundamental processes. The former is related to atomic collisions in that production and decay of a cluster ion colliding with a charge-changing rare gas underlined through the electron-loss process. Regarding the latter, relatively small carbon clusters are treated. The reduction effect of the average charge of cluster ions in a material is first presented. Next, the electronic stopping power and the energy loss, the polarization force, and the coulomb explosion under cluster-ion impact are described in the dielectric function form. Alignment and structure effects are stressed. As a large and highly symmetric cluster, the electronic stopping power and the average charge are shown for a C60 cluster ion moving inside a solid. Throughout the paper, it is emphasized that the vicinage effect originating from correlation on spatial structure and orientation of constituent ions plays the key role. Moreover, results obtained in cluster production and penetration phenomena are mostly different from multiplication of those under single-ion impact.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Swift Cluster Ion Beams: Basic Processes and Applications)
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Open AccessReview
Femtosecond Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing: Current Status and Perspectives
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 5; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010005 - 18 Jan 2022
The ever-growing interest in additive manufacturing (AM) is evidenced by its extensive utilisation to manufacture a broad spectrum of products across a range of industries such as defence, medical, aerospace, automotive, and electronics. Today, most laser-based AM is carried out by employing continuous-wave
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The ever-growing interest in additive manufacturing (AM) is evidenced by its extensive utilisation to manufacture a broad spectrum of products across a range of industries such as defence, medical, aerospace, automotive, and electronics. Today, most laser-based AM is carried out by employing continuous-wave (CW) and long-pulsed lasers. The CW and long-pulsed lasers have the downside in that the thermal energy imparted by the laser diffuses around the irradiated spot and often leads to the creation of heat-affected zones (HAZs). Heat-affected zones may degrade the material strength by producing micro-cracks, porous structures and residual stresses. To address these issues, currently, attempts are being made to employ ultrafast laser sources, such as femtosecond (fs) lasers, in AM processes. Femtosecond lasers with pulse durations in the order of s limit the destructive laser–material interaction and, thus, minimise the probability of the HAZs. This review summarises the current advancements in the field of femtosecond laser-based AM of metals and alloys. It also reports on the comparison of CW laser, nanosecond (ns)/picosecond (ps) lasers with fs laser-based AM in the context of heat-affected zones, substrate damage, microstructural changes and thermomechanical properties. To shed light on the principal mechanisms ruling the manufacturing processes, numerical predictions are discussed and compared with the experimental results. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this review is the first of its kind to encompass the current status, challenges and opportunities of employing fs lasers in additive manufacturing.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Assisted Manufacturing)
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Open AccessArticle
Incident Angle Dependent Formation of Ion Tracks in Quartz Crystal with C60+ Ions: Big Ions in Small Channels
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Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 4; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010004 - 12 Jan 2022
Quartz (SiO2) crystals possess intrinsic columnar pores perpendicular to (0001) surfaces, consisting of three- and six-membered ring (3MR and 6MR) structures of Si and O atoms. The diameters of the larger pores, i.e., 6 MRs, are ~0.49 nm, while the diameters
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Quartz (SiO2) crystals possess intrinsic columnar pores perpendicular to (0001) surfaces, consisting of three- and six-membered ring (3MR and 6MR) structures of Si and O atoms. The diameters of the larger pores, i.e., 6 MRs, are ~0.49 nm, while the diameters of fullerene (C60) ions are 0.7 nm, i.e., larger than either type of the pores. Transmission electron microscopy observation evidenced approximately two times longer ion tracks in the channeling condition, i.e., 0° incidence to (0001) surface, than an off-channeling condition, i.e., 7° incidence in this case, under 6 MeV C60 ion injection. The track length at the 0° incidence decreases more steeply than that at the 7° incidence with decreasing the energy from 6 MeV to 1 MeV. Finally, the track lengths at the 0° and 7° incidences become comparable, i.e., the channeling-like effect disappears at 1 MeV irradiation. This study experimentally indicates that the channeling-like effect of C60 ions is induced in quartz crystals, while the sizes of the channels are smaller than the C60 ions.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Swift Cluster Ion Beams: Basic Processes and Applications)
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Open AccessArticle
Optimization of the Guide Design of MIRACLES, the Neutron Time-of-Flight Backscattering Spectrometer at the European Spallation Source
Quantum Beam Sci. 2022, 6(1), 3; https://doi.org/10.3390/qubs6010003 - 31 Dec 2021
Cited by 1
To boost the science case of MIRACLES, the time-of-flight backscattering spectrometer at the European Spallation Source (ESS), an optimized neutron guide system, is proposed. This systematic study resulted in an enhancement in the transport of cold neutrons, compared with the previous conceptual design,
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To boost the science case of MIRACLES, the time-of-flight backscattering spectrometer at the European Spallation Source (ESS), an optimized neutron guide system, is proposed. This systematic study resulted in an enhancement in the transport of cold neutrons, compared with the previous conceptual design, with wavelengths ranging from λ = 2 Å to 20 Å along the 162.5-m distance from source to sample. This maintained the undisturbed main focus of the instrument, viz, to carry out quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering (QENS and INS) experiments on a large dynamic range and for both energy-gain and energy-loss sides. To improve the collection of cold neutrons from the source and direct them to the sample position, the vertical geometry was adjusted to an adapted version of a ballistic elliptical profile. Its horizontal geometry was conceived to: (i) keep the high-resolution performance of the instrument, and (ii) minimize the background originating from fast and thermal neutrons. To comply with the first requirement, a narrow guide section at the pulse shaping chopper position has been implemented. To fulfil the second, a curved guide segment has been chosen to suppress neutrons with wavelengths λ < 2 Å. Subsequent tailoring of the phase space provided an efficient transport of cold neutrons along the beamline to reach a 3 × 3 cm2 sample. Finally, additional calculations were performed to present a potential upgrade, with the exchange of the final segment, to focus on samples of approximately 1 × 1 cm2; the proposal anticipates a flux increase of 70% in this 1 cm2 sample area.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Neutron Instrumentation II)
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