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Open Access Proceedings Journals for Academic Conferences

MDPI Proceedings Journals

MDPI publishes a series of open access conference journals in all research fields. These journals provide a high quality service and are dedicated to making the output of conferences widely available. If you are organizing an academic conference and are interested in our services, please click the "Submit a Proposal" link to get a quotation.

Submit a Proposal

Benefits for Your Conference

  • Open Access: Unlimited and free access for readers.
  • A dedicated webpage for your conference: Containing all conference papers and a description of the conference, along with links to the conference homepage.
  • Flexibility: All kinds of outputs from the conferences can be included in the related conference proceedings journals, including abstracts, proceedings, posters, etc.
  • High visibility: All published items will be assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) and are thus citable, available on mdpi.com, and they appear on search engines such as Google Scholar.
  • No space constraints or color charges: No restriction on the number of the papers in an issue, number of figures, or use of color.
  • Attractive cover: Designed by our professional in-house design team.
  • Sciforum support: Optionally use of our free, professional platform to host your scientific conference, including the conference website, peer-review, and many additional features.
  • Additional services available: Options include English Editing, XML conversion, abstracts delivered on USB drives, printed books, etc.
  • Promotion: Promotion of your conference on MDPI journal websites, through newsletters and social media.

Recent Publications

Vol. 15

IECD 2022

Vol. 3

AIBSD 2022

Vol. 18

ISMO 2022

Vol. 10

IRRET 2022

Vol. 9

NSNZ 2021

Vol. 3

MaxEnt 2021

Vol. 81

IS4SI 2021

Forthcoming Conferences

2nd Global Meet on Optoelectronics & Quantum Physics (Miami, USA, 19–20 September 2022)


MDPI Proceedings Journals
St. Alban-Anlage 66
4052 Basel
CH-4020 Basel

[email protected]
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34

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