148Apps launched shortly after the iTunes App Store launched in July of 2008. From the start our purpose has been to provide you insight into the very best in iOS applications through our numerous reviews and latest news sections. Our goal is to sort through the best of the best and provide you with the information you need to choose — so you don’t have to spend your days in front of an iPhone just to find the perfect app for you.
In addition to the reviews and news, we keep track of what’s selling, what’s new and what prices are dropping in the iTunes App Store. We also have growing communities on Twitter, Facebook.
Advertising on 148apps.com
We currently have a few advertising opportunities available. Take a look at our advertising page for more information on placements. Please feel free to send us your feedback about advertising on 148apps.com.
Why 148Apps?
When the App Store launched, 148 was the maximum number of applications that you could install at once on the iPhone under iOS (then iPhone OS) 2.0. (9 pages x 16 = 144 + 4 in the static bar at the bottom = 148) As of the launch of iOS 3.0 that number was raised to 180. Then under iOS 4 with the addition of folders, that number rose to 2160. What happens if you try to install more? Nothing, iTunes lets you do it, but they just don’t show up on the springboard (the name of the app launcher in iOS).
We thought about changing the name to 180Apps.com for about a day, and then ultimately decided that 148Apps just rolls off the tongue better.
Links to the App Store from this site are sent through the iTunes affiliate program. For more info on that program, see this page at Apple.com.
App developers and PR representatives will send us promo codes and promotional products for applications or accessories they want us to review. These are used by our writers to give them access to apps they wouldn’t normally have access to. Though in the end we only are able to review a small percentage of those apps.
148apps.com is owned and published by Steel Media Ltd.