Capsule Review
Price: FREE
Version Reviewed: 1.0.3
Device Reviewed On: iPhone 5
iPhone Integration Rating:
User Interface Rating:
Re-use Value Rating:
Overall Rating:
If you’re like me, you often find yourself thinking how you really need to text someone but it’s 2am and you don’t think they’d appreciate a message right now. All too often I then entirely forget by the next morning, and so the pattern repeats itself for far too long. Sure I could send myself an email as a reminder or add something to my To-Do list, but wouldn’t it be great if I could schedule a text instead? That’s the thinking behind Capsule - a flawed but useful way of texting in the future.
You set Capsule up by inputting your phone number and then receiving an authorization code. It doesn’t take too long to do and is possible anywhere throughout the world. After that, using Capsule is simply a matter of tapping Create and you can get texting. You type your message as usual, choose whether you want to add a photo or video, pick out your contact, and then schedule a time and date. It’s as simple as that.
One small extra option emerges in the form of being able to enter a number manually, send a message to yourself, or insert a contact, but it’s still very easy to use Capsule. Scheduled messages are then kept aside and you can always check back on their history too, which can be pretty useful as it’s conducted through a separate system to conventional messages.So, what’s the catch? When the recipient receives your message, it’s not from your number. Instead, it’s from a totally different place, stating that you’ve sent them a message and listing it. Your name and original phone number is also included but it does mean there are a few extra steps before they're able to reply. Plus, it looks kind of like spam by doing it this way.
So, Capsule probably isn’t the kind of app you’d use all the time. For special occasions though, or when you’re really worried about being forgetful, it has its uses. As it’s entirely free, that’s not bad at all.