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mechanical breaking, etc.) besides choosing the
wavelength of light, its energetic parameters are also
important. Two major parameters are typically used:
energy and power. Energy is the ability of light to
produce some work; energy E is measured in joules (J).
Power is the rate of delivery of energy; it is normally
measured in watts (W) (i.e., joules per second (J/s)).
At light interaction with tissues, produced
photophysical, photochemical, or photobiological
effects depend on energy density and/or power density
that are provided within the target area. Energy density
or fluence is the energy of the light wave that
propagates through a unit area which is perpendicular to
the direction of propagation of the light wave. Fluence
is measured in J/m2 or J/cm2 and power density or
intensity is measured in W/m2 or W/cm2. The
relationship between fluence (F) and intensity (I) is
given by:
1 Introduction
2 Biological tissue structures
2.1 General definitions and characteristics
2.2 Soft tissues
2.3 Hard tissues
2.4Tissue structural anisotropy
2.5 Blood, lymph and other bioliquids
2.6 Conclusion
1 Introduction
In this review paper, fundamentals of tissue optics and
photonics are discussed. Basic principles of light-tissue
interaction and light beam propagation in weakly and
strongly scattering tissues are considered. The
discussion of different optical phenomena in tissues in
one paper could be helpful for understanding of
interrelations between different optical modalities
beneficial for biomedical diagnostics and treatment.
Currently there are available a plenty of literature
describing tissue optics and biomedical applications of
optical technologies, which can be recommended for
further reading [1-58]. Biophotonics as a science and
technology use tissue optics as basics for designing
innovative optical diagnostical and treatment
technologies [59-64].
The electromagnetic wave spectrum presented
schematically in Fig. 1 shows wavelength range from
the very short ones of gamma rays to the very long of
radio waves, where only very small interval belongs to
visible light from 400 to 780 nm. Physicians who apply
light in phototherapy or vision science classify the light
spectrum (i.e., from 100 nm to 1000 µm) basing on the
major mechanism of light interaction with biological
cells or tissues. In particular, spectral ranges are
classified as ultraviolet (UV) light (UVC, 100–280 nm;
UVB, 280–315 nm; and UVA, 315–400 nm); visible
(400–780 nm); and infrared (IR) ligh (IRA, 780–1400
nm; IRB, 1400–3000 nm; and IRC, 3–1000 µm).
However, physicists who consider light’s interaction
with and propagation in abiological media (atmosphere,
ocean, etc.) classify light spectrum as UV (100–400
nm), visible (400–800 nm), near IR (NIR) (800–2500
nm), middle IR (MIR) (2.5–50 µm), and far IR (FIR)
(50–2000 µm). Presently, as light is more and more
widely and effectively used in medicine, both
classifications and terminologies are on use in the
biomedical optics and biophotonics.
For example, due to great importance of the near
infrared range for tissue spectroscopy and imaging, the
abbreviation NIR is often used now by medical doctors.
A current interest and future perspective of the terahertz
range of electromagnetic radiation for biomedical
applications spread the light wavelength range
classification used in medicine to the 2000 µm that used
by physicists.
where 𝜏! is the length of pulse (pulsewidth) or exposure
In inhomogeneous light scattering media to which
tissues belong, the following parameter is often used:
fluence rate (or total radiant energy fluence rate), that is,
the sum of the radiance over all angles at a point 𝑟; the
quantity that is typically measured in irradiated tissues
(W/m2 or W/cm2) and commonly called “intensity” or
In general, a light beam is a slender stream of light.
Often the user needs a collimated beam—a beam of
light in which all rays are parallel to each other and the
wavefront is a plane. Such a beam, in some cases, can
be provided automatically by using an appropriate laser
or can be formed by special optics (with possible
significant loss of light energy) using conventional light
sources such as lamps.
Typically, laser beam has a Gaussian shape for the
transverse intensity profile. If the intensity at the centre
of the beam is I(0, z) for a distance z apart the position
of the laser beam “waist” (the narrowest part of a
beam), the formula for a Gaussian beam is [65]
𝐼 𝑟, 𝑧 = 𝐼 0, 𝑧 𝑒𝑥𝑝 −2
!! !
where r is the radial distance from the axis and wb(z) is
the beam radius at distance z from laser counted from
the position of the beam “waist”. A single-mode fibre
with a core diameter of several microns also creates a
Gaussian beam at its output.
The initial beam divergence of the light source is
important for a light beam focusing on the target and for
controlling the light spot diameter. The radius of the
beam in the focal plane of the lens with a focal length f
is given by:
To characterize the efficiency of light interaction
with biological tissue (inducing a photochemical
reaction, temperature increase, evaporation, thermal
𝐹 = 𝐼 ×𝜏! ,
𝑤 = 𝑓×𝜃,
Fig. 1.1 Electromagnetic spectrum and types of interaction with matter (UV – ultraviolet, EUV – extreme UV, VIS –
visible, IR – infrared, MW – microwaves, THz – terahertz, RW – radio waves). Modified from [40].
power Pp (power within the individual pulse) and
average power Pave for a train of pulses are used:
where θ is the beam divergence.
Single mode lasers or single mode fibres have a
minimal beam divergence and can provide minimal
light spot size; for a single mode laser (TEM00-mode)
𝜃 ≅ 𝜆/𝜋𝑤 0 ,
where w(0) is the laser beam radius in its “waist.”
Minimal light spot size in the focal plane of the
aberration free optical system can be close to the
wavelength λ. For enough far distance from the laser,
z >> πw2(0)/λ, laser beam radius is defined by a simple
𝑤(𝑧) ≅ 𝑧𝜃.
𝑃!"# = 𝐸! ×𝑓! .
Coherent light that is typically produced by lasers is
light in which the electromagnetic waves maintain a
fixed phase relationship over a period of time, and in
which the phase relationship remains constant for
various points in the plane that is perpendicular to the
direction of propagation. Coherence length of a light
source characterizes the degree of temporal coherence
of the emitted light,
Evidently, light-tissue interaction depends on
temporal parameters of the light, whether it is
continuous wave (CW) or pulse. Pulsed light can be
produced as a single pulse of duration 𝜏! (pulsewidth),
measured in seconds (s), or as successive trains of
pulses with some repetition frequency (rate) fp,
measured in hertz (s–1). Lamps can typically generate
light pulses 𝜏! up to nanosecond (ns) (l0−9 s), and only
lasers can generate more shorter pulses, in picosecond
(ps) (l0−12 s) or femtosecond (fs) (l0−15 s) ranges with a
high repetition rate fp up to 100 MHz. A laser with Qswitching produces the so-called giant pulses in the
nanosecond or picoseconds range, as the mode-locked
laser produces ultrashort pulses in the subpicosecond or
femtosecond range with a high repetition rate. In
dependence of technology used, the form of pulses can
be different: rectangular, triangle, or Gaussian.
To describe energetic properties of pulsed light, a
few more characteristics, such as pulse energy Ep, peak
𝑃! = 𝐸! /𝜏! ,
𝑙! = 𝑐𝜏! ,
where c is the light speed and 𝜏! is the coherence time,
which is approximately equal to the pulse duration of
the pulsed light source or inversely proportional to the
wavelength bandwidth 𝛥𝜆 of a CW light source,
𝜏! ~𝜆! /(𝑐𝛥𝜆). More precisely, for a Gaussian shape of a
light source spectral band
𝑙! =
! !" !
A single frequency CW He–Ne laser with a narrow
bandwidth 𝛥𝜆 = 10−6 nm and wavelength 𝜆 = 632.8 nm
has a coherence length lc ≈ 180 m; a multimode diode
laser with 𝛥𝜆 = 30 nm and 𝜆 = 830 nm has lc ≈ 10 µm.
For a titanium-sapphire laser with 𝜆 = 820 nm, the
bandwidth may be as big as 140 nm; therefore,
coherence length is very short lc ≈ 2 µm. The shortest lc
≈ 0.9 µm is for a white light source (𝛥𝜆 = 400 nm) or
possess varying proportions of the constituents of the
Areolar tissue is a soft, sometimes spongelike
connective tissue that consists of an amorphous
polysaccharide-containing and jellylike ground matrix
with the embedded a loose network of white, yellow,
and reticulin fibres. In this tissue, fibroblasts form and
maintain the matrix. The areolar tissue is found all over
the body, binding together organs (by mesenteries) and
muscles (by sheaths), and occurring as subcutaneous
tissue which function is to support or fill in the space
between organs or between other tissues.
Reticular tissue is a tissue consisting of a network of
reticular intercellular fibres around and among cells,
with lymph in the intercellular spaces. They occur in
many large organs, such as the liver, kidney and the
larger glands, and in nerves and muscles. Reticular
fibres are very thin, almost inextensible threads of
reticulin – a tough fibrous protein. It is similar to
collagen, but more resistant to high temperature and
chemical reagents. Reticulin is forming in embryos and
in wounds and often changes to collagen.
Fibrous tissue is a tissue mainly consisting of
conjunctive collagen (or elastin) fibres, often packed in
lamellar bundles or fascicles. In fibrous tissues or
tissues containing fibre layers (cornea, sclera, dura
mater, muscle, myocardium, tendon, cartilage, vessel
wall, retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), etc.) and
composed mostly of fibrils/subfibrils/microfibrils (or
protofibrils) (Fig. 2), typical diameters of the cylindrical
structural elements are 5–400 nm; their length is in a
range from 10–25 µm to a few millimetres. Fibril is a
fine fibre or filament, e.g., in muscles their diameters
are in the range of 5–15 nm with a length of about 1–1.5
µm and in the eye cornea, their diameters are in the
range of 26–30 nm with a mean length up to a few
millimetres [74, 76].
Collagen is a tough, inelastic, fibrous protein. On
boiling, it forms gelatine and, on adding acetic acid, it
swells up and dissolves. Collagen in its turn forms white
fibres in connective tissue. The tropocollagen or
“collagen molecule” subunit is a rod about 300 nm long
and 1.5 nm in diameter, made up of three polypeptide
strands. There is some covalent crosslinking within the
triple helices, and a variable amount of covalent
crosslinking between tropocollagen helices, to form the
different types of collagen found in different mature
tissues. A distinctive feature of collagen is the regular
arrangement of amino acids in each of the three chains
of these collagen subunits.
There are a number of collagen types, which are
different in their composition and structure, type I to
type V are the most abundant; types I, II, III, V,VII and
XI are capable of fibril formation; their distribution in
tissues: type I – dermis, bone, cornea, tendon, cartilage,
vessel wall, intestine, dentin, uterine wall, fat
mashwork; type II – cartilage, notochord, vitreous
humour, nucleus pulposus; type III – dermis, intestine,
gingiva, heart valve, uterine wall, vessel wall; type IV
and VII – basement membranes; type V – cornea,
even lc ≈ 0.2 µm for the supercontinuum radiation with
𝛥𝜆 = 1500 nm from a microstructured fibre induced by
a femtosecond titanium-sapphire laser with mean
wavelength of 800 nm. Coherence length is a
fundamental parameter for optical coherence
tomography (OCT); lower the lc value, the better is the
image resolution that can be achieved. OCT systems
based on a femtosecond titanium sapphire laser or a
supercontinium-based light source allows one to image
skin with a subcellular resolution of 0.2–2 µm.
Polarized light is also used in tissue examination,
thus its interaction specificity with tissues and cells
should be accounted for [20].
2 Biological tissues
2.1 General definitions and characteristics
Biological tissue is an aggregate of similar cells and cell
products (tissue fibres and gels) forming a definite kind
of structural material in normal or abnormal state [47,
51, 66-76]. There are three major types of tissues, such
as epithelial, connective, and glandular. More
specifically tissues characterized as areolar, reticular,
fibrous, tubular, and elastic. Tissues are also could be
identified as belonging to a specific organ or system,
i.e., mucosal, muscular, nervous, cervical, eye, skin,
lymphoid, and adipose (fat), or to pathology state, i.e.,
scar tissue and malignant tissue.
Based on morphology, tissues can be also grouped
into four basic types: epithelium, connective tissue,
muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissues are
formed by layers of cells that cover organ surfaces such
as the surface of the skin, the airways, and the inner
lining of the digestive tract. Connective tissue is
comprised of cells separated by nonliving material,
which is called the extracellular matrix. There are the
following five types of connective tissues: loose
connective, dense connective, elastic, reticular, and
adipose. Bone, cartilage, and blood belong to category
of “specialized connective tissue.” Muscle tissues are
active contractile tissues of the body formed by muscle
cells and separated into three distinct categories: smooth
muscle, which is found in the inner linings of organs;
skeletal muscle, which is found attached to bone
providing for gross movement; and cardiac muscle that
is found in the heart, allowing it to contract and pump
blood throughout an organism. Cells comprising the
central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
are classified as neural tissue.
In general, tissue fibres are long strands of
scleroprotein, which are either collagen-forming white
fibres or elastin-forming yellow fibres, or reticulinforming reticular fibres. Tissue fibres, formed and
maintained by fibroblasts, form part of a noncellular
matrix around and among cells. A matrix may consist of
an amorphous, jellylike polysaccharide together with
these three types of fibre. Cells and a matrix form a
connective tissue. Different forms of connective tissue
placental membranes, bone, vessel wall, cartilage,
gingiva, and type XI – cartilage, intervertebral disc,
vitreous humour [47]. In optical measurements collagen
index of refraction is of importance, for example, for
type I it is n = 1.43 (fully hydrated) and 1.53 (dry) at
850 nm [77].
Collagen fibrils are collagen molecules packed into
an organized overlapping bundle. In their turn, collagen
fibrils associated in a bigger bundle form a collagen or
white fibre – the main component of white fibrous
tissue. For example, for tendon collagen, fibrils
diameters are in the range from ∼25 to 600 nm with
bigger size for mature tendons, subfibrils are of ∼25 nm,
and protofibrils are in the range 10–15 nm (Fig. 2).
have dimensions up to a few hundred nanometers [47,
78](Fig. 3). Usually, the particles in cells are not
spherical; the models of prolate ellipsoids with a ratio of
the ellipsoid axes between 2 and 10 are typical.
Fig. 2 Collagenous fibrillar structure in tendons:
collagen triple helices are combined into microfibrils (or
protofibrils), then into subfibrils, fibrils, fascicles and
into tendons [72].
Yellow elastic tissue is a connective tissue that
consists of a matrix of coarse yellow elastic fibres.
Elastin, an elastic fibrous protein resistant to boiling and
to acetic acid, is the principal constituent of this tissue
formed and maintained by fibroblasts. The tissue rarely
occurs pure and usually contains white fibres as well.
Yellow elastic fibres are numerous in the lungs and in
the walls of arteries, where elastic supporting tissues are
required. Yellow elastic tissue occurs in ligaments,
where an extensible tissue is required. Ligament is a
band of fibrous tissue serving to connect bones, hold
organs in place, etc.
Biological cell is an individual unit of protoplasm
surrounded by a plasma membrane and usually
containing a nucleus. A cell may exhibit all the
characteristics of a living organism, or it may be highly
specialized for a particular function. Cells vary
considerably in size and shape, but all have the common
features of metabolism. Most mammalian cells have
diameters in the range of 5–75 µm. For example, in the
skin epidermal layer, the cells are large (with an average
cross-sectional area of about 80 µm2) and quite uniform
in size; fat cells, each containing a single lipid droplet
that nearly fills the entire cell and therefore results in
eccentric placement of the cytoplasm and nucleus, have
a wide range of diameters from a few microns to 50–75
µm [47].
There is wide variety of structures within cells that
determine tissue light scattering. Cell nuclei are on the
order of 5–10 µm in diameter; mitochondria, lysosomes
and peroxisoms have dimensions of 1–2 µm; ribosomes
are on the order of 20 nm in diameter; and structures
within various organelles, such as mitochondria, can
Fig. 3 Major organelles and inclusions of the cell:
nucleus (chromatin, nuclear envelope, nuclear pore,
nucleolus), mitochondria, lysosomes and peroxisoms,
ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi
The hollow organs of the body are lined with a thin,
highly cellular surface layer of epithelial tissue, which is
supported by underlying, relatively acellular connective
tissue. In healthy tissues, the epithelium often consists
of a single, well–organized layer of cells with en–face
diameter of 10–20 µm and height of 25 µm [47](Fig. 4).
In dysplastic epithelium, cells proliferate and their
nuclei enlarge and appear darker (hyperchromatic) when
stained. Enlarged nuclei are primary indicators of
cancer, dysplasia and cell regeneration in most human
Fig. 4 One of the epithelial tissue types – a thin well–
organized cellular surface layer by which the hollow
organs of the body are lined.
2.2 Soft tissues
A soft (antonym to hard) tissue has its structural
peculiarities and elasticity providing the specificity of
light-tissue interaction. Tissue morphology, especially
sizing and shaping of tissue constitutions (particles), and
particle material (molecular structure) are important.
For some tissues, the size distribution of the particles
may be essentially monodispersive and for others it may
be very broad. Two opposite examples are optically
transparent eye corneal stroma with a sharply
monodispersive distribution of collagen fibre diameters,
and turbid eye sclera with a rather broad distribution
[74, 79-85].
Epithelial tissue is a tissue consisting of a sheet of
epithelial cells held together by a minimal amount of
cement-like material between the cells. It covers
exposed surfaces and lines the cavities and tubes of the
body. Beneath most epithelial tissue is a thin sheet of
connective tissue – the basement membrane which
separating epithelia from tissues below. Besides its
protective function, epithelial tissue frequently has a
secretory function, in which case it is known as
glandular tissue. Keratinized epithelium structured to
withstand abrasion. Keratin, a protein produced by
mature epithelial cells called keratinocytes.
Mucous membrane (mucosa) is a membrane
consisting of moist epithelium and the connective tissue
immediately beneath it. It usually consists of simple
epithelium, but is stratified near openings to the
exterior. It is often ciliated and often contains goblet
cells. Mucosa is found in the lining of the
gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, and in the
urinogenital ducts. It is kept moist by glandular
Skin is the largest human organ. It covers between
1.5 and 2 m2, comprising about one sixth of total body
weight. It has barrier function against the environment
and provides human body response to environment
condition change [1, 68, 71, 86]. For example, skin
protects us from water loss, ultraviolet rays of the sun,
friction and impact wounds. It also helps in regulating
body temperature and metabolism. Skin has three
functional layers: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.
The structures and component chromophores of these
layers determine the attenuation of radiation in skin. In
all three layers the epidermal appendages, such as nails,
hair, and glands can be found. As the outermost skin
layer, the epidermis forms the actual protective covering
against environmental influences. It is a stratified
epithelium that varies relatively little in thickness over
most of the human body (between 75 and 150 µm) (Fig.
5), except on the face, where it may be as thin as 20 µm,
and on the palms and soles of the feet, where its
thickness may be thick as 400-5000 µm. The epidermis
consists of up to 90% keratinocytes, which function as a
barrier, keeping harmful substances out and preventing
water and other essential substances from escaping the
body. The other 10% of epidermal cells are
melanocytes, which manufacture and distribute melanin,
the protein that adds pigment to skin and protects the
body from ultraviolet radiation. The epidermis is
conventionally subdivided into stratum basale, a basal
cell layer of keratinocytes, which is the germinative
layer of the epidermis, the stratum spinosum, which
consists of several layers of polyhedral cells lying above
the germinal layer, the stratum granulosum, which is a
layer of flattened cells containing distinctive
cytoplasmic inclusions, keratohyalin granules, and the
overlying stratum corneum, consisting of lamellae of
anucleate thin, flat squames that are terminally
differentiated keratinocytes. Besides body site,
epidermal thickness is related to age, gender, skin type,
pigmentation, and blood content. The mean thickness of
the stratum corneum is ~18 µm at the dorsal aspect of
the forearm, ~11 µm at the shoulder, and ~15 µm at the
buttock. The corresponding values for the living cellular
epidermis consist of stratum granulosum, stratum
spinosum, and stratum basale (Fig. 5), are ~57 µm, 70
µm, and 81 µm, respectively. For example, for thin skin
at the shoulder, its layers are typically ranged from top
to down as the following: 11 µm for the stratum
corneum, 23 µm – the stratum granulosum, 30 µm –the
stratum spinosum, and 17 µm – the stratum basale [47].
Fig. 5 Skin epidermis (epithelial layer) structure.
Due to different content of dark pigment – melanin,
the tone of human skin can vary from a dark brown to a
nearly colourless pigmentation, which may appear
reddish due to the blood in the skin. Europeans
generally have lighter skin, hair, and eyes than any other
group. Africans generally have darker skin, hair, and
eyes. For practical purposes, such as exposure time for
sun tanning or phototherapy, six skin types are
distinguished following Fitzpatrick, listed in order of
decreasing lightness: I – very light, or "nordic" or
"celtic" (often burns, rarely tans, tends to have freckles),
II – light, or light-skinned European (usually burns,
sometimes tans), III – light intermediate, or darkskinned European (rarely burns, usually tans), IV – dark
intermediate, also "Mediterranean" or "olive skin"
(rarely burns, often tans), V – dark or "brown" type
(naturally brown skin), and VI – very dark, or "black"
type (naturally black-brown skin) [1, 68, 71, 86].
Dermis is composed of gel-like and elastic materials,
water, and, primarily, collagen (Fig. 6). Collagen fibres
are abundant in the dermis and run parallel to the
surface of the skin, they give the skin elasticity. The
dermis is much thicker than the epidermis. The upper
dermis layer is a papillary dermis. Reticular layer of
dermis (reticular dermis) is the lower layer of the
dermis. It is made primarily of coarse collagen and
elastic fibres and is denser than the upper papillary
dermis. It strengthens the skin, providing structure and
elasticity. It also supports other skin componentsappendages such as sweat glands, hair follicles, and
sebaceous glands. Lymph channels, blood vessels, nerve
fibres, and muscle cells are also embedded in this layer.
The hypodermis consists of spongy connective
tissue interspersed with energy-storing adipocytes (fat
cells). Fat cells are grouped together in large cushionlike clusters held in place by collagen fibres called
connective tissue septa or sheaths. The hypodermis is
heavily interlaced with blood vessels, ensuring a quick
delivery of stored nutrients as needed.
Fig. 6 Schematic representation of layered skin and
subcutaneous fat.
In general, the adipose tissue is a modification of
areolar tissue in which globules of oil are deposited in
adipocytes. The cells occur, besides under the skin,
around the abdominal organs (kidneys, liver, etc.). This
tissue making in norm of 15–20% from weight of a
body at men and 20–29% at women is a metabolically
active “organ” supervised by neuroendocrine system.
The adipose tissue of the subject consists of 60–85% of
lipids, of 5–30% of water and of 2–3% of proteins [87].
Adipocyte is a cell in which a food reserve is deposited
in the form of droplets of oil. The quantity of oil
increases until the oil globule formed distends the cell
and pushes the nucleus and cytoplasm to one side. A
collection of fat cells forms adipose tissue. Fat occupies
almost total volume of a fatty cell as the cell nucleus
small and is located at its edge. In the different subjects
the cell size is in the range 15–250 µm with mean lipid
content in a cell 0.3– 1.2 mg lipid/cell, and total number
of cells of (0.2–10)×1010. A great mass of lipids in fat
tissue are neutral fats, or triglycerides (90–99%), the
rest are diglycerides and monoglycerides (1-3%),
phospholipids and glycolipids (0.5–3%), free fat acids
and cholesterol (0.5–1.7 %). The spaces between fat
cells are occupied by small capillaries and interstitial
Muscular tissue is characterized by its ability to
contract on being stimulated by a motor nerve. There
are three main types of muscular tissue forming three
types of muscles: striped muscle, unstriped muscle, and
cardiac muscle. Myocard (myocardium) is the muscular
tissue of the heart. It consists mostly of cardiac muscle
which is comprised of myofibrils (about 1 µm in
diameter that in turn consist of cylindrical myofilaments
of 6-15 nm in diameter) and aspherical mitochondria
(0.1–0.2 µm in diameter). Fibres in myocardium are
oriented along two different axes. It is typically
birefringent since the refractive index along the axis of
the muscle fibre is different from that in the transverse
The dominant scatterers in an artery are the fibres,
the cells, or the subcellular organelles. Muscular arteries
have three main layers. The inner intimal layer consists
of endothelial cells with a mean diameter of less than 10
µm. The medial layer consists mostly of closely packed
smooth muscle cells with a mean diameter of 15–20 µm
and small amounts of connective tissue, including
elastin, collagen, and reticular fibres as well as a few
fibroblasts. The outer adventitial layer consists of dense
fibrous connective tissue that is largely made up of 1–12
µm in diameter collagen fibres and thinner, 2–3 µm in
diameter, elastin fibres. The cylindrical collagen and
elastin fibres are ordered mainly along one axis, thus
causing the tissue to be birefringent.
Another type of multilayered tissue in general
similar to skin is woman cervical tissue consisting of the
upper epithelial layer, basal layer (basal membrane),
and stromal layer. However depending on the area of
the cervix, the epithelium may be in one of two forms:
squamous or columnar.
The gingival tissue (gums) also consists of the
mucosal tissue that laying over the jawbone [78]. The
gingival tissue is naturally transparent and rendered red
in colour because of the blood flowing through tissue. It
connected to the teeth and bone by way of the
periodontal fibres and is divided in three portions: free
gingiva which forms a cuff around tooth and is not
attached to bone, attached gingiva which is connected to
bone, and interdental papilla which is a pointed portion
of gingiva between teeth. Healthy gingiva is
characterized by pale to coral pink colour with some
pigmentation in darker skinned individuals.
The pulp is a soft connective tissue at centre of tooth
containing fibroblasts, collagen, blood vessels, nerves
and dentin forming odontoblasts. The odontoblasts
make more dentin to protect tooth under conditions of
pulp insult, e.g. caries. The pulp provides tooth nutrition
due to rich vascular supply.
Fig. 7 Human eye structure and tissues.
Healthy tissues of the anterior human eye chamber
(see Fig. 7), such as cornea and lens, are highly
transparent for visible light because of their ordered
structure and the absence of strongly absorbing
chromophores in this wavelength range [74-76, 79-85].
The human cornea is the frontal section of the eye’s
fibrous capsule with diameter of about 10 mm and
averaged thickness of 0.5 mm. Its major layer
constitutes 90% of the cornea’s thickness is stroma,
which is composed of several hundred successively
stacked layers of lamellae (see Fig. 8, a-c), varied in
width (0.5–250 µm) and thickness (0.2–0.5 µm)
depending on the tissue region (electronic microscope
images of three sequential lamellae are presented in Fig.
8, a). Within each lamella, all of the fibres are nearly in
parallel with each other and with the lamella plane.
Fibrils are immersed into an amorphous ground
glycosaminoglycans, proteins, proteoglycans, and
various salts. The glycosaminoglycans play a key role in
regulating the assembly of the collagen fibrils as well as
in tissue permeability to water and other molecules. A
few flat cells (keratocytes) are dispersed between
lamellae, cells’ total volume fraction is only 3-5% of the
stromal volume. The fibrils in the human cornea have a
uniform diameter of about 30.8±0.8 nm with a
periodicity close to two diameters, i.e., 55.3±4.0 nm,
and rather high regularity in the organization of fibril
axes about one another (see Fig. 8, a,c). The
intermolecular spacing is of 1.63±0.10 nm [79-85].
Thus, corneal stroma has at least three levels of
structural organization: the lamellae that lie parallel to
the cornea′s surface, the fibrillar structure within each
lamella that consists of small, parallel collagen fibrils
with uniform diameters with a high degree of shortrange spatial order, and the collagen molecular
The sclera is a dense, white, fibrous membrane,
which together with the cornea forms the external
covering of the eyeball and serves as an eye protective
membrane. It contains three layers: the episclera, the
stroma and the lamina fusca. The stroma is the thickest
layer of the sclera. In the scleral stroma, the collagen
fibrils exhibit a wide range of diameters, from 25 to 230
nm [47, 82]. The average diameter of the collagen
fibrils increases gradually from about 65 nm in the
innermost part to about 125 nm in the outermost part of
the sclera. The mean distance between fibril centres is
about 285 nm. Collagen intermolecular spacing is
similar to that in the cornea, in particular in bovine
sclera, particularly, it is equal to 1.61±0.02 nm [83]. The
fibrils are arranged in individual bundles in a parallel
fashion, but more randomly than in the cornea. Within
each bundle, the groups of fibres are separated from
each other by large empty lacunae randomly distributed
in space [82]. Collagen bundles show a wide range of
widths (1 to 50 µm) and thicknesses (0.5 to 6 µm) and
tend to be wider and thicker toward the inner layers.
These ribbon-like structures are multiply crosslinked,
their length can be a few millimetres. They cross each
other in all directions, but remain parallel to the scleral
surface. The episclera has a similar structure, with more
randomly distributed and less compact bundles than in
the stroma. The lamina fusca contains a larger amount
of pigments, mainly melanin, which are generally
located between the bundles.
Fig. 8 The electron micrographs of the human cornea
(×32,000) collagen fibrils have a uniform diameter and
are arranged in the same direction within the lamellae,
K is the keratocyte, b – presents magnified image of
middle lamella of image a; c – presents the model of
lamellar-fibrillar structure of the corneal stroma; d –
presents scleral collagen fibrils, which display various
diameters, however they are locally quasi-ordered [23,
58, 82].
The eye lens is also an example of a tissue in which
the short-range spatial order is of crucial importance.
Because of its high index of refraction and transparency,
a lens focuses light to form an image at the retina (see
Fig. 7). The eye lens material exhibits a certain viscosity
that is capable of altering its radius of curvature and
thus its focal length through the action of
accommodating muscles. The healthy human lens is a
structure containing about 60% of water and 38% of
proteins. The lens consists of many fibre cells [88]. The
predominant dry components of a mammalian lens are
three kinds of structural proteins named α–, β–, and γ–
crystallins, and their combined weight accounts for
about 33% of the total weight of the lens [89]. The
primary role is played by the water–soluble α–
crystallin, which has a shape that is close to spherical
with a diameter of about 17 nm. Age-related
biochemical endogenous processes in the organism and
exogenous environmental-related stresses, such as
photooxidation of lens proteins at chronic UV or visible
light, resulting in oxidized forms of these proteins and
their crosslinking to other lens proteins, cause lens
opacity due to light scattering and/or pigment formation.
The types of fibre cell disruption at cataract
formation include intracellular globules, clusters of
globules, vacuoles with the contents wholly or partially
removed, clusters of highly curved cell membranes, and
odd-shaped domains of high or low mass density. These
spherical objects are variable in size (often in the range
100 to 250 nm) and occur in clusters that create
potential scattering centres [88].
One more example of complex tissue structure is
retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL), which is formed by the
expansion of the fibres of the optic nerve and comprises
bundles of unmyelinated axons that run across the
surface of the retina (see Fig. 7). Retina is the innermost
coat of the posterior part of the eyeball that receives the
image produced by the crystalline lens. It consists of
several layers, one of which contains the rods and cones
sensitive to light. The cylindrical organelles of the
retinal nerve fibre layer are axonal membranes,
microtubules, neurofilaments and mitochondria. Axonal
membranes, like all cell membranes, are thin (6–10 nm)
phospholipid bilayers that form cylindrical shells
enclosing the axonal cytoplasm. Axonal microtubules
are long tubular polymers of the protein tubulin with an
outer diameter of ≈25 nm, an inner diameter of ≈15 nm,
and a length of 10–25 µm. Neurofilaments are stable
protein polymers with a diameter of ≈10 nm.
Mitochondria are ellipsoidal organelles that contain
densely involved membranes of lipid and protein. They
are 0.1–0.2 µm thick and 1–2 µm long.
The brain and spinal cord together make up the
central nervous system. Grey matter is a nervous tissue
found in the central nervous system. It contains
numerous cell bodies, dendrites, synapses, terminal
processes of axons, blood vessels and neuroglia. Brain
nuclei and nerve centres are composed of grey matter
and coordination in the central nervous system is
effected in grey matter. White matter is also a nervous
tissue found in the central nervous system. It consists of
tracts of medullated nerve fibres in the brain and spinal
cord and also contains blood vessels and neuroglia. It is
mainly external to grey matter, but is internal to grey
matter in the cerebral hemispheres and in the
cerebellum. The medullated fibres give the tissue its
shiny white appearance. The spinal cord is a long, thin,
tubular bundle of nervous tissue and supporting cells
that extends from the brain (the medulla specifically)
down to the space between the first and second lumbar
vertebrae. It is around 45 cm in men and around 43 cm
long in women. The brain and spinal cord is protected
by three layers of tissue, called spinal meninges, that
surround them.
The dura mater is the outermost layer, and it forms a
tough protective coating. Between the dura mater and
the surrounding bone of the skull or vertebrae is a space,
called the epidural space, which is filled with adipose
tissue, and it contains a network of blood vessels. The
arachnoid is the middle protective layer, the space
between the arachnoid and the underlying pia mater
contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The pia mater is the
innermost protective layer, which is very delicate and
tightly associated with the surface of the brain and
spinal cord.
Dura mater is the tough and inflexible two layered
tissue. A superficial layer is actually the bone inner
periosteum, and a deep layer is the dura mater proper.
Dura mater proper consists of layers of densely packed
collagen fibrils having an alternating orientation (see
Fig. 9).
Fig. 9 Electronic micrograph of dura mater proper with
layers of densely packed collagen fibrils having an
alternating orientation and mean diameter of ~100 nm.
Tissue aging and pathology may dramatically
change its structure and appearance. For example, scar
tissue typically occupies areas of fibrous tissue that
replace normal tissue (skin or other tissue) after injury
[90, 91] (see Fig. 10). A scar results from the biologic
process of wound repair. Thus, scarring is a natural part
of the healing process. Other examples are benign or
malignant tumours which are abnormally growing
tissues sometimes well vascularised and having the
tendency to spread to other parts of the body.
Fig. 10 Electronic micrographs of collagen fibers of
normal skin (upper) [(a) and (b)] and nodule of a
hypertrophic scar (down) [(c) and (d)] [magnification
×10,000 for (a) and (c) and ×105,000 for (b) and (d)]
2.3 Hard tissue
The bone, tooth enamel, dentin, and cementum, as well
as tendon and cartilage belong to hard tissue [22, 23, 40,
47, 58, 78, 92-99]. The bone, cartilage, and tendon are
also connective tissues which typically consist of cells
scattered in an amorphous mucopolysaccharide matrix
in which there are varying amounts of connective tissue
fibres (mainly collagen, but also elastin and reticulin).
In particular, the bone is a connective tissue forming
the skeleton. It consists of cells embedded in a matrix of
bone salts and collagen fibres. The bone salts (mostly
calcium carbonate and phosphate, hydroxyapatite
crystals) form about 60% of the mass of the bone and
give it its tensile strength. Organic dry weight is 90%
collagen which gives bone its elasticity and contributes
to fracture resistance. In bone, entire collagen triple
helices lie in a parallel, staggered array, with the 40 nmgaps between the ends of the tropocollagen subunits,
which probably serve as nucleation sites for the
deposition of long, hard, fine crystals of the mineral
component – hydroxyapatite with some phosphate. In
this way, certain kinds of cartilage turn into bone.
The apatite or hydroxyapatite (HAP) natural
crystals, Ca5OH(PO4)3, is the major component of hard
tissues. The dental enamel consists of 87–95% and bone
of 50–60% of HAP crystals.
The osseous cells are interconnected by fine
protoplasmic processes situated in narrow channels in
the bone, and are nourished by the blood stream. This
vascular nature of bone differentiates it from cartilage.
The flexible tissue found in the hollow interior of bones
is the bone marrow. Throughout life, all bones are in a
dynamic process of growth and resorption called
“remodelling.” This allows the bone to adapt to
changing mechanical forces and the body’s need for
calcium balance. The osteoblasts are mononucleate cells
that are responsible for bone formation – reshaping.
The demineralization process is the loss of mineral
from mineralized tissues such as bone or tooth. In tooth
tissue, demineralization may lead to caries, in bone – to
osteoporosis. For example, bacteria in tooth plaque use
carbohydrates such as sucrose and glucose in human
diet for their metabolic needs and produce lactic acid
during the breakdown of these substrates. In its turn,
lactic acid can demineralize the tooth hard tissue. The
demineralization of outermost tooth layers – enamel and
cementum is the starting point of tooth destruction.
However, small amounts of tooth demineralization
occur daily – remineralization can be occur as mineral is
replaced with calcium and phosphate from saliva.
The osteoporosis is a disease of bone causing an
increased risk of fracture due to reduction of bone
mineral density, which leads to bone microarchitecture
disruption, and alteration of the amount and variety of
non-collagenous proteins in bone.
As an example of bone structure, an alveolar bone
that is a part of upper and lower jaws, which holds roots
of teeth, is shown in Fig. 11, a [47, 78]. It consists of
two parts: lamina dura (alveolar bone proper) – dense
bone lining socket with inserted periodontal fibres, and
supporting bone which is a remaining part of alveolar
bone composed from highly mineralized (70%) –
mostly calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite) crystals,
minor amounts of magnesium, sodium and potassium,
osteoblasts and osteoclasts, collagen fibres, and
The periodontal ligament is a fibrous connective
tissue attachment anchoring tooth to surrounding bone.
The collagen fibres are embedded on tooth side in
cementum and on bone side in lamina dura. It mainly
composed of collagen with minor amounts of elastin,
and ground substance – proteoglycans and water. This
tissue contains such cells as fibroblasts, osteoblasts and
cementoblasts, immune cells (e.g., macrophages,
lymphocytes), nerves and is supplied by blood via blood
Tooth is the hard body composed of dentin
surrounding a sensitive pulp and covered on the crown
with enamel (see Fig. 11, a). Crown is a portion of
natural tooth visible in mouth above gumline. Tissue
layers from outside in are enamel, dentin, and pulp.
Root is a portion of tooth under gumline, anchoring
tooth in bone, layers from outside in are cementum,
dentin, and pulp.
The enamel is a hardest tissue in a body, elastic,
white material that contains no cells and that is an
almost completely inorganic substance. The enamel
covers the crown of a tooth and consists of up to 95% of
natural HAP crystals and rest are water and proteins.
These crystals are organized in keyhole-shaped
interlocking rods/prisms. The rods are formed as enamel
forming ameloblasts migrate towards outer layer of
tooth, once enamel is formed, ameloblasts die, thus if
enamel is destroyed, it cannot be regenerated. These
rods/prisms are 4–6 µm wide and extend from the
dentine-enamel-junction to the outer surface of the tooth
(see Fig.11). Because of their size, number, and
refractive index, the prisms are the main light scatterers
in enamel. The enamel is translucent and greyish white
in colour and it has yellow hue due to underlying dentin.
Fig. 11 Schematic representation of tooth structure,
including dentinal channels – tubules (a); laser scanning
microscopy image of dentinal tubules (∼ 90×90 µm) (b)
[97]; electron scanning microgram of human dentin
(presented by R. Vilar): (1) dentinal tubules, (2) dense
and homogeneous pertubular dentin and (3) less dense
and less homogeneous intertubular dentin (c).
The tooth dentin is a hard, middle calcified, elastic,
yellowish material of the same substance as bone. It is
the main structural part of a tooth extending from crown
to root. The dentin is composed of base material that is
pierced by mineralized dentinal tubules 1–5 µm in
diameter which makes it porous (see Fig.11, c). The
tubules’ density is in the range of (3.0–7.5)×l06 cm−2.
They contain organic components and natural HAP
crystals of 2.0–3.5 nm in diameter and up to 100 nm in
length, which intensively scatter light. In average dentin
contains 70% HAP crystals, 20% proteins (e.g.,
collagen), and 10% water. It is softer than enamel but
slightly harder than bone. Unlike enamel, dentin is
living tissue – cells which form dentin (odontoblasts) lie
at border of dentin and pulp during the life of tooth –
this gives dentin ability to grow and repair.
The tooth cementum is a thin, pale yellow, calcified
bone-like layer covering root of tooth. It contains 45%
HAP crystals, 55% protein (collagen) and water. It is
softer than both dentin and bone. The cementum
functions include coverage of the dentin tubules and
insertion point of periodontal ligament fibres. It has
ability to form throughout life of tooth cementoblasts
which form cementum lie along root surface in
periodontal ligament space.
The cartilage is a strong, resilient, skeletal tissue.
There are a few types of cartilage, all of which contain
chondroblasts depositing the matrix and becoming
enclosed in the matrix as chondrocytes. The hyaline
cartilage is the simplest and most common form that
consists of a matrix of a polysaccharide-containing
protein. The matrix is without structure and without
blood vessels. It is more or less translucent and clear,
and occurs in the cartilaginous rings of the trachea and
bronchi. The yellow fibrocartilage (elastic cartilage)
contains yellow fibres in the matrix. It occurs in the
external ear and in the epiglottis. As well as white
fibrocartilage contains white fibres in the matrix and
occurs in the disks of cartilage between the vertebrae.
Articular cartilage itself and cartilage-bone interface
play a highly important role in normal function of joints
by dissipating stresses and providing almost frictionless
joint movement [94].
The tendon is a cord of white fibrous tissue. It
usually attaches muscle to bones and consists mostly of
parallel, densely packed collagen fibres arranged in
parallel bundles interspersed with long, elliptical
fibroblasts. In general, tendon fibres are cylindrical in
shape with diameters ranging from 20 to 400 nm. The
ordered structure of collagen fibres running parallel to a
single axis makes tendon a highly optically birefringent
tissue [100].
2.4 Tissue structural anisotropy
As it follows from the analysis of tissue properties,
many biological tissues are structurally anisotropic.
Tissue birefringence results primarily from the linear
anisotropy of fibrous structures, which forms the
extracellular media. The refractive index of a medium is
higher (speed of light is lower) along the length of fibres
than along their cross section. A specific tissue structure
is a system composed of parallel cylinders that create a
uniaxial birefringent medium with the optic axis parallel
to the cylinder axes. This is a so-called birefringence of
form (Fig. 12). A large variety of tissues such as eye
cornea, tendon, cartilage, eye sclera, dura mater,
muscle, myocardium, artery wall, nerve, retina, bone,
teeth, myelin, etc. exhibit birefringence. All these
tissues contain uniaxial and/or biaxial birefringent
structures. For example, myocardium contains fibres
oriented along two different axes. It consists mostly of
cardiac muscle fibres arranged in sheets that wind
around the ventricles and atria. Since the refractive
index along the axis of the cardiac muscle fibres is
different from that in the transverse direction, tissue is
Fig. 12 Examples of structurally anisotropic models of
tissues and tissue components: a – system of long
dielectric cylinders; b – system of dielectric plates; c –
chiral aggregates of particles; d – glucose (chiral
molecule) as a tissue component [23, 58].
Form birefringence arises when the relative optical
phase between the orthogonal polarization components
is nonzero for forward-scattered light. For linear
structures, an increase in optical field phase delay (δoe)
is characterized by a difference in the effective
refractive index for light polarized along, and
perpendicular to, the long axis of the linear structures
(Δnoe). Phase retardation δoe between orthogonal
polarization components, is proportional to the distance
d travelled through the birefringent medium [23, 58]
𝛿!" =
A structure of parallel dielectric cylinders immersed
in isotropic homogeneous ground substance behaves as
(𝛥𝑛!" = 𝑛! − 𝑛! > 0) with its optic axis parallel to
the cylinder axes (Fig. 12, a). Therefore, an incident
electrical field directed parallel to the cylinder axes will
be called “extraordinary ray” (e) and the incident
electrical field perpendicular to the cylinder axes will be
called “ordinary ray”(o). The difference (ne - no)
between the indices of refraction of the extraordinary
and ordinary rays is a measure of the birefringence of a
medium. For the Rayleigh limit (diameter of cylinders
<< l), the form birefringence is described as
Δ𝑛!" = 𝑛! − 𝑛! =
!! !! !! !!! !
!! !! !!! !!
where f1 is the volume fraction of the cylinders; f2 is the
volume fraction of the ground material; and n1, n2 are
the corresponding indices. For a given difference of
refraction index (n1 – n2), maximal birefringence is
expected for approximately equal volume fractions of
thin cylinders and ground material. For systems with
high volume fraction of cylinders or on the contrary
ground material (rare fibres), the birefringence goes
The experimental birefringence for muscle, coronary
artery, myocardium, sclera, skin, cartilage and tendon is
in the range from 1.4×10–3 to 4.2×10–3. For these
tissues, it is lowest for the muscle and highest for the
tendon. For thermally treated tendon, it is twice lower
than for intact tissue.
The diattenuation (linear dichroism) is the difference
of attenuation of two waves with orthogonal
polarizations travelling in an anisotropic medium, which
is described by the difference between the imaginary
(losses) parts of the effective indices of refraction for
two orthogonal directions. Depending on the
relationship between the sizes and the optical properties
of the cylinders or plates, this difference can take
positive or negative values.
The birefringence and diattenuation relate to the
density and some other properties of the collagen fibres,
whereas the orientation of the fast axis indicates the
orientation of the collagen fibres. The densities of
collagen fibres in skin and cartilage are not as uniform
as in tendon, and the orientation of the collagen fibres is
not distributed as orderly as in tendon. Correspondingly,
the amplitude and orientation of birefringence of the
skin and cartilage are not as uniformly distributed as in
In addition to linear birefringence and diattenuation,
many tissue components show optical activity (circular
birefringence) and circular diattenuation. In complex
tissue structures, chiral aggregates of particles may be
responsible for tissue optical activity (see Fig. 12, c).
The molecule’s chirality, which stems from its
asymmetric molecular structure (see Fig. 12, d), also
results in a number of effects generically called optical
activity. A well-known manifestation of optical activity
is the ability to rotate the plane of linearly polarized
light about the axis of propagation. The amount of
rotation depends on the chiral molecular concentration,
the pathlength through the medium, and the light
wavelength. Interest in tissue chirality studies is driven
by the potential of noninvasive in situ optical
monitoring of the glucose in diabetic patients.
More sophisticated anisotropic tissue models can
also possible. For example, the eye cornea can be
represented as a system of plane anisotropic layers
(plates, i.e., lamellas), each of which is composed of
densely packed long cylinders (fibrils) (see Fig. 8, c)
with their optical axes oriented along a spiral. This
fibrilar-lamellar structure of the cornea is responsible
for the linear and circular diattenuation and its
dependence on the angle between the lamellas.
In bone and tooth, anisotropy is due to mineralized
structures originating from hydroxyapatite crystals,
which play an important role in hard tissue
birefringence. In particular, dental enamel is an ordered
protein/lipid/water matrix. Fairly well oriented
hexagonal crystals of hydroxyapatite of approximately
30–40 nm in diameter and up to 10 µm in length are
packed into an organic matrix to form enamel prisms (or
rods) with an overall cross section of 4–6 µm. Enamel
prisms are roughly perpendicular to the tooth surface
(see Figs. 11 and 13). Tooth dentin is a complex
structure, honeycombed with dentinal tubules, which are
shelled organic cylinders with a highly mineralized
Fig. 13 Schematic representation of laser beam
waveguiding in human tooth tissues [97].
Enamel and dentin waveguide properties also may
have effects on anisotropy of light transportation within
a tooth. The role of waveguides in enamel and dentin is
played by enamel prisms and intertubular butt straps,
respectively (Fig. 13). These waveguides are
distinguished from conventional optical fibers by being
nonuniform and containing scattering particles, such as
hydroxyapatite microcrystals. However, they have
waveguide properties and radiation scattered in enamel
and dentin can be entrapped by these natural
waveguides and transported to the pulp chamber.
2.5 Blood, lymph and other bioliquids
The blood is a fluid tissue contained in a network of
vessels or sinuses in humans and animals. Blood is
circulating through the network by muscular action of
the vessels or the heart to transport oxygen, metabolites,
and hormones. It also assists in temperature control in
mammals [23, 47, 58, 101-103].
Blood contains soluble colloidal proteins (blood
plasma) and blood corpuscles (blood cells) such as red
blood cells (RBCs) (erythrocytes), white blood cells
(WBCs) (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes).
Normally, blood has about 10 times as many
erythrocytes as platelets and about 300 times as
leukocytes. There are approximately five million per
cubic millimetre RBCs in normal human blood.
A normal erythrocyte in plasma has the shape of a
concave-concave disc with a diameter varying from 7.1
to 9.2 µm, a thickness of 0.9–1.2 µm in the centre and
1.7–2.4 µm on the periphery, and a volume of 90 µm3.
Platelets in the blood stream are biconvex disk-like
particles with diameters ranging from 2 to 4 µm.
Leukocytes are formed like spheres with a diameter of
8-22 µm.
The platelets are small, non-nucleated, round or oval
disks that are fragments of cells from red bone marrow.
There are approximately 200,000–400,000 per mm3
platelets in human blood. These cells initiate blood
clotting by disintegrating and releasing thrombokinase.
WBCs are nucleated, motile, colourless cells found
in the blood and lymph of animals. A WBC is either a
lymphocyte, a polymorph, or a monocyte. In humans,
there are approximately 8000 leukocytes per cubic
millimetre. A lymphocyte is a spherical WBC with one
large nucleus and relatively little cytoplasm. Two types
exist, small and large lymphocytes which are produced
continually in lymphoid tissues, such as lymph nodes,
by cell division. The cells are nonphagocytic, exhibit
amoeboid movement, and produce antibodies in the
blood. They constitute about 25% of all leukocytes in
the human body. A monocyte is a spherical WBC with
an oval nucleus. The monocytes are the largest of the
WBCs. The cells are voraciously phagocytic and exhibit
amoeboid movement. They are produced in lymphoid
tissues and constitute about 5% of all leukocytes.
The relative volume of the RBCs in blood expressed
in percentages is named hematocrit (Hct). It also can be
presented as packed cell volume (PCV) or erythrocyte
volume fraction (EVF). Hct is normally about 48% for
men and 38% for women and independent of body size
and considered as an integral part of a person's complete
blood count results.
To provide the main function of RBC to carry
oxygen and carbon dioxide away from and towards the
lung, cell contains a respiratory pigment, haemoglobin.
The cell is readily distorted, elastic, and immotile.
Mammalian RBCs have no nuclei. They are formed in
red bone marrow and after a relatively short life span (in
average 120 days in humans) are destroyed by
erythrophages. RBC index of refraction is of 1.4 in the
wavelength range 600 to 1100 nm.
The haemoglobin is a red iron-containing respiratory
pigment. It consists of haeme combined with globin, a
blood protein and conveys oxygen to the tissues. The
Fig. 14 The schematics of microanatomy of a lymph node designed by David Sabio presenting a midsagital section of a
lymph node containing three lymphoid lobules with the basic anatomical and functional units, including superficial
cortex, deep cortex and medulla, is shown (drawing in the centre). Experimental transillumination digital images of
afferent lymph vessel, subcapsular, transverse, and paracortical sinuses, deep cortical unit, a reticular meshwork,
follicles, and the venous vessels around central schematics are also shown: C1 presents likely basophilic lymphocytes;
C2 – elongated fibroblastic reticular cells, and C3 – B lymphocytes and follicular dendritic cells; melanoma metastasis
is seen in the back reflectance image [104].
(deoxyhaemoglobin, Hb) in venous blood and in
combination with oxygen (oxyhaemoglobin, HbO2) in
arterial blood. The total haemoglobin (THb) is the sum
concentration of the oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin.
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation ability is described by
dissociation curve that characterizing the relationship
between oxygen partial pressure pO2 and oxygen
saturation (SaO2). Normally about 97% of the oxygen is
carried by haemoglobin whereas only 3% is carried
dissolved in the blood. As the pO2 increases, the amount
of oxygen that is bound to haemoglobin, or the percent
saturation of haemoglobin, also increases. The
saturation of haemoglobin of about 50% and 97% is
normally achieved at a pO2 of about 26.6 mmHg and 95
mmHg, respectively, and the saturation point, SaO2, at
pO2 = 80 mmHg. In the capillaries normally the
haemoglobin is about 75% saturated and the blood
delivers about 5 ml of oxygen per 100 ml of blood to the
tissues. In tissues haemoglobin oxygen saturation is
calculated as SaO2 = (HbO2/THb)×100%.
The carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) is a stable complex
of carbon monoxide and haemoglobin (bright, cherry
red in colour) that forms in RBCs when carbon
monoxide is inhaled or produced in normal metabolism.
Because haemoglobin binds with carbon monoxide 240
times more readily than with oxygen, large quantities of
it hinder delivery of oxygen to the body.
The blood plasma is the clear, waterlike, colourless
liquid of blood which is formed by removing all blood
corpuscles from blood.
The blood vessel is a tube through which blood
flows either to or from the heart. The general terms for
conducting vessels for blood are arteries, veins,
arterioles, venules, and capillaries.
For in vitro microscopic examination of blood a well
prepared blood smear is necessary. The simple wedge
technique for preparation of blood smears is often
applied. This simple technology is used to determine
leukocyte differentials, to evaluate erythrocyte, platelet
and leukocyte morphology, and, if necessary, to
estimate platelet and leukocyte counts. This technique
produces a gradual decrease in thickness of the blood
from thick to thin ends with the smear placed on the
slide. In typical preparations, the thin section of the
smear occupies approximately 1/3 of the total area and,
within that area erythrocytes are distributed in a
monolayer. Glass coverslips are mounted on all blood
smears to prevent damage to smear during examination,
cleaning, handling and storage.
The lymph in the organism is an alkaline colourless
liquid obtained from blood by filtration through pores in
the walls of capillaries. It contains a smaller amount of
soluble blood proteins and WBCs than blood, but more
lymphocytes. Normally it contains no RBCs. The lymph
travels to at least one lymph node before emptying
ultimately into the right or the left subclavian vein,
where it mixes back with blood. The lymph that leaves a
lymph node is richer in lymphocytes, as the lymph
formed in the digestive system called chyle is rich in
triglycerides (fat), and looks milky white. The lymph
function is to bathe the cells with water and nutrients.
The lymphatic system is a network which includes
the lymphoid tissue and lymphatic vessels through
which the lymph travels in one-way toward the heart as
well as all the structures providing the circulation and
production of lymphocytes [103,104]. Lymph is formed
when interstitial fluid enters the initial lymphatic vessels
of the lymphatic system which transport lymph back to
the blood, ultimately replacing the volume lost during
the formation of the interstitial fluid. In contrast to the
cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system is not
closed and has no central pump. The lymph transport,
therefore, is slow and sporadic, like a shuttle-stream,
and occurs due to alternate contraction and relaxation of
smooth muscles, valves, and compression during
contraction of adjacent skeletal muscle and arterial
pulsation. The study of lymphatic drainage of various
organs is important in diagnosis, prognosis, and
treatment of cancer. The lymphatic system, because of
its physical proximity to many tissues of the body, is
responsible for carrying cancerous cells between the
various parts of the body in a process called metastasis.
The intervening lymph nodes can trap the cancer cells
(sentinel lymph node). If they are not successful in
destroying the cancer cells, the nodes may become sites
of secondary tumours.
The lymphoid tissue is a part of the lymphatic
system and consists of connective tissue with various
types of WBCs enmeshed in it, most numerous being
the lymphocytes. The thymus and the bone marrow
constitute the primary lymphoid tissues involved in the
production and early selection of lymphocytes. The
secondary lymphoid tissues are the lymph nodes, and
the lymphoid follicles in tonsils, spleen, adenoids, skin,
The lymphatic vessels (lymphatics) are thin-walled
tubular vessels resembling veins in structure but with
thinner walls and more valves. The walls are enclosed
by smooth muscle and connective tissue. Lymphatic
vessels drain into lymph ducts. The lymphatic vessels
act as channels along which pathogens are conducted
from infected areas of the body, the pathogens being
unable to enter the blood capillaries. The lymph nodes
are distributed along the lymphatic vessels.
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is the clear liquid that
fills the cavities of the brain and spinal cord and the
spaces between the arachnoid and pia matter. The fluid
moves in a slow current down the central canal and up
the spinal meninges. It is a solution of blood solutes of
low molar mass, such as glucose, but of the smaller
concentration (60-80%) as in the blood. The CSF
contains little or no protein and very few cells. Its
function is to nourish the nervous tissue and to act as a
buffer against shock to the nervous tissue. At any one
time in an adult, the average volume of CSF is about
150 ml.
The saliva is a viscid, colourless, watery fluid
secreted into the mouth by the salivary glands and
composed from water (99%), mucin, bicarbonate,
proteins, and minerals. It functioning as lubricator to
protect mucosa, it assists in formation of food bolus for
effective swallowing, in initial enzymatic breakdown of
some food components, antimicrobial protection,
buffering, and tooth enamel remineralization. There are
3 major salivary glands and hundreds of minor salivary
glands in the oral cavity. The amount of saliva produced
varies widely – in healthy individuals it ranges from 0.5
– 1.5L daily.
The mucus is a thin, slimy, viscous liquid secreted
by epithelial cells in tissues or glands. It protects and
lubricates the surface of structures, e.g., the internal
surfaces of the greater part of the alimentary canal are
lubricated with mucus.
The tear film on the surface of the eye also has some
diagnostic potential due to correlation of tear and blood
glucose concentrations [105]. It is composed of several
layers. Most superficially there is a lipid layer that is
less than 100 nm thick which serves several functions
including preventing evaporation of the underlying
aqueous layer and providing a smooth optical surface
over the cornea. The lipid layer is composed of sterol
esters, wax esters, and many other minor lipid
components secreted from the Meibomian glands
located on the margins of the eyelids. Dysfunction of
these glands can lead to increased evaporation of tears
from the eye, causing an increased tear osmolarity and
clinical dry eye. Just below the lipid layer is a
predominantly aqueous layer. Measurements of the
thickness of this layer over the cornea varies from 2.7
µm to 46 µm.
2.6 Conclusion
This is the first section of the review-tutorial paper
describing fundamentals of tissue optics and photonics
mostly devoted to biological tissue structures and their
specificity related to light interactions at its propagation
in tissues. The next sections of the paper will describe
light-tissue interactions caused by tissue dispersion,
scattering, and absorption properties, including light
reflection and refraction, absorption, elastic quasielastic and inelastic scattering. The major tissue
absorbers and types of elastic scattering, including
Rayleigh and Mie scattering, will be presented.
Basing on the random phase screen concept,
scattering of the coherent light and speckle formation
principles will be discussed. Speckle interferometry and
low-coherent light interferometry – optical coherence
tomography (OCT), will be described.
Dynamic light scattering method as a powerful
approach for functional spectroscopy and imaging of
living tissues will be analysed. Fundamentals of quasielastic light scattering (QELS), Doppler anemometry,
and dynamic speckle techniques and their applications
to blood and lymph flow measurements, including fullfield velocity mapping, will be discussed. Principles of
diffusion wave spectroscopy and imaging, interaction of
the polarized light with tissues for random and quasiordered tissues will be presented. Comparison of single
and multiple scattering approaches, as well as
description of refractive index matching concept for
controlling of light interaction with tissues, will be
I am thankful to Valery Zakharov for his idea to write
such a paper, to all my colleagues from SSU and IPMC
RAS for fruitful collaboration, and to Alexander
Kalyanov for help in preparation of illustrations. This
work was supported by Russian Presidential grant NSh703.2014.2, the Government of the Russian Federation
grant 14.Z50.31.0004, and the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Russian Federation