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A common attribute of dissociation is entering an altered sense of self or sense of identity. We focus on (1) differentiating pathological, 'normal', and psychospiritual forms of dissociative experiences which configure a "dissociation spectrum" (Steele et al., 2023); (2) Trauma-related Structural Dissociation of the Personality (van der Hart, 2021a); (3) two distinct categories of dissociative phenomena-'detachment' and 'compartmentalization' (Holmes, 2005); (4) hypnotherapy in the treatment of dissociation (van der Hart, 2021b); and (5) how the psychospiritually altered sense of self can lead to a state called nondual awareness or ego dissolution (Sleight et al., 2023), often considered to be the culminating stage of psychospiritual development, a rarefied condition which may be considered the pinnacle of self-realization (Wilber, 2000).
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1991
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 2011
Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, 2011
The nature of consciousness and the autonomy of the individual's mind have been a focus of interest throughout the past century and inspired many theories and models. Revival of studies on psychological trauma and dissociation, which remained outside mainstream psychiatry, psychology, and psychoanalysis for the most part of the past century, has provided a new opportunity to revisit this intellectual and scientific endeavor. This paper attempts to integrate a series of empirical and theoretical studies on psychological consequences of developmental traumatization, which may yield further insight into factors which threaten the integrity of human consciousness. The paper proposes that an individual's experience of distorted reality and betrayal precipitates a cyclical dynamic between the individual and the external world by disrupting the developmental function of mutuality which is essential for maintenance of the integrity of the internal world while this inner world is in turn regulated vis-à-vis external reality. Dissociation-the common factor in all types of post-traumatic syndromes-is facilitated by violation of boundaries by relational omission and intrusion as represented by distinct effects and consequences of childhood neglect and abuse. Recent research conducted on clinical and non-clinical populations shows both bimodal (undermodulation and overmodulation) and bipolar (intrusion and avoidance) neurobiological and phenomenological characteristics of post-traumatic response. These seem to reflect " parallel-distinct structures " that control separate networks covering sensori-motor and cognitive-emotional systems. This understanding provides a conceptual framework to assist explanation of diverse post-traumatic mental trajectories which culminate in a common final pathway comprised of partly overlapping clinical syndromes such as complex PTSD, dissociative depression, dissociative identity disorder (DID), or " borderline " phenomena. Of crucial theoretical and clinical importance is that these maladaptive post-traumatic psychological formations are regarded as processes in their own right rather than as a personality disorder innate to the individual. Such mental division may perform in that internal detachment can serve to preserve the genuine aspects of the subject until such time as they can be reclaimed via psychotherapy. The paper attempts to integrate these ideas with reference to the previously proposed theory of the " Functional Dissociation of Self " (¸ Sar and Öztürk, 2007).
Academia Biology, 2024
Soil science plays an important role in advancing sustainable agriculture. Key topics in this domain include soil biodiversity, soil management practices, climate change impacts on soils, and innovative soil remediation techniques. In this article, soil biodiversity is emphasized as a significant factor influencing nutrient cycling and ecosystem services. Preserving soil biodiversity is important for maintaining soil fertility and long-term agricultural sustainability. Proper soil management practices like irrigation, crop rotation, and organic matter management can help soils retain structure, fertility, and productivity over time. The impacts of climate change on soil health, such as increasing temperatures, altering precipitation patterns, and more extreme weather, are also reviewed. Understanding these effects is vital for developing mitigation and adaptation strategies. Promising soil remediation techniques like phytoremediation and bioaugmentation utilize plants and microorganisms to restore degraded soils. Nanotechnology and advanced materials show promise for efficiently removing contaminants. Collaboration and knowledge sharing between scientists, farmers, policymakers, and other stakeholders is highlighted; working together to disseminate innovations and best practices can help address agricultural challenges and ensure sustainability. By fostering collaboration and staying informed about emerging soil science advances, the long-term sustainability of agricultural systems can be supported. In summary, this article outlines key topics in soil science and stresses their importance in advancing sustainable agriculture through discussions of biodiversity, management, climate impacts, remediation techniques, and the need for collaborative efforts.
The aim of this paper is to recall and analyze often ignored fact that progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has elicited significant reflection within theological discussions, apart from all other technological and psychological consequences, triggering debates on the interface between technology and spirituality. The intersection of AI and spirituality introduces intricate ethical and philosophical questions that contest traditional views of faith and human-divine relationships. With AI technologies evolving swiftly, both scholars and theologians are scrutinizing the nuanced links between AI and religious thought. The notion of AI surpassing basic computational tasks to engage in profound spiritual interactions necessitates a reassessment of theological constructs. This confluence of technology and spirituality initiates a discussion on the transformative capacity of AI and its ability to redefine human interactions with the divine. Examining the complex relationship between AI and theology unveils possibilities that compel scholars to explore the uncharted territories of technological innovation and spiritual evolution, leading to profound reflections on the idea of a ´new religion´ for AI. The goal is to expose the possible implications of the development of AI on the selfhood and dignity of the human person in respect to the socialethical teachings of the Christianity in case a new ´artificial religion´ would appear.
Viso: Cadernos de Estética Aplicada, 2024
The article, written in the first person, narrates how, after a period of reluctance, I discovered Arthur Danto's philosophy of art as one of the most exciting contributions in this field in the second half of the Twentieth Century. I also report my e-mail exchange with him between 2006 and 2013 (the year of Danto's death) and a lovely face-to-face meeting with him in New York in 2006. In addition, I mention the translations I did of works by him, like the article "The Artworld" and the book The Philosophical Disenfranchisement of Art, and the papers I wrote approaching his work, both with him appearing as a main subject-author and in a kind of comparison with other philosophers such as Theodor Adorno and Vilém Flusser, for instance.
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Journal for the Study of Paul and His Letters, 2017
Knots: Ethnography of the Moral in Culture and Social Thought, 2023
I. Moldáv–Magyar régészeti kerekasztal konferencia kelet-Európa kora középkoráról. Chișinău, 2015. június 10–11. (Первый молдо-венгерский археологический круглый стол, посвященный вопросам раннего средневековья Восточной Европы, Кишинёв, 10–11 июня 2015 г.), Budapest: Martin Opitz Kiadó, 2020
Fronteiraz Revista Do Programa De Estudos Pos Graduados Em Literatura E Critica Literaria Issn 1983 4373, 2012
Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature, 2018
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2016
Journal of Renewable Energy and Mechanics
Journal of Divinity Faculty of Hitit University
Journal of Applied Physics, 2009
Hematology, 2013
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2017
Il Giornale di chirurgia, 2008