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Heavy neutrinos of 4th generation in searches for dark matter

Heavy neutrinos of 4th generation in searches for dark matter

ABSTRACT Primordial heavy neutrinos of 4th generation might explain different astrophysical puzzles: indeed, the simplest 4th neutrino scenario may be still consistent with known 4th neutrino physics, cosmic-ray antimatter and gamma fluxes and signals in underground detectors for very narrow neutrino mass windows (46-47 GeV). We have analyzed extended heavy neutrino models related to the clumpiness of neutrino density, neutrino asymmetry and neutrino decay. We found that in these models the underground signals may be better combined with a cosmic ray im-print leading to wider windows for neutrino mass (46-75 GeV) coinciding with the whole range allowed from the uncertainties of electroweak parameters. pROQWLENIQ TQVELOGO NEJTRINO 4-GO POKOLENIQ W POISKAH SKRYTOJ MASSY k.m. bELOCKIJ, d. fARDVON, m.'. hLOPOW, r.w.kONOPLI k.i. –IBAEW pERWIˆNYE TQVELYE NEJTRINO 4-GO POKOLENIQ MOGUT OB˙QSNQTX RAZLIˆNYE ASTROFIZIˆESKIE ZAGADKI: PROSTEJ-[IJ SCENARIJ S 4-M NEJTRINO WSE E]E SOWMESTIM S FIZIKOJ 4-GO NEJTRINO, DANNYMI PO KOSMIˆESKIM LUˆAM I GAMMA-IZLUˆENI@ I SIGNALAMI W PODZEMNYH DETEKTORAH DLQ OˆENX UZKOGO DIAPAZONA ZNAˆENIJ MASSY NEJTRINO (46-47 g"w). mY PROANALIZIROWALI RAS[IRENNYE MODELI TQVELYH NEJTRINO, SWQZANNYE S MELKOMAS[TABNYMI NEODNORODNOSTQMI (KLAMPAMI) RASPREDELENIQ PLOTNOSTI NEJTRINO, ZARQDOWOJ ASIMMETRIEJ I NESTABILXNOSTX@ NEJTRINO. mY NA[LITO W "TIH MODELQH SIGNALY PODZEMNYH "KSPERIMENTOW MOGUTLUE SOˆETATXSQ S SIG-NALAMI W KOSMIˆESKIH LUˆAH, PRIWODQ K BOLEE [IROKOMU DIAPAZONU ZNAˆENIJ MASSY NEJTRINO (46-75 g"w), SOWPADA@]EMU S TAKOWYM, RAZRE[ENNYM SOWOKUPNOSTX@ DANNYH FIZIKI "LEKTROSLABOGO WZAIMODEJSTWIQ.

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