Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
DOI 10.1007/s11111-010-0127-8
Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters
Luke Parry • Brett Day • Silvana Amaral
Carlos A. Peres
Published online: 23 October 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Rural–urban migration can have both positive and negative environmental consequences for tropical forests. Rural residents exert pressure on the
environment through farming, fishing, and forest extraction, yet conversely, protecting rural livelihoods is often the motivation for conserving large areas of
threatened forest. This research examines rural settlement within the Brazilian
Amazon to shed light on the drivers of on-going rural exodus and its environmental implications. Specifically, we examine the relative importance of public
service provision and natural resources in determining settlement patterns along,
and rural–urban migration from, eight rivers in road-less regions of the Brazilian
Amazon. Data include biophysical, social, and economic variables that were
assessed in 184 riverine settlements along rural–urban gradients up to 740 km
from the nearest urban center. Settlements were smaller upstream, and lacked key
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:
10.1007/s11111-010-0127-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
L. Parry (&) B. Day C. A. Peres
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
e-mail: lukeparry1@gmail.com
L. Parry
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), P.O. Box 6596, JKPWB, Jakarta 10065,
L. Parry
Lancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK
S. Amaral
Divisão de Processamento de Imagens, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE),
Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 São José dos Campos, SP 12227-010, Brazil
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
services such as schools and healthcare. We found that clustering of rural populations close to urban centers reflects the high costs of living in remote areas,
despite abundant natural resources which previously justified migration to headwaters. Impeded dry-season navigability and transport costs restricted the flow of
goods and services to and from remote areas, and transaction costs of trade
exchange were higher upstream. A lack of school access was the main motivation
for rural–urban migration and the abandonment of remote riverine settlements. A
key policy implication is that while education services could provide a powerful
tool to stabilize and support rural populations, delivery is challenging in remote
areas and may also encourage further rural–urban migration in the longer term.
Furthermore, river-dwellers in remote areas rarely visited remote urban centers,
presumably because these journeys are too costly. We examine the implications of
our findings for anti-poverty subsidies and payment for ecosystem services and
conclude that transport costs required to receive payment could encourage further
depopulation of remote areas.
Keywords Brazil Migration Riverine Rural settlement Rural–urban
Human migration plays a key role in both the destruction and protection of
tropical forests (de Jong et al. 2006). Deforestation frontiers advance with the
arrival of migrants seeking land and opportunity (Carr 2009), whereas migration
of rural farmers away from forest areas is also credited as a respite for
threatened forests (Wright and Muller-Landau 2006). Nowhere is this paradox
more true than in the Brazilian Amazon. On the one hand, migration to the
Amazon region since the 1960s has been associated with colonization and
deforestation (Perz 2006), raising concerns that migration was driving the
clearance of the world’s largest tropical forest. On the other hand, rubber era
migration to the Amazon region in the nineteenth century instigated a booming
extractive economy in which exploited forests remained largely intact. Current
conservation efforts in Amazonia often support rural populations as a means of
achieving long-term forest protection (Campos and Nepstad 2006). Even so,
migration to and from forest frontiers is only part of the story. Migration within
Amazonia has also been occurring, for example (Parry et al. 2010), with
important implications for the future of both forests and residents (Fearnside
2008a; Rodrigues et al. 2009).
To shed light on the environmental implications of Amazonian population
dynamics, this paper assesses the biophysical, social, and economic drivers of
riverine settlement patterns and rural–urban migration in road-less forested
watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon. We hypothesize that the costs and benefits
of either remaining sedentary or migrating to urban areas vary with increasing
remoteness, and that this balance affects existing settlement patterns and rural–
urban migration flows.
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Background literature
Studying migration
Migrations are motivated by a complex set of social, economic, political, and
environmental factors. A dominant approach in the study of migrations has been the
identification of ‘‘push and pull’’ factors which operate in the areas of origin and
destination, respectively (Lee 1966). For example, access to health services and
education, which are key indicators of human well-being, is important in attracting
people away from rural areas (Boyle 2004). In addition, lack of land tenure may
encourage out-migration (Fearnside 2001). Economic opportunities in urban centers
also attract rural migrants (Aide and Grau 2004). Conversely, declining economic
opportunities in rural areas can trigger out-migration, especially when a rural
economy largely depends on a single commodity, such as rubber (Dean 1987; Stoian
2000). As an example, in 1980 the 68,000 rubber-tapping families in the Amazon
(Fearnside 1989) were adversely affected by the continuous decline of natural
rubber prices on international markets (FAO 2003). However, most rural families in
tropical countries never migrate (Carr 2008), and individuals and households vary in
their migration patterns, even when subject to identical social and economic
conditions (Curran 2002). The drivers of migration need to be better understood and
analyzed by explicitly incorporating heterogeneity among poor rural households
(e.g. age, education, gender, liquid capital, distance to promising job opportunities;
World Bank 2003). Importantly, although decisions on when and where to migrate
are made by the household (de Jong and Gardner 1981), choices are embedded
within social relations, markets, and community so that settlement characteristics
are also important determinants of migration (Stark 1991).
Migration to the Amazon
The recent history of the Amazon has been defined by the movement of people in
search of land and natural resources. International demand for rubber brought large
numbers of migrants to the Amazon from the mid nineteenth century onwards. In
Brazil, the rubber industry drew tens of thousands of laborers from the droughtstricken north-east of the country (from 1872 to 1920; Neves 2005). These
movements exemplify migration from crowded areas (due to population growth and
land shortages) or degraded environments (e.g. drought-stricken) to frontier zones
(Bilsborrow 1987, 2002). Although migration to the Amazon reduced dramatically
when rubber prices collapsed from 1920, there was a renewed influx of rubber
tappers during World War II (Dean 1987). Rubber tappers remained in Amazonia
and rubber extraction on a smaller-scale continues to this day (Cardoso 2002). The
population of the Brazilian Amazon increased significantly once more when the
national government opened the region to development, starting in the late 1960s,
leading to unprecedented levels of deforestation (Moran 1983). Census data indicate
that six million people moved to the Amazon between 1960 and 1990 (Browder and
Godfrey 1997), although migration to the region slowed in the 1980s. There was
actually negative net migration to Amazonia between 1980 and 2000, when
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
population growth was instead driven by high fertility and declining mortality (Perz
et al. 2005).
Population dynamics within the Amazon
In addition to in-migration from other regions of Brazil, intra-regional migration has
also been occurring in Amazonia (Sawyer 1987; Browder and Godfrey 1997).
However, analyses of Amazonian migration using governmental census data usually
address only inter-state migrations and ignore movements within states and within
municipal counties (e.g. Perz 2006), the sub-state level of governance. Field-based
investigation of rural–urban migration is necessary because local-scale migration
data from governmental census is not normally available and movements within
municipalities account for most intra-regional migration in Amazonia (Browder and
Godfrey 1997). To examine rural–urban migration, boundaries must be defined,
although empirically establishing rural and urban populations for demographic
analyses can be challenging (Lynch 2005). This is particularly relevant when using
census data from the Brazilian Amazon (Pantoja 2005) due to the occurrence of
multi-sited households in which families maintain both urban and rural residences to
benefit urban-based services and rural natural resources (Winklerprins 2002; Padoch
et al. 2008; Pinedo-Vasquez and Padoch 2009).
Population-environment studies in the Amazon have generally focused on the
causes and environmental impacts of migration to the deforestation frontier (Carr
2009), typically to areas made accessible by new roads and ignored population
dynamics in areas away from the deforestation frontier. Amazonian river-dwellers,
who are often former rubber-tappers or their descendants, remain largely forgotten
in migration analyses, despite the fact that they number several million people
(Hiraoka 1992; Harris 2000). Overall, rural–urban migration (also known as rural
exodus) and urbanization in Amazonian regions dominated by rivers rather than
roads has received little attention by scholars.
Traditional riverine livelihoods
Riverine households in the Amazon tend to have diverse livelihoods portfolio of
fishing, agriculture, plus some cattle-raising, forest extractivism and occasional
wage labor (Lima and Pozzobon 2009). Settlements can be broadly separated into
those on the seasonally flooded várzea and those in unflooded terra firme areas. The
livelihoods of várzea inhabitants are subject to dramatic seasonal change with the
rising and falling of river levels (Harris 2000). Fishing provides significant sources
of food and income to these communities, particularly in the low-water season when
fish are easier to catch. Cattle are frequently raised on the fertile floodplains of the
lower Amazon though pastures and cropland are flooded in the wet season. Forest
extraction also provides income to rural Amazonians, particularly for those living
on or near terra firme forests with Brazil nut groves and other harvestable plant
products (Stoian and Henkemans 2000). River-dwelling Amazonians almost
invariably practice small-scale agriculture, which is dominated by cultivation of
manioc. Kinship serves as the basis for cooperation in labor and access to land
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
(Lima 2004). Trading has traditionally been operated through systems of debtpeonage though this declined with the demise of the rubber barons. Barter exchange
continues in some (often remote) areas, with boat-based traders (regatões) operating
more informal systems of debt relations (McGrath 2004).
A spatial basis for rural–urban migration
Principles of economic geography dictate that out-migration is more likely from
remote rural areas in Amazonia than from localities nearer to urban centers.
Farmlands and forests near towns are more valuable (Von Thunen 1826)—transport
costs dictate strong incentives to focus agricultural production near urban markets,
despite the trade-off with land availability (Snrech 1996). In remote areas, economic
activities are hampered by poor market access and limited access to information on
prices, for example (e.g. Börner et al. 2007). These spatial economic inequalities
can drive out-migration (Ravenstein 1889). Remote areas of pre-frontier regions
have experienced rural depopulation in the last decades and most rural people now
live near urban centers (Chomitz 2007). In the Brazilian Amazon, rural populations
are clustered (and growing) near to urban centers and land abandonment has
dominated in more remote areas (Parry et al. 2010). Population growth near to urban
centers might be because expanding rainforest cities have increased agricultural
demand from surrounding areas (Stoian and Henkemans 2000; Lynch 2005).
Drivers of rural–urban migration in the Amazon
The rural population of Amazonia’s pre-frontier regions (what could be considered
the ‘heart’ of the Amazon, away from the Arc of Deforestation, a vast area of
intense forest clearance along the forest’s southern and eastern boundaries) has been
exposed to dramatic social and economic change. These include changes in
international demand for key forest products and government initiatives to improve
rural education and healthcare. Rural–urban migration in the Amazon may also be
motivated by the desire to receive government subsidy. In Brazil, universal
subsidies such as retirement pensions and the family grant Bolsa Famı´lia [a federal
poverty alleviation program (Hall 2008a)] provide powerful incentives to regularly
visit or inhabit cities, where subsidies are collected. However, environmental
characteristics such as spatial differences in river navigability, land availability, and
wildlife abundance determine rural settlement patterns (Gross 1975; McGrath 1989;
Denevan 1996) and could also be important drivers of migration.
The drivers of rural out-migration in the Amazon likely operate at various
organizational scales and comprise a suite of biophysical, social, and economic
factors. In rural Amazonia, both detribalized peasants and indigenous people are
mobile and relocate in response to changing socio-economic conditions (Winklerprins
2002; Alexiades 2009). However, due to a paucity of research, there is no sound basis
for understanding the likely effects of socio-economic changes on rural–urban
migration across the Amazon. Identifying community and household characteristics
(including demographic, political, social, economic, and ecological factors)
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
associated with migration has key policy relevance to rural development and
environmental conservation (Carr 2009).
Socioeconomic impacts of rural–urban migration and urbanization
There has been rapid urbanization across the Brazilian Amazon in recent decades
(Guedes et al. 2009), in parallel with the decline of rural populations in many
tropical countries due to rural–urban migration (UN 2005). The number of urban
centers in the Brazilian Amazon with more than 5,000 inhabitants grew from just 22
in 1960 to 133 by 1991 (Browder and Godfrey 1997), contributing to the shift from
predominantly rural to urban population by 1980. Such rapid urbanization in
developing countries is often associated with urban squalor and poverty (Torres
et al. 2006; Bezemer and Headey 2008). Such has been the case in the Brazilian
Amazon, where the unplanned growth of urban areas has led to problems of
deficient infrastructure, inadequate social and medical services, rapid shantytown
growth, pollution, and unemployment (Browder and Godfrey 1997; Little 2001;
Castro 2009).
Environmental impacts of rural–urban migration
The environmental impacts of rural–urban migration for rural areas continue to be
debated (see Fearnside 2008b). While rural depopulation could offer respite for
tropical forest ecosystems through land abandonment and forest recovery (Aide and
Grau 2004; Wright and Muller-Landau 2006), there may also be net conservation
costs if rural–urban migration continues to erode traditional populations in forested
regions. Rural Amazonians have promoted forest conservation through gaining land
rights and the creation of sustainable-use reserves designed to ensure land tenure
and prevent land speculation and its often-associated violence (Campos and Nepstad
2006). Some conservationists therefore encourage efforts to sustain rural populations as a means to maintain forest cover and environmental services through forest
stewardship (Vandermeer and Perfecto 2007; Harvey et al. 2008). Hence, rural
population dynamics in the forested tropics have important consequences for
conservation (Oglethorpe et al. 2007). Efforts to conserve forests and their
environmental services through partnerships with traditional communities could be
rendered ineffective if policy-makers cannot predict the likely effects of social,
economic and environmental change on the distribution and migrations of rural
We hypothesize that in Amazonia the costs and benefits of either remaining
sedentary or migrating to urban areas vary with increasing remoteness and that this
balance affects existing settlement patterns and rural–urban migration. We also
make the following predictions: (1) there are major social and economic costs to
living in remote areas of Amazonia, which increase with distance from urban
centers; (2) the causes of migration have changed through time and the current
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
primary drivers of rural–urban migration are improving access to public services,
particularly education, health care, and anti-poverty subsidies. We hypothesize that
these pressures currently outweigh the opposing incentives offered by inhabiting
remote areas, namely the ample availability of land and natural resources. We test
these hypotheses using an empirical approach combining qualitative and quantitative data from 184 settlements located along rural–urban gradients in eight
watersheds in Amazonas state, Brazil. Net benefits of rural settlement versus rural–
urban migration are likely to vary across space so the distribution, stability and
movement of populations are ill-suited to a crude rural–urban dichotomy (Browder
1995; Almeida 1996). The concept of rural–urban gradients has been usefully
applied to understanding spatial patterns of deforestation and human population
distributions (Chomitz and Thomas 2003; Chomitz 2007), though it has not been
explicitly incorporated into studies of migration and changes in rural population
size. We explore our findings in the context of governmental policies of subsidy and
strategies to support rural Amazonians.
Study area
The state of Amazonas contains 1.3 million km2 of intact forest (INPE 2008), which
is vulnerable to the arrival of the Arc of Deforestation, as well as infrastructure
projects such as road-building, hydroelectric dams and long-distance gas pipelines
(Fearnside and de Alencastro Graça 2006; Finer et al. 2008). Currently, Amazonas
has few paved highways and a transport network dominated by rivers as well as air
transport to support the high-tech industrial development of the state capital,
Manaus (Fenley et al. 2007). The state has a population of 3.2 million people (IBGE
2007), of which 2.5 million (77%) live in urban areas. Some 65% (1.6 million) of
the urban population live in Manaus. Although Amazonas has the largest indigenous
population of any Brazilian state (105,165 people: FUNAI 2007), 85% of the rural
population are non-indigenous, mostly river-dwelling ribeirinhos (also known as
caboclos, sensu Parker 1985). Ribeirinhos are rural Amazonians of mixed
Amerindian, Portuguese and north-eastern Brazilian ancestry.
Field surveys
We assessed riverine settlement and rural–urban migration in eight randomly
selected road-less watersheds of Amazonas from February to November 2007
(Fig. 1). We selected areas that were largely independent of one another and of
varying distances from Manaus. In each area, we surveyed a sub-tributary, whose
confluence with a larger river was close to an urban center. Three of the rivers are
tributaries of the Rio Purús (Rio Pauini, Rio Ituxi, Rio Jacare), two of the Rio
Solimões (upper Amazon) (Rio Coari, Rio Tefé) one of the Rio Baixo Amazonas
(lower Amazon) (Rio Maués), one tributary of the Rio Madeira (Rio Abacaxi) and
one tributary of the Rio Negro (Rio Aracá). We sought to understand settlement and
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 1 Map of the rivers visited during 2007 field surveys along rural–urban gradients in Amazonas State
(main map), Brazil (inset map). Numbers correspond to urban centers (and rivers surveyed, in
parentheses): 1–8, respectively, Barcelos (Rio Aracá); Coari (Rio Coari); Lábrea (Rio Ituxi), Maués (Rio
Maués/Parauari), Nova Olinda do Norte (Rio Abacaxis), Pauini (Rio Pauini), Tapauá (Rio Jacaré), Tefé
(Rio Tefé)
migration outside of sustainable-use reserves, indigenous territories and strictly
protected areas (see Electronic Supplementary Material (ESM)). In each area, we
travelled upriver as far as the last household (B 740 km), and then returned slowly
downstream, stopping and conducting structured interviews at settlements on route.
We interviewed river-dwellers at 16–34 randomly chosen settlements along each
river (mean = 23), a total of 184 settlements across the eight rivers. At each
surveyed settlement (herein settlement), we conducted one settlement-level
interview and one household-level interview (see ESM). The relatively large
number of settlements surveyed suggests this approach was sufficient to capture
inter-settlement variation in socio-environmental cost-benefits and migration
patterns. However, sampling a single household in each settlement inevitably
limits insights into intra-settlement variation in social and economic characteristics,
particularly for settlements with a greater number of households.
Settlement survey
The settlement questionnaire was structured around several themes including:
demographics, transport and navigability, access to public services, trade and
government subsidy, natural resources, and agriculture (see ESM for information
on interviewing). Further details on the data collected are summarized in ESM
Table 1.
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Household survey
We sampled one household per settlement and used these data as the basis for
models of rural–urban migration choice, embedded within settlement-level data,
and to provide qualitative insights into the motivational basis and history of
household resettlement events. We randomly selected households for interview, by
asking a member of the settlement to pull a name out of a bag (which was
irrelevant when settlements consisted of a single household). We always strived to
have both the female and male head of household present for the household
interview (see ESM). The household questionnaire was structured around several
themes including: household demography, migration history, current migration
intent and motivations, income and household wealth (see ESM Table 2). We
assessed household wealth by ownership of valuable items used within the
household (Walker et al. 2000) (e.g. electrical goods) and key valuable items for
livelihoods (e.g. shotgun) (see ESM).
Data analysis
Hypothesis 1 There are major social and economic costs to living in remote parts
of Amazonia which increase with distance from urban centers.
From the settlement-level survey data, we examined how biophysical, social and
economic conditions changed with increasing travel distance from urban centers,
according to our predicted drivers of settlement growth and rural–urban migration
(transport to urban areas, access to public services, trade and government subsidy,
and natural resources). Data were taken from interviews, plus our own observations
and spatial data recorded during fieldwork. All distances refer to riverine travel
distances ± SE, rather than straight-line distances. In addition, we used ArcGIS 9.2
(ESRI, Redlands, California) to assess the availability of unflooded land within a
5 km radius of each settlement. We used a basin-wide flooded forest raster image
for this analysis (see Hess et al. 2003).
Hypothesis 2 Drivers of migration are related to the provision of public services
rather than availability of natural resources.
The drivers of migration were initially examined using qualitative insights into
migration histories and current migration intent and motivations, based on
household interviews. We then created quantitative empirical models to quantify
the relative importance of our hypothesized drivers of migration.
Qualitative insights: migration history and current motivations
Interview data on past migrations and current intentions were databased and
categorized. Motivations for past and current migration were categorized into:
transport, trade, labor/unemployment, natural resources (forest product collection,
or land availability), and social issues (new start, personal problems or social
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
networks, in which settling with or near a relative was the primary motive for
migration). Pertinent quotes from interviews are also presented, where appropriate.
Statistical models for drivers of settlement growth
Using data from settlement surveys, we assessed drivers of settlement growth
(change in number of households) between 1991 and 2007 for settlements visited
along 7 of the 8 study rivers (the Rio Maúes was excluded as these data were
collected during this pilot survey and were not wholly comparable to subsequent
rivers). Our data provided information on the hypothesized drivers of rural–urban
migration in road-less areas of Amazonia, as reduced settlement growth implies outmigration from the settlement (assuming constant fertility and mortality). We
identified key variables relevant to these hypothesized drivers and constructed a
model of settlement growth between 1991 and 2007 using four structural parameters,
including biophysical and public service provision variables. Biophysical variables
selected included travel distance from the local urban center (distance), and a binary
score of river navigability (nav), defined in terms of whether any given location was
passable in the low-water (dry) season to a C 9 m long boat powered by an inboard
diesel engine. Fluvial distance was used as a proxy for other factors as it was shown
to be highly correlated with costs and benefits of settlement, including travel time,
subsidy uptake, land availability, and communications facilities (see Results). We
distinguish between distance and navigability because navigability can be abruptly
discontinued (e.g. due to shallow water and seasonal rapids) and could impose a
severe constraint on service provision. In contrast, fluvial distance incurs gradual
linear costs on rural people in terms of fuel and time expenditure, as well as benefits
associated with higher abundance of natural resources, for example. We included two
measures of public service provision, education (educ) and health (health) for 1991
and 2007. We tested the model using the statistical platform R 2.7.2 and the lme4
library. See ESM for full details of model construction.
Random utility model of current migration intent
We sought to test the relative importance of settlement and household characteristics in predicting rural–urban migration choices by riverine households. For this
purpose, we used interview data from settlements and households and constructed a
random utility model (McFadden 1974). These models are more commonly used to
understand spatial decision-making in fisheries (e.g. Hutton et al. 2004), though are
ideal to examine household choices within a settlement context. They model
discrete decisions (e.g. migrate to an urban area or not) and do not assume
homogeneity among individual actors. They do assume that utility drives individual
choice with a deterministic and a stochastic error (random) component. See ESM
for details of model construction and variables used. We tested rural–urban
migration against six variables representing household characteristics and five
settlement utilities, in which variables describe the difference in a utility between a
settlement and its local urban center.
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
The rural settlements we mapped ranged in size from single isolated households to a
large village (281 households). On average, settlements were small (median number
of households = 2). Settlements within 100 km of urban centers tended to be larger,
and there was a trend of decreasing settlement size farther from urban centers
(Fig. 2). The demographic composition of households also changed with distance
from urban centers. Households within 100 km of urban centers were larger on
average (6.5 individuals ± 0.3 SE) compared to surveyed households at
100–200 km (5.1 ± 0.3), 200–300 km (4.8 ± 0.5) or greater than 300 km
(5.8 ± 0.7). Larger households near to centers was mainly due to a higher number
of children (0–14 years), with 3.0 ± 0.3 compared to 2.5 ± 0.5 (100–200 km); and
only 1.8 ± 0.3 (200–300 km) and 1.7 ± 0.4 ([300 km) (Fig. 3). There was an
increasingly male-bias to households farther from towns, with a higher number of
male children, adults and older people beyond 100 km of urban centers. The male
bias was strongest for the farthest distance category ([ 300 km) where surveyed
households had no older women ([ 59 years) and on average just 1.2 women aged
15–59 years compared to 2.0 men of that age range (Fig. 3).
Hypothesis 1
Costs and benefits of distance: exploration and identification of key
Based on settlement-level interviews in 2007, it is clear that living in remote
areas farther from urban centers incurs high costs in terms of access to public
services and trade, which reflect the transport difficulties of travelling to and from
local urban centers. Figure 4 illustrates public service provision and the transport
times to an urban center along one river surveyed, the Rio Coari. The costs and
benefits of settlement are explored, using variables that represent the hypothesized
Fig. 2 Size of settlements (mean number of households ± SE) along surveyed rivers (total number of
settlements = 434), in relation to travel distance from local urban centers
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 3 Age and sex structure of surveyed households by distance from urban centers. N = 62 households
(0–100 km); 49 (100–200 km); 26 (200–300 km); 24 (300 km ?)
drivers of rural–urban migration (natural resources and transport and trade versus
public services and subsidies).
Natural resources
River-dwellers living upstream reaped the benefits of low human population
densities as they had easier access to unfarmed land and wild animals (Parry 2009).
Settlements upstream had closer access to primary forest (Fig. 5). Settlement size
exerted a weak negative effect on land availability (Table 1). There was also a
greater proportion of unflooded habitat with increasing distance upriver (Fig 6).
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 4 Map of settlements along the Rio Coari, Amazonas, surveyed in 2007. Settlement sizes are
indicated, along with maximal extents of public service provision, travel times to the urban center during
the wet season (high water) and the limit beyond which 9 m ? diesel inboard boats cannot pass during
dry seasons (low water)
Transport and trade
Travel time and total journey time (which includes rests and breakdowns) were
strongly related to fluvial distances from urban centers in both the wet and dry seasons
(Fig. 7; Table 2). Total journey time was significantly longer than travel time in both
the dry and wet seasons (paired t-tests; dry: t159 = -10.13, p \ 0.001; wet: t166 =
-7.70, p \ 0.001). The higher reaches of Amazonian sub-tributaries become
impassable to motorized boats during the dry season (Fig. 8) (see ESM). People
living upstream visited urban centers less often as there was a significant increase in
the return time to urban centers with fluvial distance upstream (Fig. 9; inter-trip
interval = 0.835 ln(travel distance) -0.3501; R2 = 0.67; p = 0.000; n = 181).
Journeys to urban centers were extremely rare for river dwellers living far upriver. For
example, one interviewee on the upper Rio Pauini living 593 km from the urban
center of Pauini (involving an 8–9 day journey) had not visited the town in 15 years.
Ribeirinhos on the eight rivers we surveyed obtained external goods through the
sale of agricultural and extractive produce (see ESM). The price of 13 essential
foodstuffs and non-food essentials increased significantly with increasing distance
upriver (Table 3). The price of items such as sugar, cooking oil and salt was
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 5 Distance to primary forest (indicated by interview response) in relation to the travel distance of a
rural settlement from its municipal urban center
Table 1 Predictors of access distance to unfarmed primary forest around settlements along Amazonian
sub-tributaries in relation to distance from urban centers
Step 1
Log10 (x ? 1) travel distance (km)
Step 2
Travel distance (km)
Settlement size (households)
Step 1 is a model without the inclusion of settlement size as a predictor, whereas this variable is included
in Step 2
R2 = 0.185; DR2 = 0.012 (p = 0.126). p \ 0.000
normally twice as expensive as urban supermarkets and often three- to four-times
more costly for the most remote settlement on a river. Traders also paid lower
exchange prices for five cultivated or extractive products that were bartered for
essential goods (Table 4) (see ESM).
Public services
Larger settlements were more likely to have a school, though there was no
independent effect of travel distance from an urban center (v2 = 51.4, p \ 0.0001;
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 6 Relative availability of unflooded land (terra firme) within a 5-km radius of rural settlements in
Amazonian sub-tributaries, of varying travel distances from their municipal urban centers
Fig. 7 Journey times to urban centers, from settlements located at various distances along river subtributaries in Amazonas, Brazil
Table 2 Relationship between travel time and journey time (which includes rests) with increasing
distance (ln) from urban centers along Amazonian sub-tributaries
Time (h)
Travelling only
Total journey time
Travel only
Total journey
Table 5). Municipal authorities deployed at least one elementary primary school
teacher up to 207 ± 23 km from their urban center (range = 139–328 km),
corresponding to 64 ± 9% of the inhabited length of sub-tributaries
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 8 Distances from urban centers navigable in high and low water seasons, along 8 Amazonian subtributaries
(range = 23–96%). The most distant third of the inhabited section of rivers
consistently lacked a primary school. Even this underestimates the decline in access
to education with distance from urban centers because teachers in remote areas were
generally unqualified and taught only basic literacy and numeracy. River-dwellers
living far upstream also reported that teachers spent up to several weeks a month
travelling to (and staying in) the urban center to collect their wages.
Smaller settlements, and settlements farther from urban centers, were less likely to
have a community health agent (logistic regression: v22 = 51.4, p \ 0.0001;
Table 5). Municipal authorities deployed trained health agents to a mean distance
of 237 ± 37 km from the urban center (range = 97–434 km). This corresponds to
66 ± 7% of the inhabited section of sub-tributaries (range = 41–100%).
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 9 Mean duration of time intervals between trips in which at least one member of a rural household
visited their local urban center
Table 3 Prices and regression relationships between fluvial distance (sqrt km) from the nearest urban
center, and the price of basic goods traded along eight sub-tributaries of the Brazilian Amazon
Mean city
price (R$)
Max rural
price (R$)
1.3 ± 0.1
100 g
1.1 ± 0.1
1.7 ± 0.1
120 g
1.4 ± 0.1
0.9 L
2.3 ± 0.1
0.5 ± 0.04
2.2 ± 0.1
3.0 ± 0.1
1.9 ± 0.1
50 g
1.1 ± 0.1
D cell
1.0 ± 0.0
3.1 ± 0.1
8.6 ± 0.4
Larger settlements and those closer to urban centers were more likely to have access
to electricity (logistic regression: v22 = 102.6, p \ 0.0001; Table 5). On average,
electrical power was available up to 213 ± 34 km from the nearest urban center
(range = 87–388 km). Power came mainly from generators which, when
Table 4 Relationships between the prices paid by river traders for agricultural and harvested wildlife by river traders with increasing fluvial distance (km) from urban
centers along eight Amazonian sub-tributaries
Scientific name
Median city prices (R$)
Min rural price (R$)
Toasted manioc
Manihot spp.
80 L
Bushmeat (salted)
Mainly Tayassu pecari and
Tapirus terrestris
Catfish (salted)
e.g. Pseudoplatystoma spp.
Brazil nuts
Bertholletia excelsa
80 L
River turtle
Podocnemis unifilis
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Table 5 Results of logistic regression analyses of the effects of distance from urban centers and
settlement size on the likelihood of rural settlements having public services or receiving any subsidy
(n = 184)
Education (school
or lessons only)
Fluvial distance (km)
Settlement size (number
of households)
Percentage correctly classified = 90.2% (correct absent = 94.4%; correct
present = 84.0%)
Health agent
Fluvial distance (km)
Settlement size (number
of households)
Percentage correctly classified = 70.7% (correct absent = 70.7%; correct
present = 70.6%)
Access to electricity
Fluvial distance (km)
Settlement size (number
of households)
Percentage correctly classified = 80.9% (correct absent = 88.9%; correct
present = 69.3%)
1 C household receiving Constant
Bolsa Famı́lia
anti-poverty subsidy
Fluvial distance (km)
Settlement size (number
of households)
Percentage correctly classified = 79.2% (correct absent = 82.5%; correct
present = 75.6%)
functioning, were only used for an average of 3 h 24 min per night and were not
used every night as fuel shortages for one or two weeks per month were frequent
(see ESM).
People living farther upriver had less access to communication with their urban
center. In addition to longer urban center return-times, they had fewer means of
receiving information from urban centers (such as local government and civic
society broadcasts, health campaigns, and agricultural and extractive programs) and
were less likely to have a payphone (see ESM).
Government subsidies, trade and wealth
Monthly household income from governmental salaries or subsidies decreased with
distance from urban centers, declining three-fold from US$128 within 100 km of
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 10 Mean household income ± SE per month from government employment (e.g. in schools) or
government subsidy (anti-poverty grant, rural pension etc.) for settlements in different distance categories
from urban centers
Fig. 11 Mean household wealth, based on possession of key goods used in the household, livelihoods
and transport, in different distance categories from urban centers
urban centers to US$37 in settlements beyond 300 km (Fig. 10). Larger settlements
and those closer to urban centers were more likely to have at least one family
receiving the Bolsa Familia subsidy (logistic regression: v22 = 74.9, p \ 0.0001;
Table 5). Around half (49.4%) of the estimated 1,404 households within 100 km of
urban centers were receiving Bolsa Famı´lia in 2007, compared to only 11.1% of
rural families beyond 100 km of their local urban center. On average, the aggregate
value of household possessions we inventoried was US$1,956, ranging from US$0
for one ranch laborer to US$8,291. Based on the ownership of valuable domestic
items and other livelihoods assets, household wealth did not significantly decrease
upriver (Fig. 11).
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Living far up Amazonian sub-tributaries incurs high social and economic costs, but
these costs can be partly compensated by the benefits of abundant land and natural
resources. Seasonally restricted navigability and greater transport time (and cost)
place major barriers to the supply of goods and services upriver, as well as exposing
river dwellers to increasingly high transaction costs of barter exchange with traders.
Basic public services, including education, healthcare, and electricity, were
normally lacking beyond 200 km distance from urban centers. Remote households
also visited urban centers less frequently, which may partly explain low uptake of
the anti-poverty subsidy, Bolsa Famı´lia.
Hypothesis 2 Drivers of migration are related to the provision of public services
rather than availability of natural resources.
The motivations for rural–urban migration are explored, using qualitative
insights from interviews, and empirical statistical models.
Qualitative insights: migration history and current motivations
These data are summarized in Figs. 12, 13, ESM Fig. 1 and ESM Fig. 2, which
show that previous migrations to current rural locations were driven by a range of
social and economic motives, which varied in time and space. Migration drivers
have changed—rural–urban migration is currently the predominant form of
re-settlement planned, with the desire to access education being the main motive
(Fig. 13).
Fig. 12 Primary motive given for migration to the current rural location
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Fig. 13 Primary motive given by households currently planning rural–urban migration
Interview data indicated that rural Amazonians are highly mobile as 72% of the
184 surveyed households had re-located to their current location from elsewhere.
The remainder had lived in their current settlement for their entire lives. Nearly a
fifth (17 ± 4%) of the respondents were planning on relocating their households
within the foreseeable future. Most of these (74% of intended migrants) were
planning on moving to their local or other urban center, whereas only seven
households (23% of intended migrants) were planning to move to other rural
localities, only one of which was an upstream site.
Single isolated households were more likely to migrate; 25% of them were
planning to relocate to an urban center, compared to only 8% of households in
settlements consisting of at least two houses. Of the isolated households with no
neighbors within a 5-km radius, 42% were intending to migrate to an urban center.
One-third (32%) of the households living beyond the most distant point of dryseason navigability were going to migrate to an urban center compared to only 7%
of those within navigable distance of urban centers. Within 100 km of urban
centers, only 6% of all households were planning to relocate to the urban center,
compared to 19% and 29% beyond 100 km and 300 km travel distance of their
urban center, respectively.
Interviewees reported that depopulation along their sub-tributaries had been
severe, and was dramatically summarized by one respondent on the Rio Ituxi, ‘‘this
river was once highly populated. Today it has ten times fewer people than before’’
(interview no. C180). Respondents perceived advantages to living in remote areas,
though these advantages were not seen as sufficient compensation for the higher
social and economic costs of living far from urban centers. Equally, interviewees
reported significant advantages to living downstream though the limited supply of
unclaimed land was seen as a key problem in relocating to rural areas nearer their
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
urban center. As illustrated by one interviewee living 8 km from an urban center,
‘‘the land here is already full’’ (C069). Another river-dweller 12 km from the city of
Tefé observed, ‘‘Land is scarce here’’ (C113). This may explain the predominant
intention of rural–urban migration among households planning on re-locating
elsewhere, rather than out-migration to rural areas nearer urban centers.
Natural resources
Exploiting natural resource was not an important motive for current migration, as
most households planned to migrate to urban areas. However, interviewees across
all eight rivers consistently perceived upstream locations to provide highly abundant
natural resources, particularly forest game animals and fish. Abundant land, turtles,
timber and Brazil-nut tree groves were also mentioned as upstream advantages.
Accessing unclaimed land in terra firme upland bluffs was an important determinant
of previous migrations (Fig. 12). The accessibility of available land upriver was
seen as a particular advantage, ‘‘there is lots of virgin [unfarmed] land right on the
river edge. Here it is already difficult to establish a plot nearby [to the village]’’
(H105). Both of the two families planning on migrating to rural areas along another
river cited the desire to access unflooded land as the motive. High availability of
unflooded land (because of lower population densities and because seasonally
flooded várzea forest is more prevalent downstream) was perceived as a major
advantage to living upstream. One river-dweller who had previously re-located from
farther downstream commented that, ‘‘it flooded there in the wet season—the
livestock died’’ (H058). Respondents also reported that farming on seasonally
flooded land was difficult because high waters would kill crops, especially
perennials such as banana.
Many interviewees indicated that exploiting non-timber resources had been
important in their re-location to their current settlement. For more than 400 km from
an urban center, the primary motivation for previously moving to their current
location was access to non-timber resources (particularly the latex of Hevea and
Couma trees) (ESM Fig. 1). However, migrations stimulated by non-timber
resource extraction declined after 1980 (ESM Fig. 2). Distant rural areas now
appear less attractive for those seeking a new start than during the 1980s and before
(ESM Fig. 1). Natural resources are important in retaining many of the 88% of rural
households not planning on migrating to urban centers. As one man living 265 km
from his local urban center put it, ‘‘here you eat for free’’ (H025). Interviewees
repeatedly commented that lower abundance of fish and game would be a major cost
of living nearer their urban center, as exemplified by one interviewee, ‘‘they’re
hungry downstream’’ (H125).
Transport and trade
Accessing trade was difficult and costly for families in remote areas, and four
families cited problems of trade as their motivation for leaving. For downstream
rural migration (n = 4), two families cited trade as the principal motive, one cited
land, and one improved dry season navigability. Enhanced access to urban amenities
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
and trade accounted for 14% (18) of the previous relocation events (Fig. 12) and
was especially important for households newly settled within 300 km of urban
centers from more remote areas (ESM Fig. 1). Many families had previously
re-located from more remote areas of their watershed in order to either access more
regular or less costly river trade. Improving accessibility to an urban center was also
an important impetus for previous down-river re-locations, as shorter distances
allowed direct market trading through a wider spectrum of transport options, faster
journey times, and reduced travel costs. Trade access was particularly important for
resettlement events in the 1990s (ESM Fig. 2), though this motive was restricted to
migrations to areas beyond 500 km from the nearest urban center, in which people
had relocated from very remote areas even farther upriver, particularly on the Rio
Pauini. Interviewees attributed this headwater exodus to the collapse of rubber
prices and bankruptcy of landlords (patrões). Under this historical debt peonage
system, rubber tappers traded exclusively with a single patrão, to whom they were
perpetually indebted.
Reduced travel time and transport costs were consistently seen as key advantages
to living farther downriver. Interviewees were also consistent in their perception
that purchasing essential food and non-food goods was easier for downstream riverdwellers because river traders sold more cheaply, and buying directly in the urban
center was also easier. Trade and transport costs emerged from interviewees as the
major factors discouraging migration farther upriver. Interviewees were acutely
aware of the higher prices charged by river traders for basic goods upstream, and the
lower prices paid for produce. As summed up by this interviewee, ‘‘The expense is
greater, and the produce [agricultural and extractive output] doesn’t compensate the
expense’’ (H064). One interviewee said he would be able to sell perishable cupuaçu
fruit pulp (Theobroma grandiflorum) if he lived nearer the urban center.
Respondents also commented that river traders were unable to reach remote areas
in the dry season, and that rapids and low water levels also made it difficult to reach
the urban center during this period of the year. One interviewee observed that there
was a lack of medical treatment in remote areas, and involved a longer journey to
the urban center in case of a medical emergency.
Public services
On the basis of our interviews, access to schools was the primary motivation in
current household decisions to migrate to an urban center (Fig. 13), suggesting a
change in priorities in the last two decades. Gaining access to education was the
principal motive of rural–urban migration for six (27%) of the families planning
on leaving. Educational facilities were perceived to play a critical role in
settlement viability. ‘‘This community only exists because of the school’’, stated
one respondent (C006). Conversely, school closures often led to the exodus of
households, as summarized in one settlement, ‘‘The community got smaller when
the school closed, lots of people went to the city’’ (C134). Even when basic
education was available, the desire to complete schooling was thought to
encourage rural–urban migration. One man stated that, ‘‘lots of people left to the
city because children here only got education to 4th grade.’’ (C118). In many
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
cases, children left a household to stay with relatives in the urban center and
complete their education. One respondent observed that these children rarely
return. Although healthcare was not cited as a principal reason for a past or future
migration event, many interviewees commented that living downstream was
advantageous because of improved healthcare. Malaria was prevalent on all eight
rivers, and although malaria was still prevalent in downstream communities,
healthcare facilities were generally better and emergency travel to urban centers
easier. When asked why the family had previously moved downstream to their
current location, an interviewee commented that it was because of the ‘‘difficulty
of living far [from the urban center]. Many people died of malaria, with no
medical assistance’’ (H131). River-dwellers also felt that settlements near urban
centers received greater attention from local and state politicians, including
benefits such as donations of aluminum roofs and outboard motors.
Social issues
Rural–urban migration was more likely for settlements receiving fewer visits from
the urban center by a priest or government agency (27% migrating with 0–2 visits
per year, compared to an average of 11% for settlements receiving C 3 visits per
year). Upstream settlements received fewer of these visits; a mean of 16 per
year \ 100 km from urban centers but only 3 visits per year beyond 300 km. Four
households were leaving in order to retire in an urban center. Other motivations
included joining family, health problems, and loneliness. The single family
planning upstream migration cited the desire for independence and freedom from
a landlord (patrão) as their motive. Coming to join a relative or a new marital
partner, and personal problems (typically the breakdown of previous marriage,
which we include as social relations) accounted for 30% of the reasons triggering
relocations to current households for those who had moved from elsewhere at any
time (Fig 12).
Seeking employment as a farm laborer was an important motivation to resettle to the
current location, particularly for those individuals or households leaving urban
centers (urban–rural migration). However, of the 150 interviewees that had moved
to their current location from elsewhere, only 24% came from an urban center.
Urban exodus accounted for 27% of all relocation events before 1979, declined to
10% during the 1980s and 1990s, and then increased to 34% after 2000 (ESM
Fig. 1). Seeking wage labor (normally on a cattle ranch) became more important
post 2000. Cattle ranching also forced river-dwellers off their land in some cases.
One family on the Rio Ituxi, for example, had been forced by ranchers from their
land under a false promise of R$1,500 (* US$775) in compensation. Unemployment in urban centers had also played a role in driving urban–rural migration in the
past. One river-dweller that had relocated from the local urban center stated that,
‘‘life in the city was difficult. You need a good job there’’ (H018).
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
The drivers of migration have changed in recent decades. Many families once drawn
to remote rural areas to extract non-timber resources are now leaving for urban
centers, often in order to access education. Migrating to downstream areas is
appealing though a scarcity of unclaimed land was perceived to be a major
constraint. Although remote areas upstream are still viewed as abundant sources of
land and resources, transport costs and trading difficulties are seen as major barriers,
not to mention lack of public services.
Statistical model for drivers of settlement growth
Our qualitative findings were tested using an empirical model of settlement growth.
Of the 74 settlements with no access to education, 10 declined in size since 1991, 24
stayed the same, and 40 became larger, but 30 of these grew by only one household.
Over the same period, however, hundreds of additional settlements along the rivers
we surveyed had been completely abandoned (Parry et al. 2010), most of which
lacked a school. The median growth of settlements deprived of education facilities
was only one house, compared to four houses for the 84 settlements with at least
some access to education. Of these, 16 declined in size, eight stayed the same, and
60 grew by at least one house. Model results indicated an overall trend of settlement
expansion over the 1991–2007 period, though this excluded abandoned settlements
(Table 6). There was an increase of 21.1% in the size of urban centers (distance 0).
There was only a weak river effect—the change in intercept (urban centre size) is
predicted to be between 12.2 and 30.2% for 95% of rivers (C ± 2 SD). Settlements
farther from urban centers were smaller (Fig. 2), and this effect of distance became
increasingly acute (at a 90% confidence level) between 1991 and 2007. In 2007 the
effect of distance on settlement size was 3% more negative per 100 km upriver than
in 1991. The effect of navigability on settlement size was approximately 10% more
negative in 2007 than in 1991, although this change was not significant. The
addition of a school or health agent was associated with positive settlement growth
Table 6 Drivers of rural settlement growth (1991 to 2007) along seven Amazonian sub-tributaries, using
proportional change in number of households [log(1991hh ? 1) - log(2007hh ? 1)] as our measure of
change in size
Travel distance to urban center
Education (D from 1991 to 2007)
Health (D from 1991 to 2007)
Variance of river-specific effects (L2)
Variance of residuals (r2)
N = 157
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
over this period, which is in agreement with our qualitative findings. The model
results indicate that the addition of either a school or a health agent exerted an
increase of 12% on settlement size.
Random utility model of current migration intent
A quarter (24%) of households with no school access were planning rural–urban
migration, compared to 11% of families with school access. Rural–urban migration
was less likely for families with a health agent (16%) than without (22%). Around a
fifth (21%) of households with immediate access to abundant hunted game (\250 m
to signs of tapir Tapirus terrestris) planned rural–urban migration, compared to only
5% of households in highly depleted areas ([10 km encounter distance); 15% of
households receiving no government subsidy planned to leave, compared to 12% of
families that did receive a subsidy. Households receiving at least one private salary
were relatively likely to be planning rural–urban migration (36%), compared to 15%
of households receiving a public salary and 12% of families receiving no salary.
Households with some form of land tenure were more likely to be planning
migration (19%) compared to those without (13%). However, on federal or state
lands (National Forest, for example), only 8% of households planned rural–urban
migration. Our results demonstrate strong collinearity between these variables,
settlement size, and distance from urban centers. Our multivariate random utility
model showed that only a deficit in educational provision between a settlement and
its nearest local urban center was a significant predictor of rural–urban migration
intent (Table 7). In contrast, none of the household characteristics or the other
Table 7 Results of a random utility model used to assess the effects of settlement utility (versus urban
area) and household characteristics on rural–urban migration intention along Amazonian sub-tributaries
Household characteristics
Land tenure (T/F)
Poor (T/F)
Public salary (T/F)
Private salary (T/F)
Government subsidy (T/F)
Children (T/F)
Settlement utilities
Distance to urban center (km)
Educational facilities (categ.)
Tapir depletion zone (km)
Sugar price (R$)
Health facilities (categ.)
Variable types are indicated in parentheses: Binary variables by true/false (T/F), categorical variables
(categ.) or continuous (km, R$)
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
biophysical, social, and economic utilities describing each settlement locality was
found to be significant predictors of migration intent.
We show that remote areas of currently road-less watersheds in the Amazonian prefrontier have been largely abandoned due to severe lack of public services and the
economic costs inherent in living far from urban centers (Chomitz 2004, 2007).
Remote areas are valued for their abundance of land and natural resources, but in the
contemporary post-rubber era these advantages are not perceived to compensate for
the disadvantages of inhabiting headwater regions. This is consistent with the wider
pattern of rural depopulation in tropical regions, as forest dwellers seek better
economic and social opportunities in urban areas (Zelinsky 1971; Rudel et al. 2005,
de Jong et al. 2006). We explore the economic and social drivers of rural exodus in
the Amazon and consider why rural populations near to urban centers are growing.
We then examine the implications of our findings for governmental initiatives that
aim to assist rural communities in Brazil, particularly the anti-poverty subsidy Bolsa
Famı´lia (Family Grant) and Bolsa Floresta (Forest Grant), a form of payment for
ecosystem services (PES).
Costs of living upstream
Upstream settlements in the eight subtributaries we surveyed were generally small
(often a single isolated household) and lacked basic services such as healthcare,
education, electricity, and communication. Further from urban centers, there was
reduced uptake of government subsidies and severe difficulties in exchanging
agricultural and extractive produce with essential external goods (such as salt,
sugar and petrol). Ultimately, these spatial gradients reflect the physical constraints
of supplying goods and services far up Amazonian sub-tributaries. Upriver travel is
costly, time-consuming and restricted during dry seasons (McGrath 1989). Using a
livelihoods interpretation of our results it appears that households’ wealth of
natural capital (natural resources) in remote areas of Amazonia is not sufficient to
counter the lack of human capital (education and health), physical capital (assets
and communication), financial capital (particularly through employment or
subsidy) and possibly social capital (social resources) (Ellis 2000; de Sherbinin
et al. 2008).
Demand for education
We predicted the provision of public services to be the primary driver of
settlement growth, or the lack thereof to be the primary motive for rural–urban
migration. The extensive interviews we conducted across Amazonas state support
this prediction and indicate that river-dwelling ribeirinhos will remain in remote
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
areas if public education and healthcare are available. However, our results
demonstrate that road-less headwater regions in the Amazon generally lack school
access and are virtually uninhabited due to a second wave of out-migration driven
by demand for education. Random utility model results support our prediction that
availability of education services is the primary factor in deciding when and
where to relocate a household. This is consistent with previous studies that
identified access to education as an important motive for rural–urban migration
(Henkel 1994; Boyle 2004; Alencar 2005; Pantoja 2005). The results of our
settlement growth model indicate that those settlements gaining educational access
between 1991 and 2007 grew faster over this 16-yr period. An absence of a school
was associated with reduced settlement growth, implying out-migration. Determining causality is difficult, however. The construction of a school or deployment
of a teacher could either attract families from other settlements or dissuade rural–
urban migration. Alternatively, local authorities may have established schools in
settlements that were already growing for other reasons, and hence education
provision could follow settlement growth rather than initiate it. Nevertheless, our
evidence suggests that school provision at least encouraged further settlement
growth. Completing secondary education in Latin America provides a child with a
fair chance of escaping poverty (Aldaz-Carroll and Moran 2001). It is therefore
unsurprising that parents in settlements without a school wished to relocate their
family to an urban area, even if employment is problematic at least in the short
term given the typically severe mismatch between background qualification and
urban income opportunities.
Influence of rubber decline
The local-scale push and pull factors we focused on in this study are also
mediated by important contextual factors, including institutional factors (e.g.
policies, trading systems and land tenure arrangements) and economic factors
(e.g. national and global demand for produce) (de Sherbinin et al. 2008). For
example, Amazonian settlement patterns are strongly influenced by local agrarian
(Brondı́zio 2005) and extractive histories (Stoian and Henkemans 2000). Many of
our interviewees had relocated to their current settlement from more remote areas
following the decline of rubber prices and the associated system of debt-peonage.
That these headwaters were thoroughly populated (from approximately 1850 to
the 1970s) due to the once high value of the wild-harvested goods traded on
international markets (Dean 1987), underscores the importance of global markets
in driving migration and rural settlement (Oglethorpe et al. 2007; Jensen 2009).
Our findings confirm reports that out-migration to rainforest cities in Amazonian
countries in the 1980s was prompted by the collapse in rubber prices (World Bank
2003), combined with a desire for access to education and other urban amenities
(Stoian 2000). Harvesting of Brazil nuts remains an important part of the rural
extractive economy in many regions of the Amazon though seasonal extraction by
urban-based collectors is common in remote areas (Stoian 2000; Parry et al.
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Social drivers of migration
In addition to the lack of public services, decisions to leave remote rural areas could
be affected by the age cohort of households, social networks, or household wealth.
We observed that average household size, age, and sex structure altered with
remoteness from urban centers. Households beyond 300 km of urban centers were
characterized by few children, a relatively large number of working men and few
adult women, particularly older women. It is not clear whether these changes are
due to migration patterns (which could be influenced by female bias to rural–urban
migration or a male bias to forest extractivism (Pantoja 2005)) or other demographic
phenomena such as relationships between remoteness from urban centers and
fertility, morbidity and mortality (de Sherbinin et al. 2008). The age cohort in rural
households determines colonization and land-use patterns in road-based areas of the
Brazilian Amazon (Perz et al. 2006). Neoclassical migration models suggest that
rural–urban migration is also a response to expected income differentials between
rural and urban areas (Harris and Todaro 1970). However, in contrast with other
studies that found that migrant selectivity is predictable on the basis of wealth and
age (de Jong et al. 1996; Carr 2008, 2009), household characteristics and wealth
were not significant predictors of migration intent. Households in more remote rural
areas were not much poorer than rural people near urban centers, as measured by
ownership of valuable goods. Browder and Godfrey (1997) found that intra-regional
migration in the Amazon was not associated with significant changes in the socioeconomic position of migrants, suggesting that other factors (e.g. access to
education, healthcare, and subsidies) are important, rather than solely seeking
monetary gain in cities. However, our failure to identify demographic and wealth as
drivers of rural–urban migration could also be due to our sample sizes and because
we only collected data at the scale of household, rather than individuals.
Understanding migrant selectivity requires individual, rather than solely household
analysis. For example, some people do not migrate due to emotional attachments to
home, family, friends, and community (Lee 1966).
We did not find conclusive evidence of either household structure or wealth as
drivers of migration. As recommended by Massey (1990), we adopted an approach
that integrated economic and social factors within a community framework in which
structural factors are inherent in the context within which migration decisions are
made (Wolpert 1965). However, rural–urban migration in the Amazon is inevitably
complex to untangle, given that push–pull factors affecting migration decisions
operate at different levels of social organization (e.g. state/regional; community;
household and individual) (Kleiner et al. 1986). Social networks (embeddedness of
individuals or communities with social networks of relations) are argued to have an
important and overlooked role in understanding migration (Curran 2002). In
addition, access to information is known to influence migration (Massey et al. 1993)
and inhabitants of the remote rural settlements we visited typically lacked access to
important means of communication such as local FM radio broadcasts, public
telephones or mobile phone networks. Migrant social networks effectively diminish
the selectivity of migration over time (Curran 2002), which may be important given
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
that the majority of our interviewees already had relatives living in their local urban
Population growth near to urban centers
In the vicinity of urban centers in Amazonas, rural populations are growing and
households are less likely to migrate to urban centers (Parry et al. 2010). This
probably reflects the higher provision of public services in settlements near urban
centers, which is associated with larger settlements and improved urban access.
Trading was also less costly near to urban centers, and many households near urban
centers were able to bypass the middlemen, thereby avoiding typically unfavorable
barter exchange with river traders. A further explanation for rural population growth
near urban centers may be that increased food demand from rapidly growing urban
centers leads to high demand for local agricultural produce (Lynch 2005). Toasted
manioc (farinha and derivatives), a staple carbohydrate in the Amazon, is consumed
in vast quantities by rural and urban populations alike though is costly to transport,
and farmers close to urban centers can reduce their farinha transport costs, as well
as sell perishable fruits. Shorter journey times to urban centers also allows these
producers to return to markets more frequently, which serves the dual purpose of
selling smaller quantities of produce more quickly, and achieving better integration
and contacts with buyers. In essence, rural populations near urban centers are able to
exploit the advantages of both urban services and rural resources (Stoian 2005;
Padoch et al. 2008).
Rural exodus and public policy
The social consequences of rural–urban migration are debatable. Ellis (2005) argues
that access to healthcare and amenities ensures that migration to urban areas leads to
enhanced human welfare. Conversely, there is also concern over rapid unplanned
urbanization that leads to unemployment, low levels of welfare and slum
development in peripheral areas of urban centers for unqualified immigrants from
the countryside (Wratten 1995; Bezemer and Headey 2008). Deforestation (and in
some cases agricultural intensification) in the Brazilian Amazon has driven rural–
urban migration from road-based colonization areas and the expansion of urban
areas with resulting socio-economic inequality, poverty, violence, and unemployment (O’Dwyer 2005; Castro 2009). Ultimately, choosing whether to stabilize
remote rural populations and reduce migration, encouraging ongoing rural–urban
migration, or do nothing will depend on the vision of Brazilian society. Whether
further urbanization is encouraged or not, large-scale change is coming to the
Amazon. In continuation of decades of schemes promoting the exploitation of
Amazonian resources (Foresta 1992), the Brazilian government is pushing ahead
with the Avança Brasil (Advance Brazil) program, which includes doubling the
coverage of paved highways in Amazonia (Fearnside 2002). Protected areas are an
effective method of reducing deforestation (Nepstad et al. 2006), though the
political will for designating strictly protected reserves in developing counties is
limited. Inhabited sustainable use reserves are politically more attractive although
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
the potential to demarcate inhabited reserves in strategically important locations
ahead of the Arc of Deforestation will only be possible while sub-tributaries remain
Stabilizing rural populations
What could stabilize populations in remote areas? Our results show that school
provision could be an important policy tool with which to curb rural–urban
migration. However, this recommendation is made with two important caveats.
First, it may not be possible to effectively supply competent teachers to remote areas
in which human settlements are small and sparsely scattered, and transport is costly,
further impeded during dry seasons. Accordingly, the ‘remote forest and poverty
syndrome’ is problematic for development and standard approaches are unfeasible
or extremely costly (Chomitz et al. 1998; Chomitz 2007). Second, increasing the
provision and quality of rural education may, in the short term, keep some families
from seeking access to schools in urban centers, but this may be a temporary respite
because education increases the chances of urban employment (Rhoda 1983) or
further education, thereby spurring future rural out-migration for those seeking
secondary and tertiary education. An important initiative to support rural
populations in the Upper Solimões region of Amazonas has been the formation of
rural education poles in which 8th grade education and beyond is supplied in a few
rural locations in a municipality (Alencar 2005). This initiative is credited with the
provision of rural jobs such as boat drivers and school assistants, and is believed to
have helped prevent further rural–urban migration (Alencar 2005). The provision of
a community health agent was associated with increased settlement growth and
increased healthcare provision might reduce the incentive for rural–urban migration.
We observed the delivery of federal disease eradication programs (typically
insecticide against disease vectors) in even the most remote settlements. However,
the provision of artesian wells, which are crucial to ensure clean potable water in the
dry season, and sanitation infrastructure was generally lacking.
Delivering subsidies
Our results raise important concerns regarding the efficacy of governmental
initiatives to protect Amazonian forests and improve human welfare. Many rural
families in Amazonia are deserving of federal subsidy aimed at reducing poverty.
Importantly, in addition to demonstrating the severely restricted supply of public
services to remote rural settlements, we show that river-dwellers in remote areas
rarely visit urban centers, presumably because these journeys are too costly. This
has important implications for both the delivery and impact of government-led cash
transfer initiatives. Public salaries and subsidies are increasingly important for rural
communities in the Brazilian Amazon (Steward 2007). Current efforts to pursue
forest conservation and development in the Amazon also focus on regular subsidy to
forest-dwelling families, in the form of a monthly payment for ecosystem services
(e.g. Bolsa Floresta in sustainable use reserves in Amazonas), on the proviso that
any forest clearance will be limited (Viana and Campos 2007; Hall 2008b). Our
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
results suggest that these subsidies could have undesired consequences in large
reserves if monthly payment has to be collected in person from an urban center.
While the value of the subsidy is fixed, its collection costs (in terms of time, fuel,
and foregone opportunities) are closely related to travel distance so that over time
households in more remote areas will likely be tempted to move within the reserve
to an area closer to their urban center.
We also suggest that the Bolsa Famı´lia poverty alleviation scheme could
encourage out-migration from remote rural areas, as only one in ten rural
households beyond 100 km of urban areas were receiving the subsidy. This
program provides a monthly payment to 11.1 million poor families in Brazil and
has been credited with reducing extreme poverty and hunger (Hall 2008a).
However, payment is equal for urban and rural households (median payment to the
receiving families we surveyed was R$95/US$50 per month) so the net gain after
deducting travel costs is negligible for families living in remote settlements. The
widespread desire to claim this subsidy while reducing the collection costs could
therefore encourage migration to urban areas, especially given that unclaimed land
in peri-urban areas is generally scarce. However, although many families we
interviewed were still waiting to receive Bolsa Famı´lia payments, this was never
cited as the principal reason for rural–urban migration. Across Brazil, 60% of all
eligible families currently fail to receive Bolsa Famı´lia (Soares et al. 2007). Our
results suggest that many of these disadvantaged families occupy remote rural
Current strategies to support traditional populations in the Amazon are focused
on providing land tenure, mainly through demarcation of inhabited watersheds as
sustainable use reserves. This can reduce out-migration by ensuring legitimate land
claims (Bravo-Ureta et al. 1996). Sustainable use reserves in the Amazon have also
served as testing grounds for PES (e.g. Viana and Campos 2007). However,
demarcation of indigenous reserves in Amazonia has also increased rural–urban
migration in cases where non-indigenous (yet traditional) riverine communities
have been forced to leave (Alencar 2005).
Spatial constraints to non-timber economies
Within inhabited Amazonian reserves, there are ongoing efforts to augment
income streams based on non-timber resource extraction. Historically, rubbertapping and Brazil nut collection provided income in the dry and wet seasons,
respectively. Declining rubber prices (World Bank 2003) created an income gap
that governmental and nongovernmental organizations have attempted to fill by
encouraging the extraction of oils and resins (e.g. Copaifera spp), for example.
River-dwellers in remote areas presumably have an advantage in the collection of
natural resources prone to depletion because resource abundance in headwaters is
likely to be relatively high. Although 40 vegetable oils were exported from the
Brazilian Amazon during the early twentieth century (Clay and Clement 1993),
market demand for forest oils is currently low, and the production of harvestable
forest fruits is normally low outside seasonally flooded forest (Phillips 1993).
Remote rural producers are also constrained by fruit perishability and transport
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
difficulties (Shanley et al. 2002). Consequently, the supply of ‘forest products’
can become dominated by agroforestry and mono-dominant stands near large
urban centers (Wunder 1999), such as the concentration of açaı́ (Euterpe
oleracea) palm fruit production near the city of Belém (Brondı́zio and Siqueira
1997; Wunder 1999). Furthermore, rural populations in remote areas often lack
market access (Massey et al. 1993) or information on appropriate extraction
techniques for non-timber forest products (L. Parry, personal observation). Many
of the commercially valuable wild goods that river dwellers may consider
selling—including several timber species, forest mammals, and river turtles—
cannot be traded legally. For example, rural Amazonians no longer gain income
from the once widespread sale of mammal skins (e.g. jaguar Panthera onca;
Smith 1978).
Future research
This paper attempts to understand the relative importance of a broad range of
determinants of rural–urban migration in currently road-less areas of the Brazilian
Amazon. However, this research raises as many questions as it answers.
Longitudinal studies along rural–urban gradients are essential to understanding
the dynamics of settlement growth and migration between tropical forest cities and
rural areas, especially given that a stated intention to move does not always
materialize (Lu 1999). Greater sampling effort within settlements (for example
using a proportional sampling effort relative to settlement size) would be a useful
means of understanding the trade-offs in natural and other forms of capital and
consequently also reveal whether there are predictable patterns to identify
individuals and household types most likely to migrate (e.g. Bravo-Ureta et al.
Further research in urban centers is necessary in order to determine the wellbeing of newly resettled rural immigrants and how incomes in urban centers
compare to their previous direct and indirect revenues (de Jong et al. 1996). Relative
utility depends on greater well-being in cities, as the expected stream of income is
critical to most migration decisions (Todaro 1969; Stark 1991). Very few of the
rural people we surveyed were born outside of the state of Amazonas. In Amazonian
states that recently experienced high rates of colonization from immigrants arriving
from other regions (e.g. Rondonia and Mato Grosso (Perz et al. 2005)), it would be
informative to explicitly examine the geographic origins of interviewees. In these
states rural settlement is generally based around road-networks, rather than rivers.
The resulting differences in livelihoods, social structure, and land-use patterns are
therefore likely to determine different patterns of migration and warrant further
comparison. Further insight for river-based systems could be gained from
investigating linkages between life-cycles and migration patterns, which are key
determinants of farm-scale land-use decisions, for example (Perz 2002). Finally,
separately interviewing all adults in rural households would advance understanding
of the rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters beyond the scale of the household
to the level of the individual.
Popul Environ (2010) 32:137–176
Rural–urban migration in tropical forest regions is driven by a suite of biophysical,
social, and economic factors, which we assessed using an inter-disciplinary
approach along rural–urban gradients in eight watersheds of the Brazilian Amazon.
Access to education emerged as a crucial factor in determining the difference
between the growth or abandonment of riverine settlements and out-migration to
local urban centers. However, heterogeneity in migration decisions among the 184
riverine households we surveyed highlights the complexity of spatial decisionmaking. We observed stark gradients in public service provision and trading
conditions with increasing fluvial distance from urban centers, combined with
increasing isolation and transport difficulties. Understanding the drivers of rural
exodus can be used to predict the effects of direct payments for ecosystem services
and anti-poverty subsidies on the stability of rural populations in the Amazon and
elsewhere. This work is also relevant to predicting future environmental change,
which requires not only an understanding of land management, but also the reasons
for people to be there in the first place (Carr 2009).
Acknowledgments We are grateful to the Brazilian Government for permission to conduct this research
(Portaria Ministério No. 908, 04/12/2006). We are indebted to the rural Amazonians who kindly
participated in this study, as well as the support and advice gained from local municipal secretariats and
others during fieldwork. Funding came from Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), UK and
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR). We thank the many people who provided input to
this research, particularly E. Brondı́zio, S. Rosendo, N. Grist, A. Southern, B. Fisher, P. Shanley, and
M. Hopkins. K. Abernethy, R. Ellis and R. Rajão provided useful comments on an earlier version of this
manuscript. The manuscript benefited greatly from the comments of three anonymous reviewers and
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