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A Pragmatic Approach to Conceptualization of Health and Disease, 2024
Es un taller, basado en la macroeconomia y en los conceptos vistos en clase. Suerte.
The Bible Translator, 2023
This article is about oral Bible translation (OBT), its key features, and how it differs from both written Bible translation and oral Bible storying. The author draws on her own experience as a Translation Advisor on an OBT team, and also from interaction with other OBT teams around the world. The article proposes that internalisation is the key component or "ingredient" in OBT, and also discusses emotional exegesis and voice prosody as essential features of the oral translation process. Ideas are offered on how consultant checking of OBT differs from that of written Bible translation. The article ends by recommending intensive training on internalisation for all Bible translation teams, the development of notes on emotional exegesis and performance, and increased training for translation consultants on orality.
Romanın Sınır Garnizonu Zerzevan Kalesi Geçmişten Geleceğe, 2023
Zerzevan Castle is located at the 45th km of Diyarbakır-Mardin highway, 13 km from Çınar district and 1 km from Demirölçek Village, on a rocky hill covering an area of approximately 60 decares at an altitude of 124 m above the road level. We can define the Zerzevan Castle as a significant military settlement located on the easternmost border of Rome or a Roman border garrison. It always kept its importance economically, politically and strategically, dominated the entire valley due to its location, and controlled a large area on the ancient trade route. As it is known, with the discovery of the blowing technique in the Roman Period, the production of glass vessels for daily use spread in all residential areas dominated by Roman culture, become a popular industry. Zerzevan Castle, located on the easternmost border of Rome, is an important center where the findings of this industry are followed. During the 2014-2020 excavations of Zerzevan Castle, a large number of glass materials were found at different points of the settlement areas. These materials are thought to be functional as both everyday objects and accessories. Among the materials found, the samples that give precise profiles are pieces of unguentarium, bowls, goblets, oil lamps and bracelets. This study aims to reach the first scientific data on glass materials unearthed during the 2014-2020 excavations of Zerzevan Castle. The excavation data and the parallel samples found during our resource research helped evaluate the glass finds typologically and chronologically. This evaluation revealed that the findings are comprised of glass vessel forms and accessories produced during the Roman and Late Roman periods. Keywords: Archaeology, Diyarbakır, Glass, Rome, Zerzevan Castle Zerzevan Kalesi; Diyarbakır-Mardin karayolunun 45. km’sinde, Çınar ilçesine 13 km, Demirölçek Köyü’ne 1 km. mesafede, yol seviyesinden 124 m yükseklikte yaklaşık olarak 60 dönümlük bir alanı kaplayan kayalık bir tepe üzerinde bulunur. Kaleyi ekonomik, siyasi, stratejik açıdan her zaman önemini koruyan ve konumu itibariyle bütün vadiye hakim, antik ticaret yolu üzerinde geniş bir alanı kontrol altında tutan bir Roma sınır garnizonu olarak tanımlayabiliriz. Roma Dönemi’nde üfleme tekniğinin keşfi ile beraber, Roma kültürünün hakim olduğu tüm yerleşim alanlarında gündelik kullanıma hitap eden cam malzemelerin üretiminin popüler bir endüstriye dönüştüğü bilinir. Roma’nın doğudaki en uç sınırında bulunan Zerzevan Kalesi, bu endüstrinin bulguların izlendiği önemli bir merkezdir. Zerzevan Kalesi 2014-2020 kazı çalışmaları sırasında, yerleşim alanlarının farklı noktalarında gerek gündelik eşya formları gerekse de aksesuar olarak işlevlendirildiği düşünülen çok sayıda cam materyal ele geçmiştir. Tespiti yapılan bu materyaller unguentarium, kase, kadeh, kandil ve bilezik parçaları şeklindedir. Bu çalışma ile Zerzevan Kalesi 2014-2020 yılı kazı çalışmaları sırasında ortaya çıkarılan cam materyallerin ilk bilimsel verilerine ulaşmak amaçlanmıştır. Zerzevan Kalesi kazı verileri ve yaptığımız kaynak araştırması sırasında tespit edilen paralel örnekler Zerzevan Kalesi cam buluntularını tipolojik ve kronolojik olarak değerlendirmemize yardımcı olmuş, bu buluntuların Roma ve Geç Roma dönemlerinde üretilen cam kap formlarını ve aksesuarlarını içerdiği sonucunu ortaya koymuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Arkeoloji, Cam, Diyarbakır, Roma, Zerzevan Kalesi
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 2002
Part 1 Introduction: general objectives of this study specific questions on this study's approach to the Qur'an. Part 2 The punishment-narratives: previous studies narrative criticism a note on the analysis of the punishment-narratives. Part 3 The punishment-narratives in the Meccan period: the early Meccan period the middle and late Meccan periods. Part 4 Medinan developments: a threat fulfilled but transformed the believers as instruments of the divine punishment a narrative discontinuity the Godward movement of messenger and the believers.
IRJET, 2023
In order to improve the tensile strength and durability properties of Geopolymer concrete addition of fibre particles play a vital role in the field of modern concrete technology. In this research, combined effects of steel fibre and polypropylene fibre were studied with different aspect ratios. The crimped steel fiber with aspect ratio 60 and polymeric synthetic fibers of aspect ratio 240 were used. Alkaline liquids (Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium, Silicate solution) together mixed with proper ratio (Ratio of Na2SiO3 to NaOH is 2.50). Sodium hydroxide solution was made by dissolving NaOH solid in water. Sodium hydroxide solutions were prepared for 12 molar mass of solid depends on the concentration of solution. For 12 molar solution 480gm of NaOH pellet were mixed in 1000 ml of water.
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Israel Affairs, 2023
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2019
ARCTIC, 1980
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020
Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, 2012
Inorganic Chemistry, 2010
Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research