Math Ann 216,99—104(1975)
© by Springer-Verlag 1975
Abelian Extensions of Arbitrary Fields
W. Kuyk and H. W. Lenstra, Jr.
0. Introduction and Summary
Let k be an Hilbertian field, i.e. a field for which Hilbert's irreducibility theorem
holds (cf. [l, 5]). It is obvious that the degree of the algebraic closure k of k is
infinite with respect to k. It is not obvious that the same is true for the maximal
p-extension of k, p a prime number. Let A be a finite abelian group. The question
whether there exists a Galoisian extension l/k with Galois group A is, classically,
known to be solvable if there exists a finite group G, and a surjective homomorphism G+A, such that the following condition is satisfied. Suppose M is a
faithful k[G]-module, and let Sk(M) denote its Symmetrie algebra over k. The
group G acts upon Sk(M) and on its field of quotients k(M) in a natural way.
Then the condition is that the subfield k(M)G of k(M) of all G-invariants is a
purely transcendental field extension of k (cf. [6, 5]). This applies in particular
to the case G = A, and M is the group ring k[Ä\. In that case we denote k(M)°
Let k be an arbitrary field. Recently, the second named author [4] gave
necessary and sufficient conditions in order that, for given k and A, the extension
kA/k is purely transcendental, äs follows. To check the pure transcendency of kA
one has to look at a finite set of Dedekind domains Dq(A) = Z[_^q(A^\, where the
positive integer q(A) runs through a finite subset of Z and ζ9(Α) is a primitive
q(A)-ih root of unity. Then one can determine in every Dq(A) an ideal Iq(A) with the
property: kA is purely transcendental over k if and only if the two following
conditions are satisfied:
(i) every ideal lq(A) is a principal ideal,
(ii) if 2 is the highest power of 2 dividing the exponent of A and if the characteristic of k is not equa) to 2, then the extension k(^2r}/k has cyclic Galois group.
This leads to
Theorem l ([4], Corollary (7.5)). Let A be a finite abelian group. Let k be any
field satisjying the condition (ii) above. There exists a natural number n such that
the field of invanants kA„ of the group A" = A®...@A is a purely transcendental
extension of k.
Aquadruple (G, φ, A, k), with φ : G-+A a surjective continuous homomorphism
of (not necessarily abelian) (pro-)finite groups and k a field, is called a Galoisian
extension problem. Such an extension problem is said to be solvable if for every
Galoisian extension field l/k with Gal(l//c) = ,4, there exists a Galoisian extension
m/k, mDl, such that Gäl(m/k)^ G and the Galois map Gal(m//c)->Gal(//k) coincides
with φ.
W Kuyk and H W Lenstra Jr
For G = Z/pmZ, A = Z/p"Z, p a pnme number, n and m positive mtegers
satisfying m ^ n ^ l , we denote the natural surjective homomorphism G-+A
by 0m„, if G = Zp, the additive group of p-adic mtegers, then we wnte </>00„ mstead
of φηη It is clear that the problem P(m, n, k) = (Z/pmZ, φηη, Z/p" Z, k) is solvable
for all m and «, if and only if the problem P(oo, n, k) = (Zp, φχη, Zjp"Z, k) is solvable
for all n ä; l With these notations we prove
Theorem 2. Let k be any field Ij p = char(k), then the extension problem
P(oo, n, k) is solvable for all positive mtegers «g: l ///^char(k), let Ep denote the
set {x | xpm = l e K for some m e Z, m Ϊ: 0} of all pm-th roots ofumty, and put K - k(Ep)
Furthermore, suppose that the degree [K k] of K/k is finite Ij p3=2 then the
extension problem P(oo, n, k) is solvable for all n S: l If p = 2, then let l/k be Galois
with Gal(I/fc) = Z/2"Z, n> l Then k admits a Z2-extension If, on the contrary,
[K k] is infinite, then there exists at least one Galois extension of k with Galois
group isomorphic to Zp
Corollary 1. Let k be a field, and let p be a pnme number φ 2 The followmg
conditions (i) and (n) are equivalent
(i) there exists a Galois extension l/k with Gal(i//c)sZ/pZ,
(π) there exists a Galois extension l/k with Gal(//fc)sZ
for p —2 there is equivalence between
(in) there exists a Galois extension l/k with Gal(//fc)sZ/4Z,
(iv) there exists a Galois extension l/k with Gal(i/k)^Z2
Puttmg Theorems l and 2 together we get
Corollary 2. Let k be an Hilbertian field and let A be a finite abehan group
satisfying the condition (u) above
There exists a Galois extension l/k with Gal(//k) = Z χ A, where Z = /IZp
is the pro-cychc group on one generator
Prooj Corollary l is immediately clear from Theorem 2 For Corollary 2
one applies Corollary l, takmg into account that for <5 = Z/4Z the field k(M)G
is purely transcendental over k, whence the existence of a k-extension with
Galois group Z2 The existence of a Z^-extension of k, p φ 2, follows from Theorem l
and Corollary l The factor A does not give any difficulty, because k bemg Hilbertian, there exists for every m an extension l of k with Gal(I/fc)^yim (Theorem l,
applymg Galois theory)
Remark / Note that the Hilbertian field Q admits only one Zp-extension for
every p, and infmitely many (hnearly disjomt) extensions with group A (wellknown), where A is an arbitrary finite abehan group However, the pair (Q, A)
does not generally saüsfy condition (n)
Remark 2 Corollary 2 substanüates a claim made in [2] (p 401) and [3]
(p 113) statmg that for Hilbertian k, the maximal p-extension k(p) has infinite
degree over k Mr Jarden drew attention to the incompleteness of the proof in [?]
l.Proofof Theorem 2
Preserving the notations of the previous paragraph and Theorem 2, let
= char(k) It is well-known that the extension problem P(n+l,n,k) is solvable
Abelian Extensions of Arbitrary Fields
for all «S: l, e.g. using Witt vectors or by induction. This means however, that the
extension problem P(m, n, k) is solvable for all m ^ n g l . Next, let p=j=char(k).
First we consider the case when [K : k] is infinite. It is clear from infinite
Galois theory, that Gal(K/fc) is a closed subgroup of Z*. The latter group is of
the form Z*^Z/(p- l)Z®Zp if p=j=2, while Z|sZ/2Z®Z2 if p = 2. In both cases
Gal(K/k) = F®Zp, where F is a finite group; Galois theory finishes this case.
We are left with the case when [X : k] < oo. Again, there are two possibilities,
viz. X = k and K =t= k. First, if K = k, then let l /k be an extension with Gal(i/fc) s Z/qZ,
and 4=p m We have 1 = /< (f/ί) for some α e fc* α <£ k*". The field L= (J„g 1 fc(j7a)
is a Galois extension of k = K with Galois group Zp, satisfying our desire. Let,
alternatively, K^k, Gal(K/k) = π. The group π is cyclic of order dividing
p — l if p Φ 2, and of order 2 if p = 2. Let now K(p) denote the maximal abelian
Galois p-extension of K. The fact that K(p) is a Galois extension of k gives the
existence of an exact sequence of groups
where A„ = Gal(K(p)/K) and G = Gal(K(p)/fc).
The fact that over K the extension problem P(oo, m, K) is solvable, translates
in terms of group theory äs follows :
Lemma 1. For every continuous surjective group homomorphism α : Ap— >Z/qZ,
q = pm,m^l, there exists a continuous surjective homomorphism J0\Ap-*Z.p
such that the diagram
is commutative; here φ denotes the natural homomorphism with kernel pm · Zp.
Now the proof goes äs follows. We are given an extension l/k with Gal(///c)s
Z/p"Z, where w ä l if p=)=2 and n^2 if p = 2. We wish to construct an extension
M/k with Gal(M//<)^Zp. We have Gal(/ · K/K) s Z/qZ, where q=2n1 if p = 2,
Kd, and q = p" otherwise; so q>l in all cases. The natural surjective map
is denoted by a, and we let /0, φ be äs in Lemma l. We are going to change /0
in such a way that the kernel of the new map AV*ZV defines a Z^-extension of K
which is Galois and abelian over k. Then the construction of M will be immediate.
In order to carry out this prograrnme we need to know how the Statement
"L is Galois and abelian over k" [for an intermediate field KcLcK(p)~] translates
in terms of group theory.
The group π acts on Ap via ατ = τ*ατ* - 1 where aeAp, τ ε π , and τ* e G a
preimage o f t . Putting A'p{a'\a€ Ap, ie/}, where / is the augmentation ideal
W Kuyk and H W Lenstra, Jr
of Z [π], the cychcity of π entails A'p = [G, G], the commutator group of G This
follows by direct venfication, takmg into account that α 1 " 1 =τ*ατ*~1α~1 The
next lemma follows immediately from this consideration
Lemma 2. Let L be an intermediate field KcLcK(p) The following conditions
are equwalent
(i) L/k is Galois with abelian Calais group,
(u) the subgroup G&\(K(p)/L) of Ap zs invariant m G with abelian faclor group,
(in) the natural map ψ Ap^G'dl(L/K) has the property A',cKer(y)
It follows, in particular, that ApCKer(a.) We defme s Ap~+Ap by s(a) =as
where S = £ t e n τ e Ζ[π]. Note that A'pCKer(s), smce / S is the zero ideal of Ζ[π]
Proposition 1. Azurne p Φ 2, and /ei the notation be äs above The diagram
> Z/qZ ^^ Z/qZ
where the map \π\ denotes the (contmuous) automorphism "multiphcation by Ιπ|"
on Zpi and
is commutatwe Moreover, the surjective map* Jf l ΗπΓ
. Γ _ ϊ · ϊ - / / - \
\ \
J \J
is such that /
Prooj The commutativity of the diagram is easily venfied by a straight-forward
calculation, for the surjectivity of |π| and \n\ ~J one has to note that (|π|, p) = l The
mclusion ^CKer^) follows from ^4pCKer(s) Fmally, the diagram teils us that
the image of /, is a closed subgroup of Zp mappmg onto Z/qZ, so the procychc
structure of Zp imphes that /L is surjective This proves Proposition l
Theorem 2 is now easily settled for p 4= 2 Let /, α be äs before, let /j be äs m
Proposition l, and let LcK(p) be the invariant field of Ker^) Thcn IcL,
Gal(L/K)^Zp, and L/k is Galois and abelian by Lemma 2 Further, Galois theory
gives us an exact sequence of abelian groups
The sequence sphts by (|π|,ρ)=1, so L-M K where Gal(M/k)^Zp
l CM again follows from (|π|, p)= l We conclude that M is the reqmred extension
of k and that the problem P(oo, n, k) is solvable for all «^ l
Proposition 2. Assume p = 2, and let the notation be äs before The diagram
> Z/qZ
is commutatwe, but the homomorphism f± — f0° s not surjective One has A'2
Im(/1) = 2Z2, and, if /2 = 2/i, then f2 is a contmuous surjectwe homomorphism
satisjymg A\ CKer(/ 2 )
Abehan Extensions of Arbitiary Fields
Proof The commutativity of the diagram and the mclusion A'2
go äs before Further, the diagram implies that lm(fi) is a closed subgroup of Z2
mappmg onto 2Z/qZ If q>2 this implies Im(/1) = 2Z2 by the procychc structure
of Z 2 In the case q — 2 we arnve at the same conclusion by an explicit computation
q = 2 implies Gal(i/k) S Z/4Z and X c / , let σ* e Gal(K(p)/k) be such that σ = σ*\Κ
generates π, then σ*\1 generates Gal(l/k) so the element τ = (σ*)2 of .42 is not the
identity when restncted to /, this means α(τ)φΟεΖ/2Ζ so /0(τ) e Z2\2Z2 , also
τ" = τ so /1(τ) = / 0 (τ 2 )ε2Ζ 2 \4Ζ 2 , therefore 2Z2Clm(/1), and since the opposite
mclusion follows from the diagram we conclude Im(/1) = 2Z2, äs required
The assertions about /2 follow immediately This concludes the proof of Proposition 2
To fmish the proof of Theorem 2, let /, α be äs before and let /2 be äs m Proposition 2 Then the invariant field LCK(2) of Ker(/2) has Galois group SiZ2 over K,
and L is Galois and abehan over k Theie is an exact sequence
If this extension sphts then Gal(L/k) ^ Z 2 ® π, and if it does not spht then Gal(L/k) s
Z2 In both cases there exists an extension M of k with Galois group isomorphic
to Z2
This concludes the proof of Theorem 2
Remark A closer look at the construcüon reveals that m the case p = 2 the
field M can be chosen such that the intersection Mr\l has degree 2""1 or 2"
over k
2. Supplementary Remarks
It is not true that any field k, admittmg a field extension / with Gal(f/k) = F4
(cf Theorem 2) admits a Z/4Z-extension (and, by consequence, a Z2-extension)
The field of all totally-real algebraic numbers, for instance, admits K4-extensions
and no Z/4Z-extensions The followmg is an example of a field admittmg for
an arbitraiy cardmal number m an extension with Galois group (Z/2Z)'", and no
Z/4Z-extension Let / be a set with \l\ = m and let F = Q ( { t t \ i e I } ) be a purely
tianscendental extension of β with transcenciental degree m Choose for every
ι e I an ordermg < , of F, m such a manner that t, <, 0 and 0 <, t}, for / Φ ι Let Ä„
FCR.CF, be a real-closed field the ordermg of which is an extension of <, Then
k= P) le/ -R, has the required property one sees easily that Gal(k//c) is topologically
generated by elements of order 2 It is also possible to give a proof of Theorem 2
(p Φ 2) more directly by usmg Kummei theory However, this method does not
seem to be readily extendible to the case p = 2
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W Kuyk
Department of Mathematics
Antwerp University
B-2020 Antwerp, Belgmm
H W Lenstra, Jr
Mathematisch Instituut
Umversiteit van Amsterdam
Roetersstraat 15
The Netherlands
(Received October 30, 1974)