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Evolution of the bank to reef complex in the Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains GRZEGORZ RACKl Racki, G. 1993. Evolution of the bank to reef complex In the Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 37, 2-4. 87-182. Givetian and Frasnian stromatoporoid-coral limestone of the Kowala Formation In the southern Holy Cross Mts Is subdivided stratigraphically. and correlated with strata elsewhere on the basis of Identified sea-level cyclicity. with support from conodonts and other selected benthic fossils . After the Elfelian hypersaline sabkha phase. an extensive two-step regional colonization of the Kielce Region carbonate platform took place durtng the Elfelian/Glvetlan passage Interval and the Middle Givetian. At least four deepening pulses resulted In Intermittent drowning of the vast carbonate platform and sequential replacement of the undifferentiated Stringocephalus biostromal bank by the SItk6wka bank complex and. subsequently. by the Dymlny reef complex. The reef developed In the central Dymlny belt as result of the early Frasnian accelerated sea-level rise after some period of biotic stagnation near the Givetian-Frasnian boundary. Final demise of the reef resulted from combined eustatic and tectonic movements during the late Frasnian major crisis Interval. Key w 0 r d s : Reefs. lithostratigraphy. biostratigraphy. stromatoporoids. corals. cyclicity. benthic assemblages. eustasy. Devonian. Poland. Grzeqorz Racki. Katedra Paleontologii i Stratygrafii Uniwersytetu Slqskiego. ul . Bedziiiska 60.41-200 Sosnousiec, Poland. Introduction An almost 800 m thick stromatoporoid-coral series of the Kowala Formation (Narkiewicz et at 1990) forms the bulk of the epicontinental carbonate sequence in the Middle and Late Devonian of southern Poland (Fig. 1). The strata are known primarily from the Kielce Region in the southern Holy Cross Mountains. and being of economic importance have been the subject of geological studies for more than 120 years (see review in CzermiIiski 1960). Devonian reefs: RACKI 88 Warszawa -~ ~. I" • • MOLDANUBICUM -, I" . . '1: near-shore :;::;':.7 siliclclastlc . . facies emerged '--_ _ 1 area I: : : I : : : shallow-water carbonate tacies ~ ~ ~ ,-, -, I lntrashelf • basjn marly facies 1 pelagic basin facies Fig. 1. Facies of Givetian to early Frasnian in Poland, based on Na rkiewicz (1988: Fig. I}, Hladil (1988: Figs 1-2), Tsien (1988: Figs l Ovl l}, and Stupnicka (1989: Figs 6 .1 ,6.13). to show location of the Holy Cross Mts , Siewierz (Dziewki) , and Debnik localities. The stratigraphy of the stromatoporoid-coral limestone is still inadequately known, although its Givetian-Frasnian age has been accepted since Roemer (1866a, b) and Giirich (1896). The distinction between litho- and chronostratigraphic units has been rarely obeyed (Narkiewicz et at 1990). Correlations remain ambiguous because of inadequate fossils like 'guide' Amphipora ramosaPhillips 1841, and even conodonts (Racki 1980). In the Lublin area late Frasnian brachiopods and rugosans occur in a ssociation with 'ea rly Frasnian' stromatoporoids and 'Givetian' tabulates (Milaczewski 1981). Variability offacies virtually precludes lithologic correlation even on local scale (Kazmierczak 1971a, b). In addition, poor definitions of ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 89 the lower and upper boundaries of the series investigated in the type area complicates the issue even further (Racki 1985b; Narkiewicz et al. 1990). The overall unapplicability of the traditional biostratigraphic zonal procedure demands a more holistic approach, namely an application of event and ecosystem concepts paired with sequential analysis of the relatively weakly differentiated shallow-water limestone successions. This below is an attempt to consider the evolution of the Givetian to Frasnian carbonate complex in a framework of eustatic sea-level changes. The paper summarizes studies continued since 1975 on the Givetian and Frasnian strata. Descriptions of particular fossil groups, especially brachiopods, and sedimentary cyclicity have been already published (Racki & Balinski 1981; Racki 1985a, b , 1986a, b: Wrzolek 1988; Karczewski 1989), summarized by Racki (1988) . Modifications of those interpretations appear necessary, especially in reference to the recently proposed international definition of the Middle/Late Devonian boundary (Klapper et al. 1987). In the series of papers below we attempt to reconstruct both the geoblologtcal history (ecology of colonization; Gekker 1980) of a fragment of the Devonian epeiric sea in Poland (Fig. 1) and to present particular fossil groups in a regional perspective. Materials and methods The main study area occupies the best exposed southwestern part of the Holy Cross Mountains (Fig. 2), including both the platform Kielce Region and broadly defined basinal Lysogory Region (Racki & Bultynck in preparation). Additional sections are in the eastern part of the Holy Cross Mountains, and in the Silesia-Cracow area. The forty five exposures are presented in the locality register on p. 171. Complete borehole sequences (Romanek & Rup 1990; Narkiewicz 1991) are especially important in correlation and interpretation of particular exposures. Primary macro-features of the biogenic limestones, observed in the measured bed-by-bed sections, enable their subdivision into lithologic sets, especially in regard to dominating rock-forming fossils. Because of usually parautochthonous nature of the biostromal fossil assemblages, Embry's & Klovan (1971) classification scheme has been applied only in most general facies interpretations (Figs 7, 13). Important lithostratigraphic contacts such as boundaries of the Jaiwica Member have been densely sampled. About 1000 thin-sections and 180 polished slabs were employed for facies interpretation. More than 200 samples (usually 1-2 kg in weight, occasionally up to 20 kg) were processed in order to extract conodonts, and the most extensive work has been done in the Gora Zamkowa, Jaiwica, Sowie Gorki and Poslowice localities. 90 Devonian reefs: RACK! Conceptual framework The idea for this study came from the ecostratigraphic approach to biostratigraphy, defined by Martinsson (1980) as a modification of the ortgmal Schindewolfs concept (fide Sokolov 1986) that refers solely to local correlation-hampering problems. The ecosystem approach to stratigraphical record (Boucot 1982; Brenner & McHargue 1988: pp. 257-258) is well exemplified by some regional syntheses, especially that of Gekker (1983) on the Main Devonian Field, and by the Estonian group working on the East Baltic Silulian (Kaljo & Klaaman 1986). The call for an integrated. cause-effect treatment of abiotic and biotic parameters of the sedimentary basin finds expression in other current trends in stratigraphy. in particular in various event. sequential and dynamic approaches (Ager 1973; Dott 1982; Walliser 1986; Van Steenwinkel 1990; Einsele et al 1991), developed finally into high resolution event stratigraphy by Kauffman (1986), and hierarchical genetic stratigraphy by Rollins et a/.. (1990). Even if it is still not possible to apply these general ideas in practice, the way of thinking they propose seems to be intelectually stimulating. The ecosystem approach to regional stratigraphy refers to three basic research procedures: (1) paleobiological analysis (recognition of community pattern), (2) facies model (reconstruction of environmental setting), and (3) chronology (establishment of time-planes) . In the case of the carbonate sequence studied the two latter aspects refer directly to cyclic facies development. recording chiefly eustatic fluctuations (Racki 1985b, 1986b. 1988). Because of the scarcity of gutde fossils. the cyclicity remains almost the only base for regional correlation resulted from combined event and sequential analysis (cf. Van Steenwinkel 1990). Hopefully it will also enable velification of the time correlative potential of biostratigraphic units as many preserved biotic patterns appear attlibutable to forcing by different-scale sea level changes. Commonly used substages of the Givetian and Frasnian remain undefined and of variable meaning. Recognition of the worldwide transgressive-regressive (T-R) cycles by Johnson eta/.. (1985; Hladill986, 1988) presents a convenient basis for 'natural' chronostratigraphy. as advocated byWalliser (1985). Consequently, the Taghanic onlap (T-RCycle IIa) in the Middle P. varcus Zone is a good natural base of the Middle Givetian. The following deepening pulse near the beginning of the KJalsiovalis Zone (lIb) would then determine the bottom of the Late (post-Stringocephalus; cf. Racki 1986b) Givetian. The Middle Frasnian coincides with the T -R Cycle lIe, while the Late Frasnian is a gross equivalent of the complex T -R Cycle lId. In case of insufficient data. informal chronostratigraphic (basal, low, higher. etc) or chronologie (early, late) designations are applied. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 91 A B .A.i!erniki 1 Zbrz a'f0. '~ Debska Wola Kawczyn o 10km , , o ~a nka ledZian~ S ~ Ostr6wka : owieG. i!ebrOWn~J.lzI ~ B 2 ~ I .:Stok6wka .~ ". W6nSO a k R:'~ Zelejowa SK .ra ....,eane ~ez -; JafWlca......... J g Kielce platform KostonW'oty ITIIJ transitional zone D. POS{OWIC K Dyminy reef foreslope [JII] .tysog6ry basin o .- . Chpciny-Zbrza depression D D pre -Devonian post -Devonian Fig. 2. DA. Location of studied localites (see 'Regis ter oflocalities' for details) in the Holy Cross Mts , against late Givetian paleogeography. Points indicate exposures. triangles boreholes. edge of the Kielce carbonate platform hatchured. DB. Location of studied sites in the western part of the Holy Cross Mts , against early Frasnian facies distribution. KE - eastern Kostomloty hill . KW - western Kostomloty hill. MG - Male G6rki, SK - Sitk6wka-Kostrzewa, SW Sitk6wka-Kowala, SJ - Sitk6wka-Jaiwica, Kh - Kowala hill , Kq - Kowala quarry, Kw - Kowala railroad cut. Ro - Kowala road cu t. GS - Soitysia G6ra, GZ - western G6ra Zamkowa, GE eastern G6ra Zamkowa. K - Kowala I borehole. Regional paleogeographic setting The shallow-water biogenic deposition of the Holy Cross Mountains carbonate platform became gradually more and more areally restricted in a 92 Devonian reefs : RACKI " CD ;; ...J lid z -c z C/) lie -c II: u, ,., IIb/e ~ w lower Sitk6wka Beds lib ------r--c CD ;; -----'-- ...J - - - 1 - -- z -c lIa f- w > (!l ~ ..----L--- - , - A ~ o If .-....,-- - r -.L-- _ ..---L--- Late EIFELIAN - - ~ KOWALA - Stringocephafus 11 - - -- II B e ~ .--..L-- -,---I I -~ ~ '" Ie Fig. 3 . Idealized stratigraphic-faci es cross-s ection of the Givetian and Frasnian strata of the Holy Cross Mts , with extension and subdivision in sets of the sections. as in the 'Regis ter of localities'; not to scale. Crucial profiles represented by em pty colu m n s, other by lines. If-lId - eu s tatic cycles from Johnson et al. (1985) . modified in ca se of the Cycle Ilc: regional depositional cycl es (G-I-F-II) from Racki (1985b). supplemented . Secondary dolomitization a nd syn s edime n tary faults are omitted . Abbreviations: WB - Swietomarz Beds. PB - Pokrzywianka Beds, AL - Ambocoeliid Limestone Level, CCL - Crinoid -Coral Limestone Level, HAL - H exaqonaria]Alveolitella Limestone Level, ACL - Atrypid-Crinoid Limestone Level. ATL Alveolites -Thamnophyllum Limestone Level. PhL - Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level. backstepping pattern during the Middle Devonian as a result of following deepening pulses (Fig. 3) . The northern Lysogory intrashelf basin ex- 93 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) CH~INY AREA -ZBRA F-II F-I ------r---'- upper _- . - Sitk6wka Beds ~ - --.-----'-I-C --....--L- - - --1- E - ,- '--- ---r----'- - - T .. ~ ---..J..- - . E 'i.,..... ~ G-II -r - o --------.?+--+=-1 ....+ C G-Ib ? FORMATION G-Ia - - II 11 - - --II - II ? Unit I of Narklewicz (1991) '--"---"--=--' 1" siliciclastic fac ies III dolomitic taci es b§ ~ a-, ' ~ -L- ,',':.:. :.'; ESJ ..-: :. " ',' :" : .. ' -, - ' b8':lk to ree f facl8s(a - cor alrich buildups) mtersho al facies (within the Sitk6wka bank complex) 1§S:l.o::":O " .0 .... detr ital (slope) facies (8 -, -. ". ' ~. . 0 • • a- 0 . '; _ - - -toca t mostly 0. microbial buildups) open shelf or bas inal fac ies (8 -detrital, mainly 7tempestite intercalations) ~ u.~" .......""",,,,,,,,,, Kadzielnia-lype mud mound condensed lag depos its panded southward, and in effect a strong facies polarization in two principal regions was established by the Givetian (Fig. 2A). A subordinate Checiny-Zbrza paleolow delimits the southwestern portion of the Kielce Region, and the paleogeographical pattern is similar to th a t of the early Paleozoic (Szulczewski 1977). By the Frasnian the subsymmetrical plan wa s manifested in the central location of an ecologic reef s tructu re (Nar- 94 Devonian reefs : RACKI kiewicz 1988). The reef developed along the northern periphery of the stable fragment of carbonate shelf (Szulczewski 1979) corresponding to the Malopolska Massif, consolidated in the Vendian, and already separated from the East European Platform during the Early Paleozoic by a belt of deep-water Lysogory-type (Modliilski 1982) sedimentation. The reef was almost completely drowned in the latest Frasnian (Racki 1990). This paleogeographic pattern (Figs 2-3) can be refined as followings: (1) Recent advances in the biostratigraphy of the Middle Devonian deposits (cf. Racki et aL 1985; Narkiewicz et al. 1990) clearly argue for a subdivision of the northern Holy Cross Mountains into two domains, which differ strongly in facies sequence. In the northeastern, Bodzentyn area the deeper-water deposition resumed in the latest Eifelian after the early Devonian regression, whereas the more southwestern, Kostomloty part is marked by the platform development continuing up to the Middle Givetian. The limit between the intrashelf basin and the carbonate platform is traced along the southermost extent of the dominantly argillaceous Szydlowek Beds (Fig. 2) during the Givetian to Frasnian transition time. The assignment of the passage Kostomloty area remains equivocal. The most important geotectonical lineament in the area is the deep Swiety Krzyz Fracture that separates the belt north of the Lysogory range from the rest of the Holy Cross Mountains (terranes boundary according to Pozaryski et alI992). Devonian rocks were removed from the zone between the Bodzentyn syncline and the Kostomloty belt after the Variscan epoch. Therefore, it is still difficult to compare the early Paleozoic record in the two areas. However, the Swiety Krzyz Fracture was at least in the western part possibly coupled with additional dislocations (Swlety Krzyz Fracture zone of Narkiewicz 1991; see also 'flower structure' model in Pozaryski et al 1992) controlling in step-like manner the Devonian facies progression quite differently from more stabilized southern areas; this is evident already in early Devonian successions in the light of new biostratigraphic data (Malec 1991). 'Kostomloty transitional zone' is thus tentatively employed herein for the tectonically delineated area. Noteworthy, a persistance of the transversal Daleszyce depression is confirmed for the Givetian of the Gorno-Daleszyce area (see Fig. 15D) as concluded already by Czarnocki (1950: p. 48; see also Kowalczewski 1963) for the Famennian. (2) The Kielce paleohlgh is subdivided into southern (Kowala), central (Dyminy). and northern (Wietrznia), subregions which correspond to the northern slope (transitional to the Kostomloty basin), the central swell, and the southern flanking zone (transitional to the Checiny-Zbrza paleolow), respectively (cf. Glazek et al. 1981). The term Dyrniny subregion corresponds to the Frasnian Dyrniny reef of Narkiewicz (1988), although Szulczewski (1977, 1978) used the name 'Kadzielnia reef for the same structure. The last term is used herein solely for the organic buildups developed in the Wietrznia subregion. This fa cies differentiation was most apparent in the Frasnian of the western Kielce Region (Figs 2B , 3) , but is probably traceable into the eastern part as well (cf. Samsonowicz 1917). ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 95 (3) Contrary to Sobolev (1909) and Szulczewski (1977), the ChecinyZbrza paleolow is classified as a subordinate unit within the major Kielce Region (sensu Czarnocki 1950). This was a distinctly localized intershoal area called Checiny basin during the late Givetian (Kazmierczak 1971a), and probably also ephemeral poorly-recognized Frasnian Checiny-Zbrza intrashe1fbasin extending east no farther than the Skrzelczyce-Pierzchnica area (ef. Filonowicz 1973, 1976) and south to the Zerriiki 1 borehole (cf. Kulicka & Nowinski 1983). In the Checiny-Zbrza basin, the late Famennian organodetrital (foraminiferal-algal) limestone occurs (Kucia 1987) providing a record ofbioclast source from a more southern shallow-water platform. Progressive filling of this basin in Frasnian is expressed by the presence of bioclastic deposits in Debska Wola (see Fig . 23C), Skrzelczyce and Radkowice. Thus, the facies gradients in the depression discussed cannot be compared with the depositional contrasts which mark the northern edge of the Kielce Region. Lithostratigraphic account The stromatoporoid-coral series of the southern Holy Cross Mountains represents the Formation of Stromatoporoid-Coral Dolomites and Limestones from Kowala (Fig. 3), following the proposal by Narkiewicz et al. (1990) . The unit, which ranges from 330 m to above 800 m in thickness, is comprised primarily of skeletal accumulations in situ. It is separated from detrital flanking slope deposits and reef-cap facies, called Detrital Beds (cf. Detrital Facies ofSzulczewski 1971) ; the term Detrital-Stromatoporoid Beds is preferred for its talus variety. The bottom part of the Kowala Formation is composed of strongly dolomitized sabkha-type cyclic deposits with few biostromal layers (unit I of Narkiewicz 1991). These strata are not dealt with in this study. The main object for study is the thin (up to 12 .5 m) fossiliferous Micritic Limestone Member from Jaiwica, a micritic-marly suite with common wavy to nodular bedding and open shelf fossil assemblage dominated by shelly faunas and echinoderms; some other stratigraphically related units such as the underlying Stringocephalus Beds, mostly dolomitized and typified by thick biostromal/unfossiliferous calcilutite succession, as well as overlying coeval Sitk6wka Beds (varied biostromal strata, with thick rhytmic amphiporid-Iaminite complexes) , and Checiny Beds (platy to subnodular fine-grained deposits typically devoid of any buildups), are investigated too. The late Givetian to early Frasnian, fossil-rich detrital strata from the northern Kielce subregion are labelled as the lower part of the Wietrznia Beds (sets A-B). Gurlch's (1896) name 'Uebergangsschichten an der Wletrznla' reflected originally their transitional nature between the Middle and Late Devonian, but Szulczewski (1971) underlined rather their intermediate position between fore -reef and basin facies. The applicability of this 96 Devonian reefs: RACKl term to other detrital deposits, including those from the southern Kielce region, remains unanserved. In any case, the Wietrznia Limestone is quite different from the Kostomloty Beds, typical of the 'western Lysogory' Frasnian. The latter are marked by a paucity of fossils, variable contribution of marly-nodular lithologies, and black cherts in the type area (Szulczewski 1971; Racki et al. 1985). Several other subordinate limestone levels, distinguished by their peculiar fossil content, are discussed below in reference to cyclic facies succession. Two more distinct informal units are defined below (Figs 3, 7): (1) Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level. The term was introduced as the 'level with Leiorhynchus polonicus' by Czarnocki (1927, 1948) for the early Frasnian marly set with numerous index rhynchonellids in the western Holy Cross Mountains (Biernat & Szulczewski 1975). His concept is narrowed herein to transgressive strata in the western Kielce Region capping the Kowala Formation as at Kowala-Jaiwica (Fig. 26), or occurring near its top as at Checiny and Kawczyn-Debska Wola. They correspond to the distinct set C intervening within the Wietrznia Beds. (2) Laskowa G6ra Beds. The term covers the Middle Givetian Fossiliferous Limestones and Marls of Racki et al. (1985), separating the dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds from the argillaceous Szydl6wek Beds in the Kostomlotyarea (set A of Laskowa) . The level was established also at the J6zefka hill near G6rno (set A of Malkowski 1981), and may occur at Czarn6w (Racki & Bultynck in preparation). Principal analytical sections Different sized surficial localities of the Kowala Formation, largely in abandoned quarries and ditches (Figs 4-6, 8-9, 38-42), were examined in a stratigraphic-facies context. Nevertheless. the Jaiwica and G6ra Zarnkowa sections, supplemented by nearby smaller sites, which represent different facies settings, appear crucial to the determination of the stratigraphic relationships in the western Kielce Region (Fig. 7). For documentation of the mainly dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds, the unique Jurkowice-Budy locality in the east is described too. G6ra Zamkowa The western quarry on the G6ra Zamkowa at Checiny, close to the ruined castle (Figs 4B. 5. 39A), is among the most representative and best-known sections of the Kowala Formation (Racki & Balinski 1981). The following sets have been distinquished in the sequence (Fig. 7), characterized by well-layered, grey, fine-grained lithologies: A. Amphiporid bafflestones , with shell-rich intercalations (subset AI). succeeded by thicker stromatoporoid biostromes (bafflestones/floatstones) containing thin rntcnte-shaly. brachiopod- and crinoid-rich interbeds (subset A2). This unique in the section stromatoporoid-bearing complex (Kazmterczak 1971a; Szulczewski 1979), ca. 5 m thick. can apparently be ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 97 Fig. 4. OA. Western part of the Sosn6wka hill. an outcrop of the lower Chectny Beds (Fig. 35) . DB. Northernmost part of the western G6ra Zamkowa quarry. A2-B - lithologic sets (Fig. 7). Number refers to selected conodont sample (Tab. I). subdivided into two quite different units representing topmost Stringocephalus Beds. and the Jaiwica Member. but the limits seem to be tectonically obliterated. B. Thick-bedded wackestones/packstones with scattered brachiopods and crinoid debris. and sporadic Disphyllum-rich intercalations. C. Chiefly dolomitized coral-stromatoporoid biostrome (bafflestones and bindstones) containing a wedging crinoid grainstone layer. up to 15 em thick (Fig. I7E). D. Medium-bedded . platy wackestones/packstones up to 10 m thick. comprising gastropod shells. and rare Amphipora and Disphyllum.. and alternating with laminite and ribbon mudstone horizons. 98 Devonian reefs: RACK! E . Thick-bedded packstones/grainstones with up to 5 em thick Disphyllwn levels. and rare shells and cr in oid ossicles. F. Mainly thick-layered pa ckstones./ gratnstones with numerous fossils (Racki & Balinski 1981) including com m o n echinoderm debris. and a trypid and molluscan shells (Desquamatia coquinas) . G. Medium to thin-bedded up to 1.7 m thick Disphyllum bafflestone with single intercalations rich in ramose s t ro mat op or oid s and alveolltids. and final1y capped with a laminated layer. H. Thin- and platy-bedded wackestones, about 12 m thick. typified by delicate laminations. numerous ch ert bands and Infrequent argl1laceous partings (Fig . IIC) . and an Impoverished suite of fossils which include Amphipora and gastropods. I. Thick-bedded. subnodular wackestones/packstones. Fossil content Is generally poor. but crin oid -rich grainstone/rudstone partings . as well as brachiopod (mostly atrypld) and Disphyllwn levels occur here and there. The set Is only In completely visible and tectonical1y di sturbed In the we stern quarry. but occurs also along the southern. rocky slope of this htll, and in the other. more ea sterly exposures. The total thickness may be about 50 m . The higher strata, poorly exposed in the most southeasterly part of the hill (Narkiewicz 1973), include bedded light-colored grainstones with rare coarse-grained layers (set J), followed by an argillaceous lime-shaly succession with Phlogoiderhynchus polonicus and Styliolina (set K). The exact relationships between the youngest sets are obscured by fault contacts. Still higher Frasnian coral- and brachiopod-bearing platy grained limestones, and styliolinid shaly partings are known from Radkowice. The outcrops above the old Jewish cemetery record obvious changes within the Desquamatia-bearing set F (Fig. 27). On the other hand, the thick dolomite succession which includes thamnoporid biostromes (Narkiewicz 1973, 1991), and a small fragment of set I, comprising the atrypidand Disphyllwn-horizons, occurs in abandoned quarries on the Rzepka hill (see Fig. 39A). Lower Chectny Beds rich in corals, crinoid detritus and brachiopods, are visible in the west in many exposures near the Gosctntec village, on Sosn6wka (Fig. 4A) and Zegzelog6ra. The strata are in tectonic contact with the Frasnian detrital-marly sequence of the Skiby Syncline (Narkiewicz 1973, 1991). In addition, slightly older well-bedded unfossiliferous and cherty strata were exposed in a trench in the western Zegzelog6ra. JaZwica Large .Jazwica Quarry, especially its temporarily abandoned, western part (Figs 6, 8A), provides the best exposure of the Kowala Formation (Racki 1981, 1985a). The almost 200 m thick sequence, mostly representing the Sitk6wka Beds, developed above coarse-crystalline dolostones, is divisible into the following sets (Fig. 7): A. The ch iefly thick-bedded . grey wa ckestones/packstones with rare fine-grained and laminated-fenestral partings . s p oradic coqu in a s, and s everal Amphipora and/or Stachyodes biostromal beds; the la tter a re mo st markedly d eveloped in the topmost portion (unit 1\2). The s et r epres ents the hi gher Stringocephalus Bed s . B. Thin-bedded. grey mudstones/wa ckestones wit h irregular argilla ceou s interbeds, ri ch in bra chiopods. ga stropods. and locall y in crin oid d etritus. Stratotype of the .Jazwtca Member (Fig. 14) . C. H exagonaria-blostrome. up to 1 m thick. com pri s ing also numerous varied stromatoporoids and a lveo lltids (Fig. I 8 Cl. with thin m arly intercal ations . f) ~ ~ .. ~ 0 '. , : ~ r. 0 t'""' 0 0 ," ~ . ;. ~ .. . :~ ( Q 11.... ", "0 0 t'""' 0 Z ' § '. c;3 ~ 'i3 ± Fig. 5. Sou thern part of the western quarry on th e Gora Zarnkowa at Checiny. with exposed middle fragment of the Checiny Beds corresponding to th e Giveti an to Fra snian transition. E-H - lithologic sets (see Fig. 7). Numbers refer to se lected conodont sam ples (see Tab . 1 for cono do n t frequen cy a n d d istribution) ; most important bio stratigr aphic markers a re pointed. Th e Midd le-Late Devonian boundary is located s omewhe re within sets F-G. (0 (0 100 Devonian reefs: RACKI Fig. 6. Fragments of southern wall of the western JaZwica Quarry near Bolechowice in 1979 showing lower part of the succession (sets A-E; Fig. 7). Numbers refer to selected conodont samples (Tab. 3). D. Stachyodes and/or Disphyllum biostromes . locally replaced by stromatoporoid blndstones (Fig. 18D). E. Dark Amphipora bafflestones/floatstones regularly interstratified with thin fenestral laminites and sporadic detrital partings. F. Thick beds of stromatoporoid boundstones (bindstones/baffiestones) with Interbeds of crinoid-rich packstonea/gratnstones (Fig. 27) . G. Amphiporid-fenestral rhythmic succession similar to the set E. but lighter. more grainy. and covered In the middle part. H. Poorly-layered stromatoporoid limestones (intergradlng floatstone/boundstone and rudstone) of a reefoid type (sensu Laevitt 1968: see also Racki 1985a). A stratified grainstone intercalation. up to 0 .5 m thick. occurs there (Fig. 21C). I. Stromatoporoid bindstones containing several rudstone and finer-grained partings. with a Hexagonwia-bearing bed at the bottom. J. Stromatoporoid-coral bindstones with brachiopods. crinoids, bivalves. and trilobites . The set belongs to the Kadzielnla Member (Szukzewski & Racki 1981). and is widespread along the crest of the G6ra Lgawa. east of the quarry. K. Alveolitid-rich, coral-stromatoporoid biostromes. The mostly dark-colored strata are slightly wavy-bedded. and contain large micritic clasts and gastropod conchs in some of the topmost layers. The spatial relationships between sets 1, J and K remain somewhat unclear. but their lateral passages are probable. as suggested by similarities to the Kowala sections (Szukzewski & Rackl 1981). L. Reddish-brown. marly-nodular deposits followed and/or laterally replaced by well-bedded brachiopod-bearing mudstones /wackestones with rare burrowed partings (Fig. 24) . The Middle Frasnian set represents the Phlogoiderhynchus Level and Is overlain by the thick Detrital Beds (see Fig. 8B). Zelejowa hill. west of the .Jazwica locality, is built of the Sitk6wka Beds. The lower, bedded portions of the unit are well exposed in their topmost part only (stromatoporoid-rich. cherty bedded floatstones). These. and higher poorly stratified stromatoporoid strata are visible in the western ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 1 3 Mi d F-I M 5 .. 7 !OI 9 :1"· ~ ~ : I: Z -c Z -c a: -. SUbsphertc81 } stroma. ~ lamellar @ _) massive branched l massive } other G) gastropods C' bivalves rugosans ('";) ~ L ·) nodular fabric subnodutar fabric I UD dolomites c:::;;=:=> cherts intraformational erosion * tentaculites 7 ~I- - - fenestral (;j w non- ' _-_'_ - toporoids tabulates <.:) crinoid detri tus ~ 'fenestral} . '- <:» brachiopods Q a: z- Stachyodes i' ~ (J) Amphipora C"..D , ", I • - r r hematitic infkJx • u, o ~JX 6L1:~ - I I ---I I-- I --t -= - I I ...J o LL ~ - ./ I-- - Iowatrypa tlman/cs a: ___ 207 ::E - '" I-- ...J 0; = e ...J I-- a: Z -c - ::E IW > -(!l '" -.c -c -c ~ ...J F=-=3 shales ~ _ mudsto lWs Ie e' rudstones wackestones ~ bafflestones ~ bindstones ~ ~ ---... I-;;u >- o ...~ 1 3 5 7 9 M -----.. L [2ZZ) packstones JAiWICA - G .-l G AWA floa ls tones r <::::.1 grainstones Fig. 7. Columnar composite sections of the Jaiwica-G6ra Lgawa and G6 ra Zarnkowa as key for different-scale depositional cycli city and their correlative potentials around the GivetianFrasnian boundary. In tra -cycle sedimentary phases (M- open marine. R - 'reef. L- lagoonall and a nine-step relative transgression-regression scale ranging from the Fa cies M-5 to Facies L-4 a dopted from Racki 11985b: Fig. 2). Numbers refer to conodont samples (Tabs 1, 3). 5 BStringocephalus Beds, JM - Jaiwica Mbr.. PhL - Phlogoiderhynchus Level. KM - Kadzielnia Mbr . Matrix typ e is presented for 'reef deposits. quarry. They are replaced in the sequence by light. alveolitid-stromatoporoid deposits which in some pa rts resemble the Kadzie lnla Member, 102 Devonian reef s : RAC KI Fig. 8 . OA. Northern part of the weste rn J aiwlca Qu arry in 1979 with visi b le upper part of th e Kowal a Formation (sets H-I; Fig. 7). DB. Part of the western wall of the Kowal a Quarry in 1980. with exposed early Fra snian strata (set s C-E; Fig. 36) that in clude the transgressive Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level (s et D). The lower part of the ser ies exp os ed in Jaiwica continues in the east, and the equivalents of sets A-D occur on Soltysia G6ra (Czerminski 1960: Tab. 86: Kazmierczak 1971b: Fig. 4). The Givetian saccharoidal dolomite, ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 103 Fig. 9 . Jurkowice-Budy Quarry, an outcrop of the lower Stringocephalus Beds (A-E - lithologic sets; Fig. 10). OA. Southern wall of the western exposure, showing basal part of the Kowala Formation (see also Narkiewicz 1991; PI. 3); arrowed are levels of entry of Rensselandia (R.C.) and Stringocephalus (S), dolomitized parts are shown by vertical lines. DB . Fragment of the northern wall of the western outcrop; there is a strongly weathered reefoid set E, the main source of abundant fossil collection in the site. containing several biostromal sets ('Amphipora'-dolomites) is quarried in the nearby Radkowice Quarry. Jurkowice-Budy The well-known active Jurkowice-Budy Quarry of the Stringocephalus Beds (Fig, 9) is the southeastern most extreme of the Devonian in the Holy Cross Mountains (Pajchlowa & Stastnska 1965; Kazmierczak 1971b; Balinski 1973; Narkiewicz 1981, 1991; Preat & Racki in press). The most accessible is the southern wall of the abandoned western part of this exposure, where above the fine- and crypto-crystalline dolomitic 104 De vonian reefs: RACKl ~ sha ly interca lations erosional SU'face -~ Y· ramose stromatoporoids "" stringocephalid brachiopods ~ ~ tubular fenestrae JURKOWICE - BUOY F D a c B Fig . 10 . Columnar se c tions of the Jurkowice-Budy Quany to s ho w sequences of th e Stringocephalus Beds and two steps in th e facies dev elopment referred to the s u bcycles G-Ia and G-Ib. and comparative sequence of the Dzlewki Limestone fro m the hill n ea r Siewierz. For others explanations see Fig. 7. complex with marly interbeds. selectively and irregularly dolomitized grey layered limestones are visible. The following sets can be distinquished (Fig. 10) : A. Unfossil iferous wackestones/pa ck stones with two coquinlte brachiop od levels con tain ing also numerous diminutive cri n oid colu m nal s a n d singular orthocone n autiloid s . This set has been id entified only In on e non-dolomitiz ed 'Island'. B. Thick - to poorly-stratified cora l-s tro matoporo id Iloatstones, with diverse assem blage of growth form s . . C. Thick -b edded amphiporid baffiestones in terl ayered with ma crofossil -poor wacke s tones , Stringocephalus-b earing In places . D. Dark-colored m icritic com plex with rare ree f-bu ilders . mainly m a ss ive corals. and strin goce phall ds. Several b ed s are marked by extensive burrows . va rie d fenestral fabric. s courand-fill structu res. and grai ny- laminated a n d nodular-marly in te rcalations. Furthermore . a ra pidly wedgi ng coral-ric h biostrom al level was temporarily visi ble on the n orthern wall of th is quany. E. Variably stratified fioa tston e/rudston e set contain ing abu n dant foss il assem blages. in clu d ing diver se stromato poroids a n d corals. brachiopod s . gastropo ds. a n d rarer crino id. s po nge a n d trilobite rem a in s . Th e strata occ u r also In th e n or th ern wall. and due to delica te weathering they are a rich so u rce of perfectly preserved foss ils (c£. Balinski 19 73 ). ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 105 The overlying thick-bedded deposits (set F) are exposed in the mined eastern part and are characterized by biostromal, mostly amphiporid bafflestone beds "al terna tin g with fossil-poor micrite layers and sporadic cherrish, argillaceous horizons. Facies-ecologic development and different-scale cyclicity The carbonate sediments of the Kowala Formation are typical of the Devonian tropical realm (Heckel & Witzke 1988). The corresponding segment of the Devonian transgressive sequence was a period of shallowwater, intense biogenic deposition over the middle of a vast offshore carbonate shelf. The Givetian bank-type and Frasnian reef sedimentary systems were basically different as pointed out already by Szulczewski (1971: p. 112) and Narkiewicz & Racki (1987) . This differentiation agrees with similar two-step succession in other Middle to Late Devonian carbonate platforms of the World (Klovan 1974; Krebs 1974; Wilson 1975; Hladil 1986, 1988; Tsien 1988; Playford et al. 1989), and corresponds to the aggraded and tnctpiently drowned shelf (cf. Read 1985), respectively. Therefore, the Kowala Formation can be subdivided into these two depositional phases, and further into shallowing-upward cycles. The Kowala Formation includes three or four major asymmetric cycles (Racki 1985b) G-I to GjF-lII for the Givetian bank phase, and F-I for the early Frasnian reef interval. In addition, a transitional inter-cycle unit, IC-Complex, has been distinguished (Racki 1986a) for bank-to-reef passage strata. The relatively well known (Narkiewicz 1988; Szulczewski 1989; Racki 1990) later reef growth stage, grossly labelled as the cycle F-II, is out of the scope of this paper. The strictly rhythmic pattern of the cycle G-II is apparent in the lower part of the .Jazwica section (sets B-E; Fig. 7), which may serve as reference for following interpretations. The sequence there includes in ascending order: (I) micritic-marly set with abundant open-marine fauna, (2) biostromes built of massive corals followed by disphyllid or Stachyodes bafflestones, and finally by stromatoporoid floatstones , (3) rhythmic amphiportd-laminite complex. The section reveals an aggraded transitions from subtidal, open shelf environments to an extensive tidal-flat complex after a rapid sea-level rise drowning some portions of the shelf by submergence below the photic zone. The superficially uniform series exhibit a great internal microfacies variation, and the similar lithologic types, as well as some principal macrobenthic assemblages (Figs 12, 16, 22), occur in different time intervals. The discussion presented below focus on the rock varietes with abundant fossils of open-marine organisms; organic buildups and restricted shelf deposits are grouped in cosmopolitan types, according mainly to their pattern of blo-construction (see Figs 11-13, 16-18,20-23; see review and code in the 'Facies types account' on p . 180). Detailed data 10 6 Dev onian reefs: RACKI Fig. II . Different bed ding styles in the Kowal a Formation . DA. Ma s siv e s tro matopo ro id binds tone. Facies R-3b; Kadzielnia. se t A. DB. Nodular a ppearance of the Atrypld- Crtnold Level (unit Fvlla : Fig. 29) ; G6 ra Zamkowa . weste rn qua rry: bar scale 5 em . DC. Platy. laminated s picu litic calcilu ti tes with cherts a n d s haly in terl ayers . Facies M-4 ; G6ra Zarnkowa, se t H. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 107 on most paleoecologically significant groups of fossils is presented in following papers of the volume, and a supplementary comment is limited to the minor, poorly-known groups, including conodonts. Sedimentation and biotic environment during the platform phase In the Holy Cross Mountains part of the Laurasian carbonate shelf, there is a notable uniformity in the facies development of the oldest members of the Kowala Formation, despite of fragmentary outcrop data and obscuring effects of secondary dolomitization. Narkiewicz (1991) was able to trace the three units of the succession across the whole region. The stromatoporoidcoral platform stage is subdivided, after Burchette (1980), into poorly differentiated spatially Stringocephalus bank (or platform sensu Cook 1972) represented in the Stringocephalus Beds , and more laterally variable Sitk6wka bank (or biostromal) complex of the lower Sitk6wka and Checiny Beds (Figs 12, 16). Kazmierczak (l971a) invoked facies mosaic model for the whole succession, but it seems applicable only to lagoonal and backreef portions of the Stringocephalus and Sitk6wka Beds. Stringocephalus Bank (cycle G-I).- This segment of the sequence comprises deposits in between the sabkha-type cyclic strata and the Jaiwica Member (viz. unit II of Narkiewtez 1991). The middle part of the succession, with up to 35 m thick biostromal set (unit lIB), is particularly significant for correlation. In unaltered sections the sequence shows a predominance of the micritic Facies L-4 with scattered amphiporid (Facies L-3b) and stromatoporoid-coral patches (Facies R-30 composed of parautochthonous diverse assemblages (Pajchlowa & Stasiriska 1965; Kazmierczak 1971b); argillaceous and/or subnodular intercalations are found in some sections [Olowtanka, set A; .Jurkowice-Budy, sets D, F). Such rocks occur also in the Upper Silesian Upland (Racki et al. in press b), and possibly in the Debnik Anticline near Cracow (Siedlec Limestone; Nowinski 1976: Fig. 4A; Narkiewicz & Racki 1984). Scarce representation of open shelf deposits in the cycle G-I results in arbitrary definition of this variable but probably regressive unit. The basal part of the Stringocephalus Beds, well exposed at Jurkowice-Budy, exhibits two-step developmental pattern (Fig. 10). The first unit (G-Ia), comprising the lithologic sets A to D, reveals a consequently shallowing-upward passage from a thin, brachiopod-crinoid horizon through varied biostromes to lagoonal-peritidal cyclic mud sequence (Preat & Racki in press). The succeeding sets E-F document a reapperance of biostromal growth, and their gradual replacement by a restricted lagoon deposition with Amphipora-meadow and tidal flat mosaics. Weak open marine influences, indicated by diverse bioclasts (with crinoid debris) , are recognizable in some detrital basal interlayers of the set E, as well as in the set B of Olowtanka. 108 Devonian reefs: RACK) In the western Holy Cross Mountains, the partly dolomitized Arnbocoeliid Limestone Level, with common laminated-fenestral (see Fig. 20C) and brecciated deposits (unit IIE of Narkiewicz 1991) , may represent a regressive portion of the upper subcycle G-Ib. It is included in the StringocephaIus Beds, although occurs above the poorly-known and possibly diachronous range of the nominal terebratulid Stringocephalus, corresponding thus to the 2nd Brachiopod Interval of Racki (1993). The micritic-biostromal strata are marked by the occurrence of shelly, brachiopod-gastropod intercalations, Stachyodes-dominated boundstones and wavy-bedding, related to increasing upward argillaceous admixture (e.g. .Iazwica-Gora Lgawa, Bilcza). A thick biostromal set with thamnoporids, atrypids. and crinoid-bearing intercalations (unit IIB of Narkiewicz 1991) is a proposed equivalent of the younger reefoid strata from JurkowiceBudy. The Janczyce I borehole section (units IIC-D of Narkiewicz 1991) is thus a more differentiated and marly variant of the regressive segment of the succession. The initially quite speculative cyclic framework for the the Holy Cross region finds now support in the clearly regressive facies succession in the Dziewki Limestone in the Silesia region (Racki et al in press b], even if general temporal relations between calcareous and dolomitic sedimentation remain still unclear in the more external shelf belt. Remarkably, there are two open marine episodes, interrupting the reefold-lagoonal sequence: the older deepening (unit II of Racki et al. in press b) seems to correspond to the event initiating subcycle G-Ia. The most intense stromatoporoidcoral accretion (set C, Fig. 10) was preceded by subtidal mud deposition with thriving of sponge-crinoid biota (Straszak 1986) and it may record the transgressive input of the subcycle G-Ib. It appears that the Givetian restricted shelf facies reveal some lateral continuity across southern Poland. The Stringocephalus-bearing strata can be compared with the coeval Schwelm facies of the Rhenish Slate Mountains (Krebs 1974; Burchette 1981) considered to represent extensive, sheet-like bodies comprising tiered biostromes and lagoonal-peritidal deposits. They were originated within vast shelf lagoon, with low-relief inner organic buildups coalescing in extensive irregular marginal bars (Fig. 21). Open marine influences developed more distinctly in the peripheral shelf band (Siewierz area). In the vast platform biotopes peculiar communities flourished marked by abundant. both skeletal and non-skeletal microbiota, mostly calcispheres and other parathuramminid 'unilocular foraminifera' (calcispheroids sensu Racki & Sobon-Podgorska 1993). but also many enigmatic chlorophytes (Jansaella. Devonoscale) and other algae, ostracods, and soft-bodied benthos (Preat & Racki in press). The communities probably record specific high stress environments due to abnormal salinity (?oligohalinity; see summary in Racki 1986a). eutrophy. and high calcium con ten t (Kazmierczak et al. 1985) . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) '.. early~mid· .. e.. -.. GIVETIAN'· G-I 10 9 L-2 . INNER SHOAL - : ! ~' . : ~ ,~ -,' ~ ~ ? :~ SHELF ". LAGOON : ".'. . . . Amphipora ;' •• -;::::;::= fC4\ \ : ~' ·0 . _ .~ ~ ' . Fig. 12. Main m acrobenthic assemblages (HCP - H ennatostroma-Caliapora-?Pseudohexagonaria). facies type s (in circles ) a n d characteristic microfacies (A-F) of the Givetian Stringocep ha /us biostromal bank (cf. Rackil 988: Fig. 4). OA. Unsorted cri noi d grainstone with small intracla sts overlying s picu lite wack eston e. Facies M-2 and M-4 ; Slewierz , se t B. DB. Stromatop oroid -coral rudston e; Sowie Gork i, set B. DC. Coral-bearing pack stone/gr ainstone with many calcis phe roids, a n d varied m icritic grains. Fa cies L-4/L-l ; Bilcza- 2 . setA. 0 0 . Fenestral 'cryptalga l' laminite exhibiti ng mi crograding in s ome grainy laminae; Bilcza- 3 , set A. DE. Biotu rbate d ostracod-calclspheroid wackestone ; .Jurkowtce-Budy. se t F. OF. Amphipora baffles ton e, n ote a pellet-fill ed bu rrow in the upper part; Olowi anka . set O. All ca. x 5 . The most characteristic is the Stringocephalus Assemblage (typical locality Jurkowice-Budy. s et C). Thes e biota of giant terebratulid typified both ca lm. and subturbulent lagoonal to peri-biostromal habitats (Racki 1986a). 110 Devonian reefs: RACKI Infaunal Assemblage (typical locality Jurkowice- Budy, set D) comprises lagoonal mud biota composed of soft-bodied deposit-feeders. some ostracods and localized algal baffles and mats. Leperditiid Assemblage (typical locality Sowie Gorki. set A) resembles the preceding community. but differs in abundance of large eurytopic ostracodes which seems to indicate more restrictive. extremely shallowing conditions. possibly even periods od subaerial exposure (Krebs 1974) . Rmenia{?) elatior Assemblage (typical locality Bllcza, set A) refers to brachiopod banks widespread within occassionally agitated lagoonal portions typical of the late regressive phase (Racki 1986a). Eurytopic euomphalid gastropods (Karczewski 1989) played the main role in the gastropod-dominated faunas of the time interval (Straparollus Assemblage; typical locality Gora Zamkowa, set All. These probably immobile suspensionfeeders occur in several habitats. including microbial mats. Ambocoeliid brachiopods. ostracods and soft-bodied mud-ingesting infaunal organisms were most common associated organisms. Only singular bryozoans. like ramose trepostome Atactotoechus (identified by Dr M. Kiepura) at Sowie Gorki represents an open marine element in the biota group. Amphipora Assemblage (typical localities Jurkowice-Budy. set C. and Jaworznia; see also Gogolczyk 1956) is a worldwide Devonian community type of extensive, dense stromatoporoid meadows over the extremely shallow. frequently less than 1 m (Read 1973) lagoon floor. Apart of the twig-like amphiporid colonies. some gastropods. algal-sponger;') associations and ostracods thrive here. The organisms probably acted as sediment baffles. enhancing deposition of fine particulate detritus in sheltered areas (Jamieson 1971; Krebs 1974; Wilson 1975). There are passages into the Stachyodes Assemblage (typical locality .Jazwtca, set A). that includes biostromes composed almost entirely of stick-like colonies of Stachyodes (Gogolczyk 1959). with a minor contribution from other stromatoporoids. dendroid and solitary corals. and rare shelly inhabitants (gastropods, ambocoeliid brachiopods. ostracods). The irregularly dendroid, stubby stromatoporoid forms had rather wide bathymetric distribution. and probably dwelt in semiprotected habitats from middle slope to broad periphery belt of biogenic shoals being only locally subjects of severe hydrodynamic reworking (Laevitt 1968; Read 1973; Krebs 1974; Playford 1980). Inner mounds and patch reefs were populated by the Bulbous Stromatoporoid Assemblage (typical locality Bilcza, set A). the concentrations of nodular stromatoporoid colonies that were presumedly unattached and frequently overturned during growth (Jamieson 1971: p . 1330). Particular skeletons are not in mutual contact and there is no constant tendency to form rigid frames in quiescent mud-rich habitats (Krebs 1974: p. 175; Tsien 1980). Episodic mild increases in energy level resulted in reorientation of stromatoporoid coenostea. The buildups record reef patches arrested in growth in inhospitable restricted marine environments (ef. Copper 1988). In addition to stromatoporoids. some shelly faunas (ambocoeliid brachiopods. gastropods) developed locally. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) III Hermatostroma-Caliapora-?Psudohexagonaria (HCP) Assemblage (typical locality .Jurkowtce-Budy. set E) corresponds to the buildup variety that was more or less affected by wave and current action in some exposed places (Kazmierczak 1971 b : Racki et al. in press b; Preat & Racki in press). Its bank-marginal nature is expressed in high diversity of the main builders. These were frequently Intergrowtng domal, bulbous and dendroid stromatoporoids (like Stachyodes), and various corals and microbial mats. Diverse "dwellers include brachiopods, murchisoniid gastropods, crinoids, octactinellid sponges, trepostome bryozoans, many problematic algae, homoctenid tentaculites and dechenellid trilobites (Balinski 1973), as well as numerous ostracods (Olempska 1979). ThamnoporaAssemblage (typical locality Rzepka, unit lIB of Narkiewicz 1991) occurs in biostromal interbeds and packets within several reefoid sequences (Olowianka, set B), but is also knoWn as separate sets, up to 10 m thick. Finger-like colonies were tolerant of considerable biotope variations (Jamieson 1971: p. 1333), but dominated only in protected and/or slightly deeper portions of the bank to slope transition zone. The growth form is interpreted to prevent smothering by a mud suspended in water (Wilson 1975: p. 143) . Spinatrypina is the most common dweller of the meadows. Open marine flank biota were not established in the Kielce Region,' with possible exception of a fauna with rensselandiid brachiopods (Racki 1993). Sitk6wka Bank Complex (cycles G-II - G/F-III).-The inundation recorded in the Jaiwica Member initiated selective drowning of the flat topped biostromal bank and it was a turning point in the evolution of the Kielce platform. The beginning of the basal marker unit is evidenced by rather abrupt (within 0.4 to 1.5 m) replacement of biostromal strata by thinbedded micritic/marly deposits with shelly faunas and crinoid debris. The most fossil-rich , largely basal part of the transgressive horizon, as well as underlying Stachyodes biostromes, in thin succession (Jaiwica, ?Stok6wka) are red-cherrtsh stained due to high content of residual ferric material, and contain black-pigmented grains, as well as ferruginized clasts (Fig. 13E). This suggests locally reduced rates of deposition and reworking by an initial lag phase of transgression (Schlager 1989; Van Steenwinkel 1990). The lithofacies of the Jaiwica Member are laterally subdivided into two variants (Figs 14, 150): (1) Bolechowice facies. Thin, but irregularly bedded (with layers up to 10 em thick) successions marked by rock types ranging from homogenous micrite undulose layers with 1-2 em thick shaly intercalations (see also Racki 1993: Fig. 31) up to differently isolated nodules surrounded during marly matrix. The latter is marked by clay seams, microstylolites and fossils crushed by compaction of the sediments (stylonodular fabric), and originally a dark grey to black coloration owing to bitumen as evidences by the Kowala-l borehole section (Romanek & Rup 1990). Bafflestone intercalations, chiefly with Stachyodes, and dolomitized laminated beds 112 Devonian reef s : RACKl occur too . Largely non-micritized shelly and echinoderm material is arranged in swirly pattern within bioturbated skeletal concentrations (Fig. 13D-E). This kind of succession, up to 12.5 m thick, characterized central and southern parts of the area studied, extending from the Miedzianka area to Szczecno 1 drilling. Tenticosptrifer Limestone Level is treated as a broad equivalent of the .Jazwica Member in the eastern Holy Cross Mountains. This is a peculiar nodular-micritic set within the Givetian succession of Lagow (see Narkiewicz 1991) containing open-marine fossils like cyrtospiriferid brachiopods and crinoids (Racki 1993: Fig. 30; Gluchowski 1993). (2) Poslowtce facies. This facies variant from the more north-eastern area is distinguished by medium-layered . fossiliferous calcilutites and calcarenites. mainly echinoderm-spiculite wackestones and packstones (Figs 16C. 17C; Racki & Racka 1981), but containing calcispheroids and other microproblematica in some lowest beds. They include also shell- and crinoid-enriched partings. and sporadic thicker argillaceous beds. as well as interstratified biostromal horizons dominated by rugosan bafflestones. Such a succession is known solely from the Poslowice hill. while the Marzysz site reveals several differences like higher clay content in lower exposed part. and abundant rock-building corals. Some bioclastic grainstone partings in the Szczecno 1 section point its intermediate position between the both main facies domain. The Crinoid-Coral Limestone Level of Sowie Gorki (set C) is developed in the thick-bedded coarse-grained strata that possibly exceeds 10 m in thickness. Only one micrtte-shaly couplet of the Bolechowice facies, 0.3 m thick. was found here. and the fossiliferous succession consists of unsorted coral-stromatoporoid rudstones and floatstones (locally oncoidal; Fig. 170) , with crinoid-bearing intercalations varying from intraformational breccia to wackestone partings. Unfortunately. poor exposures do not allow precise estimation of the lithologies relationship. Dark to reddish Stachyodes biostromes, enriched in corals and/or crinoid-shelly material, are regarded as possible biostromal-intershoal equivalent of the .Jazwtca Member in the Zbrza area (set B) and maybe also in Kozi Grzbiet near Miedzianka. The micrite-bioclastic Bolechowice facies (M-3) was formed in open shelf depression with prolific normal-salinity benthos thriving largely below the wave base. Mostly soft-bodied infaunal activity resulted in extensive skeletal fragment jumbling and homogenization. The Poslowice Fig . 13 . Varieties of op en shelf a n d intershoal microfa cies of the Kowal a Formation. DA. Burrowed s pic u le-ric h wa ck estone -packston e. Fa cies M-4; Kaw czyn, se t O. x 5 . DB. Boundary between ce me n te d nodule (neomorphozed peloid al -biocla stic pa cks tone with Amphipora) a n d com pac te d (dark) intemodular portion (styl onodular fab ric). Facies M-6 ; G6 ra Za m kowa, se t F. x 7. DC . Spiculitic pa cks tone of the Fa cies M-4 ; G6r a Zamkowa . set H. x 40. DO. Shelly wa ckes ton e with se ve re bi oturbation , Facies M-3 : .Jazwica, se t B, x 7. DE. Intracla st of s helly wackestone. with pyritized ri m . en closed in crinoid pa ck s tone. Facies M-3 : G6ra Zamkowa , set A s, x 5. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 113 I l -l [)(, I'Dr lia/l POSlOWICE r('(:{s : RA CKI JAZWICA KOWALA 1 2 o _ MARZYSZ outcrop Mz-l marls r=-l argillaceous b.:::J calc ilutites ~ g~ ;lt :rIY E9 ~:rJIti~ed trenc h Mz" r D D P,at y calc llutltes homogenous calcarenites 1·-s.:1 tanim~e,:ai; I2§l 1 I I II I1 1 l( ? ) " erricbrnent in iron oxides f' ramose bryozoans I " t noi :~ ationa •..- ' productellids Fig. 14 . Most important sections of the J aZwica Member to s h ow lateral variation in se di mentary record of the Late Giveti an flooding (cycl e G-Ill. a nd s u bd ivis ion into the Posl owice a n d Bolechowice fac ies (Fig. 150). For other expla nations see Fig. 7. Only m atrix typ e is pres en ted for bi os tromal bed s. facies exhibits more variable hydrodynamic regimes and substrates probably partly related to gen tly inclined (ramp-style) concave-upward s lope se ttings (cf. Kenter 199 0 ). This is s ugges ted also by increasing frequency of biostromal bed s and la goon-d erived bioclasts in the north-eastern area. Some s keletal accu m u la tions m ay represent burrowed distal tempestite va rie tes developed in mud blanketing eve n ts (cf. model of Miller et al. 19 8 8 : ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2 -4) 115 BALANCING INDEX ICRIODUS-POLYGNATHUS RATIO >. ·0 , • t· "' : ,, ' ." . : FREQUENCY (specimens per kg) 94 .... .. .. . . 15 27 8 0 Postowice facies Stok6wka G.Zamkowa Marzy sz Sowie G6rki sam ples 8 elements 31 5 34 6 3 179 Post owice 11 5 519187 242 Marzysz TL Trzemoszna 3 12 28 2 40 lagOw 4 22 D o...._ r=:=l t.=::..:::J [[IJ 3 6 ...._ _'km micrite-marly facies fVVVl biostromal E 3 marly-detrital- ll!:LJ I'OO'"Ol coarse-detrital T1TTTTT edge 01 the Kielce Region platfor m marly-shaly facies ~ ~ ·biostromal facies facies facies Fig. 15 . Spatial grad ien ts in pal eoecologtcall y s ign ifica n t indices characte rizing cono don t faunas of the Late Givetian J aZwica Member (A-C; in C median values a re plotted and m aximum numbers given a bove) a n d pal eog eography of the a rea during its s edi men tation (D). Not e that the assemblages s how effec ts of sy n se d imen tary se lec tive transport a s indicated by the overrepres entation of pla tform versus ramiform eleme n ts (bal ancing index: SI) . For th e com m on polygn athids the ratio Is essen tia lly below I whil e the original index va lue was a bou t 7.5 (Nicoll 19 85). Also ac od in ia n cones were di s covered s pari ng ly as co m pare d to Icrio d lon tid eleme n ts . TL - Tenticospirifer Level. CC L - Crinoi d-Coral Level. 116 Devonian reef s : RACKI Seilacher & Aigner 1991). Very fine grained disseminated pyrite suggests euxinic conditions near to the organic-rich mud-water interface, in generally exaerobic regime (ef. Br ett et al. 1991). The bedding rhythms , manifested in variable nodular fabrics, record a combination of many post-depositional processes, mainly pressure solution and compaction (common in transgressive sets, Heckel 1983) related to episodic subseafloor cementation of the argillaceous-carbonate muds (Bathurst 1991). Biotic differentiation between the main facies types is well documented (e.g. Malec & Racki 1993; Racki 1993). The diverse benthic biota of the Bolechowice facies , Crnrispina-microcornid Assemblage, thrived on instable, muddy substrata which is expressed in a minute, thin-valved character of the shelly faunas, with abundant sessile suspension-feeders including index ambocoeliid brachiopods, microcornids ['sptrorbtds': identified as Semitubina by Karczewski 1989), demosponges, crinoids and bryozoans. They associated with vagile epifauna (differentiated eleutherozoans including echinoids. holothurtans, asterozoans and ophiocystoids, euomphalid gastropods, tentaculites, platycopid and palaeocopid ostracods), and infauna, mostly deposit-feeders and scavengers. Presence of filamentous cyanobacteria Girvanella and rhipidistian-bradyodont(?) fish association is remarkable, as well as the find of elsewhere sporadic cyclocystoids (Boczarowski in preparation). The assemblage is typified of the postmortem reworked icriodontid-polygnathid conodont biofacies (Icriodus subterminus fauna; Tab. 3; Figs 15A-C, 28) . Some conodont faunas may represent a peculiar, icriodontid-dominated variety of the 'innermost' pandorinellinid biofacies (cf. Sandberg et al. 1989: p. 201). The low-relief bryozoan thickets constitute delicate tubular colonies, both trepostomes (?Anomalotoechus , ?Leioclema) and rhabdomesines (?Petaloporella. ?Acanthoclema). In the JaZwica section both long-term allogenic faunal replacement (I.e. solitary coral-nuculoid bivalve assemblage precedes acme of brachiopods) and short-term successional changes (pioneer brachiopods followed by bryozoan-microcornid biota; Boucot 1975: p. 237; Copper 1988) are recorded. Episodic deposition and omissions (Kidwell 1991; see also Rollins et al. 1990 for temporal scales) resulted in chiefly autogenic taphonomic feedback interactions. Echinoderm Assemblage corresponds to the peculiar extraordinarily diverse open marine biota of the Poslowice facies , dtstinguished by vide variety of echinoderms and varied shelly faunas , including productellid and ambocoeliid brachiopods and bivalve Edmondia. Fragmentary crinoid crowns of Cupressocrinites and octactinellid sponges have been found in the related abundant peri-biostromal association of the Crinoid-Coral Level at Sowie Gorki. Abundant inventory of perfectly preserved eleutherozoan remains characterizes the Marzysz locality. At least three echinoid genera, with the most common Kongielechinus, were determined (Jesionek-Szyrnanska in Racki & Racka 1981). Associated are microcornids, sponges, podocopid and palaeocopid ostracods, s em itex tu la ri id foramintferans , charophytes and other algae, and notably diversified vertebrates ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 117 Fig. 16 . Main macrobenthic assemblages. facies types (in circles) and characteristic lIIilTO facies (A-G) of the Givetian Sitk6wka bank complex. DA. Stromatoporoid floats tone: JaZwica. s et F. DB. Disphyllum-Intraclastic rudstone: .Jazwt ca, set C. DC. Spicule-echinoderm packstone. with broken productellid and mollus can shells. Poslowtce, set B1. DO. Skeletal-Intraclastic gra in s tone. com pos ed mainly of cri noid detritus: G6ra Zamkowa, set F. DE . Mud-free Amphipora rudstone. Bilcza . set C. OF. Poorly s orted intraclastlc-Stachyodes grainstone/rudstone displaying coarse drusy spar ce men t. Fa cies R-2/L-I : Stokowka, s et F. DG. Bioturbated ga s tro pod packstone . G6ra Zamkowa , set F. All ca . x 5 . (with placoderms and elasmobranchs). as well as single scutelluid trilobites and orthocone nautiloids. Bryozoans are less common (cycles- 118 Devonian reefs: RACKI tomes. fenestellids. halloporid trepostomes) but their successional role on the more firm substrates was probably taken by corals. especially solitary rugosans. The Poslowtce section reveals a change from sparse polygnathid association to more rich and diverse polygnathid-ozarkodinid biofacies (Ozarkordina brevis fauna). while icriodontids are rare and limited to the higher beds (Tab. 2). The presence of conodont species Polygnathus linguiformis linguiformis Hinde 1879 is noticeable for Sowle G6rki and Trzemoszna only as it is frequent species in the Laskowa G6ra Beds. Very high diversity possibly reflects rich primary food resources at place and/or supply from nearby(?) charophyte meadows (Racki & Racka 1981) and changing bottom conditions. Trophic structure was complex with common deposit feeders (skeletonized and soft-bodied. like annelids evidenced by scolecodonts). scavengers. as well as diverse (also predatory) fish. and conodont associations. Facies distribution (Fig. 150) evidences that the Oyminy swell. especially its western part corresponding to the Miedzianka elevation (Kowalczewski 1963). was the refugium of shallow-water benthos during this deepening event. in the catch-up response sensu Neumann et al. (1985). The most agitated and clear-water biotopes are found in some intervals of the Crinoid-Coral Level deposition. The Checiny intershoal area was a local remnant of the .Jazwtca Member depositional basin. Intershoal deposits originated in variety of regimes within irregular zones of the vast carbonate platform that were more (Facies M-6) or less (M-3. M-4) separated from the open marine basin by organic buildups (2- and 3-order intrashelf basins of Krebs 1979). The content of bioclasts derived from restricted-shelf lagoons (calcispheroids. also possible dasycladacean tubiform Jansaella). and depositional textures are highly variable but largely limited to micrite-dominated microfacies types. Despite some similarities. the environments differ from stratigraphically younger. Frasnian fore-reef settings (Szulczewski 1971; Kazmierczak & Goldring 1978). as well as from coeval biotopes of the northern Kielce subregion (Wietrznia Beds; Racki et al. in press a) in representing limited . low-energy habitats. The Checiny Beds largely correspond to muddy to fine-grained bioclastic sediments (Facies M-6) containing diverse skeletal grains including shelly elements. amphiporids. ostracods. echinoderms. many problematic microfossil and algal fragments. and peloids. partly of a fecal origin. Shell-enriched layers (e.g. atrypid beds; Racki & Balinski 1981). tetracoral and amphiporid horizons. and tracks and trails on bedding planes are the main megafaunal occurrences. The bioturbated matrix is composed mainly of variably neomorphozed micrite with locally clotted fabrics , but transitions into both spicule-rich wackestones (Sitk6wka-Kostrzewa. set B) and ill-sorted grainstones (G6ra Zamkowa, sets F and I) are infrequent. similarly as typical shell hash. with micritized molluscan bioclasts. Smallscale scour-and-fill structures. intraclastic intercalations (e.g. related to disphyllid rudstones; Facies R-lr). grain-size gradings and crude lamina- ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 119 Fig. 17 . Intershoal (A-C) a nd bio stromal. (C-O) facies. DA. Laminated calcilu tite with slump foldin g, Fa cies M-I ; Stok6wka, s et O. DB. The s ame facies as in A but with an intraclastic intercal aton, G6ra Zamkowa , set O. DC. Productelltd-crtnoid calcilutite. Fa cies M-3; Poslowice , s et BI . DO. Oncoids in tabulate- shelly rudstone, Fa cies R-I r ; Sowie G6rki, set C. Partly dolomitlzed (darker areas) Oisphyllum baffiestone/laminar stromatoporoid b indstone (Facies R-I b/R-3b) overlying an en crinite horizon ofthe Fa cies R-l ; G6ra Zamkowa, s et C. All poli shed slabs ta ke n In n atural s ize . tions occur in places [Gora Zamkowa, set B; Stokowka, sets D-E), while stylonodularity is a common feature (Fig. 15B) . Passages from grain-supported to mud-supported fabric are observed within particular beds, As suggested by ecologically 'mixed' character of skeletal particles (ef. Racki & Balinski 1981), the remains of native biotas were enriched by addition of floating amphi po rid branches and fine debris swept off adjacent biostromal bank by storm pulses and tidal exchange. like recent 120 Devonian reefs: RACKl peri-platform ooze (Tucker & Wright 1990: pp. 79-81 . 264) . The skeletal muds and muddy sands were macerated by infaunal organisms. what resulted in common occurrence of calcisiltites (cf. Lindholm 1969) . The strong influence of restricted lagoons. coupled with es s entially moderate circulation at a few to tens of meters depth, were presumably connected with some fluctuations in salinity and tempera ture. Strictly s ten oh aline forms were gen erally absent and developed only in periods of improved circulation, e.g. after violent s tor m events. It is well visible in frequencies of conodont faunas (Tab. 1; Figs 19A-C, 28), nearly all of which belong to the im poveris h ed polygnathid biofacies. The most widely distributed wa s a persistent low-diversity Straparollus Assemblage, in which the eu om p h al id gastropods were accompanied by few eurytopic echinoderms (mostly echinoids and holothurians) and ostracods. Peri-biostromal to intershoal atrypid shelly banks of the Desquamatia globosa Assemblage (typical loc ality G6ra Zamkowa, set F), with variable associates. occur recurrently in the intershoal sequences (Balinski & Racki 1981). The lower Sitk6wka Beds do not display distinctive organic frarnebuild in g and e.g. typically non-rigid stromatoporoid buildups. dominated b y Actinostroma (Facies R-3f, rarely R-3b) and developed in r esult of a pioneer colon iza tion of a muddy bottom or by stabilization of skeletal debris (coverstones ofTsien 1980), probably in shallow-water re gimes (about 2 to 13 m depth; Read 1973). A biostromal fringe established around calm depression areas (Fig. 16) but only s om e Stachyodes and coral-dominated buildups wer e exposed to more s evere hydrodynamic influences. The name H exagonaria/AlveoliteUa Limestone Level, derived from th e 'H exagona 113BeCTHSlK' of Sobolev (1909), designates the varied coral and/or Stachyodes biostromal strata , up to 10-15 m thick, of the basal Sitk6wka Beds (Jaiwica. Poslowice: Fig . 23). They are traceable into the Checiny Beds, and even in the Kostomloty area. This level ca ps d irectly the Jaiwica Member (unit G- IIR of Racki 1985b) , with the exception of the Checiny area (Wrzolek 1988). As shown by many studies . the corals thrived in d eeper waters than the stromatoporoids did , presumably in depths of order 20-30 m (Lecompte 1970; Klovan & Embry 1972; Playford 1980). In the Kowala Formation the coral associations show generally high autochthony and poorly winnowed sediment setting. Undulose tabular s keleton s are usually preserved in the original, s ediment-binding position (Fig. 21A), whilst h emispherical and domal coralla are essentially overturned or abraded . The cor al thickets and mounds flourished even in a turbid environment. This is true for the AlveolitellaJecunda Assemblage (typical locality Poslowtce, set C), limited to more protected biotopes of the Sitk6wka bank periphery. Rigid stubby Fig . 18 . Variants of the Givetia n bi os trom al lim es ton es. DA. Alveolitellafecunda bafflestone, Facies R-Ib; Poslowice, set C. x 1. DB . Tabulate jStachyodes baffles ton e , Facies R-IbjR-2b ; Zegzelogo ra, set B. x I. DC. Hexagonaria-strom atop oroid boundstone. wit h vis ib le encrustation of coralla by tabu lar stromatoporoids . Faci es R- 1bf .Jazwtca , set C. 0 0 . Alternating levels ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 121 of D isphyllum baffi eston e. a n d local stromatoporoid binds ton e wit hi n foss il-im poverished portions. Facies R-I b/R-3b. J aiwica . set D. 122 Devonian reefs: RACKI alveolitid colonies were accompanied there by a rich benthic association, with other corals, stromatoporoids, brachiopods and echinoderms. This growth mode suggests quiet murky waters and a high rate of deposition. Usual mass occurrence of the index species indicates its opportunistic character. Alveolites-Hexagonaria Assemblage (typical locality Sosn6wka, set B), probably oflocalized biohermal nature, represents coral-dominated portions of the marginal bank shoal, subjected to wave and current action. The major constituents were massive, hemispherical to tabular colonies of the alveolitids and/or in varying proportions Hexagonaria. Other corals, Stachyodes, crinoids and shelly fauna were common dwellers that include also eleutherozoan echinoderms and scutelluid trilobites. The cycle G- II ends with a thick lagoonal suite corresponding to reapperance of the amphiporid/microbial communities (see Fig. 20). and the main departure is an appearance of sublagoonal muddy sediments (Facies L-4) in the Poslowice section. The dark micrite amphiporid bafflestones are locally associated with lighter detrital varietes (Facies L-2r) , marked by presence of small micritic aggregates and intraclasts and common micritic coatings (e.g. Jaiwica, set E). The rudstones typify however especially some higher parts of the Sitk6wka Beds, and originated in moderately agitated, variably shallow water conditions, with primary voids created largely by winnowing of fine-grained matrix, maybe paired with activity of burrowing organisms (Krebs 1974: p. 183). This is also true for Stachyodes-dominated beds (Facies R-2r), which may even represent lag accumulations on bars and beaches along shoal shores (cf. Klovan 1964; Havard & Oldershaw 1976). Non-fenestral laminite-bearing sets (Facies M-l) cap the intershoal succession at the Checiny and Stok6wka sequences. Scour-and-fill structures, graded bedding, different scale foldings (Fig. 17A) and rather diverse skeletal grains, comprising shell fragments, echinoderm remains, sponge spicules, quite frequent conodonts, locally radiosphaerid calcispheres, are significant characters. The extremely shallow-water sediments record prolific microbial mat growth on 'al gal' mounds and shoals, in places with steeply inclined flanks what resulted in common hydrodynamic reworking and synsedimentary displacements (cf. Machielse 1972). The cycle G-II encompasses strata 25 to 60 m thick, and at least half of the succession is formed of the peritidal facies. Thus, following arguments of Read (1973) and Cutler (1983), the water depth increment may be estimated as at least 15 m for this deepening event (see also Schlager 1981; Neumann & Macintyre 1985). Knobby limestone suite, resembling the Bolechowice facies , has been shown as originated in the Frasnian sea at depth range 35 and 55 m (Stoakes 1980), typical of the intrashelf basins (Read 1985). The cycle G/F-Ill occurs above the regressive suite of the cycle G-II, although there are some transitional strata (e.g. set E at G6ra zamkowa). The term Atrypid-Crinoid Limestone Level is proposed for the layered, fine-grained to micrite sets , up to 20 m thick, comprising at least three ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 123 ZOJ BALANCING INDEX A ': Il li l: j il w m; t ;~ @ : m@ t rn ~ : i : t .'.ir&t.t...' .l ~ M ~ m tl 0.5 B ICRIODUS/POLYGNATHUS RATIO 0.25 • .•• 203 FREQUENCY 80 (specimens per kg) c 255 . ••••• 11 40 115 • . 9 80 H Stokowka Sosnowka Zegzelogora samples 4 6 11 elements 8 43 329 ~); 11 ~ .95 F-III F-II F-I E • 50 • • • • 57 • • • 8-0 (sets) Sit kowka Gora Zamkowa 14 6 7 19 16 5 259 172 135 765 753 79 11 169 17 295 -G6rno e --5>.:: - -_Kostomtoty basin - ~-= Checiny \ basin o, E---d marly-shaly - facies iiiiiiii micrite-bios tromal ~ D 3, fac ias ~fa ~ biostromal-detrital c le s Fig. 19 . Spa tia l gra d ien ts in paleoecologically s ign ifican t indices chara ct erizing conodont fau nas of th e la tes t Givetian to earlies t Fr asnian Checiny Beds (A-C; see a lso Fig. 15A-C). a nd paleogeography of th e area du rin g se di me n ta tion of the Atrypid- Crinoid Limestone Level (D) ne ar the Givetian-Frasnian bounda ry . Samples from G6ra Zamkowa a re gro u pe d accord ing to litho logic sets or units (for set F; see Fig. 27) . Desq uama tia shell b eds (G6r a Zamkowa, set F; Racki & Ba lin ski 1981) and /or crinoid -enriched pa rtin gs (Fig. 27) . The comp lex rhythm ic charac- 12 4 Devonian reef s : RACKI Fig . 20. Various aspects of extre mely s hallow-water la goonal a nd peri tid al facies . OA. Peloidal grainsto ne in terl amination wit hi n fenestral 'cryptalga l' laminite, Fa cies L-3 : So wle Gorki, se t E. x 40. DB. Pa leokarstic h orizon develop ed on Amphipora baffles ton e/floa tston e, Fa cies L-2b: J aiwica , set E, x I . DC . Very th ick lamini te bed , Fac ies L-3 : Gora Lgawa , set A. DO. Fenestral a m phiporid floa s ts ton e, pa rtl y dis s olved a n d filled with h em atitic residual materi al, Facies L-2 ; Jaworznia, x 1. ter of the ea rly transgressive phase (unit G-IIIM of Ra cki 1985b) is exp resse d in repeated appearance of winnowed bioclastic sands apparent in both bank margin a n d the Checiny intershoal area. The depositional pa ttern is more ob scured in the n ewly established minor s tagn a n t Sitk6w- ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 125 ka depression (perhaps only episodic development of atrypid banks; Racki 1993), being a short-lasting paleogeographic departure within the Dyrniny subregion (Fig. 19). Conodont habitat differentiation is well detectable in faunas of the relatively open marine level and an increase in abundance of icriodontids is a feature of the more stagnant Sitk6wka area. The crinoid-rich Facies M-2 belongs to a widespread type of Paleozoic deposits. The sparry and intraclast-rich lithologic variants with partly micritized grains comprise shallow-water sediments formed in an environment of constant wave and current action. including proximal storm effects (cf. Miller et al. 1988; Seilacher & Aigner 1991). However, sedimentary structures. like crude stratifications. are rarely observed in result of severe bioturbation. Migrating skeletal sands characterize intershoal areas (Racki & Balinski 1981). They are also known as heavy storm accumulations in channels of biostromal shoal that may reach as prograding washover fans even to lagoonal bays (Krebs 1974; Galli 1985). Crinoid Assemblage (typical locality G6ra Zamkowa, set F) refers to different-size crinoid thickets, meadows and patches that were evidently a common feature in the open shelf regimes in the bank- and reef-complex. e.g. in the Wietrznia subregion (Gluchowski 1993). They commonly bordered different kinds of buildups or preceded their growth (cf. Wilson 1975) and contributed most to the debris in these flank and intershoal environments (Szulczewski 1971; Balinski & Racki 1981). These normal-marine biotas include some shelly and infaunal organisms, and corals. Their low taxonomic diversity and diminutive columnal sizes point to hard life conditions in the Checiny-type intershoal biotopes. The regressive phase of the cycle is connected with a renewed amphiporid-microbial biota (Jaiwica) or prograding biostromal, mostly disphyllid thicket growth in the intershoal domain (G6ra Zamkowa, Sitk6wka-Kostrzewa). The Disphyllum wirbelauense Assemblage (cf. Rozkowska & Fedorowski 1972) recurred. at least five times in the G6ra Zamkowa succession. as episodes of successful muddy bottom colonization. The wide distribution of the dendroid-fasciculate rugosan species indicates its relatively high competitive capabilities. Its dense growth was usually joined with almost complete exclusion of the other skeletonized benthos with exception of echinoids and ostracods. In some sections (Stok6wka, Olowianka, Kowala-l borehole), however, the facies changes are manifested solely in the disappearance of the peritidal facies and/or entry of intraclast-rich grainstones (Facies L-1) . frequently with sorted, well-rounded and micritized or coated particles. partly of algal origin. The winnowed sandy sediments mark rough water zones comprising shifting tidal bars and lagoon channels, not more than 10 m deep (Wilson 1975; p . 358), with few indigenous. mostly infaunal organisms (cf. Purdy 1964). Generally. the cycle G/F-Ill. usually less than 30 m thick. is far less distinct in sedimentary record than the preceding unit, in some cases difficult to recognition. Thus. an epeirogenic origin is supposed for this 126 Devonian reefs: RACKI cycle and its more limited significance is shown also by weak biotic changes (Racki 1988). Sedimentation and biotic environment during the reef phase Bank to reef transition belongs to the most disputable problems in the depositional history of the Kowala Formation (cf. Szulczewski 1971: p. 113), and the beginning of the reef growth is ultimately linked with the upper Sitk6wka Beds (Narkiewicz et al. 1990). This facies change is an expression of the progressive platform drowning that continued in the Frasnian time. Intensive organic upbuilding on flanks of the growing Dyrniny reef was possible owing to increasing role of microbial mats and early cementation, with growing evidences of reef-flat to talus deposits (d. Narkiewicz 1988) . Reef foundation stage (IC-Complex).- The inter-cycle unit contains the 50-80 m thick basal part of the upper Sitk6wka Beds sandwiched in between the two cyclic units GjF-III and F-I. It was a period of relatively stable sedimentary conditions probably in effect of short-lasting relative sea-level stillstand. These are poorly-stratified reefoid deposits (Fig. 40B), with Kadzielnia-type bioherms in upper parts and weak talus on the southern flank (G6ra Zamkowa, set J). In contrary to previous distinctly rhythmic suites, deepening is not so apparent in the stromatoporoid series. The abrupt appearance of platy spiculite micrites (Facies M-4) above the biostromal beds in the Checiny profile (sets G-H) is the best evidence of the sea level rise within the southward spreading intershoal basin (e.g. Checiny Limestone-type set D in the Kawczyn profile near Zbrza; see Fig. 35). The cherty deposits show fine laminations, and sparse macrofaunal remains , limited to few shellrich or amphiporid intercalations. They are markedly abundant in delicate calcitized monaxone sponge spicules, exhibiting crude directional orientations in places. Silicified dendroid corals and stromatoporoids are numerous in some sites (Kawczyn, Sitk6wka-Kostrzewa), and some spicule-bearing stromatoporoid floatstones (Zelejowa, set A) reveal transitions to reefoid facies . The Facies M-4 somewhat resembles deep-water microfacies SMF-1 , but is less marly with acid-resistant residuum rarely above 5 per cent and seems to contain only benthic organisms, which argue for shallower setting. Sedimentation took place in submerged portions, more than 30 m depth (d. Wilson 1975: p. 414) of the expanding Checiny-Zbrza intershoal basin, with negligible bioclast supply from the nearby buildups and restricted lagoons. The siliceous monaxonic sponges (Demosponge Assemblage) and concentrations of their spicules formed extensive mats (d. Lane 1981) veneered muddy bottom in stagnant portions of intershoal areas. Very few accompanying benthic organisms (gastropods, nuculoid bivalves, lingulids, ostracods, conodonts) were adapted to the peculiar biotope. ACTA PA LA EONT OLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 127 Fig. 21 . Variet es of the Fr asnian reef lim estones a nd related facie s. DA. Alveolites bindstone with many umbrella structures. Faci es R-l ; Kowala. set C; x 1. DB. Fenestral ca lcilu ti te of th e Facies L-3 ca pping the cora l-s troma toporoid com plex ; Mtedzt anka, se t C. DC . Horizontally s tratified calca a ren ite lay er of the Faci es L-1 within the stromatoporoid rudstone. Facies R-3r; .Jazwt ca , set H. Toward the top of the unit. an obscured shoaling trend is recognizable in upward-coarsening character of the successions. and the grained deposits cap the subnodular. chiefly micritic uppermost Checiny Beds (sets I-J) marked by a tentaculite-bearing horizon with Dicricoconus. Iowatrypa timanica Assemblage (typical locality G6ra Zamkowa. set I) is a s uccessor of the DesquamatiaglobosaAssemblage in protected portions of the weakly inclined reef flank. 128 Devonian reefs: RACKl The IC-Complex shows a pronounced bipartity in the Kowala subregion. The lower half is made of massive stromatoporoid reefoid strata whilst the higher portion is more distinctly bedded and coral-rich, characterized by a distinctive rock-building fossil assemblage (Wrzolek 1988, 1993; Nowinski 1993). These strata, Alveolites-Thanmophyllum Limestone Level, up to 50 m thick, partly represent non-biohermal equivalents of the Kadzielnia Member, e.g . at Kowala (Szulczewski & Racki 1981). Argillaceous interbeds and Kadzielnta-type bioherms are the first symptoms of the accelerated sea-level rise near ending of this interval. The stromatoporoid strata are the key facies of the Devonian reefs (Fagerstrom 1987) . The lighter-colored (in comparision to the Givetian equivalents; Kazmierczak 1971b) deposits exhibit continuous passages into other undoubtedly detrital varietes in some sites (Psie Gorki, Miedzianka) and include several intraclastic fine-grained lenses and interlayers (Fig. 21C). The massive stromatoporoid-detrital subfacies (R-3r) comprises assemblages of variably redeposited and abraded stromatoporoids in different marginal parts of the shoal domain with fairly agitated waters at most 10 m to the sea level (turbulent zone of Lecompte 1970). Real stromatoporoid framestones being fragments of wave-resistant organic reef are preserved exceptionally in the region (cf. Szulczewski 1971: p. 112) what is a rule in ancient reef complexes (Longman 1981; but see Stanton & Flugel 1989). A few parts of the Stromatoporoid-Detrital Beds and related strata (Zelejowa; Sowle Gorki , set F; Karwow: Wietrznia) can be regarded as a boundstone owing to the presence of very large. up to several meters in diameter (cf. Szulczewski 1971: p. 95) massive coenostea. The most spectacular example has been found at the Sluchowtce quarry (set B) where a giant probably tubular colony occurs, being not less than 8 m in length and 0.8 m in height. Nevertheless, probably only a minor reworking was involved in most other instances (Racki 1985a). Encrusting microbial communities can secondarily bind large amounts of rubbles (bindstones sensu Tsien 1980; also Kazmierczak 1971 b: Preat & Mamet 1989) after periods of destruction. Thus, the distinction between reef and detrital (talus) lithologies may appear disputable, e.g. in the Kowala 1 borehole (compare Narkiewicz et al. 1990 and Romanek& Rup 1990). Actinostroma Assemblage (typical locality Sitkowka-Kowala, set A). the massive stromatoporoid community is typical for all the Sitkowka Beds (KaZmierczak 1971 b) being far more common in their upper reefal segment. The Frasnian variety is thought to represent the wave-resistant accretion rim of the Dyminy reef (Fig. 22) situated in the zone of continuous turbulence, and more or less intense destruction (Krebs 1974; Wilson 1975). Variable massive colonies. typically up to 50 em in diameter, predominated among constructors, while ramose stromatoporoids. corals, and calcisponges grew under protection of the framework. Specialized brachiopods (atrypids), gastropods and ostracods were common inhabitants of the stressed marginal flats (Racki 1985a). In all likelihood. non-skeletal microbiota (including corroding and boring associations) ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 129 Fig. 22 . Main ma cro ben th ic assem blages . facies types (in circles) and typica l microfacies (A-F) of the Frasnian Oyminy reef complex. OA. Stromatoporoid floatstone: Sttkowka-Kowala, set C. DB. Wackestone matrix of the s trom a toporoid bindstone, note fenestrae in th e lower left . J aiwica. se t J . DC. Mar ly mudstone with s ing le tentaculites (upper part) ; Za rnkowa G6ra. set K. 0 0 . Un sorted Intracl a sti c- crlnold -brachlopod grainstone ; Kawczyn. set E. DE . Stroma top orotd grainston e / ru dstone. note a weak micritization of gra in s : Jaiwica. set H. OF. Fenestral laminite. with a s ing le gypld u lid brachiopod fra gm ent; Os tr6wka . All ca. x 5 . 130 Devonian reefs: RACKl proliferated in this zone, e.g. in sheltered pools. Renalcis belongs to common reef-builders but is more significant in younger Frasnian biota. Kadzielnia-type Assemblage corresponds to the midslope, quickly lithified buildups that developed in a subturbulent zone (Lecompte 1970), in depths estimated to range from 10 to 20 m (Embry & Klovan 1972). The presence of clotted and spongy. fenestral fabrics (Fig. 22B) in stromatactoid micrite matrix is notable. and the microbial accretion probably resulted in localized framework development (cf. Pratt 1982). The stromatoporid-alveolitid-microbial sediment-binding community is inferred to build low-energy mud mounds (Hoffmann & Paszkowski 1992). This is the unique site of the most abundant benthic organisms proliferation in the reef-complex (Szulczewski & Racki 1981). Kadzielnia-reef biota comprise rare pseudorthoceratid nautiloids. as well as zoaria of minute ramose cryptostomes Penniretepora and stenoporid trepostomes, known from the Kadzielnia section, and large fenestrate colonies ('Fenestella rectangularis Sandberger 1855'; Gurich 1896) occurring at Gora Cmentarna. Diverse, and locally large-sized skeletal eleutherozoan elements are numerous in the Kadzielnia Member and related strata (Kadzielnia, Szczukowskie Gorki), where remnants of echinoids Lepidocentrotus and Aptilechinus have been determined (Jesionek-Szymanska in Gallnska 1984). The Kadzielnia-type mounds were bordered by coral-rich biostromes, e .g . in the Kowala and Kadzielnia-Wietrznia environs. and by shallower agitated belts of stromatoporoid and growth destruction (Jaiwica-Gora Lgawa-Zelejowa. Gora Cmentarna). The wavy-bedded coral biostromes interstratified with shaly partings (e.g. Kowala, sets A-B; Szulczewski 1971). Therefore, Alveolites-dendroid corals Assemblage flourished on gentle Dyrniny reef flanks , spreading somewhat downslope. Their main builders comprised nodular to tabular alveolitids, branched corals (Thamnopora, Thamnophyllum), massive rugosans which include Hexagonaria in one horizon, and various stromatoporoids, locally also renalcids. Accessory inhabitants, such as crinoids, gastropods, octactinellid sponges, nanicellid foraminifers, and receptaculites. were more abundant and diverse there than in the stromatoporoid shoals and knolls. The common upslope variety of the Stachyodes thickets. with robust coenostea up to 1.5 m in size, is marked by asscociation with renalcids and other microbial biota (Szczukowskie Gorki. Grabina, Wietrznia-Psie Gorki) . Early phase of the Dyminy reef (cycle F-I).- Basal part of the cycle F-I corresponds to the period of the maximum depth in the once more expanding Checiny-Zbrza intrashelf basin as manifested by Widespread dark, more argillaceous deposits (Facies M-5) of the Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level overlapping the Kowala Formation. A rapid transition from Fig. 23. Peculiar lithologies of the Phlogoide rhy nch us Marly Level. DA. Bioturba ted a lgal wa ck estone-p a ck stone with tubifonn green a lga Jans aella. Fa cies M-6 : Deb ska Wola , set F: x 5 . DB . Bu rrowed no d ul ar wa ck eston e wit h d ispersed bra chiop od biocla s ts, B - large b u rrows, Facies M-3/M -5: .Jazwica. set L: x 5 . DC. Nodular to wavy b edded calcilu tites with cri noid -b ra ch iopod d et ri tu s intercal ation s . Fa cies M-3 : Deb ska Wola , set G. ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 131 132 Devonian reef s : RACKI shaly and/or knobby basal horizon to thicker, regularly layered micritic suite with some brachiopod shelly partings and styliolinids is typical for the transgressive horizon of the Galezice Syncline (Fig. 24). Lowest lime beds in the JaZwica-G6ra Lgawa sections display red staining, burrowed to bored intercalations (Fig. 23B) and glauconitized(?) echinoderm remains, all suggestive of reduced deposition in the upper foreslope of the rapidly upbuilding reef, during a lag phase of the inundation. Otherwise, some layers at Kowala and Debska Wola contain still many lagoon-derived bioclasts (Fig. 23A) what points to nearby persistence of the restricted areas (Fig. 22). The rhynchonellid level-bottom fauna, Phlogoiderhynchus polonicus Assemblage (type site Kowala, set OJ, thrived in deeper slope to basin, partly dysaerobic to exaerobic environments (Biernat & Szulczewski 1975; Racki et al. in press a) . Ecologically mixed, mesotaxid- to ancyrodellidpolygnathid conodont associations (see Fig . 34), commonly with 'euphotic' Icriodontid species Icriodus symmetricus Branson & Mehl 1934, were commonly represented in the fauna (Szulczewski 1971). This deepening was responsible for a broad conodont biofacies unification in the hemipelagic setting around the flanks of the Oyminy reef. The central Kielce subregion was the area of a prolongated reef accretion and the record of the sea-level rise is unclear. However, this provides an opportunity to employ the event correlation concept derived from sequential analysis (Racki 1985b). According to it, the age equivalent of the Phlogoiderhynchus Level are coral-enriched biostromal beds with brachiopods and crinoids, representing the most open-shelf facies within reefotd-lagoonal sequences, and locally containing many marly interbeds (Sitk6wka-Kowala, set C; Sowle G6rki, set G; Miedzianka, set B). The above sets are treated as an example of diachronous coral facies of the AlveolitesThamnophyllwnLevel (cf. Racki 1991: Fig. 2J, and form a basal part of the more or less clearly developed upward-shallowing succession, especially well expressed in the Sitk6wka area (thick amphiportd-lamtnite complex 0) and at Jaworznia (Slupik in press). Wide distribution of the micritic to fine-grained macrofossil-poor sediments (Facies L-l/L-4), with fenestral horizons in some parts (Fig. 21 BJ, is a notable feature of the Miedzianka area. They may correspond to small flats atop and on the lee side of the emergent sand shoals of the reef barrier (Tucker & Wright 1991: p. 114). Generally, the back-reef biotopes display far higher turbulency and oxygenation levels than their platform, shelf lagoon equivalents. In some sections the flooding event remains unrecognized (Olowianka, Stokowka), perhaps in the most quickly growing reef parts (keep-up reefs; Neumann et al. 1985). The more differentiated subsidence around the stable Caledonian paleohigh , maybe locally linked with synsedimentary block faulting (cf. Szulczewski 1989), is manifested in contrasting thicknesses of such interpretated cycle F-I ranging from 35 m (deep foreslope; Kowala) to more than 230 m (reef-interior; Sitk6wka). ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 133 M I ,' : ~ ' -vv.. L I I ~s § ~ ~ E -I [ § ~ .-J 0- J ... . 0 ••• .:j :!.' . r) ; : . : . ; ~(@) . ;. " J llIl' C\ 0 , ," .-...... ~ K o w a la CJ@q C = ". •..• D .:... 1P=cC) :. ........: 6Il '~1 :~ CD lY ~7 [ .( > : ;' :~ ; / Format ion 0~d : :~ ...., ~'- Phlogoiderhynchus Level I Ill> :! c- .. : ...;: : ' -' r,J ,-" (;0 .: :- ~J K :j :.'.:.' ' : , ~ < : ~ -... ~ J " . ", ' • .. .... .... . . ,~: horlzo ntat burro ws · . . . . ........ ' .....; asllc calclrudiles Phlogolderhynchus p olonlcus · L l al calcirudiles acl blol urbaled deposit s o .: :- ~ enlryof" ~ o ~ ~ nlr c ~ ~ kel ~I I GORA t GAWA ~ +-- sample 0 2 01 (with A. gigas ) 1 @ c::> {)? ,., ~ ,g. '\ ~ ~ c:::; Ii) cO~ ..- =j CI~ !Y G:l KOWALA (quarr y) Fig. 24. Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level at G6ra Lgawa (measured In 1975) and Kowala qu arries exemplifying vartatlon In the drowning uncomformlty (sensu Schlager 1989) of the Middle Fr asnian onlap (cycle F-I). For other explanations see Fig. 14 . As evidenced m ai n ly by the Kowala-Gora Lgawa sections. fluctuating progradation of the fore-reef debris on flanks of the finally established Dym iny reef took place during next poorly -known. probably filling developmental stage of the Checiny-Zbrza ba sin. Sm a ll-s cale depo sitio n al cycl icity Repetitive rhythms. each of a few meters thick. are common feature in the shallow-water carbonate sequences (Strasser 1991; Tucker & Wright 1991). They correspond to punctuated aggraded cycles (PACs; Goodwin & Anderson 1985) and 6 th order cyclicity of Rollin s et al. (1990; see Vail et al. 1991 for another scheme); thus. the major cycles described above are at least partly of internally complex nature (cf. cyclothemic PAC-sequence; Rollins et al. 1990). Devonia n reef s : RACKI 13 4 JAZWICA (s e t E) ... : ., 83 : ;" 81 80 .'. ~ 79 F·~ -, - r /';2)\ 77 : : ' : ~\d 76 O ~ , " ',' , ;. :~ .: r. f ...- ' . :;'" " ~ , ~ _ J'= ". '. c: 68 .... .' '". ,. ; . . .; ' : ~ 65 ~,-=l ,\ ::;":':"""'::':': ~?: 64 ~ : . : .: :} "t ~ ... 63 :~ .: .: : : .' ~ . :~ ' :/ I?-r 62 1:···::.'·'-,:·.·. ~; ', ~" = /" ." f " '. ~ . ........ .... ... ........ .. ..... , ... .. .. , ~ ~ -rr'r ... , . . ... ... , -, -.. ..\ 0 - -=-;=, fifv ~ ,( @, ~ " 9 ... . V ., V , O'=' , : ... / V " ~ 0 top of c yc le ... " . oncold s OSTROWKA I ,/ : , : , ,~ .~ I ':. r ""lJ='" ;1 I " ~ .. ..... ' :' : ' : .' 10 ~ I .'.' ... ... I b ........ ~ ... "l...,JJ;.- Y I.'~" ~ ...~ ~ V\" ":' .- ' 1' ' ' ~ . ; :~ \ . ~ \ :~ ; s-srr .r ,. ~ ... 11 -~$ ~ ~ ' . ' 12 ... . ~ I '. 111 11 1 13 y' ~ VIJr 1):<':"':"- r 60 ~ y ~ ,~ - . y ~- .....- . .... , . - 0 - : ". : ~. ~ : .: G> S G. -l GAWA (sel A) 14 <: v.... ~r -, ' y , .......... ... ~ &.~ bre cc ia In situ sha ly Interlaye rs ... \ v "' ~ " ... - 66 ~ \ .;, ,v f ~ 67 ~ ~J -<>~ r=::e: -0 69 Int rac last s 15 {1 -..I .... '- Y , pa leokarstlc hor izon ... ... - .) ~ ~ ' ~ . ...y c:> 16 " "rt,,:-!'r\ Y ..",.- .;;:f..;::« 70 59 c» - :. ~ '/ ' ") ~.v' ::.:.,::\:.::> ~ : .:" . y .;.;,> ,: ..~ ~ ' . '.:c-: -:.. .' 74 72-3 fabr ic 17 V' .. , ... \ v , V f ..... , 75 ~: > : ; ; : ; : ' . ~ ~ ' ~ P I: : :llaminold ,.......s eros iona l sur face yl'\&l ·V'@. ' J ~:-rL neomorphozed L.2l packstones/grainstones 18 " ... y a' J-:"'" '/ J AWO RZ NI A wac kestone s/pack stones ~ ~ - 78 61 ... ... .....i1~ .; ~ ~ y. . Y tG>! ' ' ~.I' ---:/. ...::.:::::I ~A-:-W &£-. 82 o c ycle 19 .' Q .:v.::4<- V . . :.; "V.,l ~ I"Y '\ v ., , If V [ . .:;.-:...• y cycle 8 Fig. 25. Typ ical restricted la goon s uccession s s howing s mall-scale s hallowing upward rhythm ic depos ition al pa tt ern, Numbering of be ds and cycles is shown in case of the J aiwica sectio n . For othe r explanations see Fig, 7 , Lagoonal cycles.- Minor cycles represent sequences of three principal facies . Listed in ascending order (Figs 25-26) these are: (1) s u b spherical strom a toporoid floatstone (Facies R-20 . locally replaced by tabular stromatoporoid bindstone (Fa cies R-2b), (2) Amphipora bafflestone (or floatstone-rudstone; Facies L-2), sporadically interlayered and /or replaced with Stachyodes-rich parts . a n d (3) 'cry ptal ga l' fenes tral/laminited unit, occa ss ionally in association with non-skeletal ca lcaren ites, and calcilutites (Facies L-l or L-4). In situ breccia e paired with green to cherrish powdery-shaly horizons (Fig. 20B. D). de ssication s tructu res, fla t pebbles . irregu lar to cu rved plane fructures. vadose silts and ce ments, and m icro- ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 135 Fig. 26. Lagoonal facies associated with upward-shoaling units in the Sitkowka Beds. OA. Large spherical-columnar stromatoporoid coenosteum (0.8 m in width) in growth position within Amphipora bafflestone, typical of the basal part of the cycle; Lagow. DB. Amphiporid bafflestone/rudstone. with oncoids and micrite-coated skeletal fragments. capped by laminite level ending the cycle; Panek. set A. sparitization and dissolution features indicate termination of the subtidal to supratidal sequence. Strict resemblance to cycles of Type A of Read (1973) from the Pillara Formation of the Western Australia is notable. 136 Devonian reefs: RACKI Typically, the bulk of the cycle thickness is occupied by an Amphipora-rich unit. Emergence characters are rarely well developed with the exception of the Jaworznia section. Rapid tapering of a thick (ca. 0.5 m) paleokarstic level is observed at Ostrowka (Fig. 38A) what suggest a common removal of the residual sediments, and maybe significant stratigraphic thinning during karstification and pedogenesis (cf. Goldhammer & Elmore 1984). As visible in the measured Jaiwica succession, the average thickness of the 23 recognized elementary regressive rhytms equals 1.8 m varying from 0.6 m to possibly 4 m, i.e. similar as in the sequences of Canada (Wong & Oldershaw 1980) and Ardennes (Preat & Mamet 1989), and in the eastern Holy Cross Mountains (Preat & Racki in press). Preat & Racki (in press) described the depositional rhythmicity from more uniform, largely muddy facies succession of Jurkowice-Budy, with prominent diagenetic overprint, and this sedimentary pattern occurs also in the Stringocephalus Beds of the western region (e.g. at G6ra Lgawa, Fig. 25). In the Atrypid-Crinoid Level, developed in the biostromal facies, there are cycles comparable with the Type B of Read (1973). Rhythmic couplets include in ascending order (Fig. 27): (I) thin (up to 40 em) grainstone, typically well-sorted and enriched in crinoid ossicles, with internal erosional surfaces (Facies M-2/L-I), (2) thick (1.7-?4.7 m) variable biostromal succession, chiefly from coral (disphyllid)-Stachyodes bafflestone to tabular stromatoporoid bindstone to globular stromatoporoid floatstone and/ or amphiporid bafflestone, locally with small oncoids. At least four such units occur at Jaiwica (set F). The highest one is covered with the cycle Type A sediments, including stromatoporoid biostromes passing into a laminite, but contains thin calcarenite level at the bottom. In the other sections (Stok6wka, Olowianka) single cycles with thick grained set (Facies L-I) were found in stratigraphically corresponding interval (see Figs 3536); they might appear to be amalgamated packages. Relatively open shelf and deeper-water regime (5 to 13 rn; cf. Read 1973), and intensive reworking of bottom sediments characterized the flooding events of the cycle G/F-III within the biostromal shoal of the described type (see also Read 1985: p. 16; Van Steenwinkel 1990). Both kinds of the elementary fining-upward cycles were marked by increasing biotic restriction from the base to top. In general, the phenomenon of periodic disappearance and reappearance of the stromatoporoid biotas might indicate rapid, fluctuating bathymetric changes and the consistently repeated shallowing of the basin (Kaimierczak 1971a, b). Shoaling possibly resulted in increasing temperature and salinity changes, as well as periodic exposures in a catch-up phase of rapid vertical accretion and progradation (Cutler 1983). The nature of the cycles remains, however, disputable (Preat & Racki in press). A general lack of lateral continuity of the rhythms in the regressive phase of cycle G-II (i.e. between .Jazwtca, Kowala I, G6ra Zamkowa and Stok6wka sections) suggests that processes were mainly autocyclic, controlled by depth-depend- ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 13 7 117 G .. 100 -1 G III 07 a -~ o CJ 0 O. 0 o. ~ 0 88 8. B' B3 I a B2 . 0 °", v 00 00 o ~ ., ., .- ~ ~ 5 c ==-= b J :; O ~ o o ~_ 00 o 00 0 o o o ',..: 80 79 ~ 0 ~ 77 7. 7. " " ;~v ..... 0 0 o 1 :: ~ ~ .? , '~ r~ 1-1 - 1 -1... t. v~ ' :' oJ y @' .:':.':.'....•:: ' ... , ,~ '" . ". <lI> "'.. .. "': I " @ Y~ ~ YA y ~ 'r' ;- ':. r' l -~ ~ .. / -f'J : it'(., ~ ~ ~ - , ':iii' ;' @3 J ,Y,@ 113 Ic. Ill @ y@ ,- @f @ { "' V r @<li / r 'I i ill @ i / 'o ~ ~ @ ", ] 0 0 : ~": o: Y@'f, @ :,: :< o @'" @0 0 F o 0o \ ';;' ~ ~v V... - ., G6RA ZAMKOWA "' .. "'.. .. I BIb western quarry ~ A~ , ~ 0 b> ~ °1,~5 7Be 7B. 77 y · , . O • @j o r ~ V ~ 0 ° 'f 0 @ 6l1 0 0",,,,,,,1: ,/ . 112 '--' : ' 0' 'Q r.l~ m t'~Yv ~~ middle outcrop 110 [: ~ @ ~. ......18) ,( V~ ~ o ~ ~ r---==::::=:: :0°0% ..... oOo;? . ,: ----- °.. . , ( ~ \Y ' .... @, '3 - ~ ," "' Q1 0 d'" Q 8• • B' . 0 o '::": .:> o0°00 0 ( ~ (!) ~ \ ; ! ~ (f V :~ ~' I ~ ' , .. . ' ... _~ ",- 0 ° 0 ' :' ~ :'. : " : : : ( . '; : .: @l O t @" ~ @~ 11. 0 '-r @ Y 4) , ," r 0 :;" y ~ _? 0 J ~ 80b ~~ ~ o ' ", ;-.::".::..::," o Bl E ~7 b ~o. p ... ..'":'!.. ,v 0 : .i.:'.:.: ~ 0•• --95a 0 0 ~ r~ c~ '<'<:3 ; -' _ ~ '~ '" C> .. " ,, ,- / 97. 0 0 B7 b . ~ 0 I .... 03 90 II b 89 O o£; a ~ 03 C F ~ '\?C 13Vt ......'- . b ~ 116 I I ... ~ ,, 109 ~ \ t ..· I r l~ ' o " v 'r vI \ ,A....~ ,- , ~ r -: y} .... ~ ciY/?'< 'llli ~ I I stylonodular fabrics i h ': .,,..... 108 JAZWICA E 1 107 1 o n"-"o o ~ - --== Fig. 27. Lithological correlation of the typ ical se qu ences of the Atrypid -Crinoid Lime stone Level for illu s tration of the intershoal s mall-scale cyclicity . Numbers refer to co no don t samples (Tab. I) . Numbering of beds is given for the western Zamkowa G6ra (cf. Racki & Balinski 1981) a n d .Jazwt ca profiles . For other ex pla natio ns see Fig. 25. ing local carbonate productivity (laterally shifting tidal flat islands; see review in Strasser 1991 and Tucker & Wright 1991: pp. 62-66) . However, high-frequency eustatic oscilations of a few meters, which may result from minor climatic variation driven by orbital perturbations (Milankovitch cyclicity; Goodwin & Anderson 1985: Playford et al. 1989: Hering 1992) , are commonly proposed as significant allogenic mechanism. Only high resolution event stratigraphy may to clarify roles of both the processes in the sedimentary record (see also Kauffman 1986; Einsele et al. 1991). Intershoal cycles.- Rhythmic patterns in essentially open shelf, interreef Devonian environments are poorly known. Cyclicity seems to b e co m m on in the Checiny Beds, although it is fully expressed only in the t h r ee cycles of set F at G6ra Zamkowa section (Fig, 27), a s well as in the oxygen-d eficien t Debnik b asin (Ra cki & Balinski 1981), The com p lete 138 Devonian reefs: RACK) succession up to 4 m thick is a transition from winnowed crinoid grainstone through an atrypid, rarely bivalve, bioclastic-peloidal packstone to a calcispheroid wackestone: the highest unit is capped with coral biostromal layers (set G). Similar upward-fining tendency from the Facies M-2 to variants of the Facies M-6, sometimes with erosional features at the bottom, has been identified also in other portions of the Checiny sequence, especially those with atrypid shelly partings (sets B, E, I). Sequential changes possibly reflect lateral migration of high-energy crinoidal mounds and bars into more sheltered areas during heavy storms , and such event stratification (Seilacher & Aigner 1991) may be differently developed in the intershoal successions. A reduced marine circulation is apparent from the biotic replacement trend, but usually assumed shallowing is not supported by any evidence with possible exception of the set 0 of G6ra Zamkowa where gastropod-rich or unfossiliferous fine-grained layers are repeatedly capped by laminated units bearing even emergence features (Facies M-l). The shoaling episodes are recorded particularly in edgewise conglomerates with reddish, ferrugineous groundmass (Fig. 17B) representing current fill of tidal channels and pot holes with clasts derived from dried mud on levees and microbial mats (cf. Wilson 1975: p. 82). The depositional pattern is less distinct in more muddy laminite sequence of Stok6wka, probably developed in more sheltered setting. Biostratigraphica1ly-based age correlation Except for isolated occurrences of Stringocephalus (Balinski 1973), the only fossils of time correlation value in the Kowala Formation are conodonts. Eighty two samples from ten sites (Tabs 1-3) have yielded conodonts useful for stratigraphic inferences, typically below 25 specimens per kilogram and frequently juvenile. Samples from fossiliferous, especially crinoid-bearing variant of the micrite Facies M-3 were the most productive, with frequencies above 200 elements per kilogram. The collected material comprises about one thousand Variably preserved specimens representing at least 19 species (Figs 29-33). Some conodont elements from the nodular varietes of the Checiny Limestone show a red-cherrish coloration, the feature being usually linked with deformations by compaction and partial crushing. Samples from the spiculite micrites of the Facies M-4 are exceptional, containing many delicate ramiforms, and clusters are found in one sample. The conodonts enable dating of main transgressive levels, but in the strata traditionally ascribed as 'Upper Givetian Limestones', developed in the lagoonal and reef facies, the microfossils are virtually lacking (Racki 1980). As shown above (Figs 15A-C; 19A-C, 28), the faunas largely probably belong to the polygnathid biofacies (Klapper & Lane 1985; Sandberg et al. 1989), which is of very limited correlative value. The broad-plat- 139 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) Checiny Beds GZ-89b GZ-85b ZG-56 % 80 8 1=0.89 81=1.10 8 1-0.82 GZ-207 8 1=0.56 40 o .LJ1~_-' Polygnathid biofacies BI -balancing index Jazwlca Member % 50 PS-B 1x 81=1.16 Ps -54 Ps-52 81=0.72 81=1.24 GZ-15 81=0.83 \ \ :.:: 25 Poly gnat hid - ozarkodinid biofacies Icriodontid- polygnathid biofacies Fig. 28. Frequency di stIibution of con odo nts di agnostic for pa rti cular b iofa cies in representative s a m ples fro m the Jaiwica Member and Checiny Bed s . formed elem en ts. as well as reef-related Belodella. are extremely scarce in the faunas from the southern Holy Cross Mountains. This is in contrast with data from the northern periphery of the Kielc e Region and the Kostomloty basin (Racki & Bultynck in preparation). All the data argue for a complex n ature of the ecologic relationships within the analysed bankdwelling conodont faunas. difficult to evaluate in terms of the simple depth-stratification model, as it is known for polygnathidjicriodontid separation pattern (see summary in Pohler & Barnes 1990 and Belka & Wendt 1992). The role of local ecologic patchiness seems to be still underestimated in conodont biogeo graphy. Some conodont species. especia lly icriodontids might be in fa ct n ektobenthic or benthic(?) creatures sen s itive to subtle environmental and biotic influences at the s ea floor (Sweet 1988). Age of the Stringocephalus Beds.- The lower part of the Kowala Formation is dolomitized, with few fos sils preserved. especially in the unit I of Narkiewicz (1991). Even the relatively op en shelf deposits of set A at Jurkowice-Budy. representing the basal portion of the subcyde G-Ia. have yie lded j uvenile icriodontids on ly. The oldest ?pre -Stri ngocep halus m a cro- 140 Devonian reefs: RACKI fauna in this section, also found in the set A, and possibly in the Dziewki Limestone (Racki et al. in press b), includes crinoid ossicles of the l st Faunal Interval with Stenocrinus-Noctuicrinus(?) Assemblage of Gluchowski (1993) and fragmented brachiopods (Racki 1986a: PI. 1: 1). Columnalbased Gurjeoskocrinus punctulatus Dubatolova 1971 is limited in the region to the Skaly Beds (the Eifelian/Givetian transition), while common Stenocrinus raricostatus Gluchowski 1992 appears as low as in the Middle Givetian Laskowa G6ra Beds. Determinable brachiopods comprise Rensselandia cr. circularis Holzapfel 1912. Representatives of this genus range in the Rheno-Ardennian area, according to data of Struve (1982), from the late Polygnathus ensensis Zone (sensu Weddige 1988) to the Middle Polygnathus varcus Subzone. A similar rensselandiid was identified also e.g. in the middle part of the Skaly Beds (Biernat 1966). The closely related Moravian species R. gregaria Ficner & Havlicek 1978 was quoted from the Eifelian/Givetian transition beds (Celechowtce cycle; Galle et al. 1988). The higher Stringocephalus-bearing suite of the fossiliferous JurkowiceBudy section was a subject of several paleontological studies, without reference, however, to the more detailed set subdivision. In all likelihood, the most of the data come from the severely weathered well-exposed fossiliferrous strata of the set E (Fig. 9B) representing the basal part of the subcycle G-Ib. Their late, but not the latest Givetian age, was generally accepted (Kazmierczak 1971b; Balinski 1973; Olempska 1979). Coral assemblages of the Stringocephalus Beds, including data from their equivalents in the Silesta-Cracow area, comprise many distinctive Givetian species (Nowinski 1976, 1993; Wrzolek 1988, 1993). However, their ranges within this stage are crudely recognized as exemplified by apparently equivalent 'Hexagonaria'laxa-Upper Caliapora battersbyiZone in the 'mid'-Givetian strata of Moravia (Galle et al. 1988). Rich ostracod associations of together 33 species (Olempska 1979) also include species markedly characteristic for the Eifelian and/or early Givetian of both the Variscan Europe and the East European Platform (cf. Zbikowska 1983: Tab. 5). It is well exemplified by the most abundant Coelenellina minima IKummerow 1953). Brachiopods typical of the set E at Jurkowice-Budy, as well as of the higher Dziewki Limestone (Brachiopod Interval Ib- R of Racki 1993), are marked by Rhynchospirifer hians (von Buch 1836) that in the Rhenish Fig. 29. OA. R. Ancyrodella sp.. juvenile specimen in upper view (A) and details of the rhombic basal cavity (R): Gora Zamkowa GZ 157. DB-F. Icriodus subtenninusYoungquist 1947, upper (B. D). oblique-lateral (E). and lateral (C. F) views. note variable height of the posteriomost dentides (cf. Uyeno in Norris & Uyeno 1983: PI. 1: 9-22. 25-27) and length of the spindle: JaZwica Jz 6 (B-C). Zamkowa Gora GZ 15 (D-E) and Sowie Gorki SG C2 (F). DG . Icriodus expansus Branson & Meh11934 . upper view. JaZwicaJz 7. DH and K-L. Icriodus ex gr. brevis Stauffer 1940. upper (H. L) and oblique-lateral (K) views of different-size specimes: Sowie Gorki SG Cx (H) and Trzemoszna TZ X2 (K-L). Dl-J. Icriodus aff. latecarinatus Bultynck 1979. upper (I) and lateral (J) views. note relatively weakly developed posterior cusp: Marzysz Mz X2. ACTA PA LAEO NTOLOGICA POLO NICA (37) (2 -4) 141 OM-Po Ozarkod ina brevis (Bi sch off & Ziegl er 19 57) , l ater al (M) an d ob lique-lo we r (N) view 01 the Pb element (cf. Ni coll 19 8 5) , an d lateral views of the Pa ele me nts (O-P); G6ra Zamkow a GZ 9 7b (M- N) an d GZ 89b (0). an d Poslowice Ps 54 (P). All x 100 ex cep t for B , G (x 75) , P (x 130) and R (x 3 0 0). 142 Devonian reefs: RACKI Slate Mountains probably does not occur above the P. ensensis Zone (Struve 1982). In fact, Balinski (1973: p . 271) noticed the faunal similarity of the Jurkowice-Budy section to the Rodert Formation that falls within the Early Givetian. The associated species Ambothyris infima (Whidborne 1893) was originally described from the P. varcus Zone (Lummaton Shell Bed; Austin et al. 1985). The presence of Ozarkodina brevis (Bischoff & Ziegler 1957) in impoverished fauna of Siewierz is of little value due to a broad range of the species (Klapper & Johnson 1980), evidenced also by data from the Holy Cross Mountains. Furthermore, Rensselandia gibbosa (Cloud 1942) at Jurkowice-Budy, and particularly Porastrinqocephalus at Siewierz that pre-dates the Rhynchospirifer association, are strongly suggestive of a higher Givetian position (level 'CaPlat II' of Struve 1992) . Thus, a relic nature of this Rhynchospirijer hians occurrence in southern Poland can be proposed (cf. Racki 1988) and this refers to several coral (see also Hladil 1988), as well as ostracod species. The Middle Givetian position of the subcycle G-Ib is consistent with the crinoid succession (Gluchowski 1993), which suggests correlation with the well-dated Laskowa G6ra Beds (3rd Faunal Interval with Anthinocrinus brevicostatus). Position of the Eifelian/Givetian boundary.- The stage boundary is recently defined wtthin .the P. ensensis Zone, and, as underlined by Bultynck et al. (1991), in the neritic facies realm the traditional Stringocephalus-based boundary has been drawn distinctly higher in the sequence. As the Early Givetian span is undoubted at Jurkowice-Budy for the set C where the first Stringocephalus was encountered (Fig. 12A), the boundary must be somewhere in the underlying strata, e. g. in the unit I of Narkiewicz (1991) . Base of the Jaiwica Member.- The transgressive set of the cycle G-II was a source of numerous conodonts. The most abundant fauna of at least 14 species has been collected from the subset B2 at Poslowice (Fig. 15A-C). First appearances of such species as Icriodus subterminus Youngquist 1947, Polygnathus cf. dengleri Bischoff & Ziegler 1957, P. pollocki Druce 1976, and particularly P. webbi Stauffer 1938 are significant, and their co-occurrence with Polygnathus latijossatus Wirth 1967 in sample Ps 54 indicates the Mesotaxis jalsiovalis Zone (cf. Klapper & Johnson 1980; Bultynck 1982, 1986; Feist & Klapper 1985). Sequences representing Bolechowice facies yield less diverse but similar faunas with I . subterminus (the most common species), P. pollocki, and Mehlina gradata (Youngquist 1945). Fig. 30. DA-C . Polygnathus alatus Huddle 1934. upper (A-B) a n d lateral (C) views; Marzysz Mz X2 (A)and S itk6wka-Kostrzewa SK 21 (B-C). DO . Polygnathus cf. d engleri Bischoff & Ziegler 1957, upper view of incomplete s pecim en corresponding likely to the more primitive morphotypes; Poslowice Ps 54. DE-H. Polygnathus dubius Hinde 1879. upper (F-G). oblique-lower (E) and lateral (H) views ; G6ra Zamkowa GZ 85e (E, G-H) and Poslowice Ps 52 (F). D I-K. Polygnathus denisbriceae Bultynck 1979. upper views ; G6ra Zamkowa GZ 84b (I), GZ 90d (J) ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 143 a nd Sitk6wka-Kostrzewa SK 110 (K). OL. Polygnathus aff. dubius Hinde 1879 (P. decorosustrend sensu Bultynck 1982), upper view of elem en t exhibiting saggitate platform outline; Gora Zarnkowa GZ 78c. OM. Mehlina gradata [Youngquist 1945), lateral view; .Jazwtca Jz 36. All . x 100 except B-C . E-G (x 65) and H [x 50) . 144 Devonian reef s : RACKI Data from the Jaiwica section (Figs 8) point that the boundary between Stringocephalus Beds and Jaiwica Member occurs within the range of the 1. subterminus-dominated association. Thus, it is not older than the Klapperina disparilis Zone, like 1. subterminus Fauna of North America (Braun et al. 1988; Witzke et al. 1988), and possibly near the boundary of K. disparilis/M. jalsiovalis Zones. This time interval is especially difficult to precise conodont dating in the shelf domains, as discussed below. Noteworthy, the local acmes of O. brevis (Poslowice) and P. linguiformis linguiformis (Sowie Gorki) represent the highest (late Givetian) parts only of their total ranges; similar distribution was recorded in the Ardennes (Bultynck 1982: Fig. 7) and North America (Witzke et al. 1988). Considering all the conodont evidences, the Jaiwica Member represents largely the Early M. jalsiovalis Zone. Slightly older age of the basal part in case of the Bolechowice-type succession can not be excluded. Due to above mentioned scarce conodont record (0. brevis fauna), a broader uncertainty interval. ranging to the P. varcus Subzone, marks the initiation of the Poslowice-type deposition. Position ofthe Givetian/Frasnian boundary.- As shown by Sandberg et al. (1989), the Middle/Late Devonian boundary had been fixed in the early part of the newly established M. jalsiovalis Zone, considered to be an aproximate standard equivalent of the former 'Lower m os t P. asymmetricus' Zone [or the 'Upper P. dengleri Subzone' (Klapper & Johnson 1980; Johnson et al. 1985) or the '5 . notrisi' Zone of Klapper & Johnson (in Johnson 1990) in more shallow-water facies realm). Unfortunately, some uncertainty remains due to difficult correlation with the global stratotype level defined on the first appearance of poorly known primitive ancyrodellids (see discussion in Sandberg et al. 1989). In the studied succession this is coupled with a weak paleontological basis of biostratigraphic correlations. Among the polygnathid-dominated associations of the Sitkowka and Checiny Beds (P. dubius fauna), there are some samples with more abundant and/or diverse, large-sized and robust polygnathids (Polygnathus sp. A; ZG 30, GZ 207). Polygnathus angustidiscus Youngquist 1945 has been found firstly in the Atrypid-Crinoid Level of Sitkowka. In the Fig. 31. DA. N. Polygnathus xylus xylus Stauffer 1940. upper (A) and lateral (N) views; Poslowice Ps Bi x , 0 B. K-L. Polygnathus latifosssatusWirth 1967. upper (B. L: L - juvenile from) and lower (K: note enlarged basal cavity) views; Poslowice Ps 54. DC . Polygnathus tinguifonnis tinguifonnis Hinde 1879 gamma morphotype Bultynck 1970. upper view : Sowie Gorki SG C] . OD- E. Polygnathus p ennatus Hinde 1879. lowe r (D) a n d ob liqu e- u p per (E) view s: Gora Zamkowa GZ 77. OF-G . Polygnathus varcus Stauffer 1940. lower (F) and upper (G)views; Poslowice Ps 25 (F-G). 0 H. M. Schmidtognathus(?) sp.. lateral (H) and upper (M) views of juvenile specimen: Poslowice Ps 52 . 0 I. Polygnathus cf. timorensis Klapper, Philip & Jackson 1970. upper view of specimen with broken fre e bl ade. visible not opposite geniculation points and junction of two anterior through margins with the bl ade a t close position: Trzemoszna Tz X2. OJ. Polygnathus s p . a ff. P. hemiansatus Bultynck 1987 . upper view of in complete slender s pecim en with the platform ch a racteriz ed by a weak constriction of the outer ge n icu la tion point. junction of two anterior through m argins a t different position and deep ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONI CA (37) (2-4) 145 a d ca rt na l t h ro ugh s: Poslowice Ps Bx (J) . 0 0 . Polygnathus w eb bi Sta u lTer 193 8 , upper (0) vtew of large elemen t with co nsiderab le constrt ctlon n ear t he a n te rio r en d of the pla tform [cf, P. sp , A of Uye no 1974) ; G6ra Zarnkowa GZ-1II /5. All x 100 except B -C. H (x 75) . D -E . 0 (x 50) and M (x 150) . Devonian reefs: RACKI 146 Tab. 1. Conodont distribution and frequency in the Cora Zarnkowa succession at Checiny. P Polygnathus. 1 Icriodus. 0 Ozarkodina, A Ancyrodella; disp. K. disparilis , trans. P. transiians. Samples signed by 'x' are pilot ones, without acurrate placement within the set. 0 0 o 0 0 0 12 115 116 25a l33b l 39 1 77 178 a l 78 c 18 1bl 8 4 b 18 5a l8 5bl 8 5c 1 Fx 18 5a l8 9b l8 9 c M. Jalsiovalis P. transitans disp.otrans. P. pollocki I. subtenninus P. dubius P. denisbriceae P. xylus P. webbi I. expansus P. pennatus P. alatus P. aff. dubius P. sp . indet. I. sp . in det. ozone elements 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 38 2 I 2 I ?I ?2 ?I 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 22 12 25 I 0 ?2 1 2 5 0 0 I 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 7 ?I 5 ?2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ?I 4 7 3 4 2 2 4 ?2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 4 3 6 0 4 4 7 0 0 20 0 0 40 I 24 0 25 40 I 45 0 6 0 0 0 2 I 55 0 15 0 2 2 0 0 I 10 0 I 5 0 2 0 10 0 3 12 0 3 3 ?I 0 ?7 2 I I 8 0 5 10 4 0 27 0 0 25 50 89d 1 92 1 94 19 5a 195b 19 7a 19 7b 112 4 157 1167 1207 11/ 3 11/4 III/ 31II/5 I /7 P. transitans P. punctata M . Jalsiovalis - P. transitans ~I / 10 0 I. subtenninus O. brevis P. poUocki P. dubius P. d enisbriceae P. xylus I P. webbi ! P. alatus P. aff. dubius P. varcus A. sp. P. sp.A I. ex gr. brevis P. sp . Indet. I. sp. Indet. ozone elements I 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?I 6 I 2 I ?I 8 ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?I 0 0 ?2 0 0 0 0 0 ?I I 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 I ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 ?I 2 3 ?I 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 ?I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 0 0 8 4 30 0 I 0 0 14 0 I 15 15 0 10 12 12 0 0 5 2 6 19 0 5 25 0 0 15 10 I 10 15 0 20 12 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 10 0 2 8 4 0 I 0 I 4 I 5 classical Checiny section, Polygnathus pennatus Hinde 1879 appears in set E, and is succeeded by an ancyrodellid (Fig, 29A, R) in the higher part of set H representing post-A. soluta stage of phylogeny (sensu Sandberg et al. 1989), No significant macrofaunal changes have been identified in the Checiny Beds in the critical (G/F-III to IC) interval due to severe facies hindrances, and the transition from the lower to upper Sitk6wka Beds represents generally similar case (but see tetracoral data in Wrzolek 1988, 1993). Brachiopod distribution at Checiny (Fig. 7) can be summarized in two principal points: (1) the subset F-I (Racki & Balinski 1981) is marked by the appearance of Uchtospirifer nalivkini (Lyashenko 1959), and (2) the characteristic atrypid Iowatrypa timanica (Markovsky 1938) entries in the middle portion of set I. This species pair marks the Middle- Late Devonian passage, as recently defined, in Russia and the Urals (Lyashenko 1973). ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 147 Fig. 3 2 . DA. J . Schmidtognathus cf. wittekindi Ziegler 1966. oblique-upper (A) and partial lower (J) view of damaged specimen; Poslowice PS 54. DB. Polygnathus cr. angustidiscus Youngquist 1945. lateral view of incomplete specimen with strongly reduced platform; Sitkowka-Kostrzewa SK 21 (B]. DC. Polygnathus angustidiscus Youngquist 1945. upper view of s peci me n with broken posteIior end ; SK Bx . DO-F. Polygnathus pollocki Druce 1976. upper (O-E) and lateral (F) views. note elonga ted a n d weakly ornamented platform with passages toward P. xylus ; G6ra Zamkowa GZ IS . DG. Polygnathus linguiformis linguiformis Hinde 1879 gamma morphotyp e Bultynck 1970. upper view ; Trzemoszna Tz x. DH. Polygnathus cf. ordinatus Huddle 1934. fragmentary s pecimen in upper view ; Poslowice Ps 50. 0 1. Polygnathus cf. eleg a n tulus Klapper & Lane 1985. upper view; Zegzelogora ZG 41 . All x 100 exc ept for A-B and G-H that a re taken x 50. De vonian reefs : RA CKI 14 8 Tab. 2 . Cono do n t di stribution a n d fre quency in sections of the J aiwica Member. Tz Trzemoszn a , Mz - Marzys z. Lg - Lagow: S - Sc hm idtogna thus. B - Belodella. E - Early . M Middle. L - Late . v - P. varcus. h - P. hermanni. d - K. disparilis.]'- M.falsiovalis . t - P. transitans. p - P. punctata: for other a b b reviatio ns see Tab. 1. Tz XI Mz X2 - 1 2 - I . subterminus P. p ol locki - P. s p . in det. I. s p . in det. S. cf. wittekindi P. deng leri P. la tifossa tus oz one elements - - - - - P. varcus P. dubius P. ala tus 1. exp a ns us I . a ff. latecarinatus O. br ev is P. webbi P. cf. ordinatus - 1 10 1 1 4 1 1 - 45 1 4 6 1 ~ 1 43 hop E v-j Lv] E v-t M v-j P. xy lus xylus P. ling . lingu iformis P. ling . cf. w eddigei P. d en isbricea e P. cf. timorensis P. aff. hemiansa tus I. ex. g r. brevis Pos lowice 30 X2 ?I 1 2 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 2 - 4 1 1 - - 8 11 2 3 1 17 X Lg 32 18 124 ? E v-t 1 2 10 - - - - - - - 5 1 1 3 ?I 1 ?I - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - ?3 ?2 - - - - Stok6wka 5 d ot f ?f 41 - 2 2 - 12 12 - - - ?2 - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 38 - 10 24 - - - - - - ?I - 2 - - - 1 - - - - - ?I 2 - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 3 - - - - - - - - 12 - - 3 - - - 2 - - 6 15 9 1 - - - 2 - - 1 2 - - - 1 2 - 3 5 - 1 7 - 2 IB - - - 1 hJ - ?I - Sowie G6rki C 50 52 54 - E v-t E v-p d -p ?J-p - - 1 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - ?I 2 5 2+ 1B - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - 1 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - ?2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 3 2 3 1 - 3 1 - - 5 Tab. 3 . Con od ont di stribution a n d fre quency of con odon ts in s ec tio ns of the J aiwica Member a n d Checiny Bed s . M - Mehlina: for other a b b revia ti on s see Tabs 1-2 . Zegzelogora Jaiwica Sosn6wka Sltk6w ka-Kostrzew a /41 6 17 19 !Sx 27128 13 6 7 11013 0 40 5 6 10 116 23a 2 1 431sxl73 110111111 31 1/311 11/1 h op d -p ?d -? t Mv-? ?J-? t d ·t d -p J-t J- t J-p I . s ubterminus P. p oUock i M. gradata I. expans us O. brevis P. xylus P. d en is bricea e P. a latus P. dubius 112011 ? 13 1 3 2 2 - 15 - 4 - 1 - P. sp. A P. cf.e legan tulus P. varcus P. a ff. dubius P. a ngustidiscus P. w ebb i P.sp . indet. I.s p . indet. ozone eleme n ts - - - - - 32 29 7 3 10 3 - 2 7 5 4 - - - - - ?5 - - ?I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?I - - 2 - - - - 2 5 2 2 _0 1 1~ 6I 10 5 3 14 3 1 - 15 4 2 3 1 1 - - - ?2 ? I - - - - - - - - - - - 1 ?I - - - - - ?2 - - ?I 10 4 - 5 8 12 4 ?2 1 1 - - ?I - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 12 2 7 - 1 - - - 16 - 5 - - - - 1 - ?2 9 72 - - - - 1 - 2 - - - - - - 1 1 ?I 2 5 1 - - - - 1 ?I 1 - ?I 9 12 7 - - 1 8 23 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 1 - 1 ?4 1 - - - - - - - - 2 - - 1 - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - - 2 2 - 20 1 1 8 3 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 149 Fig. 33. Polygnathus sp. A, upper (A-H) and lower (I) views; Sosn6wka Sn 23a (A), Sitk6wkaKostrzewa SK-II/ 1 (B), Zegzelog6ra ZG 30 ZG 56 (D-E), ZG 40 (F, H-I), G6ra Zamkowa GZ 207 (G). All x 48 except for H-I that is x 57. The specimens are marked by more conspicuous. infrequently asymmetrical flaring of platform than even most broad in outer part (P.foliatustype) varietes of widespread P. dubius, the neotype including (Huddle 1970: PI. 10: 5-6; also Bultynck 1982: PI. 3: 9). From P. ovatinodosus Ziegler & Klapper 1976 they differ in having much shorter free blade and frequently asymmetrical platform with incomplete carina. Forms from the sample GZ 207 (G) in more upturned margins and the 'waist' of the almost symmetrical, ribbed platform are somewhat similar to P. sp. A sensu Uyeno (1974: p. 41, PI. 4 : 9 only), and P. aequalis Klapper & Lane 1985. «». The first species indicates the Lower Kyn subhorizon of the Late Givetian (K. disparilis or M.falsiovalis Zone; cr. Khalymbadzha et al. 1985; Rzhonsnitskaja 1988), while the atrypid is typical for the basal Frasnian Sargaievo horizon. Uchtospirifer is reported also from the Givetian-Frasnian transition ('F2a') of the Ardenne and Boulonnais successions (Brice 1982). In consequence, the bottom part of the cycle GjF-III exhibits, with reservations noted above, the latest Givetian biostratigraphic features, while the oldest Frasnian attribute comes from the basal IC-Complex, i.e. the ancyrodellid from the set H of Checiny. The stage boundary may be located just below or near bottom of the latter unit, e.g. in the middle part of the Checiny Beds, somewhere within the sets F-G. Unfortunately, this 150 Devonian reefs: RACKl inference may be only crudely supported by the correlation with more accurately dated Wietrznia sections due to obscured cycle record in the coarse-grained sequences. Base of the Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level.- The Detrital Beds, occurring directly below the Phlogoiderhynchus Level in the Checiny sequence (set J), belong already to the Palmatolepis punctata Zone (Narkiewicz 1973) as shown by the index palmatolepid (Fig. 34). The following transgressive set of the cycle F-I certainly represents the same zone, as evidenced by the occurrence of AncyrodeUa gigas Youngquist 1947 in the Kowala section (see also Szulczewski & Racki 1981). Eustatic framework of the depositional history In the face of generally weak biostratigraphic evidence (the almost complete lack of any pelagic fossils), the sections in the southwestern part of the Holy Cross Mountains can be correlated and non-directly dated by attribution to regional sedimentary cycles of mostly eustatic nature (Figs 7 , 35-36; Racki 1985b, 1988). Johnson, Klapper & Sandberg (1985) constructed a qualitative sea-level curve for the Devonian (see also House 1985; Johnson & Sandberg 1988) that may serve as the reference standard. Thus, the main factor of extrabasinal control on vast Middle and Late Devonian carbonate shelves was the sea level movement, with little contribution of local tectonics. In the Givetian to early Frasnian epeiric sea of the Holy Cross Mountains area, an influence of synsedimentary tectonics can be recognized mainly in the Wietrznia subregion (Szulczewski 1989; Racki & Bultynck in preparation). The eustatic standard was originally derived from five widely disjunct Euramerican platform areas. A lot of information emerged subsequently, also from Poland and Russia, which enables some refinement of the scheme (see also Hladil 1986). The major pulses are correlatable with global bio-events (House 1985; Walliser 1985; Weddige 1988; Boucot 1990). The biotic response for the Late Givetian transgression is called herein 'M esotaxis Event' as an alternative for the 'asy m me tricus Event' proposed by Walliser (1992). Manticoceras Event (Frasne Event of House 1985) is arbitrarily assigned to the Cycle IIc. Two prominent late Givetian and early Frasnian deepening pulses are recognized in the sequences of the Kowala Formation, and they can be traced northward, too. Otherwise, two stratigraphically older significant deepening events are apparent in the Middle Devonian fossiliferous succession of the Bodzentyn Syncline (Pajchlowa 1957): (1) the platform (lagoonal and dolomitic) Wojciechowice Beds were abruptly transgreded by open-shelf, marly-limy deposits of the Skaly Beds, and (2) the shaly Nieczulice Beds (Sntadka Formation of Klossowski 1985) overlie the Pokrzywianka-type buildup or clastic Swietomarz Beds. The first onlap ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 151 Fig. 34. Frasnian con od on ts of th e Phlogoiderhynchus Level at Kowal a (A-O ; see Fig. 24 for sam p le location), and underlying Detrital Beds of Checiny (E); upper view s. DA. Polygnathus w ebbi Stauffer 193 8 ; WI 0 -2 . D B. M esotaxis asymmetrica (Bis choff & Ziegler 1957); WI 0-2. DC . Palmatolepis transitans Muller 1956: WI 0 -1 . DO . Ancyrodella gigas Youngquist 1945; WI 0 -2. DE. Palmatolep is punctata (Hinde 1879) ; GZ -V J x . All x 4 8 . begins at or near the Tortodus kockelianus - P. ensensis zonal boundary, the second one is in the Middle P. varcus Subzone (Malec 1984, Kowalczewski & Malec 1990). The latter profound Middle Givetian facies shift is also indicated by drowning of the ca rb on a te bank portion in the Kostomloty area at the top of the Stringocephalus Beds in the Laskowa sequence (Racki e t al. 1985). The overall cyclic pattern may extend much eastward to the Lublin area (ef. Narkiewicz 1988). but more accurate dating of eastern sequences is prerequisite. The Debnik Limestone of the Cracow Devonian exhib its only a weak trans gr es sive facie s trend acr os s the Givetian-Frasnian passage interval, cu lm inating in a distinct ea rly Frasnian d eepening pulse, proba bly in the M. transita ns Zone (Narkiewi cz & Ra cki 1987; Narkiewicz 1988) . T-R Cycles If-lla (Nowakia otomari and Taghanic Events) Regional setting.- The latest Eifelian a nd Middle Givetian worldwide trans gres sions a re expected to influence d eposition on the Kielc e platform as it wa s well evide nced for the a djacent Kostornloty-Lysogory intrashelf b a sin. Despite several biostratigraphic indications gathered from the Kielce Region a n d Si ewierz a rea, d is cu s s ed in the previous chap ter, only so mewhat s pecu lative correla tio n of th es e eve nts with the biparti te cycle 152 Devonian reef s : RACKl G-I of the Stringocephalus Beds can be proposed (Figs 3, 37). A lot of uncertainty remains in such interpretated eustatic framework and the three main alternatives have to be considered within the limits of possible dating errors: (1) An initial phase of the Cycle If may be recorded in the basal biostromal-dolomitic unit of the Kowala Formation, and thus responsible for a gradual decline of strictly hypersaline sedimentation (cf. Narkiewicz 1991). (2) The base of the Kowala Formation correlates with the Middle Givetian onlap, which would imply an extraordinary relic character of the faunas . (3) Possible extension of the lower part of the .Jazwica Member in the Poslowice facies as low as the Middle P. varcus Subzone would indicate that the mid-Givetian sea-level rise had drowned some portions of the Kielce biostromal platform. This scenario would imply similar deposition in the Kostomloty slope area, manifested in the Laskowa Gora Beds, and this more submerged bank fragment corresponding to widened variant of the Gorno-Daleszyce depressional area, which was indicated later by southward spreading of the deeper water sedimentation of the Szydlowek Beds ('basin tongue'; Figs 2, 150) . According to this interpretation, the .Jazwica Member would record two superimposed Givetian deepening pulses in the continuosly open shelf Poslowice-type successions, but only the later one in the Bolechowice facies area. Notably, large regressions documented for many Givetian successions (Hladil 1986; Braun et al. 1988; Johnson & Sandberg 1988), are difficult to recognize in the Givetian of the Kielce Region. However, Kowalczewski & Malec (1990) emphasized the Significance of intra-Givetian block uplifts in the adjacent areas, that are recorded also in a terrigenous influx to the Lysogory basin [Swietomarz Beds; Czarnocki 1950). Supra-regional aspects. - Despite the somewhat unclear nature of the N. otomari Event (Truyols-Massoni et al. 1990), the base of the Skaly Beds corresponds to the original concept of this global event (Walliser 1985) being lastly regarded as 'natural' middle of the Middle Devonian (Bultynck et al. 1991). The transgressive pulse seems to be connected also with the base of the Mosolovo horizon of Russia that is not very reliably dated as the P. ensensis/P. varcus zonal boundary interval (Aristov 1988; Rzhonsnitska]a 1988: Tab. 2). The Middle Givetian Taghanic inundation, only broadly synchronous, followed a regressive episode and is belived to be of paramount importance in Euramerica as the beginning of the second Devonian major depositional cycle (sensu Johnson et al. 1985). It may be identified in the erosional base of the Staryi Oskol horizon of Russia, dated with the Icriodus difficilis fauna by Aristov (1988), and in Bohemia (Chlupac 1988). Nevertheless, the trangressive pulse is difficult to detect not only in some offshore localities of Johnson et al. (1985), but also on the whole Australian and Siberian continental blocks (Talent & Yolkin 1987). This resembles the situation in 153 ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) V;EI... ...' KAWCZYN G STOKOWKA 30 / , o , I H F-I .... , / , / , / / ·~ ~ '\ 1'\ D~ SKA / K ~ ~ftl:= I 1"""'\ ~'l "' .......... r'"\1"'"\ , F· G/F-III E: n" A ~ I~ V'\ I / I 1'1 ~ ...~+= ZEGZELOGORA SOSNOWKA I ~I ... .. _' " ~. . A-~g : f · ~ ; . ...•. · ~ t- 2 3 . ' <0 A :.. · . ' f/ G-I C -, RZEPKA 10 /GZ-I ~ I G-II -8 ~ GZ -III I Gr,,-..,"n: IC WOLA 1"""\",' " ZAMKOWA GORA / " • ~ t"\ I ,. ~. '/Y. ...,?'... ". ? -: - - , / F - -, -. - ~ f/ ~ I I~ lg 56 - " ' ' ' ~ 1 70 , ZBRZA ~ ~ :( ~ ies o~ ~rtfes/caICiud == , -. . ... -.. c:::::l C F='"::::l macrofossil-poor ~ calcilutites/calcarenites (M-6) M-l) (M.2) fossiliferous calcilutites (M-3) :';JI~C() spiculitic calcilutites (M-4) IB-rol coral limestones(R-1) I Y It I Stachyodes linestone (R-2) k'~ "'"~ ' I limestones stromatoporoid (R-3) !oQ(>QQI macrotossil-poor calcarenites (L-1) ITT""l amphiporid ~ limestones(L-2) fenestral laminites (L-3) macrofossil-poor calcilutites (L-4) / //// II II secondary dolomites eogenetic dolomites Iumachelles Fig. 35. Major depositional cyclicity as the basis for correlation of the sections within the paleolow area of Checiny-Zbrza. Transitional Stok6wka section (see Fig . 36) is included too. Succession of the Zbrza Anticline modified after Kucia (1987). Numbers refer to conodont samples (Tabs 1.3). Facies are coded as in the 'Fa cies types account' . Marocco (O.H. Walliser, letter communication), Moravia (Galle et al. 1988) and Rhenish Slate Mountains (ef. Clausen & Ziegler 1989), as well as in southern Poland shelf. Hence, it is an additional suggestion in favour of the T -R Cycle If as being responsible for the drastic facies changes toward biostromal-type deposition initiating the Stringocephalus Beds, even if the Taghanic transgressive event led to the far more extensive organic framebuilding preceding accelerated early Frasnian reef accretion (House 1992). T-R Cycle lIb (Mesotaxis Event) Regional setting.- The Late Givetian inundation is undoubtedly indicated by the incursion of the open shelf .Jazwica Member, replaced by the 154 Devonian reefs: RACK! Tenticospirijer Level eastward, into the Kielce platform, but also by a southward shift of this platform margin between the time of deposition of the Laskowa G6ra and Szydl6wek Beds. The sedimentary response is slightly diachronous in the differentiated platform slope setting (Racki & Bultynck in preparation), but always within the range of broadly defined K. disparilis to K. jalsiovalis zonal passage. As noted by House (1985) in eustatic events, depth maxima of local sequences correlate more exactly with each oter than transgressive pulse signatures which depend too much on local hypsography (see also summary in Vail et at 1991). Supra-regional aspects.- Originally, the initial diachronous inception was arbitrarily separated by Johnson et al. (1985) from the main cluster of the early Frasnian onlaps, and recognized with some doubts in four reference areas of Euramerica. The finally established pattern of the T -R Cycle IIb was based on two quite different conodont lines of evidence: (1) In North America, the Waterways transgression in Canada, and the Devils Gate Limestone overlapping Bay State Dolomite barrier in Nevada, are guided chiefly by shallow-water Pandorinellina insita biofacies that only indirectly, via Skeletognathus nolTisi (Uyeno 1967), is correlative with the pelagic standard (former 'Lowermost P. asymmetricus Zone') in its oldest part (Johnson et at 1980: p. 97). Nevertheless, the lower boundary of this biofacies range is not very precisely known (Bultynck 1986: p. 273). The P. insita Fauna is preceded in shelf settings by the two more restricted 1. subterminus Faunas (Witzke et at 1988) ultimately assigned to the K. disparilis Zone (Braun et at 1988). Thus, the basal transgressive signal or signals would be difficult to Identlfy in areas where P. insita Stauffer 1938 and S . norrisi were eliminated due to biogeographic and/or ecologic constraints which is the frequent case for the Holy Cross Mountains, Russian and Rhenish conodont faunas . (2) Basal Frasnian ('F2a') transgression in Belgium begins with faciescontrolled (Bultynck 1982) entry of earliest ancyrodellids, possibly near the Givetian/Frasnian boundary level of the global stratotype (Sandberg et al. 1989) in the Early M. jalsiovalis Zone, viz . later than in the North American sites. Noticeably, however, the conodont-bearing basal set of the upper Fromelennes Formation ('FIe'; Fort du Hulobiet Member in Bultynck et at 1991) is marked by thin-layered lime-marly lithologies with poor brachiopod ('Martinia') and gastropod fauna (Coen & Coen-Aubert 1971; Bultynck 1974: Figs 3, 5), and scarce conodonts (Bultynck 1982), comprising predominantly I. subterminus and P. ins ita. The data are strongly suggestive that this very segment of the Fromelennes succession corresponds to rather obscured inception of the T-R Cycle IIb. It is assumed to be equivalent to the .Jazwica Member; this maybe refers also to ' C rurit hy r is? -H au p tlager' of the upper Wallersheim Formation in the Eifel Mts (Struve 1964), but its correlation with the Fort du Hulobiet Member remains uncertain. Thus, the abrupt facies change at the bottom of the Frasnes Group represents rather a regional event of epeirogenic origin possibly recorded also in the basal Oos Formation of the Rhenish ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 155 e m onco ids 60 30 1 ... ~-; · - fi ~ I - ~ , ...;'" BOLECHOWICE -PANEK KOWALA .::3 ~i1;, y o i~: ~a-typ e neptunian dykes SITKOWKA AREA JAWORZNIA •...:.:... .. - Q; -/- - .. KOWALA / ~ ..... r ; -:-; Regional cyc les F· II F-I IC G/F-III G-II ·'· . . ill E .•.. ' ',' _ , ' : ' O " 7" T c , -.". . A . "-':'::-';..1 POSt. OWICE ~ f! : . /;, G6RA c SOt.TYSIA Po ' u / / 11 ARZYSZ , -:~ "' t:n rv. ~ A ~ - b ~ '% i ~ Middle qua rry w SOWlE GORKI o ;: o '"o < a: t.AB~DZI 6w ~ Fig. 36. Maj or cyclicity as the ba si s for correla tion of the sectio ns of the pal eohtgh Kielc e Region in the we s te rn Holy Cross Mts . Pro files of the Sitk6wka -Bolechowice area (Kowal a. .Jazwica , Panek) mostly a fte r Kazmierczak (I 97Ib). Stromatop oroid -d etrital lim estones co m pri se talus- like variety of th e Fa cies R-3r. Numbers refer to conodon t sam ples (Tab. 3). Slate Mountains (see dating in Sartenaer 1980), a n d . maybe in the cycle G/F-III within the Sitk6wka biostromal complex. The in ception of the eustatic cycle under discussion is restricted to the K. disparilis to M. falsioualis zon a l passage (pre -ancyrodellid span), but because of crude correlation in the shelf successions. stepwise nature of 156 Devonian reefs: RACKl the superimposed transgressive pulses can not be excluded (see e .g. Upper Pharciceras horizon of Ebert 1992, subcycle IIa-3 of Witzke et at 1988) . It is quite probable that this post-Stringocephalus deepening event was far more significant than assumed by Johnson et at (1985). Overstepping facies progressions are well documented not only in North America (Braun et al. 1988; Witzke et at 1988) but also in the progressive Kyn flooding in Russia and the Urals (Rzhonsnitskaja 1988) . This profound event has a variable sedimentary record (Kliuzhina 1981 : Fig. 1) and, judging from current conodont datings, corresponds to K. disparilis and/or M. falsiovalis Zones (Khalymbadzha et at 1985). The deepening pulse can be seen in the bottom of the Moravian Ochoz Cycle (Galle et al. 1988). Likewise, Talent & Yolkin (1987) claimed that the transgression at the base of the T -R Cycle IIb was noticeably important for the southern Siberian, and possibly Australian successions, although their dating remains somewhat ambiguous. T-R Cycle lIe sensu lata (Manticoceras Event) Regional setting.- The early Frasnian deepening is well established in the area (Narkiewicz 1988). The base of the transgressive Phlogoiderhynchus Marly Level falls within the P. punctata Zone in the southern Kielce and Checiny-Zbrza areas, which is in accordance with the dating of the inundation elsewhere (Johnson et at 1985) . Nonetheless, a similar facies changeover in the Wietrznia-Kostomloty transect is dated precisely by Racki & Bultynck (in preparation) as the early P. transitans Zone, being aided by the entry of Ancyrodella rugosa Branson & Mehl 1934 (cf. Sandberg et at 1989), and marked by the appearance of a cephalopod fauna with Manticoceras (see Racki et at 1985). This initial flooding is followed in the area by a continuing deepening in the P. punctata Zone, expressed in reduction of debris influx from the Kadzielnia reef, paired with periodic anoxic conditions expansion in the deeper-water setting (see e.g. set C of Kostomloty). Therefore, the final drowning of the southern periphery of the incipient Dyminy reef most probably coincides with the repeated transgressive signal on its northern flank . Supra-regional aspects.- The renewed sea-level rise in the early Frasnian P. transitans Zone is evident over areas of the Russian Platform and Urals from fully marine carbonate strata of the Sargaievo horizon. The trend starts already in the M. falsiooalis Zone, corresponding to the local Ancyrodella rotundiloba zone (Rzhonsnitskaja 1988), and was considerably sustained at least to the P. hassi Zone as shown by appearance of deep-marine, bituminous-shaly Domanik suite (Kirikov 1988) . The likely worldwide transgression in the former 'Lower P. asymmetricus Zone' was already underlined by Narkiewicz (1988) and Racki (1988), and evidence from Poland, and other areas was cited (for new supporting data see Kirchgasser et at 1988; Reissner 1989: Belka & Wendt 1991 : Ebert 1992). ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 157 Remarkably, the early Frasnian goniatite break (House 1985; Walliser 1985) coincides with this very zone. The Holy Cross Mountains sections prove either the sustained deepening in the Kostomloty area or drowning event on the Kielce platform in the P. punctata Zone. Hence, the preceding onlap in the P. transitans Zone is considered as a prelude to T -R Cycle Ilc instead a retarded step of the Cycle Ilb (Narkiewicz 1988) and designed as the Subcycle lIb/c. The broadly defined Givetian to Frasnian boundary interval is thus marked by a continuous series of deepening events. Complex large-scale tectonic effects, jointly with orogenic activity (see Ziegler 1988 for summary), were taken by Talent & Yolkin (1987) as seriously biasing effects of eustasy by this time and such situation is described e.g. from the Cantabrian zone (Raven 1983). Dessication of evaporite basins could also contribute to sea-level rises (cf. Schlager 1981; Johnson et al. 1985), especially in the Givetian epicontinental seas. Late Frasnian events The largest Devonian transgressive anoxic pulse in the early Late P. rhenana Zone (T-R Cycle Ile) is well recorded in the depositional history of the Kielce Region (Narkiewicz 1988; Szulczewski 1989) . This is best shown by bituminous marly strata with pelagic fauna overlying detrital foreslope deposits containing variable microbial-metazoan mounds and knolls (Hoffmann & Paszkowski 1992). Nevertheless, the coarse-grained deposits, with much evidence of rapid intraformational erosion, correspond chiefly to the preceding regressive/epeirogenic event (Narkiewicz 1988, Racki 1991) . This pattern seems recognizable across almost the whole western Holy Cross Mountains region, maybe extending even to the Lysogory basin (Czarnocki 1950), marking also the top of the Kowala Formation (Fig. 3). The latest Frasnian displays a serious submergence of the Dyminy reef and the final sedimentation phase is characterized by presence of coralbearing, chiefly grained deposits of the assumed cap-type. Protected areas still populated by Amphipora meadows lasted locally, maybe e.g. in the elevated Miedzianka area (cf. Malec & Racki 1993), until the final reef demise just prior to the Frasnian-Famennian boundary (cf. Szulczewski 1971 : p . 75; compare also Kazmierczak & Goldring 1978 and Miklas in Racki et al. in press b). This event was connected with major sea-level changes (main Kellwasser Event of Walliser 1985; see summary in Racki 1990), and related climatic and oceanographic phenomenes (cf. autocyclic model of Buggisch 1991). An influence of several active tectonic blocks within the Swiety Krzyz Fracture zone may be implied from abrupt lateral changes of the later Frasnian sedimentation within the Kostomloty area, according to data of Szulczewski (1971) and Malkowski (1981) . The extermination of the reef was also partly associated with movement and uplift of some blocks 158 Devonian reefs: RACKI (Szulczewski 1989; Racki 1991), maybe as a response to intensified extensional tectonics coupled with isostatic compensation (cf. Cocozza & Gandin 1990). Conclusions Geobiological history.- The local ecostratigraphic bioevents (sensu Kauffman 1986) recognized in the Devonian of the Holy Cross Mountains (Fig. 37) led to a stepwise colonization of the backstepping carbonate platform after a dolomitic hypersaline phase (see Figs 12, 16, 22 : Racki 1988). Euryhaline biota of varied micro-organisms and amphiporids represented the pioneer settlement pre-G-I phase. The possibly late Eifelian two-step facies changeover is likely to correspond to the climatic evolution from arid to more humid conditions and/or an inundation, recording e .g. T -R Cycle Ie, and reflected in rhythmically changing sedimentary conditions (Narkiewicz 1991). The proposed major extra-regional colonization is a local expression of two following, latest Eifelian and Middle Givetian sea-level rises of T-R Cycles If and IIa. The resultant immigration waves spread over the whole Stringocephalus biostromal bank across southern Poland and Moravia. A regressive trend culminated in mudflat growth and caused also a first total demise of the specialized biostromal and lagoonal biotas. It was a reflection of the global extinctions in the late phase of the T -R Cycle IIa (Stringocephalid Event of Talent et al. 1991; Ebert 1992). The Late Givetian flooding of T -R Cycle lIb had the most drastic biotic response. Two opposing processes took place: (1) inter-regional immigration of normal marine species derived chiefly from the survivors of the stratigraphically older Lysogory-type biotas, followed by (2) second extinction pulse due to seaward bank progradation of the Givetian-type species, especially among coral and perhaps also crinoid associations. This transgressive event coincides with the highest Givetian peak of terminal extinction percentage (Ebert 1992) which resembles the pattern around the Permo-Triassic boundary (Hallam 1992). The sea-level rise produced an incipient drowning of the shelf and the shallow-water Miedzianka area appears to be an unique refuge for prolific shallow-water faunas. With the flooding sea they migrated to this site from the northern periphery of the Kielce platform via hypothetical western route. The most abundant echinoderm-brachiopod-sponge biota was localized in the northwestern part of the studied area, possibly owing to open-sea influences from the Kostomloty basin on one side, and temporary growth of the charophyte algal meadows in shallowing parts (Racki & Racka 1981). After this facies turnover, the Givetian to Frasnian passage was an interval of ecologically depauperate ecosystem in generally regressive regime (cf. closed ecological system sensu McGhee e t al. 1992: see also 159 ACTA PALAEO NTO LO G ICA POLONICA (3 7) (2-4) DEPTH CURVE BIG-EVEN TS SEA-LEVEL CURVE (+) 12 t1c Q~ f~ m ~ -o Q. 0. - ~ '" '" Z -c Z en -c a: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .c ,," (ij ~ >- c "g u.. ~ c3 a: c. c. u.. W w m~ c.u "'~ - ~.c - - ~ ;; t- C ..J 0 :;c m il ~ '">-c ~ o Cl <ll 0; o :g :c ... ~ w ~ z -c ~ W .!? i= (ij ~ extincti on of relics ~ > a m B ~ m ~ c ~:.o Z ~ :J w u.. W . ~ Q. ~ i5 ~ m u lD ~ '"~ 0 0> P.ensensis . ~ "~ ~0 "" £ en sabkha dol. & lim. grea t extraregiona l co lonization waves climatic ch ange eogenetic dolomites Fig . 37. Reg ional bioevent pattern of the Givetian to early Frasnian carbonate shelf of the southwestern Ho ly Cross Mts (cf. Racki 19 88: Fig. 7. modified) . Sea-level curve based on Johnson et al (1985: Fig . 12) . J ohns on 1990). This was only for a b ri ef time reversed by epeirogen ic m ovemen ts (cycle G/F-IIIJ, which resulted in atrypid-cri noid b iota thriving. In itia tion of the Dyminy reef growth was connected with a third large wave of co lonizers. wit h massive stromatoporoids and the cyanobacteria. chiefly renalcids, as important constructors of reef commu n ities. The ch iefly extra-regional influx of the Frasnian-ty pe species is also involved in origin a tion of very ric h. although mostly endemic bioherm b iotas quickly extinguished by an accelerated sea-leve l rise . Bioti c responses to the Mid dle Frasnian (llc) flooding are limited to an appearance of several new shelly level-b ottom and pelagic faunas (Styliolina . conodonts) of distinctly Kostomloty-Lysog6ry affinities. Th is is also recorded in the 160 Devonian reefs: RACKI temporary growth of coral muddy biostromes in reef interior areas. The shallowing Checiny-Zbrza intrashelf basin was subsequently marked by wide distribution of flank, crinoid-brachiopod assemblages. Climate.- The predominance of micritic matrix in the Kowala Formation points to intensive precipitation of calcium carbonate by non-skeletal green algae and bacteria in subtropical realm (cf, Hladil 1986: p. 7; Preat & Mamet 1989). The absence of early dolomites and sulphates, and moderate diversity algal biotas with dasyclads in tidal systems suggest rather rainy, semi-humid conditions (Boulvain & Preat 1987; Tucker & Wright 1991: pp. 154-155; see also Racki 1986a) . As discussed by Boucot (1988, 1990) the progressive smoothing of global climatic gradient linked with the sustained eustatic rise were one of the main reasons for the Middle Devonian biotic changeovers. In the shelf of southern Poland, the warming event proposed by the cited author for the Eifelian/Givetian boundary interval, might coincide with two-step termination of hypersaline deposition (Fig. 37) . The Lysogory sections should be examined in this respect, especially the cyclic sequence ending the Eifelian Wojciechowice Beds. However, the Holy Cross Mountains area was placed in the southern arid belt by Witzke & Heckel (1988), which require additional factors to be taken into account to explain climatic evolution of this part of the Laurasian shelf (see example for the Ardenne Givetian by Boulvain & Preat 1987). Trophic structure.- In general terms, the Devonian bank- to-reef shelf ecosystems represented a highly productive carbonate factory (Wilson 1975; Schlager 1981), especially if the main reef-formers possessed zooxanthellae (Risk et at 1987). Its trophic interpretations (see Fagerstrom 1987 for summary) remain still speculative because of doubtful taxonomic affiliation of many members of its inferred nucleus. High primary production is inferred for restricted lagoon areas. It is suggested by both taxonomic diversity of the benthic algae and phytoplankton, and the structure of biotas suggestive of eutrophic environment (Kazmierczak et al. 1985) . This source supported extensive development of rich epifaunal suspension-feeders communities in reef and open shelf settings. Lagoon-derived micritized grains and, consequently, also particulate matter, were abundantly transported to adjacent areas (see Facies M-6). It seems also reasonable that plentiful soft-bodied deposit-feeders, probably mostly polychaetes, and scavengers thrived in lagoonal and intershoal habitats where their presence was recorded by trace fossils and pellets. Nevertheless, the most abundant fossilized herbivorous and detritus-feeding benthic communities in the Poslowice intershoal (Racki & Racka 1981) and Kadzielnia-type mud mounds utilized rather local plant resources. The highest levels of the trophic pyramid were largely occupied by diverse nektonic vertebrates (Liszkowski & Racki 1993) and rarely by nautiloid cephalopods. The former are believed to depend on variety of diets in the Devonian and ranged from detritus-feeders and scavengers ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLO NICA (37) (2-4) 161 (some placoderms) to active predators (acanthodians, elasmobranchs) . Also conodonts were represented probably by both small-size n ektobenthic (in case of icriodontids), a nd pelagic elements. The only well esta b lished exa m ple of zooplankton was the Frasnian styliolinid community. In regional perspective. the prominent differences in biotic div ersity b etween northern (Wietrznia-Kadzielnia) a n d southern periphery of the Kielc e s h oa l region reflect differences in oceanographic/topographic setting (windward versus leeward. s tre ngh t of con tou r -followin g currents , slope profile e tc .: Klovan 1974; Read 1985; Kenter 1990) for cing varying biological productivity d ependent e.g. on upwelling of nutrient-rich waters n ear the edge of the northern intrashelf basin. Acknowledgements I wi sh thank a ll the pers ons that h a ve assisted m e with the s tu dy. in particular a ll t he a u t h ors of a rticles in the volume. Seve ral co lleagues reviewed early dra ft s a n d their c riticis ms gUided m e in final ver si on. Especially. I am grate fu l to Profes sor M. Narkiewicz , a nd Dr. T. Wr zolek for the ir co ns tructive d is cu s si ons . Some p roblems were cons u lted with Profes sors O.H . Wallis e r, J.G. J ohns on . P. Bultynck a nd A. Prea t , Dr. W. Struve a n d J . Ebert. MS c. Va riou s te chnical works done by Mr s L. Wa wro , E. Kozik. G . La ko my. A. S liwicka D . Lis a n d E. Teper a re kindly ack nowle dged. I thank m y wi fe. Maria Ra cka, fo r field assis ta nce. tol e r ance. and pers ev erance. Co re m a terial wa s s t u d ied through the cou r tesy o f th e Directorate of the State Ge olo gi cal In s ti tute at Kielce. References Ager, D .Voo 1973 . Th e Nature oj the Stratig ra p h ica l Record. 11 4 p p. 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Register of localities The listed localities (Figs 2-3) are refered to in all papers of this volume. Lithologic subunits are designated by letters. Lysog6ry (northern) region Skaly.- Exposures on the eastern slope of the Dobruchna river valley, ca. 4 .5 km N of Nowa Siupia, within the Grzegorzowice-Skaly section. Wojclechowice Beds to Nieczulice Beds; Eifelian to Middle Givetian (Pajchlowa 1957; Malec 1984). Swi~tomarz.Exposures in the Psarka river valley. 5.5 km NE of Bodzentyn, within the Swietomarz-Sniadka section. Wojciechowice Beds to Nieczulice Beds [Sntadka formation); Eifelian to Middle Givetian (Czarnocki 1950; K1ossowski 1985). Kostomloty transitional zone Czarnow.- Non-continuous exposures in an overgrown railway cut (mostly only as rubble) and a largely covered road cut near Kielce-Czarn6w station, three trenches in the northeastern slope of the Grabinowa hill. abandoned peasant quarries along the southern slope of the this hill . Partly dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds (A), Szydl6wek Beds (B) to Wietrznia Beds (C-D); Early(?) Givetian to Early Frasnian (Filonowicz 1967; Szulczewski 1971 ; Racki & Bultynck in preparation) . Domaszowice.- Overgrown peasant quarry localized N of the Kielce-Opat6w road, E of the village. A few meters offossiliferous (silicified coral-bearing) detrital limestones. presumably higher Kostomloty Beds; Late Frasnian (F. rhenana Zone) . Gorno.- Poor outcrops in the road cut G6rno-Daleszyce and two quarries (one of them large and active) on the J6zefka hill 1.4 km S of the village; several exposures at the village by the road Kielce-Opat6w and in the Warkocz stream valley. Dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds. Laskowa G6ra Beds (A), Szydlowek Beds (B). to varied Detrital/Marly Beds (a variety of Kostomloty Beds) with the lowest organodetrital set C referred to the Wietrznia Beds; ?Late Givetian to Frasnian (Filonowicz 1969; Malkowski 1981 ; Racki & Bultynck in preparation) . Kostomloty-East (Kostomloty-IV).- Outcrops along the Kostomloty hills with five exposures enable reconstruction of a composite section. Sets A-B represent Laskowa G6ra Beds and Szydl6wek Beds, respectively, whereas s ets C-H corespond to units A-F of Szulczewski (1981) within the Kostomloty Beds. This easternmost exposure is represented by several old pits in the western and middle pari of the eastern Kostomloty hill . Higher Kostomloty Beds (?F-H) ; Late Frasnian (Szulczewski 1971) . Kostomloty-West (Kostomloty-!II) .- An abandoned peasant quarry in the eastern part of the western Kostomloty hill . Middle Kostomloty Beds (?E-F) ; Late Frasnian (Szulczewski 1971). 172 Devonian reef s : RAC KI Krzemucha (Kos toml o ty-I) .- Mos tly covered quarry in the western most part of the hill . by t he Kielce -S trawczyn road . Middle Szyd l6wek Beds to low er Kos tomlo ty Beds (units B2-? D only); Frasnian (Ra cki et a l. 19 8 5) . Laskowa (Laskowa G6r a) .- Acti ve quarry on a h ill N of the village Laskowa. Dolomitized Stringocep halus Beds to lower Szydl6wek Beds (un its A-B I of t h e co m posite Kos tomloty section ); Givetian (Ra cki et a l. 19 85) . Male G6rki (Kos tomloty-lI ; Laskowa i n Biernat & Sz ulczewsk i 1975) .- S mall active quarry a djacent to b oth th e Laskowa a n d Krze m ucha ex posu res . with th e easter n wall b eing a protected area. Mid dl e Szydl6we k Beds to lower Kos t omlot y Beds (units B2- D); Early through Middle Frasn ian (Ra cki et a l. 1985; Ra cki & Bu lty nck in p rep ara tio n) . Mogilki (Kos t omloty -V).- A s mall quarry in the n orthea stern p art of the Kos tomloty hills . and n earby pits. Large part of the Kos tomloty Bed s (? C-?F) ; la ter Frasn ia n . Radlin.- Rural quarries a n d loos e bl ocks of wa ste on th e hill. 1.3 km S of the villa ge (Kielce-Opatow road ). Szyd l6wek Be ds (A) to Kostomloty Be ds (chiefly m arly -n odula r variety . B); latest(?) Givet ian to the la ter Frasn ian . Sluchowice (Sltchowicel>- A s pectacu la r in a ctive protec ted qu arry near the Kielce -Herby rail ro ad station . n orthwes tern pa rt of Kielc e . Basal Wietrznia Beds (A-B) to Kos tomloty Bed s (C); com p lete l'P) Frasnian (Szulczew ski 1971 ; Ra cki & Bultynck in preparation) . Szydl6wek.- Temporary pi ts a n d dugs by Manifes t Lipcowy Stree t . and cu t of this s treet across t he Szydl6wek hill; poor ex posu res occu r a ls o a long the foot of the hill (N of the Bocianek qu a rter). a n d in the ro ad cu t by Warsza wska S treet (S z-I) . Szyd l6we k Bed s . s u b divide d into lower (A). middl e (B) and upper (C) parts ; La te Givetian to Early Frasnian (Biernat & S zu lcze wsk i 1975; Ra cki & Bultynck in p re paration ). Wola Jachowa.- Minute exposu res on a low hill . 200 m W of the villa ge. Upper S zydl6w ek Bed s ; earliest Fra snian (Racki & Bultynck in prepara ti on) . Northern-Kielce subregion Bialogon.- Alm ost com plete ly covere d old quarry n ear railway statio n . Dark a m p hi po rid bi os tromes; Givetian (Giirich 18 9 6) . Daleszyce.- Small outcrops a n d rubbl e on hills W and N of the town. a n d on the ch u rc h hill . Detrital Beds (in cluding rena lcid varieties. a nd intraformational breccia e) to Manticoceras Lim estone (coral - a n d cri noid- bearing cher rish - grey mi crites) ; Fra snian (Filon owi cz 1976). G6ra Cmentarna.- Mostly fille d old quarry and s mall n atural exposu res n ear a ce metery by Sctegien n ego S treet. To p most S it k6wka Bed s (A)grad ing into the Kadzieln ia Lim es tone (B); Early Fra snian (Gawlik in Rack i et al. in pres s a ). Grabina.- Ab and on ed quarry on the hill . 1 km W of the Karcz 6wka mona stery; s im ilar-age ro cks were uncov ered in th e n earby Dalnia (Szulczewski 1971 . 1973) and Karcz6wka hills . Highest S itk6wka(?) Beds (s troma top or oid lim estone s . A) a nd Detrital Bed s (s et B co m p rising rena lcid- s tromatolit e-Stachyod es b oundston es ; calcaren ites wi th th e b a s al coral-b earing b ed. set C); Middle(?) and Later Frasn ian (Wrzol ek 198 8; Go defro id & Ra cki 1990) . Jaworznia.- Large a band oned q uarry a djoin ing to lime-kilns a t the village [Glazek & Romanek 1978); olde r strata are p artly visible in a pi t on the Moczydlo hill in western p art of the village (Ka zmierczak 1971 b . Ru bi n owski 1971) . Up per S it k6 wka Beds (d ark a mphipo rid b ios tromes . A; light a m ph ip or id -la m ini te rhythmi c se ries. set B); Frasnia n (Ka zmierczak 1971b; S lu p ik 199 3) . Kadzielnia.-lna ctive protected qua rry. Kadzie ln ia Lim es tone Member (A). Detri tal Bed s (B) to M an ticoceras Lim es tone (C); Frasn ia n [Kaz m ierczak 1971b ; Sz ulczewski 1971. 19 79 ; S zu lczewski & Racki 19 8 I) . Psie G6rki.- A few a ban do ned s mall quarries on a hill by Zakop ianska S treet. Detrital Beds (s ets C- H as a co n t in uatio n of t he Cm entarna G6ra section ); la ter Fra snian (Szulczewski 197 1; Ra cki 199 0 ; Gawlik in Ra cki et al. in pres s a ). Szczukowskie G6rki. - Q uarry on the Kop a czowa hill b eside the Kielc e-Piekosz6w road (Rubinowski 1971) . Upper m os t(?) Sitk6 wka Beds and Detri tal Beds (undi vided) ; EarlyMid dl e(?) Frasn ia n (S ob olev 1909 ; God efroid & Ra cki 199 0) . Wietrznia.- Large expos u re co m p rising th ree j oin ed inactive quarries and small pits o n th e hill E of qu a rry. Tw o sectio ns are di stinguished afte r Sz ulczews ki (J 9 7 1): Wietrzni a -l (wes tern qu a rry) a n d Wiet rznia -ll (Ea s tern Mied zygorz) . Pa r tly dolomit ized a t th e bottom ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) Fig. 38. OA. Frasnian part of the Kowala Formation in con ta ct with the condensed Famenni an-Carboniferous s trata in the Ostrowka Quarry. arrowed is a wedging paleokarstic horizon . DB. Middle part of the southern Stokowka quarry s howin g a laminite-bearing com plex D (Fig. 3 5); bar sc al e 0.5 m . Wietrznia Bed s intertwined with the Phlogoiderhynchus Level (set C) a n d tentatively subdivided into lower (A-B) a n d upper (D and hi gh er sets) portions: Lat e Givetian to Frasni an (Szulczewski 1971 : 1989: Makowski in Racki et al . in press a). Central Kielce subregion Miedzianka.- Abandoned quarries an d n atural exp os u re s on the hill grou ped along the western s lope (Fig. 39 B), 200 m N of th e villag e (Rubinowski 1971) . Upper Sitkowka Beds 174 Devonian reefs : RACKI A ----- o 10 0 500m Fig. 39 . Loc ation of s ections (see Fig. 2B) in Checin y (A) a n d Miedzianka (B) a r ea s . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 175 Fig. 40. Outcrops in the Miedzianka area (see Figs 36. 39B). OA. Most northwestern part (cut) of the Olowianka quarry. the oldest sets A-C cropping out. DB . Southwestern fragment of the eastern Sowie Gorki quarry. with visible tectonic contact within higher part of the Kowala Formation (sets E-F). (A-CJ, Detrital-Stromatoporoid (D-E) Beds; Frasnian (Czarnocki & Samsonowicz 1911; Szulczewski 1989) . Marzysz.- Obscured pits and trenches. and a debris in waste on hillock. ca. 600 m S of the eastern part of the village; younger strata are poorly outcropped at the Jablonna hill. N of the Kielce-Daleszyce road (Zakowa et al. 1983) . Jaiwica Limestone Member. and unstudied dolomites and lower Sitkowka Beds; Givetian (Filonowicz 1973) . 17 6 Devo nia n reef s : RACKI Fig. 4 1. DA. Fr a gment of the easte rn wall of the old Sitk6wka qu arry near railway s tation (Kos trzewa hill) in 1979. with outcro p pi ng the middle part of the section m arked by a b u n dan t Checiny-type s helly fauna s (s ets B-C : Fig. 36). DB. Northwestern portion of the Pos lowice hill (Fig. 42) s howing trench expos in g the lower bounda ry of the J aZwica Member (A-B - lithologic se ts. Fig. 14). Ostr6wka.- Very large active quarry on the Ostrowka and J a Zwiny hill s . S of the Galeztcc village: the expos ure accessible to s tu dies on ly in the western p art (Fig. 38A). Mostly upper Sitk6wk a Bed s (thi ck laminit e-am phipori d rh ythmic s eri es) : ? Givetia n to Fr a snian (Szulczew s ki 1978 : Mal ec & Racki 199 3). Olowianka.- Aban do ned quarry on the h ill 500 m N of Mied zia nka village (Figs 39A. 40A); fragme nts of the se quence are poorly ava ilable in the n earby former Kozi Grzbiet quarry. Stri ngocep halus Beds (A-C). lower (0 - E) and upper (F-G) Sitk6wka Beds: Givetia n to Mid d le (? ) Frasnian . Panek (Bolech owice).- Small 'm arble' quarry on the western s lope of hill . 500 m N of Bolec howice (near the h ighway E-7); lower amphi po rid -laminite com plex crop s out to the W. ma in ly at the old Szewce quarry. whil e a more com plete Fr asnia n s equ ence is vis ib le in the aban don ed Zg6rsko qua r ry . I k m to E. by the 'Nowiny' ce ment fa ctory. Topmost Sitk6wka ACTA PALAEO NTOLOGICA POLONI CA (37) (2-4) 177 Beds (A) a n d Detrital -Stromatoporoid Beds (B); Middle-Upper( ?) Fra snian (Kazmierczak 1971 a, b : Wrzol ek 1988) , Poslowice,- Ru ral quarries a n d trench dug in 1984 in NW part of a low hill, partly cove re d by dump (Figs 41 B, 42) , High est Stringo cephalus Bed s (A), J aiwica Member (B) to Lower Sitk6wka Beds (C-D); Middle-Lat e Giveti an (Filon owi cz 1973 ; Ra cki & Ra cka 1981) , Sowie Gorki (Sowi Grzbiet) ,- Extensive [ca. I km in length) th ree-partite ina cti ve quarry on hills immedi ately a lon g the S E part of Miedz ia n ka village (Figs 39 B, 40B); fossil -ri ch rubble was found on the s mall hill, SE of th e qu arry , just by th e Hutka s tream , Dolomites . Stringocephalus Beds (A-B) , Co ral-C ri noid Level (with reduced .Ja zwt ca Member. C) to Lower (D) a n d Up pe r (E-G) Sitk6wka Bed s ; Giv eti an to Middle Frasnian . Sitkowka-Jaiwica (Sitk6wka I in Kazmierczak 1971 b).- Ab andoned qu arry u s ed a s a n industri al deposition al res ervoir on a hill betw een the Sitk6wka a n d Kow al a villages (Fig. 42) ; s im ila r but macrofos sil -poor s trata a re exposed on hill s eastwa rd in abandon ed qu arries a n d ditches . Topmost S itk6wka Bed s (A) a n d Detrital -Stromatoporoid Beds (B); la ter Fras n ian (Sob olev 1909; Mikl a s in Ra cki et a l. in pres s a ). Sitkowka-Kostrzewa (Sitk6wka III in Kazmierczak 1971 b) .- Old , mo stly cove red quarry n ear the railway -station Sitk6wka (Fig. 4IA) ; in a minute pi t (SK-I) E of th e qu arry a lower a try p id- r ich fragment of th e se t B is ex posed. Lower S itk6w ka Beds (A a n d C) interfingering with th e Chec iny Beds (B; Atry pid -Cri n oid Leve l); G ivetia n- Frasnian pa s s age b ed s (S obolev 1911; Kot anskt 1959: Paj chlow a & Sta st riska 1965) . Sitkowka-Kowala Quarry (Sitk6wka V in Kazmierczak 197Ib) .- La rge active qu arry beside th e lime fa ctory, NE of the village : the co rrespon d in g section h a s been comp letely buried in the nearby Belkowa quarry (Sitk 6wka IV in Kazmierczak 197Ib) . Up pe r Sitk6wka Beds (A-D); Early-Middle Fra snian . Siopiec.- Peasant qu arry o n a hill beside Kielce-Dal eszyce road , NW of th e village: s malle r ou tc ro ps a re a lso kn own westwa rd n ear Borkow, Sitk6wka Beds : La te Givetian- Frasn ia n (Ourtch 1896). Trzemoszna.- Rubbles in waste on hillock, E of the villa ge (near forester's lod ge); the se ries wa s pierced by borehole S zczecno I a n d 2 (Narkiewi cz 1991), 4 km to SW. .Jazwtca Member and po ssibly a djacent co ral-ric h s trata: Givetian (Filonowicz 1973) . Southern Kielc e s u b region Bilcza.- Several mostly more or les s filled rural qu arries a n d ditches on the three s mall hills in th e vici n ity of Bilcza -Podgorze villa ge ; the best ex posures occur o n the hill Bilcza- I a dj a cen t to the ea s te rn part of the village, a n d the n earby hills Bilcza-2 a n d Bilcza-3 10calize d S and W of th e village. respecti vely . Topmost St ri ng ocep ha lus Bed s (A) to low er Sitk6wka Beds (B-D) ; Middle-Upper Givetian . Gora Lgawa (ea stern .Jazwtca Quarry) .- Active quarry situated S of Bolechowice , pres ently joined with the small er western quarry , a n d minute pits a lon g the hill, E of the quarry. Dolomicrt tes. m ainly dolomitized Stringocephalus Bed s to Ptiloqoiderhunchiis Level (sets A-L), Detrital Beds to nodular-marly beds (s ets M-R) ; Eifelian through Fra snian (Racki 1981). GOra Soltysia.- Obscured trenches a n d pe a s ant ditches on the s m a ll hill , E of Wola Murowana , by Bobrza river: old er dolomitic series a re outcropped in the a djacen t Radkowic e quarry (Czerrnlnski 1960). Stringocephal us Beds to low er Sitk6wka Bed s (KaZmi erczak 197Ib); Middle-Late Givetian . Jaiwica.- Temporall y in a cti ve (till 1986) we stern qu a rry of the stone plant 'J aiwica ', 0 .5 km S of the Bolech owi ce vill age , pres ently j oined with the eas te rn p art in one la rge quarry (Figs 6 , 8A). Topmost Stringocephalus Beds (A), J aZwica Member (B), low er (O-G) a n d upper (H-I and K) Sitk6wka Beds (locally Kadzielnia Member, J) , a n d Phlogoiderhynchus Level (L); Middle Givetian to Middle Fr a snian (Ra cki 19 81 : 19 85a) . Kowala Mala hill (Kowal a -Ill) .- Several sm a ll, m ostly ove rg ro wn rural pits , and n a tural ou tcro ps a long the hill si tuated b etween the Kowal a a n d Kowal a Mal a vill a ges . Upper S itk6wka Beds to Detrital Lim e stones (undivided) : Frasn ia n (Wrzolek 198 8). Kowala-railroad cut.- Reference sec tio n for t he set of ou tcrops a long the hill ra nge, S of th e Kowal a village (Fig . 42) ; th e expos u re 0 .8 km from t he village (Szulczewski & Ra cki 1981: Fig. 2) . Up pe r Si tk 6wka Bed s (A-B), Kadzielnia Member (C). Phlog oid erhy nch us Level (0), 178 Devonia n reef s : RACKI Detrital Beds to rhy thmic m a rly d ep osits (E-H) : Fra snian (Czerminski 1960: Sz u lczewsk i 1971) . Kowala-road cut (Kow al a -II).- Roadside ex po s u re a long industrial hi ghway to ce men t plant. 3 00 m SW of th e railroad cu t. Detrital Limestones to m arly s t ra ta . eq ui va le n ts of sets G (?) a n d H. from th e railroad cut: Late Fr a snian (Kazmi erczak & Go ldring 1978 : Wrzolek 1988 : Mikl a s in Ra cki et al. in pres s a ). Kowala Quarry (Wola Qua rry. Kow al a -I).- Large active qu a rry (Fig. 8 B). Upper Sitk6wka Beds to varied m arly deposits (se ts as in t he railroad cu t): Fra snian (Szulczew ski & Ra cki 1981). Labedztew .- Small active qu arry. S of the villa ge. n ear the Czarna Nid a river. Mostly dolomitized Stringocephalus Bed s: Middle Give tian . Stok6wka.- In a ctive . two-level quarry a t the western pa rt of th e hill (Fig. 3 8B), I km SE of Gal ezice. Topm ost Stringocephalus Beds (A), .Iazwtca Member (B), Checiny Beds (C-D). lower (E -Fl to upper (G-H) Sitk6wka Bed s : Middle Giveti an to early Fr asnian (Rozkowska & Fedorowski 1972) . Zelejowa.- Ab andoned quarrie s (th e largest on e in t he wes tern part) a n d extensive n atural exposu res a long th e hil l. 1.5 km N of Checiny. Upp er Sitk6wka Bed s (A-B): Ear ly Fra snian . Checiny-Zbrza area Debska Wola (Ziel on a) .- T re nches dug in 19 86 and ob s cured pits on the s ou t hern slope of hill. b eside t he ro a d Kaw czyn-Debska Wola a n d railway s tatio n . 500 m SW of the village. Phlogoiderhynchus Level (sets F-G in co m posite s ecti on of the Zbrza Anticline: ?Mid d le Fra snian (CzarnockI 1927; Filonowi cz 1973 : Ku cia 19 87) . G6ra Zamkowa.- S everal exposu res a long the hill wit h castle ruin (Fig . 39A; Ra cki & Ba lins ki 19 81 : Fig. 2) ; the r eference s ec tio n is ba s ed on the in a ctive western quarry passin g into n a tural ou tc rops on th e ro cky sou t her n s lope (Figs 4B. 5), a n d other s mall exposu res co m pri s ing a trench in the middle p art of the hill (GZ-I). excava tio n in a ridge a b ove the old Jewi s h ce mete ry (GZ-II). Eastern ou tc ro ps (GZ-E) include escarpme n t of the secon d ary ro ad to S tare Checiny (GZ-III). as well a s obscured s mall quarries in the eas ter n m ost (GZ-IV) and so u theastern (GZ-V] en d ings . Dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds (AI; s et terminology consequently foll ow s Ra cki & Balinski 1981), .Jazwica Memb er (A:!). Ch ec iny Beds (B-1). Detrital Beds (J) to Phlogoiderhynchus Leve l (K); Middle Givetian to Middle Fr a snian (Kotariski 1959: Kazmier czak 1971 a : Narkiewt cz 1973 : Szulczewski 1979) . Kawczyn.- Mostly overgrown ditches . a n d rubble on a hill exten d ing westward from the village: co nti n uatio n of the Zbrza sec tio n . Sitk6wk a Beds (Cl . upper C heciny Bed s (0), Detrital Beds (E) to Phlogoiderhynchus Leve l (F): Giveti an(?) to Middle Frasnian (Filonowicz 1973 : Ku cia 19 87) . Radkowice.- An ove rg ro wn dit ch . 30 0 m S of the western part of the village. Detrital Beds (unit L in the com po s ite Checiny secti on ): later Fra snian . Rzepka.- Abandoned quarry in the s outhern part. s mall pits and natural ex posu res on the vast hill a dj acen t fro m SW to Checin y . Dolomicrites to Checiny Beds (to m arly strata) ; Eifelian to Frasnian (Narkiewi cz 1991) . Sosn6wka.- Mostly n atural exposures. buried trench. and debris on the hill. I km W of Ch ec iny. by road to Zaj a czkow (Fig . 4A). Checiny Bed s (A-C), Phlogoiderhynchus Level (D) to ?m arly strata; La te Give tian through Frasnian (Narkiewi cz 1973 ; Wrzol ek 19 88) . Zbrza.- Minute pits a long a low hill. 0 .7 km SW of the vill a ge. by secondary ro ad to Lukow a . Stringocephalus Bed s (A) to st ro ngly dolomi tized Lower Sitk6wka(?) Bed s (B-C); Giveti an (Filonowicz 1973 ; Ku ci a 1987). Zegzelog6ra.- Old p easan t q u arries a n d a trench dug in 1984 on the western slope of thw hill. 400 m SE of Zebrownica a n d S of the Go s cintec villa ge . Checiny Beds (A-B): Late Givetian (Narklewt cz 1973 : Wrzol ek 1988) . Zebrownica.- Mostly covered tre nches in the middle p art of th e hill . 2 km W of Checiny . n ear the r oad Checiny -Zajaczko w . Dolomitized higher St ri ng ocep ha lus Bed s : Givetian (Narki ewi cz 1973) . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 179 ,. ~ . - -0"' ~ ., ' », i :- P ~ s ' ~ ~ w i c e / ~ : < ; .f ~ "~-:' - '.I -- .<: -. , f ...:. ! ,.: . " !. -i ~ . t , -, \ \. _ - - ~ S itkowk<i..., • Kowala, ' .. ' .~ : .... ".' ....I.... " /, '-. -.:-- _ , . ... . . ..,. r.'-: > : !! :'\ .. ;.;. - :. ~ - " / -- ..- ",--:. ; 'Jazw ic a I ,,, : :. ! - ~ - . _ ' ~ . -"'-' - ". . ' - ~ . . ", ' Fig. 42 . Location of sectio ns (s ee Fig. 2B) in the Sitko wka-Kowala a rea. Eastern Holy Cro ss Mountains Jurkowice-Budy.- Active quarry on the h ill between the Jur kowice and Budy villages. near the road to Smerdyna . Dolomicrites to m idd le Stringocephalus Bed s (A-F; Figs 9-10); EifeIian(?) to Middle Givetian (Paj chlowa & Stas inska 196 5 ; Kazmierczak 19 7 1b ; Balinski 19 73 ; Narkiewicz 198 1; Preat & Racki in p ress). Karwow.- Small active quany and a djacent pits in ravine. S of th e village. Up pe r(?) Sitk6wka Beds to Det rital Limestones; Frasnia n (Sams on owicz 19 17 ; God efroid & Ra cki 19 90) . 180 D evonia n reefs: RACK I Lagow.- Natu ral exposures a lon g the eastern es ca r p men t of the Lagowtca river valley. a nd several rural quarries n ea r Kielce-Opat6w road. Dolomitized Stringocephalus Beds to upper Sitk6wka Beds a n d marly strata: Givetian to Famennian (S a m s on owi cz 1917 : Czermtrrski 1960: Narkiewicz 1991) . Sobiekurow.- Small abandoned quarry beside the Opat6w-Stasz6w ro ad. 2.5 km NE of Iwaniska. Nodular Limestones : La te Frasnian (Na rk iewi cz 19 81 ). Tudorow.- Overgrown peasant q uarries in t he ravine. S of the village. Detrital Limestones to Platy(?) Limestones: la t er Frasn ian (S a m s on owi cz 191 7 : Godefroid & Ra cki 1990). Wojnowice.- Natural exposures in the eastern rocky s lope of the Koprzywianka r iver valley. SW of the Woj nowtce-Podgorze village (Iwaniska- Piskrzyn section; Ozonkowa 1961 ): similar strata are visible eastward n ea r Krepa (Len ki ewi cz 198 1). Stringocephalus Beds(?) to Sitk6wka Beds: Givetian to Frasnian (Samsonowicz 1917: Ozonkowa 19 61) . Silesia-C racow region Debnlk.> Several quarries, p its. and bore holes within the Debnik Ridge between the villages Debnik, S iedlec and Czatkowice . Do lomites . Platy Lim es ton es . Stromatoporoid- Detrital Limestones: Givetian(?) through Frasnian to Famennian (Nowi n s ki 19 76: Balinsk i 1979: Narkiewicz & Racki 19 8 4) . Siewierz (Dziewk i).- Dozens of small quarries and d itches on t he h ill between the Dziewki and Brudzowice v illages. as well as n ea rb y borehole WB 12 (Racki et al. in p ress b) . Dziewki Limestone (Fig . 10). eguivalent to the Stringocephalus and lower(?) Sitk6wka Beds. rep resented by unfossiliferous calcilutites (A). wavy-bedded spiculitic (-crinoid) calcare n ites (B). stromatoporoid-coral (-crinoid) reefoid limestones (C). and amphiporid biostromes (0 ). and amphiporid-Iaminite complex (E): Givetian [Gu rich 1896: S liwinski 19 6 0) . Facies types account The t h irteen m ain facies types are b ri efly s u m mar ize d b elow a n d co n fro n ted either with the sta n dar d (SMF) or type Devonian (D) microfa cies in the scheme of Wilson (1975; see a lso Preat & Mamet 19 8 9) . Intershoal (open shelf) facies Non-fenestral laminated limestones (Facies M- I) .- Platy. thin- to medium-layered (Figs 17A. 38B). grey to brown-yellowish u n it s formed by dense microsparry. and rarer m udstone to bioclastic-peloid packstone la m ina e (up to 400 11m) grading into em-sized ribbon -type intercalations (Narki ewi cz 19 7 3 ; Szulczewski 1979). Fo r s imilar facies see Cook (1972). Machielse (19 72) . Bandel & Meyer (19 75). Bioclastic limestones (F a cies M-2). - Variously bedded and grained. light grey lim es t on es (n eom or p h oze d and /or partly washed . bioturbated crinoid packstones /grainstones to wellsorted biolithoclastic grainstones with frequent micritized bioclast r ims: Figs 12A. 160. 220) marked by more or les s distinct wavy-bedding. with tendency to s ubnodular appearance in some cases (e. g . u n it F- II of Racki & Balinski 19 81 : Fig . lI B). Corresponds to SMF- 12 (s e e a ls o Krebs 1974: Galli 19 8 6) . Fossiliferous subnodular calcilutites (Facies M-3) .- Distinctly-bedded. medi u m-grey to reddish micritic lim es t on e s . mostly bioclastic bioturbated wackestones (Figs 13 D -E . 16 C . 17 C . 23B-C) with changing clay admixture that disp lay various types of wavy to nodu lar bedding. and are m a rk edl y rich in open-marine fa unal re mains. Corresponds to 3D . Platy calcilutites (Facies M-4).- Medium -grey. thin and rhythmically b edde d . cherty. frequently finely- laminated micritic limestones (s piculitic wackestones) with sparse macrofauna and thin shaly interlayers in some parts (Figs II C . 13 A and C). This is a 'siliceous variety' of SMF-9 (s ee a lso Dolphin & Klovan 19 70 : Roche & Carozzi 1970). Platy marly limestones and shales (Facies M-5 ).- Dark-grey to b lack. rhythmically bedded sequence of micritic to marly limestones (b u r row ed mudstones/bioclastic wackestones) and argillaceous sha les. with pelagic tentaculite- and b rachiopod -bearing levels (Fig . ACTA PALAEONTOLOGICA POLONICA (37) (2-4) 181 22C) . This is a more calcareous variety of 10 -2 0 . comparable with the Flinz Limestones (Krebs 1974). Macrofossil-poor cal cilutites and calcarenites (Facies M-6) .- Micritic to fine -grained limestones (neomorphozed a nd bioturbated bioclastic-peloid a l wackestones/packestones; Figs 13B . 16F. 23A). ch aracterized by variously grey to brownish colors. medium- to thi ck-bedding of less or more distinct wavy appearance and macrofossils limited mostly to sc attered gastropods. This is a special ('restricted marine') variant re lated to 100 (see also Braithwaite 1967; Jansa & Fischbuch 1974; Coppold 19 7 6). Orga n ic b uldu ps facies Coral lim e s to nes (Facies R-I).- Coral-rich. typ ically platy to wavy bedded and mediumgrey strata. with bioclastic wackestone to packstone matrix. and Variab ly co m minuted. unsorted co ral skeletons as the main component. Subdivided into dendroid coral bafflestones (Fa cies R-Ib; Figs 170. 18A-B . 0). massive coral bindstones /floatstones (R-Ibf; Figs 17E. 18C . 21A). and coral rudstones with overturned and/or fragmented coralla (R-Ir; Fig. 16B). Corresponds to 50. Stachyodes limestones (Facies R-2) .- Largely thin stromatoporoid beds characterized by two co ntrasting subfacies: Stachyodes bafflestones (R-2b) . with whole s ke letons preserved in bioclastic-peloidal wackestone/packstone matrix (Fig. 18B). a nd Stachyodes ruds ton es (R-2r). composed of poorly-sorted closely packed angular bio clasts, with transitions into unsorted intraclastic grainstones (Fig. 16 F). Corresponds to 7 0 . and possibly 50. Massive stromatoporoid limestones (Facies R-3).- The three varietes cover the bulk of the observed variability (s ee a lso Kazmierczak 19 7 1b ; Szulczewski 19 7 1): (I) Stromatoporoid bindstones (Facies R-3b ; Figs I 1A. 17E. 18 0) are markedly abundant in lamin a r (sheet-like) stromatoporoids. accompanied mainly by varied a lveolitid coralla and other s ke letal grains. in micrite matrix local ly with stromatactold and umbrella s parry in fillings (Szulczewski & Racki 19 81 ). This facies is close to 60. (2) Reefoid stromatoporoid (-cor a l) limestones (R-3r) include to a various degree reworked. but only rarely strongly fragmented b u lbous. domal, tabu lar. as well as dendroid coenostea, densely packed in variable micrite-sparry interstitial matrix (Figs 21C. 22E) . The large skeletons are associated with diverse bioclasts and non-skeletal particles. with mi critic en crustations and occassionally oncoids around skeletal nuclei. and m ic rtttzed rinds and borings. The Frasnian stromatoporoid -detrital limestones are marked by higher frequency of various intraclasts and broken reef-builders in sparry-bioclastic matrix. enriched in crinoidshelly debris. This is an eq uivalent of 80 . (3) Bulbous stromatoporoid floatstones (R-3fl are typified by concentrations of bulbous coenostea up to 30 cm in diameter. 'floating' in a bioturbated pe loidal-bioclastic wackestone/ packstone matrix locally rich in p roblematic microfossils. m os tly calcispheroids (Figs 16A. 22A). This variety corresponds to 90. Lagoonal facies Macrofossil-impoverished calcarenites (Facies L- I).- These thick-bedded. light-grey fine-grained deposits with very sparse macrofossils. mostly well-sorted intrabioclastic grainstones gr ad e in to unsorted rudstones. Micrite coatings (even oncolite partings) . composite grains am i Iragmented Stachyodes coe nostea are represented in various proportions (Figs 12 B. 16F). This is a grainy variant of 120 . re lated to SMF- 18 (see a lso Noble 19 70 ; Jansa & Fischbu ch 1974). Amphiporid limestones (Facies L-2).- These well-layered units. with individual beds rarely exceeding 50 ern in thickness . are characterized by dense concentrations of tiny spaghetti-like amphiporid skeletons (Fig. 26). Two extreme subfacies are bafflestones (L-3b ) with we ll-preserved. intact peripheral epitheca of fragmented stromatoporoid branches in primary pe loid a l-micrite ca lcis p h ero id -rich groundmass (Figs 12F. 20B). and rudstones (L-2r). composed mainly of sticks rimmed with sparry calcite cem en t (Fig. 16E) . This fa cie s type corresponds to liD. Fenestral laminated calcilutites (Facies L-3).- Their la m in a ted layers. u sually up to 40 em thick (but see Fig. 20C). commonly con tain spar -filled fenestrae in horizontal s heet-like unit s . and consis ts of more or les s regu larly alternating peloid-rich micritic and sparry 182 Devonian reefs : RACKI laminae (Figs 120. 20A. 21B . 22F: se e a ls o Preat & Ra cki in pres s) . This is a n equivalent of 130 (cf. types 1-3 of Boulvain & Preat 1987). Macrofossil-poor calcilutites (Facies L-4) .- T h ese mostly thick-bedded. m edium- to light grey micritic limestones (bioturbated mudstone-wackestone to bioclastic-peloidal packstone) contain very rich and well-preserved calcareous problematic mi crofossils. green algae a n d ostracods (Fig . 12E) . Locally sponge spicules are abundant (Preat & Racki in press) . Macrofossils are rare. represented mostly by amphiporids, as well a s infrequent coquinite levels. This is a mi critic variety of 120 (see also Krebs 1974). Streszczenie Zywecko-franska seria stromatoporoidowo-koralowcowa Formacji z Kowali w poludniowej czesci G6r Swietokrzyskich zostala podzielona stratygraflcznie i skorelowana z innymi sekwencjami na podstawie cykli sedymentacyjnych 0 charakterze sekwencji splycajacych sie ku stropowi (shallowing upward). Datowanie podstawowych poziom6w transgresywnych przez konodonty oraz wybrane skamtenialosci bentoniczne (ramienionogi. koralowce) wskazuje, ze cyklicznosc ta odzwierciedla gl6wnie eustatyczne zmiany poziomu morza. Zakonczenie eifelskiej fazy hypersalinarnej depozycji typu "sabkha" bylo przypuszczalnie wynikiem zmian klimatu na bardziej humidny i (lub) pulsow transgreswnych. Rozlegla dwuetapowa kolonizacja platformy weglanowe] Regionu Kieleckiego nastapila na pograniczu eiflu i zywetu oraz w srodkowym zywecie. Co najmniej 4 pulsy poglebien spowodowaly skokowe zatapianie wielkiej platformy weglanowe] i zastapienie ntezroznicowanej stringocefalowej lawtey biostromalnej Lbtostromal bank") przez sitkowczariski kompleks lawicowy, a nastepnie - dyminski kompleks rafowy. Wymieranie pod koniec zywetu w regtonie swietokrzyskim zachodzilo w warunkach destabilizacji ekosystemu szelfowego przez raptowne zmiany eustatyczne. Poznozywecki zalew mial najbardziej rozlegle skutki, powodujac zatopienie czesci platformy oraz naplyw nowej grupy gatunk6w ze strefy lysog6rsko-kostomlockiej. Okres pewnej stagnacji biotycznej w interwale przejsciowym zywetu i franu byl urozmaicony jedynie zdarzeniem epejrogenicznym. Rzutowalo ono m.in. na przejsciowa poprawe cyrkulacji wod i rozw6j bardziej bogatych zespolow bentosu w srodplyciznowym obszarze checinskim. Wzrost rafy w centralnej strefie dyminskiej byl efektem rosnacego tempa transgresji we wczesnym franie oraz doplywu trzeciej fali irntgrantow, w tym unikatowej biocenozy kopcow mulowych typu kadztelntansktego oraz rafotw6rczych zaspolow stromatoporoid6w i cjanobakterii. Ostateczny upadek rafy byl nastepstwern polaczonych ruchow eustatycznych i tektonicznych, zintensyfikowanych w trakcie wielkiego kryzysu poznofranskiego,