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KEREM ÖKTEM | RÉSUMÉ | 2024 Résumé Kerem Öktem Kerem Öktem | Résumé D. Phil. MSt. MMES Oxon Current position Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. Previous appointments Northwestern University, Department of Political Science, Keyman Visiting Professor (2019 – 2020) University of Graz, Chair of Southeast European Studies and Modern Turkey (2014 – 2019) Mercator-IPC Fellow, Istanbul Policy Centre, Sabanci University Istanbul (2013 – 2014) Open Society Fellow, European Studies Centre, St Antony's College (2011 – 2014) Associate Faculty Member, University of Oxford, Faculty for Oriental Studies (2011 – 2014) Research Fellow, European Studies Centre, St Antony's College (2009 – 2011) Postdoctoral Research Associate, South East European Studies at Oxford (2006 – 2009) Academic degrees University of Oxford, DPhil in Political Geography, 2006 University of Oxford, M. St. Modern Middle Eastern Studies, Oriental Institute, 2001 Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, M. A. in Urban Studies, 1994 Publications | Books and edited volumes Öktem, Kerem (2022) Turkish Jews and their Diasporas: Entanglements and Separations, London: Palgrave MacMillan (with Ipek K. Yosmaoglu). ________(2018) Exit from Democracy: Illiberal governance in Turkey and Beyond, Abingdon: Routledge (with Karabekir Akkoyunlu). ________(2016) Die Türkei im Spannungsfeld von Kollektivismus und Diversität, Wiesbaden: Springer (with Burcu Dogramaci, Yavuz Köse and Tobias Völker). ________(2015) World War I and the End of the Ottomans. Form the Balkan War to the Armenian Genocide, London: I.B. Tauris (with Hans-Lukas Kieser and Maurus Reinkowski). ________(2012) Another empire? A decade of Turkey’s foreign policy under the Justice and Development Party, Istanbul: Bilgi University Press (with Ayşe Kadıoğlu and Mehmet Karlı). ________(2011) Angry Nation. Turkey since 1989, London: Zed Books. ________(2009) Turkey’s Engagement with Modernity, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (with Celia Kerslake and Philip Robins). ________(2009) In the long shadow of Europe: Greeks and Turks in the era of Post-Nationalism, Leiden: Brill (with Othon Anastasakis and Kalypso Nicolaidis). 2 Résumé Kerem Öktem Peer-reviewed journal articles Öktem, Kerem (2023) ‘Grenzen der Autokratisierung oder Autokratisierung ohne Grenzen? Die Türkei und die Wahlen von Mai 2023’, Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen (Vol. 63, 31-42) _______ (2023), ‘The Elections that Unmade Turkey’s Democracy’, Current History (Vol. 122, 335-341) _______ (2022) ‘Dilemmas of Subnational Democracy under Authoritarianism: Istanbul's Metropolitan Municipality’, Social Research. An International Quarterly (Vol. 88, 501-537) _______ (2021) ‘Introduction - A State of Diasporas: The Transnationalisation of Turkey and its Communities Abroad’, Diaspora (Vol. 21, 105-120), with Chiara Maritato and Anna Zadrozna. ________(2021) Special Issue ‘Queer Times: Three decades of LGBT struggles in Turkey’, New Perspectives on Turkey (with Cenk Özbay) (Vol. 64, 117-130). ________(2019) ‘Politics after Turkey’s exit from democracy’, ORIENT (Vol. 2019, 31-38). ________(2017) 'Türkisches Zwischenspiel im Nahen Osten: Neo-imperialer Islamismus und die AKP zwischen Farce und Tragödie', Leviathan. Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft. ________(2016) 'Exit from Democracy: Illiberal governance in Turkey and beyond', Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (Vol. 16, Nr. 4, 469-480), with K. Akkoyunlu. ________(2016) 'Existential Insecurity and the Making of a Weak Authoritarian Regime in Turkey', Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (Vol. 16, Nr. 4, 505-527), with K. Akkoyunlu. ________(2016) 'One hundred years later: the personal, the political and the historical in four new books on the Armenian Genocide', Caucasus Survey (Vol. 4, No. 1, 92-104), with S. Kasbarian. ________(2015) 'The rise and fall of Turkey's soft power discourse', European Journal of Turkish Studies (No. 21, Electronic Source, URL: https://ejts.revues.org/5275), with Y. Benhaim. ________(2014) ‘Subversive friendships: Turkish and Armenian encounters in transnational space’, Patterns of Prejudice (Vol. 48, No. 2, 121-146), with S. Kasbarian. ________(2014) ‘Armenians, Turks and Kurds beyond denial: An introduction’, Patterns of Prejudice (Vol. 48, No. 2, 115-20), with S. Kasbarian. ________(2012) ‘Global Diyanet and multiple networks: Turkey’s new presence in the Balkans’, Journal of Muslims in Europe (Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-32). ________(2011) ‘Between emigration, de-Islamization and the nation-state: Muslim communities in the Balkans’, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (Vol. 11, No. 2, 151–169). ________(2010) 'The natural, the political and the religious in the borderlands of Europe’, Journal of Multicultural Discourses (Vol. 5, No. 1, 21-25). ________(2009) ‘Cosmopolitan desires, parochial anxieties: Istanbul and its unwelcome diversity’, Pensée de Midi (Actes Sud) (Nr. 29, Electronic Source, URL: http://www.lapenseedemidi.org/COSMOPOLITAN-DESIRES-PAROCHIAL.html). ________(2008) ‘The Nation’s Imprint: Demographic Engineering and the Change of Toponymes in Republican Turkey’, European Journal of Turkish Studies (Nr. 11, Electronic Source, URL : http://ejts.revues.org/2243). 3 Résumé Kerem Öktem ________(2006) ‘Trans-Nationalism in South East Europe: Constructing, Transcending and Reinforcing Borders’, Journal of South East European and Black Sea Studies (Vol. 6, No. 4, 479-482), with Dimitar Bechev. ________(2005) ‘British Media perspectives on Turkey’s EU accession prospects: Euro-scepticism and Turco-philia’, Südosteuropa (Vol. 53, No. 4, 587-597). ________(2005) ‘Mardin as a city of containment: Poetic, mediagenic and traumatic images of a city in Southeast Turkey’, Cities (Vol. 22, No. 3, 241-253). ________(2004) ‘Incorporating the time and space of the ethnic ‘other’: Nationalism and Space in Southeast Turkey in the 19th and 20th Centuries’, Nations and Nationalism (Vol. 10, No. 4, 559-578). Book chapters Öktem, Kerem (2023), ‘Turkey’s Moment in The World: Davutoğlu and Neo-Ottomanism in Turkey’s Foreign Policy’, in Yenen, Alp and Erik Jan Zürcher (eds.) A hundred years of republican Turkey: a history in a hundred fragments, Leiden, Leiden University Press, 473-476. _______ (2023) ‘The CHP and the İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality’, in Yenen, Alp and Erik Jan Zürcher (eds.) A hundred years of republican Turkey: a history in a hundred fragments, Leiden, Leiden University Press, 516-521. _______ (2023) ‘Architectures of domination? The sacralisation of modernity and the limits of Neo-Ottoman Islamism, in Raudvere, Catharina and Petek Onur, Neo-Ottoman Imaginaries in Contemporary Turkey. Gendered Discourses, Agencies, and Visions (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 125153). _______ (2022) ‘Entangled Sovereignties: Turkish Jewish Spaces in Israel’, in Oktem, Kerem and Ipek Yosmaoglu, Turkish Jews and their diasporas. Entanglements and Separations (London, PalgraveMacMillan, 141-167). _______ (2022) ‘Introduction: Turkish-Jewish Entanglements from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic’, in Oktem, Kerem and Ipek Yosmaoglu, Turkish Jews and their Diasporas. Entanglements and Separations (London, PalgraveMacmillan, 11-32), with I. Yosmaoglu. _______ (2021) ‘Ruling ideologies in contemporary Turkey’, in: Tezcur, Gunes Murat, Oxford Handbook on Turkish Politics (London; New York: Oxford University Press). _______ (2019) 'Erasing Palimpsest City: Boom, Bust and Urbicide in Turkey', in: Yacobi, Haim and Mansour Nasasra, Routledge Handbook on Cities in the Middle East (Abingdon: Routledge, 295318). _______ (2019) 'Prinz Bahattin und der osmanisch-türkische Liberalismus im Kontext von Europäisierung und Verwestlichung', in: Heppner, Harald, Attraktionen und Irritationen. Europe und sein Südosten im langen 19. Jahrhundert (Peter Lang: Berlin, 105-116). _______ (2018) 'Existential Insecurity and the Making of a Weak Authoritarian Regime in Turkey', in: Öktem, Kerem, Exit from Democracy: Illiberal governance in Turkey and Beyond (Abingdon: Routledge), with Karabekir Akkoyunlu. _______ (2017) 'Austria', Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Volume 9 (Leiden: Brill, 46-68), wih Güler Alkan 4 Résumé Kerem Öktem _______ (2016) 'Austria', Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Volume 8 (Leiden: Brill, 45-68). _______ (2015) 'Liberation Square, Almost Unnoticed, Returns with a Vengeance: Perceptions of Tahrir and the Arab Revolutions in Turkey', in: Abou-El Fadl, Reem, Revolutionary Egypt. Connecting domestic and international struggles (London: I.B. Tauris, 232-256). _______ (2015) 'Austria', Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Volume 7 (Leiden: Brill, 41-61). _______ (2015) 'Yumuşak gücün peşinde', in: Oktav, Özden and Helin Ertem: Süreklilik ve Değişim temelinde Erdoğan önemi Türk Dış Politikası (Istanbul: Nobel, 47-84). _______ (2014) 'Counting Muslims: Censuses, Categories, Policies and the Construction of Islam in Europe', Yearbook of Muslims in Europe. Volume 6 (Leiden: Brill, 1-15). _______ (2014) 'Islam and Politics in Germany', Oxford Dictionary on Islam and Politics (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 353-358). _______ (2012) 'Projecting power: Non-conventional policy actors in Turkey’s international relations', in: Öktem, Kadıoğlu and Karlı (Eds.), Another empire? A decade of Turkey’s foreign policy under the Justice and Development Party (Istanbul: Bilgi University Press). _______ (2010) ‘Alles Stehende verdampft: Homosexuelle Bewegungen und Identitäten im Kontext patriarchaler Machstrukturen in der Türkei’ in: Holzleithner, Elisabeth and Sabine Strasser, Multikulturalismus Queer Gelesen (Frankfurt a. M.: Campus Verlag). _______ (2010) ‘Ulus, zaman ve mekan: Türkiye ve Yunanistan’da toponomik politikalar’, in: Millas, Herkül, Sözde masum milliyetçilik (Istanbul: Kitap Yayinevi). _______ (2009) ‘The Ambivalent Sea: Regionalizing the Mediterranean Differently’, in: Bechev, Dimitar and Kalypso Nicolaidis, Mediterranean Frontiers: Borders, Conflict and Memory (London: I.B. Tauris). Research papers and reviewed articles Öktem, Kerem (2018) Political Islam’s Endgame in Turkey?, in: Jasmin Mujanović and Alida Vračić, Political Trends & Dynamics. Religion and Secularism in Southeast Europe (18-20). ________(2017) 'Turkey Dispatch', Middle East Report (Nr. 283, 38-40). ________(2016) 'An Islamist Power Grab Derails Democracy in Turkey', Current History (Vol. 114, Nr. 785, 331-336). ________(2014) Turkey’s New Diaspora Policy: The Challenge of Inclusivity, Outreach and Capacity (Istanbul: Istanbul Policy Center). ________(2013) Signale aus der Mehrheitsgesellschaft: Auswirkungen der Beschneidungsdebatte und staatlicher Überwachung islamischer Organisation auf Identitätsbildung und Integration in Deutschland (Oxford: European Studies Centre). ________(2013) Freedom in Diversity. Ten lessons for public polic, Dahrendorf Programme for the Study of Freedom (Oxford: St Antony's College), with Timothy Garton Ash and Edward Mortimer. ________(2013) The Western Condition: Turkey, the US and the EU in the New Middle East (Oxford: South East European Studies at Oxford), with Karabekir Akkoyunlu and Kalypso Nicolaidis. 5 Résumé Kerem Öktem Organized conferences and academic events (2022 – 2023) CEST Symposium ‘Limits of Autocratisation: Actors and Institutions of Democratic Resilience’, Venice International University and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (18 – 20/11/2022) Summer School ‘Turkey and/in the Balkans: Turkish power projections, transnational Islam, and social linkages’ at Venice International University and Ca’ Foscari (6 – 14/8/2023) Symposium ‘State, Party, and Society in Turkey and Beyond’, at SciencesPo Paris, with Elise Massicard (17 – 18/11/2023) Invited lectures (2022 – 2023) University of Leiden, Annual Roundtable on Contemporary Research Trends in Turkish Studies, Lecture: ‘The CHP in local government: Democratic enclaves within authoritarian neoliberalism?’ (2/9/2022) Südosteuropagesellschaft, Evangelische Akademie Loccum, Conference ‘Islam Auf Dem Balkan: Der Balkan und seine religionspolitische Relevanz für den Islam in Europa/Deutschland’, Keynote Lecture: ‘Die Türkei als komplexer Machtfaktor im Verhältnis Islamischer Felder auf dem Balkan und in Europa’ (30/11/2022) University of Turin, Department of Politics, Culture, and Society, Lecture series ‘Seminari di Primavera Mediterranea’, Lecture: ‘Spaces of domination and contestation in AKP Turkey’ (12/4/2023) University of Oxford, St. Antony’s College, Conference ‘Europe whole and free’, Lecture: ‘The state of freedoms in Southeast Europe and the case of Turkey’ (26/5/2023) University of Essen-Duisburg, Workshop ‘EU integration and autocratization of political systems: Institutional resilience in the Western Balkans and Turkey’, Presentation: ‘Pushing the limits of Autocratization: Opposition municipalities in heavily compromised democracies and the case of Turkey’ (9/6/2022) Conference participation (2022 – 2023) Council of European Studies, University of Lisbon, Paper: ‘Sub-national challenges to authorianization: Opposition Municipalities in Turkey vis-à-vis the AKP-regime’ (29/6/2022) Italian Political Science Association, University of Rome Sapienza, Presentation: ‘Democratic counterpolitics in the context of autocratization: The case of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality’ (10/9/2022) Middle Eastern Studies Association, Denver, Roundtable: ‘Beyond ‘The Club’: New directions in the study of Turkish Jewish lives’ (2/12/2022) University of Lisbon, School of Social and Political Sciences, Conference ‘Turkey at 100: (Dis)Continuities And (Dis)Contents’, Paper: ‘An Islamist Gründerzeit: Cities with Mosques, Adhan, and Spirit in AKP Turkey’ (8/2/2023) University of Essen-Duisburg, Zentrum für Türkeistudien, DFG Workshop Contemporary History of Modern Turkey, Concluding Debate (23/6/2023) Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung, University of Wien, Turkologentag, Chair: ‘How to do Critical Turkish Studies’ (22/9/2023) Teaching outside Ca’ Foscari (2022 – 2023) Doctoral School, Struga, ‘Politics and Societies in Turkey and the Balkans’ (5-7/7/2022) University of Zürich, Masters for Advanced Studies in History, Lecture and workshop ‘De-Democratization and Autocratization’ (21/4/2023) 6 Résumé Kerem Öktem Jury memberships and chairs Jury Member of the PhD Dissertation Price in Turkish Studies, Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung (2023) Founding Chair of the Consortium for European Studies on Turkey (CEST), since 2015 Jury Member of the Mercator - IPC Fellowship, since 2015 Membership in academic associations Middle East Studies Association (MESA) Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung (GTOT) Südosteuropa Gesellschaft (SOEG) Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) Società per gli Studi sul Medio Oriente (SESAMO) Membership in editorial committees Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Member of the Editorial Committee Diyâr, Journal of Ottoman, Turkish and Middle Eastern Studies, Member of the Editorial Committee Mülkiye Dergisi, Journal of the Association of the Ankara School of Government, Member of the Academic Consultation Committee Berghahn Book Series New Directions in Turkish Studies, Member of the Editorial Committee Reviews Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies Journal of Southeast European Societies and Politics European Societies Memory Studies Journal Politics, Religion, and Ideology Religions Turkish Studies Patterns of Prejudice 7