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i LA--I 1957-MS DE91 001098 Update Report on Fracture Flow in Saturated Tuff: Dynamic Transport Task for the Nevada Nuclear Waste Investigations D. R. Janecky R. S. Rundberg M. Ott A. Mitchell IASTER Alamos National Laboratory _L-_(_ A_[_(_)_ L°s Los Alamos,New Mexico 87545 r_ Update Report on Fracture Flow in Saturated Tuff: Dynamic Transport Task fo_ the Nevada Nuclear Waste Investigations by D. R. Janecky, R. S. Rundberg, M. Ott, and A. Mitchell ABSTRACT This report summarizes the results of continuing experiments on the behavior of tracers during fracture flow in saturated, welded tuff. These experiments were completed during the past year as part of the Dynamic Transport: Task of geochemical investigations for the Yucca Mountain Project sponsored by the ITS Department of Energy. These experiments are designed to investigate the effects offluid movement in fractures when coupled with matrix diffusion and sorption but isolated from the effects of capillary _uction and two-phase flow characteristic of unsaturated conditions. The experiments reported here are continuations of experimental efforts reported previously. The behavior of three tracers [HTO (tritiated water), TcO_ (pertechnetate), and sulforhodamine B dye] have been investigated during flow through a saturated column of densely welded tuff from the Topopah Spring.Member of the Paiv_tbrush Tuff, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, southern Nevada. This rock column is cut by a natural fracture network similar to net_vorks characte,'ized elsewhere in these tufts. Experimental problems in HTO experiments make interpretation difficl_lt. However, it appears that breakthrough occurs rapidly, consistent with the other tracer behavior. Recoveries for HTO are between 60 and 70%. The other tracers exhibit higher recoveries than HTO. This is interpreted ms a function of size exclusion of molecular species from an increasing proportion of the matrix pores for pertechnetate and sulforbodamine B dye. Pertechnetate may also be affected by anion exclusion and sorption, but these effects have not yet been quanglfied. Modeling the experiments by using a formulation tor a single, parallel'sided fracture in a porous rock matrix and appropriate values for adjustable parameters produces consistent elution curves and aids in interpreting HTO experimental data. I. INTRODUC'rlON The Yucca Mountain the Yucca Mountain area, Project Nye County, level nuclear waste. stratigraphic thickness exceeding proposed Paintbrush repository The mountain location (YMP) of the US Department southern iB composed Nevada, of numerous 3000 m in Yucca Mountain is in densely welded, devitrified of Energy as a potential strata is studying geological the suitability repository of ash-flow and ash-fall and Crater Flat (Snyder tuff of the Topopah of for high- tufts, with a and Carr, 1982). The Springs Member of the Tuff. 1 Tlle Yucca Mountain site has unique isolation of waste radionuclides. the surrounding The proposed host rock has significant as the zeolites clinoptilolite, features heulandite, with respect repository porosity hydrologic transport and horizon is above the water table, and the matrix o[' (Peters and mordenite to evaluating et aJ., 1984). Abundant as well as smectite secondary minerals, such clays and calcite, are found in the , rock matrix and lining fractures of rocks beneath horizon (Vaniman et al., 1984). These minerals solution, including waste radionuclides porosity have significant (Rundberg, will tend to draw water and dissolved surrounding The abundance US Geological access to sorbing of fractures Survey (USGS) section, intersecting 1984). tIydrologic below the present in the repository repository will probably in both unsaturated zone. However, in assessing the overall performance addition, in faults and fractures, of alteration require that the effects of fracture the hydrology ability is difficult for several anisotropic, 2 minerals that there has been water in the fractures Modeling and saturated flow on aqueous and transport reasons: and (2) the distribution and Thordarson, and matrix transport of contaminants of component and surrounding 1975). in materials as Zones permeability (Scott conditions the consequences of rocks must be considered. In such as zeolites, of radionuclides properties presumably and the arid climate of of a repository, at some time (Arney-Carlos, (1) the hydrologic zones (Scott and Bonk, that would result in saturated of the fractures suggests large faults are known to cut the of both fracture of situations of the 1984; Bentley, 1984; zones are in the welded tuff strata, future geologic events that lead to saturation the presence by impeding in the reports and Chornack, is above the water table at present, lessen the likelihood with high into the pore space of the has been documented 1983). In addition, components horizon matrix for limiting transport cooling joints in the welded tuff zones (Winnograd water table have significant repository 1980). 1984; Spengler tests have found the more permeable 1983). The potential Nevada 1983; Thordarson, 1985). The unsaturated favorable conditions and Wilson, of the potential to sorb dissolved species from from the fractures (Neretnicks, welded and bedded tuff strata a result of abundant capabilities in the tufts of Yucca Mountain Craig et M., 1983; Geohydrologic, southern radionuclides minerals (Montazer down-gradient 1984; Thomas, tuff ('lh'avis et al., 1984), thus providing flow and by increasing eta/., and hydrologically clays, and carbonates, 1985), These complexities be thoroughly with significant of the media become investigated, fracture perrne- heterogeneous phases of rocks, which have varying sorptive and or reactive characteristics, about becomes heterogenou3 homogeneous relative to flow pathways, porous flow are not valid, and relationshiI)s tion ratio and brea'ktlir0ugh or retention development of three dimensional and validation assuming homogeneous flow linfit sorption porous strated retard to minerals adsorbers radionuclide flow and porous matrix are being conducted flow occurs to determine physical rock. simulated processes Thus, combined data transport and chemical processes reactions basis for applying approach, wllite because demon- pores. Thus, the abundant This critical of radionuclides effects of fracture zeolites access may between fracture of sorbing minerals in each environment situation. to extrapolate experiments to conditions to replicate observations through from the scale and breadth in the field. This ability to extrapolate in the laboratory, between the l(ds to the pre- of the interplay by water movement are be- In addition, data such as batch sorption iri the complex system presen1,,d media diffusion in both modeling of the interplay in the Yucca Mountain laboratory Experiments in heterogeneous flow, matrix iri the field. They also provide an tmderstanding is needed cause it is nearly impossible iri retardatiol_ This latter are accessible, provide a basis for theoretical and chemical provide an empirical in laboratory or matrix transport pores, and accessibility Basic experimental This understanding This results properties. of assulne only fracture flow model for Yucca Mountain exchangers, not only geochemical and dead-end diction of radionuclide surface,,. requires opposite in samples of densely welded tuff from Yucca Mountahl. connected experiments models. The extreme by our research effort is the extent to which interchange flow and properties. physical/hydrologic and cation chemical measLlres, such as sorp- flow, Models that on fracture porous assunlptions mobility. but also hydrologic ing examined. transport fracture in tufts is not limited to either fractures A central question examined porosity exposed as the homogeneous and clays, which are excellent significantly heterogeneous Simplifying are riot simple. Thus, modeling close to 1.0 implying limited adsorption is as unrealistic permeability between volumes for radionuclides, flow is to assume isolated of radionuclides ft_ctors that are extremely conservative, 'l:'hus, standard between fractures in of conditions is essential; with a high degree of assurance, be- the conditions that exist in the field. This report and its predecessor review results of experiments "Fracture Flow Under Saturated that were designed to investigate Conditions" (l_undl)crg the eifects of fluid movement et a,l., 1986) in fractures, 3 coupled with matrix diffusion and sorption flow. This work" is similar in concept et al, (1985), but it specifically and performance carefully controlled during transport, mitigating because conditions parameters from the effects of capillary performed processes occurring in Yucca Mountain, migration. analyses indicate However, experimental such as pore tortuosity, that involved singly fractured experiments in Paintbrush Nevada. eta/, (1984) and Moreno Tuff that might affect sitiag These experiments fracture tuff samples Ba, and Pu (l_undberg using a rock column that validation roughness, vary with rock type and affect t'he transport Sr, Ce, TcO_, by Neretnicks suction and two-phase collecte,t to help validate the effect of matrix diffusion on the retardation by fract,ure flow. Theoretical radionuclide permeability to experiments addresses of a waste repository but isolated fract'ure of material et ai., 1986)], This report of radionuclides diffusion may be beneficial is necessary have been used to examine cut by a fracture matrix in for site-specific conditions by minerals, and matrix coating in fractures. Previous a variet,y of important presents data under experiments tracers the results of a subsequent, [HTO, set of network. II. EXPERIMENTAL A, Description of Fracture Network Sample The block of fractured Topopah Springs Memb,:r of the Paintbrush was selected for its net,work of natural used tor previous Pictures fracture but absent Tuff. This sample is composed fractures. flow experiments Its mineralogy (Rundberg minerals. Such fracture in deeper drill core samples, were removed by leaching been obtained resulted 4 weight. An estimate by analysis in a fractal dimension was collected, cement, s are common HCI solution. of approximately of fractures encapsulated, Accessible cutting 1.1 (Ha) (Mandelbrot, fractures constituents matrix in t'he block of surficial the fracture porosity samples carbonate and fracture from measurement, s of block dry weight of the roughness and space intersected of the box dimension ash-flow tuff and et M., 1986). network volume, 149 cm 3 (21.3 cm3/kg dry weight), were determined and total saturated of devitrified of the is similar to other _Ibpopah Springs samples After the block was partially with a dilute outcroppings was collect, ed from surface of block faces are shown in Fig. 1. When the sample were filled with carbonate cenmnts tuff used in these experiments by the fracture network has the block faces (Fig. 2); this analysis 1975; Mandelbrot 1983; Lovejoy and Mandelbrot, pavements National 1985; Pentland, 1984), These results are consistent in the Yucca Mountain Laboratory area (Barton, with studies of fracture networks intersecl,ing 1985)'. Informal, ion received from K, Boring, I.os Alamos (1986). B, Apparatus The block of tuff was encased to eliminate hydrostatic leakage of solutions in a LEXAN around box and sealed with S1LACIC. the seals, but is not capable 'I'his box was designed to simulating natural lithosl, atic or loads. solutions 'IYacer-loaded using 60-cm a syringes. were flowed through the fracture network sample with a SAGE syringe pump The syringe pump was chosen because it could provide steady flow at low to high lares for the large volumes and time periods necessary to obtain data for these experiments. across the fracture 4053A1 piezoresistive were measured by placing Kistler transducers Pressure drops at the enclosure's inlet and outlet ports. of Measurement C. Methods An estimate by establishing the network of the fracture aperture an initial head of 2.0 m of water at 2,0- to 0,05-m head, (Witherspoon sheet ttow and hydraulically smooth During a tracer injection column ettluent spiked samples scintillation relative of time. drop across using the cubic law for fracture ct M. (1986), This approach flow rates were determined The ettluent to a sample of the injected concentration solution. by liquid scintillation B dye concentrations over tile 300- to 700-#m wavelengths by measuring of tracer assumes flow plane the weight loss of the w_us determined Specific activities counting Activities of Tc 95m were determined Sulforhodamine the tlow rate and pressure was calculated by Rundberg (5,92 x 10.5 m) was determined fractures. experiment, were determined counter. Nai detectors. absorption as a function described network sample and measuring The aperture et M,, 1979), as previously supply syringe for the fracture for tritiated-water using a Packard by standard gamma-ray were determined using a ltewlett-Packard by assaying (IlTO)- model 460(21 aul_omat.ic courlting techniques by comparing UV/VIS the standard using and sample. spectrophotometer. III. EXPERIMENTAL Tttble I contains fractured RESULTS the relevant operating tuff network column. concentrations (concentration eluted, are plotted parameters for each of the fracture The results of elutions through the fractured eluted relative to the input concentration elutions completed on the tuff network column, as relative of tracer tabulated) vs total volume in Figs. 3-8, TABLE I, Experimental Experiments Parameters Using Devitrified, IITO HTO HTO TcO4TcO4Sulforhodarnine B dye Flow Tracer Densely Welded Tuff From the Topopah Spring Member of the Paintbrush Tracer for Network Fracture Tuff Flow Rate Concentration Volume (mg/hr) (cpm/me) (me) 0,91 0,94 0,98 0.94 0,95 511,55 494,80 973,70 3360, 2616, 43,9 44,9 51.0 45.1 45.5 54,3 110.4 V. Discussion and Theoretical Results A. Experimental Results and Discussion Elution curves for pertechnetate reproducible (Figs, 6-8). In contrast, first two ttTO experimental tration collection tube. represents This suggests tion collector system, breakthrough representation 6 volume, The sample, the first sample collected that earlier samples In contrast, (Fig. 5). Theoretical the first two experiments HTO elution curves are irregular results indicate significao.dy at ,-_175-cm 3 cumulative both experinaents, B dye are relatively smooth and for pertechnetate, and sulforhodamine and not reproducible delayed breakthrough which exhibits in a capped and jumps in tracer concen- the jump in tracer bottle rather concentration models of the experiments did not collect ItTO efficiently, elution in than in an open fraction have lost HTO as a result of volitilization the third HTO run has a smoother of HTO tracer behavior. (Figs. 3-5). The in the frac- curve with a much earlier ' C . V.B) support (Se the interpretation whereas the third experiment that is a more accurate Differentiation of breakthrough volumes between tracers for these (Figs, 5-8) because of the small numb'er of samples taken during elution (Figs, 9-14) indicates _,'s injection balances for these experiments 88_ of injected HTO, pertechnctate, of the network, The approximate define early elution and adding the proposed related evaporative to molecular ture network, resulting diffusivities to sulforhodamine on the size, accessibility, Percentage (Miller, and connectivity Ilowever, are evidently thus partially 75, 82, and flushed out, elutcd to accounting for can be qualitatively et nj,, 1975)], which increase oi' these experiments porosity dominated elution curves following maximum total by using the third experiment 1982; Sherwood of matrix calculated could be rapidly of total tracers B dye, Thus, modeling rates for all three tracers in similarly shaped B dye, respectively resolwtble is not that approximately the later elution of the first two experiments, sizes [and molecular Elution this interval, per cent of tITO eluted was calculated loss (Figs, 3-5 and 9-1[), from HTO to pertechnetate direct information and sulforhodamine exI)eriments could provide relative to flow in the frac- by flow in the fracture eluted tracer concentrations network, (Figs, 3-20), B. Theoretical Results and Discussion A series of models have been developed in these experiments. These models assume a single parallel-sided and use the parameters because listed in Table II. Initial calculations ali the necessary reproducibility to examine coupling between input data flow (Witherspoon eta/,, an aperture 1979; Rundberg could be improved by slight adjustments In models of the sulforhodamine equivalent to pertechnetate, constant dispersivity (Tang, et 'd,, 1986). Adjusting 1981) experiments showed excellent (0,00592 eta) calculated parameters (Fig. 21) and experimental the diffusivity by the within results, results (Fig. 22), which volume of the dye was assumed were set to match results, but a good fit was obtained constant diffusion (Fig, 23). B dye experiments, and flow rate and injected to make the longitudinal aperture a good fit to the experimental to dispersivity The initial model did not match experimental in a porous matrix and the experiments the model calculations of 0.1 cm, however, produced flow and matrix were focused on pertechnetate to the models was available wide limits failed to result in a good fit between Choosing fracture (Figs, 6-7), The first set of models used the fracture cubic law for fracture fracture (Tang, 1981) (compare experimental by adjusting to be conditions. the dispersion Figs. 24 and 25 with Fig. 3), TABLE II, l'arturmters Used to Model Single FrtLcture in kt Porous Matrix Tracer Coucentrat, ion Eluted Model ! rts a Function of Volume Elut,ed Tracer 'l_'acer Diffusivity (cm2/s) 0 1 2 3 4 5 for l_,_httivc TcO,_ TcO_" TcO,_" Sulforl odamine B dye Sulforllodamiue B dye ItTO Flow R,ate a Pulse Duration b (me/s) 0,000015_Jt' 0,0000150 0,0000150 0,0000150 c 0,0000150 0,00002444 Tracer Kd (me) 0,000253 0,000253 0,000253 0,015100 0,015100 0,000253 43,9 43,9 43,9 110,4 110,4 43,9 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, u Experimental parameters, b Miller, 1982, e Assumed equivalent to TcO_': '_ Sherwood eta/,, 1975, TABLE II, Parameters Tr_'.cer Concentration Model , 0 1 2 3 4 5 Used to Model Single Fracture Eluted as a Function of Volume Eluted Dry Bulk Density a Porosity b (g/crn 3) (c,n3/g) 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 2,3 in a Porous Matrix for Relative (cent) De_d Volume" 0,047 0,047 0,047 0,047 0,047 0,047 u Average tutl' density, b MeasuJ'ed l?y change in we.ight of block after saturation, e Measured for encapsulated 1)lock, ,t Adjustable parameter in model. (me) 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 Dispersivity d (cre2Is) 0,003 0,003 0,002 0,002 0,120 0,002 TABLE II. Used to Model Single Fracture P_rameters Tracer Concentration Eluted as a Function in a Porous Matrix of Volume Eluted (cont) Model Width a (eta) Length b (cm) Aperture _ (cm) 0 1 2 3 4 5 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 17,6 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 27,0 0.005921 0.10000 O,i0000 0,10000 0,10000 0.10000 Constrictivity Tortuosity e d 0,10 0,10 O,i0 0,10 0,10 0.10 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,410 1,410 Estimated from xerox pictures of block faces. b Estimated from xerox pictures of block faces. o Calculated from hydraulic head and flow rtte measurements or estimated d Estimated from tortuosity and analysis of diffusion experiments ' ;_C_ where constrictivity/(tortuoslty) -- 0.05. e (Waiters and Kidd, 1979). f Calculated fracture aperture (see text), Setting model experiments results perimental samples parameters for diffusivity in the elution and experimental conditions (Figs, 3 and 4) lost HTO during sampling The model also is consistent 11, also see discussion above) relative to pertechnetate of HTO in the model, compared indicate that there is a significant difference in parameters to those the suggestions of HTO that ex- and that elution curves for ali three tracers the same shape, concentration ,, (see text), equivalent curve shown in Fig, 26, This model confirms should have essentially maximum for H,elative with lower total elution of ItTO (Figs, 9- and sulforhodamine B dye (Figs, 12-14), to that in the third ItTO experiment between HTO and the other tracers A lower (Fig, 5), may (for example, constrictivity), VI. Conduslons Breakthrough The fraction of injected dye, respectively, of molecular of HTO, pertechnetate, tracer eluted The relative and sulforhodamine is _75, 82, and 88% for HTO, pertechnetate, differences in recovered species from an increasing B dye occurs rapidly in these experiments, proportion tracer is interpreted of the matrix pores, and sulforhodamine as a function B of size exclusion Modeling the experiments by using 9 a formulation colisistent for a sillgle parMlel-sided with experimental fracture aperture analysis mid tracer data surl'ace (Tsang dionuclide ella, 10 'l_he calculations lmve been observed rock matrix produces do, however, require previously Differing elution curves that a significantly larger fra,cture apperaLures and were attributed to roughness are value for for fluid flow of t,he fracture and Ts0,ng, 198d), flow/diffusion transport continues program for the Yucca Mountain simple--formulations to demonstrate in tuff under saturated Modeling of the experirl|ental relatively in a porous than if they were metmured experimentally, This experimental porous matrix results, fr_cturo Project the significance conditions, tlydrologic/gcochemical must accurately results shows promise account for providing that can be used in site-performance of coupled models, flow and modeling for these combined well-constrained assessment fracture of ra- phenom- and robust_but Vii, References "Geohydrologic and Drill-Hole Data for Test Well USW 11-1, Adjacent New_da," US Geological Survey open file report B. Arney-Carlos, Nye County "Minerals in Fractures Nevada," USGS-OFR-141 of the Unsaturated Los Alamos National Laboratory to New._da Test Sit,e, Nye (-IOtll|t,y, (1983). Zone from Drill Core USW-G-4, Yucca Moulltain, report LA-10415-MS (May !985). i' C, Barton, "Fraetal Geometry NeVada," in Proc, oi'Inr, of Two-Dimensional Fracture Networks Syrup, on lrhnd, lh_c1¢Joi_lts, B. Jorkliden, C. B, Bentley, "Geohydrologic Data at Yucca for Test Well USW G-4 Yucca Mountah_ US Geological Survey open file report USGS-OFR-063 Mountain, Swede.n, S_ptember, Soutllwesterll 15-20, 1985. Area, Nye County, Nevada," (1984), 1L W, Craig, R. L, Reed, and R,, W, Spengler, "Geohydrologic Data for Test Well USW II-6 Yucca Mount_dn Area, Nye County, Nevada," US Geological Survey open file report USGS-OFF_-856 (1983), S. Lovejoy and B. Mandelbrot, "Fractal Properties of Puain and A Fractal 'lbllus A, 37 209-232 Model," (1985), B, Mandelbrot, "Stochastic and the Number-Area B. 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C_r_,, *P_elLLm/n_r$'Re_s ((McGraw ltiltll, _ew York, 1975}, p. _;67, _r_et; of Gr_Cty ln_s_t,_galt._oas at Yucca Mounta/n aad K.. W.. Slp*_$}er amd M.. P.. C,_,macL, _S_galfig_apbic and S;_ructura_ Ch .ara¢_erLsl,ics',of Vo|cm_ic Roe'ks i_ C_,_' Bt0,1Jet._SW G-4_,, Yt_cca Moua_,a_, _ye C,a,_tly_ _evada,7 _S Geo|ogicai Survey open file reporl _SGS:OF'R-$_'_8_ ((11,9.@4i )).. G.. _,. 'Tang,, F.. P.F_i_d_ a_d E;.A.. S!_d/cky,, _Cb_ta_m_na_, T_a_s.tx_rt.i_ F_actured Porous Media'.' An Ana|yt_cai S_0,1_tl_ t_0,a SmsJ_e Firactl_e,7 C:..F.. 'T_.a_g a_d "I"..W.. "l',_g,, Wa_e.r Rt,_,o,_';, Res. 17'(_3)),_%5-_ _'19;8Ii). _So$t_tie'Tlraa_,po_'ll, m a Ro_gl_,F_-ad.u_e}" EOS' 65, 45 (lYg4). K. W. 'TIk,_a_:,, _A S,Lmml,,_ Rep_o,_t.on S;o,rpt_,n Meas:u_e.n_.ms; Pedom_ed S_lp,l_: a_d W_e_ F'l_o,_ We:[l_$-Ii$,7 L_, AILm-_o_:_l_o_a_ wi_.h Yucca Mouata_.n TUff L_I_:c,_ato_y _epo_t LA-Ii_MS (December I10_3:7,, )).. .... (3_'_,_yd_,_o,_c Dat_a _d Te_. R_,_; fi_m Weli. 3-113,, _evada Tes,t Site,, Nye Count¥_ .tO>.. V_,_m.,_ e_ _..,, _:Va_afiio._'.m Au_h_,gemc Mk_e_llo,gy _d_ Sorpt_ive Zeo,l_itteAbundance in Yucca Mountain,. _e_'_,d_a,,B_._e.,d_ o,_ S_,_<d_ _,ffD=fil_C_,_es:VS,W-GU-3 aad G-3/' L,0,:Altam_s, _atio,_a[ Laboratory C_o,a_lla_ Aq,_tfe,s;,," A_ab,ama__e_ _t Reroc,,c_cei_.ese_rc'_ Cen_er P_ose¢_. report B-0_3-ALA rep_,rt LA- ¢(i_79_). P. A. Withetspoon, J. Y. Wang, K. hvai, and J. E. Gale, "Validity of Cubic Law for Fluid Flow in a Deformable Rock Fracture," Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory report LBL-9557 (October 1979). i / 13 Fig. 1. Photo of a block face. 14 8- 6- ± zo W _ 4- i [] II , 2- 0 0 I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 K (log 2 of relative box size) Fig. 2, Fractal box dimension analysis of fracture network, 15 m o8 m 0.7- 0.6O .. 0.50.4- 0.2- % • 0.1- ql_ • • 0 I 0 50 100 I I 150 200 I 250 • I 300 • I 350 • 1 400 I I 4,50 500 Cumulative Volume Fig. 3. First run of llTO-spiked J-la water in Topopah Spring Member fracture network column at a flow rate of 0,91 mg/hr; initial ltTO concentration was 511,55 cpm/me. After 43,9 mt of eluent was collected, the input solution was changed to pure J-13 water (dashed line), 16 0.6I .08-__.. 0.50.4- 0.2- 0.i - _ O- I _ 0 o l 50 1 o I w0 10 i I I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 CumulativeVolume Fig. 4. SecoIld run of ItTO-spiked J-la water in Tol)opah Sl)ring Member fracture network column al, _t flow rate of 0,9,1 rag/br; initial IITO concentration was 49,4,.80 cpm/rag, Aft,er 44.9 me of eluent was collected, the input solution was changed to pure J-13 water (dashed line), 17 m 0.9- 0.8- 0.6- o o 0.5- DI : e i 0.4 r-I ,' 0.2- % 0.I -E3 0 _ 0 I 50 _ E:] l l [3 [3 i I , l v l l 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulative Volume Fig, 5, Third run of ItTO-spiked J-13 water in Topopah Spring Member fracture network column at a flow rate of 0,98 rn_/hr; initial HTO concentration was 973,70 cpm/mL After 50,96 rne of eluent was collected, tile input solution was changed to pure J-13 water (dashed line), 18 0°9 -- °8 - 0.7J I 0.6- _. 0.5- i_ 0.4 03 I I 0,2--Q 0 0 'l 50 l I I i I i I I - t 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulative Volume Fig, 6, First run of TcO_'-spiked J-13 water in 'Ibpopah Spriag Member fracture aetwork column at _ flow rate o[' 0.94 me/ht; initial TcO,]" conceatration was 3360, cpm/me, After 45,1 rne or eluent was collected, tile ial)ut solution was changed to pure ,1-13 water (dashed line), 19 006 -" O_ 0.50.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 ', 0 1=- _, 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 1 1 I I .... I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulative Volume Fig, 7. Second run of ToOl'-spiked J-13 water in Topoptth Spring Member fracture network column at a flow rate of 0,95 me/ht; initial 'I'cO_" concentration was 2616, cpm/me, After 45,5 m£ of eluent was collected, the input solution was changed to pure J-13 water (dashed line), 20 _P8 m 0.7- f 8 o.6® >" :_ a • # • • 0.4iii 0.3- • • o 0.2- @ @ O.l-o " mm, 0 • •. Dye In[ I I i 50 I .... I J-13 InlecfloOn • • I I I I I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 4,50 500 Cumulative Volume Fig, 8, l{un of sulforhodamine B dye-spiked J-13 water in 'ropopah Sprlag Mell_ber fracture aetwork flow rate of 54,3 mt_/hr, After 110,4 me of eluent was collected, the input solution was changed water (dashed line), columa at _ to pure J-13 21 -- 0.8 t,. 0.7- • :_ 0.60.5 - '_ 0.4- • • • 0.30.2 • 0,10 , 0 ) I 50 100 '"1 1 I 150 200 250 I 300 J I I 550 400 450 _) 500 Cumulative Volume Fig. 9. C, Iculated sum of eluted Lracer rcl_ive to sum of injected tracer for flrsL run of ll'l'O-spila_d J-13 water in Tol)opah Sprizlg Member fracLure network column, Data shown in Fig, 3, Dashed line indlcal, es change t,o uztspiked J- 13 wal,cr. 2_ 0.9 -- 0.8 - i__ 0.7i_ 0.6o 0.5- iri : 0.3 0,4 t 0.1 O.2- i/ 0 0 I 50 o o o I I' I I I I' I I t 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 CumuloflveVolume lqg, 10, (2alculated sum of eluted tracer relative to sum of injected tracer for second run of ll"l'O-sptked J-l.3 water in '['opopah Spring Member fracture network column, Data shown in Fig, 4, I)tmhed line indicates change to unspiked J-13 water, 23 I m 0.9 - 0,8- 0.7- O o 0.6- I _ m 0.40.3 , _ 0.2- 0_ °lio°°° I_ 0 I 50 I I I ' I I l"-I 1 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulaflve Volume l"ig, lt,CalculttLcd sum ofclutcdt,r_tccr rcl_ttivf., Co sum ofinjectedtr_ccrforscconcl run of [[TO-spikcdJ-l.3 w_ttcr ill'I'opol)Ith SpringMculber fr_tcgurc n(_t, work colulrm,Dal, rts!iownin Fig,5, D_shod lineindicates change to uuspiked J-13 wttt(}r, 24 0 I 0 50 1....... I-- I ' ' I ' I "' I ..... i 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulative Volume b Fig, 12, Calculated sum of eluted Lr_eer rel_tive to sunl of i.jected (,racer for fir.t, run of perl,echaet_Lt,e-sptked J-13 water in Topop_h Spring Member l'rt_cture network columH, I)al,a showa ia Fig, 6, Dashed liae indic_ttes change to unspiked J-13 wttt,er, 25 11- F_g. L4. Calculated sum of eiuted tracer relative to sum of injected tracer t\w run ofsuiforhodamine B dye-spiked J-13 water ia Topopah Spring Member fracture network column. Data shown in Fig. 8. Dashed line indicates cha_g.e to un,spiked J-l_ water. 27 0.0100 - 0.0075- -0.0025 0 50 i i j I I t I I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Cumulative Volume Fig. 15, Calculated rate of change for sum of relative eluted tracer from first run of llTO-spiked J-13 water in Topopah Spring Member fracture network column, Data shown in Fig. 9. Dashed line indicates change to unspiked J-13 water. 28 0.0100 - 0.0075 - 0.0050 . IM.II •"o 0.0025 - _ f o.ooooi_ _ -0.0025 0 ' 'l 50 o 0 0 o s I i 1 i I I I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 4,50 500 Cumulative Volume Fig. 16. Calcula'ed rate of change for sum of relative eluted tracer from second run of llTO-.spiked J-13 w_fl,cr in Topopah Spring Member fracture network column, Data shown in Fig, 10. Dashed lille indicates change to unspiked J-13 water. 29 0.0100- o i. 0.0075 - 0 © ! !o ! 0 0.0050- I0 °°: 1- o.oo2s- %eo OQ, , 0 0 ! I 0.0000.... i -0.0025 ---0 " 50 I ' I 0 0 ']' I I I I I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 CumulativeVolume Fig, 17 Calculated rate Of change for sunl of relal,ive elut,ed l,r0.cer fronl second run of HTO-spiked J-13 water in Topopah Spring Member fracture nel,work column, Data shown in Fig, 11, Dashed line indicat, es change to unspiked J- 13 water. 3O 0.0100- , !8 !e 0.0075 - _11 f. a._ o.oo oo.oo_° _ 0.0000 _ • • • • t • • , -0.0025--i - 'l ' J I J s J i..... 1 ' _ I 0 50 100 150 200 250 500 550 400 450 500 Cumuloflve Volume Fig, 18, C'alculated rate of change for sum of relative eluted tracer from first run of l)ertechnetate-sl)iked J-13 water in Topopah Spring Member fracture network column, I)ata shown in Fig, 12, Dashed line indicates change t,o unspiked J-la water. 31 0.0100 - i I 0.0075) 0.0050f-, o 0'0025 -_1:_ 0.0000 _ ' ..... 0 0 0 0 I -0.0025 I 0 'i 50 I ..... I u 100 150 200 , ' I 250 500 0 " o .... i ..... r , 550 400 450 l 500 Cumulative Volume Fig. 19. (!_dculuU,dr_deor chunge for sunl of rel_Ltiveelutc,,dl,r_c:c_,r FroxxLae¢:ond run of l,ert,c,'chvmt,_Lte-spik_,d J-13 w_d,er i_, 'l'ol.q,uh Sl,ring Mend..'r rr_cLure network column, l)ttl,u _hown in Fig, 13, Du..dmdline indJcal,e_ c,llmlge t,o uVlsl;ikedJ-13 wtd.er. • 32 0.0125ii 0.0100- >_ 0.0075 - • @ 0.0050 al_ 0.0025 _I I___ , I 0.0000 0 i 50 ,::I X @ ••li•l@•• I' I ' I I ' I i' '-i ..... I -i 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 CUMULATIVE VOLUME Fig, 20, Calcul_tted rate of ch_ng¢}tbr ,sum or rclutive eluted t,ra,ce,r t'rolii run of sult'orhodluilinc 1t dye-spiked J-13 wat,er in 'I?opoptth Spring l_Ieriiber t'rttctur(: neLwork column, l)_g,_tsliown iii li'ig, ld, l.)ushed line i)idictd, es chungc, 1,o unspiked J-la writer, t 33 + + ++ 0 0 50 ++ ++ + i .... _ " I I 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 VOLUME (ml) l"i_. 21. Mc,d_,llhr IJcrtcchxlt_l, atc trzLc_.rtAution tl,rough a singlc l,artdlcl-sicled fra,cture ixl _ porous nlecltum uses t,h,._ l,_Lralnit!l,crsfl:,r llloclcl 0 ini TalJIc II, l"rttcturc aperture of 0,00592 clxi was dct_rlz,lned from head and llow rate xttc;asurcxncnl, s, Coxxq_a, re to oxperixntmtal elutiont curves ixtFigs, 6 and 7, I)ashed line indicates change to Unsl,ikcd J_13 water, 0.2 q -H- "'" 0,8 i - 0 ...... /' .... 1 - 0 50 I " I ..... 1 I 100 150 200 250 300 550 400 450 500 VOLUME(ml) I:i_;, 2;1, Mud.l l'of i_e.t't,_.c'htl_l,_lt,_; l,l'ztc'._]r {_lut,ioll tllrough zt .itlgl_] I:_u'_tllc_l-sidedt'r_tc',t, urc_iii zt Ix]rous moclium uses l,h_, I,_trlultel,I;x',_fl_r xnc,cl_.,I2 inl 'l'_tl,lc_11, l"rz_c'.tur_;[q,l.,,rl,ure. wzL,_ ._(_tto Cl,l c'.xxl,as irt I,_l.L_, 22, _ulcl cli.perstvity _l.cl'_,_t.._.lI'rotn O,O0;t1,_,0,002 t,o til, zl_ol'_.,c'.lo..ely t,o t,l_e _;Xl,C_x,i_ie_t_ld_d,_t(l"i_;., (j _u_d _)); colnlmre to l,'i_;, 21, l)_t._hecllixl_.,imlic_t,e, c',ll_ul_ot,o un.pil{ecl ,l-1;! ,,rioter, lrre/_ul_trit,ie_ i. elul.io. 6urvo _h_ll_C_. in t.he_e _lo_h,.l,__u'eI_x'ol,f_l_ly_:_.u_,_:{l by ill_tcc'.ur_tc'iu,_ lit I,he.IiIlll-lericltl inil_:_x'_tl, ioxt .ch_;_l_ ll_c;clil_ _lie coxllpul,or code, (llll'ol'llllt_iuii r.c'.e.iv_.'d l'l'Olll I(,, l{ui|clherB, I,o_ A lzurlcI.t N_ttioxl_dI._d_or_tt, c]ry, 1il87,) 0,8- I i Fig, 25, Model for sultbrhodalnino B (lye tracer eltltion through a, _hlgle pt_rtdlel-akled frt_ct,uro in 'x porous medhlm uses _he I,arazm,,ters h)r model 4 in Table II, Model paraxslet, er8 are identical Lo t,hose used for Fig, 24 eXCCl,L LhaL dispersiviLy was i.creased by a ftLcLorof 60 Lo co|-||pe|maLe for increased flow rat,c; longit, udinal dispc, rsivity ('l.'tulg,, 1981) is consttmt, Dt_shed line indh'_Let!_chtmge 1,ounspiked J-13 wal,er, lrregult_rit, ies in elution curve shapc's in Ll|ese models are probably caused by inaccuracies in tile numerical integration scheme used i. LllecoxzlpuLer code, (lnformaLio|| received From R., l{undberg, Los Alamos NaLio||al LaboraLory, 1987,) 38 , ,_ r It, ( 0.2- 0 -_ 0 T 50 I t------t___T I 100 150 200 250 ,500 350 400 4,50500 VOLUME (mi) l"ig, _[_, Model for IITO tracer elution through a singl0 par_dlc_l-sided fracture in _ porous modium uses tile p_rmncters for model 5 in Table II, Model pttrameters t_re idcnticttl to those used for l"ig, 23 except fracer cliffttsivit# was changed to that of HTO, l)ashed line hldica_es change to tmspikcd 3-13 water, Irrcgult_ritics in elution curve shapes in Lhosc models ttre pro l_al_ly caused by inaccuracies in tire nttmerlc_d itltegral, ion scheme used in the compu, tcr code, (information received fro,lt R,, It,undbcrg, Los Alaxnos NtLtlon_,l Ltd_oratory, 1I)87,) 3Ii *U,S, GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1990.0.773.034/20107