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Preparing the road for others Luke 3:1 – 6 Rabbi Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz 1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip was tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, 2 in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness. 3 And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins; 4 as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, “THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT. 5 ‘aEVERY RAVINE WILL BE FILLED, AND EVERY MOUNTAIN AND HILL WILL BE BROUGHT LOW; THE CROOKED WILL BECOME STRAIGHT, AND THE ROUGH ROADS SMOOTH; 6 AND ALL FLESH WILL SEE THE SALVATION OF GOD.’” Even if someone baptized you as an infant somewhere along the way, you still had to decide to accept Jesus into your heart. If you are a follower of Jesus, then you chose to be baptized when you were older than an infant or as an adult. Here you probably decided for yourself that you wanted to declare to the congregation and to yourself that Jesus was your Lord and Savior, and you believe God offered salvation through an understanding of faith in the acts of Jesus. 1 For me, that occurred as an adult when I was 35 years old. A road had to be paved into my heart to enable me to see the work of Jesus was for the salvation that he offered. My impressions of the church until then was that the church was only after my money. I had gone to church several times with my lovely bride and our three children and always experienced the asking for money. Unfortunately, this fueled the feelings I had about church long before I ever stepped into one. That is a reputation that the church has and it’s quite sad. I’m going to spend just a moment on how the church got such a reputation. I went to a free concert at a church. The concert featured a local Christian band, and they did a wonderful job with their music and their singing. It left a powerful impression on me. However, in the middle of the band's second set, they offered a plea through the pastor of the church for money so that they could continue their music ministry. To me, the concert that was advertised as free turned into a concert that required payment. When that offering plate came to me, it felt like the entire audience was waiting to see how much I was going to put in. That was the last time I went to anything that the church said was free. From that point on, I knew that there was no free lunch, as I quote President Ronald Reagan. By the way, that experience put a big pothole in the road into my heart for Jesus to have to travel upon. That pothole had to be filled, and Pastor Don Stover did it beautifully. He had a policy that once a month the children’s choir had to sing at the Sunday worship. My bride is an excellent singer, taught the children and took them to church regularly. They were in the children’s choir. Once a month I was told you have to come see your children sing and that brought me into the church. Once I was there, it was 2 Pastor Don Stover’s preaching that started me to think about Jesus and church differently. The road still needed to be paved, and the curves needed to be removed before I was ready to come to the Lord. This was done when I read the book, the “Road less traveled” by Scott Peck and ”The power of positive thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale, and the Gospels in a transliterated paraphrased form. I had my eyes opened by the kids singing and the three books. Or should I say, these three books straightened and paved the road into my heart, allowing Jesus to enter it. Evangelist will tell you it can take up to 10 times for someone to hear the gospel story until they react positively to it. I think those 10 times are really the paving and the straightening of the road into the heart. There has to be a reason that a person will look for God in order to find Jesus. Usually it’s a point in their lives or an event that kicks off the search. What I have discovered is that many adults between the ages of 35 and 45 look for a deeper meaning to life. For me, it started around 35 years old when I determined that just getting up in the morning, going to work, coming home and getting up and going to work the next day could not be the only thing I was going to do in my life. Each of you who are listening or reading this should take a moment and think about how you made the road into your heart paved and straightened so that Jesus could easily enter. It is up to each of us to open our hearts to lead Jesus in. In Revelation, it says that Jesus is knocking at the door. We just have to open the door. Another analogy is 3 John the Baptist, who said I straighten the road out into your heart so that the Messiah Jesus can come in. So, think about how someone paved and straightened your road. Well then, what are you gonna do with that information? Perhaps you know some people whose road into their heart needs to be paved and straightened it so that Jesus can enter. You can learn how to be an evangelist. I know that in many places people will think that’s a scary word. That’s because they don’t understand what evangelism is all about. It is not going out and thumping your hand on a Bible, telling people they’re going to go to hell if they don’t know Jesus. Okay, let me restate that because there are people who do that. I remember going to the York fair in York Pennsylvania and there was the guy we called the soapbox guy who preached hell and damnation during the entire York fair week. Now perhaps he could get some people look allow Jesus into their hearts. However, the consensus was he was just being laughed at it and basically ignored. He had good intentions, but he did not know how to reach people. Learn how to reach people for Jesus. That’s one of our obligations as a follower of Jesus Christ. Remember, you would know nothing about Jesus if it wasn’t from someone in the generations before you who told you about Jesus and straighten that road out for you. In the same way, do it for someone else. Also, there are people who get baptized as children who never show up at church and do absolutely nothing about their faith. We need to help them. Apathy has taken over our churches and I think we have to do evangelism inside of our congregations. I received an appointment to a church that had almost 1000 members on the roles; however, on Sunday, we only had around 225 present. Since most of them were the 4 regulars, I deduced that over 700 names on the roles belonged to people who were baptized at one point in the church or possibly affiliated, and concluded that apathy was an accepted situation. Despite never attending Sunday school, church events, or Sunday worship, they still believed they were saved because they had undergone baptism. It was Martin Luther who said that if you’re baptized and you don’t follow the ways of Jesus that all that happened was water was placed upon your head. Faith to me is an action verb, and Jesus expects us to do something. So, why not be like John the Baptist and go out and try to straighten the roads and fill in the potholes for those people who have either never heard of Jesus or those who say they know Jesus but honestly, they really don’t. It is up to us to go out and continue the work that John the Baptist started because without him we might never have known about Jesus our Lord and Savior and the salvation he offers through a faithful discipleship. 5