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Wave energy1

CHAPTER-01 INTRODUCTION NEED FOR PROJECT 75 % of our country is covered by sea sore, so we can take advantage of power generation by sea waves it is one time investment without and side effect to our environment. Advanced lifestyle and rapidly growing industrialization, the need & demand of power is increasing day- by- day. The number of industry is increasing daily. Hence chances of load saddling are increasing which affects common life. So it became necessary to develop nonconventional source of energy to solve the problem of electricity. Hence we, the group of our class found the need of designing and manufacturing such a system, which will make the sea waves to generate electricity. Here on working this group task we over-come our following needs:- we became able to have market survey Doped capability of designing a system by collecting necessary data. Learnt actual practical fabrication processes of the sub-components of the system. Planning the cost estimation and budget. Duties of a technician or an Engineer. SELECTION OF THE PROJECT We the group of young engineers found that, there is an impending need to make much more forays to make Non Conventional energy attain popular acclaim.  This is also very essential to preserve the conventional sources of energy and explore viable alternatives like sustainable energy ( the energy which we are already utilizing but for some safety of other uses we are suddenly wasting it, that can be reutilized), solar, wind and biomass that can enhance sustainable growth.  What is more, such alternatives are environment friendly and easily replenish able.  Therefore, they need to be thoroughly exploited with a functionally expedient, energy matrix mix. A engineer is always focused towards challenges of bringing ideas and concepts to life. Therefore, sophisticated machines and modern techniques have to be constantly developed and implemented for economical manufacturing of products. At the same time, we should take care that there has been no compromise made with quality and accuracy. In the age of automation machine become an integral part of human being. By the use of automation machine prove itself that it gives high production rate than manual production rate. In competition market everyone wants to increase their production & make there machine multipurpose. The engineer is constantly conformed to the challenges of bringing ideas and design into reality. New machines and techniques are being developed continuously to manufacture various products at cheaper rates and high quality. Growing economies, especially of Asia are gifted with sufficient resource base and non-conventional energy technologies are consistent both for grid linked energy generation and transmission in out of the way locales that are islanded from the grid.  Adaptation of technology and employing them should be pursued right from this moment to have a head start, be informed of the barriers in technology applications of the renewable variety and synergizing them with the existing, traditional power production technology and T&D networks.  It is known that in coming times, wind energy will be the most cost-effective renewable resource. Yet, it is doubtful if any individual technology would hold centre-stage. Thus we selected kinetic generator means the “Energy in motion when it is suddenly applied with a sort of obstacle, then according to Newton’s law for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Utilization of this reaction is the basic reason behind the selection of this project work.” FIG 1: the set up flow diagram INTRODUCTION OF NON-CONVENTIONAL ENERGY The development planning process designs strategies and activities to use, enhance or conserve both natural and economic goods and services. In big modern cities, economic goods and services almost completely replace the natural ones. Energy is the prime source of all socio-economic activities of the human community. The demographic rate of growth globally and the widening spectrum of economic growth would result in demands of energy at an incremental rate of 7 to 8% annually.  This can easily support a GDP growth of 8 to 9% per annum. Projections point toward a doubling of global energy demands in the decade starting 2020.   There will be a marked shift in patterns of energy consumption whereby developing economies of the world would have a share exceeding two-third of global energy consumption by that period. Fossil fuels' consumption would remain the major source of energy generation and globally employed power generation technologies. The apportionment of renewable energy in the entire energy supply will continue to be marginal in the real sense.  The contribution of renewable energy-excepting hydel energy and conventional biomass-as a proportion of global energy output is pegged at a paltry 2%. This scenario in all likelihood is not going to be altered therefore, guaranteeing the possibility of nudging the renewable contribution up to 5% by 2020. The global sources of fossil fuel will have become dearer due to their depletion thereby, making the viability of fossil fuel plants restoring parity with the renewable sources.  60% of the cumulated energy needs world-wide would be met through renewable sources. It was in the 1970s that the real potential and role of renewable energy sources was sensed and identified in India for sustainable energy growths. During the past quarter of a century, a significant thrust has been given to the development, trial and induction of a variety of renewable energy technologies for use in different sectors.  The activities cover all major renewable energy sources, such as biogas, biomass, solar energy, wind energy, small hydropower and other emerging technologies. India has presently among the world's plentiful agenda on renewable energy. in the 8th Plan, vis-à-vis a proposal of 600 MW generation, close to 1050 MW of power generating capacity fastened to renewable energy sources was added. About 1500 MW of the total grid capacity in the country, is now based on renewable energy sources. India is rated fourth in the world with a wind power capacity of 1000-1100 MW.  Small hydel power generation, which is especially ideal for remote, hilly regions, presently not exploited but holds a potential of 500 MW in today's scenario. India has an extensive cane sugar production and we are implementing the world's biggest biogases based cogeneration programmed in agglomeration with sugar mills. There is substantial leverage as regards to deducing energy from urban and industrial wastes. The National Programmes lays special emphasis on supplying energy to rural areas. Close to 2.75 million biogas plants and over 28 million upgraded wood-stoves are also in use in the country. To give a fillip to power generation from renewable energy, State Governments and utilities provide remunerative power purchase agreements and arrangements for wheeling, banking and buy back of power. 12 States have so far announced policies for non-conventional energy based power generation. The Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA), the corporate financing arm of the Ministry, is the only Agency of its kind in the world dedicated to financing of renewable energy projects. Interest rates vary from 0% to 16%, with special rates being offered for projects. There is an impending need to make much more forays to make Non Conventional energy attain popular acclaim.  This is also very essential to preserve the conventional sources of energy and explore viable alternatives like solar, wind and biomass that can enhance sustainable growth.  What is more, such alternatives are environment friendly and easily replenish able.  Therefore, they need to be thoroughly exploited with a functionally expedient, energy matrix mix. A revolutionary step would be the advent of renewable energy co-operatives for power vending, installation and servicing of renewable energy systems in pockets like NERZs. With a view to take a long-term perspective, and to actualize the entire scope of Non-Conventional energy sources, it is incumbent to draw up a capacious Renewable Energy Policy involving all players in the field, together with the active participation of consumers as well The need is however to have adequate policy framework to be in place with an aim to provide impetus through streamlining the structure of Renewable and Non Conventional Energy.  The high potential is what should spur maximum efforts. The bottlenecks are that although there are good plans, we often fall short in measuring up to meet the desired levels of optimization of our potential. If there is a strict regiment by which Renewable and Non Conventional Energy Sources are utilized, India is sure to have adequate measure of success. The Numero Uno position in Renewable and Non Conventional Energy is well within reach with a little bit of concerted effort. CHAPTER-02 LITERATURE SURVEY SOURCES OF ENERGY CONCIDERATION FOR SUBSITITUION OF ENERGY GENERATION Technology Process Raw Material Product By-Product State of the Art Applications Applicability Hydro energy P.G.H. Water Courses and Waterfalls Electricity - Commercial Rural Electrification The majority of its present and future populations Water wheels Water Courses and Waterfalls Mechanical Energy - Commercial Cottage and small industry Sawmills, carpentry shops, grain mills, sugar mills, etc. Hydraulic Rams Water Courses Mechanical Energy Commercial Pumping of water for domestic and other purposes Homes and isolated lodging establishments on slopes near rivers Biomass Direct Combustion Wood and wood residues Heat, steam mechanical Smoke, ash Commercial Domestic, rural and industrial Cooking food, dehydrating agricultural products, ceramic and brick-making ovens, industrial production of paper, operating sawmills, etc. Solar Photovoltaic Solar Radiation Continuous electrical current Experimental, nearly commercial - Domestic - Pumping - Telecommunications in remote localities Wide applicability in colonies, if affordable equipment is available Wind Wind-driven Wind Mechanical energy - Commercial Water pumping Grain mills, etc. Little, because of scarcity of wind Aero-generators Wind Continuous electricity Commercial (low power) and experimental (high power) Continuous electricity for domestic use Little, because of scarcity of wind COST CONCIDERATION IN ENERGY GENERATION Potential Generation and Estimated Wholesale Cost Resource Cost (cents per kilowatt-hour) Region-Wide Potential for Generation (average megawatts) Hydroelectric 1.1 to 7.0 170 Chemical recovery boilers 2.6 195 Natural gas 2.7 7,400 Industrial cogeneration (natural gas) 2.7 to 6.4 4,600 Landfill gas 3.1 94 Wood residue 4.3 to 5.4 300 Geothermal 5.2 to 6.5 390 to 1,070 Wind 5.3 to 8.1 700+ Forest biomass 5.5 to 6.6 300 to 1,000 Solar thermal 8.6 ------ Solar photovoltaic (large-scale) 19.4 ------ Solar photovoltaic (small-scale) 21.5 to 23.6 ------ RENEWABLE ENERGY Renewable energy is energy from any source that can be maintained in a constant supply over time. In contrast, the supply of fossil energy sources such as oil, natural gas or coal is limited. There are five principal renewable sources of energy: flowing water, biomass, wind, the sun and heat from within the earth. Heat, electricity and vehicle fuel are the main forms of energy that people use every day. All renewable energy sources are used to produce electricity. Solar energy and geothermal energy can supply both electricity and heat. Biomass is unique because it can supply all three forms of useful energy. In 2001, renewable energy supplied about 6 percent of all energy consumed in the United States. Hydropower and biomass energy accounted for 92 percent of all renewable energy consumed. About 11 percent of all electricity used in the country was generated from renewable sources. SUN The sun is a constant natural source of heat and light. Sunlight can be converted to electricity. Solar energy is energy that comes directly from the sun. BIOMASS "Biomass" describes, in one word, all plants, trees and organic matter on the earth. Biomass is a source of renewable energy because the natural process of photosynthesis constantly produces new organic matter in the growth of trees and plants. Photosynthesis stores the sun's energy in organic matter. That energy is released when biomass is used to make heat, electricity or liquid fuels WIND The wind blows because of natural conditions of climate and geography. Historically, wind power was used to supply mechanical energy, for example to pump water, grind grain or sail a boat. Today, wind power is primarily a source of electricity. WATER Like the wind, flowing water is a product of the earth's climate and geography. Snowmelt and runoff from precipitation at higher elevations flow toward sea level in streams and rivers. In an earlier era, water wheels used the power of flowing water to turn grinding stones and to run mechanical equipment. Modern hydro-turbines use water power to generate electricity. EARTH Heat from deep within the earth is called "geothermal energy." In some locations, geothermal energy is close enough to the surface that, by drilling a well to reach the heat source, the energy can be extracted and used for heating buildings and other purposes. Where the temperatures are hot enough, geothermal energy can be used to generate electricity. WHAT IS ELECTRICITY? Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons. The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The negative charge of an electron is equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons. When the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force, an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current. Electricity is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy.  We get electricity, which is a secondary energy source, from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Many cities and towns were built alongside waterfalls (a primary source of mechanical energy) that turned water wheels to perform work. Before electricity generation began slightly over 100 years ago, houses were lit with kerosene lamps, food was cooled in iceboxes, and rooms were warmed by wood-burning or coal-burning stoves. Beginning with Benjamin Franklin's experiment with a kite one stormy night in Philadelphia, the principles of electricity gradually became understood. In the mid-1800s, Thomas Edison changed everyone's life -- he perfected his invention -- the electric light bulb. Prior to 1879, electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. Edison's invention used electricity to bring indoor lighting to our homes. HOW ELECTRICITY IS MADE? Electricity can be made or generated by moving a wire (conductor) through a magnetic field. Magnetism Diagram 1 A bar magnet has a north and south pole. If it is placed under a sheet of paper and iron filings are sprinkled over the top of the paper, these iron filings will arrange themselves into a pattern of lines that link the north pole with the south pole of the magnet (see diagram 1). These lines show the magnetic field around the magnet. MAKING ELECTRICITY Diagram 2 If a coil of wire is moved within a magnetic field so that it passes through the magnetic field, electrons in the wire are made to move (as in diagram 2). When the coil of wire is connected into an electric circuit (at the terminals A and a) the electrons are under pressure to move in a certain direction and a current will flow. This electrical pressure is called voltage. The amount of pressure or voltage depends on the strength and position of the magnetic field relative to the coil, as well as the speed at which the coil is turning. As the amount of electricity changes so does its voltage. Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3 Diagram 4 In the diagram above, the coil of wire is rotating in a clockwise direction. When the coil of wire is in the horizontal position 1the voltage is greatest (diagram 4) because the coil is passing through the strongest part of the magnetic field. At this stage the current flows from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, out through terminal A, through the globe and back into terminal a. When the coil of wire is in the vertical position (2), no electricity is produced because the coil does not cut the magnetic field, and no current flows. When the coil of wire is in the horizontal position again 3 the voltage is at its maximum (3), however the current flows in the opposite direction 4 to 3 to 2 to 1, out through terminal a, through the globe, and back into terminal A. The current produced changes direction every half turn (180 degrees ). This is called alternating current or AC. The generators at large power stations produce nearly all the electricity we use in this way CHAPTER-03 METHODOLOGY Here following method is adopted to generate the electricity:- The set up is designed. First of all we have to have to design the model at what power is required and how much will the power generated. As per that requirement we have to design the components that are used in power generation are designed. Its subcomponents are manufactured. The components that were designed have to be manufactured and hence what machines are required and which part is machined first is listed and then all the parts are manufactured. The sub components are assembled together. The components that were manufactured are given finishing and then the components are assembled. The set up is tested for checking whether it performing it’s intended task or not. After assembling the components a final model is obtained and then the model is tested whether it’s working or not. CHAPTER-04 MATERIAL SELECTION The proper selection of material for the different part of a machine is the main objective in the fabrication of machine. For a design engineer it is must that he be familiar with the effect, which the manufacturing process and heat treatment have on the properties of materials. The Choice of material for engineering purposes depends upon the following factors: Availability of the materials. Suitability of materials for the working condition in service. The cost of materials. Physical and chemical properties of material. Mechanical properties of material. The mechanical properties of the metals are those, which are associated with the ability of the material to resist mechanical forces and load. We shall now discuss these properties as follows: Strength : It is the ability of a material to resist the externally applied forces Stress: Without breaking or yielding. The internal resistance offered by a part to an externally applied force is called stress. Stiffness: It is the ability of material to resist deformation under stresses. The modules of elasticity of the measure of stiffness. Elasticity: It is the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the external forces are removed. This property is desirable for material used in tools and machines. It may be noted that steel is more elastic than rubber. Plasticity: It is the property of a material, which retain the deformation produced under load permanently. This property of material is necessary for forging, in stamping images on coins and in ornamental work. Ductility: It is the property of a material enabling it to be drawn into wire with the application of a tensile force. A ductile material must be both strong and plastic. The ductility is usually measured by the terms, percentage elongation and percent reduction in area. The ductile materials commonly used in engineering practice are mild steel, copper, aluminum, nickel, zinc, tin and lead. Brittleness: It is the property of material opposite to ductile. It is the Property of breaking of a material with little permanent distortion. Brittle materials when subjected to tensile loads snap off without giving any sensible elongation. Cast iron is a brittle material. Malleability: It is a special case of ductility, which permits material to be rolled or hammered into thin sheets, a malleable material should be plastic but it is not essential to be so strong. The malleable materials commonly used in engineering practice are lead, soft steel, wrought iron, copper and aluminum. Toughness: It is the property of a material to resist the fracture due to high impact loads like hammer blows. The toughness of the material decreases when it is heated. It is measured by the amount of absorbed after being stressed up to the point of fracture. This property is desirable in parts subjected to shock an impact loads. Resilience: It is the property of a material to absorb energy and to resist rock and impact loads. It is measured by amount of energy absorbed per unit volume within elastic limit. This property is essential for spring material. Creep: When a part is subjected to a constant stress at high temperature for long period of time, it will undergo a slow and permanent deformation called creep. This property is considered in designing internal combustion engines, boilers and turbines. Hardness: It is a very important property of the metals and has a wide verity of meanings. It embraces many different properties such as resistance to wear scratching, deformation and mach inability etc. It also means the ability of the metal to cut another metal. The hardness is usually expressed in numbers, which are dependent on the method of making the test. The hardness of a metal may be determined by the following test. Brinell hardness test Rockwell hardness test Vickers hardness (also called diamond pyramid) test and Share scaleroscope. For this certain characteristics or mechanical properties mostly used in mechanical engineering practice are commonly determined from standard tensile tests. In engineering practice, the machine parts are subjected to various forces, which may be due to either one or more of the following. Energy transmitted Weight of machine Frictional resistance Inertia of reciprocating parts Change of temperature Lack of balance of moving parts The selection of the materials depends upon the various types of stresses that are set up during operation. The material selected should with stand it. Another criterion for selection of metal depends upon the type of load because a machine part resist load more easily than a live load and live load more easily than a shock load. Selection of the material depends upon factor of safety, which in turn depends upon the following factors. Reliabilities of properties Reliability of applied load The certainty as to exact mode of failure The extent of simplifying assumptions The extent of localized The extent of initial stresses set up during manufacturing The extent loss of life if failure occurs The extent of loss of property if failure occurs Material used Mild steel Reasons: Mild steel is readily available in market It is economical to use It is available in standard sizes It has good mechanical properties i.e. it is easily machinable It has moderate factor of safety, because factor of safety results in unnecessary wastage of material and heavy selection. Low factor of safety results in unnecessary risk of failure It has high tensile strength Low co-efficient of thermal expansion PROPERTIES OF MILD STEEL: M.S. has a carbon content from 0.15% to 0.30%. They are easily wieldable thus can be hardened only. They are similar to wrought iron in properties. Both ultimate tensile and compressive strength of these steel increases with increasing carbon content. They can be easily gas welded or electric or arc welded. With increase in the carbon percentage weld ability decreases. Mild steel serve the purpose and was hence was selected because of the above purpose BRIGHT MATERIAL: It is a machine drawned. The main basic difference between mild steel and bright metal is that mild steel plates and bars are forged in the forging machine by means is not forged. But the materials are drawn from the dies in the plastic state. Therefore the material has good surface finish than mild steel and has no carbon deposits on its surface for extrusion and formation of engineering materials thus giving them a good surface finish and though retaining their metallic properties CHAPTER-05 WORKING OF PROJECT Wave electric generator basically new concept of non-conventional energy generation. It is electro-mechanical energy generating machine. This machine converts reciprocating motion in to rotary motion. The rotational power is stored in flywheel & flywheel rotates dynamo, which generates electricity. Here first important point is how we get reciprocating motion, which is prime input in the system. For that we use moment of waves to operate hallow cylinder to move up and down and we constrain all degree of freedom only up and down movement is free. We put our machine at sea up level where high and low waves are coming maximum period of time, the head of rack is bring up to level of sea surface. When waves move on rack it will be pushed up. The rack is attached with free wheel type pinion that rotates in one direction only. The chain and sprocket arrangement convert reciprocating motion in to rotary motion. This rotary motion is further magnified using reciprocating motion in to rotary motion-belt & pulley drive. Which stores kinetic energy and transfer to dynamo, which generate electricity with zero cost? A "generator" and "motor" is essentially the same thing: what you call it depends on whether electricity is going into the unit or coming out of it. A generator produces electricity. In a generator, something causes the shaft and armature to spin. An electric current is generated, as shown in the picture (lightning bolt).Lots of things can be used to make a shaft spin - a pinwheel, a crank, a bicycle, a water wheel, a diesel engine, or even a jet engine. They're of different sizes but it's the same general idea. It doesn't matter what's used to spin the shaft - the electricity that's produced is the same. CHAPTER-06 DESIGN INTRODUCTION:- The subject of MACHINE DESIGN deals with the art of designing machine of structure. A machine is a combination of resistance bodies with successfully constrained relative motions which is used for transforming other forms of energy into mechanical energy or transmitting and modifying available design is to create new and better machines or structures and improving the existing ones such that it will convert and control motions either with or without transmitting power. It is the practical application of machinery to the design and construction of machine and structure. In order to design simple component satisfactorily, a sound knowledge of applied science is essential. In addition, strength and properties of materials including some metrological are of prime importance. Knowledge of theory of machine and other branch of applied mechanics is also required in order to know the velocity. Acceleration and inertia force of the various links in motion, mechanics of machinery involve the design. CONCEPT IN M.D.P. Consideration in Machine Design When a machine is to be designed the following points to be considered: - Types of load and stresses caused by the load. Motion of the parts and kinematics of machine. This deals with the Type of motion i.e. reciprocating. Rotary and oscillatory. Selection of material & factors like strength, durability, weight, Corrosion resistant, weld ability, machine ability is considered. Form and size of the components. Frictional resistances and ease of lubrication. Convince and economical in operation. Use of standard parts. Facilities available for manufacturing. Cost of making the machine. Numbers of machine or product are manufactured. GENERAL PROCEDURE IN MACHINE DESIGN The general steps to be followed in designing the machine are as followed. Preparation of a statement of the problem indicating the purpose of The machine. Selection of groups of mechanism for the desire motion. Calculation of the force and energy on each machine member. Selection of material. Determining the size of component drawing and sending for Manufacture. Preparation of component drawing and sending for manufacture. Manufacturing and assembling the machine. Testing of the machine and for functioning. Design of angles:- Due to the load of machine structure and torsional force, the angle-link may buckle in two planes at right angle to each other. For buckling in the vertical plane (i.e.in the plane of the links), the links are considered As hinged at the middles and for buckling in a plane perpendicular to the vertical plane, it is considered as fixed at the both the ends. Here, The maximum load due to above factors = 50 kg F= 50kg = 50x 9.81 = 5395.5 N. We know that he load on each link, F1 = 5395.5/2 = 2697.75N. Assuming a factor of safety as 1.5, the links must be designed for a buckling load of Wcr = 2697.75 x 1.5 = 4046.625 N Let t1= Thickness of the link b1= width of the link So, cross sectional area of the link = A = t1x b1 Assuming the width of the link is three times the thickness of the link, i.e.b1= 3 x t1 Therefore A= t1x 3 t1 = 3 t12 And moment of inertia of the cross section of the link, I = 1/12 t1b13 = 2.25 t14 We know that I = AK2, where k = radius of gyration. K2 = I/A = 2.25 t14 / 3 t12 = 0.75 t12 Since for the buckling of the link in the vertical plane, the ends are considered as hinged, therefore, the equivalent length of the link L = l = 1220 mm. And Rankin’s constant, a = 1/ 7500 Now using the relation, f x A Wcr = 1 + a (L / K)2 with usual notation, Here f = 100 N / mm2 100 x 3 x t12 4046.6 = 1 + 1 / 7500 1220 2/0.75t12 300 t12 4046.6 = 1 + 0.02 / t12 300 t14 – 4046.6 t12 –80.93 = 0 t12 – 13.48 t12 –0.26 = 0 13.48 _+ (13.48)2 + 4 x 0.26 t12 = 2 t1 = 1.3 mm = 4 mm b1 = 3 x t1 = 3 x 4 = 12 mm. 1220 30 5 But the standard angle available of 40x30x4 hence for safer side we have selected it. Which can bear the impact loading? Hence our design is safe. DESIGNING OF SHAFT BENDING: The material forces that are developed on any cross section of the shaft give rise to stresses at every point. The internal or resisting moment gives rise to so called bending stresses. TORSION: When the shaft is twisted by the couple such that the axis of the shaft and the axis of the couple coincides, the shaft is subjected to pure torsion and the stresses at any point of cross section is torsion or shear stresses. COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION: In practice the shaft in general are subjected to combination of the above two types of stresses. The bending stresses may be due to following Weight of belt Pull of belts Eccentric Mounting Misalignment The torsional movement on the other hand may be due to direct or indirect twisting. Thus any cross-section of the shaft is subjected simultaneously of both bending stresses and torsional stresses. Following stresses are normally adopted in shaft design Maxm tensile stress = 60 N/mm2 Maxm shear stress = 40 N/mm2 Shaft design on basic of study The shaft is subject to pure torsional stress Design force = 50 kg = 50x 9.81 = ----- N Dia of pulley = 200 mm Torque = F x d/2 Torque = -----------x 200 /2 Torque = --------- N –mm We know T= 3.14/16 x fs x d3 ------------ = 3.14/16 x 140 x d3 D = 19.12 mm D = 20 mm DESIGN OF C-SECTION Material: - M.S. The vertical column channel is subjected to bending stress Stress given by => M/I = fb / y In above equation first we will find the moment of inertia about x and y Axis and take the minimum moment of inertia considering the channel of ISLC 75 x 40 size. l = 40 t = 5 B = 75 b = 65 We know the channel is subject to axial compressive load In column section the maximum bending moment occurs at channel of section M = R x L/2 M = 539.5 x 610 /2 M = 164547 N-mm We know fb = M/Z Z = t (l x b + (b2/6)) Z = 5 (40 x 65 + (652/6)) Z = 3304 mm3 Now check bending stress induced in C section fb induced = M/Z fb induced = 164547 /3304 = 49 N / mm2 As induced stress value is less than allowable stress value design is safe. fb = Permissble bending stress = 80 N / mm² fb induced < fb allowable Hence our design is safe. Design of welded joint OF CHANNEL : The welded joint is subjected to pure bending moment . so it should be design for bending stress. We know minimum area of weld or throat area A = 0.707 x s x l Where s = size of weld l = length of weld A = 0.707 x 5 x ( 75 + 40 + 35 + 58 +35 ) A = 0.707 x 5 x 243 A = 859 mm2 Bending strength of parallel fillet weld P = A x fb fb = 80 N / mm2 As load applied at the end of lever is 250 N . So moment generated at the welded joint is M =P x L = 250x 760 = 190000 N – mm we know fb = M /Z Z = BH3 – bh3 ---------------------- 6H 40 x 753 – 35 x 583 Z = ----------------------------------- 6 x 75 Z = 209824 Calculating induce stress developed in welded joint fb induced = 190000 / 209824 = 0.9 N /mm 2 As induce stress is less then allowable stress the design is safe. As we know N required dynamo D pulley = N pully D dynamo 2500 x = 150 15 x = 2500 x 15 150 x = 250 mm D shaft pulley = 260 mm (10 inch) CHAPTER-07 FABRICATION MACHINING OF PARTS GENERAL WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY: The components of project models have been machined to the required dimensions on the center lathe machine. The raw material stocks are either cut to size on power hacksaw machine or by hand hack saw on the worktable. The drilling of notes have been carried out on pillar drill machine prior to scribing the center lines & cross lines & marking out the inch marks at the drill centers. Hack Saw Cutting:- The speed is 350RPM & the feed is automatic, maintain a cutting margin of about 3 to 5 mm. Extra for large sections & 1 to 2 mm extra for light sections. This is an Auto operation. Lathe Machine:- a) Facing & turning speed - 650 to 850 rpm. b) Boring, Reaming, Thread - 70 rpm. Lapping, Honing & Polishing Speed – 1000 rpm. Cutting Tools:- Tungsten carbide Tipped tools either side or crank types. Parting tools or V threading tools. High speed steel tools (H.S.S.) as above. Drill Machine : Parallel shank in H.S.S Taper shank in H.S.S. Coolants & Cutting Oils : Proprietary Brand : - For machining M.S., L.C.S. Hindustan petroleum Oil H.S.C. Alloy Steels & Stainless Steels. Mixed in water in 1:10 ratio ii) Kerosene:- For machining of all grades of L.M. – 1 to L.M.-6 Aluminium (L.M. = Light Metal) iii) No cutting Oil or coolant :- For machining in dry state of brass copper Cast iron, raw material. Threading :- Light duty threading is done with the help of H.S.S. Tap set (Inside Threading) & H.S.S. Round Dies (outside threading) by hand tap & die wrenches. Drilling of Holes :- The higher the speed. Larger the hole dia., lower the speed. Micro drilling speeds are above 1000 rpm. Reaming of Holes :- Drilled or bored holes are finished to close tolerance by parallel or taper shank reamers readily available in the market. Heat Treatment of Alloy Steel : Hardening & Tempering of alloy steels are being carried out by out side specialists & not being done in the sponsors workshop. Grinding : Grinding of cylinder bores, after heat treatment is carried out with the help of Tools Post Grinder. Lapping:- Out side surface are finished by removes of high spots to a extra fine & smooth finish by tapping operation. Laps are made in the workshop. Polishing :- Polishing is the inside & outside surface of the machined parts is required to with stand ere & teat & also for smooth vibration free operation, polishing parts are available in the market & generally designed as valve grinding & polishing compounds. Lubricants :- I) High grade Machine : Used for all heavy duty rotary & Reciprocating parts Oil No.HP-30 to 3 in 1 Proprietary brand singer oil II) Kerosene or Keo : Used for light duty rotating & Reciprocating part. Car pin oil III) Alvinia Wheel Bearing : Used for all open type of Ball Bearings. Grease No.20 Special grease is duly impregiated in the Z series sealed Ball Bearings by the bearing manufacturers. Measuring Instruments : During Machining operations the dimensions are measured accurately by using :- Hand Verniers , Micrometers, Merrier Depth Gauges, Thread Gauges. Radius Gauges, Go/No-Go Plug Gauges, Snap Gauges, Inside & Outside Calipers. Fabrication: - Various steel sections are aluminium sections are employed in the fabrication work such as angles, clits, gussets, fillets flats & the round bars. These sections are cut to required size marked for drilled holes & then fastened together with the help of rivets & bolts, Nuts & Screws. Welding, Brazing & Soft Soldering of fabricated joints are obtained from outside parties & not in the consoler’s workshop. i) Electric Arc Welding : For heavy duty parts. ii) Gas Welding : For light duty parts. iii) Gas Brazing : For Brass & copper parts. iv) Soft Tin soldering : For light duty parts in M.S. Brass & copper. COMPONENT: FRAME MATERIAL:- M.S. ANGLE QUANTITY : - 1 SR. NO DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION MACHINE USED CUTTING MEASUREMENT TIME 1 Cutting the angle in to length as per dwg Gas cutting machine Gas cutter Steel rule 15min. 2 Cutting the angle in to number of piece as per dwg Gas cutting machine Gas cutter Steel rule 15min. 3 Filing operation can be performed on cutting side and bring it in perpendicular C.S. Bench vice File Try square 15 min. 4 Weld the angles to the required size as per the drawing Electric arc welding machine ------- Try square 20 min 5 Drilling the frame at required points as per the drawing. Radial drill machine Twist drill Vernier calliper 10 min. Table no. 7.1 COMPONENT:- PULLEY MATERIAL:- C.I QUANTITY : - 1 SR. NO DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION MACHINE USED CUTTING MEASUREMENT TIME 1 Take standard pulley as per design ------ ---------- ------------- --------- 2 Face both side of hub portion Lathe machine Single point cutting tool Vernier caliper 15 min. 3 Hold it in three jaw chuck & bore inner dia as per shaft size Lathe machine Single point cutting tool Vernier caliper 20 min. 4 Drilling the hub at required points as per the drawing Radial drill machine Twist drill Vernier calliper 10 min. 5 Tap the hub at drill area. Hand tap set Tap Vernier calliper 10 min. Table no. 7.2 COMPONENT:- FOOT LEVER MATERIAL:- M.S. QUANTITY : - 1 SR.NO OPERATION M/C USED TOOL/GAUGE TIME 1 A mild steel rod is taken and cut as per the required size Power saw Steel rule 20 min 2 It is faced and turned as per the drawing. Universal lathe machine Single point tool Vernier calliper 15 min 3 It is provided with the threads and welded Universal lathe, Electric arc welding machine Single point tool, M.S. welding rods, chipping hammer 20 min 4 It is installed on the shaft of the pinion gear arrangement Hand drill machine Nut bolts and spanner set 15 min 5 It is installed on the horizontal arm on the slide sleeve of the post Welding m/c Chipping hammer 30 min Table no. 7.3 COMPONENT:- SHAFT MATERIAL :- BRIGHT STEEL QUANTITY :- 1 SR.NO. DETAIL OPER. M/C. USED TOOL USED ACCES MEA.INST. 1. Marking on shaft - - - Scale 2. Cutting as per dwg Power hack saw Hock saw blade Jig & fixtures Scale 3. Facing both side of shaft Lathe machine Single point cutting tool Chuck Vernier caliper 4. Turning as per dwg size - - - - 5. Key way on end of shaft Milling m/c. Milling cutter - Vernier caliper 6. Filling on both end Flat file Vice - Table no. 7.4 CHAPTER-08 COST ESTIMATION Cost estimation may be defined as the process of forecasting the expenses that must be incurred to manufacture a product. These expenses take into a consideration all expenditure involved in a design and manufacturing with all related services facilities such as pattern making, tool, making as well as a portion of the general administrative and selling costs. PURPOSE OF COST ESTIMATING: To determine the selling price of a product for a quotation or contract so as to ensure a reasonable profit to the company. Check the quotation supplied by vendors. Determine the most economical process or material to manufacture the product. To determine standards of production performance that may be used to control the cost. BASICALLY THE BUDGET ESTIMATION IS OF TWO TYRES: Material cost Machining cost MATERIAL COST ESTIMATION: Material cost estimation gives the total amount required to collect the raw material which has to be processed or fabricated to desired size and functioning of the components. These materials are divided into two categories. Material for fabrication: In this the material in obtained in raw condition and is manufactured or processed to finished size for proper functioning of the component. Standard purchased parts: This includes the parts which was readily available in the market like allen screws etc. A list is forecast by the estimation stating the quality, size and standard parts, the weigh of raw material and cost per kg. For the fabricated parts. MACHINING COST ESTIMATION: This cost estimation is an attempt to forecast the total expenses that may include to manufacture apart from material cost. Cost estimation of manufactured parts can be considered as judgment on and after careful consideration which includes labour, material and factory services required to produce the required part. PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATION OF MATERIAL COST:- The general procedure for calculation of material cost estimation is After designing a project a bill of material is prepared which is divided into two categories. Fabricated components Standard purchased components The rates of all standard items are taken and added up. Cost of raw material purchased taken and added up. LABOUR COST: It is the cost of remuneration (wages, salaries, commission, bonus etc.) of the employees of a concern or enterprise. Labour cost is classifies as: Direct labour cost Indirect labour cost Direct labour cost: The direct labour cost is the cost of labour that can be identified directly with the manufacture of the product and allocated to cost centers or cost units. The direct labour is one who counters the direct material into saleable product; the wages etc. of such employees constitute direct labour cost. Direct labour cost may be apportioned to the unit cost of job or either on the basis of time spend by a worker on the job or as a price for some physical measurement of product. Indirect labour cost: It is that labour cost which can not be allocated but which can be apportioned to or absorbed by cost centers or cost units. This is the cost of labour that doesn’t alters the construction, confirmation, composition or condition of direct material but is necessary for the progressive movement and handling of product to the point of dispatch e.g. maintenance, men, helpers, machine setters, supervisors and foremen etc. The total labour cost is calculated on the basis of wages paid to the labour for 8 hours per day. Cost estimation is done as under Cost of project = (A) material cost + (B) Machining cost + (C) lab our cost Material cost is calculated as under :- i) Raw material cost ii) Finished product cost Raw material cost:- It includes the material in the form of the Material supplied by the “ Steel authority of India limited” and ‘Indian aluminum co.,’ as the round bars, angles, square rods , plates along with the strip material form. We have to search for the suitable available material as per the requirement of designed safe values. We have searched the material as follows:- Hence the cost of the raw material is as follows:- RAW MATERIAL & STANDARD MATERIAL SR NO PART NAME MAT QTY COST 1 FRAME Ms 25 kg 1000 2 S.S TANK S.S. 2 950 3 DYNAMO 12 V DC STD 1 750 4 CHAIN MS 1 f 200 5 PEDESTAL BEARING CI 2 600 6 PULLEY MS 1 200 7 BELT RU 1 50 8 BATTERY 6 V DC STD 1 150 9 SQ PIPE MS 1 nos 250 10 FREE WHEEL Std 1 nos 75 11 NUT BOLT WASHER m 10 Ms 8 nos 75 12 WELDING ROD - 40 nos 100 13 PROJECT REPORT - 7 2000 14 WORKSHOP CHARGE - - 3000 TOTAL 9400 CHAPTER-09 ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES Advantages of the tidal Generator : Non-polluting generation for operation in enclosed areas. Readily available supply of fuel (water). Provides an alternative to gasoline-powered generators. Save money by using water instead of gasoline. No flammable components. Emergency backup power supply. Disadvantages of the tidal: Not a completely reliable source of electricity. Completely depends upon water supply. As water is used, there is danger of corrosion in the long run. Benefits: Tidalpower is a clean, domestic and renewable source of energy. Tidalpower plants provide inexpensive electricity and produce no pollution. And, unlike other energy sources such as fossil fuels, water is not destroyed during the production of electricity—it can be reused for other purposes. CHAPTER-10 CONCLUSION Wave energy is a kind of Renewable energy with large potential and can readily be harnessed through energy wave convertors. It has many advantages over solar and wind energy. For example, the availability of Wave energy is very highly predictable and not subjected to the impact of whether condition. The energy density of tides is also higher than solar and wind energy. However, the high demand in technology and capital investment has hindered the development of Wave energy so that the Wave energy projects are much less than those of solar and wind energy. With the development of innovative Wave turbine system and coastal infrastructure, the popularization of Wave energy worldwide can be expected. Depending on the efficiency of damping by turbine system, energy upto 35% can be extracted from waves on individual periods. The cost of wave energy is currently high, but is likely to become competitive after 500MW-2GW of capacity has been installed. Wave energy is still in a very early development stage with many different types of wave energy convertors existing. It will require specific design to be chosen and developed before large scale wave projects wil become viable because of learning curve benefits. A fast calculations which yields that on a reasonably feasible scale, this power would only amount for estimated 11200 TWh/hr.(i.e. 3% of total US consumption. CHAPTER-11 BIBLIOGRAPHY www.ihcWaveenergy.com/projects. www.maritimeWave.com/?page_id=245 www.en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wave_power G.D.RAI (NON-CONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF ENERGY) BY KHANNA PUBLISHERS R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta (Machine Design) by S CHAND & co. Ltd. Hajra Choudhary S.K., Bose S.K.,Hajra Choudhary A.K., Roy Nirjhar (Work Shop Technology) by Media promoters & publishers pvt. Ltd... R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta (Thermal Engineering) by S CHAND & co. Ltd. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 46 AVAILABLE ENERGY OF THE SEA WAVE APPLY IMPACT ON SYSTEM FREE WHEEL AND CHAIN MECHANIS CONVERT LINER TO ROTARY MOMENT POWER GENERTAED IN TERMA OF GLOWING BULB OR CHARGING BATTERY