Marcelo C Bassalo, Andrew D Garst, Alaksh Choudhury, William C Grau, Eun J Oh, Eileen Spindler, Tanya
Lipscomb, and Ryan T Gill
This article is available at CU Scholar:
Published online: November 26, 2018
Deep scanning lysine metabolism in Escherichia coli
Marcelo C Bassalo1, Andrew D Garst2, Alaksh Choudhury3, William C Grau4, Eun J Oh3, Eileen Spindler2,
Tanya Lipscomb2 & Ryan T Gill2,3,*
Our limited ability to predict genotype–phenotype relationships
has called for strategies that allow testing of thousands of
hypotheses in parallel. Deep scanning mutagenesis has been
successfully implemented to map genotype–phenotype relationships at a single-protein scale, allowing scientists to elucidate
properties that are difficult to predict. However, most phenotypes
are dictated by several proteins that are interconnected through
complex and robust regulatory and metabolic networks. These
sophisticated networks hinder our understanding of the phenotype
of interest and limit our capabilities to rewire cellular functions.
Here, we leveraged CRISPR-EnAbled Trackable genome Engineering
to attempt a parallel and high-resolution interrogation of complex
networks, deep scanning multiple proteins associated with lysine
metabolism in Escherichia coli. We designed over 16,000 mutations
to perturb this pathway and mapped their contribution toward
resistance to an amino acid analog. By doing so, we identified different routes that can alter pathway function and flux, uncovering
mechanisms that would be difficult to rationally design. This
approach sets a framework for forward investigation of complex
multigenic phenotypes.
Keywords CRISPR-Cas9; genotype–phenotype; lysine; mapping; mutagenesis
Subject Categories Methods & Resources; Synthetic Biology &
DOI 10.15252/msb.20188371 | Received 10 April 2018 | Revised 26 October
2018 | Accepted 30 October 2018
Mol Syst Biol. (2018) 14: e8371
Evolution has selected for efficient and robust metabolic and regulatory networks that prevent unnecessary metabolite biosynthesis and
optimally distribute resources to maximize overall cellular fitness.
The complexity of such networks, coupled with limited approaches
to understand their structure and function, has broadly limited capabilities for understanding and rewiring cellular networks across a
range of applications (Martin et al, 2003; Temme et al, 2012;
Nielsen & Keasling, 2016). Network and pathway engineering
strategies have relied primarily upon coarse approaches for modulating function (e.g., promoter swaps or complete gene knockouts)
at a limited number of loci. Alternatively, adaptive laboratory evolution (ALE) approaches are often employed to produce more refined
adjustments (e.g., SNPs) for manipulating pathway flux. However,
ALE also leads to a larger number of unintended passenger mutations and limited mechanistic understanding of the improved phenotype (Lee & Kim, 2015). Moreover, both strategies massively under
sample the combinatorial space of interest. As such, network and
pathway engineering would benefit from improved approaches
capable of generating a broad range of targeted mutations that can
be mapped with high resolution to the pathway–network-level function, mirroring deep scanning mutagenesis strategies that have revolutionized protein engineering (Fowler & Fields, 2014; Butterfield
et al, 2017; Chevalier et al, 2017; Rocklin et al, 2017). This capability would provide for entirely new paradigms to study and engineer
complex multigenic phenotypes, exploring sophisticated hypotheses
to optimize function through transcription, translation, stability,
and kinetics among others that encompass the breadth of what is
found in nature. Here, we take a step toward this capability by
demonstrating sequence-to-function mapping at a pathway scale.
Amino acid metabolism is fundamental to all domains of life,
consisting of highly evolved pathways with extensive kinetic and
regulatory features, making them an ideal model system for our
demonstration studies (Fig 1A). Additionally, amino acids
comprise large industrial product markets—lysine, for example, is
used in the animal feedstock, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics
industries, comprising a multibillion-dollar market (Yokota &
Ikeda, 2017). Lysine overproducers were traditionally identified via
adaptation in the presence of antimetabolites such as the analog
S-(2-aminoethyl)-L-cysteine (AEC). Derepression of lysine biosynthesis has been previously implicated as a mechanism of resistance
to AEC (Blount & Breaker, 2006; Blount et al, 2007); however, the
complexity of this phenotype has also implicated other mechanisms such as improper discrimination by the lysyl-tRNA synthetase machinery (Ataide et al, 2007). Ultimately, the underlying
genetic basis of lysine overproduction and its relationship to deregulation and antimetabolite resistance provides a challenging
system for genetic study. As an example, sequencing of a lysineoverproducing industrial strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum
revealed that more than 1,000 mutations have accumulated in the
Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Inscripta, Inc., Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
*Corresponding author. Tel: +1 303 492 2627; E-mail:
ª 2018 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license
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14: e8371 | 2018
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Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
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et al, 2014; Canver et al, 2015; Jeschek et al, 2016; Chevalier et al,
2017). Expanding this concept to a repertoire of proteins connected
to one another through a phenotype of interest would allow the
parallel investigation of pathways and networks on a system scale.
This requires, however, the ability to individually measure genotype–phenotype relationships for each of the designed mutants
across all targeted proteins. We recently reported a method (CRISPREnAbled Trackable genome Engineering or CREATE) (Garst et al,
2017) that allows parallel mapping of mutations in a massively
multiplex scale. CREATE leverages array-based oligo technologies to
synthesize and clone hundreds of thousands of cassettes containing
a genome-targeting gRNA covalently linked to a dsDNA repair
cassette encoding a designed mutation. After CRISPR/Cas9 genome
editing, the frequency of each designed mutant can be tracked by
high-throughput sequencing using the CREATE plasmid as a
barcode. We envisioned that with this technology, all proteins associated with a metabolic pathway could be interrogated in parallel at
genome after decades of adaptive evolution (Yang & Yang, 2017;
Yokota & Ikeda, 2017). Although recent system-based approaches
(Koffas & Stephanopoulos, 2005; Becker et al, 2011; Lee & Kim,
2015) are being used to elucidate the biochemical and regulatory
mechanisms of lysine overproduction, current strategies rely on individually constructing and testing single sequence-to-activity
hypotheses, requiring substantial investment in time and resources.
A powerful tool to overcome our limited ability to predict the
phenotypic consequences of mutations in single proteins is to introduce every possible mutation and couple that to a genotype–phenotype assay platform, such as in the case of deep scanning
mutagenesis (Fowler & Fields, 2014). As an example, Sarkisyan and
collaborators (Sarkisyan et al, 2016) investigated tens of thousands
of single and multiple mutations in the coding sequence of GFP to
report a local fitness landscape for this protein. Saturation mutagenesis has also been employed in a variety of different contexts to
address a range of biological and engineering questions (Findlay
TCA Cycle
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
LysC riboswtich
Lysine bound to riboswitch
Targeted genes
L-aspartate semialdehyde
lysS /
LysS Y280F
Mutations conferring AEC tolerance
serC / argD
cadA /
Editing Cassette
10000 µM
0 µM
CREATE plasmid library
(16300 variants)
AEC selection
Genotype mapping
Parallel mapping of
metabolic routes
Figure 1. Library design and selection strategy.
A Overview of the lysine metabolism in E. coli. The arrows are color coded according to the different metabolic categories, as defined in the figure legend. Genes
targeted in the library are highlighted in green. The insets represent examples of library designs for two targeted proteins, with the targeted residues included inside
the gray surface representation.
B For each targeted gene, the number of variants (black bars, left y-axis) and the fraction of the single substitution sequence space (green bars, right y-axis) are plotted.
The total library size across all genes sums to 16,300 variants.
C Description of the two main mechanisms of AEC toxicity. The structural differences between canonical lysine and AEC are shown in the left, with the orange sphere
highlighting the sulfur group present in AEC. Lysine binding is shown in the top panels, and AEC is shown in the bottom panels. Mutations described to confer AEC
resistance are highlighted in the bottom panels.
D Workflow of the strategy to map trajectories of AEC resistance using CREATE. Briefly, designed cassettes were cloned, miniprepped, and transformed into strains
expressing Cas9 and the lambda red machinery. The library culture was grown for 8 h in LB media with proper antibiotics, washed with PBS, and inoculated into M9
minimal media containing the AEC selective pressure and antibiotics. An aliquot was stored for initial plasmid barcode sequencing counts. After growth, cells were
harvested for deep sequencing of the plasmid barcodes, which were used to map the enrichment scores of the designed mutants.
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Published online: November 26, 2018
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
single nucleotide resolution, thus demonstrating deep scanning
mutagenesis at the pathway scale.
Here, we specifically investigate lysine metabolism in Escherichia coli. We constructed a saturation mutagenesis library in binding pockets of key proteins involved in four main categories that
affect lysine homeostasis: (i) biosynthesis, (ii) degradation, (iii)
regulation, and (iv) transport (Fig 1A). By challenging this library
with the antimetabolite AEC, we hypothesized that we could evaluate in parallel the contribution of these 16,300 targeted mutations
toward antimetabolite resistance and thus overall pathway flux. In
testing his hypothesis, we demonstrated the ability to identify
mutations beyond dominant selection winners and to uncover
mechanisms for altering pathway flux that would have been difficult to predict a priori. We also identified important factors that
must be taken into consideration when attempting genotype–
phenotype mapping at a pathway scale. As such, this work
provides a framework for directed engineering of complex multigenic phenotypes.
Lysine library design and selection strategy
We designed 16,300 mutations targeting four primary routes that
affect lysine flux: lysine biosynthesis (12 genes), lysine degradation
(two decarboxylation genes), lysine transport (three genes), and
regulation of genes in such pathways (two genes; Fig 1A). For each
targeted gene, we designed and constructed full saturation mutagenesis libraries of all residues within a 6 Å shell from known or
model-predicted binding sites, encompassing substrate, co-factor,
DNA binding, or allosteric factors. A comprehensive description of
all targeted sites and the respective cassette sequences are listed in
Dataset EV1. This strategy allowed us to scan probable targets for
proteins with no known functional sites, and an average higher than
50% of known functional sites in the remaining proteins (Dataset
EV1). Overall, 3.5–32% of all residues for each of the 19 genes
Molecular Systems Biology
involved in lysine metabolism were fully saturated (Fig 1B). The
constructed plasmid libraries were deep sequenced to confirm
coverage. We observed that 99% of the designs were cloned
successfully into the plasmid backbone, with 91–93% surviving
after exposure to Cas9 across two biological replicates (Fig EV1).
In order to assess coverage at the genomic level and confirm that
edits are indeed introduced in the genome, we deep sequenced one
targeted genomic window from each of five genes across biological
replicates. Overall, we measured 22.6–61.6% of the designed edits
in these regions (Fig EV2, Table 1). Further calculation suggests
that the overall genomic editing efficiency can be estimated at 1.6–
3.7%, taking in consideration the ratio of edited reads to wild-type,
as well as the probability of cells being edited at that specific locus
versus the other targeted loci (Dataset EV4). These results demonstrate that we are effectively introducing edits at the targeted
genomic loci.
To map mutations to lysine pathway function, we exposed this
library to the lysine analog S-(2-aminoethyl)-L-cysteine or AEC. This
analog competes with canonical lysine for binding to the lysyl-tRNA
synthetase (LysRS; Ataide et al, 2007), leading to protein misfolding
and reduced growth. Additionally, AEC blocks lysine biosynthesis
by interacting with riboswitches, inhibiting bacterial growth in the
absence of an external lysine source (Blount & Breaker, 2006;
Blount et al, 2007; Fig 1C). We reasoned that designer mutations
that influence lysine regulation and overproduction would allow
lysine to outcompete AEC and thereby restore cell growth. Sequencing of the plasmid cassettes (herein referenced as barcodes) before
and after growth in the presence of AEC allows parallel tracking of
each designed mutant in the library, allowing us to perform highly
parallel mapping of their contribution to tolerance and by inference
to lysine flux (Fig 1D).
Mapping the impact of each pathway category on tolerance
and function
The lysine deep scanning mutagenesis library exhibited enhanced
growth when compared to wild-type cells transformed with either a
Table 1. Deep sequencing of selected genomic regions to confirm editing.
Total edits designed
Fraction covered (%)a
Editing efficiency (%)b
Number of edits observed
“Fraction covered” is calculated by dividing the “Number of edits observed” by the “Total edits designed”.
Editing efficiency is an estimation that takes in consideration the fraction of the total library represented by the sequenced region, according to the
equation Eff ¼ ðedits/totalÞ / (w / 16,300), with “Eff” being the estimated editing efficiency, “edits” being the number of sequencing reads that mapped to a
genomic edit in the targeted window, “total” being the total number of sequencing reads, and “w” being the “Total edits designed”. The full list of all these values
can be found in Dataset EV4.
ª 2018 The Authors
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Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
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non-targeting gRNA or a gRNA targeting the unrelated loci galK
(double-stranded break control or DSB) across a range of AEC
concentrations (Fig 2A). There were no significant growth differences between the non-target and DSB controls under AEC selection, suggesting that the improved growth phenotype observed in
the library is not a consequence of DSB-induced adaptation (Shee
et al, 2011). After 30 h, both negative controls began to grow in up
to 1,000 lM AEC, suggesting that spontaneous mutations can also
confer AEC tolerance.
After sequencing the lysine library barcodes before and after
selection, the fitness contribution of each designer mutation to AEC
resistance can be inferred in parallel (Fig 2B, Dataset EV2) and then
summarized at the gene level. Mutations in several genes demonstrate consistent enrichment across several selective conditions
(e.g., lysP and dapF). The majority of genes, however, demonstrate
concentration-dependent enrichment, consistent with the expectation that different genes will affect network function to differing
levels. Mutations in dapB, lysA, and lysU were not significantly
10 µM AEC
0 µM AEC
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
enriched in any of the selections performed. Note that when grown
in the absence of AEC, the library has an enrichment score centered
around 0 (Appendix Fig S1), indicating that growth in minimal
media is not strongly biasing the library. However, the longer left
tail toward negative enrichment scores suggests that some mutations in this pathway are likely deleterious.
Gene summaries were then mapped to the four design categories described earlier, resulting in a comprehensive map of
trajectories leading to AEC resistance (Fig 2C and D). Mutations in
transporters are the most effective resistance route, which is not
surprising as any loss-of-function mutation could prevent cellular
uptake of AEC from the media. The use of barcodes for each
mutant enabled us to characterize beyond the dominant selection
winner, uncovering the contribution of the remaining categories,
as will be discussed below. This analysis provides a comprehensive map of the various strategies typically pursued in pathway–
network engineering, highlighting what pathway features need to
be optimized and which specific mutations could lead to
100 µM AEC
10000 µM AEC
1000 µM AEC
Non-Target Negative Control
DSB Negative Control
Lysine library
Selection time (hours)
Selection time (hours)
Selection time (hours)
Selection time (hours)
Selection time (hours)
Categories affecting pathway tolerance-flux
E. coli
Variants not enriched
Enriched variants
Figure 2. Mapping the effect of each category to the lysine pathway tolerance-flux.
A Growth curves of the library (black) compared to two different controls under increasing selective pressures. DSB (double-stranded break) negative control is a
cassette designed to introduce a stop codon at the unrelated gene galK. n = 3 for each curve. Error bars show mean value SD.
B Plasmid barcode-based mapping of enriched variants across all targeted genes under AEC selection. The innermost circle represents the ORFs in the E. coli genome,
with the green bars highlighting regions that were zoomed 50×. Positive log2 enrichment scores of variants under increasing selective pressures are plotted as orange
bars facing outward. Not enriched variants are plotted in gray bars facing inward. Two distinct biological replicates are combined in this plot, using a weighted
enrichment score (described in the methods section).
C Mapping the number of enriched mutations in genes that were classified under the different categories. The classification of each gene is the same as shown in
Fig 1A.
D Log2 enrichment scores for each gene under each category.
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Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
Molecular Systems Biology
Lysine uptake is mediated by three different transporter systems in
E. coli (Fig 1A). ArgT codes for a periplasmic binding protein specific to lysine, arginine, and ornithine, interacting with the ABC transporter coded by the hisJQMP operon (Nikaido & Ames, 1992). CadB
is part of the Cad system, which plays a role in pH homeostasis
under acidic conditions. This transporter imports lysine and excretes
the decarboxylated product cadaverine in conditions of low external
pH and presence of exogenous lysine (Soksawatmaekhin et al,
2004). Finally, LysP is a specific transporter for lysine, but also has
a regulatory role in activating the Cad system through transmembrane interactions with CadC (Steffes et al, 1992; Tetsch et al,
2008). Mutations in lysP were identified as the most highly enriched,
comprising the dominant selection winner (Fig 2B–D, Appendix Fig
S2). No enrichment for lysP mutations was observed when cells
were grown in the absence of AEC (Appendix Fig S2). This is in
0 µM AEC
Time (hours)
Time (hours)
Time (hours)
0 µM AEC
1000 µM AEC
10000 µM AEC
Time (hours)
10000 µM AEC
1000 µM AEC
Transporter loss-of-function dominates the selected population
accordance with previous findings that identified lysP mutations in
AEC-resistant strains (Steffes et al, 1992).
When mapped at single amino acid resolution, we observed
significantly enriched mutations across all targeted regions in lysP
(Fig 3A). The relatively even distribution of enriched mutations
across all targeted positions in the gene suggests loss-of-function
and thereby abrogated AEC transport. These mutations map across
a substantial spatial fraction of the modeled structure (Fig 3D),
further supporting our speculation that they disrupt LysP function.
We individually reconstructed genome-modified strains for two
highly enriched mutations, T33F and Q219I. These two mutants
grow similarly to wild-type cells (transformed with a non-targeting
gRNA) in the absence of AEC, but exhibit superior growth under
increasing AEC concentrations (Fig 3B and C).
Notably, we also observed enrichment of synonymous mutations
in lysP under AEC selection. It is well established that synonymous
mutations can have an effect on the levels, stability, and folding of
both mRNA and proteins (Kudla et al, 2009; Hunt et al, 2014). As
such, some synonymous mutations might alter expression or stability of LysP and thereby confer AEC tolerance. Several synonymous
mutations were enriched under weak selective pressure (10 lM
AEC), suggesting that small fluctuations in LysP levels may be sufficient to confer low levels of resistance (Fig 3E). As selective pressure is increased up to 10,000 lM AEC, fewer synonymous
mutations were still enriched, suggesting that these mutations are
introducing more drastic effects on LysP levels. Overall, the
frequency of synonymous mutations affecting LysP activity is
substantially higher than that observed for other targeted proteins
phenotypic improvement. We emphasize that this map is inferred
from the plasmid barcodes, which can lead to a rate of false positives as discussed in later sections. Therefore, although this
approach can provide powerful insights and narrow the search
space to specific targets, genomic reconstruction and validation
are essential in order to be certain of the phenotypic improvement.
Below, we focus on different aspects and mutations of this map,
highlighting important features and limitations that need to be
taken into consideration when attempting genotype–phenotype
mapping at such scale.
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
Time (hours)
Time (hours)
AEC Concentration
0 µM
10 µM
100 µM
1000 µM
10000 µM
Figure 3. Transporter route of AEC resistance.
A Mapping of enrichment across the positions targeted in lysP. The gray regions in the gene cartoon at the bottom highlight the windows containing targeted residues,
with the enrichment map shown above for increasing AEC concentrations. Enrichments are color coded according to the legend at the bottom. A histogram plot of
enrichment is shown at the right.
B Growth of the reconstructed LysP T33F mutant compared to wild-type cells transformed with a non-target gRNA. n = 3. Error bars show mean value SD.
C Growth of the reconstructed LysP Q219I mutant compared to wild-type cells transformed with a non-target gRNA. n = 3. Error bars show mean value SD.
D Map of enriched mutations (green) to the modeled structure of LysP.
E Enrichment of synonymous mutations observed for LysP. Each synonymous mutation site is shown as a sphere in the structure and is color coded according to the
enrichment score bar shown on the right. The bottom chart represents the fraction of all synonymous mutations in the gene that displayed positive enrichment
scores under each AEC concentration tested. For comparison, data on LysR and DapF are also shown.
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(Fig 3E), highlighting an unusually strong effect of synonymous
substitutions on this transporter. Since this effect is not restricted to
the beginning of the gene (commonly associated with regulation of
translation initiation), this result could indicate that co-translational
folding is essential for LysP function. That way, changes in codon
usage or disruption of important transcript secondary structures
would alter ribosome attenuation sites required for proper folding
(Zhang et al, 2009; Gorochowski et al, 2015). However, further
studies are required to elucidate the exact mechanism.
Collectively, these results demonstrate that our deep scanning
strategy maps tolerance mutations consistent with expectations
(Steffes et al, 1992). The high fraction of lysP mutants in the selected
population (> 95%) suggest that this is the main trajectory to evolve
AEC resistance in our laboratory experiments. Directed evolution
studies have demonstrated that the vast majority of mutations within
a protein are known to negatively affect protein function and stability
(ca. 30–50% are strongly deleterious, and 50–70% are slightly deleterious or neutral), with only a handful (0.01–1%) typically improvingaltering function (Guo et al, 2004; Romero & Arnold, 2009; Barrick &
Lenski, 2013). As such, it is not surprising that the dominant clones in
our selections involved loss-of-function mutations. More importantly,
this outcome highlights the importance of the use of barcoding or
another method for deeply scanning selected libraries to identify a
plurality of mechanisms for altering the phenotype of interest (e.g.,
increased pathway flux vs. decreased inhibitor flux), allowing exploration beyond a local optimum in the fitness landscape.
Beyond the dominant selection winner: a non-obvious
mechanism in DapF
With the strong dominance of lysP mutations (> 95%) in the
selected population, identifying hits beyond the main selection
winner would be challenging with traditional approaches. To
demonstrate parallel tracking in this technology, we set out to validate hits in the remainder (< 5%) of the population. Among the
biosynthetic genes, mutations in dapF were highly enriched across
multiple selective pressures. This gene encodes an epimerase
catalyzing the penultimate step in the biosynthetic pathway, a
conversion of LL-diaminopimelate (LL-DAP) to meso-diaminopimelate (meso-DAP). DapF mutations were ranked as the most enriched
non-lysP mutant under 100 lM AEC and the second most under
1,000 lM AEC, although no strong enrichment was observed under
10,000 lM AEC. We selected two highly enriched mutants, G210D
and M260Y, for further analysis (Fig 4A).
Both G210D and M260Y substitutions lie close to the protein
catalytic site (Fig 4B and C), suggesting an effect on catalytic activity. After genomic reconstruction, both mutants grew similarly to
wild-type cells in the absence of AEC, but displayed distinct
phenotypes when put under selective pressure. DapF G210D
mutants had high growth rates up to 10,000 lM AEC (Fig EV3),
confirming the barcode enrichment previously observed. However,
DapF M260Y grew similarly to wild-type cells in the presence of
AEC (Fig EV4). We independently retested the growth of the DapF
G210D mutant, observing consistently the same phenotype of
superior growth in the presence of AEC. In order to rule out adaptive mutations in lysP, we sequenced this locus after the selective
growth and observed no mutations in this region. Mass spectrometry quantification revealed a significantly higher intracellular level
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of lysine in both mutants compared to wild-type cells (Fig 4D),
with G210D accumulating 51% more lysine and M260Y accumulating 111% more.
To further investigate the mechanism behind these dapF mutations, we purified wild-type and the mutant DapF variants
(Appendix Fig S3) and measured their kinetics in vitro (Cox et al,
2002; Appendix Fig S4). Surprisingly, both DapF mutants are kinetically impaired relative to the wild-type variant (Fig 4E). We speculated that altered levels of the intermediates LL-DAP and meso-DAP
could counterintuitively result in increased lysine accumulation
through regulatory interactions. qPCR profiling of the entire biosynthetic pathway revealed one gene with statistically significant
increase in gene expression, the diaminopimelate decarboxylase
lysA (Fig 4F). LysA is responsible for the last enzymatic step in
lysine biosynthesis, and it is known to be repressed by lysine (Ou
et al, 2008; Marbaniang & Gowrishankar, 2011) and induced by
diaminopimelic acid (Stragier et al, 1983b) through the regulator
LysR. As such, the increased expression of lysA (Fig 4F) in a dapFimpaired background suggests that a larger pool of LL-DAP (previously observed in a dapF mutant background; Richaud et al, 1987)
works as a stronger co-effector to activate lysA than the wild-type
mixture of both LL-DAP and meso-DAP.
Overall, these results uncovered a counterintuitive interplay
between lower kinetics and lysine overproduction. This finding
highlights our limited ability to predict genotype–phenotype relationships in the context of an entire pathway, similar to what
has been observed in the protein engineering field. Therefore,
deep scanning mutagenesis proves to be a valuable strategy to
identify novel regulatory mechanisms on pathway scale. Further
studies are required in order to investigate the mechanistic basis
for the differences in AEC tolerance between the G210D and
M260Y substitutions. Other biosynthetic genes identified in our
screen include lysC, serC, and dapD, but were not investigated
in detail.
Validating other hits: decoupling noise from real enrichment
Since plasmid barcodes are used as a proxy for genomic edits, lack
of correlation introduces noise that can lead to false positives in the
enrichment scores. In theory, plasmid-genome correlation should be
strong for real hits with strong enrichment and weaker for nonenriched variants. To investigate this further, we focused now on
the regulator category and investigated a weakly enriched mutation
in LysR, as well as a strongly enriched mutation in ArgP.
Regulatory mutations are well known to confer AEC resistance
(Blount et al, 2007; Marbaniang & Gowrishankar, 2011), mainly
in the lysine-regulated riboswitch controlling expression of the
aspartokinase lysC (Di Girolamo et al, 1988; Patte et al, 1998; Garst
et al, 2008; Fig 1C). The regulator LysR, which upon binding to
diaminopimelic acid activates the last enzymatic step in lysine biosynthesis (Stragier et al, 1983a; lysA, Fig 1A), exhibited few weakly
enriched mutations in our library (Fig 5A). We focused on the LysR
S36R substitution, a mutant that had significant enrichment scores at
1,000 lM AEC (P-value: 0.007), while at lower concentrations enrichment was not significant (P-value of 0.14 at 10 lM AEC and 0.12 at
100 lM AEC).
The LysR family of transcription regulators is ubiquitous in
bacteria and comprises a conserved N-terminal helix-turn-helix
ª 2018 The Authors
Published online: November 26, 2018
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
Molecular Systems Biology
10000 µM AEC
Enrichment (log2)
1000 µM AEC
100 µM AEC
10 µM AEC
0 10
Position (AA)
Significantly Enriched
Not Enriched
Synonymous Mutations
- - - Significance Threshold
pvalue < 0.001
pvalue = 0.011
Initial Rate
pvalue = 0.01
Figure 4. Investigating the biosynthetic gene dapF.
A Mapping of enrichment across the positions targeted in dapF. The gray regions in the gene cartoon at the bottom highlight the windows containing targeted
residues, with the enrichment map shown above for increasing AEC concentrations. Enrichments are color coded according to the legend at the bottom. A histogram
plot of enrichment is shown at the right.
B Structure of the DapF dimer (PDB ID: 4IJZ) with the G210 and M260 sites highlighted in green. Diaminopimelate binding is shown in red.
C Zoom in the catalytic site highlighting the G210 and M260 sites relative to the catalytic cysteines. The G210D and M260Y substitutions are shown in the right panel.
D Absolute quantification of intracellular lysine concentration in wild-type and the reconstructed DapF mutants. Quantification was performed using LC-MS, as
described in the methods section. n = 3. Error bars show mean value SD. A two-sample Student’s t-test assuming unequal variances was performed to calculate
statistical significance. Concentrations are reported as fold change relative to the wild-type control samples.
E DapF assay showing kinetics of the wild-type, G210D and M260Y mutants. Assay was performed as described in the methods section. n = 5. Error bars show mean
value SD.
F Differential gene expression quantified via qPCR for the dapF and lysA genes on a WT, DapF G210D, and DapF M260Y backgrounds. Error bars represent 95%
confidence intervals. A two-tailed Student’s t-distribution was used to calculate P-values, which were adjusted using the Benjamin–Hochberg statistical method for
false discovery rates.
(HTH) DNA-binding domain and a less conserved C-terminal
co-inducer binding domain (Maddocks & Oyston, 2008). The LysR
S36R mutation lies on the DNA-binding (HTH) domain (Fig 5B).
However, after reconstruction and genomic verification of this edit,
we observed that mutants do not display any alteration in intracellular lysine levels (Fig 5C). Further, we noted that strains harboring
the S36R mutation grew slower than wild-type cells transformed
with a non-targeting gRNA (Fig EV5). These results suggest that the
enrichment observed at the plasmid barcode level for LysR is possibly a false positive.
On the other hand, the ArgP regulator displayed much stronger
enrichment scores for a E246Q substitution (Fig 5D), with a P-value
ª 2018 The Authors
of 1.6 × 10 6 at 100 lM AEC, 8.1 × 10 8 at 1,000 lM AEC, and
1.59 × 10 5 at 10,000 lM AEC. ArgP, which also belongs to the
LysR family of transcriptional regulators, can bind to lysine in order
to inhibit transcription of several genes in the biosynthetic lysine
pathway (Fig 1A), acting as one of the main negative feedback
mechanisms (Marbaniang & Gowrishankar, 2011). The E246Q
substitution lies on the C-terminal co-inducer binding domain
(Fig 5E), although the apparent role for this residue is unclear. After
genomic reconstruction, we observed that strains harboring the
ArgP E246Q mutation accumulated 124% more intracellular lysine
(Fig 5F), likely responsible for the barcode enrichment previously
observed, although the reconstructed mutant could also not
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Intracellular Lysine
(Fold Change)
pvalue = 0.049
Figure 5. Investigating noise and real enrichment in the plasmid barcodes.
A Mapping of enrichment across the positions targeted in lysR. The gray regions in the gene cartoon at the bottom highlight the windows containing targeted residues,
with the enrichment map shown above for increasing AEC concentrations. Enrichments are color coded according to the legend at the bottom. A histogram plot of
enrichment is shown at the right.
B Modeled structure of LysR, with the HTH DNA-binding domains colored in blue and the co-inducer binding domain in gray. The S36 site is highlighted in green. The
right panel zooms to the S36 site, showing close proximity to the DNA phosphate backbone.
C Absolute quantification of intracellular lysine levels in wild-type and the reconstructed LysR S36R mutant. Quantification was performed using LC-MS, as described in
the methods section. n = 2. Error bars show mean value SD. A two-sample Student’s t-test assuming unequal variances was performed to calculate statistical
significance. Concentrations are reported as fold change relative to the wild-type control samples.
D Mapping of enrichment across the positions targeted in argP. Representation is the same as described in (A).
E Modeled structure of ArgP, highlighting the E246 residue in the co-inducer binding domain (gray).
F Absolute quantification of intracellular lysine levels in wild-type and the reconstructed ArgP E246 mutant. Quantification was performed using LC-MS, as described in
the methods section. n = 2. Error bars show mean value SD. A two-sample Student’s t-test assuming unequal variances was performed to calculate statistical
significance. Concentrations are reported as fold change relative to the wild-type control samples.
outcompete the wild-type strain (Fig EV6), similarly to the results
observed for the DapF M260Y mutation.
In all, these results support our initial hypothesis that strongly
enriched mutations are more likely to yield a real signal than mutations displaying weak enrichment scores. However, as discussed in
the next section, adaptive mutations could also introduce noise in
the form of strong enrichment scores. Therefore, genomic reconstruction and validation are essential in order to confirm targets
identified by this approach. Further, a more stringent P-value
threshold with improved statistical methods could filter a larger
fraction of false positives in the sample. In the discussion, we highlight important practices and advances that can improve the signalto-noise ratio in future implementations of this technology.
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Deep scanning mutagenesis provides better genotype–phenotype
mapping than adaptive evolution
The data presented herein demonstrate an ability to investigate
specific sequence-to-activity hypotheses at a scale orders of magnitude beyond alternative strategies. To further justify this claim, we
performed adaptive laboratory evolution and whole genome
sequencing under a selective AEC concentration (1,000 lM). Specifically, we adapted wild-type E. coli cells and fully sequenced the
genomes from 15 isolates after 2 days (single-batch) or 5 days (serial transfer) of selection. As expected, multiple SNPs (2-7 SNPs per
genome post-filtering) were identified (Fig 6A, Dataset EV3). Only
one gene in the lysine pathway was found to be mutated (lysP), with
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Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
Molecular Systems Biology
complex systems. This concept was evident for the DapF mutations
investigated here, in which lower kinetics counterintuitively
improved lysine accumulation in the strains.
Further, the ability to map deeply, through the use of barcodes,
enabled quantification beyond the main selection winner. Transporter loss-of-function was a clear solution to the AEC challenge,
dominating most of the selected population. Therefore, looking
beyond lysP mutations would be challenging with traditional strategies (Fig 6). However, we could correctly identify other hits that
were being masked by the enrichment of lysP mutations, highlighting the value of parallel genotype–phenotype mapping. We note that
some of the mutants described here could not outcompete adaptive
mutations that inactivated lysP, growing similarly to wild-type cells
even though a clear improvement in lysine accumulation was
observed. This finding underlines the complex relationship between
the selection environment and the fitness effect. In unicellular asexual organisms such as bacteria, fitness in a competitive environment
can be mainly attributed to three parameters: (i) lag phase duration,
(ii) exponential growth rate, and (iii) maximum yield at saturation.
Mutations can affect fitness through differing degrees on each of
these parameters (Gall et al, 2008; Adkar et al, 2017). Moreover,
the effect of each parameter is further confounded in more complex
populations, in which clonal interference has a strong effect on
shaping the adaptation dynamics and evolutionary outcomes (Barrick & Lenski, 2013; Lang et al, 2013). These different adaptive
niches could explain the results observed here, and recently developed tools could aid in the elucidation of these evolutionary niches
at the population scale (Wong et al, 2018).
Although successful in mapping different AEC resistance routes
in parallel, several false-positive mutants were identified in our
studies. These could have been a consequence of background adaptive evolution, or potentially from imperfect plasmid barcode to
genome-edit correlation. Additionally, a key limitation on this
process is the generally low editing efficiency on a library scale
five distinct SNPs identified in a total of eight occurrences. The
remaining 21 distinct SNPs totaled 48 occurrences and were spread
across a broad range of categories (Fig 6B).
Overall, these whole genome sequencing studies affirm the wellestablished ratio of positive to neutral to negative mutations
observed in laboratory evolution. The low fraction < 0.5–1% of
positive mutations increases the subsequent screening burden (all
individual mutants must be reconstructed and tested) by 2 orders of
magnitude (1/(0.5–1%) = 100–200×). Moreover, most (80%) of the
identified mutations do not map to genes reasonably linked to the
pathway (Fig 6C), thus challenging any rational strategies for reducing the reconstruction and screening burden. While only the dominant selection winner (lysP) was uncovered using adaptive
evolution, CREATE provided much higher depth for the regions
targeted in the library, effectively scanning these pre-selected
hotspots (Fig 6D). We emphasize the value of a combination of
such approaches: Adaptive evolution could be leveraged to evolve
complex phenotypes and inform putative target genes, and CREATE
could be leveraged to reconstruct the identified mutations and investigate their individual contributions in parallel.
Complex phenotypes are often engineered through directed evolution or other random mutagenic strategies. While successful for
phenotype optimization in industrial strains, off-target mutations
can decrease overall cell fitness and lead to “dead-end” phenotypes,
preventing further improvement of the evolved strain (Lee & Kim,
2015). New tools (Garst et al, 2017; Bao et al, 2018; Guo et al,
2018; Roy et al, 2018; Sadhu et al, 2018) that combine targeted deep
scanning mutagenesis with genotype–phenotype mapping provide a
powerful framework to explore distinct hypotheses in parallel,
uncovering mechanisms that would be difficult to rationalize in
Adaptive Evolution for 48 hours
Cell Wall /
Cell Shape
Adaptive Evolution
(48 hours)
Adaptive Evolution for 5 days
CREATE mapping
(30 hours)
Frequency in Adapted Strains
SNPs to Parent Strain
48 hrs
5 Days
Figure 6. Comparison of mapping depth using adaptive evolution and the deep scanning mutagenesis library.
A Map of SNPs positions observed in each sequenced genome after 48-h adaptation (n = 9) and 5-day adaptation with one passage per day (n = 6). SNPs were mapped
to the parent strain, sequenced after growth in minimal media in the absence of AEC.
B Categories of the SNPs found in Fig 6A, with the categories from genes that are directly linked to the lysine pathway highlighted in green.
C Circos plot of the SNPs found after 48-hour adaptation relative to the lysine metabolism genes. The bar plots of each SNP represent the frequency across sequenced
strains (n = 9). Lysine metabolism genes are highlighted as black bars (50× zoom). The inner green plot represents the average sequencing coverage for each position
across all sequenced genomes.
D Map of enriched mutations found for the same selective pressure (1,000 lM AEC) using our deep scanning mutagenesis library. The bar plots represent log2
enrichment scores.
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Molecular Systems Biology
(Table 1), which is a consequence of multiple variables in the editing process. First, variations between gRNA activity and the ability
to rescue double-stranded breaks (DSB) via homology-directed
repair are major drivers of fluctuations on editing efficiency. Additionally, many different escape mechanisms can prevent proper
function of the CRISPR/Cas9 machinery, such as mutations in the
Cas9 or the gRNA itself. Errors in oligo synthesis can further prevent
the introduction of a DSB, by incorporating mutations in the gRNA
sequence for example. Finally, wild-type cells that escape the DSB
process through any of the mechanisms above are inherently more
fit, since they do not undergo the toxicity and stresses caused by
DNA damage.
With these identified limitations, a few parameters must be taken
into consideration when attempting genotype–phenotype mapping
on a pathway scale. First, applications that include strong selective
pressures are more likely to succeed. With the relatively low (2–
4%) editing efficiencies reported herein, the screening burden
would be too high for most screening throughputs. Second, while
these technologies efficiently narrow the search space to a few
hypotheses (genes and specific mutants) of interest, reconstruction
in wild-type backgrounds and subsequent validation are essential.
Third, the use of multiple biological replicates is fundamental to
deconvolute designed edits from adaptive evolution background, so
that barcodes displaying enrichment in different samples are more
likely to be real. Fourth, sequencing depth remains an important
consideration. In this study, the selective dominance of lysP mutations likely prohibited the investigation of every single designed
edit. A rarefaction curve should be included in future studies in
order to assess the required sequencing depth. Finally, strategies to
improve map accuracy would be valuable additions. As an example,
the use of single cell-specific barcodes could improve the confidence
of mapping, so that each single mutation is mapped as a population
of cells (Zeitoun et al, 2017). Transferring barcodes from plasmids
to genomes (Roy et al, 2018) could also decrease cell-to-cell variation and hence decrease noise in barcode enrichments. In the specific case of lysine metabolism, comparing mutations identified in the
presence of different antimetabolites or with screening-based
approaches using lysine biosensors (Yang et al, 2013; Wang et al,
2015, 2016) would be a valuable contribution.
Overall, we demonstrated the expansion of deep scanning mutagenesis strategies from a single gene to an entire metabolic pathway.
We identified in parallel multiple routes of AEC resistance, encompassing mutations in transporters, regulators, and biosynthetic
genes. This technology, as well as future implementations that
address some of the limitations described above, should accelerate
our ability to investigate complex multigenic phenotypes, providing
knowledge that will contribute to the forward engineering of these
Materials and Methods
Genome-edited strains, plasmids, and general cloning procedures
Genome editing and individual mutant validation were performed in
a wild-type Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655 strain. A
custom pSIM5-Cas9 dual vector was built by cloning the araCpBAD-Cas9 fragment from pX2-Cas9 vector (Addgene #85811) into
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the temperature-sensitive pSIM5 plasmid (Datta et al, 2006) containing the lambda red genes. This pSIM5-Cas9 dual vector was transformed into E. coli MG1655 prior to the library introduction. The
editing cassettes containing the homology arm and genometargeting gRNA were cloned in the same backbone previously used
for CREATE (Garst et al, 2017) (example vector can be visualized
Cloning procedures that did not involve libraries were performed
using CPEC (Quan & Tian, 2011). Briefly, fragments containing
40bp homology arms were PCR amplified using Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix (New England Biolabs), treated with DpnI to
remove methylated plasmid templates when necessary, and purified
from 1% agarose gels using the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit
(QIAGEN). CPEC assembly was performed using 300 ng of backbone and equimolar insert amounts. After 10 cycles of reaction, the
product was dialyzed and transformed via electroporation into E.
cloni 10GF’ ELITE Electrocompetent Cells (Lucigen). Cloning procedures for the library preparation will be detailed below.
Library design
For each targeted protein in this study, 3D structures were collected
from the RCSB Protein Data Bank (Berman et al, 2000) if available
or modeled using SWISS-MODEL (Arnold et al, 2006) or I-TASSER
(Roy et al, 2010). A 6 Å shell from binding sites was built using
PyMOL (v. scripts to select sites for mutagenesis. A comprehensive list of all selected sites and structure details can be found in
Dataset EV1. In total, 19 genes and 815 sites were selected. For each
selected site, a full codon saturation mutagenesis was introduced
using the most frequent codons, resulting in a total of 16,300 variants. For each variant, the gRNA and homology arm designs were
automated using previously described Python scripts (Garst et al,
2017). Briefly, the cassette design included the following features: a
library-specific 18 nt priming site for subpooling, a 12 nt variantspecific priming site (not used in this study), a 118 nt homology
arm encoding the specific genomic edit and a synonymous PAM
mutation in close proximity, the constitutive promoter J23119
(35 nt), a 3 bp spacing sequence (ATC), the 20 nt spacer region
required for Cas9 targeting, followed by 24 nt of the 50 end of the
canonical S. pyogenes gRNA. The full list of cassette sequences can
be found in Dataset EV1.
Library construction
The designed library was synthesized as 230-mers by Agilent Technologies in a custom array and delivered pooled as lyophilized
single-stranded DNA. As described in more details previously (Garst
et al, 2017), the oligo pool was subjected to an Alexa Fluor 488labeled strand extension reaction and purified in a 6% SDS–PAGE
gel to remove indels introduced in the synthesis process. From the
resulting purified oligo pool, the lysine library was amplified as a
single subpool using predefined library-specific priming sites
included in the cassette design. The amplification was optimized to
minimize overamplification in an effort to reduce product crossover.
The PCR was performed using Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master
Mix (New England Biolabs) and the following reaction conditions:
98˚C for 60 seconds, followed by eight cycles of 98°C30s/68°C30s/
72°C90s, followed by 10 cycles of 98°C30s/72°C90s, and then a
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Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
final extension at 72°C for 3 min. The library product was purified
from 1% agarose gels using the QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit
The amplified library was cloned using Gibson Assembly HiFi 1Step Kit (SGI-DNA), with 300 ng of the linearized backbone and
30 ng of the library insert. The cloning reaction was dialyzed and
then transformed via electroporation into E. cloni 10GF’ ELITE
Electrocompetent Cells (Lucigen), in a single electroporation using a
0.2-cm-gap cuvette (Gene Pulser, Bio-Rad). Cloning efficiency was
estimated by counting colonies in LB agar plates. Overall, > 60×
coverage (total CFUs/number of library variants) was achieved at
the cloning stage. Subsequently, the library was grown in LB media
to saturation and plasmid was extracted using the QIAprep Spin
Miniprep Kit (QIAGEN). The plasmid library was then transformed
into E. coli MG1655 following a modified recombineering protocol
(Sharan et al, 2009). Briefly, the strain previously transformed with
the dual Cas9/pSIM5 vector was grown at 30°C in LB media in 250ml flasks under 200 rpm until mid-log phase (OD600 = 0.4–0.5).
Cells were then induced with 0.2% arabinose (for Cas9 induction)
and placed in a 42°C shaking water bath for 15 min (for lambda red
induction). Next, cells were kept on ice for 5 min and made electrocompetent. To ensure coverage, 2 lg of the plasmid library was
transformed in a single electroporation using a 0.2-cm-gap cuvette
(Gene Pulser, Bio-Rad). Two independent transformations were
performed for the library (biological duplicates), followed by recovery in 5 ml of LB media supplemented with 0.2% arabinose for 3 h
at 30°C. Afterward, cells were plated in LB media with the proper
antibiotics to calculate transformation efficiency and transferred to
30 ml of liquid LB media with antibiotics for 8 h before proceeding
to selective conditions. Overall, > 300× coverage was achieved at
this stage (total CFUs/number of library variants). Both the cloning
and recombineered libraries were sequenced using an Illumina
MiSeq run to assess the real plasmid library coverage (threshold set
at 100% full matching cassettes, Fig EV1). Deep sequencing procedures for plasmid libraries are detailed below.
AEC selections and high-throughput sequencing of the
library barcodes
Selection was performed in 30 ml of M9 minimal media containing
5X M9 Minimal Salts (BD Biosciences), 2 mM magnesium sulfate,
0.1 mM calcium chloride, 1% glucose, 100 lg/ml carbenicillin (to
select for the library plasmid), and varying S-(2-aminoethyl)-Lcysteine (AEC) concentrations (0–10,000 lM). The library culture
growing for 8 h in LB media (described above) was washed with
PBS, and 10 ll was used to inoculate the selective media. Cultures
were kept at 37°C under 200 rpm. Two different selection controls
were included, all subjected to the same construction procedure
described above: (i) a non-targeting control, containing a plasmid
with a gRNA that does not target the E. coli genome and (ii) a
double-stranded break control, containing a plasmid with a CREATE
cassette designed to introduce a stop codon at the unrelated gene
Selections up to 1,000 lM AEC were harvested to sequence the
library barcodes at 30 h post-inoculation, and the 10,000 lM AEC
selections were harvested at 40 h post-inoculation. To do so, 3 ml
of the selection cultures was pelleted and plasmid DNA was
extracted using the QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (QIAGEN). Next,
ª 2018 The Authors
Molecular Systems Biology
custom Illumina-compatible primers (Garst et al, 2017) were used
to barcode each selection using Phusion High-Fidelity PCR Master
Mix (New England Biolabs), 300 ng of the plasmid prep, 3% DMSO,
and the following cycling conditions: 98°C for 30 s, 20 cycles of
98°C10s/68°C15s/72°C20s, followed by a final extension of 72°C for
5 min. PCR products were purified from 1% agarose gels using the
QIAquick Gel Extraction Kit (QIAGEN), pooled together in equimolar amounts, and sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq 2x150 pairedend reads run.
Processing of the library barcode reads and statistical analysis
Reads were demultiplexed and then merged using the PANDAseq
assembler (v2.10). Merged reads were matched to the database of
all designed cassettes using the usearch_global algorithm
(v9.2.64), with an identity threshold of 95% and minimal alignment length of 150 bp. These parameters were chosen so that
chimeras in the designs could be evaluated. Forty possible hits
were allowed for each query, which were subsequently sorted by
percent identity, and the best-matching cassette was chosen. To
generate read counts for each designed cassette, only reads that
had a full alignment and an identity higher than 99% were used.
The number of reads obtained at each processing step is outlined
in Dataset EV4.
The next processing steps of the read counts were done using the
Pandas data analysis Python package (v0.20.2). First, since lowcount variants are subject to counting error, variants with initial
counts (pre-selection) of less than 10 were not included in the individual biological replicate analysis. Then, variants with 0 counts
post-selection were replaced to 0.5 in order to allow the subsequent
calculation steps. For each individual biological replicate, enrichment scores were calculated as the logarithm (base 2) of the ratio of
frequencies between post-selection and pre-selection. Frequencies
were determined by dividing the read counts for each variant by the
total experimental counts. Finally, a weighted average was used to
combine the enrichment scores obtained in the two biological replicates, according to the formula:
Wavg ¼
i¼1 ðCi Wi Þ
i¼1 Ci
where Wavg is the weighted average score, i is the biological replicate, C is the read count obtained for the variant in the biological
replicate, and W is the enrichment score calculated for the variant
in the biological replicate.
To assess significance, the average of enrichment scores for all
synonymous mutations included in the library was calculated (average l of wild-type enrichment). Bootstrap analysis (resampled
with replacement 20,000 times) was performed to obtain a 95%
confidence interval for the wild-type enrichment average l. Variants were considered as significantly enriched if their weighted
enrichment scores were at least l 2*r (i.e., P-value ≤ 0.05
assuming a normal distribution of synonymous mutations enrichment scores), with r being the standard deviation. For individual
mutants chosen to be investigated further in this study, the Pvalue of their respective enrichment scores was calculated using
the probability density function of all mutants under the specific
selective pressure.
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Deep sequencing of selected genomic regions
Genomic pockets were PCR amplified using primers annealing specifically to the target genomic region (Fig EV2). To these primers, the
Nextera adapter sequences were included as 50 overhangs, resulting in
CAG-[priming site]-30 and Reverse primers: 50 -GTCTCGTGGGCTCG
GAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAG-[priming site]-30 . Samples were then
prepared with the Nextera XT DNA Library Prep Kit (Illumina) and
sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 2x150 paired-end reads run.
Sequencing reads were merged using the PANDAseq assembler
(v2.10) and trimmed to the positions highlighted in Fig EV2 (these
positions exclude the primer binding site). A database was generated
containing all expected sequence variants for the full length between
the sequenced positions, which is the wild-type sequence and all
designed edits incorporated into the respective positions. Reads were
then matched at 100% identity to this database using custom Python
scripts. The number of reads obtained at each processing step is
outlined in Dataset EV4.
Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
Marcelo C Bassalo et al
wild-type dapF sequence; reconstructed dapF mutants for the
G210D and M260Y variants). The PCR products were then cloned
and sequence verified into a custom-made pET-3 backbone, containing the histidine tag (6×) on either the 50 or 30 end of the genes to
test for optimal expression. Corynebacterium glutamicum DAP dehydrogenase was synthesized from Eurofins Genomics and also cloned
in the pET-based vector. Expression was done in a E. coli BL21
strain using LB media, which was induced with 1 mM IPTG when
OD600 reached 0.6. Induced cultures were grown at 30°C overnight
under 200 rpm, harvested by centrifugation, and the pellet stored at
80°C for protein purification.
Proteins were purified using the Ni-NTA Spin Kit (QIAGEN),
following the protocol for purification of tagged proteins under
native conditions. Purified samples were run on a denaturing PAGE
gel (Mini-PROTEAN TGX Stain-Free Precast Gels, Bio-Rad) to confirm purity and quantified using the Thermo Fisher Scientific Pierce
660 nm Protein Assay Reagent. Purified proteins were used fresh for
the kinetic assay (never frozen).
In vitro assay to measure DapF kinetics
Individual mutant reconstruction
To individually reconstruct the mutants investigated in this study,
the same cassette sequence included in the library for that specific
variant was ordered separately as a gblock from Eurofins Genomics.
The cassette was then cloned, sequence verified, and introduced in
E. coli MG1655 using the same procedure described above. Then,
the specific genomic edit was confirmed through Sanger sequencing
of the target site.
Absolute quantification of intracellular lysine levels
Saturated overnight cultures of the reconstructed mutants were
used to inoculate 100 ml of the minimal media used for selections
(without any AEC present). Inoculums were made to an initial
OD600 of 0.01, and cultures were grown in shake flasks at 37°C
under 200 rpm until OD600 reached 0.5. At this stage, cells were
plated to calculate CFUs/ml, washed with PBS, pelleted by
centrifugation, and stored at 80°C for metabolite extraction. The
frozen cell pellets were extracted in ice-cold lysis buffer, a 5:3:2
ratio of MeOH:ACN:H2O, containing amino acid standard mix at a
final concentration of 1 lM (MSK-A2-1.2 standard amino acid mix,
purchased from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc., Tewksbury,
MA). Samples were vortexed for 30 min at 4°C with 1-mm glass
beads. Insoluble proteins and lipids were pelleted by centrifugation at 4°C for 10 min at 12,000 g. Supernatants were collected
and analyzed using a Thermo Vanquish UHPLC coupled online to
a Thermo Q Exactive mass spectrometer. UHPLC-MS methods and
data analysis approaches were performed as described previously
(Nemkov et al, 2015). The intracellular concentration of wild-type
control samples was normalized to 1, and the experimental
samples are reported as fold change relative to these wild-type
Expression and purification of the DapF mutants
The dapF variants were PCR amplified from boiled cells that
contained the desired mutation (wild-type E. coli MG1655 for the
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Enzymatic activity of the DapF variants was determined in vitro
using a modified DAP epimerase–DAP dehydrogenase coupled spectrophotometric assay (Cox et al, 2002). Briefly, 100 mM Tris (pH
7.8), 0.1 mM diaminopimelic acid (racemic mixture), 0.44 mM
NADP+, and 1 mM DTT were added to a cuvette and incubated at
37°C for 10 min to equilibrate the temperature. Then, 1.8 mM DAP
dehydrogenase was added and the absorbance was recorded at
340 nm until it reached a plateau (i.e., all meso-DAP was depleted;
Appendix Fig S4). Next, varying amounts of the purified DapF variants were added, and the absorbance at 340 nm followed through
time. The assay was performed with 400 ll final volume in a NanoDrop OneC UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific
Quantitative analysis of gene expression
Wild-type E. coli MG1655 and the analyzed reconstructed mutants
were grown under the same conditions as described for absolute
intracellular lysine quantification. At the harvest stage
(OD600 = 0.5), 1 ml of the culture was treated with RNAprotect
Bacteria Reagent (QIAGEN) to stabilize the RNA and the resulting
pellet frozen at 80°C. Total RNA was then extracted using the
RNeasy Mini Kit (QIAGEN) with an on-column DNase digestion.
cDNA was synthesized using the SuperScript IV First-Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen). Power SYBR Green Master Mix (Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc.) was then used for the qPCRs, which was run
on a QuantStudio 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System (Thermo Fisher
Scientific Inc.) with the following conditions: 95°C for 30 s, 40
cycles of 95°C30s/65°C30s/72°C30s, followed by the standard melting
curve protocol. Three different housekeeping genes were tested as
qPCR endogenous controls: the 5S ribosomal RNA (rrfA), siroheme
synthase (cysG), and the integration host factor B (ihfB). After testing each endogenous control, ihfB exhibited variability among
samples, and so rrfA and cysG were chosen as endogenous controls
for the analysis. Relative expression was calculated using the DDCt
method (Livak & Schmittgen, 2001) on the Thermo Fisher Cloud
Data Analysis Apps (qPCR Module).
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Marcelo C Bassalo et al
Scanning lysine metabolism in E. coli
Molecular Systems Biology
Adaptive evolution and whole genome sequencing
The adaptive evolution experiments were performed with wild-type
E. coli MG1655 (without any plasmids) in 30 ml of the same minimal media used for selections, containing 1,000 lM AEC. Cells were
grown at 37°C under 200 rpm in two different regimes: (i) growth
for 48 h (single-batch) since the inoculation; (ii) growth for 5 days,
with passages to new media every 24 h (100 ll was transferred in
each passage). Additionally, wild-type E. coli MG1655 cells were
also grown for 48 h in minimal media without any AEC present
(parent strain genome). Next, the final cultures were streaked to
agar plates of the same selective media and single colonies were
processed for whole genome sequencing. To do so, genomic DNA
was extracted using the Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit
(Promega), libraries were prepared using the Nextera XT DNA
Library Prep Kit (Illumina) and sequenced on an Illumina MiSeq
2x150 paired-end reads run.
Reads were then mapped to the reference Escherichia coli str. K12 substr. MG1655 genome (RefSeq NC_000913.3), using Bowtie2
(v2.3.2) in the sensitive preset and end-to-end mode. After mapping,
SNP calling was done through SAMtools (v1.5) with the following
filtering parameters: (i) Phred quality score higher than 20, (ii) SNP
read depth higher than 10, and (iii) SNP frequency higher than
50%. Finally, the SNPs called in the sequenced parent genome were
subtracted from the SNPs called in the adapted strains, yielding the
final list of SNPs (Dataset EV3). The number of reads obtained at
each processing step is outlined in Dataset EV4.
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