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ScienceDirect Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 9th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perception, ICSCCW 2017, 24-25 August 2017, Budapest, Hungary Honeywell solutions for bumpless upgrade of tps system and experion pks integration in zakum complex central control room, Abu Dhabi, UAE Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich*a, Adilov Farukh Tulkunovichb, Astafurov Maksim Fedorovichc, Ivanyan Arsen Ighatevichd a Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistznskaya-2 prospect, Tashkent city, 100095, Republic of Uzbekistan b,c,d XIMAVTOMATIKA” Ltd, 1 Niyozbek yuli str., Tashkent city, 100000, Republic of Uzbekistan Abstract Considered usage of Honeywell C300 and Safety Manager industrial controllers along with HPM controllers designed for process control and production safety (Fire&Gas Systems, Emergency Shutdown Systems (ESD), Safety Interlocks, etc.) without applying significant changes in existing plant units’ hardware (input/output cards, network structures, etc.) and maintaining the completeness of data transmission between new and old local equipment room and central control room as well. On the example of complex of Zakum fields it is described the application of the idea of openness of the interfaces for both newly constructed and already operating enterprises, and enterprise integration with other industrial clusters with opportunity to output information into the field of cloud intelligence, and also is highlighted the aspect of further modernization of the complex of fields in the intention for realization of the idea of “digital field”. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 9th International Conference on Theory and application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perception. Keywords:integration; industrial controllers; ESD systems; supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems; distributed server architecture (DSA); industrial interent of things (IIOT); digital field. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +998-90-185-80-91. E-mail address: dodabek@mail.ru 1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 9th International Conference on Theory and application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perception. 10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.288 626 Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 1. Introduction Zakum oilfields complex is located about 84 kilometers northwest of Abu Dhabi, deep in waters of Persian Gulf. One of the components, Upper Zakum is the second largest offshore oilfield and fourth largest oilfield in the world, has estimated 50 billion barrels of oil reserves. It belongs to ZADCO (Zakum Development Company). At this moment oilfield produces about 640 thousand of oil per day (bpd) assuming to be operational until 2026. Oil extraction is covered by 450 wells and approximately 90 platforms, three satellite platforms of Zakum Central Complex and pipeline system sending gathered oil to Zirkuh Island, by offshore-technology.com (2017). Zirkuh Island is located 140 kilometers northwest of Abu Dhabi and 35 kilometers of oilfield. Territory of the island contains oil refining units, desalination and crude-oil dehydration units, temporary storage reservoirs and pumping equipment moving oil to the tankers docked in loading terminals. Plant oil processing equipment and production process control and monitoring executing by Zakum Central Complex (ZCC) control room, and with auxiliary control rooms as well, located each in its own area of responsibility (temporary storage, loading terminals, export gas, etc.), process data acquisition and control action transmission executed through Honeywell HPM industrial controller Input/output cards, Honeywell FSC controllers based Fire&Gas system and Emergency Shutdown system. Oilfield complex and crude oil primary treatment units mentioned above are in operation more than 40 years and related to this fact process technology numerous times was upgraded to reach different goals. One of the latest process technology upgrade project with the goal of productivity improvement and environmental improvement in the area of Zirkuh Island was Gas Dehydration Unit – GDU and Gas Injection Compressor – GIC project. Production process is under control based on Honeywell C300 industrial controller and Fire&Gas system / Emergency Shutdown system based on Honeywell Safety Manager controller. 2. Problem statement In the design of new units in addition to crude oil primary treatment complex (ZCC) were interposed a requirement of full monitoring and control over GDU and GIC units from central control room in other words requirements of integration of data coming from C300 and Safety Manager controllers with Honeywell TPS system. Given requirements presented oneself as foundational during selection of software and hardware as well as network architecture – human-machine interface (HMI) hardware in control rooms (central and local) has been upgraded, existing plant units’ software has been upgraded - Experion for TPS software package has been installed, as well as system with а Distributed System Architecture – DSA has been implemented, that in aggregate resulted as given article subject, by Honeywell (2017). 3. Existing plant control rooms (local and central) hardware and software upgrade 3.1. Experion for TPS software package Experion for TPS software package includes Experion Server-TPS (ESVT) and Experion Station-TPS (ES-T). Experion-TPS (ESVT) server node supports same Real-Time Database and all subsystems as regular Experion Server, by Honeywell (2017). ESVT provides support of initial Experion configuration as well as history collection and archiving, report organization, server redundancy, SCADA system organization. In addition to functions mentioned above ESVT primary components consists following: • TPN Server – private OPC server obtaining TPS/LCN data, alarms and events through locally installed LCNP and creating data cash to transfer data to its clients connected. TPN Server on ESVT node automatically assigns to Experion level, where node supports data cash and alarm list; • LCNP – hardware and software component providing connection to TPS/LCN. In case if ESVT server loaded with LCNP personality is acts as specialized data processing platform (Application Processing Platform - APP). Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 627 ESVT server’s software architecture is illustrated in the Fig. 1. Fig.1. ESVT server software architecture. Experion Station-TPS (ES-T) node, by Honeywell (2017), provides same workspace as other Experion station types – supports usage of hypertext mark-up language (html) for custom displays and alarm, events and messages representation. ES-T also provides Native Window application, which emulates Universal Station – US and optionally supports Global Universal Station – GUS displays. Native Window and GUS applications connecting to locally installed LCNP (local control network – LCN processor) card delivering user interface with access to all TPN/LCN operations, design and maintenance functions. ES-T station’s software architecture is illustrated in the Fig. 2. Fig.2. ES-T station software architecture. 3.2. Experion for TPS Human-Machine Interface and Server hardware. Experion for TPS Human-Machine Interface and Server hardware includes computers based on Dell family (models can differentiate in dependence or requirements), which can be placed inside consoles (Z-console, ICON-console), as well as inside in cabinets in Server Room or Local Equipment Room - LER. To provide LCN connection and data exchange possibility LCNP card was included in hardware configuration, by Honeywell (2017). Technological process monitoring and control system - TPS has a specific architecture with two networks – UCN – Universal Control Network and LCN – Local Control Network. HPM Controllers directly controlling process are UCN nodes, as consequence access to them from C300 controllers, which are FTE nodes, is impossible. And notwithstanding those HPM controllers with help of special NIM modems (both network nodes simultaneously) transfer current process data in LCN network and store historical process parameters in special History Module - HM, this data cannot be directly accessed by FTE nodes. However, Experion server with help of installed LCNP card capable to obtain different information from LCN. In the same way access from Human-Machine Interface station is organized. 628 Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 4. C300 and Safety Manager controllers’ hardware 4.1. C300 Controller Currently Honeywell C300 controller (see Fig. 3(a)) is most up-to-date controller possessed unquestionable set of benefits in reliability, complex strategy design and configuration simplicity, as well as low costs for maintenance and migration. C300 controller provides: • support direct controllers’ redundancy; • input/output cards redundancy; • process network protection trough hardware firewalls - CF9; • data transfer redundancy due to FTE – Fault Tolerant Ethernet technology; • Peer Control Data Interface – PCDI. By Honeywell (2017). Fig. 3. (a) C300 Controller; (b) Safety Manager controller and RUSIO modules. 4.2. Safety Manager controller Honeywell Safety Manager controller (see Fig. 3(b)) designed and build based on approved oneself quadruple modular redundancy technology (QMR®) 2oo4D to provide highest reliability and process continuity in case of any system degradation or online system modification. Safety Manager supports different types of network, including FTE, Ethernet, RS232/485, which offers possibility to integrate given controller in almost any systems. It also supports SafeNet network protocol certified as SIL4, which guarantee fast and reliable communication through any data transfer media. SM controllers residing in SafeNet network supports central management capability (remote loading, reset, diagnostics, etc.). Modern Remote Universal Safety Input Output – RUSIO modules also supported by Safety Manager systems – it provides up to 32 channels to connect field devices with unique possibility of individual channel configuration for different signal types (analog input/output, discrete input/output). Given modules ultimately suitable for remote instrument rooms, as well as for space-limited environment such as oil and gas platforms, significantly increase effectiveness and reliability simultaneously reducing maintenance costs. Safety Manager controller supports data transfer to control system or third party controllers through Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP protocols, Peer Control Data Interface (PCDI) to exchange data with C300 controllers, and direct data integration Experion PKS, by Honeywell (2017). Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 629 5. SCADA systems and Distributed System Architecture – DSA arrangement At the present moment, when software is mostly developed SCADA term (supervisory control and data acquisition) usually means Human-Machine Interface organization for various technology processes controlled by programmable logic controllers, however, the most accurate will be to consider under SCADA systems integrated hardware-software systems that perform tasks of remote monitoring and control of processes simultaneously on a set of automation objects located on a wide geographical area. Experion PKS system is thesuch kind client-server complex providing: • process data collection and processing; • alarms and events processing; • process history storing; • creating and calling reports; • operator Human-Machine Interface organization, by Dobroskokin, Mezentseva and Haybullayev (2015). Client-server architecture of Experion PKS system allows possibility to split functions between servers and as well organize Distributed System Architecture – DSA, by Honeywell (2017). Each server can be related to dedicated unit or complete factory or plant area. Combined with engineering and operator stations it develops cluster access to this through DSA can be organized, controlled, delimited or vice versa provided unrestricted – it is required to operators to get process data, alarms, control strategy visualization information and many other things. For example, trend display demonstrating consolidated control system concept through drawing process trend lines for local point and remote points in same manner. If point exists on remote cluster, then history for this point will be automatically restored even if data was archived. Remote points alarms represented in same Alarm Summary as for local points providing consolidated view of all alarms in operator’s scope of responsibility. Operator custom displays automatically distributed between clusters and can be invoked from local as well as on remote clusters. If required remote control, DSA supports central or main monitoring and control center organization as well as provides remote access. Operator in any system point can browse data and/or control any part of distributed system if access is granted to him. Experion Enterprise model provides user-friendly interface to navigate and control complete system, by Honeywell (2017). Based on Experion system capabilities integration of new units (Gas Dehydration Unit – GDU) and (Gas Injection Compressor – GIC) – 413 areas, Central Control Room cluster – 400-DCS area and 400-ESVT area was provided at Zirkuh Island. Visual illustration of DSA architecture of process control system of Zakum Central Complex at Zirkuh Island is shown in Fig. 4. Fig.4 Control system DSA architecture at ZCC, Zirkuh Island. 630 Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 413-DCS cluster server performing monitoring and control of Gas Dehydration Unit – GDU based on C300 controller, data exchange between Triconex controller of Gas Injection Compressor – GIC, Safety Manager controller and other PLCs through Modbus TCP protocol. Interlocks transfer from ESD/FGS as well as from ECS (Electric Control System) is organized directly to C300 controller through PCDI protocol, by Honeywell (2017). All received data, alarms (process a diagnostics) directing to 400-ESVT cluster central server which in turn performing data collection data from LCN network. 400-DCS server functioning in same manner as 413-DCS except for third party controller presence. All data directed to central server, as well as its own data are combined in consolidated process database providing full information about any point from any place in system. Given architecture is not fully prefect and have some disadvantages such as Event Summary access limitation: - In the first place, events happened in one server available within specified server only; - In the second place, impossibility of direct data exchange between HPM and C300 controller without server participating. However, with consideration that in the first case problem solution can be offered in newer Experion software releases, and in the second case alternative is complete HPM controller replacement with accompanying expenses for Input/Output card re-wiring and control strategy and algorithms transfer to new control executive environment - CEE, given disadvantages are not critical and fully covered by advantages of integration and engineering work/maintenance expenses economy. 6. Directions of further modernization of Zakum complex of fields Upgrade of TPS system to Experion EPKS software-hardware platform opens unique opportunities for further modernization of informational model of enterprise. One of directions of further modernization may be the output of information model of the enterprise to Honeywell IIOT informational cloud. Despite the fact that the conceptual system architecture of Experion EPKS is built on the basis of classical model of information control systems (ICS), however in the approach used to create the software and hardware of the Experion EPKS system, is considered sufficient flexibility and adaptability for the rapidly changing achievements of scientific-technical progress. Figure 5 below in a simplified form shows the overlay of the Purdue model, which illustrates the architecture of the IIOT, to the classical model of the architecture of the ICS of enterprise, by McLaughlin and McAdam(2016). Fig.5 Experion PKS platform growth in frame of IIOT concept. As can be seen from Fig. 5, all the levels of Experion architecture can be correlated with zones of Purdue model. The concept of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) every day becomes an increasingly frequent topic of reports and scientific communities of the world. Topical issues of improving overall equipment effectiveness, reducing the Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 631 cost of operation of the enterprise, optimizing supply chains and improving performance processes, the concept of IIOT decides on an absolutely new level, radically changing the approach to these issues. Here, solutions of Honeywell company which at the same time is one of the pioneers of the implementation of the concept of the IIOT (Honeywell IIOT) and recognized as an international expert in the field of IT-applications for industrial companies and which has vast experience and information resource for comparative analysis of models and operation modes of various industries, are at the forefront of scientific thought. For users who want to extract more value from their data without getting involved in expensive and lengthy projects for big data analysis, integrated solutions, analytic means of Honeywell make it easy to detect abnormal patterns and to establish their automatic tracking. And tasks to optimize operation of equipment to improve its performance and lifetime, using Honeywell IIOT solution package (see Fig. 6) is performed by comparing the operation of equipment and effective use of tools in various industrial enterprises and issuing the necessary recommendations to users. Fig.6 Honeywell IIOT solution. In view of this scale of a scientific approach to the question of modernization of automation systems upgrade of TPS system to Experion EPKS system, sees only the first, but certainly strategically important step towards the application of science in industry. Another direction of further modernization is building based on Experion PKS platform MES-systems complex of enterprise (field) management with achievement in perspective the full informational model of “digital field”. Honeywell in this regard has a huge arsenal of software and hardware solutions that solve the individual tasks of managing business processes of the enterprise, including land and property allocation; resources lifecycle management; geology, geophysics and technologyof production and hydrogeology; production operations; management of hydrocarbons portfolio; accounting of hydrocarbons; production management; drilling and closing of well; exploration and evaluation of reserves; analytic platform solutions and may others, by Vladov (2015).The order of introduction of a given set of data solutions may be established according to the specific needs of a particular company in the short term, but, of course, the maximum effect can be achieved only in the implementation of the whole complex of IT-solutions. 7. Conclusion Discussed in this article experience of implementation of the C300 and Safety Manager controllers in new equipment room and integration in conjunction with the HPM to transfer data to central control room can and should be used as an example in the design and/or organization of the updates of the control systems of industrial facilities that use the reliable, but outdated equipment of TPS systems, in condition of the inability of complete and/or long time shutdown of production. 632 Yusupbekov Nodirbek Rustambekovich et al. / Procedia Computer Science 120 (2017) 625–632 Further steps to modernize the information system of field and the horizon of scientific progress, reflected in the ideas of the industrial Internet of things (IIOT) and the 'digital field', are by far measures the long-term prospects, but in the conditions of rapidly developing world, may at any time become urgent time requirements. References Offshore-technology.com, 2017. 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