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ASAT paper

ASAT (ALLEN Scholarship Cum Admission Test) For PRE-NURTURE & CAREER FOUNDATION : CLASS-IX (For VIII to IX Moving Students) SAMPLE TEST PAPER Time : 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 300 Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for this purpose. INSTRUCTIONS Ćö ﹔§㉀㉀㴴﹔§远§蓨㉀軨§軨﹔远㉀ §ՠ﹔ö§Ű㉀§ ㉀§﹔ՠ㴴§ ﹔§远﹔ՠ§㉀ § 远§㉀㉀㴴﹔§﹔ ㉀﹔§﹔ § 远軨⦸﹔ §㉀§ ㉀§远㉀§蓨  ﹔§ ՠ㉀ö nö Ťՠ 㴴§远ՠ⦸﹔远§ՠ §ՠ 㴴§ՠ﹔远§ՠ﹔§㉀ ﹔ § § ﹔§䜜軨﹔远㉀ §ՠ﹔§ ㉀§蓨㉀軨§㉀軨 §諀㉀㴴ö§㉀§ՠ ㉀ ՠ§远 ﹔﹔远 諀§﹔§㉀ ﹔ § ㉀§㉀軨 §諀㉀㴴ö Đö Ťՠ 㴴§ՠ﹔远î§⦸㉀ՠ 远î§㉀§ՠ﹔远î§远 ﹔§軨﹔远î§⦸ՠ⦸軨ՠ㉀远î§⦸ՠ뜘﹔ՠ远î§⦸﹔軨ՠ§ ㉀ ﹔远î§ՠ﹔远§ՠ §﹔﹔⦸㉀ ⦸ ՠ ﹔远§ՠ﹔§ §ՠ㉀諀﹔ § 远 ﹔§ ﹔§﹔ ՠ뜘 ՠ㉀ § ՠö Ėö ﹔§ՠ 远諀﹔§远 ﹔﹔î§ՠ§뜘ՠ⦸  ﹔ð﹔ՠ ՠ﹔§⦸ՠ§ ﹔远㉀ 远﹔§沤 ﹔﹔§× 沤Ýî§远§㉀ ﹔ §远﹔ՠՠ﹔蓨ö Ĝö  §﹔ՠ㴴 § ﹔§远﹔ՠ§㉀ § ﹔§㉀㉀㴴﹔§⦸ ﹔⦸㴴§ ՠ§§⦸㉀ ՠ 远§ĆĨ§ՠ﹔远§ՠ Ģö ާ⦸ՠ §ՠ§ ﹔§ĨĜ§䜜軨﹔远㉀ 远ö  ՠ﹔§ ՠ远§㉀§諀﹔§ 远§ú§ ﹔§ՠ 远諀﹔远§ § ﹔§ 沤§远 ﹔﹔§蓨§ ՠ㴴﹔  § ﹔§ՠ㉀ՠ﹔§軨﹔§諀 § ﹔§ ﹔ ㉀ §Ťՠ⦸㴴§ՠ§㉀ §﹔ §ՠ远§ ﹔§⦸㉀﹔⦸§ՠ 远諀﹔§㉀ § ﹔§䜜軨﹔远㉀ §ՠ﹔뜘﹔ ö Ĩö 軨﹔远㉀ §ՠ﹔§ ㉀뜘ՠ§ĺ ﹔§䜜軨﹔远㉀ §ՠ﹔§⦸㉀ 远远远§㉀ §n§ՠ远ö§ՠðⵔ§ĺ§ⵔ§×佨﹔ ՠ§Ş蓨ݧ˧ՠðⵔⵔ§ĺ§ 蓨远⦸远î§Ū ﹔뜘远蓨㉀㉀蓨§Ë§佨ՠ ﹔뜘ՠ⦸远 Įö 佨ՠ㴴 §沤⦸ ﹔뜘﹔§ĺ ՠðⵔ§ĺ§ ㉀§﹔ՠ⦸ §䜜軨﹔远㉀ §㉀ §ՠðⵔî§蓨㉀軨§諀§﹔§ՠ諀ՠ ﹔ §Ė§뜘ՠ㴴远§ §蓨㉀軨§ ՠ㴴﹔ § ﹔§軨﹔§⦸㉀﹔远㉀  §㉀  ﹔§⦸㉀﹔⦸§ՠ 远諀﹔§ՠ § ﹔㉀§뜘ՠ㴴§ § ㉀§軨﹔远§ՠ﹔§ ՠ㴴﹔ ﹔ ö§㉀§ ﹔ՠ﹔§뜘ՠ㴴远§諀§﹔§ՠ諀ՠ ﹔ § ㉀§ ⦸㉀﹔⦸ ՠ 远諀﹔远§ § 远§ՠö ՠðⵔⵔ§ĺ§ ㉀§﹔ՠ⦸ §䜜軨﹔远㉀ §㉀ §ՠðⵔⵔî§蓨㉀軨§諀§﹔§ՠ諀ՠ ﹔ §Ė§뜘ՠ㴴远§ §蓨㉀軨§ ՠ㴴﹔ § ﹔§軨﹔§⦸㉀﹔远㉀  ﹔§⦸㉀﹔⦸§ՠ 远諀﹔§ՠ ՠ 远諀﹔远§ § 远§ՠö  §㉀ § ﹔㉀§뜘ՠ㴴§ § ㉀§軨﹔远§ՠ﹔§ ՠ㴴﹔ ﹔ ö§㉀§ ﹔ՠ﹔§뜘ՠ㴴远§諀§﹔§ՠ諀ՠ ﹔ § ㉀§ ⦸㉀﹔⦸ SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX PART - I IQ (MENTAL ABILITY) his section contains 20 multiple choice questions ach question has fourchoices Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈and 傈 out ofwhichONLY ONEiscorrect 1. our persons stationed at the four corners of asquarepiece as shown in the diagram  starts crossing thefielddiagonally잘fterwalkinghalfthedistanceheturnsrightwalkssomedistanceandturnsleft Which direction is  facing now墐 A S N D Რ傈orth伸ast 2. B E W 傈沤outh伸ast C ૼ傈 orth伸West 傈 orth ivecities잘ⵌandarefamousfortheirlovelygardensfancyjewelleryeducationalinstitutes blue pottery and scents but not in the same order and one city is famous for only one feature i傈 잘 and ⵌ areneither educational centres nor have gardens ii傈 and are not famous for jewelleryorpottery iii傈沤centsand jewelleryhave nothingto do with 잘 iv傈 and  are not famous for gardens and jewellery v傈 is not famous for educationalinstitutes ⵌity  is famousfor whichof thefollowing features墐 3. Რ傈 ewellery 傈ducational institutes ૼ傈 沤cents 傈 ◤ardens Which two months in a year have the same calendar 墐 Რ傈 잘pril uly 4. 傈잘pril 잘ugust ૼ傈 une ctober 傈 ctober ecember 잘rrange the words given below a meaningful sequence Რ uberty  잘dulthood  ⵔnfant  잘dolescence Რ傈   ૼ Რ  傈   ૼ  Რ ૼ ⵌhildhood ૼ傈  ૼ  Რ  傈  ૼ Რ   SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 1/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX 5. atikadeliversbottledwatertostoresinelhi 沤hedeliversto佨 ◤’sookstoreeveryth day and to 沤ammy’s ookstore every 뜀th day n hursdaythe th shewill deliverwater toboth ofthese stores ow many days after that will she deliver to both stores on the same day again墐 S 7 M T W T F S 4 5 6 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 MTG's & Sammy's 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Რ傈 Რ皤 6. 傈 Რ ૼ傈 Რ뜀 傈 Რ he underlined letters indicate the end of the first word and beginning of second word ⵌhoose the correct option  X  ____傈 잘 ⵌ   7. Რ傈 傈 잘 ૼ傈  傈 ⵌ ⵔn the following questions which one of the four interchanges of signs as well as in number in left hand side would make the given equation correct ૼ÷傈净 Რ傈  and ÷ ૼ and  傈  and ÷  and  ૼ傈  and ÷  and ૼ 傈 o interchange ૼ and  8. Which one of the following enn diagrams correctly illustrates the relationship among the classes  iseases eprosy 沤curvy 墐 Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 2/17 傈 SAMPLE TEST PAPER 9. Class - IX ind the missing term which will replace the question mark 13 4 165 Რ傈  10. 傈 皤 3 2 7 ? 11 14 ૼ傈  傈  沤elect the related number from the given options   Რ         ૼ  墐 Რ傈  11. 傈  ૼ傈  傈  沤electafigurefromamongstthefigures Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈and 傈whichwillcontinuetheseriesasestablished by the five problem figures Problem Figure ×× × ×× ×× × × × A B C ×× × Რ傈 × × 12. D 傈 E × ×× × ૼ傈 × ×× × × 傈 × ×× × ind the odd one amongst the set of figures of a series P Რ傈  Q R S 傈 T U ૼ傈 傈 ӄ SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 3/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX 13. Which of the following completes the first pair in the same way as the second pair 墐   墐  Რ傈 14.   傈 ૼ傈 傈 잘 clock seen through a mirror shows quarter to three he correct time shown by the clock’s______ Რ傈  Რ 15.  傈뜀  Რ ૼ傈  Რ皤 傈뜀  Რ ⵌhoose the correct water伸image of the figure X傈 from the given options Fig. (X) Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈 傈 Direction (Q.16 & Q.17) :- 잘nswer thequestions based on the following information  i傈 잘means잘isthemotherof ii傈 잘 –  means 잘 is the sister of  iii傈 잘   means 잘 is the father of  iv傈 잘 p  means 잘is thebrotherof 16. Which of the following means  is the grandfather of  墐 Რ傈 佨  傈  佨 ૼ傈  p 佨 p    傈  佨– 17. Which of the followingmeans that  is the maternaluncle of 佨 墐 Რ傈  – Y  잘 p 佨 傈  p ––佨 ૼ傈佨–Y – 傈  p ⵌ  佨 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 4/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX Direction (Q.18 to Q.20) :- ⵔn eachofthe following questions groupthe givenfigures into threeclasses using each figure only once 18. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Რ傈   ꬨ ૼ 皤 뜀ꬨ Რ   ૼ傈 Რ ૼ ꬨ   ꬨ  皤 뜀 19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 傈 Რ  ꬨ  ૼ ꬨ  皤 뜀 傈   ꬨ Რ ૼ 皤ꬨ   뜀 Რ傈 Რ  ꬨ ૼ  ꬨ 皤  뜀 傈 Რ  뜀ꬨ ૼ  ꬨ  皤  ૼ傈 Რ  皤ꬨ   뜀ꬨ ૼ   傈  皤 뜀ꬨ Რ  ꬨ ૼ   20. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Რ傈 Რ  皤ꬨ   뜀ꬨૼ   傈 Რ  皤ꬨ   뜀ꬨ ૼ   ૼ傈 Რ  뜀ꬨ   皤ꬨ ૼ   傈 Რ  皤ꬨ ૼ  뜀ꬨ    SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 5/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX PART - II SECTION-A : PHYSICS his sectioncontains 11 multiple choice questions ach question has four choices Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈 and 傈 out of which ONLY ONEiscorrect Which of these objects exerts the most pressure on the floor墐 잘ll objects have the same mass傈 4 cm Რ傈 4 cm 傈 ૼ傈 4 cm 22. 26. 27. 傈 more gravity ૼ傈 less friction 傈 morefriction 傈 잘lcohol ૼ傈 佨ercury 傈 沤ugar solution ૼ傈 佨ercury scale 傈 ahrenheit scale heintensityofearthquakeismeasuredonthe Რ傈 ichter scale 25. 4 cm Which of these is an electrolyte 墐 Რ傈잘gૼ solution 24. 傈 잘 student riding a bicycleobserves that it moves faster on a smooth road than on a rough road his happens because the smooth road has Რ傈 less gravity 23. 8 cm 8 cm 8 cm 4 cm 傈 䇼elvin scale hetail of a cometpoints Რ傈 owards the 沤un 傈 잘way from the 沤un ૼ傈 ⵔn arbitrary direction 傈 잘way from thearth Which one of thefollowingmaterials will reflect sound thebest 墐 Რ傈 hermocol 傈ⵌurtain made fromcloth ૼ傈沤teel 傈 aper ⵔmage formed on retina is Რ傈 irtual and erect 傈 eal and erect ૼ傈 eal and inverted SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 6/17 8 cm 21. 傈 irtual and inverted SAMPLE TEST PAPER 28. Class - IX igure below shows an air conditioner used to cool a room y which mode of transfer ofheat does the air conditionercool theroom 墐 Warm air Air conditioner Cold air Რ傈 ⵌonduction 29. 30. 傈 adiation ૼ傈 ⵌonvection 傈 잘ny of the above uring a cyclone air moves from Რ傈 egion of high pressure to low pressure 傈 egion of low pressure to high pressure ૼ傈 egion of high velocity tolow velocity 傈 egion of high pressure to lowvelocity 잘 key of amechanical piano is struck gently and then struck again but much harder this time ⵔn the second case Რ傈 both loudness and pitch will remain unaffected 傈 sound willbe louderandpitch will also be higher ૼ傈sound will be louderbutpitch will be lower 傈sound will be louderbut pitch will not be different 31. wo planemirrors 잘andⵌareplaced atright angletoone another 잘rayoflight  hits 잘 at  making an angle of ° as shown in the diagram  his ray will be reflected from mirror ⵌ at an angleof ________ with the mirror A 45° P Q Plane mirror D 90° B Რ傈 ° 傈ૼ° Plane mirror C ૼ傈° 傈° SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 7/17 Class - IX SAMPLE TEST PAPER SECTION-B : CHEMISTRY his section contains 12 multiple choice questions ach question has fourchoices Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈and 傈 out of which ONLY ONEiscorrect 32. emoving the wool from a sheep is called Რ傈 sericulture 傈 shearing ૼ傈 spuning 傈 ginning 33. ollutionis controlledby Რ傈anning atomic blasts 傈 ӄse of electrically operated automobiles ૼ傈 沤ewage treatment 傈 잘ll of theabove 34.  is Რ傈 ◤reen house gas 傈 egradable pollutant ૼ傈 ondegradable pollutant 傈 one of these 35. he slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called Რ傈 ⵌarbonylation 傈 ⵌarboxylation ૼ傈 ⵌarbonisation 傈 ⵌarbonation 36. Why is it not advisable to wear synthetic clothes while bursting firecrackers墐 i傈 잘ll syntheticfibres areprepared by using rawmaterials of petroleum origin ii傈 沤yntheticfibres catch fireeasily iii傈 n heating synthetic fibres melt andstick to thebody of theperson wearing it Რ傈 i傈 nly 傈 ii傈 nly ૼ傈 i傈 and iii傈 傈 ii傈 and iii傈 37. 沤amples of four different oxides were taken and dissolved in water separately to form the respective oxide solution he foursolutions were then tested for their acidic䔜basic nature When dissolvedin water which of thefollowingoxides is likelyto turnblue litmusred墐 Რ傈沤 傈 佨g ૼ傈 e ૼ 傈 ⵌa 38. Which ofthe following are the constituents of petroleum墐 Რ傈 iesel paraffin 傈 ⵌ◤ coal tar ૼ傈ⵌoal tar bitumen 傈 䇼erosene coal gas SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 8/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER 39. Class - IX 佨atchthephrasesofcolumn잘correctlywiththetermsgivenincolumnandselectthecorrectmatch from the codes given below Column -A Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈 傈 40. 41. 42. 43. a傈 伸 a傈 伸 a傈 伸 a傈 伸 Column- B (a) Prepared by using wood pulp (i) Polyester (b) Used for making parachutes and stockings (ii) Teflon (c) Used to make nonstick cookwares (iii) Rayon (d) Fabrics do not wrinkle easily (iv) Nylon i傈 b傈 伸 iii傈 c傈 伸 iv傈 d傈 伸 ii傈 iii傈 b傈 伸 iv傈 c傈 伸 ii傈 d傈 伸 i傈 ii傈 b傈 伸 iii傈 c傈伸 i傈 d傈 伸 iv傈 iii傈 b傈 伸 ii傈 c傈 伸 iv傈 d傈 伸 i傈 Which of the following pollutants is䔜are considered as marble cancer墐 i傈  沤ulphur dioxide ii傈  ⵌarbon monoxide iii傈 itrogen dioxide iv傈 ⵌhlorofluorocarbons Რ傈 i傈 ii傈 and iii傈 傈 i傈 and iii傈 ૼ傈 ii傈 and iv傈 傈잘ll of these eactivity order of the above mentioned metals is_____ Რ傈沤odium  佨agnesium  Zinc  ⵔron ⵌopper 傈沤odium  佨agnesium  ⵔron  ⵌopper  Zinc ૼ傈沤odium  佨agnesium  Zinc  ⵌopper  ⵔron 傈沤odium  佨agnesium  ⵌopper ⵔron  Zinc utrophication is caused due to the presence of excessive Რ傈 itrates in water 傈 hosphates in water ૼ傈oth Რ傈  傈 傈 one of these he process of separation of broken woody pieces from fibres is called Რ傈 ginning 傈retting ૼ傈 spinning 傈 scutching SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 9/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX SECTION-C : BIOLOGY his section contains 15 multiple choice questions ach question has fourchoices Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈and 傈 out of which ONLY ONEiscorrect 44. he organic manure is considered better than fertilisers because Რ傈 ⵔtenhances the water holding capacity of the soil 傈 ⵔt makes the soil porous due to which exchange of gases becomes easy ૼ傈ⵔtimprovesthe textureof the soil 傈 잘ll ofthese 45. 46. he featureswhich help to distinguish the male fromthe female arecalled Რ傈 沤ex chromosomes 傈 rimary sexual characters ૼ傈 沤econdary sexual characters 傈 잘ll ofthese 沤perms in male areproduced in Რ傈 testes 47. 48. 49. 傈 urethra ૼ傈 epididymis ibosomes are the centre for Რ傈 espiration 傈 hotosynthesis ૼ傈rotein synthesis 傈 at synthesis ⵔfthenucleus is a cell䁨s control centre and chloroplasts its solarcollectors Which ofthefollowing might be called the cell䁨s combination food processor and garbagedisposer墐 Რ傈ysosome 傈 ibosome ૼ傈 ◤olgi apparatus 傈 ucleolus ◤ivenbelowaresomepossiblereasonsforasharpdeclineinpopulationofthespeciesgiveninfigure Which of the following are correct 墐 i傈 ⵌleared forests iii傈 olluted air and water Რ傈 i傈 and ii傈 傈 i傈 and iv傈 ii傈 looded large areas iv傈 沤carcity of food ૼ傈 i傈 ii傈 and iv傈 傈 i傈 ii傈 iii傈 and iv傈 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 10/17 傈 penis SAMPLE TEST PAPER 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. Class - IX he process of release of ovum by the respective ovary is called as Რ傈vulation 傈佨enstruation ૼ傈 佨enarche 傈 佨enopause 沤elect the correct optionwhichbest suits the given descriptions for    沤  – 잘 simpletool usedfor removing weeds – 잘 tool which is used for ploughing with the helpof tractor  – 잘 tool which is used for sowingwith the help oftractor 沤 – 잘 simpletool usedfor cuttingofcrops P Q R S (1) Sickle Plough Cultivator Khurpi (2) Sickle Cultivator Hoe Cutter (3) Khurpi Plough Seed drill Hoe (4) Hoe Cultivator Seed drill Sickle hefunctionof the nucleolus inthe cell is Რ傈 沤ecretory 傈 沤ynthesis of 잘 ૼ傈 沤ynthesis of 잘 and ribosomes 傈 one of these 沤uvarnapreparedmaidadoughbytaking½kgflourtowhichsheaddedsomesugarmixedwithwarm water andat the endaddeda smallamount ofyeastpowder 잘fter twohours she observed that the doughgot raised Which of the following is correct regardingthis墐 Რ傈 lourundergoes fermentation that results in raiseddough 傈 Yeast reproduces rapidly in number which increase volume of the dough ૼ傈 Yeast produces carbon dioxideduring fermentation that fills the dough and increases its volume 傈 Water vapour formed from warm water raises the volume of the dough ⵔnwhichofthefollowingagriculturalmethodsthenutrientneedsofonecroparefulfilledbytheother crop 墐   净  ice ­ 净ea t 净 Wheat v 净  沤oyabeans ­­­­vvvv ­­­­vvvv Რ傈 ­­­­vvvv ­­­­vvvv ­­­­vvvv 傈 ­­­­ ­­­­ ૼ傈 t t t tvvvv t t t tvvvv t t t tvvvv 傈 tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 11/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX 55. d c b Whichofthe followingis thecorrect sequenceofuseofthe above giventools and techniquein the agricultural practices墐 a Რ傈ab c d 56. 傈dc b a ૼ傈db a c 傈ca d b 잘 habitat change may result in the decline of the numbers of a given species 沤uch species slowly become  his means that the species areon the vergeof becoming  沤ome animals whose number hasgone down tocritically low levels arecalled  잘species is considered沤 when no memberof thespecies is still alive Which ofthe following iscorrect sequencefor    and沤 in the above paragraph P 57. 58. Q Endemic R Extinct (1) Vulnerable (2) Endangered Vulnerable Threatened Extinct (3) Vulnerable Endangered Critically Extinct endangered (4) Endangered Critically endangered Extinct Endangered Vulnerable 佨egha and iroz were performing anexperiment on plant reproduction hey both placed a potato in the soil and observedthe changes after few days Which of the following will theyobserve墐 Რ傈Young roots will rise from the potato 傈Youngshoots will risefrom the potato ૼ傈otato will increase in number 傈oth Რ傈  傈 ow canplants prevent self pollination 墐 Რ傈 沤tamen and pistil matureatdifferent times 傈 lants should develop bisexualflowers ૼ傈istil should haveincreased receptivity forpollens from sameplant 傈 잘ll of these SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 12/17 S SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX SECTION-D : MATHEMATICS his section contains 17 multiple choice questions ach question has fourchoices Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈and 傈 out of which ONLY ONEiscorrect 59. 佨r aldez plans to open a savings account he annual interest rates offered by ૼ banks are shown below 1 4 2 2 %  2 %  2 % 2 5 3 Which list shows these interest rates in order from greatest to least墐 1 2 2 3 4 5 傈 2 %  2 %  2 % 4 5 4 5 2 3 1 2 傈 one of these Რ傈 2 %  2 %  2 % ૼ傈 2 %  2 %  2 % 60. 1 2 2 3 沤hanika is making cookies 1 2 • er recipe calls for Რ cup of sugar for 1  dozen cookies • 沤hanika wants to make  dozen cookies ow many cups of sugar will she need 墐 61. Რ傈 ૼ cups 傈 皤 cups ૼ傈  cups 傈 one of these ufus has a box with the following cards • ૼ yellow cards •  red cards e draws a card at random replaces it and draws a second card What is the probability that both cards are red 墐 Რ傈 1 10 傈 4 25 ૼ傈 2 5 傈 one of these SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 13/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX 62. he endersons are considering buying a house hey recorded mortgage interest rates for a six伸month period as shown in the chart below MORTGAGE INTEREST RATES 佨onth ⵔnterest ate inpercent傈 佨arch 皤 잘pril  佨ay 皤皤 une 皤 uly 皤 잘ugust 皤 What was the mean mortgage interest rate in percent for this six伸month period 墐 Რ傈 皤 63. 傈 皤 ૼ傈 ૼ뜀 傈 Რ ⵌhang views the design below in his kaleidoscope he outside border of the design is a regular octagon Angle A What is the measure in degrees of Ð잘 in the design墐 Რ傈  64. 傈 뜀 ૼ傈 Რૼ Whatisthevalueoftheexpression×皤–ૼ××墐 Რ傈 Რ 傈  ૼ傈 ૼૼ 傈  SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 14/17 傈 Რ SAMPLE TEST PAPER 65. Class - IX 잘 star’s color gives an indication of its temperature and age he chart below shows seven types of stars and the lowest recorded temperature of each type STARS ype owest emperature in ahrenheitdegrees傈 잘  ⵌolor Რૼ×Რ  lue伸White ×Რ  lue Რ×Რ  White 뜀×Რ ૼ Yellow 䇼 ૼ×Რ ૼ range 佨 ×Რ ૼ ed ×Რ  lue ◤  Which type of star has the lowest temperature墐 Რ傈  66. 傈 ◤ ૼ傈 佨 傈  ran designed this shipping box for a freight company Which of the patterns below could be folded to make the shipping box墐 Რ傈 傈 ૼ傈 傈 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 15/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER Class - IX 67. 잘used伸cardealerneededtosellacarepriceditat sthefirstdayitwasonthelot hesecond day he reduced the price by 煸 What was the price of the car after this reduction墐 Რ傈 ૼ皤 68. 傈 皤 ૼ傈 뜀 傈  沤abrina enjoys sailing 沤he wants to build this model sailboat 20 cm Height? 12 cm 69. What is the height of the model’s sail in centimeters cm傈墐 Რ傈 ૼ 傈  ૼ傈 Რ 傈  n his mathematics test ⵌarlos had  correct out of  problems Which of the following is   another way of expressing  out of  墐 Რ傈 70. 4 5 傈  ૼ傈 煸 傈 5 4 When yan lifts weights for his first set he lifts Რ pounds less than half of themaximum weight he canlift hisisrepresentedbytheequationbelowwheremrepresentsthemaximumweight yancan lift andf represents theweight of his first set ƒ= 1 m - 15 2 ⵔf the weight of yan’s first set is Რૼ pounds what is the maximum weight he can lift墐 Რ傈  pounds 傈  pounds ૼ傈  pounds 傈 ૼ pounds SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 16/17 SAMPLE TEST PAPER 71. 72. 73. 잘 plane is flying at an altitude of 皤 feet he pilot of the plane is trying to avoid a storm and increases the plane’s altitude by ascending ૼ feet When the pilot sees he has not ascended far enough to avoid the storm he ascends another  feet and finally another  feet What is the plane’s new altitude墐 Რ傈 ᲠᲠ feet 傈 Რ feet ૼ傈 ૼ feet 傈 ૼ feet ames has a rectangular office that measures  feet by Რ feet e will be moving to an office that is  feet longer and  feet wider ow much more area will ames have in his new office 墐 Რ傈  square feet 傈 ૼ square feet ૼ傈  square feet 傈 뜀 square feet he low temperatures in °ⵌ傈 for  consecutive days in a 佨ontana city were 뜀° ૼ° ° Რ° ᲠᲠ° and°Whatwouldthelowtemperaturehavetobeontheseventhdaytohaveameanlowtemperature of 뜀° for the week 墐 Რ傈 ° 74. Class - IX 傈 뜀° ૼ傈 Რ° 傈 ° 잘udrey’s parents gave her s  to play video games at the mall ach game costs a quarter to play Which choice is   a correct method for determining the total number of games she can play墐 Რ傈 ake the number of s she has and divide it by 1 4 傈 ake the number of s she has and multiply it by  ૼ傈 ake the number of s she has and divide it by  傈 ake the number of s she has and multiply it by  75. he line segments composing both shapes below are all congruent he perimeter of the triangle is ૼ units in length  What is the perimeter in units of the square墐 Რ傈 ૼ 傈  ૼ傈  傈  SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 17/17