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VII CONFERENZA BIENNALE ASAI ASSOCIAZIONE PER GLI STUDI AFRICANI IN ITALIA In cerca di appartenenza: comunità e divisioni in Africa 12-14 settembre 2024 Università degli Studi di Messina Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Giuridiche (SCIPOG) in collaborazione con Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne (DICAM) Dipartimento di Scienze Cognitive, Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e Studi Culturali (COSPECS) CALL FOR PAPER Deadline: 9 giugno 2024 L’Associazione per gli Studi Africani in Italia (ASAI) è lieta di annunciare l’apertura della call for paper per la sua VII Conferenza biennale In cerca di appartenenza: comunità e divisioni in Africa, che si terrà dal 12 al 14 settembre 2024 presso l’Università degli Studi di Messina. Il termine ultimo per la presentazione di proposte di relazioni è il 9 giugno 2024. Coloro che desiderano inviare una proposta di paper devono scrivere direttamente al/i coordinatore/i del panel inviando loro il modulo – scaricabile online – con nome e affiliazione del proponente; titolo della relazione; abstract (massimo 300 parole); panel selezionato per la proposta. Le proposte devono essere inviate nella lingua di riferimento di ogni panel (italiano, inglese, italiano/inglese). Per scaricare il modulo di proposta di paper collegarsi alla pagina “Conferenze ASAI” a questo link, dove sono disponibili anche informazioni su quote di iscrizione e modalità di pagamento. VII ASAI BIENNIAL CONFERENCE ASSOCIAZIONE PER GLI STUDI AFRICANI IN ITALIA Longing for Belonging: Communities and Divides in Africa 12-14 September 2024 University of Messina Department of Political and Legal Sciences (SCIPOG) in collaboration with Department of Ancient and Modern Civilisations (DICAM) Department of Cognitive Sciences, Psychology, Education, and Cultural Studies (COSPECS) CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 9 June 2024 The Association for African Studies in Italy (ASAI) is pleased to announce the opening of the call for papers for its VII Biennial Conference Longing for Belonging: Communities and Divides in Africa, to be held on 12-14 September 2024 at the University of Messina. The deadline to submit a proposal is 9 June 2024. Those who wish to submit a proposal should write directly to the panel organizer(s) by sending them the form downloadable online with name and affiliation of the paper proposer; title of the proposal; abstract (maximum 300 words); panel in which the paper is proposed. The proposal should be submitted in the language of the selected panel (English, Italian, Italian/English). To download the form for the paper proposal connect to the page "ASAI Conferences" at this link, where information about registration fees and payment details is also available. Panel 17 Black Minorities in North Africa. Narratives of (In-)Visibility and the Politics of Representation (19th-21st centuries) The inflammatory speech of Tunisian president Kais Saied in February 2023 depicting Sub-Saharan Africans as the Trojan Horse of the European far-right Great Replacement project aimed at undermining ‘Tunisianness’, has since incited racist violence against Black Africans. It publicly exposed racial stigma against any Black person, including Black Tunisians. The degree and scope of ‘Africanness-Blackness’ of North African societies is still a debated issue in the public sphere and academic circles. North Africa is a site of connections, hybridizations and conflicts between the African, Arab and Mediterranean worlds. This panel aims to analyze the place of Black minorities in North African societies from a historical, cultural, anthropological, political, economic and sociological perspectives. We would like to encourage contributions that also consider the legal framework and implications of what it means to be Black. The legacy of slavery emerges as a salient issue in the place and perception of Black people in North Africa. The chronological framework spans from the abolition of slavery in the Ottoman Empire till today. We welcome papers that cover, study or deal with the following themes: - Narratives of abolitionism, slavery legacy and colonialism - Representation of the black body in popular culture and media - Creolized identities, miscegenation and dynamics of racial hierarchy, Black minorities as ‘imagined communities’ - Geographical and racial segregation and discrimination - Black communities’ political and economic disenfranchisement and participation, and social representation. - Citizenship, shifting and negotiating identities, pan-African and racial solidarities and collective action. - Black artistic forms of expression, religious practices and spirituality - Black North African feminisms - The legal framework of post-2011’s demands for racial justice, the role of transitional justice and ad hoc reconciliation processes (including tribal). - Migration, displacement and cross-border movements of black communities. - Racism and populism. Coordinators: Gabriele Montalbano, University of Bologna, gabriele.montalbano2@unibo.it Houda Mzioudet, University of Toronto, houda.mzioudet@icloud.com