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Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Ijayo Eternal Life in the Epoch to Come Nifanye nini ili Kurithi Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Ijayo? What must I do to Inherit Eternal Life in the Epoch to Come? Robert L. Roberg Florida 2024 “Mtaalamu fulani wa Biblia alimwuliza Yesu, “Rabi, nifanye nini ili niurithi uzima wa milele katika Wakati ujao?” Na Yesu akamwambia, “Ni nini kimeandikwa katika Biblia (kwamba Musa alipokea kutoka kwa mikono ya Malaika)? Unaisoma vipi?” Mtaalamu alisema, “Mpende Mungu kwa moyo wako wote, na kwa nafsi yako yote, na kwa nguvu zako zote, na kwa akili zako zote, na jirani yako kama nafsi yako.” Naye Yesu akamwambia, “Umejibu vema. Fanya hivi nawe utaishi.” ( Luka 10:25-28 ) “A certain Bible Expert asked Jesus, “Rabbi, what shall I do to inherit eternal life in the Epoch to come?” And Jesus said to him, “What has been written in the Bible (that Moses received from the hands of Angels)? How do you read it?” Expert said, said, “You shall love God with all your heart, and with all your being, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” And Jesus said to him, “You have answered rightly. Do this and you shall live.” (Luke 10:25-28) “Mtaalamu fulani wa Biblia alimwuliza Yesu, “Rabi, nifanye nini ili niurithi uzima wa milele wakati ujao?” Na Yesu akamwambia, “Ni nini kimeandikwa katika Biblia (kwamba Musa alipokea kutoka kwa mikono ya Malaika)? Unasoma vipi?” Mtaalamu alisema, “Mpende Mungu kwa moyo wako wote, na kwa nafsi yako yote, na kwa nguvu zako zote, na kwa akili zako zote, na jirani yako kama nafsi yako.” Naye Yesu akamwambia, “Umejibu vema. Fanya hivi nawe utaishi.” ( Luka 10:25-28 ) How do Jews say You can Have Eternal life in the Epoch to Come? This is from the Reform Judaism Website 1. There is an afterlife: Texts from every era in Jewish life identify a world where people go when they die. In the Bible it’s an underworld called Sheol. In the rabbinic tradition it’s known by a number of names, including the yeshiva shel mallah, the school on high. The Hebrew word for skies, shamayim, also came to refer to heaven. 2. Heaven has an open-door policy: Heaven is not a gated community. The righteous of any people and any faith have a place in it. Our actions, not our specific beliefs, determine our fate. No concept of Hell exists in Judaism. Njia ya Kiorthodoksi ya Kikristo ya Mashariki ya Kuwa na Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Ijayo Katika enzi hii, (Enzi ya Kimasihi) kwa kuungana na Nuru na Kweli (Utatu) polepole tunakuwa kama Yesu zaidi na zaidi kila siku. Baada ya kufa, tunaendelea kuwa kama Yesu zaidi tunapokuwa zaidi ya nuru ya Mungu. Tunakuwa watendakazi pamoja na Mungu. Sisi sio Mungu, lakini tunachukua nguvu nyingi za Mungu, kwa hivyo, tunakuwa kama Mungu. Kwa kubatizwa kwa maji, kuungama na kutubu dhambi zetu na kwa kupokea mlo wa Ekaristi (mkate uliogeuzwa na divai -mwili na damu ya Yesu) tunaburudisha na kuilisha nuru yetu. "mkate unakuwa kweli na kwa hakika na kimsingi Mwili wa kweli wa Bwana, na divai kuwa Damu yenyewe ya Bwana." Unapata Uzima Ujao kwa ubatizo wa maji, kuungana na Utatu, kuungama na kutubu dhambi na kula mwili na kunywa damu ya mwili wa Yesu wa mbinguni. Na imani iliongoza matendo mema ya rehema. The Eastern Christian Orthodox Way to Have Eternal Life in the Epoch to Come In this age, (the Messianic Age) by uniting with the Light and Truth (Trinity) we gradually become like Jesus more and more each day. After we die, we continue to become more like Jesus as we become more of God’s light. We become co-workers with God. We are not God, but take on more of God’s energies, so, we become God-like. By being water baptized, confessing and repenting of our sins and by receiving the Eucharistic meal (transformed bread and wine body and blood of Jesus) we refresh and nourish our light. “the bread becomes verily and indeed and essentially the very true Body of the Lord, and the wine the very Blood of the Lord.” You attain the Coming Life by water baptism, uniting with the Trinity, confessing and repenting of sins and eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus’ heavenly body. And faith inspired good deeds of mercy. Njia ya Kikatoliki Nililelewa kama Mkatoliki na niliambiwa ningekuwa na Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi ya Kuja, ikiwa ningebaki katika Kanisa Katoliki, nitafanya sakramenti saba; na bila kukosa, alipokea Ekaristi mara moja kwa mwaka. Pia ilinibidi kuungama dhambi zangu zote kabla sijafa na sikufa na dhambi ya mauti juu ya nafsi yangu. Kulikuwa na makumi ya dhambi za mauti za kuepukwa. Nilikuwa kijana mwenye hofu nilipofikiria kuhusu ngono siku nzima na huo ulikuwa uwanja wa dhambi za mauti. Mbinguni ilikuwa kwa Wakatoliki tu. The Catholic Way I was raised as a Catholic and I was told I would Have Eternal life in the Epoch to Come, if I remained in the Catholic Church, performed the seven sacraments; and without fail, received the Eucharist once a year. Also I had to confess all my sins before I died and did not die with a mortal sin on my soul. There were dozens of mortal sins to avoid. I was a terrified teen as I thought about sex all day long and that was the field of mortal sins. Heaven was only for Catholics. Njia ya Kiprotestanti Nilipokuwa Mprotestanti kwa miaka kumi, niliambiwa kwamba ikiwa ningemwamini Yesu, Mungu na mwokozi wangu, ningebatizwa kwa maji na kuzungumza na watu kuhusu Yesu na kuamini mafundisho sahihi kama Kuzaliwa kwa Bikira, Utatu, na Ufufuo. Nilihakikishiwa uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Ijayo (licha ya kuishi maisha ya dhambi). Mbingu ni kwa ajili ya Waprotestanti wa dhehebu lolote ulilo nalo (kuna zaidi ya 30,000 kati yao...hasa hawapendani, na zaidi wanachukia Wakatoliki). The Protestant Way When I was a Protestant for ten years, I was told that if I believed in Jesus, as my God and savior, was water baptized and talked to people about Jesus and believed the right doctrines like the Virgin Birth, the Trinity, and the Resurrection I was guaranteed Eternal life in the Age to Come (despite living a life of sin). Heaven is only for Protestants of whichever denomination you belong to (there are over 30,000 of them…mostly they dislike each other, and mostly they hate Catholics). Njia ya Musa/Yesu Hata hivyo njia ya Musa/Yesu inategemea tendo moja Upendo. Huna haja ya kumkiri Yesu kama Masihi wako, au kuacha dini yako, au kufuata amri 613, au kutahiriwa au kuamini mafundisho fulani, au kuhudhuria mikutano yoyote, au kufanya matambiko yoyote. maisha katika Enzi ya Kuja ni ya mtu yeyote anayempenda Mungu na watu wote wabaya na wabaya. The Moses/Jesus Way However the Moses/Jesus way is based on one action –Love. You don’t have to acknowledge Jesus as your Messiah, or leave your religion, or follow the 613 commandments, or be circumcised or believe certain doctrines, or attend any meetings, or perform any rituals. life in the Epoch to Come is for anyone who loves God and all people the good bad and the ugly. Njia ya Waislamu ya Kuwa na Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Ijayo? Kismet. Ina maana ni juu ya Mungu kabisa. Ni majaaliwa au majaaliwa. Kila kitu kimeamuliwa mapema. Lazima uzishike nguzo tano za Uislamu na wema wako lazima uzidi ubaya wako. Njia pekee ya uhakika ya Kuwa na maisha katika Enzi Ijayo ni kuuawa katika vita vitakatifu kwa ajili ya Uislamu na kisha utaenda moja kwa moja kwenye uzima katika Enzi ya Kuja peponi. Waislamu Lazima Watekeleze Nguzo Tano shahādah, itikadi ya imani ya Waislamu; "Mungu ni mmoja tu na Muhammad ni nabii wake." ṣalāt, au sala, inayofanywa kwa utaratibu uliowekwa mara tano kila siku; zakat, kodi ya sadaka inayotozwa kuwanufaisha maskini na wahitaji; ṣawm, kufunga katika mwezi wa Ramadhani; na hajj, hija kuu ya Makka mara moja katika maisha yako. The Muslim Way to Have Eternal life in the Epoch to Come? Kismet. It means it is entirely up to God. It is fate or destiny. Everything has been predetermined. You must keep the five pillars of Islam and your good must outweigh your bad. The only sure way to Have life in the Epoch to Come is to be killed in a holy war for Islam and then you will go straight to life in the Epoch to Come in paradise. Muslims Must Perform The Five Pillars shahādah, the Muslim profession of faith; “There is only one God and Muhammad is his prophet.” ṣalāt, or prayer, performed in a prescribed manner five times each day; zakāt, the alms tax levied to benefit the poor and the needy; ṣawm, fasting during the month of Ramadan; and hajj, the major pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life. Njia ya Kibudha ya Kuwa na Uzima wa Milele katika Enzi Inayokuja? Mwaka wa 1970 nilikuwa India nikisomea Dini. Ni nchi yenye mamilioni ya watu wanaosema wao ni Mungu. Dini nyingi zinafundisha kwamba tuko katika safari ya kiroho inayohitaji kuzaliwa na kufa na kuzaliwa upya labda mara elfu moja, hadi tufike mahali ambapo tunatambua kuwa hatupo isipokuwa kama udhihirisho wa Mungu. Sisi ni Mungu ambaye kwa makusudi alipoteza nafsi ya Mungu katika mabilioni ya maisha na miili, hata wanyama na wadudu hadi siku tunapogundua kuwa sisi sio tone la bahari, sisi ni bahari. Sisi ni Mungu halafu hatuzaliwi tena tuko huru. Tabia mbaya hutufanya kuzaliwa upya kwa wazazi wabaya. Tabia sahihi inamaanisha tutazaliwa kwa maendeleo zaidi. wazazi walioelimika zaidi. Kwa hivyo kila mtu ndio mahali ambapo safari yao iliamuliwa katika maisha ya hapo awali-Inaitwa Karma. Buddha hakujishughulisha na Mungu, upendo, au maisha ya baada ya maisha, ngono, au ndoa, au mfumo wowote wa imani. Alihusika na tabia sahihi katika kila zama tunazoishi. Njia Nzuri ya Mara Nane "Njia ya Nane ina mazoea nane: mtazamo sahihi, azimio sahihi, usemi sahihi, mwenendo sahihi, riziki ifaayo, juhudi zinazofaa, akili ifaayo, na samadhi sahihi ('unyonyaji wa kutafakari au muungano'; vinginevyo, mwamko wa kutafakari sawa.) The Buddhist Way to Have Eternal life in the Epoch to Come? In 1970 I was in India studying Religions. It is a land with millions of people saying they are God. Most of the religions teach that we are on a spiritual journey that requires being born and dying and being reborn maybe a thousand times, until we reach a place where we realize we do not exist except as a manifestation of God. We are God who deliberately lost God’s-self in billions of lives and bodies, even animals and insects until the day we realize we are not a drop in the ocean, we are the ocean. We are God and then we no longer are reborn we are free. Bad behavior makes us reborn to bad parents. Right behavior means we will be born to more advanced. more enlightened parents. So everyone is exactly where their journey was determined in previous livesIt’s called Karma. Buddha did not concern himself with a God, love, or the after-life, sex, or marriage, or any belief system. He was concerned with right behavior in every epoch we live through. The Noble Eight-Fold Path “The Eightfold Path consists of eight practices: right view, right resolve, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right samadhi ('meditative absorption or union'; alternatively, equanimous meditative awareness.)