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Upravljanje s odlucivanjem prema rezultatima analize rizika potrebno je kod kontinuiranog, suvremenog održavanja građevina, kao i drugih tehnickih sustava (ciji su cesti dio građevine). U radu su opisane osnovne karakteristike analiza nacina kvarova, njihovih posljedica i kriticnosti, te prikladna visekriterijska analiza za izbor optimalnog djelovanja (prioriteta aktivnosti). Objasnjena je uloga ovih metoda u procesu upravljanja i odlucivanja kod održavanja, primjerice određivanja prioriteta održavanja dijelova građevina i opreme u uobicajenoj situaciji ogranicenosti raspoloživih resursa. Upravljanje rizicima kod održavanja olaksava uporaba informatickih tehnologija, od kojih je u radu dan osvrt na najcesce koristene racunalne programe.
Serbian Journal of Engineering Management
Građevinar, 1996
Relevant factors and procedures used in quality assurance during design, construction and use of bridges are presented. A special emphasis is placed on the importance of responsible and professional verification in every stage of the work process, on testing activities and permanent monitoring of changes during realization and use, and on the need for the automated and programmed collection, analysis and archiving of bridge-related information. A significance of systemic economic management of bridges is stressed, which is in fact resolved through an efficient management system.
Drenažnim sistemima je neophodno oboriti nivo podzemnih voda kada postoji opasnost da ugroze radove u suvom. Sniženjem NPV dolazi do porasta efektivnih napona u tlu, usled opadanja pornih pritiska, pa samim tim javlja se i sleganje tla. Za analizu sleganja tla na primeru iz prakse korišćeni su linearno elastični model tla, kao i nelinearni model sa Tercagijevim rešenjem. Sračunata su pretpostavljena sleganja primenom oba modela i ustanovljene su mere ojačanja tla kako bi se izbegla eventualna oštećenja na objektu
Theoria, Beograd, 2014
The approaches to the decision making process are typically either normative or descriptive. We sketch a historical development of the decision theory, starting with concept of utility that was first introduced by Daniel Bernoulli and then explaining the basic concepts of von Neumann and Morgenstern?s normative expected utility theory (including the basic axioms of rationality). Then we present the descriptively oriented prospect theory of Kahneman and Tversky as a critique of the expected utility theory. We compare these theories and conclude that their historical sequence captures the sequence of the developmental stages of the decision-making process itself. However, normative and descriptive theories are not mutually exclusive.
NAŠE MORE : znanstveno-stručni časopis za more i pomorstvo, 2010
The article considers the problem of the waste (communal, industrial, dangerous, and radioactive one) removing in the territory of Canada. The danger from dioxin and furan chemicals to which the government of the developed industrial countries pay more attention, has been stressed out. Radioactive waste problem grows up, as much because of big quantities of exhausting gasses, that much because of their storing location problems.
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American Political Science Review, 1955
Speculum 93 (2018), no. 4,
Food Culture and Society , 2024
Nekhen News 34 (Winter 2022), pp. 22–24
Aquatic Living Resources, 1995
Journal of the Bible and Its Reception, 2023
British Journal of Haematology, 2009
Biogerontology, 2013
Frontiers in Conservation Science
Research, 2014
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 2019
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research