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International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Volume 10, Issue 3, March 2023, PP 110-117 ISSN 2349-0373 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0381 (Online) https://doi.org/10.20431/2349-0381.1003011 www.arcjournals.org Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia Pauline Namakau Monde*, Manoah Muchanga, Liberty Mweemba The University of Zambia, School of Education. *Corresponding Author: Pauline Namakau Monde, The University of Zambia, School of Education Abstract: Many approaches to urban ecosystem management and sustainability have been used locally and globally. However, existing literature still shows that ecosystem management and sustainability is still an issue of concern. To complement engineering, ecological, geographical, and legal approaches, among others that already exist and, partly failed, this study proposes an Environmental Education Framework for Ecosystem Management (SEEFREM) in Informal Settings that could be used to promote behavioral change for sustainable management of ecosystems. Seven institutions responsible for ecosystem management were selected from which eight respondents were purposively sampled. Results indicated that there were a number of frameworks designed for ecosystem management. However, these frameworks had not yielded the required results for ecosystem management because they were deemed to be reactive in nature instead of proactive. The study established that legal frameworks were not implemented with succinct behavioral science strategies and, that partly explained the reason for poor ecosystem sustainability. The study established that there was a need for an environmental education framework for ecosystem management and sustainability. A document analysis of institutional frameworks showed a gap in the use of Environmental Education for ecosystem management and sustainability. Based on responses from the respondents and from document analysis, a SEFREEM for informal settings was designed. The study recommends that Policy makers and implementers should take informal EE as a priority in the management of ecosystems as per provisions in the National Policy on Environment of 2007. Keywords: sustainable ecosystems, Environmental Education Framework for Ecosystem Management, Informal Settings 1. INTRODUCTION Ecosystem services are usually produced along the full spectrum of heavily managed ecosystems (Guery et al., 2015). As a result, a number of approaches to ecosystem management and sustainability have been applied both globally and locally. Some of the notable approaches to ecosystem management and sustainability include the Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBA) (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD), 2004); Ecosystem Approach (EA), and EcosystemBased Management (EBM) (Kirkfeldt 2021); Integrated Ecosystem Sustainability Approach (IESA) (Abdullah et al., 2019); global sustainability policies, treaties and conventions (Geijzendorffer, 2017; Monde et al., 2023); and Environmental awareness (Ramachandra, 2008); among others. Despite all these implementation, ecosystems still face threats of degradation. Davis et al. (2020) reveal that Zambia is one of Africa’s most resource-rich countries. As such Zambia has put in place various institutional and legal frameworks and developed a number of national policies for ecosystem management and sustainability. Historically, environmental regulations in Zambia date back to the 1970s when the Natural Resource Act was passed for the conservation of nature (Makondo et al., 2015). A year later, this was followed by an Act on game parks and Birds whose objective was to conserve life. Later on, a number of laws including statutory instruments were put in place for the management of the environment. The Environmental Management Act (EMA) number 12 of 2011 is the main act on the environment in Zambia. In its preamble, the act underscores that it shall provide for integrated environmental management, the protection and conservation of the environment, and the sustainable use of natural resources. Table 1 summarizes some legal frameworks in Zambia since 1970. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Page | 110 Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia To help understand ecosystem sustainability challenges in Lusaka district, this study was philosophically and theoretically informed by pragmatism and social-ecological trap theory. Based on pragmatism, this study designed a Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Ecosystem Sustainability and Management (SEEFREM). With the various perspectives that were included in the SEEFREM, the study posits that it can pragmatically and potentially engage and empower disadvantaged communities such as those found in the Lusaka district to prevent them from being ecologically trapped. Table1. Summary of Selected Environmental Laws in Zambia YEAR 1970 1971 1973 1974 1985 1987 1990 1990 1995 1997 2003 2008 2011 2013 2015 2015 ENVIRONMENTAL COMPONENT TARGET/OBJECTIVE Natural Resources Act/Nature conservation Game Parks and Birds Act/ Wildlife Conservation The forest Act No 39 National Fisheries Act/ Protection National Conservation Strategy Zambezi River Authority Act/ Water Resources Management Forest Act No 7 Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Act/ lea to the establishment of Environmental Council of Zambia The Land Act Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (SI. 28) Water Act: Applies to water rights Launched the first environmental Policy Environmental Management Act No 12 repeals Environmental Protection and Pollution control Act to include more and stiffer penalties to violators Water Resource Management Act/ Repeals Water Act of 2003 Forest Act Repealed the one for 1999 Urban and Regional Planning Act Source: Makondo et al, (2015), Forest Act (2015) and Urban and Regional Planning Act (2015) Despite all the outlined measures on ecosystem sustainability in Zambia and as outlined in EMA (2011), it was still noted (Musenga and Aigbavboa, 2019; Kalulu and Mukonda, 2017) that many components of the environment in Zambia still faced degradation. In addition to legal frameworks, the Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) approach has also been used in ecosystem sustainability in Zambia. Over the years Zambia has developed a number of strategies to manage wildlife and forest using the CBNRM (Milupi et al. 2023). However, this strategy has been constrained by institutional and governance barriers that limit community rights and access to the benefits from sustainable use (USAID 2020). This study posits that the lack of commitment to the implementation of such important national activities is due to a lack of an environmentally educated workforce. Studies by Milupi et. al. (2020), suggest that that lack of education is a challenge in environmental management and also a challenge in the implementation of these environmental laws (Kalulu and Mukonda, 7017) as seen in the replacements of one law after another. Fonte et al. (2022) carried out a study in which EE was used to prevent the extinction of the only existing species of the Redbelly Toad in a mountainous river in Brazil. At the time of the research in 2022, only one species of this amphibian was known to exist and the country planned to erect a hydropower plant at the same river. Through multiple collaborations, the power station was not constructed. To help raise awareness among the local people, EE activities were carried out. Fonte et al. (2022) acknowledge that, despite having minor challenges, they achieved important milestones in the conservation of the Redbelly Toad. The current study differs from the study by Fonte et al. (2022) by first assessing the loss of flora and aquatic ecosystems in an urban area and using the findings to design an EE framework for the sustainability of ecosystems. Another study by Mtonga and Muchanga (2021) showed how an informal EE approach could be used for the mitigation of other environmental challenges such as climate change but did not specifically target ecosystem management. The aim of this study was to explore the management of aquatic and floral ecosystems in the Lusaka District in order to design an informal environmental education framework for ecosystem sustainability. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Page | 111 Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia 2. METHODS AND TOOLS The study was conducted in Lusaka the capital city of Zambia. Lusaka District is located in the southern half of Zambia within latitudes 15° 18′ 08″ S and 15° 35′ 08″ S, and longitudes 28°11′ 59″ E and 28° 29′ 13″ E. Its central location makes it a hub of economic activities in the country. Besides being a hub of economic activities, Lusaka District’s agro-ecological location makes it more vulnerable to resource exploitation. Agro-ecologically, Lusaka district is located within zone IIa as shown in Figure 1. The area occupies a watershed area with shallow water levels of depths ranging from 6 to 15m throughout the area (Reaver et al., 2021). According to the (ADB, 2015), the dominant flora species found around Lusaka District included the following; Khaya nyasica, Bauhinia petersiana, Piliostigma thoninngi, Acacia polyacantha, Albizia species, Ficus. Others include a number of ornamental exotic tree species such as the Gmelina aborea, Jacaranda mimosifolia, and Delonix ragia. Most of the natural vegetation of Lusaka District have been removed and replaced by exotic plants. Figure1. Study Location within the agroecological Zones of Zambia (MWDS, 2021). Primary data was collected using unstructured interview schedules. Interviews were conducted with eight respondents, purposively selected from six organisations in charge of ecosystem sustainability As shown in Table 2. Table2. Distribution of Respondents Source of Key informants ZEMA Ministry of Local Government Ministry of Lands Forest department Environmental Advocates WARMA Total No of participants 1 1 Selection method 2 2 1 1 8 Expert Purposive Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data that was collected from the key informants. For ethical reasons, the study withheld the actual names of participating institutions by using the following codes: 1LN, 1FD, 2FD, 1ME, 1WA, 1ZM, 1LG, and 1EA. Responses on the EE framework were put together and provided a framework that was later taken back to the respondents to confirm their input. The verbatim data were analysed using text content analysis in order to tease out deep insights from what was said by the participants in view of informing the SEFREEM. Ecosystem management and sustainability were collected from various institutional documents such as Environmental Management Act, National Policy on the environment, and documents on Community Based Natural Resource Management in Zambia. Thematic analysis was also used for the data that was collected. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Page | 112 Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Following responses on the need for an EE-based framework for ecosystem sustainability, this study designed a framework that can be used in ecosystem sustainability. Table 3 shows the proposed Strategic EE Framework for Ecosystem Management (SEEFREM). The framework suggests a multifaceted framework that brings together diverse informal approaches toward addressing environmental issues such as those identified by the study. The results suggest there is value in using an informal EE framework to shift the behavior of people from mere theoretical awareness to engaged activism for the well-being of their surroundings. Table3. Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Ecosystem Management (SEEFREM) in Informal Settings Issue Rapid floral and aquatic ecosystem loss Objectives Conduct periodic EE Lessons on Ecosystem Management in all residential areas Strategic Ecosystem Management Activities Educationally engaging local communities using informal strategies such as Drama, Poetry, Music, and practicebased environmental awareness (e.g. tree planting). Output Measurable Indicators of behavioral change for ecosystem Sustainability Diverse lessons on Ecosystem Management conducted in various communities Community members engage in: a. Geocoded tree planting activities at residential level and beyond b. Zero dumping of waste in aquatic environmen ts c. Recycling of recyclable waste d. Numbers of Communiti es trained and adopting sustainable practices towards ecosystem e. Regenerati ve sign on the floral and aquatic systems observed through remote sensed monitoring International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Performanc e Targets Responsible Stakeholders Academic institutions that offer Environment al Education Schools within the community and the Ministry of Education 90% Ministry of Green Economy and Environment Ministry of Local government and Housing Local authorities & communities, Artists Page | 113 Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia Issue Objectives Strategic Ecosystem Management Activities Output Measurable Indicators of behavioral change for ecosystem Sustainability a. Poor environmental communicatio n on ecosystem Unprecedente d increase in housing development Poor Implementatio n of Environmenta l Laws To design and establish an environmental community radio station and social platforms for environmental communicatio n To initiate Green Building Initiative (GBI) through EE To promote environmental law awareness Developing a Communityled Communicatio n, Education and Public Awareness Strategy (CLEPAS) Establishing radio stations and community social media platforms for the environment (e-clubs), producing local materials such as brochures Engaging with local communities towards the transformation of ordinary houses into green buildings (which have energy efficient fittings, water harvesting, have a tree or more planted, etc) Carrying out legal education around various laws and policies about the environment b. CLEPAS developed and operationalize d c. Community environmental radio station d. Communities engaged in change projects on GBI using locally available resources Legal education around environmental laws conducted. Improved communica tion about ecosystem conservatio n and protection All environmen tal issue widely communica ted Number of people being engaged through radio and community environmen tal social media groups/pag es Number of local materials produced and being used Performanc e Targets Academic institutions Local community ZICTA Relevant government ministries and departments Media influencers 100% Number of households transformed into green buildings Initial ecosystem loss traded off Number of legal environmental education expos conducted Number of people reached and taught Number of people engaging in raising International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Responsible Stakeholders 90% 90% Relevant government ministries and private sector Academia Community groupings Environment al NGOs Academia Ministry of Justice Ministry of Education Schools and community members Page | 114 Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia Issue Objectives Strategic Ecosystem Management Activities Output Measurable Indicators of behavioral change for ecosystem Sustainability Performanc e Targets Responsible Stakeholders awareness Weak synergies among different players To build strong partnership for sustainable ecosystem management Mobilizing various players involved in environmental issues especially in urban/periurban settings Establishing a Consortium for Ecosystem Management (CEM) Various players in environmental issues mobilized CEM established Number of players mobilized CEM operational in spearheading community environmental education around ecosystem restoration and protection. 100% Relevant government ministries and private sector Academia Community groupings Environment al NGOs Informal EE could be used as an alternative way to escape the social-ecological trap that people may find themselves in because it suggests some trade-off kind of EE engagement where instead of abandoning the residences, residents can be educated to transform their local environments into green buildings based on locally available resources. The proposed SEEFREM suggests that education is key in ecosystem sustainability. Education that is brought through environmental education provides skills that lead to behavioural change and thereby promoting education for sustainable development (Milupi et. al., 2022). This was also proven by studies by Ramachandra (2008), Clover (2000), and (Monde, 2011). The scholars have shown through their studies, the effects of a lack of environmental education on the conservation of natural resources. Ramachandra (2008) emphasized the need for people to become environmentally literate because the management of the ecosystem involves inventorying, monitoring, and applying integrated technologies, methodologies, and interdisciplinary approaches for its conservation. According to Mubita et al. (2022), most environmental management interventions propose the use of EE. Clover (2000, p. 214) also emphasized that EE should be “understood as a lifelong process, actively, critically and creatively engaging children and the adult population in the daily decisions that affect the biosphere”. This explains why many frameworks have been failing to enhance ecosystem sustainability and management. Enforcement of environmental education is lacking in a number of these frameworks. The suggestions in the framework are also supported by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA (2023:1) defines green building as “the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort.” Applied into the study context, this initiative through the SEEFREM could be a game changer for the majority of urban dwellers. Speaking from a pragmatic philosophical lens whose ontological stance partly advocates for the practical generation of solutions to real-life challenges such as ecosystem loss, the SEEFREM is strategically designed in a ready-to-implement way. 4. CONCLUSION There were several frameworks for ecosystem management, but the need for a Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Ecosystem Management (SEEFREM) was also identified. As a matter of urgency, SEEFREM was needed to restore the lost services of ecosystems in Lusaka District through the promotion of skills and behavioural change using informal participatory pedagogies. 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"Strategic Environmental Education Framework for Sustainable Ecosystems Management in Lusaka District, Zambia” International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), vol 10, no. 3, 2023, pp. 110-117. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20431/2349- 0381.1003011. Copyright: © 2023 Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Page | 117