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2016, PLOS ONE
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2006
Psychopharmacology, 2006
The International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 1993
Objective: Dysphoric Premenstrual Syndromes (PMS) are quite prevalent and in some women they are severe enough to warrant treatment. Their pathophysiology is still unknown, despite increased interest and research. Here we review the possible role of serotonin in the multidimensional interactive pathophysiology of PMS. Method: Over 170 articles are reviewed. An extensive library search has been conducted and articles are included because of their relevance to: 1) the phenomenology of PMS; 2) the putative association of serotonergic (5-HT) activity with syndromes that occur premenstrually; 3) changes in 5-HT activity along the menstrual cycle, especially the late luteal phase; 4) influence of gonadal hormones on serotonergic functions; 5) endocrine strategies for assessment of 5-HT abnormalities; and 6) treatment studies of PMS with serotonergic agonists. Results and Conclusions: The data presented here suggest that post-synaptic serotonergic responsivity might be altered during the l...
Journal of Affective Disorders, 2008
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a prevalent disorder in the spectrum of affective illness, and is associated with significant morbidity. The neurobiology of this underdiagnosed and undertreated illness is poorly understood. A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) probe of fronto-limbic function was used to advance understanding of PMDD pathophysiology.We applied BOLD fMRI and Statistical Parametric Mapping to study neural response to emotional words in the context of an emotional Go/NoGo inhibitory control task. We examined alterations in this response across the menstrual cycle, in the premenstrual (late luteal) phase and the postmenstrual (late follicular) phase.In the premenstrual (vs. postmenstrual) phase, PMDD subjects, compared with asymptomatic subjects, showed an increased amygdala response to negative vs. neutral stimuli, and a decreased ventral striatum response to positive vs. neutral stimuli. PMDD subjects failed to show the asymptomatic subjects' patterns of increased medial and decreased lateral orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) response to negative vs. neutral stimuli in the premenstrual vs. postmenstrual phase. This decreased premenstrual medial OFC response to negative stimuli in PMDD subjects was further enhanced in the context of behavioral inhibition.Further studies with larger numbers of subjects are needed.The results support a neurobiological model of enhanced negative emotional processing, diminished positive emotional processing, and diminished top-down control of limbic activity in PMDD during the premenstrual phase. These findings provide a basis for a neurocircuitry model of PMDD, and have implications for studies of mood/emotional regulation across the human menstrual cycle in health and disease.
While each Church present in Jerusalem has been studied individually, no analysis of the interactions between the various Churches, nor with the sovereign powers, has yet been carried out. This shortcoming in a well-established field of research can partly be explained by the wide range of written languages involved. Yet the academic compartmentalization of Eastern Christian and Islamic studies may have been the major factor. The ERC project ChrIs-cross will address this issue through a Connected History approach and a re-evaluation of Hodgson’s concept of the ‘Islamicate world.’ The unpublished archives of the Christian institutions of Jerusalem, which consist exclusively of Islamic legal documents, make it possible to study the ways in which non-Muslims were integrated into the Islamic(ate) world. Among these, the archives of the Armenian Patriarchate are particularly rich in information, not only on the Armenian communities, but also on other Miaphysite communities, especially the Ethiopians and the Copts, making it possible to reconstruct the networks that linked them in the wider context of Ayyubid and Mamluk societies.
This project manages the garbage collection done by Municipal Corporation with the help of an IOT based embedded device attached to dustbin of each area, this device continuously update the status of dustbins in each area to the website designed for this management. This device continuously detect the level of dustbin using ultrasonic sensor and as the dustbin gets full it will update its status of getting full on the website designed for garbage management along with date and time and will go to waiting state and remain in this state till dustbin gets empty. A timer is also set simultaneously in this state for a fixed duration within which dustbin must be cleaned by the Municipal Corporation. If this timer gets expired and dustbin is not cleaned by their employees on given time then device will sent a message to the higher authority that dustbin not cleaned on time and again set the timer for the same duration and remain in waiting state. Once the dustbin is cleaned by the employees the device will comes out of waiting state and will update its status of getting cleaned on the website along with date and time. Thus a record is maintained regarding dustbin status for each area in the website in tabular form using IOT technology along with embedded system which will efficiently manage the garbage collection by the Municipal Corporation and will resolve the major environmental issue of inefficient garbage collection leads to a clean and healthy environment.
La codependencia es un problema que afecta a cada vez más personas, siendo esta la que caracteriza frecuentes estados de insatisfacción y sufrimiento personal, donde la persona se encuentra enfocada en atender las necesidades de su pareja y/o de otras personas, sin tomar en cuenta las propias, a partir de una necesidad de que la conducta de otra persona se desarrolle desde las propias expectativas, al tiempo que se vive la imposibilidad de expresarlo de manera clara y asertiva en el día a día. Terapéuticamente esta problemática ha sido y sigue siendo motivo de consulta en contextos de rehabilitación y procesos de recuperación en adicciones, estando representada en la naturaleza de los vínculos que se establecen al interior de una familia o de una pareja. De ahí la importancia del abordaje terapéutico de la red de apoyo del adicto, ya que esta tiende a considerar la adicción como un asunto único de la persona en rehabilitación. Desde hace algo más de 20 años, este tema ha sido motivo de investigación de terapeutas, psicólogos, psiquiatras y consejeros, quienes han propiciado discusiones a la luz de establecer un concepto de codependencia y qué elementos de esta merecen la pena tener en cuenta al momento de establecer líneas o planes de tratamientos para las personas que sufren esta condición.
The author with his company, North American Strategic Minerals Inc, is the only group in the world that is pursuing this innovative geologic model for the discovery of viable, new and potentially world-class rare earth metal deposits hosted in paleo basin pelagic sedimentary rocks which are very similar to the modern analogue of the world’s largest rare earth deposit found at Minamitorishima on the western Pacific seafloor. This style of rare earth metal mineralization is significantly enriched in ‘Heavy’ Rare Earths (Tb to Lu + Y) which are the most valuable and most sought after of the rare earth suite of metals. We have now found this style of paleo basin sediment hosted rare earth mineralization in biogenic calcium phosphate rich stratigraphy in ten countries around the world.
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Veterinary World, 2024
International Journal of Emerging Research in Engineering, Science, and Management, 2023
Cumhuriyetin Göçlerle Dolu 100 Yılı (100 Başlıkta Göç Yazıları), 2023
Robert Morrow - JFK Assassination - 2024, 2024
Rethinking Marxism, 2022
Cuadernos Latinoamericanos de Administración, 2007
Annales Françaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, 1996
Dolar Mahmud, 2022
Geologica Balcanica
Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021
Vie des Arts, 1997
Physical Review D, 2007
East African journal of Swahili studies, 2024