Pamukkale Üniversitesi
Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi,
Sayı 26, 2009, ss. 1-11
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy
in Chemical Reactions
Eylem Yalçınkaya1, Özgecan Taştan2, Yezdan Boz3
Bu çalışmanın amacı öğrencilerin ısı ve sıcaklık, endotermik-ekzotermik tepkimeler,
yanma tepkimeleri, bağ enerjisi, entalpi, kimyasal tepkimelerde kararlılık ve kalorimetre konularını kapsayan kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji ünitesiyle ilgili kavram yanılgılarını araştırmaktır.Örneklem 222, 10.sınıf öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada hem nitel hem de nicel
yöntembilim kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin konuyla ilgili kavramalarını ölçmek için her biri 5 seçenekli olmak üzere 20 sorudan oluşan çoktan seçmeli bir test geliştirilmiştir. Bu kavram testi
öğrencilerin literatürde kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusuyla ilgili kavram yanılgıları ve öğrenme zorlukları göz önünde bulunarak geliştirilmiştir. Ek olarak, öğrencilerin konuyu anlamalarıyla ilgili daha derin bilgi elde etmek amacıyla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar göstermiştir ki kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusu, pek çok bölümünde öğrencilerin
zorlandığı ve birçok kavram yanılgısına sahip olduğu bir ünitedir. Bulunan bazı kavram yanılgıları literatürdeki bulgularla benzerlik gösterirken, bazıları da çelişmektedir. Ayrıca, konuyla
ilgili yeni kavram yanılgıları da tespit edilmiştir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Kavram yanılgısı, kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji.
Lise Öğrencilerinin Kimyasal Tepkimelerde Enerji Konusundaki Kavramaları
The aim of this study is to investigate students’ understanding of the energy concept in
chemical reactions including heat and temperature, endothermic-exothermic reactions, combustion reactions, bond energy, enthalpy, stability in chemical reactions and calorimeter. The
sample consisted of 222, 10th grade students. Both qualitative and quantitative methodology
was used for this investigation. A twenty-item multiple choice test was developed about the
topic to measure the students’ understandings. This concept test was prepared based on students’ conceptual difficulties and misconceptions related to the energy in chemical reactions
found in the literature. In addition, semi structured interviews were conducted to get deep
knowledge about students’ perceptions. Results showed that for most parts, energy in chemical reactions is a difficult topic for high school students and they had various misconceptions.
While some of the misconceptions were parallel to the literature findings, some of them contradicted with it. Also, some novel misconceptions were detected.
Keywords: Misconception, energy in chemical reactions.
*Some parts of this study were presented at the 13th IOSTE Symposium at Kusadasi, Turkey and ECER 2008, at Gothenburg,
Sweden, in September, 2008.
PhD Student, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. E-posta: Faks: 0312 210 79 71
PhD Student, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. E-posta: Faks: 0312 210 79 71
Asist.Prof.Dr., Middle East Technical University, Ankara. E-posta: Faks: 0312 210 79 71
E.Yalçınkaya, Ö.Taştan ve Y.Boz
Students may develop some conceptions, different from the scientifically accepted view, based on their daily life experiences, teachers’ instruction, and textbooks.
These conceptions are called misconceptions, which influence students’ learning
negatively. Therefore, it is important to identify these conceptions and develop teaching
strategies to overcome them (Driver, Squires,
Rushworth, & Wood-Robinson, 1994; Gilbert,
Osborne & Fensham, 1982). Research studies showed that students, even at university
level, were found to have misconceptions
about energy in chemical reactions (Barker &
Millar, 2000; Boo, 1998; BouJaoude, 1991; De
Vos & Verdonk, 1986; Greenbowe & Meltzer,
2003; Johnstone, MacDonald & Webb, 1977;
Niaz, 2000; Paik, Cho & Go, 2007). The purpose of this study is to find out Turkish high
school students’ conceptions about energy
in chemical reactions. Literature related to
students’ misconceptions about energy in
chemical reactions was reviewed under five
major headings; heat and temperature, endothermic and exothermic reactions, combustion
reactions, bond energy, and calorimeter.
Several research studies revealed some
common misconceptions of students about
heat and temperature. It was found that
many students couldn’t distinguish between
heat and temperature (Erickson, 1979; Erickson, 1980; Harrison, Grayson & Treagust,
1999; Kesidou & Duit, 1993; Niaz, 2000; Niaz,
2006; Paik, 2007; Yeo & Zadnik, 2001).
In addition, some studies showed that most
students thought heat as a substance rather
than energy whereas they described temperature as intensity of heat. Similarly, most
students were found to think that temperature of objects can be determined by skin
and materials like wool have the ability to
warm things (Yeo & Zadnik, 2001).
Research studies illustrated that students had difficulties in identifying chemical
reactions as endothermic or exothermic. For
example, students thought burning of candle as an endothermic reaction since heat
was needed to initiate the reaction. They
also classified burning of copper as an endothermic reaction since only heating of copper caused formation of copper oxide (Boo,
1998; De Vos & Verdonk, 1986). Studies of
Thomas and Schwenz (1999) and Johnstone, (1977) stated that students had a misconception that endothermic reactions cannot be spontaneous. In addition, students
thought that all reactions occurring naturally
without application of heat are exothermic
(Johnstone, 1977).
Bond energy is another concept about
which students were found to have misconceptions. In terms of overall energy change,
Boo (1998) reported that 12th grade students
in his research considered bond breaking
as an energy release process whereas they
thought that energy is required for bond
making. Similarly, the notion that both processes of bond breaking and bond making
require input of energy was common among
12th grade students. Barker and Millar (2000)
also confirmed students’ misconceptions
about bond energy since they found that half
of the students considered bond making as
endothermic even after science instruction.
In terms of combustion concept, BouJaoude
(1991) detected several misconceptions.
For example, some students thought that
combustion always involves fire or flame. In
addition, students’ explanations about combustion were inconsistent, for example, they
considered burning of alcohol as evaporation, however, burning of wood as change
into ashes.
Recently, Greenbowe and Meltzer (2003)
investigated students’ conceptions about
energy in chemical reactions in the context
of calorimeter. This study showed that many
students couldn’t identify system and surrounding. Similarly, students couldn’t use
the equation, q= m.c.∆t in a meaningful way
since they couldn’t understand the relationship between heat flow, specific heat, and
temperature change. Cohen and Ben-Zvi
(1982) also reported students’ lack of understanding in using the equation, q= m.c.∆t.
As mentioned above, research studies
indicated that students had some misconceptions in the context of energy in chemical reactions. In the light of these findings,
research question for this study is:
• What are Turkish high school students’
conceptions about energy in chemical reactions after instruction?
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy in Chemical Reactions
222 Turkish high school students from
different high schools participated in this
study. 103 of them were female whereas
there were 119 male students. These were
10th grade students, who had already learnt
energy in chemical reactions concept.
Data collection tools
In this study, two instruments were
used; Energy in Chemical Reactions Concept
Test (ECT) and semi-structured interviews, in
order to collect data. Test items and the interviews were in Turkish.
ECT consisted of 20 multiple-choice
questions. Each question had five alternatives. The test was designed according to
misconceptions found in the literature (Boo,
1998; BouJaoude, 1991; Ceylan, 2004; Cohen
& Ben-Zvi, 1982; De Vos & Verdonk, 1986; Kesidou & Duit, 1993; Thomas & Schwenz, 1999;
Yeo & Zadnik, 2001). In addition, interviews
with chemistry teachers helped us determine possible difficulties of students during
the instruction of this topic. Therefore, misconceptions in the literature as well as students’ difficulties determined the distracters
of this test. The test measured students’ understanding of different concepts about energy in chemical reactions; heat and temperature, exothermic and endothermic reactions,
bond energy, combustion reactions, enthalpy,
and calorimeter. Two of the questions about
heat and temperature were adapted from
the study of Niaz (2000). On the other hand,
five questions related to enthalpy, combustion reactions and calorimeter concepts
were adapted from Ceylan (2004).
For the content validity of the test, five
chemistry teachers and one chemistry educator evaluated the appropriateness of test
items. The test was administered to all participants at once. The Cronbach alpha value
was found as 0.70 indicating adequate reliability.
ECT was applied to 222 10th grade high
school students. Based on the frequencies of
students’ responses, seven students were interviewed. Semi-structured interviews were
used to supplement the analysis of test results. The interviews were carried out with
seven students, who completed the test.
The purpose of the interviews was to obtain
deeper information about students’ reasoning in energy in chemical reactions concepts.
To select interviewees, firstly, frequencies of
students’ responses for each question in the
test were determined. Based on frequency
analysis, students with different misconceptions were selected. Before the interviews, a
semi-structured interview schedule was prepared considering students’ responses in the
test. Each interview lasted about 30 minutes.
They were all audio-taped and transcribed.
Data Analysis
For the data analysis, SPSS 11.5 was used
to determine the reliability of the concept
test and frequencies of students’ responses
to each alternative. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were conducted and transcribed by the researchers to obtain more
information about students’ understandings.
Descriptive statistics was used to find
out frequencies of students’ responses for
each question in the multiple choice test.
Table I shows percentage of students’ responses for alternatives of each question in
ECT. Results are reported under five sections,
heat and temperature, exothermic and endothermic reactions, bond energy, combustion
reactions, enthalpy and calorimeter.
Heat and Temperature
Three questions (2, 9, 20) were asked to assess students’ understanding of heat and
temperature concepts. It was found that
about 30% of the students had the misconception that temperature could be transferred from one object to another (Question
2). Interviews with some of these students
also indicated that they couldn’t differentiate between heat and temperature. They
tried to explain the difference with the help
of the formula, Q = m.c.Δt, and the units
“kkal” and “˚C”. However, they couldn’t define
these terms and their differences.
E.Yalçınkaya, Ö.Taştan ve Y.Boz
Table 1. Percentage of students’ responses to alternatives of each question
R (Researcher): What is the difference
between heat and temperature?
S (Student): The units of heat and
temperature are Calorie and Degree Centigrade respectively.
R: Yes. You are right. Then, what is the
difference between them?
S: The formula; Q = m.c.Δt, gives us
R: Can you define heat?
S: No, I can’t. I can only give you this
R: Can temperature pass through
one substance to another?
S: Yes. When we make a hot iron
touch to a cold one, temperature flows
from hot to cold.
76% of students gave correct response
when asked the reason for feeling cold when
we touch the bottle of milk taken from a
refrigerator compared to the milk at room
temperature (Question 9). In addition, most
students (68 %) didn’t have any problems
in understanding the relationship between
mass of an object and the heat emitted when
asked to compare the heat taken by two containers with different amount of water being heated by the same heaters at the same
conditions until being boiled. On the other
hand, 23% of students reflected that they
take the same amount of heat regardless of
their masses because mass only affects time
passing until boiling (Question 20).
Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions
Four questions (1, 3, 7, 19) were related
to exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Analysis of responses for question 1 one of
the related questions revealed that 76, 9 %
of students didn’t have any difficulties in
identifying burning of candle, copper and
darkening of silver as exothermic reactions.
However, about 60% of students considered all reactions occurring spontaneously
as exothermic. In addition, approximately
30% of the students thought that heat was
always needed for chemical reactions to occur (Question 7). They couldn’t imagine the
possibility of chemical reactions to be spontaneous.
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy in Chemical Reactions
Analysis of multiple choice responses
yielded another common misconception
about exothermic and endothermic reactions, which is the stability concept. In the
interview, it was understood that some students associated stability with power:
R: Are products more stable in exothermic reactions at lower temperatures?
S: Yes, heat is in the product side in
exothermic reactions so it is correct.
R: Why did you say that product side
is the more stable side? Did you learn like
S: It is more reasonable, isn’t it?
Since, there is something to protect the
products, which is the heat.
R: But why is it stable?
S: Since, it is powerful due to heat.
This makes it stable.
These students thought that heat makes
something more powerful, thereby more
stable. They believed that if heat is on the
products’ side, it makes the products more
powerful and vice versa. So if a reaction is
exothermic, products are more stable than
reactants because they have more power
due to heat. In addition, during the interview, some students associated stability in
endothermic and exothermic reactions with
inert gases without any further explanations.
Bond Energy
Three items (4, 11 and 13) were about
the classification of bond breaking and formation reactions as exothermic and endothermic. It was found that students had
some misconceptions about energy change
of bond breaking and bond formation processes. Related dialogues are given below:
R: Is bond formation an endothermic
or exothermic reaction?
S: Endothermic because bond formation process cannot occur spontaneously; we should intervene or give heat
to form a bond.
R: What about the bond breaking?
S: It is exothermic.
R: Can you explain us why it is exothermic?
S: Atoms preserve energy inside
them, when we break a bond, this energy
is released.
Students generally have a misconception that bond formation is endothermic and
bond breaking is exothermic. They believed
that to form something, we must make an
effort and so energy should be used up. In
addition, because atoms keep energy in
themselves, during bond breaking process,
energy comes out.
In the multiple choice test, bond energy
concept was measured both verbally and
visually. When the question was verbally
stated, about half of the students said that
bond breaking releases energy; bond formation requires energy consumption. Conversely, when the question involved only
bond breaking and formation equations,
e.g. H +H®H2, without giving any explanation
about the kind of reaction as bond breaking
and formation, most of the students gave
the correct response to these questions
(Questions 11 and 13). This may be because
of the fact that students are used to solving
multiple choice questions where chemical
reactions are given.
Combustion Reactions
Two questions (8, 12) were asked in order to obtain students’ understanding of the
combustion. In question 8, one of the questions, some enthalpy change values of equations for combustion reactions were given
and students were asked to find out the best
fuel considering equal masses of each. 45%
of the students couldn’t answer this question correctly. When asked to expand their
reasons for their choice during the interview,
some of the students preferred the one with
the highest combustion enthalpy while deciding the best fuel:
R: Why did you choose C2H6 for the
answer of question 8?
S: All of them are exothermic but
C2H6 has more ΔH with respect to others.
However, some students decided the
best fuel by looking only at molecular weight
of fuels:
R: Did you consider equal amounts of
E.Yalçınkaya, Ö.Taştan ve Y.Boz
S: No, I didn’t.
thermic or endothermic in the calorimeter?
R: Now, if you consider equal
amounts of each fuel, which one do you
S: I take the one with the biggest
molecular weight.
R: Why? Do you think the more molecular weighted one gives more heat?
S: Yes, it does.
As understood from the above transcripts, most students had difficulties in deciding the best fuel by both considering enthalpy change and equal amounts of each.
On the other hand, test results showed that
most students didn’t have any problems to
understand that combustion reactions didn’t
always involve fire or flame. However, some
students thought that all combustion reactions always occur spontaneously (Question
12). In the interview, they explained that all
combustion reactions are exothermic and
all exothermic reactions are spontaneous.
During the interview, it was understood that
some students always expected to see CO2
gas and H2O as products in a combustion reaction.
Four questions (14, 16, 17, 18) were
about the calorimeter concept. Most students appeared to understand that exothermic reactions would cause an increase
in temperature whereas endothermic reactions would cause a decrease in it in the
calorimeter (Questions 14, 18). However, interviews with these students showed that
they didn’t know calorimeter system; how it
looks like and works. Therefore, since these
students didn’t actually know how reactions
occur inside a calorimeter, they just memorized that exothermic reactions would cause
an increase whereas endothermic reactions
would cause a decrease in temperature as a
rule. For example, one of the students gave
the following explanations in the interview:
R: Can you draw a calorimeter?
S: Yes. (He drew the figure below
R: Where does the reaction occur?
S: In the water.
R: How can we decide that a reaction isexo6
S: If temperature of water increases,
reaction is exothermic. Heat is given directly to the water.
According to this student, reaction occurs
in water. The above explanations indicate
the lack of conceptual understanding of students about the calorimeter. One of the reason might be that calorimeter concept is not
emphasized conceptually in chemistry lessons. Only some of problems related to calorimeter are solved. Similarly, most students
could not identify system and surrounding
in the context of calorimeter (Question 16).
They just tried to guess that surrounding is
outside of the calorimeter and system is everything inside the calorimeter.
Questions related to enthalpy assessed
students’ conceptions of enthalpy of formation, Hess Law and molar enthalpy of combustion (Questions 5, 6, 10, 15). Analysis of
students’ responses showed that many students didn’t have a sound understanding of
enthalpy of formation (Question 5) though
they didn’t have any problems with the enthalpy of combustion (Questions 10,15). Interviews showed that they didn’t know the
meaning of enthalpy of formation.
R: What is enthalpy of formation?
S: It is the minimum energy to form
a product.
R: In the below reactions, which of
the energy change is the enthalpy of formation? And why?
C(s) + 1/2O2(g)
CaO(s) + 1/2O2(g)
CO2(g) + heat
CaCO3(s) + heat
S: Both of them. Because, in both reactions, something forms.
Like the above student, some students
thought that if something is formed in a reaction, ΔH of that reaction equals to enthalpy
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy in Chemical Reactions
of formation. Students believe that enthalpy
of formation and ΔH are always the same
thing. Moreover, as seen in the dialogue
above, this student could not distinguish between enthalpy and activation energy.
Besides, some students had difficulty in
understanding that enthalpy of a reaction
depends on the phases of the reactants and
products. For example,
H2(g) +1/2O2(g)
H2(g) +1/2O2(g)
These students said that ΔH’s of both
reactions are equal though these values are
Interviews with students denoted that
some of the students relate the sign of ΔH
to the amount of products compared to reactants:
R: What did you understand from “+”
and “-” value of ΔH?
S: ΔH = Product – Reactive. So, if it is
“+”, ∑ΔHp > ∑ΔHr. I mean we obtain more
R: Do we get more products when
ΔHp > ΔHr?
S: Yes.
So this student believes that if ΔH is
positive (+), the amount of products is bigger than that of reactants. This indicates that
he didn’t understand the concept of ΔH. He
considered ΔH as change in the amount
of products and reactants not as energy
This study aimed to determine Turkish
high school students’ conceptions of energy
in chemical reactions. It was found that most
students in this study could not distinguish
between heat and temperature. Although
they knew that they are different, they could
not define these terms and their differences.
Specifically, common misconceptions about
heat and temperature found in this study are
listed below:
Temperature can flow from an object
to another.
• There is no relationship between
mass and heat given or taken.
Studies of Niaz (2000) and Yeo and Zadnik (2001) also confirmed the above misconceptions.
This studyV also revealed that most students believed that all exothermic reactions
are spontaneous. On the other hand, some
students concluded that if all exothermic
reactions are spontaneous, endothermic reactions will not be spontaneous. Also these
students could not give examples to spontaneous-endothermic reactions. One of the
reasons for this misconception may be the
lack of the number of spontaneous - endothermic reactions compared to the spontaneous – exothermic reactions. In addition,
some students could not imagine the possibility of formation of chemical reactions
spontaneously; they thought that heat or
any other agent was always necessary in order to initiate chemical reactions to occur.
These misconceptions were also found in
the studies of Thomas and Schwenz (1999)
and Johnstone, (1977).
Another common misconception, which
is not encountered in the related literature,
is the stability concept. Some of the students associated stability with power. They
thought that if a reaction is exothermic, the
products are more stable than the reactants
because they have more power due to heat
released. Moreover, during the interview,
when asked to define the stability concept in
endothermic and exothermic reactions, we
faced that some students gave inert gases
as an example of stable substances but they
could not give any further explanations. One
of the reasons for these thoughts may be
that stability concept remained as a discrete
knowledge in students’ minds without linking it with the stability in exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Consistent with studies of Boo (1998)
and Barker and Millar (2000), this study also
indicated that students generally thought
bond formation as endothermic and bond
breaking as exothermic since they believed
that some amount of energy must be used
up to form something and stored energy in
bonds is released during bond breaking pro7
E.Yalçınkaya, Ö.Taştan ve Y.Boz
cess. Measuring bond energy concept both
verbally and visually showed us more than
half of the students gave incorrect answers
when the statements about bond energy are
given verbally whereas these students gave
correct responses when the question involved visual elements, in which bond breaking and formation equations are seen clearly.
One of the reasons may be that students are
accustomed to solving problems in which
bond breaking and formation equations
are given directly. This shows that students
could not learn this concept meaningfully.
Another aspect of the energy in chemical reactions scarcely mentioned in the literature is the enthalpy concept. This study
added some new misconceptions to the literature related to enthalpy:
On the other, this study showed some of
the findings, which were inconsistent with
the related literature. For example, in the
present study, most of the students did not
have any difficulties in identifying burning
of candle, copper and darkening of silver as
exothermic reactions. This finding contradicts with the study of De Vos and Verdonk
(1986) who found that students in their
study thought burning of candle as an endothermic reaction. This contradiction may be
because of the fact that burning of candle
was given as a common example of exothermic reactions in chemistry classes of Turkey.
This study has some implications for
chemistry instruction. Firstly, teachers
should design teaching strategies according
to students’ misconceptions and their existing knowledge. For example, difference between heat and temperature can be emphasized by using concrete examples, demonstrations or analogies since it is among the
topics that most of the students had difficulty in. In addition, lessons can be enriched
by experiments related to spontaneous and
non-spontaneous reactions. Calorimeter
concept can be taught by using calorimeter demonstrations instead of drawing on
board. Generally, students can be encouraged to construct their own knowledge by
using teaching methods including conceptual change texts, demonstrations, cooperative group activities and simulations.
Similarly, in terms of combustion reactions, as opposed to BouJaoude (1991), most
students did not have any trouble in understanding that combustion reactions do not
always involve fire or flame. However, some
students considered the spontaneity of all
combustion reactions. Another novel finding of this study is that CO2 gas and H2O are
expected as products in a combustion reaction by some students. This may be because
of the fact that in chemistry lessons, generally, combustion of hydrocarbons is given as
a combustion reaction example.
As for the calorimeter concept, analysis
of interviews showed that most students
could not explain the principle behind the
calorimeter. These students did not know
the mechanism of a calorimeter so does energy exchange of a reaction in calorimeter.
Additionally, identification of system and
surrounding in the context of calorimeter is
another problematic point.
• Enthalpy of formation and ΔH are always the same thing.
• Enthalpy of a reaction does not depend on the phases of the reactants and
• If ΔH is positive (+), amount of products is bigger than that of reactants.
We believe that this study contributes
to the chemistry education research since
it revealed students’ misconceptions about
some aspects of the energy in chemical reactions topic such as enthalpy, stability in
endothermic and exothermic reactions,
which were not investigated in the literature.
Bearing these misconceptions in mind, as a
future study, effectiveness of different teaching strategies can be evaluated. Furthermore, the same study could be conducted
with pre-service chemistry teachers in order
to obtain their conceptions about energy in
chemical reactions because the teachers are
among the sources of misconceptions (Jacobs, 1989).
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy in Chemical Reactions
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E.Yalçınkaya, Ö.Taştan ve Y.Boz
Appendix: Sample Questions
from ECT
2. I. Temperature can be transmitted
from an object to another.
II. Heat absorption of an object that
is heated depends on the mass of the object.
III. Energy written in reactants side is
the activation energy.
IV. Total potential energy of reactants
is greater than that of products in an exothermic reaction.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are
A) Only IV
B) I and II
D) I, II and IV
C) II and IV
E) I, II and III
7- I. At constant temperature, heat given to the system increases potential
energy of system.
II. Heat is always needed for a chemical reaction to occur.
III. All reactions occurring spontaneously are exothermic reactions
Which of the statement(s) above is/are
always true?
A) Only I
B) Only II
D) I and III
C) Only III
E) I, II and III
8- Considering equal amounts of below
fuels (H2, CO, C, CH4, C2H6), which one of the
following is the best fuel? (H:1, C:12, O:16)
H2 + 1/2O2
CO + 1/2O2
C + O2
ΔH = -58 kkal
ΔH = -68 kkal
ΔH = -94 kkal
CO2 + 2H2O
CH4 + 2O2
C2H6 + 7/2O2
ΔH = -210 kkal
2CO2 + 3H2O ΔH = -340 kkal
A) H2
D) CH4
C) C
E) C2H6
16. Imagine that a reaction occurs in a
test tube in the laboratory.
I. The place where the reaction occurs is
qualified as surrounding
II. Test tube is the boundary seperating
the system from surrounding.
III. Laboratory is the system for the reaction.
Which of the statement(s) is/are true?
A) Only I B) Only II
D) II and III
C) Only III
E) I and II
Giriş: Enerji konusu biyoloji, fizik ve kimya bilim dallarını ilgilendiren önemli bir konudur. Literatürde lise seviyesinde, öğrencilerin kimyasal tepkimelerle ilgili olarak enerji
konusunda genel hatlarıyla ısı-sıcaklık ve endotermik ekzotermik tepkimeler konularındaki kavramalarıyla ilgili çalışmalar vardır. Fakat, enerji kavramıyla ilgili olarak entalpi, kalorimetre ve kimyasal tepkimelerde kararlılık
gibi önemli konularda çalışma yoktur. Bu çalışmanın amacı 10.sınıf öğrencilerinin kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusunu bir bütün
olarak ele alıp, konunun ısı-sıcaklık, endotermik ekzotermik tepkimeler, yanma tepkimeleri, bağ enerjisi ve kalorimetre gibi tüm alt
başlıklarıyla ilgili kavram yanılgılarını tespit
etmektir. Oluşmasında günlük hayat, kitaplar ve kimi zaman da öğretmenin rol aldığı ve
çoğunlukla bilimsellikten uzak olan, değişmeye dirençli bu kavram yanılgıları, öğrencilerin yeni kavramları öğrenmelerini olumsuz
bir şekilde etkiler. Öğrencilerin fen bilimleriyle tanışmalarının ilköğretim yıllarına dayandığı ve 10.sınıf seviyesine gelene kadar fen
kavramlarını yapılandırdığı düşünüldüğünde, kavram yanılgılarını tespit etmek ve ortadan kaldırmak için yapılan çalışmalar oldukça önemlidir ve konuyla ilgili yapılacak diğer
çalışmalara da ışık tutacaktır.
Yöntem: Örneklem Türkiye’deki çeşitli
okullardan 222 (103 kız, 119 erkek), 10.sınıf
öğrencilerinden oluşmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin tamamı kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusunu daha önceden öğrenmişlerdir. Bu çalışma için hem nitel hem de
nicel yöntembilim kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusuyla
ilgili kavramalarını ölçmek için her biri 5 seçenekli olmak üzere 20 sorudan oluşan çoktan seçmeli bir test geliştirilmiştir. Bu test öğrencilerin literatürde kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusuyla ilgili kavram yanılgıları
High School Students’ Conceptions about Energy in Chemical Reactions
ve öğrenme zorlukları göz önünde bulunarak hazırlanmıştır. Testin içerik güvenilirliği
5 kimya öğretmeni ve 1 kimya eğitimci tarafından değerlendirilmiştir ve geçerlilik değeri (Cronbach alpha) 0.70 olarak bulunmuştur.
Ek olarak, öğrencilerin konuyu anlamalarıyla
ilgili daha derin bilgi elde edinmek amacıyla yarı yapılandırılmış mülakatlar yapılmıştır.
Görüşme yapılacak öğrencileri seçmek için
onların testteki her bir soruya verdikleri cevapların frekansı belirlenmiştir ve bu sonuçlara dayanarak içlerinden farklı kavram yanılgılarına sahip olanlar seçilmeye çalışılmıştır.
Sonuçlar bazı kavram yanılgılarının literatürdeki bulgulara benzer olduğunu gösterirken, bazıları da onlarla çelişmektedir.
Ek olarak, bazı yeni kavram yanılgıları tespit
edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre, öğrencilerin yaklaşık % 30’u “sıcaklık bir cisimden diğerine
aktarılabilir” kavram yanılgısına sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Öğrencilerle yapılan mülakatlar da, onların ısı ve sıcaklığı birbirinden
ayırt edemediğini göstermiştir. Çoğu öğrencinin (68 %) bir cismin kütlesi ile yaydığı ısı
enerjisi arasındaki ilişkiyi anlaması konusunda bir problem olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin yaklaşık % 60’ı kendiliğinden gerçekleşen bütün tepkimeleri ekzotermik tepkime olarak düşünmüştür. Bunun
yanı sıra, bu öğrenciler eğer bütün ekzotermik tepkimeler kendiliğinden oluyorsa, endotermik tepkimeler kendiliğinden gerçekleşemez yargısına sahiptirler ve dolayısıyla
bu tepkimelere örnek de verememektedirler.
Mülakatta bazı öğrencilerin kararlılık ve
güç kavramlarını arasında bağlantı kurduğu
anlaşılmıştır. İlgili kavram yanılgısı ise “ısı bir
şeyi daha güçlü yapar, böylece daha kararlı
hale getirir”. Dolayısıyla, öğrencilerin “eğer
bir tepkime ekzotermik ise ürünler girenlerden daha kararlıdır çünkü onların yaydıkları ısıdan kaynaklanan güçleri vardır” şeklinde bir kavram yanılgısına da sahip oldukları tespit edilmiştir. Bağ enerjisiyle ilgili olarak,
katılımcılar genellikle, bağ oluşumunun endotermik, bağ kırılmasının ekzotermik olduğunu iddia etmişlerdir. Bağ oluşumunu endotermik bir tepkime olarak sınıflandırmalarının nedeni günlük hayatla bağlantılı olarak bir şeyi oluşturmak için enerji harcanması
gerektiğini düşünmeleridir. Bağlarda depola-
nan enerjinin bağ kırılması sırasında açığa çıkacağını düşündüklerinden dolayı da, bağ
kırılmasını ekzotermik bir tepkime olarak nitelendirmişlerdir. Literatürde belirtilenin tersine öğrencilerin yanma entalpisini anlamalarıyla ilgili bir zorluğa rastlanmamıştır. Fakat bazı öğrenciler tüm yanma tepkimeleri
sonucunda her zaman CO2 ve H2O oluşmasını beklemektedir. Bunun bir nedeni kimya
derslerinde genellikle hidrokarbonların yanma tepkimelerinin sıkça kullanılması olabilir.
Dolayısıyla öğrenciler tüm yanma tepkimelerini genellemekte ve bu tepkimelerin sonucunda bu ürünlerin oluşmasını beklemektedirler. Veri analizi ve mülakatlar öğrencilerin
birçoğunun kalorimetre kabının nasıl çalıştığını, mekanizmasının ne olduğunu bilmediğini göstermiştir. Ayrıca, kalorimetre kabıyla
ilgili olarak sistem ve çevre kavramlarının öğrenciler tarafından bilinmediği de mülakatlarla desteklenmiştir. Kimyasal tepkimelerde
enerji konusunda az çalışılmış bir diğer kavram da entalpi konusudur. Bu çalışma, öğrencilerin yanma entalpisini anlamalarıyla ilgili zorlukları olmamasına rağmen, oluşum
entalpisi hakkında derin bilgiye sahip olmadıklarını göstermiştir. Öğrencilerin birçoğu
oluşum entalpisi ile tepkime ısısının her zaman aynı olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Aynı zamanda, öğrenciler bir tepkimenin entalpisinin tepkimeye giren maddelerin ve tepkimeden çıkan ürünlerin hallerine bağlı olduğunun farkında değildirler. Bunlara ek olarak, tepkimenin enerji değişiminin (ΔH) pozitif olduğu durumlarda daha çok ürün elde
edildiğine dair bir fikre sahip oldukları anlaşılmıştır.
Bu çalışma literatürde kimyasal tepkimelerde enerji konusuyla ilgili yapılan çalışmalarla karşılaştırıldığında, elde edilen sonuçların bir kısmının onları desteklediği bir kısmının ise onlarla çeliştiği görülmektedir. Ayrıca, konuyla ilgili olarak yeni kavram yanılgıları da bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları göz önünde bulundurarak, öğretmenler
öğrencilerin kavram yanılgılarına göre öğretim stratejileri tasarlayabilirler. Genel olarak,
kavramsal değişim modeline dayanan kavramsal değişim metinleri, işbirlikçi grup çalışmaları, gösteri ve simülasyonlar gibi öğretim
yöntemleri kullanarak öğrenciler kendi bilgilerini yapılandırmak için desteklenmelidirler.