Jose Mari Arriola, Xabier Artola, Aitor Soroa
This paper presents some ofthe results obtained by means ofthe method we developed for
the study of verb usage exarrtples, emphasizing as we do so that the primary aim was the
development of a method rather than the results per se, and dwelling on the importante of
shallow syntactic patterns in obtaining the patterns of the verbs studied. ~ are concerned
with the extraction of verb patterns from the verb entries examples ofan ordinary dictionary
in machine readable version. The corpus of verb usage examples that we have analysed is
composed of 13.089 examples. A shallow analysis allowed us to detect the verb chains and
phrasal units that appear with the verb under study. The use of an SGML (Standard
Generalized Mark-up Language) data structure to represent the analysed verb entry
examples facilitates the extraction of the information contained in this data structure. ~
present an evaluation of the basic subcategorization patterns found and the principal
problems encountered in the automatic extraction of them.
1. Motivation: Why analyse verb examples?
The investigation reported in this article was motivated by two considerations:
(1) the use of existing lexical resources in order to contribute to the design of more
complete lexical entries for the Lexical Database for Basque (Agirre et at. 1995,
Aldezabal et al. 2001); and (2) the acquisition of a basic subcategorization information
of verbs to support our parsing tools. The practical goal of our work is to enrich the
information in verb entries with their corresponding basic subcategorization patterns.
In that sense we think that our effort could be useful to increase the lexicographer's
productivity and to help solving the problem of identifying predicate-argument
structures of verbs.
It is widely recognised that verb subcategorization represents one of the most
important elements of grammatical/lexical knowledge for efficient and reliable parsing.
Researchers in NLP have increasingly felt the need to construct computational lexicons
dynamically from text corpora, rather than relying on existing 'static' lexical databases
(Pustejovsky and Boguraev 1994). Because of the lack of accurate verb subcategorization information causing half of the parse failures (Briscoe and Carroll 1993),
attempts have been made to construct, from empirical data, lexicons that encode
[ASJU Geh 46,2003,127-146]
information about predicate subcategorization that capture the valences of the verb
and its structural collocations (cf. Brent 1991, Manning 1993, Briscoe and Carroll
In our project we extract information from a machine readable dictionary (MRD)
as a starting point to guide the lexical acquisition from corpora. We think that dictionaries and corpora can and should be combined in the acquisition of this kind of information. The main reasons for deciding to use the verb examples in particular were
More controlled analyses: the dictionary contains, together with other information about each verb, a statement of what type of auxiliary it takes, as well as
certitude that the verb will be there.
- Comparison with the main corpus: as we said above, the examples may be
considered a kind of specialized corpus because they have been taken from the
general corpus. We can thus study low-frequency verbs by obtaining basic
information about them from the examples, without needing to resort to much
larger corpora.
In view of these reasons, the initial assumption, as stated earlier, is that the examples
in the dictionary will be of use in determining the basic subcategorization of verbs.
2. Previous work: from the MRD to a LDB
We considered the Euskal Hiztegia (EH) dictionary (Sarasola 1996) an adequate
source because it is a general purpose monolingual dictionary, and it covers standard
Basque. The content of one entry of the EH dictionary is: headword; date; variants;
part of speech; abbreviations (style and usage labels, field labels, etc.); definition;
relations; scientific names; examples; subentries and grammatical information. All this
information is given implicitly or explicitly in the hierarchical structures of dictionary
articles, which are quite complex. The structural complexity presents some problems
that must be treated in the analysis and interpretation of the articles. It contains 33.111
entries and 41.699 senses.
The previous work dealt with the conversion of EH (MRD version) into a labelled
structure (for more details, see Arriola & Soroa 1996). The MRD version was intended
for human rather than machine interpretation. The lexicographer used a text-processor
(Word Perfect, Word) to type the entries, so we had to face a text file in which the only
available codes were of typographic and lexicographic nature. In order to generate a
structured representation of the information contained in the MRD the following three
main tasks were carried out: (1) the parsing of the internal structure of the articles; (2)
the definition of a grammar of entries that covered the general structure of the
dictionary (as a Definite Clause Grammar (DCG) in Prolog) and (3) the conversion of
the labelled structure which was encoded automatically following the Text Encoding
Initiative (TEl) guidelines (Sperberg-McQueen et al. 1994). The TEl guidelines have
been applied to the dictionary with considerable ease.
AI; a result of this conversion process we recognised the structure of the 98,49% of
the entries with all the information contained in them, being the error rate of 3%
(evaluation based on a sample). There were some errors referred to the date or some
grammatical codes, but the part of speech, definition, examples and so on were
correctly recognised.
Through the work of adaptation we have taken a first step to facilitate the study of
dictionary examples. It also provides an opportunity to take note of the problems and
weaknesses of the lexicographer's approach for building the dictionary. The work of
preparation for subsequent automatic analysis makes manifest the dictionary's structure; this is seen particularly in the parsing grammar. This is the grammar that the lexicographer had in mind when producing the dictionary.
3. Corpus of vers usage examples
The corpus of verb examples that we have been able to analyse in the previous work
is composed of 13.089 examples. These examples were extracted by the lexicographer
when writing the dictionary from a very large corpus in order to show the actual usage
of the verbs. So we can consider it a specialised corpus.
The average of words per example is 6,44. This implies that sentences are not too
complex and we expected this made them appropriate for the subcategorization
extraction process. However, sometimes we had to reject some examples as material
for automatic subcategorization, when these consist of incomplete sentences containing syntactic structures that are not pertinent to the verb under consideration.
Consider for example Zaldiak alhatzen diren soroa 'The field where horses graze'. Here
a relative clause is used as an example to indicate the usage of the verb alhatu 'to
graze', A shallow parse would correctly detect the absolutive subject, zaldiak 'horses',
but the other noun phrase, soroa 'field', has no argument function vis-a.-vis the verb
alhatu. There is no criterion for deciding between a subject or object function for
soroa, without specifying another verb outside the relative clause, which is not
provided in the example. Since only the relative part of the sentence is given, no
choice is possible. Information extracted from such examples will therefore show a
higher proportion of error.
4. A methodology for the analysis of verb usage examples
In this section we describe the steps followed for the analysis of verb usage examples
CArriola et al. 1999). The main bases in the analysis of the examples are the morphological analyser and the disambiguation grammar.
4.1. Morphological analysis of example sentences
The two-level morphological analyser (Alegria et al. 1996) attaches to each input
word-form all possible interpretations and its associated information. The result is the
set of possible analyses of a word, where each morpheme is associated with its
corresponding features in the lexicon: category, subcategory, declension case, number
and definiteness, as well as the lexical level syntactic functions and some semantic
features. The full output of the morphological analysis constitutes the input for the
processes of context-based morphological disambiguation and syntactic function
4.2. Morphological disambiguation and assignment of syntactic functions
We chose the Constraint Grammar (CG) formalism (Karlsson et al. 1995) to disambiguate and analyse the examples syntactically. CG is based not on context-free
grammars but on rules encoded in finite state automata. The fact that is morphologybased makes it attractive in our case because of Basque's morphological complexity.
Moreover, the fact that it is aimed to process real texts and implemented through
automata makes it a robust and efficient tool. For these reasons a decision was made in
favour of CG for the writing of a general Basque parser (Aduriz et al. 2000). We also
believe it to be an adequate solution for the purpose of analysing the verb examples in
EH. As Abney (1997) points out, shallow parsers have been used, among other things,
for extracting subcategorization patterns. Therefore we developed a sh;illow syntax, a
constraint grammar for Basque or EUSMG, following CG formalism.
ausiki, ausikitzen>/
verb. >/
/<Type _of _Auxiliary 00>/
"ausiki" V SIMPLE PART
Example 1. Example before the analysis process: Basurdeek ausikiko gaituzte
gutxien ustean 'The wild boars will bite us when we least expect it'
The Basque Constraint Grammar that currently contains 1.100 rules works on a
text where all the possible interpretations have been assigned to each word-form by the
morphological analyser. The rules are applied by means of the CG-2 rule compiler
developed and licensed by Pasi Tapanainen (1996). On the basis of eliminative
linguistic rules or constraints, contextually illegitimate alternative analyses are discarded. As a result we get almost fully disambiguated sentences, with one interpretation
per word-form and one syntactic label. But there are word-forms that are still morphologically and syntactically ambiguous. At this point we are aware that there can also be
analysis errors and, consequently, due to the remaining ambiguity and the errors, the
results of the extraction process must be manually checked.
In order to improve the disambiguation process performed by the grammar, apart
from the information of the output of the morphological analyser we use the information contained in the dictionary itself We add in the morphological reading of the verb
entries the tag corresponding to the type of auxiliary! that appears in the dictionary. This
tag is useful to discard some interpretations that do not agree with the type of auxiliary.
Apart from that, a new tag is added for us as a result of the assumption that those
readings of the verb under study which do not have the verb category in their interpretation have less probabilities to occur in an example: the tag IWLP (interpretation with
less probabilities). This tag is only used by the disambiguation grammar in the case we
have not enough linguistic information to discard this interpretation. In the example 1
we can see a verb entry example in which we have added the above mentioned tags 2 to
the verb entry interpretation before the analysis process.
4.3. Analysis of verb chains and phrasal units
At this stage we have the corpus syntactically analysed following the CG syntax
which stamps each word in the input sentence with a surface syntactic tag. In this
syntactic representation there are not phrase units. But on the basis of this representation, the identification of various kinds of phrase units such as verb chains and noun
phrases is reasonably straightforward. For that purpose we base on the syntactic function tags designed for Basque (Aduriz et at. 1997). We can divide these tags into three
types: main function syntactic tags, modifier function syntactic tags and verb function
tags. The last ones are used to detect verb chains. This distinction of the syntactic functions is essential for the subgrammars that have been developed apart from the general
grammar. These subgrammars are CG-style grammars that contain mapping rules.
4.3.1. Subgrammar for verb chains
We use the verb function tags like as for example: @+FAUXVERB, @-FAUXVERB,
@-FMAI:t\rvERB, @+FMAINVERB, etc.; and some particles: the negation particle and
The verb in Basque is split up into two components: the main verb and ,he auxiliary. The lexical
meaning and aspectual information is encoded in the main verb, while tense and mood are encoded in
the auxiliary. Moreover, the auxiliary can exhibit up to three agreement morphemes corresponding to
the absolutive, dative and ergative cases.
The syntactic function tags designed for Basque are based on the Constraint Grammar formalism. The
set of categories, syntactic functions and abbreviations used in the article are explained in Appendix A.
the modal particles, in order to detect verb chains. Based on these elements we are able
to make explicit the continuous verb chains as well as those that are not continuous. The
tags attached to mark-up the continuous verb chains are the following:
%VCH: this tag is attached to a verb chain composed only by one element.
% VCHI: this tag is attached to words with verb syntactic function tags that are
linked to other words w,ith verb syntactic function tags and constitute the initial
element of a complex verb chain.
- %VCHE: this tag is attached to words with verb syntactic function tags that are
linked to other words with verb syntactic function tags and constitute the final
element of a complex verb chain.
The tags used to mark up the non-continuous verb chains are:
%NCVCHI: this tag is attached to the initial element of a non-continuous verb chain.
%NCVCHC: this tag is attached to the second element of a non-continuous
verb chain.
- %NCVCHE: this tag is attached to the final element of a non-continuous verb
As we can see in Example 2 the maximum length of a non-continuous verb chain is
of three elements.
" <Euriak>"
lI<ia> II
Example 2. A non-continuous verb chain and its corresponding syntagmatic units:
Euriak ez du ia kalea busti 'The rain has scarcely wetted the street'
4.3.2. Subgrammar for noun phrases and prepositional phrases
Our assumption is that any word having a modifier function tag is linked to some
word with a main syntactic function tag. And a word with a main syntactic function
tag can by itself constitute a phrase unit. Taking into account this assumption we
establish three tags to mark up this kind of phrase units:
%PHR: noun phrases or prepositional phrases; this tag is attached to words
with main syntactic function tags that constitute a phrase unit by themselves.
- %PHRI: this tag is attached to words with main syntactic function tags that are
linked to other words with modifier syntactic function tags and constitute the
initial element of a phrase unit.
- %PHRE: this tag is attached to words with main syntactic function tags that are
linked to other words with modifier syntactic function tags and constitute the
end of a phrase unit.
The aim of this sub grammar is to attach to each word-form one of those three tags
in order to delimit the noun phrases and prepositional phrases. They make explicit the
linking relations expressed by the syntactic functions and facilitate the recognition of
phrase units. In Example 3 some examples of the analyses got after applying the above
mentioned sub grammars are shown:
"zortzi" DET PL ABS @ID> %PHRI
"aldiz" LOT LOK @LOK
<batean> "
Example 3. A continuous verb chain and the corresponding syntagmatic units
detected: Harria zortzi aldiz jaso du minutu batean 'He picked
the stone up eight times within a minute'
4.4. An SGML data structure for the exploitation of the results
As a result of the steps described in the previous points, the corpus of verb examples
contains very rich information. In order to exploit this information we designed an
SGML data structure in which we recover the verb usage examples classified by sense
code and the type of auxiliary tag that appears in the MRD. We organise verb examples
taking into account the sense code and the tag corresponding to the auxiliary type since
we think it is interesting to study the impact of these factors in the argument structure.
Figure 1 shows how the examples are organised.
example-set 1
auxiliary-type ~
Figure 1. Outline of the organisation of examples
We adopt the SGML mark-up language format for all the corpus of verb examples.
From this corpus we extract some pieces of information that we consider more important for verb argument extraction. We choose the verb entry that is object of study
with the following information:
The sense code and the type of auxiliary tag that appear on the MRD.
The set of examples and the different phrase units that have been detected by
means of the above described subgrammars.
- For the verb chains that have been detected, we distinguish between the verb
chains that correspond to the verb entry and the other verb chains that can be
associated or not with this verb entry. Anyway, for both kinds of verb chains the
following information is offered: verb chain, type of auxiliary, syntactic hlllCtion, person, aspect, modality, mood and time, and the subordinate relation.
- For phrase units we get this kind of information: the phrase unit chain,
syntactic function, case, number, definiteness, and subcategorization in the case
of nouns. This information is extracted from the last element of the phrase unit.
Apart from these features for each chain or phrase unit of the example, we know its
position in the sentence. This is an important factor in order to study the relationship
between the verb entry under study and the position in which the different phrase
units appear. Those phrase units that are not close to the studied verb entry have fewer
possibilities to be considered as arguments. Below we can see the verb usage example
we shown in Example 3 represented in this way:
<Verb> jaso, jasotzen. </Verb>
<Example-Sentence>Harria zortzi aldiz jaso du minutu batean.</
<Chain>jaso du</Chain>
<Chain>zortzi aldiz</Chain>
<Syntactic Function>@ADVERBIAL</Syntactic-Function>
<Chain>minutu batean</Chain>
<Syntactic Function>@ADVERBIAL</Syntactic-Function>
Example 4. The verb usage example seen in example 3 represented in SGML
5. Evaluation of the analysis
The results of the analysis are referred to the above mentioned subgrammars applied
to the output of the disambiguation grammar.
5.1. Evaluation of the verb chains and the phrasal units stablished
After marking verb chains and phrasal units, a random sample of 400 examples was
taken out of the total of 13.089 examples. We checked this sample manually, looking at
two points in particular:
1) Whether the chain labels were assigned correctly.
2) Whether any elements that should have had a label lacked one. Elements that
should have a chain label are those forming part of phrasal units and verb chains
discussed in the preceding section.
With regard to the first point, 84 of the examples contained a phrasal unit or verb
chain that escaped correct detection. Thus 79% were labelled properly. Wrong labelling
occurred chiefly for the following reasons:
Ambiguity remaining in the examples. Since the chunk marking strategy is
based on syntactic functions, ambiguity of syntactic function is a source of
problems. But not all ambiguities affect the chunk marking phase. There will be
problematic ambiguity when a single word contains both a major syntactic
function and a minor one. This kind of ambiguity is of low frequency; it does
not reach 2%.
Disambiguation errors. In this section we include the consequences of
incorrect assignments of syntactic function, which affect .the identification of
Unknown words. These are words for which there is no entry in the Lexical Database for Basque. The words also get analysed by lexicon-independent lemmatisation, but in such cases it is more difficult to get a correct analysis.
Coordinate phrases. The rules for such structures need to be refined and
Postpositional structures. We have incorporated some postpositions, but the
coverage is incomplete and many are not recognised; these are important for
studying verb behaviour.
Unpredicted structures in parsing label chains. For instance, modifications are
necessary in the label set used for parsing structures such as -ik ena, as in
Arbolarik ederrena (English gloss: 'the prettiest tree').
Other errors. This category includes, inter alia, errors inherited from previous
phases, such as one case in which a verb's category had been wrongly read as an
example due to a mistake occurring in dictionary preparation.
Concerning the second point, elements that should have a chain label are those
forming part of phrasal units or verb chains discussed in section 4.3. Therefore we do
not take into account for this evaluation certain elements lacking labels, where we have
not given rules for them to be labelled as parts of a chunk so they cannot be evaluated.
Elements falling outside the labelling rules given include, among others, linkers,
conjunctions, relative clauses, multiple-word lexical units, etc. The chains recognised,
with the exception of discontinuous verb chains, are all continuous.
5.2. Evaluation of the assignment of syntactic functions to phrasal units
To measure the accuracy of assignment of syntactic functions to the phrasal units
detected, we created a random sample mirroring the characteristics of the whole set of
examples, and performed a manual assignment of functions to each phrase. After the
manual analysis, we compared this with that obtained automatically. This sample
contained 1.211 examples, of which we only checked those containing a single verb,
numbering 646.
The following criteria were used:
- We checked for the following functions: subject, object, indirect object and
- We checked whether the functions assigned by manual and automatic means agreed.
Disagreement, or error, might consist of incorrect marking or failure to mark.
The following table shows the results of the evaluation:
Table 1. Results of the evaluation of the assignment of functions of phrases
As the table shows, indirect object and adverbial function assignment was
successful. The weak point is assignment of subject and object functions. Nevertheless
we consider the results obtained quite good, since %70 were correctly labelled and our
syntactic disambiguation grammar is still under development.
With regard to subject and object assignment, some errors resulted from the difficulty
of assigning these functions to arguments of verbs in non-finite form. In such cases,
although there is only one verb, we lack the help given by finite auxiliaries whose
agreement with subjects and objects facilitates the assignment of syntactic function. There
are further difficulties with verbs for which the auxiliary-type specification in the
dictionary is not helpful, as with the specification DA-DU (which indicates that the verb
may be either intransitive or transitive). Even though such sentences may look simple, with
the available resources there is no way to determine, in such examples, the function of
every phrase associated with a non-finite verb. To do this, the lexicon needs to contain
subcategorization information. For example: Lana banatu 'Distribute work'. To determine
that lana 'work' is the object, the lexicon would have to specify what kind of objects the
verb banatu can take. Here there would be a specification of the thematic role of the
object. We could then differentiate object from subject: the lexicon would need to state
that this verb's agent is animate, whereas its object is inanimate. Thus it is very important
for the thematic roles of verbs to be specified, to know what features make it possible for
such an element to be either the subject or the object, where it might potentially be either.
Apart from the results shown in the table, the number of phrasal units recognised in
the automatic analysis disagrees with that obtained manually (see 5.1, and remember
that 79% were correctly detected), and consequently, the number of phrases marked
for a given function may be larger of smaller in the automatically marked sample. The
automatically marked sample shows 40 more phrasal units than the manually analysed
one. On detecting the phrases belonging to a verb and their syntactic function and
case, the shallow pattern that emerges is therefore distorted. For example, in Meza
azkendu zen arte (,Until the mass was finished'), two 'subjects' are found: meza (a
noun) and arte (a subordinating conjunction that happens to be homonymous with a
noun), and the result would be to classifY this as a verb taking two subjects.
6. Criteria for verb classification
As mentioned earlier, we obtained the analysis of each example through shallow
parsing, and proceeded to extract from that analysis features that might be relevant for
work on subcategorization. Given the wealth of data, examples may be classified in
numerous ways, but in the present case we chose to focus on case and syntactic function.
We based our classification of the syntactic structures obtained on the syntactic
functions/cases @SUBLERG, @SUBLABS, @OBLABS and @ZOBLDAT. With a
classification based upon these functions and cases, we examined the lexically realized
items that carried these markers in the dictionary examples. Given that it is extremely
common in Basque that items related by agreement to the verb are not overtly realized,
we should remark that such elided items are not included in our classification.
Of the examples of finite verbs studied, in 500 out of 2.700 there is neither an
ergative subject, an absolutive subject, an absolutive object nor a dative indirect object.
It is also common in other cases for one or another of these functions to undergo
elision; the type of argument most commonly elided is the ergative subject. This fact is
significant, and suggests that other cases appearing in shallow structure, cases not
included in our shallow patterns, ought to be considered when studying subcategorization. Probably some cases/functions falling outside our analysis of syntactic structure
should be included for consideration when determining whether or not they participate
in argument structure. Thus for example local cases participate in the argument
structure of certain verbs. Here are a few verbs that appeared in classes lacking any
ergative subject, absolutive object or indirect object (ZERO-@SUBLERG@OBLABS-@ZOBLDAT) and the cases that occur with each:
atera 'go/take out': 8 examples with local cases: ABL and INE (out of32 total)
igo 'go up': 4 times ALA and 1 INE (22 total)
iritsi 'arrive, reach': 2 ALA, 2 Il.\S, 1 INE, 1 ABL (17 total)
itzuli 'return: 5 ALA and 1 ABL (32 total)
hurbildu 'approach': 2 ALA and 1 INE (14 total)
dudttu 'doubt': 3 INS (6 total)
In these verbs, which are mainly verbs of motion, the cases that chiefly appear
overtly are local cases. With some other verbs the instrumental occurs, such as, in our
examples, aldatu 'change', baliatu 'use', begiratu 'look after', and burlatu 'make fun
(of)'. The cases mentioned are frequently excluded from studies of argument structure,
but as we have shown, they probably ought to be considered.
Our reason for not having taken these into account is that they are not the most
common cases or functions to participate in argument structure. Since, overall, they
rarely appear in a verb's specification for argument structure, they were not made a
criterion for establishing the classes. However, more directed analyses can be carried out
using the query system,3 in order to look at examples of verbs taking local cases/functions, for instance. We have extracted the complete analysis of such examples and
consequently dispose of information about the cases and functions of phrasal units
associated with a given verb. We know what examples are given for each verb, with
examples classified according to the sense of the verb and subcategory. This information is preceded by an indication of the verb's participle, the verb's sense, its subcategory and an example number; in this way examples are uniquely indexed. Each
index is followed by a shallow parse, first showing the auxiliary type pertaining to the
verb according to the dictionary entry, and then pairs of syntactic function and case. 4
If any other verb complexes occur in the same example, this is indicated by the sign
MP (for 'subordinate clause') accompanied by + for subordinate or - for non-subordinate.
Thus for example the following patterns are listed for the verb bultzatu 'push,
bultzatu, bultza, bultzatzen.
Example 5. Basic verb patterns for the verb bultzatu 'push, press'
The shallow pattern class of each verb was obtained automatically and we defined a
code identifying the verb examples occurring in each of those patterns. An example will
The query-system as a tool to manipulate the full range of information contained in the examples, in
order to derive the most reasonable argument structure (Arriola et al. 1999).
Syntactic function and case are linked by an underline character. A hyphen separates function/case pairs.
serve to show what kind of information the code contains. The example is bultzatu-
the participle (used as the verb's citation form), in this case bultzatu.
sense index: specifies the sense, subsense or nuance of the verb in this example,
auxiliary type: the type of auxiliary indicated in the dictionary (DA, DU, oro,
or DA-DU). In this case, DU.
example number: the examples for each verb are numbered, e.g. 2.
The appendix of the thesis (Arriola 2000) lists all the verb examples classified by
verb, in such a way as to show what shallow syntactic structures show up with what
verbs. However, when classifying verbs in the next section, we shall only take
function and case into consideration. The appendix shows all examples, but below
we will select a few for illustrative purposes, following the above-mentioned criterion.
It needs to be noted too that the set of syntactic functions (Arriola 2000) that were
defined affects the range of structures that can be recognised. The shallow structures
that are detected correspond, of course, to those defined in our set of syntactic
functions. Now these functions are adequate from the point of view of the parser, but
when applied to the examples some of the functional distinctions turn out to be
undesirable. The distinctions in question are very difficult to decide upon automatically, and consequently incorrect syntactic structures will sometimes be assigned. For
example, distinguishing the nominal predicate function @PRED usually led to
incorrect identificatioq of structures. In principle we consider it necessary for subcategorization to distinguish the @PRED function; the trouble is that accurate detection
of this function is hard to achieve, precisely because the lexicon lacks information
about subcategorization. Therefore, it was thought advisable to proceed in our initial
analysis without distinction of the function in question.
False recognition of patterns was also caused by the specification, where a
subordinate clause was involved, of its function within the main clause. Even though
inclusion of such distinctions in the set of syntactic functions is justified on linguistic
grounds, this is not appropriate for the purpose of the method we developed. If for
example, a verb has associated with it a non-finite subordinate clause, we may detect
the subordinate clause but be unable to determine what the non-finite clause's role is
vis-a.-vis the main clause. To do this requires assistance from subcategorization information. In practice, then, more detailed syntactic functions hinder the disambiguation process and make it more likely for errors to occur in the information that is
Thus with regard to the set of syntactic tags, it may be concluded from our experiment that specification of the function of subordinate clauses in relation to a main
clause, as part of the set of syntactic functions, ought to wait until subcategorization
has been described. Likewise, the function of nominal predicate, @PRED, should be
specified once there is a working subcategorization. At that point we would have the
option of specifying what kind of subordinate clause each verb can take and the
functions of the subordinate clauses.
7. The set of shallow patterns detected
In this section we present the shallow patterns that were extracted. The following
diagram me shows what patterns were found:
Shallow patterns
Figure 2. Surface patterns5 in the examples
As we said before, we consider syntactic functions and cases when classifying
examples. In this way, different verbs will be grouped together according to the shallow
syntactic functions and cases with which they occur. Although verbs coincide in taking
those functions and cases, criteria clearly need to be developed for a finer classification.
The present classification is merely a modest first step. Work could begin on thematic
roles on the basis of this material, among other sources.
These patterns merely show what structures each verb accepts. As we have pointed
out, it takes a deeper analysis to determine what the obligatory arguments of these
verbs are. Some authors argue that semantics should come under consideration here, in
addition to other factors; Levin (1993) claims that the semantics of a verb determines
its syntactic behaviour. In order to facilitate such analyses, we have decided to include
information about which sense a verb is used in for each example. However, this task,
among others, is for the future.
8. Automatically derived shallow patterns: difficulties and evaluation
In this section we will discuss the main difficulties encountered for classifying verbs
on the basis of the methods developed and the reliability of the resulting classification.
With regard to the difficulties, we will talk about the limitations of shallow syntax, the
limited usefulness of position, and certain features of these verb examples. Following
this we evaluate the classification, using measures of reliability for each pattern on the
basis of an analysis of a sample.
The shallow patterns that are detected correspond, of course, to those defined in our set of syntactic
8.1. Limitations of shallow syntax
In developing the shallow syntax section we took an important step towards verb
classification, labelling explicitly the phrasal units and verb complexes associated with a
given verb with chunk marker tags (4.3). Thus we must take into account what we are
able and unable to detect, i.e. what kinds of phrase (4.3). We furthermore evaluated the
phase of phrase detection at the end of the section 5, noting the kinds of problem or
error occurring with those phrases that could be detected. We find that of the phrases
recognised, 79% were tagged correctly, that is, 79% of the chunks are correctly parsed.
It is also necessary to consider the reliability of function and case identification in
correctly marked chunks (5.2).
Considering what was said in the sections mentioned, it should be noted that the
shallow syntax also fails to specify the relations between main and subordinate clauses.
Thus we cannot use data from examples containing more than one verb for classification purposes. For example:
Liburu askoz baliatu dira idazlan hori prestatzeko. 'They have used a lot of
books to prepare that study.'
The lexicographer is illustrating the use of baliatu 'use'. But our method is
incapable of distinguishing whether idazlan hori 'that study' is the direct
object of baliatu 'use' or of prestatu 'prepare'. Thus we cannot be sure of
getting a correct analysis, which would be as follows:
Liburu askoz baliatu dira [idazlan hori prestatzeko.] 'They have used a lot
of books [to prepare that study].'
For a deeper analysis of such sentences, subcategorization data would need to be
specified in the lexicon. But of course that information was not available when we
started developing the parser.
With our resources it is very difficult to use the parser we developed to determine
automatically which verb each argument (or potential argument) belongs to in multiple
verb sentences. The information extracted would contain more mistakes if these were
included, since the parser has no way of dealing with this problem. Such results would
then require much manual work to determine whether automatically produced
patterns were right. We preferred for the information extracted automatically to be
more reliable and require less manual checking. This led us to study one-verb sentences, but we used some multiple-verb sentences to study the usefulness of position.
8.2. The use of position
We used position to help determine, in examples with more than one verb, which
phrases (or subordinate clauses) go with which verb. We attached a number to each
phrasal unit and verb complex detected, to indicate the order in: which they oCCut. The
order does not determine what function arguments have, except for focalisation, focused
elements being placed immediately before the verb. But our hypothesis is that potential
arguments and verb complexes do not appear just anywhere, but will normally occur in
the vicinity of the verb in whose subcategorizationthey are included. On this ass-
umption, examples containing more than one verb were truncated according to the
following criteria:
- When the verb under primary consideration precedes another verb complex,
items following the second verb complex are ignored.
- Conversely, if another verb complex precedes the verb complex we are interested
in, items preceding the first verb are ignored.
In the former case, where a second verb complex occurs later than the verb under
consideration, then, it was decided not to count phrasal units occurring after the
second verb. The example is truncated at that point; however, the second verb complex
itself is counted, since it is possible that this might be part of the subcategorization of
the verb we are considering. For example:
Original example (the first two verbs in the example are underlined; the verb
whose subcategorization is being analysed is in bold): Zure okerrak tapatu
nahirik egin dituzu pausuak, zer enganio egin didazun jakitun daude auzoak.
- The same example after applying the criterion of position, i.e. truncated: Zure
okerrak tapatu nahirik egin dituzu ...
What we have done is to truncate the example appearing in the dictionary in order
to limit our analysis to the part that remains after truncation. The rationale for this is
that pertinent information about the verb being considered is located in the part of the
example remaining after truncation, whereas the part of the original example that has
been removed does not contain information relevant to the verb under consideration.
However, this truncation criterion can give erroneous results, as for example when the
two verbs are related by coordination. In such cases the two verbs may share the same
arguments, but these will faiIto get included in the analysis. For example:
Original example: Edanak eragiten ditu eta erasaten gauza lotsagarriak 'Drink
brings about, and causes to be said, shameful things'
-Truncated example: ... eragiten ditu eta erasaten gauza lotsagarriak ' ... brings
about, and causes to be said, shameful things'
Here our criterion leads us to exclude edanak'drink' from the analysis, even though
this is in fact the subject of erasaten 'causes to be said' .
Despite our awareness of the complexity of these issues, in our development of a
shallow syntax we considered position a useful criterion and applied the truncation
principle. To enhance the usefulness of this approach, it would be preferable to be able
to take into account conjunctions, linkers and punctuation, assigning position to these
and referring to them in the course of the truncation process. But recourse to these
elements fell outside the scope of this study.
8.3. Evaluation of the patterns
It is important to evaluate the shallow patterns yielded by the verb classification in
order to measure the patterns' reliability. We did this on the basis of section 5.2,
checking for each pattern, on the basis of the criteria presented there, how often right
or wrong syntactic functions and cases have been assigned. The evaluation was done
over a sample, which contains 1.211 exam pies of which 646 have a single verb. The
406 examples with more than one verb and the 159 examples in which none of the
syntactic functions and cases that we have considered for verb classification occur are
The evaluation results represent comparisons between automatic and manual classifications. For each pattern, the functions and cases taken into account to classifY verbs
were checked. As we have said, we looked at whether or not the right functions and cases
were assigned. We also remark on functions not appearing in the manual analysis of the
sample but marked in the automatic analysis. The results show that when there is only an
absolutive subject or object in a pattern, accuracy is lower than when these co-occur with
other functions. For instance, the results for pattern OBJ_ABS are not as good as those
for patterns OBLABS-ZOBLDAT and SUBLERG-OBLABS. Indeed, labelling these
functions correcdy is the biggest problem. Nonetheless the results for pattern SUBLERG
are fairly good. Patterns SUBLABS-ZOBLDAT and OBLPAR are not very reliable,
while the most reliable are OBLABS-ZOBLDAT and ZOBLDAT.
9. Conclusions
Despite the difficulties we encountered in the preceding section, and although the
information obtained is shallow, we believe that the information may be useful not only
as progress in syntactic analysis but also for methodological development. This requires
integrating the information obtained into the lexicon for application in parsers. It will
take deeper analysis to decide how to incorporate the extracted subcategorization data
into the lexicon or parser in such a way as to be useful for parsing.
We also claim to have helped in the aim of facilitating the study of subcategorization in Basque. In that sense we think that the classification ~chieved provides valuable
material for further analysis.
We initially expected the dictionary examples to provide a good source of
material for the study of verb behaviour, and as a consequence of the work we have
performed on them, that expectation is now even stronger, since the examples have
been tagged syntactically and the basic chunks identified. Moreover, the materials
have now been converted from plain text to a richer format using SGML, so that all
this information will be the more accessible. Use of this encoding also facilitates the
development of a query system; new methods and opportunities for research have
thus been created (Arriola et al. 1999). Through the identification of numerous
features, the material can now be employed to study various aspects of verb behaviour.
In our own study we have used case and syntactic function, as was seen in section 7,
to classifY verbs.
We have developed a shallow syntax, with recognition of verb complexes and
associated phrasal units, in order to extract a verb classification. If, however, we wish
to go beyond the parsing of those units, deeper parsing is required. Specification of
the subcategorization of verbs makes it possible to move forward from the analysis of
phrases and verb complexes to the analysis of more complex sentences. To develop
deeper parsing, of course, we will need to have information on subcategorization that
should be specified in the lexicon. In our case, however, we set out with no such
information, our goal being to discover which phrases and verb complexes occur in
association with individual verbs, inasmuch as that was possible. There is something
of a vicious circle here. On the one hand we perceive the need to strengthen the syntax
component in order to obtain information about subcategorization, and on the other,
subcategorization information is essential for parser improvement. Notwithstanding,
we believe the shallow analysis achieved is a valuable aid for further work on Basque
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Appendix A
@+FAUXVERB: finite auxiliary verb.
@+FMAINVERB: finite main verb.
@<NCOMP: postposed adjectival.
@ADVERBIAL: adverbial.
@CASE_MARKER_MOD>: modifier of case
bearing item.
@-FAUXVERB: non-finite auxiliary verb.
@-FMAINVERB: non-finite main verb.
@LOK: linker.
@NCOMP>: preposed adjectival.
@OBj: object.
@PRED: predicative.
@SUB}: subject.
@SUBLERG: ergative subject (in this pattern
we find transitive verbs with no object).
@SUBLERG-@OBLABS: ergative subject
and absolutive object (transitive verbs with
an object).
@SUBLABS: absolutive subject (this pattern
occurs with intransitive verbs).
@SUBLABS-@ZOBLDAT: absolutive subject
and dative indirect object.
@OBLABS: absolutive object.
@OBLPAR: partitive object.
@ZOBLDAT: dative indirect object.
@OBLABS-@ZOBLDAT: absolutive object
and dative indirect object.
@ZOBj: indirect object.
IstPER_PL: first person of plural.
3rdPER_ABS: third person of singular
3rdPER_ERG: third person of singular (ergative).
3rdPER_PL: third person of plural.
ABS: absolutive on nominals.
ABZ: ablative of direction.
AD}: adjective.
ADVERB: adverb.
ALA: alative.
AUXV: auxiliary verb.
CERTAINTY: certainty.
COMMON: common.
DA: intransitive auxiliary.
DAT: dative.
DEFINITE: definite.
DET: determiner.
DIO: transitive auxiliary (with dative object).
DU: transitive auxiliary.
ERG: ergative.
GEL: genitive of location.
GEN: genitive of possesion.
INS: instrumental.
IWLP: interpretation with less probabilities.
LOK: link particle.
LOT: link particle.
MP: subordinative clause.
NOUN: noun.
PART: participle.
PL: plural.
S: singular.
SIMPLE: simple.
SUPERlATIVE: superlative.
SYNTHETICV: synthetic verb.
TRANSITIVE: transitive.
UNDEFINITE: undefinite.
V: verb.
ZAIO: intransitive auxiliary (with dative object).
ZERO-@SUB}_ERG-@OBJ_ABS@ZOBLDAT: verbs that appeared in classes lacking any ergative subject, absolutive
object or dative indirect object.