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2006, Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
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Poster abstracts an increase of 190.8% (p < 0.05). Vmean of the renal artery increased significantly between the 20-24 week and the 37th-40th week (9.56 cm/s vs. 20.15 cm/s, p < 0.05). Area of the renal artery increased significantly between the 20-24 weeks and the 37-40 weeks (6.78 mm2 vs. 10.12 mm2, p < 0.05). No significant increase in RI or PI was observed. At the 20-24 weeks of gestation, renal artery waveforms consisted of 43.5% type I (only systolic waves) and 56.5% (systolic waves and some diastolic waves). Type III (systolic waves and persistent diastolic waves) was not recognized. At 25-28 weeks, they consisted 28.3% type I, 63.0% type II, and 8.7% type III. At the 29-32 weeks, type I decreased, and frequency of type II was 78.2%. At the 37-40 weeks, 76.1% type III, type II decreased to 23.9%, and type I was not recognized. Conclusions: Vmax was found to be the most effective index because it was easy to measure and the significant change of gestation progresses. The renal blood flow waveforms changed as advanced gestation in normal growth fetuses.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2009
Objectives To evaluate the prediction of acidemia at birth using cerebral transverse sinus (CTS) Doppler velocimetry and to determine the best parameter and cutoff values for its prediction in pregnancies complicated with placental insufficiency. Methods This was a prospective cross-sectional study involving 69 pregnant women (26-40 weeks' gestation) with placental insufficiency managed in two Brazilian hospitals. Doppler assessment of the CTS was carried out in the last 24 h before delivery, and the peak ventricular systolic (S-wave) and diastolic (D-wave) velocities as well as the atrial systolic velocity (A-wave) were recorded and the pulsatility index for veins (PIV) was calculated. At birth, arterial and venous umbilical cord blood samples were collected to determine acid-base and pH status. A receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curve was constructed for each Doppler parameter with birth acidemia as the dependent variable. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, accuracy and falsepositive and false-negative rates were calculated for the parameters considered to be good predictors of acidemia.
Prenatal diagnosis, 2013
The objectives of this study is to compare ductus venosus (DV) and cerebral transverse sinus (CTS) Doppler velocimetry for predicting acidemia at birth in pregnancies complicated by placental insufficiency. A prospective cross-sectional study involving 69 cases. Doppler assessment of the DV and CTS was carried out in the last 24 hours prior to delivery. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and the accuracy and false-positive and false-negative rates were calculated for those parameters considered to be good predictors of acidemia. The McNemar test was used to compare the various parameters. The DV pulsatility index(PI), S/A, and (S - A)/S ratios as well as the CTS PI and the (S - A)/S ratio were good predictors of acidemia. The comparison between DV and CTS showed that for pulsatility index for veins, the sensitivity was 52.4% versus 66.7%, p = 0.508; the specificity was 81.2% versus 77.1%, p = 0.774; and the accuracy was 72.5% versus 73.9%, p = 1.0...
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2005
K E Y W O R D S: biophysical profile; middle cerebral artery; peak systolic velocity; pulsatility index ABSTRACT Objective The aims of this study were to determine if there is a relationship between middle cerebral artery (MCA) peak systolic velocity (PSV) and perinatal mortality in preterm intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) fetuses, to compare the performance of MCA pulsatility index (PI), MCA-PSV and umbilical artery (UA) absent/reversed end-diastolic velocity (ARED) in predicting perinatal mortality, to determine the longitudinal changes that occur in MCA-PI and MCA-PSV in these fetuses, and to test the hypothesis that MCA-PSV can provide additional information on the prognosis of hypoxemic IUGR fetuses.
Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 1998
We tested the accuracy of a mathematical model based on computer analysis of the fetal heart rate tracing in predicting umbilical artery pH at birth. In a previous report based on data on 38 growth-restricted fetuses, the second-order polynomial regression equation, umbilical artery pH ϭ 7.28 ϩ 0.002 (duration of episodes of low variation in minutes) ϩ 0.00009 (duration of episodes of low variation in minutes) 2 , was retrospectively found to be the best model for the prediction of umbilical artery pH at birth. In the present study, this formula was prospectively tested in 29 growth restricted fetuses between 26 and 37 weeks of gestation from pregnancies with abnormal uterine and/or umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry. Computer analysis of the fetal heart rate tracing of 1 hour duration was performed within 1.5-6 hours of cesarean birth prior to the onset of labor. Umbilical artery cord blood was collected at birth with pH determined within 5 minutes of collection. Acidemia was defined as umbilical artery pH Ͻ7.20, preacidemia pH 7.20-7.25 and nonacidemia pH Ͼ7.25. Then, the data on all 67 growth-restricted fetuses were pooled to generate a new formula that was retrospectively assessed against the entire group. Values are reported as median (range). In the 29 prospectively evaluated cases, there was no statistical difference between the predicted and actual umbilical artery pH at birth [7.28 (7.1-7.29) vs. 7.28 (7.18-7.37), P ϭ 0.57]. The median difference between the paired predicted and actual umbilical artery pH values was Ϫ0.001 (Ϫ0.10-0.08). The difference between the predicted and actual umbilical artery pH was zero and within Ϯ0.04 in 17% (5/29) and 76% (22/29) of the cases, respectively. When the data on the 67 growth-restricted fetuses were pooled together the formula did not change. There was no difference between the predicted and actual umbilical artery pH at birth when the formula was applied to all 67 growth-restricted fetuses [7.28 (7.08-7.29) vs. 7.27 (6.97-7.37), P ϭ 0.41]. The median difference between the paired predicted and actual pH values was Ϫ0.001 (Ϫ0.12-0.12). The difference between the predicted and actual umbilical artery pH was zero and within Ϯ0.04 in 15% (10/67) and 74% (49/67) of the cases, respectively. The accuracy of the formula in correctly categorizing the umbilical artery pH at birth was: acidemia 67% (8/12), preacidemia 28% (8/29) and nonacidemia 80% (37/46), P Ͻ 0.0001. A mathematical formula using the computer analysis index of duration of episodes of low variation reliably predicted umbilical artery pH at birth. This type of noninvasive monitoring may allow for the antepartum estimation and continuous tracking of fetal pH.
Al-Azhar Medical Journal, 2016
Background: Although the increased fetal morbidity and mortality associated with post-term pregnancy has long been appreciated, most authors have studied gestational age as the alone contributing factor. The influence of other factors such as maternal age, parity, maternal smoking, fetal genders, birth weight and past history of post-term has not been adequately evaluated, Additionally, the accuracy of earlier studies is limited by the fact that they predate the widespread use of both ultrasonography for accurate gestational dating and intensive fetal testing to establish fetal wellbeing. Objective: the present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of prolonged exceeding 287 days of menstrual age on the Doppler flow velocity waveforms in the umbilical, middle cerebral and uterine arteries, and its impact on neonatal outcome to determine the best predictor of adverse outcome in post-term. Patients and Methods: The present study included 50 pregnant ladies All patients were submitted to ultrasound for detection of fetal genders, fetal weight and amniotic fluid index (AFI) Also, they were submitted to color Doppler velocimetery of fetoplacental and fetal vessels including middle cerebral pulsitility index MCA PI), umbilical artery pulsitility index UA PI), middle cerebral resistance index MCA RI), umbilical artery resistance index UA RI), uterine artery pulsitility index UtA PI),and uterine artery pulsitility index UtA RI). Results: In the present study, there was no statistical signification with gestational age, fetal heart rate and parity. The primary gravida had the highest incidence. There was higher rate of CS which was significant with prolongation of pregnancy, but with no statistically significant difference between adverse and normal outcome Also, the incidence of males was more than females in our population with no significant relation between fetal gender and neonatal outcome. Adverse outcome was associated with lower MCA PI, MCA RI, AFI, Apgar score, and higher UA RI compared to normal outcome with statistically significant difference between them, but there was no statistically significant difference as regard UA PI, UtA PI, UtA RI. Conclusion: The perinatal morbidity and mortality may be increase in post-term pregnancies. However, the all screening tests and Doppler indices may be normal due to mode of delivery, time of delivery, and type of anesthesia during labor. So, during labor, rapid interference should be taken to decrease incidence of adverse neonatal outcome. In post-term pregnancies with adverse outcomes, impedance to flow in umbilical arteries may be increased, while impedance to flow in the fetal middle cerebral arteries may be decreased, but impedance to flow in uterine arteries may be normal
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2004
Objective: This study was undertaken to test which venous Doppler parameter offers the best prediction of acid-base status at birth in pregnancies complicated by intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) caused by placental dysfunction. Study design: A prospective cross-sectional Doppler study of IUGR fetuses with abnormal umbilical artery Doppler and birth weight less than the 10th percentile. Absence of atrial systolic forward velocities in the ductus venosus (DV) (DV-RAV) and umbilical vein (UV) pulsations were noted and multiple venous indices were calculated for the inferior vena cava (IVC) and DV (IVC and DV preload index, peak velocity index [PVIV] and pulsatility index [PIV] and the DV S/a ratio). Doppler indices, UV pulsations, and DV-RAV were related to an umbilical artery cord pH !7.20, and a pH !7.00 and/or base deficit greater than ÿ13 (severe metabolic compromise) in neonates delivered by cesarean section without labor. Results: In 122 fetuses all venous Doppler indices were equally predictive of a pH !7.20, with the exception of the IVC PVIV. No Doppler index predicted severe metabolic compromise. Bayesian analysis of individual Doppler parameters showed comparable outcome prediction with the highest sensitivity for the IVC PIV (76%) and the highest specificity for DV-RAV (96%). Combined assessment of the IVC, DV, and UV provided the most accurate outcome prediction. Doppler abnormality in either vessel identified 89% of neonates with pH !7.20 (negative predictive value 92%) and 10 of 11 neonates with severe metabolic compromise. Prediction was most specific (84%) when Doppler parameters were abnormal in all 3 vessels. Conclusion: IVC, DV, and UV Doppler parameters correctly predict acid-base status in a significant proportion of IUGR neonates. Combination, rather than single vessel assessment provides the best predictive accuracy. While the choice of Doppler index can be guided by operator preference, familiarity with the examination technique of all 3 vessels is encouraged to offer the highest flexibility in clinical practice.
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2007
Methods Growth-restricted fetuses, defined by abdominal circumference < 5 th percentile and umbilical artery (UA) pulsatility index > 95 th percentile, were tested by NST, cCTG, BPS, and UA, middle cerebral artery (MCA), ductus venosus (DV) and umbilical vein (UV) Doppler investigation. The short-term variation (STV) of the fetal heart rate was calculated using the Oxford Sonicaid 8002 cCTG system. Relationships between antenatal test results and cord artery pH < 7.20 were investigated, using correlation, parametric and non-parametric tests.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2002