2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSESEET)
Pausing While Programming: Insights From Keystroke Analysis
Raj Shrestha
Juho Leinonen
Albina Zavgorodniaia
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
Aalto University
Espoo, Finland
Aalto University
Espoo, Finland
Arto Hellas
John Edwards
Aalto University
Espoo, Finland
Utah State University
Logan, Utah
programming projects in Introductory Computer Programming
(CS1). In a typical CS1 course instructors and graders look at the
final program a student has produced for assessment, but there
is no indication from the code as to how the student wrote it. It
is possible that information on the number and types of pauses
students take could be mined to shed more light on processes that
underlie programming in CS1.
Since pauses can be products of various activities (e.g., thinking,
disengaged), we investigate whether pause length may hold insights
into these activities. Our study features four types of pauses. Micro
pauses (2-15 seconds) which may indicate the student is thinking
about the code on a low level or “locally” (e.g. syntax). Short pauses
(15 seconds to 180 seconds) may indicate that the student is involved
in a higher-level process such as planning or revision. Mid pauses
(3-10 minutes) may indicate that the student is disengaged or that
they are going to an outside resource for help (e.g. YouTube, Stack
Overflow, or course materials). Finally, long pauses (greater than
10 minutes) may indicate disengagement from the task.
In this paper, we look at relative number of pauses over the course
and correlate with outcomes (exam score). That is, if a student takes
more or fewer pauses relative to their total number of keystrokes,
could it suggest their better or worse course performance? Many
pauses that are very small may indicate that the student is planning
their typing carefully rather than writing without a clear direction and may have a positive correlation with performance. Many
medium-sized pauses may indicate the same thing, but the measurement may be confounded by students who are easily distracted.
Many long pauses may indicate distraction.
The research questions we investigate in this paper are:
Pauses in typing are generally considered to indicate cognitive processing and so are of interest in educational contexts. While much
prior work has looked at typing behavior of Computer Science
students, this paper presents results of a study specifically on the
pausing behavior of students in Introductory Computer Programming. We investigate the frequency of pauses of different lengths,
what last actions students take before pausing, and whether there is
a correlation between pause length and performance in the course.
We find evidence that frequency of pauses of all lengths is negatively correlated with performance, and that, while some keystrokes
initiate pauses consistently across pause lengths, other keystrokes
more commonly initiate short or long pauses. Clustering analysis
discovers two groups of students, one that takes relatively fewer
mid-to-long pauses and performs better on exams than the other.
• Social and professional topics → Computing education.
pauses, pausing, breaks, keystroke data, digraphs, programming
process data
ACM Reference Format:
Raj Shrestha, Juho Leinonen, Albina Zavgorodniaia, Arto Hellas, and John
Edwards. 2022. Pausing While Programming: Insights From Keystroke Analysis. In 44nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Software
Engineering Education and Training (ICSE-SEET ’22), May 21–29, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/
RQ1 Is there a correlation between the relative number of pauses
a student takes and their performance (exam score)?
RQ2 What groups of students exist when clustering on pausing
RQ3 What events initiate a pause and how does this correlate
with the performance of the student?
Pausing during work is a natural behaviour for a person which
allows them to reflect on their task, plan what they are going to do
next, revise, or take a rest. Pauses, however, can also be initiated
by distraction and lead to hindering one’s working process. In
this paper we aim to study pauses that students take while doing
We seek to answer these research questions using analysis of
keystroke data collected in two CS1 courses at different universities
on different continents. The closest matches to our work come from
two different research streams. One of the research streams has studied syntax errors and identified pauses or breaks when correcting
such errors (e.g. [2, 10, 16, 30, 59]). The other research stream has
focused on the analysis of keystroke data, which has been shown
to be effective at gaining insights into student behavior [26, 32, 37]
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.
ICSE-SEET ’22, May 21–29, 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
© 2022 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9225-9/22/05.
as well as predicting student outcomes [19, 40, 55]. However, little
work exists at the intersection of these research streams, where
our work lies. The novelty of our analysis is that we are looking
less at typing behavior and more at pausing behavior, which might
indicate more or less of a student’s cognitive processing, examining
of external resources, or disengagement.
In this paper, we report on several findings: those students who
pause more often generally show worse performance in the course;
students who take more shorter pauses perform better than students who take more longer pauses; mid pauses have the strongest
negative correlation with exam scores; specific events that precede
pauses have a more evident correlation with performance and thus
allow conjecture about the underlying processes.
interruption to the time of subsequent resumption and number of
possible errors in a task.
Pausing behavior in CER
Pausing behavior has been studied in Computing Education Research (CER) both directly and indirectly in the context of computer
programming. Similar to written language, where pauses between
and within sentences are likely conditioned by different subprocesses [54], code writing has its own milestones and units of different level of complexity. When considering the mental effort needed
to write code, one stream of research has focused on identifying and
discussing plans and schemas for programming [15, 51]. It has been
suggested that programmers who know the solution to a problem
write their solution in a linear manner, while solving a new problem
is done using means-ends analysis with the use of existing related
schemas [15, 51]. Over time and through practice, accumulation
and evolution of schemas allow programmers to solve problems
more fluently, and also to learn to solve new problems with more
ease [51, 58].
As discussed in Section 2.1, pauses can signify cognitive effort
and are a natural part of the learning process. In programming
however, an additional contributor to pauses, especially for novice
programmers, are syntactic and semantic errors related to writing
computer programs with the chosen programming language. These
errors may be highlighted by the programming environment in use—
similar to a word processing engine that shows spelling errors—as
programming environments often highlight errors in program code,
but they may be also visible through specific actions such as compiling the source code. These errors have been discussed especially in
the context of Java programming, where researchers have studied
the frequency of different types of errors [2, 10, 16, 30, 59] and the
amount of time that it takes to fix such errors [3, 16]. Denny et
al. [16] and Altamdri and Brown [2], for example, have noticed
that there are significant differences in the time that it takes to fix
specific errors, and that over time students learn to avoid specific
errors [2]. At the same time, the granularity of the data used in the
analysis has an influence on the observed errors [59] – different
data granularity will lead to different observed syntax errors. In
practice, collecting typing data with timestamps can provide more
insight into the programming process over snapshot or submission
data [60].
When considering syntax errors, pauses, and performance, the
ability to fix syntax errors between successive compilation events
has been linked with students’ performance in programming [31],
although it is unclear what the underlying factors that contribute
to the observation are [46]. Including an estimate on the amount
of time that individual students spend on fixing specific errors can
increase the predictive power of such models [1, 64], highlighting
the effect of time (or pause duration) on the learning process.
While the previous examples are specific to syntax errors and
time, little effort has been invested into looking into pauses in programming. Perhaps the closest prior work to our work is that of
Leppänen et al. [41] who studied students’ pausing behavior in two
courses, and identified that a larger quantity of short (1-2 second)
pauses was positively correlated with course outcomes, while a
larger quantity of longer (over 1 minute) pauses was negatively
2.1 Pausing behavior
In the research literature, pauses are prevalently discussed in relation to language production – written or oral speech/narration
[13, 21, 49], language translation [33] and editing [43]. Relying
on cognitive psychology, researchers associate pauses with cognitive processing of various types [43]. For example, in writing,
it is thought that pauses at higher-level text units (e.g. between
sentences) are likely to be conditioned by higher-level subprocesses,
such as planning and organization of the content, whereas pauses
at lower-level units (e.g. between and inside words) – by lower-level
subprocesses, such as morphology encoding and retrieval of items
from one’s memory [54].
A pause is also considered to signify cognitive effort imposed by
language production mental processes [33, 34]. Butterworth [11]
hypothesised that the more cognitive operations are needed for
output production, the more pauses arise. Damian and StadthagenGonzalez [14] and Révész et al. [48] argued that the length of a
pause taken before a textual unit reflects the mental effort made
with respect to production of this forthcoming unit. Reflecting
on pausing in post-editing, O'Brien [43] concluded that pausing
patterns do, to an extent, indicate cognitive processing. However,
they are ultimately subject to individual differences.
Pausing has also gained attention in the medical training domain. Lee et al. [35] studied pauses and their relation to cognitive load. Students had to complete a medical game that simulated
emergency medicine under two conditions: pause-available and
pause-unavailable. In the study, pauses of two types were identified:
reflection and relaxation. The first type is argued to enhance taskrelated cognitive processes and therefore increase mental effort (or
cognitive load). The second type reflects the opposite process when
the load lowers due to the resting state.
That being said, pauses during problem-solving can signify not
only ongoing mental work but a suspension of it caused by various
things. Gould [23] defines three types of interruptions: those that
are relevant to the task and reinforce processes in the working
memory, those that are relevant to the task and interrupt processes
in the working memory, and those that are not relevant to the task.
The author states that how these interruptions affect the following
resumption and productivity depends on “contextual factors at the
moment of interruption”. Borst et al. [9] also relate the length of
correlated with course outcomes. Our work builds on this by—in
addition to correlation analysis—looking at pausing behavior over
different contexts and also by investigating which characters precede pauses. Leppänen et al. hypothesized that one explanation for
the correlation between long pauses and poorer course outcomes
could be related to task switching between reading the course materials and solving the programming problems, but noted also that
the pauses from writing code could be construed as instances of the
student engaging in planning, reviewing, and translating the next
ideas into code. Another possible hypothesis is related to differences
in cognitive flexibility, i.e. the ability to fluently switch between two
tasks; for example, Leinikka et al. [36] observed that students with
better cognitive flexibility are faster at solving programming errors,
although they did not observe links between cognitive flexibility
and introductory programming course exam outcomes.
3.1.1 University A. University A is a mid-sized public university
in the Western United States. In a 2019 CS1 course, students used
a custom, web-based Python IDE called Phanon [17] for their programming projects. Phanon logged keystrokes and compile/run
events. Five programming projects, one per week, were assigned
to the students during the study period. Each project consisted of
two parts: a text-based mathematical or logical problem, such as
writing an interest calculator; and a turtle graphics-based portion
requiring students to draw a picture or animation, such as a snowman. A midterm exam was administered between the fourth and
fifth project. There were three sections of the course all taught by
the same instructor. Projects and instruction were the same for all
three sections. In-person instruction was conducted three times
per week. At the beginning of the semester students were given
the opportunity to opt into the study according to our Institutional
Review Board protocol, and this paper uses data only from students
who opted in. The course was identical for students who chose to
participate in the study and those who chose not to.
Gender information on participants was not collected, but in
the course participants were recruited from, 19% self-identified as
women and 81% self-identified as men. No information on previous
programming experience, race or ethnicity was available for this
Typing and performance in programming
In CER, a multitude of data sources has been used for identification
of factors and behaviors that contribute to course outcomes [25]
– clicker-data [42, 47], programming process snapshots [1, 12, 31,
39, 64], background questionnaires and survey data [7, 8, 53, 57,
65], and so on, but our focus is on keystroke data collected from
programming environments [27, 28].
Keystroke data, or typing data, has been used, for example, for
predicting academic performance [19, 40, 55], for detecting emotional states such as stress [20, 32], and for identifying possible
plagiarism [26].
Much of the analyses of typing data that relate to students’ performance has focused on between-character latencies, i.e. the time
that it takes for the student to type two subsequent characters. This
analysis has often focused on small latencies, as pauses have been
considered as noise. For example, both Leinonen et al. [40] and
Edwards et al. [19] used 750 milliseconds as an upper boundary
for the between-character latencies. In general, these studies have
found that faster typing correlates with previous programming
experience and performance in the ongoing programming course.
Not all characters are equally important, however. For example,
Leinonen et al. [40] identified differences in the time that moving
from ‘i‘ to ‘+‘ took for novices and more experienced students, while
differences in some other character pairs were more subtle. Similarly, Thomas et al. [55] noted that the use of control functionality
(e.g. using control and C keys) in general was slower than the use
of e.g. alphanumeric keys, and the use of special keys such as delete
and space was also slower than alphanumeric keys. Acknowledging
that some of these latencies may be also influenced by the keyboard
layout, they hypothesised that some of the latencies may be influenced by the thought processes related to the ongoing problem
solving [55]. Our work builds on this prior work by examining
which characters precede pauses, i.e. whether all characters are
equally important when analyzing pausing behavior.
3.1.2 University B. University B is a research-oriented university
in Northern Europe. The data for this study was collected from a
7-week introductory programming course in the Fall of 2016. The
introductory programming course is given in Java and it covers
the basics of programming, including procedural programming,
object-oriented programming and functional programming. During
each week of the course, there was a 2-hour lecture that introduced
the core concepts of the week using live coding. The emphasis
in live coding was in providing examples of how programming
problems were solved with the concepts learned during the week,
and in helping to create a mental model of an abstraction of the
internals of the computer as programs are executed (introduction of
variables, changing variable values, objects, call stack in a line-byline fashion). In addition to the lectures, 25 hours of weekly support
was available in reserved computer labs with teaching assistants
and faculty.
The programming assignments in the course are completed using a desktop IDE accompanied with an automated assessment
plugin [61] that provides students feedback as they are working
on the course assignments. Combined with an automatic assessment server, the plugin also provides functionality for sending
assignments for automatic assessment. In addition to the support
and assessment, the plugin collects keystroke data from the students’ working process, which allows fine-grained plagiarism detection [26] and makes it possible to provide more fine-grained
feedback on students’ progress. Students can opt out of the data
collection if they wish to do so; the data collection was conducted
according to the ethical protocols of the university.
Out of the 244 students at University B included in the study,
approximately 40% self-identified as women and 60% as men. No
information on previous programming experience nor race or ethnicity was available for this study.
3.1 Context and data
Our study was conducted in two separate contexts for purposes of
generalization of the results.
University A
Language (prog.)
Language (inst.)
Prog. Environment
Lectures w/sections
University B
Lectures, sessions
Python (US)
Java (Europe)
25186 ± 11243
54698 ± 25538
2183 ± 1009
6774 ± 3189
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of the study.
Table 1: Summary of contexts.
is a pause initiated by the student pressing the delete key; the last
event before a failed run pause is a failed run event. Pauses preceded
by other event types are named similarly.
Because of data availability, we use a single measure of outcome
– exam score. In the US context we use the score of a exam that falls
just before the last project in the study. In the European context, we
use the exam score from the first out of three programming exams.
The first exam was organized on the third week of the seven-week
Similar to the University A, University B had a midterm exam in
the course. For the analyses conducted in this article, we focus on
students’ performance in the midterm examination. The contexts
are summarized in Table 1.
Event and pause categories
Keystroke data was collected in both contexts. In the analysis, every
keystroke of a student was categorized to an event. We consider
eight event categories: (1) Alphanumeric keystroke, (2) Delete keystroke, (3) Return keystroke, (4) Spacebar keystroke, (5) Special
character keystroke, (6) Tab keystroke, (7) Successful compile/run,
and (8) Failed compile/run. Since the US context uses Python, in
this paper we will call a compile/run event a “Run”. The reasoning
behind these categories is that they represent different tasks of
the student: Alphanumeric events represent typing, Delete events
indicate the student is preparing to make a correction, Run events
represent a completion point where the student is ready to test the
code, etc. The European context does not have information on tabs
or the status of run events, so analyses relating to the status of run
events or tabs will only use data from the US context.
For the analysis of pauses, we chose to use four types of pauses.
While pausing analyses in the context of programming have been
exploratory [41], research in pausing in language production varies
in terms of pause thresholds. A lower bound of 1-2 seconds appears
to be the most common [5, 44, 62], and thus, we adopted a 2-second
lower bound for our study. Taking into account research on working
(short-term) memory time capacity [50], a meaningful upper bound
is at 15 seconds – pauses between 2 and 15 seconds may reflect
thinking about the code on a low, “local” level, including thinking
about the syntax, and could be tied to working memory. We call
these pauses micro pauses.
Short pauses may reflect higher-level processing like planning
the following code segment, setting the next sub-goal, and revising
code similar to the production stage of written language or some
kind of distraction. We chose 180 seconds to be the upper bound
for short pauses.
Mid pauses, up to 10 minutes, may reflect voluntary or problemsolving related breaks. We hypothesise that students who have
difficulties may consult learning materials or visit other resources
in search for help or for refreshing their memory. Such a continuous pause would cause longer task resumption [9]. Finally, long
pauses, greater than 10 minutes, are most likely to stand for task
disengagement as noted by prior work [38]. We expect such pauses
to take place after finished code segments or compilation.
For simplicity, we also refer to pauses initiated by a certain event
type using the name of the event type. For example, a delete pause
Statistical tests
We report 𝑝 values of all statistical significance tests, of which
there are 95. We follow the American Statistical Association’s
recommendations to use 𝑝 values as one piece of evidence of
significance, to be used in context [63], though we do suggest
𝑝 < 0.05/95 ≈ 0.0005 = 5𝑒 −4 as a reasonable guideline for credible
𝑝 values [24]. When considering the claims in our work, we suggest
taking into account the additional supports beyond single p-values.
For example, claiming that delete pauses are negatively correlated
with exam score is based on consistent negative correlation across
pause types in both studied contexts. For distribution comparisons
we use the t-test (as the data appears normal) with Cohen’s 𝑑 effect
sizes and for correlation we use the Pearson 𝑟 statistic.
4.1 Descriptive statistics
Table 2 shows descriptive statistics of our study and Figure 1 shows
the distribution of event types for each of the two contexts. Alphanumeric keystrokes are the most common event, with space
(spacebar) and special characters also being common. Run events
and the tab keystroke are less common. Both contexts use an editor that automatically indents the next line of code after a return
key press, which likely contributes to the observed lack of tab
A difference between the contexts is the relative frequency of
run events – students in the Java context run their code far more
often than those in the Python context. This is likely not due to
the language, but the way the courses are organized. In the Python
context, students had one large assignment due each week, while
Java students had tens of smaller assignments due each week. We
conjecture that the smaller assignments induced the students to
run/compile their code more often.
Frequency of pauses
We calculated a measure of pause frequency as 𝑛𝑙 where 𝑝𝑙 is
the number of pauses of length 𝑙 and 𝑛 is the total number of
events. In the Python context, on average, student pause frequency
(a) US/Python
To identify student types based on the vector representations,
we use 𝑘-means clustering to cluster students into student types.
Using the elbow method (visually finding the “elbow” of a line chart
of number of clusters against explained variance [56]) to identify a
good number of clusters, we chose 𝑘 = 2 for interpretability, though,
as we will see in Section 5.2, the choice of 𝑘 is not particularly
important in this case.
We see in Table 3 and Figure 5 that one group of students in
each context took relatively more short, mid, and long pauses than
the other group, although in the Java context, the difference is
less pronounced. We call the clusters the longer pause and shorter
pause groups, respectively. When examining the groups and exam
scores, we observe that the students in the shorter pause group had
higher exam scores than those students who took longer pauses.
The distributions of pause frequencies are approximately normal
and t-tests suggest that there is a difference between short, mid, and
long distributions.
(b) European/Java
Figure 1: Log-scale bar chart showing the total number of
events for each type. (a) Number of events in the US/Python
context. (b) Number of events in the European/Java context.
is 0.09 ± 0.02, meaning, on average, students execute 11 events
before pausing for two seconds or more. Most pauses are micro
pauses, which have a frequency of 0.07, followed by short, mid, and
long pauses with frequencies of 0.02, 0.001, and 0.001, respectively.
The Java context was somewhat different: on average, student
pause frequency is 0.13 ± 0.03, meaning, on average, students execute 8 events before pausing for two seconds or more. Most pauses
are micro pauses, which have a frequency of 0.09, followed by short,
mid, and long pauses with frequencies of 0.03, 0.002, and 0.001,
As might be expected, Figure 2 shows a negative correlation
between pause frequency and exam score, meaning students who
are pausing more often are performing worse on the exams. In
the Python context, this correlation is consistent across micro (𝑟 =
−0.30, 𝑝 = 3.16e-6), short (𝑟 = −0.35, 𝑝 = 5.57e-8), and mid (𝑟 =
−0.38, 𝑝 = 3.71e-9) pause lengths, with a weaker correlation for long
(𝑟 = −0.18, 𝑝 = 0.0061) pauses. The Java context, in contrast, has a
weaker correlation for the micro pause (𝑟 = −0.11, 𝑝 = 0.0654) than
for the short (𝑟 = −0.20, 𝑝 = 0.0013), mid (𝑟 = −0.23, 𝑝 = 0.0003), or
long (𝑟 = −0.22, 𝑝 = 0.0006) pauses. In general, the correlations for
the Python context are stronger than for the Java context, although
as seen in Figure 2, the Java context has a noticeable ceiling effect
in the exam.
Figure 3 shows correlations between the number of different
type of pauses that students take, i.e., whether students who are
pausing for short amounts of time are also taking longer pauses.
All types of pauses are at least moderately correlated with all other
types of pauses (see Figure 4). Interestingly, the correlations weaken
as the pause lengths grow for the Python context, while the Java
context shows a strong correlation for the mid/long pause pair.
Initiating pauses
In Figure 6 we see relative frequencies of event types by pause
length. We define relative frequency for an event type E as the percentage of pauses of a given length initiated by an event of type E.
For example, in Figure 6 we see that in the Python context, alphanumeric keystrokes initiate 27% of all micro pauses (2-15 seconds) and
15% of long pauses (> 10 minutes) while accounting for 57% of all
events, regardless of whether the events initiated a pause or not. In
the Java context, the distribution related to alphanumeric events
that start a pause is very similar. Roughly 29% of micro pauses and
18% of long pauses are initiated by the events while they account
for 28% of all events.
Certain types of events in both contexts decrease in frequency
with increasing pause length. Alphanumeric, return, space and special characters seem to follow this trend preceding to a greater
extent shorter pauses.
In Table 4 we see that alphanumeric events initializing micro
pauses have a positive correlation with exam score, but that the
correlation weakens until it is not detectable for long pauses. Conversely, pausing after special characters is not necessarily correlated
with success. In fact, a weak negative correlation exists with special
characters initializing micro pauses.
In the Python context, the percentage of pauses preceded by the
delete, return, and space keystroke events remains roughly the same
across pause lengths (Figure 6). The return keystroke is unique
among the three in that, despite being so infrequent in the data, it
precedes so many pauses (11-13%). This tendency does not repeat
in case of delete and space events.
In the Java context, the situation is different. Return and space
events show steady decline in percentages of preceding pauses. The
longer the pause, the less common it is for those event to precede it.
The opposite applies to the delete events. This could be accounted
for differences in programming languages and their relations to
students’ native languages [18]. Even though the deleting behaviour
differs across the contexts, correlation of most delete pauses with
exam scores remains negative in both cases.
Student types
To characterize students, we represent each student using a vector
that contains the relative proportions of each pause type. For example, a student represented with a vector [0.80, 0.15, 0.03, 0.02] has
80% micro pauses, 15% short pauses, 3% mid pauses, and 2% long
pauses. Since the vector is a partition of unity, the feature vector
has only three degrees of freedom, though, for clarity, we represent
it here with all four coordinates.
(a) US/Python
(b) European/Java
Figure 2: Frequency of the different type of pause correlated with exam score. Frequency is calculated as number of pauses
divided by total number of events.
(a) US/Python
(b) European/Java
Figure 3: Correlations of total pauses with each other per student. As expected, the number of micro pauses a student takes has
a strong positive correlation with the number of short pauses. While there are still strong and medium correlations between
shorter and longer pauses, the correlations become weaker.
Short Mid
Python (US)
Python (US)
Java (Europe)
Java (Europe)
keystrokes ×104
pauses ×103
71% (164)
29% (67)
2.6 ± 1.1
2.4 ± 1.3
2.3 ± 1.0
2.1 ± 1.1
80.2 ± 11.3
76.2 ± 11.5
57% (139)
43% (105)
5.2 ± 2.1
5.8 ± 3.0
6.2 ± 2.8
7.6 ± 3.5
9.59 ± 0.90
9.35 ± 0.88
Table 3: Statistics of the clusters for the two contexts, US and European. For the Cluster column, “shorter” means “shorter
pause” and similar with longer. A t-test for the two distributions of exam scores yields (𝑡 = 2.2, 𝑝 = 0.026, 𝑑 = 0.35) in the US
context and (𝑡 = 2.1, 𝑝 = 0.034, 𝑑 = 0.28) in the European context.
(a) US/Python
appears that these activities are in the minority and are dominated
by negative-effect activities.
Frequency of mid pauses (3-10 minutes) in both contexts have the
strongest negative correlation with exam score of all the pause types.
Comparing to the long pause which does not have an upper bound,
it is clear that after at most 10-minutes long mid pause students
get back to typing. We conjecture that mid pause may be the most
harmful because it potentially can cause the longest resumption. If
the activity taking place during the pause is not related to the task,
the pause may be treated as irrelevant interruption [23]. According
to Altmann and Trafton [4] and many others (for example, see
[6, 22, 29]), the length of interruption correlates with the time of
task resumption and numbers of possible errors.
(b) European/Java
Figure 4: Similar to Fig. 3, this figure shows correlation coefficients for the different pause lengths.
Both successful and failed run attempts have disproportionate
prominence among events preceding pauses relative to their overall
Student types
Our second research question is: What groups of students exist when
clustering on pausing behavior? We clustered students into two
types, longer pause students and shorter pause students. Shorter
pause group tends to take proportionally more micro pauses, whereas
longer pause students take fewer micro but more of short, mid, and
long pauses. The shorter pause students appear to perform better in
the exam in the both contexts.
In a sense, grouping students into clusters is arbitrary: Figure 2
shows that pauses of all lengths are negatively correlated with
exam score, indicating that the 4-dimensional feature vectors are
not linearly independent, effectively making our clustering singledimensional and not particularly interesting regardless of choice
of 𝑘. Nevertheless, the analysis reveals one difference between the
contexts that may be of interest: in Table 3, we see that more events
correspond to more pauses across the contexts. However, groups
which produce more events are not the same. In the US/Python context, the shorter pause group tends to type and pause more, whereas
in the European/Java context the opposite applies. Additionally,
proportions of pauses in the US/Python context remain roughly
consistent across the groups and equal to 0.09 and in the European/Java context similarly, being 0.12 and 0.13. This observation
could be due to a number of context-specific factors, such as the
way how each context uses programming assignments.
5.1 Frequency of pauses
Before answering the first research question, Is there a correlation
between the relative number of pauses a student takes and their performance (exam score)?, we checked whether our bucketing was
sensible by performing a correlation test. As we can see from Figs. 3
and 4, there are correlations between all types of pauses which is
not surprising since the pauses lengths are on the time continuum.
However, neighbouring types of pauses do not show a very high
degree of similarity, which justifies our choice. Moreover, micro
and short pauses, having the highest correlation coefficient, yield
quite different correlation coefficients in terms of relationships with
exam scores (see Figure 2).
In general, we observe that students who pause more often perform more poorly on exams (Figure 2), which is in line with the
results observed by Leppänen et al. [41]. This effect is not large,
but it is consistent across pause types and contexts. We note that
this measurement is frequency of pauses, so it is normalized across
students regardless of the number of total events they execute. In
this paper we do not make any claims regarding what students were
doing during their pauses, whether they were thinking, drawing on
other resources, or disengaged. But the correlations in our data indicate that regardless of pause activity, pauses correlate negatively
with exam score, at least in the aggregate. We note that certain activities may not cause negative correlation with achievement, but it
How pauses are initiated
Our third research question is: What events initiate a pause and
how does this correlate with the performance of the student? The
first thing to note is that the distributions of event types, for each
(a) US/Python
(b) European/Java
Figure 5: Clustering. In the Python context, t-test statistics (𝑡, 𝑝) and effect sizes (𝑑) between the two distributions are: Micro
(𝑡 = 1.5, 𝑝 = 0.12, 𝑑 = 0.23), Short (𝑡 = −6.9, 𝑝 = 3.6𝑒−11, 𝑑 = −1.01), Mid (𝑡 = −6.4, 𝑝 = 8.4𝑒−10, 𝑑 = −0.93), and Long (𝑡 =
−3.2, 𝑝 = 0.0014, 𝑑 = −0.47). In the Java context, t-test statistics (𝑡, 𝑝) and effect sizes (𝑑) between the two distributions are:
Micro (𝑡 = 1.7, 𝑝 = 0.08, 𝑑 = −0.22), Short (𝑡 = −10.8, 𝑝 = 2.4𝑒−22, 𝑑 = −1.35), Mid (𝑡 = −9.3, 𝑝 = 1.1𝑒−17, 𝑑 = −1.15), and Long
(𝑡 = 2.1, 𝑝 = 2.6𝑒−9, 𝑑 = −0.77).
(Success) run
Fail run
Table 4: Pearson 𝑟 correlations with 𝑝 values between a student’s tendency to initiate a given length of pause with a given event
type and exam score. “All” indicates percentage across all events (both those initiating pauses and not). We do not have data
on tabs or whether a run was successful or not in the Java context, so tab values are not included for the Java context and the
(Success) run column should be interpreted as a successful run for the Python context and all runs for the Java context.
of the four pause lengths, do not match the overall distribution
of events (Figure 6). This confirms, as one might expect, that, in
general, students are not pausing at arbitrary times, meaning that
pauses are generally purposeful and not taken at random times
while typing.
the project [38]. One would expect the most natural way to take
a break would be a successful run. Yet, in the Python context, only
30% of long pauses are initiated as such. Another intuitive, natural
break would be a failed run, as the student might need a break or
an extended session of reviewing external materials after a failure.
Yet failed runs account for only 4% of long pauses. This means
that 66% of long pauses are initiated with a keystroke. The most
common event for long pauses, the delete keystroke, initiates 25%
5.3.1 Deletes and failed runs. There is some abruptness regarding
what initiates a long pause. Long pauses, those of 10 minutes or
more, may indicate that the student is disengaged from working on
(a) US/Python
pause length as much as it does (Figure 6) suggests that students
are completing their lower-level processing thoughts before taking
longer breaks. Indeed, it appears that students are deliberate in
taking longer breaks rather than getting interrupted, as would be
the case if alphanumeric pauses were more common.
In Python, statements generally do not end with a special character as they do in Java (e.g. semicolon for a single-line statement
and closing brace for a block). So it is not surprising that pauses
initiated by special characters decrease in frequency with increasing
pause length in the Python context. What is surprising, however, is
that the Java context has a very similar phenomenon. We expected
longer pauses to be frequently initiated by special characters in
the Java context, as ending a line with a semicolon seems like a
natural stopping point. We do not know why this is not the case,
but we suspect that this is, again, a consequence of the difference in
instructional methods between the two contexts. The Java students
work on smaller projects and run more often, and so they may be
more likely to complete their thought or work session with a run
In Table 4 we see that, in both the Python and Java contexts,
alphanumeric micro pauses are positively correlated with exam
score while special character micro pauses are negatively correlated.
As these two event types behave similarly in other respects, we
discuss a possible explanation for this difference. Roughly half of
special characters require further processing: an open parenthesis
expects formal parameters for a function call; quotes expect a string;
an open bracket expects list/array indices; etc. It may be that a micro
pause, which may last as many as 15 seconds, indicates student
hesitancy and lack of fluency with Python or Java syntax. This
lack of fluency with a fundamental aspect of programming may
be why the student exam scores are lower. Problems with special
characters being indicative of struggling has been hypothesized also
in previous work [19, 40]. If special character pauses do indicate an
uncertainty with syntax then instructors may consider an increased
focus on syntax fluency for students initiating pauses with special
(b) European/Java
Figure 6: Grouped bar chart showing normalized/relative
frequencies of keystrokes by pause length. “All” are all
events, whether they precede a pause or not.
of the pauses. The Java context is similar, with 22% of long pauses
initiated by delete. This seems remarkable. A delete press often
indicates an error and so, after the delete press, the student needs to
execute keystrokes to replace the incorrect code. At times, however,
students are taking a break instead of completing the correction. If
this happens it could indicate that the student may lack motivation,
diligence, or the corrective know-how without consulting external
help. Other types of pauses were also rather often preceded by a
delete event (26-27%). From Table 4, we can see that the correlations
of the exam score with such pauses are negative. This may signify
that deletes are used less often for removing unneeded code (e.g.,
print statements or comments) and more often when students are
confused and do not know how to proceed. This same reasoning
could be used to explain the negative correlation of failed runs
initiating pauses, i.e., that an extended pause after a failed run
indicates the student does not know how to fix the problem and has
to take time to either consult other materials or take a break. Indeed,
the correlations of failed runs with exam score closely mirror those
of delete key presses.
One could suggest that the consistent negative correlations of
delete and failed run events initiating pauses with exam score simply
reflect the overall correlation of these event types with exam score.
We note, however, that distributions of the two events are different
and they demonstrate different degree of involvement in a long
pause initiation. While deletes, constituting 20%/24% of all events
and preceding 25%/22% of long pauses, failed runs account for only
0.5% of all events but precede 4% of long pauses. Thereby, it is six
times more likely that failed run event will initiate a long pause than
a delete keystroke. A plausible interpretation of this observation
is that students are deliberately pausing after failed runs, at least
more often than after deletes.
5.3.3 Events constant across pause length. In the Python context,
the percentage of pauses initiated by the return event remains
roughly the same across pause lengths (Figure 6). This makes sense
in the context of both shorter and longer pauses: pressing return
requires short-term planning for the next line, so its prevalence
among micro and short pauses is logical; pressing return is also
a natural stopping point before taking a break, so it is frequent
among mid and long pauses. Being every 33rd event in the Python
data and every 7th in Java data, return initiates approximately 12%
of any type pauses in the Python context and as much as 12-24% of
of any type pauses in the Java context. This seems to confirm the
return keypress being a natural stopping point.
5.3.4 Run events. Being rather rare in the typing data in both
contexts, run events are notably evident among events preceding
pauses, especially short, mid and long. This is not unexpected: it
would be highly unusual for a run event to take fewer than two
seconds, so the great majority of run events would precede at least
a micro pause. A large proportion of long pauses are initiated by
successful runs in the Python context and runs in the Java context. It
5.3.2 Events decreasing in frequency with pause length. Alphanumeric keystrokes are what we might call “middle” events – they
are the most common while being somewhat less significant in
terms of reflecting thinking processes. The fact that the frequency
of alphanumeric events preceding a pause decreases with increasing
is instructive to consider why students would pause after a successful run. It is possible that a student takes a pause to consult external
resources (e.g., internet, textbook, another person) regarding how
to proceed with their program, but it seems more likely that the student would have at least an idea of what to do next after a successful
run. Therefore, we suggest that the more likely scenario is that the
student is instead disengaging from working on their assignment.
If this is the case, then we could possibly use the percentage of
successful run long pauses in the Python context as a lower bound
for the number of long pauses in which students are disengaging. In
our data, this indicates that students are disengaging during at least
30% (roughly) of long pauses. We expect that this is a conservative
lower bound.
be particularly useful. In addition, as previous studies that have
used keystroke data for predicting course outcomes have mainly
focused on latencies smaller than 750ms [19, 40], future research
should seek to combine such keystroke data with pausing data and
study whether these phenomena have the same underlying tacit
RQ2 What groups of students exist when clustering on pausing behavior? We found in a cluster analysis that students whose pausing
behavior tended toward short pauses performed better in general
on exams. The cluster analysis primarily indicated a correlation
between typical pause length for a student and exam score. When
considering the identified student types in the light of CER studies
that have identified student types such as the tinkerers, stoppers,
and movers [30, 45], most of the students in the studied contexts
could be categorized as movers, despite the differences in their
pausing behavior. As pausing is linked with cognition and thought
processes, and as writing code is linked with a multitude of factors
including understanding syntax and the given problem [52, 66],
further research is needed to understand the lack of stopping and
the differences in pausing.
RQ3 What events initiate a pause and how does this correlate
with the performance of the student? We have presented evidence
that pauses do not occur randomly while a student is programming – students tend to finish their thoughts and pause after a
natural stopping point. This observation is in line with the studies
on student cognition and programming and how students solve
programming problems [15, 51], where students write constructs
informed by schemas that engage procedural memory. Fully 25%
(Python) and 22% (Java) of long pauses (>10 minutes) are initiated
by delete events. We suggest that students who pause after delete are
possibly less engaged (taking a break instead of writing the code to
replace the deleted characters) or they lack the knowledge to write
a fix (consulting external resources to learn how to fix the problem).
This presents interesting questions for future research, such as what
percentage of delete pauses indicate a disengaged student. Beyond
identification of at-risk students, the negative correlations of special
character and failed compile pauses suggest possible pedagogical
and material innovations to improve student fluency after special
characters and minimize the number of failed runs.
In addition to the directions for future research discussed above,
there are additional avenues for further research. As an example,
while previous research in syntax errors has noted that there are
differences in the time that it takes to fix syntax errors [2, 16], our
study highlights that pause durations are related to the pressed
keys. Combining information on present syntax errors (or the lack
of them) with information on pauses could create more in-depth
understanding of students knowledge and actions – for example,
pauses preceded by a syntax error likely indicates different thought
processes than pauses not preceded by a syntax error. Similarly,
looking at what syntactic construct was just typed or is being typed
could affect pausing behavior. While our definitions of pauses were
based on related literature (e.g., [41]), future work could explore alternative bins, including higher resolution bins for the micro pause,
which spans lengths from 2 to 15 seconds in the work reported
in this paper. Language specific differences should also be studied further – as an example, we noted that in the European/Java
context students took a micro pause on average after 8 keystrokes,
Threats to validity
Internal validity. As is natural in educational studies, our study
comes with an inherent self-selection bias. It is possible that the
way the studied courses were organized and the way the student
population at both universities is formed influences the observed
outcomes. It is unclear, for example, whether similar results would
be observed if the study would have been conducted in the context
of primary or secondary education, or in life-long learning. When
considering the outcome of the courses, we used exam score as a
proxy for performance, which can be affected by factors such as
exam stress. In addition, the European/Java context had a noticeable
ceiling effect in the exam outcomes. It is possible that this also
influenced some of our findings and that lifting the ceiling effect
would affect the correlations.
External validity. We studied keystrokes in two contexts to increase the degree to which our findings can be generalized to other
contexts (see Section 3.1). The strength of the correlations and the 𝑝
values varied somewhat between the contexts and we cannot state
which context-specific factors contributed to the differences.
In this article, we presented an analysis of keystrokes with an
eye toward understanding pausing behavior of CS1 students and
its implications on academic outcomes. In this section we draw
conclusions from our results in each of our three research questions.
RQ1 Is there a correlation between the relative number of pauses
a student takes and their performance (exam score)? We observe that
negative correlations between pause frequency and exam score
exist as illustrated in Fig. 2. The most illustrative is the frequency of
mid pauses – those of length 3-10 minutes. We suggest that these
pauses indicate that a student may be distracted easily, but it could
also indicate students who are spending time using external resources for help on their projects. Révész et al. [48] suggests, since
keystroke logs alone do not allow us to “make inferences about
the specific cognitive processes that underlie pausing behaviors”,
that combining event logs with “other techniques such as verbal
reports and eyetracking” could be helpful in obtaining more detailed information. Further study could help us understand what
these students are doing during pauses and what they were working on when they paused. But in the meantime, the pause/exam
score correlation appears actionable. We suggest that a tool that
allows practitioners to visualize students’ pausing behavior could
while students in the US/Python context took a micro pause on
average after 11 keystrokes. It would be meaningful to understand
where this difference stems from. If it is simply the language, then
one possible implication is that the relative verbosity of Java when
compared to Python would not only require the students to type
more, but also to pause to think more. On the other hand, if it is
a product of a contextual factor, then it could be something that
could be sought to disseminate to other contexts as well. Future
studies could also focus on differences between the beginning and
end of the course to see if programming behavior changes with
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